
Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6

Review Article IJPR (2020) 2:6

International Journal of Philosophical Research (DOI:10.28933/IJOPR)

Ian Hacking’s Experimental Autonomy Route to Scientific and David B. Resnik’s Objection: a Critical Mediation Christian C. Emedolu, Ph.D Department of Philosophy, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria ABSTRACT begins his defence of with a prelim- Keywords: inary attempt to establish the autonomy of scientific . Experimental Autonomy; Prima- He believes that if an independent life (free from the constraints of scientific ) is granted to experimentation, then it will ease cy; Phenomenon; experimental the way to a robust defence of . Incidentally, several Manipulation; Theory-free critics have tried to pin down Hacking’s discourse of experimental/ entity realism as somewhat defective. In this paper I have chosen to react to one of such critics, namely, David B. Resnik. The basic aim here is to re-examine the core of Resnik’s argument against *Correspondence to Author: Hacking’s strand of scientific Realism. Resnik raises three major Christian C. Emedolu, Ph.D issues against Hacking. First, he says that Hacking’s experimental Department of Philosophy, Univer- realism is a version of “success of science argument”. Second, he sity of Port Harcourt, Nigeria maintains that belief in unobservable entities is tied to the belief in the truth or approximate truth of the scientific explaining or describing the characteristics of some such entities. Then, third, Resnik maintains that, “experimentation is not nearly as theory-free How to cite this article: as Hacking maintains”. Now, for the purposes of this paper, I took Christian C. Emedolu. Ian Hack- the first two criticisms of Resnik’s as less important and have ad- ing’s Experimental Autonomy Route dressed the third issue as most important and worthy of extensive consideration. I argue in this paper that Resnik’s third criticism is to Scientific Realism and David B. based on insufficient knowledge of Hacking’s two levels of argu- Resnik’s Objection: a Critical Medi- ment in defence of the autonomy of scientific experiment which is ation. International Journal of Philo- ultimately fathered on Resnik’s hermeneutical incapacity. I endorse sophical Research, 2020; 2:6. the view that Hacking completely failed to establish an indepen- dent life for experimentation by attempting to argue for its primacy at some historic episodes of scientific investigations. But, then, the debate continues with my argument that, Hacking’s second-tier argument, which has to do with creation of phenomenon in exper- imentation, is incontrovertible and provides, in the main, a suffi- cient basis for his Autonomy Thesis. Therefore, pace Resnik, the presence or non-presence of any definite cannot eSciPub LLC, Houston, TX USA. be said to affect Hacking’s experimental realism, which ultimately Website: https://escipub.com/ focuses on the manipulation of unobservable entities. Given that this paper is purely qualitative and does not involve any empirical research, I adopted the method of textual analysis. https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-philosophical-research/ 1 Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6 Introduction wrong should be seen as the very harbinger of novelty in this paper. Here, I shovel in a radical Scientific realism discourse has remained an charge that Resnik’s key rebuttal (i.e., the third arena of debate ever since Ernst Mach raised criticism) stems essentially from inadequate the problem of atomism in the late 19th century understanding of the very groundwork done by and the Logical Positivists got embroiled in it – Hacking in defence of the ontological status of with later confessing that the theoretical entities. Hacking fundamentally has a members have long convinced dual-phased argument in his preliminary attempt themselves of the existence of atoms. Looking to defend the autonomy of scientific experiment at Ian Hacking’s discussions of experimental – which distinction Resnik fails to comprehend or realism as a doctrine in its own right, one tends take into any serious account. In my view, to perceive a virtually unassailable strand of Hacking adequately paves the royal route to scientific realism – one in need of almost no experimental realism by establishing the additional statement. The persuasive simplicity autonomy of scientific experiment at the level of of his argument is appealing, or so it seems to creation of phenomenon. To this end, my basic me. thesis or claim is that, since Hacking was able to By way of reconstruction, one could rightly say establish the autonomy of scientific experiment, that Hacking began his pursuit with the despite the meddlesomeness of theory, it is a establishment of the autonomy of scientific short to saying that, the actual existence of experiment at two levels, say, primacy and unobservable entities is perfectly demonstrable creation of phenomenon. At the level of primacy, within the purview of Hacking’s experimental he insists that sometimes experiment precedes realism discourse. theory. At the level of creation of phenomenon, Granting the foregoing submission, I consider it Hacking argues that sometimes certain appropriate, in what follows, to provide a brief phenomena/effects are created contrary to highlight on the issue of theory-dominance in some theoretical expectations. Hacking, scientific realism debate. This will be followed by ultimately, believes that in scientific experiment a presentation of Hacking’s two-prong real entities whose characteristics or causal arguments for the autonomy of experiment. attributes are already known are manipulated to More so, I shall look at the roles of experiment yield good results about some parts of . and Hacking’s central argument of experimental But some scholars have subjected Hacking’s manipulation of entities. Right after that, I shall experimental realism to serious criticism. In this offer a hardnosed rebuttal against Resnik’s paper, I shall pick one of them and subject his objections to Hacking’s experimental realism. minor and main objections against Hacking’s The paper eventually winds up with a experimental realism to a rigorous interrogation. conclusion. Despite the number of follies critics seemingly Recounting Some Skirmishes of Theory- found in Hacking’s experimental realism, it is my Dominance in Scientific Realism Debate aim in this present enterprise to make David Resnik take another look at his objections. This Hacking argues that the defence of scientific is to say that, my article is reducible to a direct realism position could be pursued from two basic textual analysis and reassessment of Resnik’s fronts, say, theory and experiment. Given the position against Hacking’s experimental realism. ugly experiences of the sponsors of theory It does not, in any way, involve empirical realism, Hacking believes that a more enduring verification of results. and strategic defence could be mounted from the perspective of experimental realism. He In point of , whatever it is that has been maintains that only the actual existence or identified as making Resnik’s argument go ontological status of unobservable entities can https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-philosophical-research/ 2 Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6 be guaranteed in experimental realism applied evenly to study both scientific knowledge discourse. For Hacking, one can never sustain and other forms of knowledge. an exhaustive defence of all the contents of any In any case, most social constructivists tend to scientific theory; hence, he veers away from hinge their ultimate claim on the famous dispute theory realism. This is not to say that he does not between Robert Boyle and , anticipate or appreciate the challenges wherein the latter argued that the Torricellian Air surrounding any worthy defence of scientific Pump produced no valid results. It produced realism from the point of view of artifacts and was incapable of grounding experimentation. scientific knowledge. For Hobbes, the reason is Hacking had to contend with the radicals, say, that both the construction and functioning of R.N. Hanson, T.S. Kuhn, P.K. Feyerabend and scientific instruments are governed by a set of who generally hold the view that theoretical assumptions – i.e., “theory-behind- theory is the summit of scientific investigation, so the-apparatus” (Kitcher 54). Bachelard, the much so that every scientific is leader of the continental Husserlian tradition of theory-laden. This implies that experimentation , has re-echoed Hobbes’s is so strategically tied to theorization to the idea in such popular quip as, “instruments are extent that it cannot be said to have a life of its reified theories”. This pervading theory- own. The autonomy of scientific experiment is dominance of scientific investigation remains a also interrogated by the social constructivists, daunting challenge to Hacking, precisely namely, Harry Collins, Bruno Latour, Karina because if theory is everything, then experiment Knorr-Cetina, and the rest. They are the off- has nothing to offer. shoots of the social implications of Anglo- Bas C. van Fraassen, who is a bona fide American Kuhnian doctrine, which has its link constructive empiricist, does not make light the with the continental tradition that stretches way issue when he categorically maintains that back to Edmund Husserl, Gaston Bachelard, theory is a major factor in the design of and Georges Canguilhem, among others (Norris experiment. How could one begin to set up 1-31). For the social constructivists, it is not experimental instruments without being guided really the way the world is that matters; rather, it by a theory? And this same theory must direct is the case that certain sociological factors do the experimentalist’s expectations when the determine scientific knowledge (theory, results come. Of course, this does not experiment, and all). undermine the key position of van Fraassen Henceforth, Latour argues that there cannot be which espouses that, “For theory construction, any transcendental idea of Nature devoid of any experiment has a twofold significance: testing for sociological preconception. In his own words: empirical adequacy of the theory as developed “Nature and society are not two opposite so far, and filling in the blanks, that is, guiding transcendences but one and the same, growing the continuation of the construction, or the out of the work of mediation”(87-88). Scientists completion, of the theory” (74). By maintaining only try to give us the impression that they have such a position, van Fraassen attempts to nip access to pure and transparent . As it the idea of autonomy of experiment in the bud. stands, “Scientific facts are indeed constructed”. Indeed, for van Fraassen, theories cannot be Some of these facts, as it were, are “too social said to be true of reality, what is required of and too narrated to be truly natural” (Latour 6). theories is that they be empirically adequate (by Latour, therefore, wonders why accepted and way of saving phenomena, if I am allowed to so current scientific ideas cannot be subjected to interpret). This makes him a direct neighbor of sociological investigations (6). He, then, the instrumentalists who teach that theories are demands that his method of anthropology be mere fictions, tools or instruments that enable us

https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-philosophical-research/ 3 Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6 make predictions about the world we live in. With kinds of poetry: the poetry of thought [theory] this mind-set, experiment seems to have totally and the poetry of action [experiment]” (qtd. lost any intrinsic value: theory is everything in Goodfield 142). Hacking agrees that these two experimental design. Hence, it is appropriate to poetries, namely, theory and experiment interact recall the exact words of van Fraassen’s: with one another in the making of scientific Scientists aim to discover facts about the world knowledge. To my mind, this rapprochement – about the regularities in the observable part of does not show us which of them (theory or the world. To discover these, one needs experiment) is, heuristically, more important experimentation as opposed to reason and than the other in any scientific investigation. reflection. But those regularities are exceedingly Be that as it may, Hacking believes that before subtle and complex, so experimental design is anything could be done philosophically with exceedingly difficult. Hence the need for the experimentation in science, its autonomy must construction of theories, and for appeal to first be firmly established. Now, for Hacking, the previously constructed theories to guide the uphill task of asserting or establishing the experimental (73). autonomy of scientific experiment could be done The above van Fraassenian passage leaves no at two different levels, even though he does not, one in doubt as to the preference given to theory strictly speaking, identify them as two levels or over against experiment by the dyed-in-the-wool phases of argumentation. However, the first constructive empiricist. Theories that go beyond level argument is that of primacy, which the observable realm are not to be believed but considers whether theory comes before could be accepted for the purposes of experiment or the latter comes before the interpreting nature. According van Fraassen former. Hacking maintains that sometimes (1991), all scientific theories are world pictures experiment comes before theory. He showing different interpretations of the fundamentally uses Humphrey Davy (1772- phenomenal world. As it stands, van Fraassen 1829) to put a finger on it. He recognizes this as maintains that, “…no interpretation ever finishes the thrust of inductivist method of science which the task of answering all questions…” regarding was operative at the early stages of reality (481). This antirealist posture does a development in modern empirical science. This whole lot of damage to both theory realism and explains why he writes: “We shall find that the experimental realism, which Hacking particularly relationships between theory and experiment tries to defend. differ at different stages of development…” (154- 155). On the side of those who argue that theory Re-Examining Hacking’s Turn to Autonomy must precede experiment Hacking uses Justus Claim von Leibig (1803-73) as one of his favorite In laboring to identify a favourable ground models. He argues that von Leibig’s model wherein scientific realism debate could continue position is amenable to two versions of unhampered by the menace of implacable interpretations, say, the weak and the strong critics, Hacking chooses the frontier of version. The weak version simply claims that experimentation. This so-called favourable “you must have some ideas about nature and ground for scientific realism defence has been your apparatus before you conduct an dubbed as experimental or entity realism, or experiment… without ideas like merely as causalism, depending on how some these are not experiments at all” (Hacking 153). of his critics and supporters view the bent of his In the strong version, “your experiment is argument. But that is not our concern in this significant only if you are testing a theory about paper. To be sure, Hacking was never oblivious the phenomena under scrutiny” (Hacking 154). of what George Agostinho Da Silver said, This is a model advanced in the hypothetico- namely, that “science is the meeting place of two https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-philosophical-research/ 4 Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6 deductivist or falsificationist approach to question then is: What is “phenomenon”? scientific investigation. Hacking spends ample time redacting the history Beyond the frontiers of induction and deduction of the term “phenomenon” from Greek antiquity (or hypothetico-deductivism), Hacking presents to its use in modern empirical science. At any a different case of happy meetings or happy rate, what concerns us is how Hacking families “in which theory and experiment coming particularly defines the term: from different directions meet” (159). In addition A phenomenon is noteworthy. A phenomenon is to this, Hacking notes that we have “a multitude discernible. A phenomenon is commonly an of experimental laws, waiting for a theory” (164). event or process of a certain type that occurs Fortunately, in a different paper, I have tried to regularly under definite circumstances. The cast an extensive glance at Hacking’s first level word can also denote a unique event that we claim of autonomy and pin it down as completely single out as particularly important. When we inadequate in the establishment of an know the regularity exhibited in a phenomenon independent life for scientific experiment. In the we express it in a law-like generalization. The process of unveiling the self-evident very fact of such a regularity is sometimes called weaknesses or loopholes of Hacking’s first level the phenomenon. argument for autonomy, a historical fact was …My use of the word ‘phenomenon’ is like that eventually alluded to, namely that blind of the physicists. It must be kept as separate as inductivist trial and error approach has actually possible from the ’ phenomenalism, outlived its tolerance in the current state of phenomenology and private, fleeting sense- development in science (Emedolu 8-20). data. A phenomenon, for me, is something Now, Hacking’s second level of argument rests public, regular, possibly law-like, but perhaps basically on his conception of scientific exceptional (221-222). experimentation as creation of phenomena. Allied to this concept of phenomenon is the Here, Hacking observes that the prevalent notion of effect. Hacking describes an effect as theory-dominated discourses tend to make a phenomenon which physicists consider as scholars forget or sidetrack the rudimentary role truly instructive. Effects are often named after of experiment which has to do with discovering men or women who discover them in the course more facts or secrets about nature. Hacking of experimental exploration. Hacking, however, peeps into the gallery of his master, Francis offers this subtle variation between Bacon, to unveil the very exploratory or heuristic “phenomenon” and “effect”. He says that though character of experiment, as he writes: phenomena and effects may seem to be perfect He [Bacon] saw that observation of nature synonyms, “yet they point in different directions”. teaches less than experiment. (‘The secrets of He espouses that whereas phenomena may nature reveal themselves more readily under the encompass the general record of events by vexation of art than when they go their own gifted observers who do not actually “intervene way’.) in the world but watch the stars”, effects are …He told us to experiment in order to ‘shake out restricted to regularities discovered by the folds of nature’. We must ‘twist the lion’s tail’ experimental intervention in the world. This is (246). simply to say that effects are those phenomena that appertain specifically to scientific laboratory Here, Hacking deeply believes that through the experimentation (using instruments), not mere turning of the lion’s tail some phenomena are observation of facts or events (astronomical or created in our contemporary day laboratories. otherwise). For him, the creation of phenomenon is the fundamental role of experiment. The immediate Overall, the importance of effects for Hacking is that they are not consciously created. They are https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-philosophical-research/ 5 Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6 independent occurrences stumbled upon by It (classical ) fell not because of some keen experimental minds. He substantiates his new philosophy or ideology, but by the end of the claim with the story of Hall’s effect. E. H. Hall nineteenth century experimental physicists was detailed in 1879 by the physicist H. A. contacted the atomic structure of matter. What Rowland to investigate the theoretical statement they found was that atomic units of matter made by James Clerk Maxwell in the Treatise on behaved in random, uncontrollable ways which Electricity and Magnetism, namely, “that when a deterministic Newtonian physics could not conductor carrying a current is under the account for. Theoretical physics responded to influence of a magnetic field, the field acts on the these new experimental discoveries by inventing conductor but not on the current”. Hacking a new physical theory, the quantum theory suggests that Hall may have guessed two things between 1900 and 1926 (5). from the utterance of Maxwell’s, namely, “that To my mind, the above instance constitutes one the resistance of the conductor might be affected of the best examples of the operative autonomy by the field, or that an electric potential might be of scientific experiment. I submit that Hacking’s produced”. Perhaps, those were the only efforts at this level of creation of phenomena are thoughts that guided him throughout his very robust and yield a huge success in his experimental investigation. Quite surprisingly, establishment of the autonomy of scientific what Hall eventually discovered “was not what experiment. John Ackermann presents a Clerk Maxwell thought he might find” (Hacking somewhat related picture to the creation of 225). To be sure, Hall encapsulates his phenomena when he observes that landmark success in these words: experimental instruments possess the power It seemed hardly safe, even then, to believe that both to break the circle of influence from theory a new phenomenon has been discovered, but to observation and to establish data domains; now after nearly a fortnight has elapsed, and the thus, allowing a fair dialectics between theory experiment has been many times and under and experimental data. This becomes a notable, various circumstances successfully repeated… well argued, and mature support for Hacking’s it is perhaps not too early to declare that the campaign for the autonomy of experiment. A magnet does have an effect on the electric tangible lesson to draw from it is that at some current or at least an effect on the circuit never point in the life or history of any theory, before expressly observed or proved (qtd. experiment is on hand to direct and fine-tune its Hacking 225). rough edges. In fact, this direction and fine- According to Hacking, the foregoing instantiation tuning of a theory stands as the strongest seal of should persuade anyone to accept it as fact that autonomy for scientific experiment, if practical effects guarantee a measure of independence demonstration and good logical reasoning is to scientific experiment, irrespective of what any anything to go by. Therefore, regardless of the scientific theory might have said. Indeed, the criticism of David B. Resnik, it is proper to re- emergence of effect is an instance where examine Hacking’s argument on the experiment directs theory in order to properly manipulative use of scientific experiment that focus it! further guarantees, to a very degree, the autonomy of experimentation and hit the thrust A pure historical case of the rise of quantum of Hacking’s experimental realism. physics shows clearly that experiment played a pivotal in the overthrow of the classical1. On the Roles of Experiment and its Newtonian deterministic physics. Heinz R. Manipulative use Pagels packages the failure of deterministic There are different roles assigned to scientific worldview and the transition to quantum experiment by scholars over the years. These indeterminism thus: identified roles may not be the only ones; there https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-philosophical-research/ 6 Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6 could be other pivotal roles not yet identified. artifactual of model experiments. This Here, I will briefly outline some of the identified particular role is often overemphasized in our roles before expounding Hacking’s thesis of time to the detriment of the epistemological, manipulative use of scientific experiment. heuristic and cognitive roles. Antirealists always Straightforwardly speaking, the epistemological readily point to model experiments (which often role has to do with the part valid experiment play illustrative role) as if they are the only forms plays in or theory confirmation. of experiment. They deploy model to generalize This is a very significant role as far as the logical that experiment, per se, has nothing to do with positivists are concerned. Hypotheses and the manipulation of real entities or Nature as theories must be verified by experiments at such. Fortunately, Mary Hesse is an every instance of scientific investigation. It is internationally acclaimed expert in this area. important to at this point to stress that the She recognizes the function of metaphors, methods of validation of experiment results is of analogies and models in deductive explanations, pivotal importance in the of and experiments. But this is not to suggest that experimentation. Hence, Theodore Arabatzis every metaphor/analogy/model is typical of corroborates: “The Analysis and explication of reality. A model/analogy/metaphor is like a these methods [of validation] is a central task of ladder through which we climb the tree of reality; the epistemology of experimentation” (2014 once we get to the treetop it loses its 196). There is also the heuristic role of significance. Hence, Hesse would rightly argue experiment. This role is played when an that it is not all the time that one should expect experiment enables us to make discoveries or perfect conformity between a model and the uncover some hidden variables in nature. Carl reality/phenomenon it attempts to represent. Of Hempel captures this heuristic role when he course, Hesse ultimately asserts: argues that experimentation in science is not Model can be tested, because it is a system of only used “as a method of test, but also as a entities and processes whose behaviour is method of discovery” (21). Hacking’s discussion already known apart from the new experimental of the creation of phenomena of effects in facts which it is being used to explain (qtd. scientific experiment falls under this role. Shapere 103). Another special role of scientific experiment is Over the years we have been learning so many the cognitive role which helps us to understand things from model experiments through their and think about the world, thereby enabling us successes and failures. For example, atomic interpret how our theory is linked to nature or structure model experiments yielded many reality, as it were. In this light, T. S. Kuhn argues cumulative results that led to advancement in that the special telescopes invented “to nuclear and LASER technology. Historically, demonstrate the Copernican prediction of scientists transited from J. J. Thomson’s free annual parallax; Atwood’s machine… to give the distribution model to Rutherford and Bohr’s first unequivocal demonstration of Newton’s spherical model. The current vector model is, of second law; Foucault’s apparatus to show that course, not the ultimate model. But the one the speed of light is greater in air than in water; lesson we have learnt from the above or the gigantic scintillation counter designed to revolutions (theory change) is that model demonstrate the existence of neutrino…” were experiment gives insight on how to discover and all experimental instruments invented to ensure explain certain phenomena which would not intellectual connectivity between theory and have emerged without the postulation of models. nature (26-27). In fine, we may say that the Through the models we learn how to reason cognitive role of experiment is “to bring nature about and gradually understand the inner and theory into closer and closer agreement” constitution of reality. In other words, in the (Kuhn 27). The illustrative role celebrates the https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-philosophical-research/ 7 Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6 illustrative/model function we may see a With the autonomy of experiment well- mingling or medley of other functions/roles/uses established by Hacking, he goes further to of experiment (say, cognitive, heuristic, crystallize it by presenting an elaborate epistemological, rhetorical and aesthetic). In the argument with several illustrations as to how book, The Uses of Experiment: Studies in the unobservable entities are manipulated based on Natural Sciences, edited by David Gooding, causal principles in the course of experimental Trevor Pinch and Simon Schaffer, one could investigations. On a deeply personal note he glean so many other roles experiment performs. asserts: Amid all these roles performed by experiment, What convinced me of realism has nothing to do one great paradoxical lesson we have learnt, for with quarks. It was the fact that by now there are instance, from the panoply of atomic model standard emitters with which we can spray experimental experiences is that when positrons and electrons – and that is precisely experiments do not succeed in confirming the what we do with them. We understand the predictions of theories they should not be effects, we understand the causes, and we use considered as failed experiments. As it were, these to find out something else. The same goes the so-called failed experiments could for all sorts of other tools of the trade, the sometimes be more instructive than successful devices for getting the circuit on the supercooled ones. This leads me then to point out the niobium ball and other almost endless supportive injunction of ’s, which manipulations of the ‘theoretical’ (24). runs thus: Indeed, it is in scientific experiments that well- No one should be disheartened or confounded if known entities are manipulated to yield good the experiment which he tries do not answer his results. Hacking insists that, whenever a expectation. For although a successful scientist is experimenting with electrons, for experiment be more agreeable, yet an instance, he is actually “creating phenomena in unsuccessful one is oftentimes more instructive some other domains of nature” (263). This (qtd. Hacking 247). implies, for Hacking, that, “By the time … we can To deny that scientific experiment has an use the electron to manipulate other parts of independent life of its own is to reject the fact nature in a systematic way, the electron has that experiment can open our minds beyond the ceased to be something hypothetical, something projections of any standard scientific theory. inferred. It has ceased to be theoretical and has Without the magisterial presence of experiment become experimental” (262). This somewhat there will be nothing like progress in the scientific explains why Hacking has strong faith in enterprise: Everything would have been moving causalism, believing in the deliverances of around in a whirl pool or vortex of absurdity and scientific instruments, and accepting it as a fact ideality, as it is today in the battle field of that, in experimentation there is a direct philosophy. Experiment is not just an otiose interaction with Reality or Nature, as it were. As artifact; it helps us to discover, understand and Rom Harré explains, our readiness to embrace adjust better to our world. This is true even in the “…the deliverances of the instrument as a proper field of pure theoretical physics; for as Gerald record of some natural event depends on our Feinberg and Maurice Goldhaber would say: faith in causal relations that obtain between the “…the basic principles of theoretical physics state of affairs in the world and effect it has on cannot be accepted a priori, no matter how the instrument” (19). Hacking is actually of the convincing they may seem, but rather must be view that instrumental noise could be eliminated justified on the basis of relevant experiments” or complete debugged. On the strength of this, (qtd. Pagels 271). Hacking’s strong faith is corroborated by John

https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-philosophical-research/ 8 Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6 Horgan, who clearly declares that, “Scientists do J. C.) Smart and (Richard) Boyd focus on the not invent the truth; they discover it” (2). success of theoretical science, viz., predictive Ad David B. Resnik and explanatory success, Hacking focuses on the success of experimental science. Success in Resnik states from the outset that his major task experimentation is equated with the ability to is not to generally criticize Hacking’s doctrine of reliably manipulate or control our instruments in experimental realism. His aim is to point out order to produce desired effects” (Resnik 404). three key elements that are found and denied at Resnik further stresses that, “Hacking the same time in Hacking’s experimental brand repeatedly asserts that his argument for of realism. Resnik clearly states: experimental realism is not just another version In this paper I argue (1) that Hacking's argument of the infamous success of science argument” for experimental realism is, despite his strong (405). Resnik cites some passages from some denials, another version of the 'success of of Hacking’s work, wherein the latter debunks science' argument; (2) that the experimental “explanatory success” and rather insist that realist can only have knowledge about scientists, especially the experimenters, do not theoretical entities if she assumes that the just focus on the deployment of electron to theories which describe those entities are at explain phenomena; “They know how to use least approximately true; and (3) that them (i.e., electrons)” (405). experimentation is not nearly as theory-free as Here, without much doubts, Resnik is, to a high Hacking maintains. The common thread in these degree, right in reading “success” into Hacking’s three criticisms is that Hacking does not succeed argument. Hacking should not deny that his in shifting the defense of realism away from argument is a strand of success/ultimate questions about scientific representation. argument for realism, even though it has nothing Experimentation is a form of intervention, but it to do with theoretical or explanatory success. It is intervention strongly guided by is a fact that explanatory or predictive success representation” (395-396). cannot save any theory from the imminent Before I begin any critical response to Resnik, it danger of being overthrown by a new and more is proper to first highlight the fact that Resnik robust theory. Success has never granted any argues that Hacking’s “writing is a bit enigmatic, such immunity to theory. But Resnik must be highly suggestive, and sometimes vague” (400). made to understand that in the event of scientific To my mind, this accusation lacks merit, revolutions entities, which Hacking speaks precisely because Hacking’s text, Representing about, most times survive the meta-induction and Intervening, is a masterpiece, wherein he challenge. I am afraid to say they endure, even shows his dexterity as a stylist and fine-honed though they first came as mere imaginary writer. The word “enigma” or “vague” should not denizens. They gain ontological relevance and in any way be associated with Hacking’s text. To some sort of strong immunity against the ever say that it is “highly suggestive” could be recurrent meta-induction onslaught facing tolerated to a marginal extent. A reading of the scientific theories, owing specifically to the way book itself does not lead anyone to encounter we humans structure the material world or any enigma or experience vagueness or reality, so to speak. Now, in spite of the fact that confusion. The text is simple and clear to anyone some entities have been superseded, Henri who has a modicum of understanding of basic Poincaré attests to the enduring nature of most arguments in the general philosophy of science. theoretical entities amid the perennial turbulence Now, let’s begin with Resnik’s first claim that, of theory change. David Harker loudly harps on “Hacking’s argument is a ‘success of science what he refers to as selective realism, which argument’ for realism”. He argues that, “While (J. could also be applied to limiting or narrowing the

https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-philosophical-research/ 9 Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6 success of science to the survival of relevant hypostatization related to the nature of the entity theoretical or unobservable entities in Hacking’s in contention. In other words, the of hard-line experimental realism. ’s an entity is what captivates the entity realist in a “No Miracles Argument”, which typifies the theory, not the entire theory itself. ultimate or success of science argument, may Following from Hacking’s seeming attempt to still be applied in the case of Hacking’s entity undermine theorization, Resnik stresses that realism. Harker’s selective realism runs thus: Hacking’s experimental realism lacks rational The most influential arguments for scientific justification because it fails to provide evident realism remain centrally concerned with an and concrete argument. Thus, he vociferates: inference from scientific success to the “Hacking’s claims about using or manipulating approximate truth of successful theories. physical entities are dogmatic assertions” (405). Recently, however, and in response to He argues though that Hacking’s entity realism antirealists’ objections from radical discontinuity is a “metaphysically consistent position,” since within the , the arguments have someone can comfortably believe in theoretical been refined. Rather than target entire theories, entities without necessarily accepting the realists narrow their commitments to only certain “theories in which they are embedded”. To be parts of theories (79). sure, Resnik insists that, Hacking’s position is In fact, my submission here is that, to retreat to unreasonable precisely “because it gives the the experimental success of manipulating experimenter a belief (and perhaps even a true theoretical entities and using them to study other belief) in theoretical entities without justified parts of nature is to retreat to the safest haven belief”. According to him, justification remains a one can ever imagine. Success of science and necessary condition for authentic knowledge. its application to technology remains a fact which Hence, “theory-free entity realism cannot yield both the realist and the antirealist must answer knowledge about theoretical entities” (Resnik to. If science is a total failure, then there is no 407). I consider this a misfiring of philosophical need discussing it all. Whether its goal or reasoning. In matters of existence, practical ultimate aim is prediction, empirical adequacy, demonstrations are more powerful justifications truth, application to technology, etc., the that can inspire belief than any a priori logical baseline is that it is at least approximately reasoning. Too much epistemology must have succeeding in whatever roles both the realist and taken over Resnik’s judgement. Pretty clearly, I the antirealist wishes to assign to it. Therefore, do not really understand Resnik’s conception of the antirealists have no moral grounds to use the justification; for I still strongly believe that at the success of science argument in demonizing and ontological level of entity realism whatever threatening the scientific realist of whatever Hacking has demonstrated in term of persuasion – they are all in it together. manipulability provides enough , warrant or justification. Beyond mere The second of Resnik’s three-prong attack theorization, experimentation is forever capable against Hacking’s experimental realism reads: of providing a valid justification. To say that “I “…the experimental realist can only have know John is doing tea inside the house” does knowledge about theoretical entities if she not, for instance, require any rigorous assumes that the theories which describe those theoretical, logical, epistemological or linguistic entities are at least approximately true”. Here, analysis of either what it means to “do tea” or the verity of a theory is quite a complex thing: A what it means to “know”. The only thing that is theory is not just a simple proposition. Resnik required in this particular circumstance is the cannot dragoon Hacking into believing the practical step of walking into the house and complete or approximate truth of any theory. seeing John doing the tea, real time. This The entity realist is only committed to any https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-philosophical-research/ 10 Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6 provides enough justification for such an expectations or even full-blown theory. empirical claim. If this cannot provide justification Experimental scientists do have some for my knowledge that John is doing tea, then knowledge, no matter how crude it may be, nothing else can! In like manner, if Hacking’s “about the entities they investigate”. The popular electrons can be deployed in doing things, then phrase of Hacking’s is having “home truth” about that is enough warrant for their existence claim. electron. In actual fact, this home truth could be If Resnik demands anything beyond this, then he gained, not necessarily from the “theoretical does not understand what justification or mode of knowing” – just to borrow a phrase from cognition means in this particular empirical . As it stands, experimentation, having context. Consequently, I maintain that Hacking’s descended from the craft tradition, could actually argument is reasonable, so long as we are enable one gain some knowledge about a given talking in terms of human rationality. I say this theoretical entity. This sort of knowledge comes because most times scholars bring otherworldly through what the ancient Greeks refer to as versions of rationality or God’s-eye-view of practical and poetic modes of knowing, and this objective knowledge which they cannot even is essentially part of the cognitive role of explain or reasonably demonstrate. experiment. Theory most times directs The third item Resnik presents is that, experiment in an intuitive manner (in most “Hacking’s view… fails to make a plausible case cases), but at some other times experimental for theory-free, entity realism. His view is on encounter with reality tends to bring about some shaky philosophical ground because it does not counterintuitive projections. This is precisely the allow experimental realists to have knowledge way theory and experiment assist or about the entities they investigate” (407). The counterbalance (or compensate) each other in a foregoing statement shows that Resnik read thoroughgoing scientific investigation of the Hacking’s text, Representing and Intervening, inner constitution of reality. upside down. Fortunately, in the two preceding Now, Resnik feels he is playing the role of a subsections, I have clearly exposed Hacking’s good critic by advertising that, “… the history of position on the autonomy of scientific science contains many episodes where experiment (both at the level of primacy and the theoretical entities have been shown to be mere level of creation of phenomena) and how it artifacts” (408). But, then, Resnik’s naiveté stands with experimental manipulation of comes full circle with the following insistence: theoretical entities. Without mincing words, “for all we know, electrons could be like Hacking believes that scientists should have Mendelian genes: their effects might really be some ideas “about the entities they investigate”. produced by other entities. Or even worse, they The is very simple: if one does not have any might turn out to be like phlogiston and not exist knowledge (or what Hacking sometimes call in any way at all” (408). I would rather ask: Is this “home truth”), how then will one identify anything reasoning not so vaporous? If the effects or attribute any character or behaviour to it? If attributed to genes are produced by other there is no element of knowledge, then there entities, then these entities are genes by other won’t be any basis for laboratory experiments names. In the alternative, one might say there which is fully based on design and expectation, are other forms of genes. This explains why Rod involving material procedure, instrumental Bertolet presents the following interrogation: model, and phenomenal model. This is the “How can all that be reconciled with the claim essence of scientific research and investigation. that ‘gene’ in Mendelian genetics does not From my readings, Hacking’s defence of the denote, for instance, citrons and recons” (57). autonomy of experiment does not really teach Whether the functions of genes have been taken that experiments can go on without certain over by citrons, recons, or any other entity, what

https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-philosophical-research/ 11 Christian C. Emedolu, IJPR, 2020; 2:6 Resnik is saying about the non-existence of synonyms. In the process of manipulation some genes does not hold any water. Genes can only kind of exploitation is going on. Also one can be expunged from biological textbooks when never exploit without a fervent manipulation. molecular biologists or genetic engineers have “Control” as well fits into this. The term, discovered other aspects or non-evolutionary “employ”, on its own, underpins all the above ways of looking at character transmission or three terms, namely “manipulate”, “control”, and transfer of hereditary traits. This happens only “exploit”. They are all words sharing the same when they want to quit their job or transmogrify semantic field, despite some subtle nuances of our biological existence into the robotic trans- difference in meaning. So, there is no need humanistic stage. In another instance, when raising and wrangling over false problem. scientists identify some malfunctions like Down Conclusion syndrome as having to do with chromosomal Hacking’s experimental realism is almost a self- problems, it shows that chromosomes will supportive view of realism. It does not require continue to exist until scientists change course too much embellishment of words to score its and begin to see some such health challenges point. What I have done with the latter-day critic, as having been brought about by the divine Resnik, is merely to show how not to understand wrath of God, for instance, or some other or interpret Hacking. From Hacking’s two- causes. When I say this, I do not wish to be seen pronged argument for autonomy, one deciphers as having doubted the omnipotence of God; I am clearly that the presence of a theory in only trying to be cynical about Resnik’s level of experimentation is not what any one should reasoning. Of a truth, the wrath of God and worry about. Experimentation has a sublime way chromosomal dysfunction could both in essence of distinguishing itself and asserting its be simultaneously validated, since they are not independence from any form of theorization. mutually exclusive. Given what I have said so This serves as a lesson to those who presume far, to simply argue that, electrons “might turn that Hacking completely discountenances the out to be like phlogiston and not exist in any way presence of theory in his experimental realism at all” is pretty inconsequential, for something stance. Theories are the stuffs that forever must be responsible for whatever role scientists provide the very ideas that experiments chew assign to electrons. To say that another entity, upon. namely, oxygen was used as a perfect replacement for some of the roles previously Resnik does a very bad job of interpreting performed by phlogiston, does not remove the Hacking’s text. Textual analysis is not what fact of the existence of an entity. Some such anyone can rightly do without proper exegetical argument cannot be used to undermine entity contextualization of issues involved. I seem to realism in a very significant way. think that Resnik lifts statements from Hacking’s text without due consideration to linguistic Furthermore, Resnik joins Dudley Shapere in holism. Though I am not a meaning holist, I have saying that “Hacking’s sense of ‘use’ is come to understand the fact that decoupling ambiguous and vague”. Resnik, following words, phrases, sentences or ideas from their Shapere, says that “‘use’ could be interpreted original contexts (“native environments”) may actively as ‘manipulate’ or ‘control’ or more lead to serious problems and errors in passively as ‘employ’ or ‘exploit’” (402). To my understanding any given texts (ancient and mind, this so-called distinction between active modern). 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