
Soc213(003) Social Deviance Bogart Test02B 03/21/00 Part01: Text (Thio) Items: Old Item Ch. 04: Physical Violence 01. The criminologist Marvin Wolfgang studied victims of self-precipitated murder, and felt that victims A) genuinely tried to kill their murderers but failed. B) ingeniously planned to have their killers convicted for first- degree murder. C) secretly w wished to kill themselves. D) merely intended to engage in a fist fight. (p. 64)

02. “He stepped on my girlfriend’s foot.” is fairly typical of the kinds of reasons _____ give for vigilantes E. poor persons. (p. 65)

03._____ is a biogenic theory, based on the idea that humans all have a killer instinct. A. genetic theory; B. ; C. external restraint theory; D. ethological theory; E. zoological theory. (p. 72). 04. There are two _____ theories. Ones sees humans as far more aggressive than animals, and the other looks at the presence of an extra Y chromosome as an explanation for excessive human aggression. A. psychoanalytic; B. passive-aggressive; C. psychological; D. biogenic; E. evolutionary. (p. 73)

05. According to external restraint theory, a child who has been physically punished as a child, when he becomes a frustrated adult, will choose _____ . (p. 77). A. murder over suicide; B. suicide over murder; C. guilt feelings rather than sublimation; D. sublimation rather than guilt feelings; E. conformity over deviance.

Ch. 05: Forcible 06. In large cities, rapists tend to look for potential victims A) in their homes or apartments. B) at health clubs or stores. C) at laundromats and empty streets. D) college parties or classrooms. (Pp. 86-87)

07. All but which of the following are associated with a rape-prone campus? A. heavy drinking is encouraged; B. bragging about sexual conquests is prevalent; C. severe penalties for ; D. homophobia is rampant; E. is a popular guide to female sexuality. (p. 89)

08. All but which of the following are characteristic of the U.S. “rape culture”? (p. 96). A. treating women as property; B. extended exposure to pornography trivializing rape; C. the more sexual experience a man has, the more he is considered an “easy lay,” and the more he loses his value as a potential partner; D. 75% - 85% of where the wife has been raped end in divorce within two years; E. the more sexual experience a woman has, the less likely that a jury will convict her rapist.

09. All but which of the following can be viewed by some segments of our society to condone forced rape (i.e. victim precipitated rape)? A. ; B. pre-rape intimacy; C. having a drink with a man or gong to his apartment; D. hitchhiking; E. having car trouble along the highway. (p. 91).

10. The most common response of rape survivors is: A. anger and hate B. self-destructive feelings of fear, anxiety and guilt C. seeing the rapist as totally responsible for the rape D. becoming promiscuous because they feel they are “damaged goods” E. generalize their feelings of anger to all men (p. 92)

Ch. 06: Family Violence 11. Which of the following is true about poor families? A. a majority are violent; B. a minority are violent; C. blue-collar husbands are twice as likely to be violent to their wives as white-collar husbands; D. blue-collar fathers are twice as likely to be violent to their children as white-collar fathers; E. blue-collar families tend to have double or more rates of than white-collar families. (p. 112) 12.____ , common among both rape victims and Vietnam vets, is characterized by depression, anxiety and helplessness. A. posttraumatic syndrome B. intergenerational stress transmission C. passive-aggressive disorder D. psychological fatigue E. phenomenological stress disorder (p. 116) 13. “She kept yelling at me...”, “I just gave her a little slap.” “I drank a little too much.” These are three examples of ways in which ____ . A. abusive husbands attempt to neutralize or rationalize their violent act; B. child molesters try to rationalize their behavior; C. acquaintance rapists try to justify their acts; D. psychopathic men tend to explain their violence E. elder care givers justify their use of violence (p.116)

14. Approximately 2% of all children suffer each year at the hands of family members (incest), mostly their _____ . A. fathers and stepfathers; B. uncles and aunts; C. older cousins; D. mothers and fathers; E. grandparents. (p. 118).

15. According to your text, _____ contributes to child abuse. A. belief in an avenging God; B. the acceptance of the popular view of physical punishment as a proper way of disciplining children; C. being a member of the sandwich generation; D. lack of structure; E. acceptance of Piaget’s cognitive model. (p. 120)

Ch. 07: Suicide 16. According to Thio, those who commit suicide do so usually because they have been under the influence of ____. A. unresolved childhood traumas; B. certain social forces in their lives; C. congenital predispositions to suicide; D. early exposure to environmental toxins; E. neurological malfunctions. (p. 130).

17. All but which of the following are facts about suicide? A. most suicides feel so depressed they withdraw from their past activities; B. asphyxia (drowning, suffocation, hanging) has replaced firearms as the most popular means of suicide; C. many suicides feel apologetic toward their survivors; D. 2/3rds of suicides have had at least one prior attempt to kill themselves; E. suicides are more common than homicides. (p. 132).

18. The highest suicide rates are in _____states, such as _____. (p.137). A. urban, New York and New Jersey; B. rural; Mississippi, Georgia, and Alabama; C. rural, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona; D. urban, Washington DC, Hawaii; E. rural; Kansas, Oklahoma. 19. According to Alex Thio, as more women enter the business world, their self-identity will increasingly be oriented to performance and their suicide rate can be expected to: A. rise in old age; B. rise in adolescence; C. fall in old age; D. fall in adolescence; E. rise in middle age. (p. 141)

20. “I eat alone and no one comes to see me in my room.” In your book, this was given as an example of _____. A. stigma as a racial factor in suicide; B. the effect of individualism on suicide factors; C. weak religious identity as a factor in suicide; D. lack of social ties or support as a factor in college student suicides; E. the association between individual freedom and high suicide rates (p. 144)

Part02: Text (Thio) Items: Newly Constructed Ch.04: Physical Violence 21. Which of the following major crimes is least likely to occur according to the 1996 FBI Uniform Crime Reports? A. burglary, B. larceny-theft, C. motor vehicle theft, D. murder, e. robbery. (p. 56)

22. According to Thio, which of the following relationships is NOT most likely that a killer had with his victim? A. friend of the victim, B. unknown to the victim, C. lover of the victim, D. relative of the victim, E. acquaintance of the victim. (p. 57)

23. According to Thio, and Parker with Rebhun (1995), Parker (1989), and Bailey (1984) there is a link between poverty and murder because the poor A. are more likely to have financial problems, B. are more likely to have marital problems, C. are more likely to have interpersonal conflict, D. are more likely to resort to physical violence, E. all of the above. (p. 57)