
Philosophy at Cambridge Newsletter of the Faculty of Philosophy

Issue 1 May 2004

From the Chairman WRITING ABOUT SIN Simon Blackburn Welcome to the first issue of the Philosophy Faculty’s Newsletter. We When, eighteen months ago, I was not only that; there is in it also a plan to publish it annually. asked to give a public lecture on one of delight of the mind: for it consisteth the Seven Deadly Sins, in a series of two appetites together, to please, The Faculty has now settled into its jointly mounted by the New York and to be pleased; and the delight new premises at the top of the Raised Public Library and Oxford University men take in delighting, is not sensual, Faculty Building, a move to which so Press, several sins had already been but a pleasure or joy of the mind many of you contributed so bagged. I was offered the choice of consisting in the imagination of the generously. And we are already sloth, anger, or lust. Each was power they have so much to please. looking to expand a little further. The tempting, and each had a good English Faculty has a splendid (or do philosophical pedigree. But I felt that I also enjoyed contrasting the I just mean huge?) new building, only lust had star quality. standard Platonic story of ascent, which means that all the space I had scarcely accepted when I whereby lust for sex with an individual occupied by their library in the RFB became aware of my disqualifications politely gives way to an abstract love will shortly become vacant. as a middle-aged (at best), academic, of beauty, with the more earthy male, heterosexual, English Shakespearean view in which erotic It isn’t just architecturally that we are grandfather. Practically a paid-up love is the domain of unreasonable broadening out – we are also member of the patriarchy, how could I dotings, fiction, madness, bubbles, and hammering at the walls between move a step without outraging illusion. It is not so obvious why we academic philosophy and the rest of feminists, queer theorists, victims and ought to prefer the latter, which leaves the world. Professor Blackburn’s campaigners for victims, of every hue? it an option that we ought to take our introductory book Think has sold I saw myself driven from the stage for lust neat. well over 100,000 copies and been using the wrong pronoun. I saw armies Writing up the lecture for translated into more than a dozen of therapists offering me help. And publication proved surprisingly languages. And an exciting new then, what should I expect from the difficult. Academic philosophy, let venture, the Forum for Philosophy in New York audience? There was the alone theology, is no friend to the light Business (see p. 2) is gathering fate of my distinguished Cambridge touch, and at times it seemed hard to momentum. predecessor, , who in bear the relentless disapproval of 1941 was stripped of his appointment Augustine, Aquinas and Kant. I won’t With University funding even more at the College of the city of New York, spoil the ending, but on the whole uncertain than usual the Faculty is after a macabre witch-hunt, on the humanity does not come out too badly. seeking greater financial grounds that his works were independence. A project is afoot to ‘lecherous, libidinous, lustful, Simon Blackburn FBA find -money for the venerous, erotomaniac, aphrodisiac, Professor of Philosophy. His book Professorship previously held by irreverent, narrow-minded, untruthful Lust is part of the The Seven Deadly Wittgenstein. Please wish us luck – and bereft of moral fiber’. Sins series, and it is published by and remember us when you win the My general thesis was to be that OUP, 2004. National Lottery … Lust should be shifted from the category of Sin to that of Virtue. We hope you enjoy the Newsletter. defined a virtue as Our grateful thanks to those who any quality of mind that is useful have contributed to it. or agreeable to ourselves or others. Lust qualifies in spades. Edward Craig FBA But my leading witness was the Knightbridge Professor of Philosophy, , Chairman of the Philosophy Faculty who said that Board

The appetite which men call By permission of the Syndics Cambridge University Library lust…is a sensual pleasure, but Walter Crane (1845–1915), Beauty and the Beast Philosophy at Cambridge page 1 May 2004 Scott, with inspiration from Maurice Biriotti, a Cambridge alumnus now running a consultancy (SHM). He continues to give advice and encouragement. The Forum’s purpose is to bring together academic with practitioners in business, the professions and public life. It also aims to create new links with neighbouring academic disciplines.

IV Activities In November 2003, the Forum held a The Forum seminar on intellectual property with philosophers, lawyers, and business strategists. In January 2004, a workshop on for philosophy in business corporate governance was jointly run by the Forum, Cambridge’s Centre for Business addressing abstract problems can Research and LSE’s Centre for Analysis of lead to practical results. Risk and Regulation. Among the participants Intellectual property is a topical were representatives from the Foundation for example. Lawyers and economists Independent Directors, Reuters, accountants dominate the field. Yet at its heart BDO Stoy Hayward, and The Change lie conceptual distinctions that Partnership. need philosophical attention. For Supported by a Faculty Award from IBM, example, there is increasing the Forum is running a seminar series on pressure to patent gene sequences: trust throughout 2004. Participants include how else can businesses be Sir Patrick Cormack MP, Dr David Halpern persuaded to invest in R&D? (Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit), Dame Legally, only inventions, not Patricia Hodgson (Committee for Standards discoveries, are patentable. So in Public Life), Sir David Omand (Security isolated sequences are now being and Intelligence Co-ordinator), Professor treated as inventions. But the Onora O’Neill (Principal of Newnham arguments for this move are College), Mr Chris Swinson (Senior Partner, specious. It is also surprising that BDO Stoy Hayward), Lord Wilson (former I Head in the clouds or feet on much of the argument about intellectual Cabinet Secretary) and Sir Robin Young the ground? property rights simply assumes (Permanent Secretary, DTI). Philosophy’s reputation for ethereal utilitarianism, a theory which Bernard contemplation is as old as the subject itself. Williams declared to be on its last legs in Yet many philosophers have engaged directly 1973. A premature verdict perhaps, but a V Intellectual fundraising The Forum aims to facilitate dialogue. in the practical world: Locke, Smith, Bentham, good dose of scepticism about the theory Philosophy has a great deal of untapped Mill and Russell are obvious examples. would certainly enhance the debate. resources to offer practitioners and, as we The truth is that, for all its abstractions, Another example is ‘corporate social have learned, practitioners have as much to philosophy confronts issues underlying many responsibility’ (CSR). Corporate websites are offer philosophers. Which is where you, the decisions now facing professionals, business awash with talk of responsibilities to society alumni, come in. Doubtless you have asked leaders and policy makers. and the environment. But disagreement is whether your philosophical education has also rife. While BP and Shell are CSR made any difference to the way you do your devotees, ExxonMobil’s Chairman protests: II Examples job. You may also know of practical issues Trust in business, government and the media ‘we don’t invest to make social statements at that philosophy should examine and make is sharply declining. Forms of managerial the expense of shareholder return’. Milton more of. Our aim is to create a dialogue with accountability are supposed to restore it. But Friedman denounced CSR as ‘pure and interested alumni on just these points. the resulting ‘audit explosion’ has done more adulterated socialism’, yet the left complains Next year, we shall be organizing an harm than good, and trust keeps declining. that it usurps the proper role of government. alumni open day, with talks from alumni In her 2002 Reith Lectures, Onora O’Neill Behind these political quarrels are questions and academic philosophers, allowing viewed the problem from a philosophical about the coherence of ascribing corporate opportunities for discussion and debate, as perspective. Autonomous individuals should responsibilities, and about the proper way to well as for catching up. If you are interested place trust intelligently, not blindly. discharge them. There is also a problem of in participating – or in the Forum more Intelligent trust requires evidence of trust here. CSR talk is easily construed as generally – please write and tell us about trustworthiness, but this evidence is not cynical PR: looking good rather being good. yourself: when you studied philosophy, what automatically delivered by accountability, if Call it the ‘Cosmethics Business’. And why you have done since and which that simply means demanding ever more trust corporations which seek ethical philosophical topics you think the Forum information. Information must be intelligible reputations, when individuals doing the same should tackle. and its authors properly interrogated, would be deemed smug and opportunistic? otherwise opacity, not transparency, will Alex Oliver and Dominic Scott result. Before steps can be taken to restore III The Forum For information about the Forum, trust, O’Neill shows the need to think These examples show that philosophy can see www.phil.cam.ac.uk through these concepts of trust, and should do more to engage with practical The Forum can be contacted at the accountability and transparency. Her views problems. The Forum for Philosophy in Faculty’s address or via email [phil- are now resonating with practitioners. Business was established last year by two [email protected]]. There are many other cases where Faculty members, Alex Oliver and Dominic

Philosophy at Cambridge page 2 May 2004 Events Cambridge Centenary Annual Heffer Lecture Conferences Professor Ronald Dworkin delivered the annual Heffer Lecture – Truth, conference was followed by similar Morality and Interpretation – on 22 )UDQN5DPVH\ April 2004. &HQWHQDU\&RQIHUHQFH events in Paris and Vienna later in the year. A volume of essays based on the Conference on Mathematical Knowledge 0RQGD\-XQH:HGQHVGD\-XO\ Cambridge conference is currently in Dr Michael Potter is organising a preparation under the title Ramsey’s conference on Mathematical 1HZQKDP&ROOHJH&DPEULGJH Legacy, and will be edited by Hugh Knowledge together with Drs $QLQWHUQDWLRQDOFRQIHUHQFHFHOHEUDWLQJWKHZRUNRI Alexander Paseau, Mary Leng and )UDQN5DPVH\LQWKHFHQWHQDU\\HDURIKLVELUWK Mellor and Hallvard Lillehammer. Dominic Gregory. The conference will 6SHDNHUV On 15 November 2003, the 6LPRQ%ODFNEXUQ &DPEULGJH )UDQN-DFNVRQ $18 Principia Ethica Centenary Conference be held at Fitzwilliam College from 30 3DUWKD'DVJXSWD &DPEULGJH )UDVHU0DF%ULGH 6W$QGUHZV June-2 July 2004 'RURWK\(GJLQJWRQ %LUNEHFN +XJK0HOORU &DPEULGJH took place in King’s College to mark +DUWU\)LHOG 1<8 0LFKDHO3RWWHU &DPEULGJH 8th National Postgraduate Analytic -RKQ)RUUHVWHU &DPEULGJH 3HWHU6XOOLYDQ 6WLUOLQJ the publication of G. E. Moore’s most 'DQ,VDDFVRQ 2[IRUG :ORGHN5DELQRZLF] /XQG Philosophy conference influential book. It is famous not only &RPSHWLWLRQIRU6XEPLWWHG3DSHUV The Annual Conference of the 7KHUHZLOOEHDFRPSHWLWLRQIRUVXEPLWWHGSDSHUVRIZKLFKRQHZLOOEHDZDUGHGDIXOO\ for the notorious argument against IXQGHGSODFHDWWKHFRQIHUHQFH7KHGHDGOLQHIRUVXEPLVVLRQRISDSHUVLV'HFHPEHU National Postgraduate Analytic  the so-called ‘naturalistic fallacy’, but

Philosophy Association (NPAPA) will )RU IXUWKHU GHWDLOV DERXW WKH FRPSHWLWLRQ DQG DOVR DERXW FRQIHUHQFH UHJLVWUDWLRQ also for its theory of value and its SOHDVHFRQVXOWWKHFRQIHUHQFHZHEVLWHDWZZZFUDVVKFDPDFXNHYHQWVUDPVH\KWPO be at Magdalene College, from 2 July $QXPEHURIVXEVLGLVHGSODFHVIRUJUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVZLOOEHDYDLODEOH7RDSSO\IROORZ influence on the Bloomsbury group, to 4 July 2004. The Keynote Speaker WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVRQWKHRQOLQHUHJLVWUDWLRQIRUP 2UJDQLVHUV one member of which (Keynes) will be Professor Onora O’Neill. 3URIHVVRU'+0HOORUDQG'U+DOOYDUG/LOOHKDPPHU described the book as ‘better than 7KH5DPVH\&HQWHQDU\&RQIHUHQFHLVJHQHURXVO\VXSSRUWHGE\7KH$QDO\VLV7UXVW The Royal Institute of Philosophy WKH0LQG$VVRFLDWLRQWKH$ULVWRWHOLDQ6RFLHW\WKH%ULWLVK6RFLHW\IRUWKH3KLORVRSK\ ’. Principia Ethica stands as a RI 6FLHQFH WKH &DPEULGJH 8QLYHUVLW\ )DFXOW\ RI 3KLORVRSK\DQG WKH &DPEULGJH Annual Conference 2004 8QLYHUVLW\ &HQWUH IRU 5HVHDUFK LQ WKH$UWV 6RFLDO 6FLHQFHV DQG  +XPDQLWLHV watershed in the history of ethics, and The Royal Institute of Philosophy was arguably the most influential work 2004 Conference is entitled ‘Preference in English speaking moral philosophy – Formation and well-being’. It is During 2003 the Faculty celebrated in the 20th Century. While its organised by Dr Serena Olsaretti and centenary was marked by more than Dr Ross Harrison and will be held at two major philosophical centenaries, St. John’s College from 14 July to 16 both of which were marked by an one conference in the USA, the July 2004. international conference. Cambridge event was the only one of From 30 June to 2 July, the Ramsey its kind in the UK. The speakers at the Faculty of Philosophy Alumni Open Day Centenary Conference took place in event were Tom Baldwin (York), An exhibition, refreshments and informal discussions with members of Newnham College to mark the Jonathan Dancy (Reading), and the Faculty. Full details can be found centenary of Frank Ramsey’s birth. Stephen Darwall (Michigan). Darwall, on the Faculty website (click on Ramsey died in 1930 at the early age who was visiting Cambridge from the Alumni) or contact Mrs Angela Elliott of 26, by which time he had done USA especially for this conference at – email: [email protected], tel: 01223 groundbreaking work in philosophy, the invitation of the King’s College 330525 or Mrs Mariella Pellegrino – mathematics, and economics, and also Research Centre, rounded off his stay email: [email protected], tel: been (the 14 years older) by presenting work for his 01223 331889. Wittgenstein’s graduate supervisor. forthcoming book on ethics both to The papers at the conference covered the Philosophy Faculty Graduate a broad range of Ramsey’s work Seminar and to the Moral Sciences across these three disciplines, as well Club. We want to hear as his personal interest in psychoanalysis. The conference from you! attracted speakers from the UK, Hallvard Lillehammer France, Sweden, USA, and Australia, University Lecturer in Philosophy The Editor welcomes all including Simon Blackburn, comments and suggestions or John Forrester, material for future editions of the Hugh Mellor, Newsletter. Please contact: Michael Potter and Partha Dasgupta Mrs Mariella Pellegrino (Cambridge), Dorothy Faculty of Philosophy Edgington and Daniel Isaacson (Oxford), Sidgwick Avenue Fraser Macbride Cambridge (St Andrews), Peter CB3 9DA Sullivan (Stirling), U.K. Jerome Dokic and Phone: +44 1223 331889 Pascal Engel (Paris), Fax: +44 1223 335091 Wlodek Rabinowitz email: [email protected] (Lund), Pierre Cruse A downloadable version of the (Louvain), Hartry Newsletter is available from the Field (New York), Faculty website: and Frank Jackson http://www.phil.cam.ac.uk/ (Australian National University). The Tom Baldwin (left) and Hallvard Lillehammer at the Principia Ethica Cambridge Centenary Conference.

Philosophy at Cambridge page 3 May 2004 A Student’s View of Cambridge Phi Richard

fighter pilot, due to an ear operation point of intimidation. It is true that he while at school, though of course this read his lectures word-for-word twice might have been life saving twice-over. over for our dictation; but I can’t swear What Cambridge philosophy was that he read the jokes three times to like at that time, is brilliantly described make it clear they were jokes. in Wittgenstein’s Poker by David Meetings of the Moral Sciences Edmonds and John Eidinow. Here are Club, held in Richard Braithwaite’s the wonderful characters I knew – all rooms in Kings (No 3 on H staircase) except Wittgenstein who had just left, were serious occasions, most often ill, for Ireland. He returned to with detailed points on recondite topics Cambridge, but as a recluse in Dr which would be hard to appreciate; but Bevan’s house, and never seen at any they were enjoyable and occasionally rate by us, even though we knew Dr there would be drama. In the famous Bevan’s consulting room with its Blue poker incident, the year before oar on the wall. We lived in the (actually 25 October 1946), turbulent stern-wave of Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein, who was chairing the He was a haunting presence, meeting, picked up and brandished the materialised by John Wisdom in his possibly red hot poker, on some remarkable lectures. Wittgenstein’s accounts waving it around for ideas were a voice in our minds, emphasis but on others threatening the though his writings had not yet visiting speaker, Sir . This appeared in print. A tattered, typed was a clash of basically different ideas I came up to Cambridge just after the version of the Blue Book (or the Brown of what philosophy is about; each held Second World War, in 1947, to read Book?) was circulated but closely with passion by the proponents and Moral Sciences. For Part I this was guarded by John Wisdom’s students. I their supporters. Wittgenstein urged Philosophy, , Ethics, Psychology. got no more than a surreptitious (though perhaps never quite proved) For Part II I read Psychology, under glance. that philosophy cannot solve problems, Professor Sir Frederic Bartlett FRS. I Our teachers were extraordinarily though may resolve linguistic was fortunate to stay in Cambridge for varied personalities; devoted to issues confusions producing puzzles. twenty years: first research in the MRC philosophical, and commendably Evidently he would become extremely Applied Psychology Unit, then a willing to show and share with us their annoyed with people claiming to make University Lectureship in Experimental mental treasures. Supervisions, when significant remarks on what for him Psychology, which set the course of my our essays were dissected in depth and could not be said. This was Popper’s life’s career mixing experiments with detail, could be exciting excursions sin. Popper was an outsider, battling in some attempts in philosophy. Now 80, into their adventures of understanding, this charmed arena where the chosen I remain active in Bristol with a Senior as well as grounding on our shoals of few took turns for attention, with Research Fellowship allowing me to ignorance. My main Supervisor was Dr commanding gestures, but pretty well continue experimenting and writing, Alfred Ewing, who though the least ignored the surrounding world. There though without formal teaching. This exciting, I owe a lasting debt, as he were, however, some exceptions such is a great way to go. enforced discipline by demanding as the distinguished American Because of the war that had just essays on uncongenial topics, showing logicians. Having been present at a few ended, most of us were several years one how to dig out or create interest as meetings, one learned to anticipate older than normal for students, and the one went along. Richard Braithwaite from the preliminary gestures which contrast from the Services to (later Professor) supervised me for one line of argument was about to emerge. Cambridge was intoxicating beyond term, inspiring a lasting interest in the The primary division was between . I couldn’t believe my luck . John Wisdom Wittgensteinians and the Broadians. when Downing College accepted me. was the most remarkable character and Wittgenstein’s gesture of holding his My father and both grandfathers had truly histrionic lecturer. I still don’t forehead in his hands, apparently been to Cambridge, but during the know how seriously to take him, as he looking inwards with a long period of nearly six years of my mute inglorious was more therapist than teacher, but he enforced silence, was embodied by time in the RAF, it seemed impossible I was a strong influence. He would John Wisdom and no doubt remains would follow suit. Actually, by a conjure and live for weeks or months immortal in his successors. Professor strange chance I was not entirely mute, with an image, such as: Other Minds Broad and his acolytes would throw as I was posted by the Air Ministry to are, and are not, like a fire on the back the head with the arms upraised, explain war-time technologies of horizon. He would tell us the mind is as though looking for external communication to the public in an not a thing, and – usefully – go on to revelation. ambitious Air Force exhibition, in the examine what an acceptable thing There was plenty of underlying John Lewis bomb site in Oxford Street might be. He loved creating and mythology. It was known to us that in 1945. This perhaps led to an interest resolving puzzles, his somewhat hidden Professor Broad, who had Newton’s in presenting science to the public, attachment to psychoanalysis being old rooms in Trinity, would call up founding the Exploratory hands-on integral to his thinking and teaching. Newton’s spirit in nightly ceremonies. Science Centre forty years later. But Professor C D Broad was utterly It was also known that John Wisdom nothing made up for the failing to be a different, impressive almost to the would tempt fate at the Newmarket

Philosophy at Cambridge page 4 May 2004 ilosophy Post-Wittgenstein, 1947-9 Gregory

races. Richard and his wife Margaret gave two very well attended lectures felt there was lack of appreciation of Braithwaite (Richard came nearest to during the day, one on non- the many rich and interesting being a saint than anyone I have ever demonstrative logic and the other on phenomena of perception. So moving met) practiced occult ceremonies, with ethics, which he said were the hardest into psychology was not a turning mystic signs on the floor in a local to write. He also saw six of us for an away from philosophy, but rather windmill. They were all vivid hour or so, in his Trinity room over the trying to develop and test philosophical personalities and were most generous gateway in Whewell’s Court, ideas with experiments. The old term to their students, socially and overlooking the elms just re-planted Experimental Philosophy which is still intellectually. Ewing stood somewhat after 400 years. We sat on sofas, the used in Scotland is very appropriate. alone, living in a tiny house with his great man on his own, with two pipes This is not the place to recount what mother and apparently with no social alternately smoking and cooling for re- happened in the more than fifty years life. He was an ‘old fashioned’ Idealist, filling. At that time he was involved between reading Moral Sciences (as it a Kantian scholar, and deep believer in not so much with philosophy and was then called) and now; but briefly, I objective standards of ethics. He logic, as the future of Europe and rejected Idealism, and the Direct disputed Ayer-type Logical especially which of the great powers relation of ‘naïve’ ; coming up (that for a proposition to be would move in and control Berlin. This with the notion that perceptions are meaningful, it must be testable for was rather disappointing for us, for we predictive hypotheses of what is out truth or falsity) with a delightful were not interested in war or politics; there, actively created by the brain, argument on Is there Life After Death? we were seeking Absolute Truth, and from general rules and knowledge of – which made him twinkle: “After my here we were, sharing sofas with the kinds of events and objects. I put this death I would be able to confirm immortal Master who had sorted out notion, that perceptions are hypotheses continuing consciousness, but not its the basis of logic and mathematics. But somewhat like hypotheses of science, absence. As only the ‘yes there is life he would warm to comments and to a major philosophical meeting in after death’ alternative is verifiable – questions on Wittgenstein. We got the 1971, but it fell like a lead balloon yet the proposition is clearly feeling that he did not really want without leaving a discernible mark in meaningful – the Verification Principle Wittgenstein to be accepted by us as the world of philosophy. To me the must be false”. This amused his peers the Philosopher of the Twentieth and students but they seemed not to century. Lord Russell was well aware continued on page 8 take it seriously. Topics of conversation of his own eminence and with Dr Ewing were limited to two: wished to preserve it for the Table Tennis and the Lake District. Yet future, and why not? he was an excellent supervisor, On one occasion which I especially for those of us who lacked remember particularly, a pile academic discipline and skills, through of his newly-written Human leaving school early. (I missed the sixth Knowledge: Its Scope and form, filling sand bags to protect Limits stood on the floor. For buildings, farm-boying, and teaching once I raised a worthwhile old ladies how to deal with incendiary question: how to justify the THESIS & DISSERTATION bombs with a stirrup pump). Though prior of 0.5 to get EXPRESS physically a little man, Dr Ewing wore the Keynes method of Binding Service Available enormous boots. Listening to one’s induction going. The great weekly essay in front of the gas fire in man picked up the volume on his little, far too hot sitting room, the top of the pile, signed it, and A4 Digital LASER PHOTOCOPY boots would rise up in the air, as he gave it to me with a smile. I 5p Black & White looked for interesting propositions in treasure the book to this day. 50p Colour the ill-written sentences. The huge The last of his philosophical black boots would rise highest with works, it is I think an We can print your documents from the following formats challenges to objective ethics. He important account of the basis (Phone for advice prior to sending) confessed to responsibility for starting of scientific knowledge from PDF or Microsoft Word Ð Emailed to H&M the first war. As he told me, in 1914 he inductive inference, though it [email protected] gave a lecture at St. Anne’s, near never really took off. Post your documents on CD Blackpool, and the war started a day We were not expected to or so later. He didn’t visit St Anne’s read much of classical Digital print by Xerox again until 1939 – the second war philosophy – the emphasis immediately started. So induction being on thinking, and CREDIT / DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED suggested he caused the second war, formulating our questions and and he looked guilty. We unfairly tentative answers – but I was See Web site for products, location maps, prices, etc called Dr Ewing ‘a sheep in sheep’s attracted by Berkeley’s www.hollingworthmoss.co.uk clothing’. He defended his ground with Dialogues to issues of Manor Street Industrial Estate, Enfield Terrace, a quiet dignity I at least found perception, and especially how Leeds, LS7 1RG impressive. perceptions are related to what Bertrand Russell, who was then 76, seems to be perceived in the Customer advice line: 0113 2438642 came to Cambridge each Thursday. He external world of objects. But I Philosophy at Cambridge page 5 May 2004 From Sir Michael Scholar KCB (St. never before seen an escapee from John’s, 1960) President, St. John’s Recollections Stalinism. The books in the library were College, Oxford shelved by the first letter of the author’s name, starting at ‘A’ in let us say the I recall attending (in the early 1960s) a Certainly formative years for me – and North-East upper corner, reachable only lecture by Dr Ewing on time, in which he ones which I like to think had an with an antique ladder, and continuing to discussed the logical impossibility of time application in the Civil Service, at least ‘Z’ in some dingy lowest other corner. The going backwards. The lecture took place in while policy analysis outweighed spin. strange man took it all in instantly, grasped a lecture room in the then very new the ladder, mounted to the first ‘A’, opened Sidgwick site. As he came to his conclusion From Professor (Trinity, the first book, scanned it for a couple of the clock on the wall stopped, then began 1956) Professor of Philosophy at The minutes, slapped it shut, and went on to to go backwards, at increasing speed. Institute for the History and Philosophy the next. And so a morning passed, my Professor Wisdom’s occasional of Science and Technology, University of first introduction to one of the more appearances in the lecture theatre dressed Toronto, also Professor in Philosophy remarkable thinkers I have had the in hunting pink (the colour itself being and the History of Scientific Concepts occasion to meet. used as a philosophical example), were not at the Collège de France, Paris regarded as particularly newsworthy at the From Lord Cobbold (Trinity, 1957) time. His Socratic (or Cambridge Moral I should like to tell an anecdote only I Chairman and Managing Director, Sciences?) method of lecturing could can tell. It is about the old Moral Sciences Lytton Enterprises Ltd. sometimes be disconcerting to Library, as it was still called in 1956. It is unsuspecting students. I remember him also about the arrival of in was a very special addressing the question “Is it possible to Cambridge. Lakatos got out of Hungary at person. I was fortunate to have him as my feel what another feels?” to us all – no the age of 34, was picked up by the tutor and my study of philosophy from reply – question repeated – again no reply Rockefeller foundation in Vienna, and 1957 to 1960 would have been a lot less – then he moved towards the front row supported doing a doctorate in Cambridge, interesting without his support and and put his face, held in his hands, very with Richard Braithwaite. Lots of people encouragement. close in front of a terrified undergraduate, came to hate Imre, or found him His weekly lecture on Thursdays was a repeating the question and adding “That is dangerously difficult to get on with; others must. He was a passionate and flamboyant not a rhetorical question”. have found discreditable things in his lecturer. He would stride up and down the Hungarian past. There are plenty of people lecture theatre waving his arms to stress a From Mr Richard Fries (King’s, 1959) in Budapest today, to whom it is not wise point and swirling his gown. His favourite Former Chief Charity Commissioner, to mention the name of Lakatos. I am not subject was entailment. now Visiting Fellow at the Centre for going to discuss such weighty issues. In weekly private supervision at his Civil Society at the London School of Personally we got on fine, and I do know home in de Freville Avenue he was always Economics that Proofs and Refutations is one of the interested and positive in his comment on great philosophical dialogues of all time. the weekly undergraduate essay. When I came to Cambridge in 1959 the Here was my first vision of Lakatos. I His association with Cambridge Moral Sciences faculty (as it was then too arrived in Cambridge in 1956, a happened almost by chance in the years called) was still under the shadow of gauche colonial at Trinity, starting two before the Second World War. A Wittgenstein. Its professors were Richard years as an affiliated student for what was combination of the deteriorating Braithwaite and John Wisdom, the latter in still called the Moral Sciences Tripos. In international situation and the inspiration particular Wittgenstein’s living those days the Moral Sciences Library was of Broad, Moore, Russell and Wittgenstein representative in Cambridge (and the housed in a dingy room, an antiquated and prompted him to abandon his homeland embodiment of the agonised questioning dusty collection that no one had troubled and take the BA degree in Cambridge with philosopher of popular imagination). The to keep up. A few years later Jonathan first class honours in 1939. faculty was small – perhaps a total of 50 Bennett had most of the books thrown out, For us students it was particularly undergraduates – but remarkably diverse, and later we had the Sidgwick Avenue site, exciting to discuss the problems of from AC Ewing to Casimir Lewy (whose and the more simply named Philosophy philosophy with someone who had studied uncompromising introductory lectures Faculty. under those great Cambridge names. quickly sorted out those fit for logic) and One day in the autumn of 1956 I was I remember asking one of the senior even CD Broad occasionally emerging writing a weekly essay alone in the library, Trinity fellows why Casimir was not a from a retirement said to be devoted to the too shy to be anywhere else. Then an fellow and happily the situation was paranormal. For me the course Jonathan amazing apparition entered the room. A rectified soon after. All Casimir’s pupils Bennett gave on Kant’s Analytic, vivid and short scowling man wearing a suit, shiny and admirers are pleased and proud that engaging like the book which came out of with years of wear. Greenish, I think, but the Faculty of Philosophy Library bears his it, made a lasting impression. maybe just green with age. I had probably name. Oxford dominated British philosophy then and visits from Elizabeth Anscombe and , perhaps testing the A nice cartoon climate, enlivened the proceedings of the appeared on the Moral Sciences Club. But at that time board in the which prompted much of our syllabus – like our required common room: the question: text on ethics (PH Nowell Smith) – seemed, as Iris Murdoch memorably expressed it, ‘dry’, avoiding the ‘thickness’ of moral life – look there in vain for philosophical engagement with lust, or and got the reply: even trust! I had the good fortune, however, to be supervised by Michael Tanner, not yet a lecturer, opening up wider visions of philosophy while keeping me (more or less!) to the syllabus. And sharing accommodation with Myles Burnyeat in my last year was a close encounter with commitment to philosophical rigour. Cartoon by Jana Diemberger

Philosophy at Cambridge page 6 May 2004 Sir Karl Popper Ludwig Wittgentsein (1902–1994) (1889–1951)

Popper and the poker Timothy Smiley

At the Moral Sciences Club in October with a poker’. Two other eye-witnesses As to the central incident, they judge 1946 the speaker was Karl Popper, the joined in. Sir John Vinelott endorsed it likely that anything so dramatic chairman , and Popper’s account, including the famous would have got into the minutes (as if Bertrand Russell was in the audience. In exchange, but it is not mentioned in the poor secretary would pillory his 1969 Popper wrote this account: Peter Munz’s letter. He has an over- own PhD supervisor!). Then they argue ‘I went on to say that if I thought excited Wittgenstein, bad-tempered at that in Popper’s version Wittgenstein’s there were no genuine philosophical being contradicted, waving a ‘red-hot demand for an example of a moral rule problems, I would certainly not be a poker’ in front of Popper’s face, ‘comes out of nowhere, quite at odds philosopher; and that the that many whereupon Russell ‘took his pipe out of with the run of the dialogue’. On the people, or perhaps all people, his mouth and said in his high-pitched, contrary, if Popper was following his thoughtlessly adopt untenable solutions scratchy voice: “Wittgenstein, put down previous offerings of specific problems to many, or perhaps all, philosophical that poker at once!” Wittgenstein with a more general one, what could be problems provided the only justification obeyed and, after a short time, got up more natural than for his interlocutor for being a philosopher. Wittgenstein and stormed out of the room’. The to ask for an example? And if jumped up again, interrupting me, and divergence between eye-witness Wittgenstein did not put the question, spoke at length about puzzles and the recollections is a commonplace. Less who did? They opt for Richard nonexistence of philosophical problems. often remarked is their compelling Braithwaite, some time after At a moment which appeared to be quality – how people cannot believe that Wittgenstein’s departure; but they do appropriate, I interrupted him, giving a anyone could honestly have seen things not realise the implications. list I had prepared of philosophical differently. ‘Popper is a liar’ whose story Braithwaite’s question cannot have problems, such as: Do we know things is ‘false from beginning to end’ said come out of nowhere. So either Popper through our senses?, Do we obtain our Geach, while Munz said ‘Geach saw and has just said something like ‘Here’s a knowledge by induction? These heard all this as clearly as I did, and it is problem I forgot to mention earlier’, or Wittgenstein dismissed as being logical incomprehensible that, out of mistaken he had indeed presented the problem to rather than philosophical. I then referred loyalty to Wittgenstein, he should now Wittgenstein, but Wittgenstein, who to the problem whether potential or deny that the incident happened’. had challenged every one of his perhaps even actual infinities exist, a Two journalists, David Edmonds and previous offerings, simply ignored it. problem he dismissed as mathematical. John Eidinow, like the Cold Case Team This is too much much to swallow. (This dismissal got into the minutes.) I of detectives on television, set out to Edmonds and Eidinow have gone too then mentioned moral problems and the discover what really happened fifty far in trying to provide a satisfying problem of the validity of moral rules. years earlier, and published the result in twist. Who wants a detective story in At that point Wittgenstein, who was their book Wittgenstein’s Poker. Their which the prime suspect’s confession sitting near the fire and had been verdict is that Popper’s account is a turns out to be true after all? If I were nervously playing with the poker, which fabrication. They prepare the ground in looking for a twist I would ask who in he sometimes used like a conductor’s two ways. They go back as far as the the room was most likely to produce in baton to emphasize his assertions, Vienna of the 20s and 30s to build up a a flash the quip about the poker; the challenged me: “Give an example of a picture of a resentful, academically answer being, of course, Russell. Alas, moral rule!” I replied: “Not to threaten marginalised Popper socially and the don’t allow it. But several visiting lecturers with pokers”. intellectually obsessed (their word) by witnesses do report an exchange Whereupon Wittgenstein, in a rage, an aristocratic, successful Wittgenstein. between Russell and Wittgenstein, and threw the poker down and stormed out They are brilliant story-tellers but their Watkins’ memoir finds a plausible place of the room, banging the door behind picture is a caricature, designed to for it. After Popper’s retort ‘there was him. I really was very sorry. I admit that supply what called laughter, and Wittgenstein stormed out, I went to Cambridge hoping to provoke ‘plausible reasons why it was so angrily declaring as he went that Popper Wittgenstein into defending the view important for Popper to have laid claim was confusing the issues; whereupon that there are no genuine philosophical to victory in this brief encounter’. They Russell called out, “Wittgenstein, you’re problems, and to fight him on this issue. also impugn Popper’s credibility by a the one who’s causing the confusion”’. But I had never intended to make him series of unsupported assertions and Popper doesn’t mention it, but why angry; and it was a surprise to find him innuendos. For example, they quote should he? I do not pretend to have unable to see a joke.’ him as noticing a girl next day reading cleared up all the confusion surrounding There matters rested until 1998, a review of The Open Society. Failing the meeting, but I see no reason to when a memoir of Popper by John after a brief search to find a review doubt the truth of his account. Watkins triggered a heated fitting the date, they ask pointedly correspondence in the TLS. ‘Could this “memory” of Popper’s also Timothy Smiley FBA criticised him for repeating ‘an old story be false?’. But he did not mention a Emeritus Knightbridge Professor of of Karl Popper’s about how review; he said ‘an attack’. They were Philosophy Wittgenstein threatened (sic) Popper looking for the wrong thing. Philosophy at Cambridge page 7 May 2004 continued from page 5 as an attack on what they were doing: References it was intended as a help for Edmonds, David and Eidenow, John (2001) notion links brain processes of interpreting what they found. These Wittgenstein’s Poker: The Story of a Ten- perception to methods of science in an arguments have often been quoted minute Argument Between Two Great interesting way. Is it best judged by since – and perhaps more often Philosophers. Ecco/Harper Collins. ignored! scientists or philosophers? I would Gregory R.L. (1962) “The brain as an look to the skills of philosophy for But I have been more concerned problem”, in: W.H. Thorpe and assessing internal coherence of ideas; with getting evidence, for or against, O.L. Zangwill (eds.) Current Problems in to science for coherence to the way philosophical positions; most Animal Behaviour. Methuen things are. dramatically the study of a case of Gregory R.L. (1974) “Perceptions as Has reading philosophy at adult recovery from infant blindness, Hypotheses” and G.E.M Anscombe Cambridge been useful? It was a almost certainly from birth – following “Comments on Professor Gregory’s Paper”, in: wonderful experience to live in the Molyneux’s Question raised by John S.C. Brown (ed.) . centre of the known – and especially Locke, which I read as a student: Macmillan. the unknown – Universe, especially at ‘Suppose a man born blind, and now Gregory R.L (1981) Mind in Science: A the time of Lord Adrian in physiology adult, and taught by his touch to History of Explanations of Psychology and and the discovery of DNA, when distinguish between a cube and sphere Physics. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Francis Crick with his atom-smashing … and the blind man made to see … query whether by his sight … could he Gregory R.L (1986) Odd Perceptions [Essays]. laugh was very much in evidence. But Methuen. Paperback (1988) Routledge. was it directly useful? It gave one the distinguish and tell which was the courage (and on good days the skill) to globe and which the cube?’ Gregory R.L (1993) Even Odder Perceptions challenge accepted ideas and attempt We found some surprising instant [Essays]. Routledge. to clear confusions, which psychology vision, with something not anticipated Gregory R.L and Wallace, Jean (1963) being so difficult and so little by philosophers: he could immediately Recovery from Early Blindness: A Case Study. understood were (and in spite of my use his knowledge from touch, to read Society Monograph humble efforts, are!) plentiful. The capital letters, and tell the time. No.2. Heffers. (www.richardgregory.org) issue I looked at first, was localisation Transfer from touch introduces of brain functions. How could another dimension to the issue of what Professor Richard Gregory FRS functions be localised when we didn’t these rare cases can tell us of the basis (Downing, 1947) know how the brain works, and so and status of perception. Didn’t Honorary Fellow of Corpus Christi what the functions are? Rather more Wittgenstein say that all new and Downing Colleges, Cambridge. subtle: from changing or removing part knowledge comes from science? This Sometime Lecturer in Experimental of an interacting system, how is it does not make philosophy useless – if Psychology, Cambridge; possible to see from changes of only because it is as important to see now Emeritus Professor of performance what that part was doing? the conceptual significance of data, as Neuropsychology, University of Unfortunately some of my friends it is to establish statistical significance Bristol engaged in these experiments saw this for believing them.

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