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OURNAL of Pltactical INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE , MECHANICS, Chemistlty, and MANUFACTUHES A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF PltACTICAL INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE , MECHANICS, CHEMISTltY, AND MANUFACTUHES. Vol. LXXXI.-No. r $3.00 A YEAR. ESTABLISHED 184;;.6., NEW YORK, JULY 29, 1899. L WEEKLY. From l'uorograpn by ::lywonu. dO lJuUlIl8DY, PorUlmonLb, EUl(land. I.-Protected Cruiser" Matsushima "-Admiral Ito's Flagship in the Battle of the Yalu. Dl8place'ment, 4.271 tons. Speed! 17'5 knots. � orm�1 Coal Supply, 400 tons. Arlnor: p!otectiv� deck, 2 inches; main gun position, 12 (nches; rapid. fire battery, Iil(ht sh ields. Ar ament, one 12'5-lnch rifle, twelve 4·7·mrh rapld-flrel'!'. five g.pounde,.,.. mach me guns. m B. L. 6-poDnders, eleven SIX 'I'orpedo 'l'ube8, 4. Complement 350. Dat ... le90. 3}i,; upper belt, 5 Dt.placement, 9,;50 tons. Speed, 2'.!·07 knots. Maximum Coal Supply, 1,450 tons. Armor : Main belt, continnons. 7 mches amidships, inches at en..:,,; inches; tDrrets, 8 inches; casemates, S-inch ra",d-Ilrers, Il-inch rapid. firers, twelve 12-pounders. eight 3-pounders. rpedo bes, one bow behind 6·inch armor, submerged. 6 inches; dec!" � mches. A rma ment, tour fourteen 'I'o 'I'u in four Complement,5OO. 1898. Date, NAVIES OF THE WORLD--VII. JAPAN.-[See page 72.] © 1899 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. 66 J citutific �tUtriCIlU. followeu the train and the more slowly moving en­ EXPORTATIONS OF WHEAT FL01JR. yplope which closes in and follows after it. The millers of the United States have made their Auother cOlTe"pondent fails to understand why the greatest record III the fiscal year 1899. While it is true air behind the moving car should assist the bicyclist that wheat, corn, oats, cornmeal, rye, and, in fact, all ESTABLISHED 1845. and yet exert a retarding effect on a car in the same other lines of bread ..tuff s show a reduction of exporta­ relative position and forming part of a train. The ex­ tion on account of the decreased demand abroad, flour MUNN & CO., EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. planation is to be fuund ill the difference of area of the alone shows an increase which is a phenomenal one, PUBLISHED W,I{EKLY AT iJicI'clist and the front face of a following car. Murphy, For the fiscal year the total exportation of flour is over No. 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. representing 3 sq uare feet of al'ea, could move back 18.000,000 barrels, representing over 80,000,000 bushels several feet frOll! the rear of the shield and yet be of wheat. The exportat.ion of flour from the United TERMS SUBS,'RIBERS within the wedge of Illoviug air, but a car with its front TO . States has made its chief de"elopment since 1875. One copy, onc year, for the Loited States. Canada. or ':\<iexico .... .... $3.00 area of say 80 to 90 �quare feet would expose a large Prior to that date American millers followed old One copy. one year. allY foreign country. postage prevaid. His. 5d. the to £0 4.00 percentage, of its surface outside of this wedge, all of processes in the manufacture of flOUI', where European SI'IENTIFIC AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS. THE which eXJlosed surfa('e wou!!] offer resistance to the at, millers were experilllenting with, and bringing to suc­ Scientific American Estahlished $�.OO a year. \ IB451. .... ..... ................ Sctentitlc American �upplemellt (�stabli8hed . .. mosphere, or, to speak more correctly, its passage would cess, the model'll roller-mill methods. As a result, the ISi!i) .... ... .. 5.00 Scientitic A erica Buildinl! Edition \ l£stahliRhect .• n 1885) ... ... 2.W Scientitic AnlPT'iCt'1lm Export Edition Ci';stablished be reSisted by the atlllosphere. foreign flourtr ade of the United States met with seri­ 18'4a) . ..... ... 3.00 'l'he combined subscription rateB and rates to foreign countries will A correspon(]ent, whose letter is given elsewhere, as­ ous reverses during the period from 1850 to 1875, the be furnished upon application. Remit by postal or express money order. or hy hank draft or cbeck. sUllles that the .. body of air enveloping the entire European consumers preferring to buy their wheat MUNN & CO .. 361 Broadway, corner FrunkHll Street. New York. train is swept along with it at about the same rate of and make it into flour with their new processes. In speed," and, therefore, .. slIlall projections . , a,dd 1854, according to a prominent American miller, we NEW YORK, SA'l'ORDAY, .JULY 2(), 1899. little or nothing to the resistance." In this we think sent 1,846,000 barrels of flourto Great Brit.ain alone, he is entir'ely Wl'Oug. The action of a train on the air while in 1865 only 200,000 barrels were sent to all THAT AIR RESIST ANCE PROBLEM. is faidy analogous to that of a ship on the water, where Europe. During the period 1825 to 1830, over 99 per Our discussion of the air resistance problems involved .. skin friction," or the r!'sistance of the surface of the cent of the value of wheat and flourexpor ts was flour; in the recent bicycle ride, paced by a locomotive, has hull to the sliding contact of the water, is so serious in the five years 1870 to 1875. only about 27 per cent of brought to the editor's desk a comiderable alllount of an element that yachts are built of costly alloys wheat and flour exports was in the form of flour. In correspondence and a varipd assortment of theories. in order to red uce skin friction to the ,Ii mit. The train 1875 the exportation of wheat flour was 3,973.128 bar­ Most of the writers of these letters are laboring under does draw with it an envelope of ail', but its speed is rels. In 1880 it was almo�t. double. In 1885 it was a common delusion with regard to the nature of t11e fa l' below that of the train, and every projection on nearly 11,000,000, and in 1895 it had risen to 15.268,892, aSJistance relldered by the locomotive, or by any forlll the latrer, to say nothinerof the broad front faces of the while in 1899 the figures were 18.300,000 barrels. This of . pacing" Illachine, nlPchanical or human, to the cars. adds to the re tarding effect enol'lllollsly. is a most gratifying ill('rease and is in the line of our rider who follow� it. The error is aptly expressed in ----------�.�.� --------- success in the exporration of manufactured articles. the letter of a corre�pondent which we publish in ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF It is especially pleasing to note the quantity of flour anot.hercol umn, whpre he says, .. if Murphy had taken PATENTS. sent to the Orient; in 1889. 378.634 barrels were sent to his feet off the pedals aftel' he had attained his maxi­ The Annual Report of the Commissioner of Patents HO,ng Kong, and in 1899 over 1,000,000 barrels were IllUIll speed, he would have finished just as soon as he cannot fail to produce general satisfaction, particularly sent. Germany is also becoming a good customer for did," for the reason that the .. suct.ion or inrush of when it is learned that sOllle grea.tly needed reforms flour, and we are now �ending her 500,000 barrels wind behind the train," amounting to .. seven horse in the matter of the system of classification, which against 13,000 barrels ten years' ago. The Netherlands powpr of wiud at his back," drovp hilll along the tl'ack have been urged both by former Commissioners and the are also taking 1,000,000 barrels, an increase of 900,000 and rendered all exertion on his part superfluous. Our present incumbent of the office, have been at last car­ barrels in ten, years. To the United 'Kingdom our ex-, correspondent is by no means alone in his belief that ried out. This work is spoken of by Commissioner ports of flourin 1889 were 5,271,244 barrels, and in 1899 the rider, to use a common expression, was" sucked Duell as .. the most notable advance of the year in the they will exceed 10,000,000 barrels. That flour exports along" behind the train. and had to fol- work of the office." should have continued to increase in the face of the nolens volens ' low it at a speed of over 62 miles an hour. The cl'ying lleed of this bureau," says the Commis­ reduction of our exportation in other lines of bread­ Perhaps the be�t way to realize the nature of the as­ sioner, .. is for more room," This has been the plea of stuffs is especially gratifying to those interested in sis tance rendered to Murphy by the locomotive is t.o successive COlllmissioners for several years. and it is seeing American labol' participate as much as possible consider the conditions if he were to ride over the one which this journal has persistently urged on behalf in the profitsof American foreign trade. course at his fastest spped without pace. The resist­ of the vast cOlllmerclal interests which have their root .... .. ance when he had reached full speed, supposing in the United States Patent Office. The building which THE HEAVENS IN AUGUST. the tracl, to be level, would be made up of the rolling was erected for and named after this bureau has been BY GARRETT P. SERVISS. resistance between the tires and thfl track, the internal given up largely to the accolllmodation of t.heGener al In August evenings one looks directly south to see resistance (friction of bearings, etc.) of the bicycle, Land Office, with the result that the overcrowding of the crossing place of the Zodiac and the Milky Way.
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