Weekly Explosive Incidents Flash News

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Weekly Explosive Incidents Flash News iMMAP - Humanitarian Access Response Weekly Explosive Hazard Incidents Flash News (26 Nov - 02 Dec 2020) 109 23 26 10 2 INCIDENTS PEOPLE KILLED PEOPLE INJURED EXPLOSIONS AIRSTRIKES BAGHDAD GOVERNORATE KIRKUK GOVERNORATE An Armed Group 26/NOV/2020 Popular Mobilization Forces 26/NOV/2020 Shot and injured a government employee in Taiji sub-district of Kadhimiya district. Repelled an ISIS attack in Al-Nakar area of Dibs district. An Armed Group 26/NOV/2020 An Armed Group 26/NOV/2020 Detonated an IED targeting a liquor store in Karada district. Detonated an IED targeting a military vehicle and injured four soldiers near Ali Saray Security Forces 26/NOV/2020 village of Daquq district. Found and cleared a cache of explosives containing 700kg of C4, west of the capital. Popular Mobilization Forces 28/NOV/2020 Security Forces 29/NOV/2020 Repelled an ISIS attack in Ataira village of Zab subdistrict. Found the corpse of a civilian showing a gunshot wound in Umm Al-Kabir area, east of the An Armed Group 30/NOV/2020 capital. Killed a major of the Federal Police Forces by detonating an IED striking their patrol An Armed Group 30/NOV/2020 vehicle in Hawija district. Detonated an IED targeting a liquor store in the Baghdad Al-Jdida area. Security Forces 02/DEC/2020 Security Forces 30/NOV/2020 Repelled an ISIS attack in Riyadh sub-district of Hawija district. Found the body of a civilian inside a car in Al-Sadr area, east of the capital. ANBAR GOVERNORATE An Armed Group 01/DEC/2020 Injured a civilian in a tribal conflict in Al-Mashtal area, east of the capital. Security Forces 26/NOV/2020 Found and cleared a cache containing multiple rockets and explosives south of Rutba SALAH AL-DIN GOVERNORATE district. ISIS 28/NOV/2020 Iraqi Military Forces 26/NOV/2020 Attacked the Al-Kasra village of Al-Nakhib sub-district, killing a police member and Repelled an ISIS attack near the checkpoint on the Salah al-Din/Diyala border. injuring three civilians. ISIS 29/NOV/2020 Launched two Katyusha rockets that landed in the al-Siniya refinery in Baiji district. Military Intelligence 29/NOV/2020 Found and cleared 35 IEDs, 20kg of C4, and 21 detonation bars in Al-Shamiya desert, ISIS 29/NOV/2020 west of Anbar. Attacked a checkpoint and injured several military personnel in Al-Mayta village of Al-Daur district. Security Forces 30/NOV/2020 Found and cleared 12 IEDs in Al-Shahabi Al-Uwla area of Karma district. Security Forces 02/DEC/2020 Killed two ISIS insurgents near Makhool mountains in Baiji district. DIYALA GOVERNORATE Security Forces 02/DEC/2020 An Armed Group 27/NOV/2020 Ambushed and killed an ISIS insurgent in the Mutaybaja area of Al-Daur district. Shot and injured two civilians in Kaanan subdistrict, east of Baquba district. Coalition Forces 02/DEC/2020 Security Forces 28/NOV/2020 Launched six airstrike operations destroying several ISIS hideouts and killing seven Found and cleared five mortar shells and five kilograms of C4 in Muqdadiya district. insurgents in the Makhool mountains in Baiji district. Popular Mobilization Forces 01/DEC/2020 ISIS 02/DEC/2020 Thwarted an ISIS infiltration attempt in Al-Assria village of Al-Saadiya subdistrict. Attacked a checkpoint and injured several military personnel in Al-Mayta village of Al-Daur district. Military Intelligence 02/DEC/2020 Destroyed an ISIS hideout and cleared seven IEDs in Al-Kasasba area of Hubhub NINEWA GOVERNORATE sub-district. Federal Police Forces 26/NOV/2020 ERBIL GOVERNORATE Dismantled an IED in Al-Ghabat area. ISIS 29/NOV/2020 Security Forces 28/NOV/2020 Attacked a military checkpoint in Qarachogh mountain of Makhmur district. Found and cleared an IED vest in the abandoned Al-Noor neighborhood of Tal Afar district. ISIS 30/NOV/2020 Attacked the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) near Aze Kand village of Qarachogh An Armed Group 28/NOV/2020 mountain in Makhmur district. Detonated an IED killing a civilian and injuring another in Hasounia Bir village of Al-Shoura sub-district. Security Forces 30/NOV/2020 Killed three ISIS insurgents in Qarachogh mountain of Makhmur district. An Armed Group 29/NOV/2020 Launched a mortar shell that landed in Baa'j district, injuring two civilians. Coalition Forces 30/NOV/2020 Launched an airstrike killing three ISIS insurgents in Qarachogh mountain of Makhmur ISIS 29/NOV/2020 district. Injured three children by an IED explosion in Hatra district. Security Forces 30/NOV/2020 Found and cleared 120 IEDs in Al-Samaqya and Omer Qapaji villages. People Killed & Injured Per Governorate People Killed & Injured Per Incident Type 10 10 Killed 20 Killed Injured Injured 8 6 6 11 10 10 5 10 4 8 3 3 3 5 2 2 3 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 Anbar Baghdad Diyala Erbil Kirkuk Ninewa Salah Al-Din Air Strike Explosive Hazard Crime Direct Attack/Clashes iMMAP, Humanitarian Access Response: Explosive Hazard Incidents Risk Level in Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa and Salah Al-Din Governorates from 26 November to 02 December 2020 Turkey Zakho Dahuk Dahuk Amedi T u r k e y Mergasur Erbil Sumel D A H U K Ninewa !. Sulaymaniyah Dahuk Syria Kirkuk Iran Soran ÆQ Shikhan Akre Salah Al-Din ÆQ ÆQ Diyala Telafar ÆQ ÆQ Choman Baghdad Tilkaif Anbar II r a n Wassit an Kerbala Babylon rd Jo Shaqlawa Qadissiya Missan Mosul Najaf Thi-Qar !. ÆQ ÆQ Sinjar HamdaniyaÆQ Rania Basrah Pshdar Saudi Arabia Muthanna Erbil !. Kuwait ÆQ ÆQ ÆQ Erbil Mosul Koisnjaq Explosive Incident Risk Level E R B I L N I N E W A Dokan High Low ÆQ Makhmur !\ Capital ÆQÆQ Sharbazher Penjwin Dabes !. Governorate Center Sulaymaniah Ba'aj !. S y r ii a ÆQ Kirkuk ÆQ IDPs Camp !. Sulaymaniya Hatra Shirqat Kirkuk Chamchamal Primary Road ÆQÆQÆQ S U L A Y M A N I Y A H Hawiga K I R K U KÆQ Iraq Boundary Darbandihkan Halabja Daquq Governorate Boundary District Boundary Kalar Baiji ÆQ ÆQ Tooz Ru'ua ÆQ Tikrit Tikrit ÆQ!. ÆQ ± Kifri S A L A H A L - D I N 0 50 100 Daur Km Haditha Khanaqin ÆQ Samarra D I Y A L A Ka'im ÆQ ÆQ Khalis A N B A R Thethar Balad Ana Muqdadiya Heet Fares !.ÆQBa`aqubah Tarmia Ba'quba Baladrooz Ramadi KadhimiaAdhamia ÆQ !. ÆQ Thawra1 Ramadi ÆQÆQ Thaw!\.ra2 Abu Ghraib Resafa ÆQ Karkh Mada'in Falluja ÆQ ÆQ B A G H D A D Badra Rutba Mahmoudiya Azezia JJ oo rr Suwaira d d W A S S I T aa Mahawil Kerbala !. Musayab Kut nn Ain Al-Tamur Kut K E R B A L A Hindiya !. !. Hilla Na'maniya Hashimiya Hilla Diwaniya Afaq Hai iMMAP, Humanitarian Access Response: Explosive Hazard Incidents in Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa and Salah Al-Din Governorates from 26 November to 02 December 2020 Turkey Dahuk Zakho T u r k e y Dahuk Amedi Erbil Ninewa Mergasur Sulaymaniyah D A H U K Syria Kirkuk Iran Sumel !.Dahuk Salah Al-Din Soran Diyala ÆQ Shikhan Akre Baghdad Anbar ÆQ ÆQ n Telafar ÆQ a Wassit ÆQ d Choman r Kerbala Babylon o I r a n J I r a n Tilkaif Qadissiya Missan Shaqlawa Najaf Thi-Qar à Basrah Mosul Muthanna à à!. ÆQ Saudi Arabia ÆQ Rania K Hamdaniya u Sinjar Pshdar w a i Erbil t à !. ÆQ ÆQ ÆQ Erbil Mosul ġ Airstrike à à E R B I L Koisnjaq N I N E W A Dokan c Armed Clash Area ġ ÆQ Makhmur ÆQÆQc Sharbazher à Explosive Hazard c c Penjwin Dabes Sulaymaniah !\ Capital Ba'aj !. à ÆQ Kirkuk S y r ii a Sulaymaniya Shirqat !. !. Hatra Kirkuk Governorate Center Chamchamal à ÆQÆQÆQ S U L A Y M A N I Y A H ÆQ Hawiga IDPs Camp c àK I R K U KÆQ Darbandihkan Halabja Daquq Primary Road cġ à Iraq Boundary à Kalar Baiji ÆQÆQ Governorate Boundary Tooz Ru'ua ÆQ Tikrit Tikrit District Boundary ÆQ!. Kifri ÆQ S A L A H A L - D I N Daur àà Haditha ÆQ cc Khanaqin ÆQ ± Samarra c à à à D I Y A L A 0 50 100 à Ka'im c Km ÆQ ÆQ Khalis A N B A R Thethar à à Balad Ana à Muqdadiya Heet à !.ÆQ Fares à Ba`aqubah Tarmia Ba'quba à Baladrooz Ramadi KadhimiaAdhamia ÆQ !. ÆQ àThawra1 Ramadi ÆQÆQ à Thàaw!\.ra2 à Abu Ghraib Resafa ÆQ à Karkh àà Mada'in à Falluja ÆQ ÆQ B A G H D A D àc Mahmoudiya Badra JJ Rutba Azezia oo rr Suwaira Musayab dd Mahawil W A S S I T aa Kerbala !.Kerbala Kut nn Hilla Ain Al-Tamur K E R B A L A !. !. Hindiya Kut c Na'maniya Hilla Hashimiya Diwaniya Afaq Hai Najaf Disclaimer: All information is the best available from various sources including public, national and international sources, and has been cross-checked by iMMAP as best as possible. iMMAP accepts no responsibility for the use of this information. Publication Date: 06 DECEMBER 2020 - For more information contact: [email protected] Copyright © iMMAP,IHF Humanitarian Access Response - 2020. All rights reserved.This report is related to iMMAP-IHF project: Multi-Dimensional Risk Mitigation Information Management Center for Humanitarian Access Response - 2020..
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