A Weekt,Y Journal of Practicaij
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Post of --------- --------------(Entered at the Office New York, N, y" as Second Cl.. ass Matter.]-------------------- - _ _---_._ . JOURNAL OF PRACTICAIJ INFORMATION. ART SCIENCE. CHEMISTRY AND MANUFACTURES. A WEEKT,Y MECHANICS. Vol. XLIV.-No. per Annum. (NEW SERlES.l 26'-1J [$3.20[POSTAGE PREPAID.] NEW YORK. JUNE 25, 1881. Siphons. t e pipe, tbe rb e ioning tbe cbamber to tb excess of head necessary ings of subu an residences of th more expensive sort. At recent P yt c c h I' way d ct is l � i i a meeting of the ol e hni Association of t e to force the water through the wrong could be ma e Y it stil too much the fa h on to carry nto semi-rural p nt, Mr. n t yt n we gr un space is re b American Institute tbe reside T. D. Stetso , detailed almos an hi g please. neighhorhoods, where o d asona ly cbeal=, the experiments which he had y r ce c ct ie some recentl made. Mr. Sutton said that siphons are very inte esting pie s unbroken blocks of houses bara erist of the city, and rdin i p bent tube, d k y cu i u . y The o ary siphon, consisting of a s m le acts of apparatus an wor ver r o sly In the earl days in made necessary there by the high cost of land. the i c . c n The outskirts t , w s by d fferen e of length of the two columns of liquid California, where apital was abundant but the mea s limited, of our ci ies here garden and lawn space tendency t a cuum t e often used luxuries y d There is a o form va at he top of the tube. siphons w re to drain mines in the gravel, espe- are not be on the means of the moderately well g a y r column cially bed r ck, be serious lat:k d e i The superior r vit of the longest. raises the shorte when they came to tbe o and tunnels wonld to-do, sbow a of w ll ngs intermediate in cha e a p c p a vacuum results in necessary ate in y a c detached residence, by th tmos heri pressure. The arti l to drain tbe w r off the ordinar way from racter between the ity block and the e u t ty the o s c r e . liberation q hons were used t take he th of t.he small an i of airis always contained rock basin. In" such i casese sirp ck." o t th ugh the need of u h homes must be wide and u g nt m i kn as an air the When r g di . ce in the water, and the for at on of what own I water over r m of th bed o the ave a e business man seeks a home at a stan ap. ! These l stopped working r f ce e ffic, he in tr ifficu the me siphonsccu almosti a ways in the bend. Theyafte wa Iit-y rom the nt r of tra doese not want to find it a In attempting to avoid this d lty by of a large· tie, from all a mulat on of air al a s row of houses which might as w ll have been plannedto for r s e btai . t pp experienced in city. u a vessel or air receiver some curious e ults wer o ned s o ed, in fact, save when they were put in by and set up the heart of the Though n ble own The b ct T e i a ce where hi e t he is not u nw l a first o je was to make a self-emptying air chamber. men. h speaker then detailed an nst n he put. in or r a de ac d house, he i ling to pay for ad su t i feet l h. la The plan opted to accomplish this re l was to carry both a siphon going over a r m of rock some 150 in engt reasonable n.mount of nd not built upon, provided it is pro ch r , and take e i i t end was ha c pipes into the air ambe on to the very top, The onts de end was of ron pipe, bu the inside perly used to en n e the beauty and healthfulness of his it s m e e s s we e where wa turned over in snch a way as to ak a fall of rubber hose. As the works were carried further in, somc home. ]<'01' Ruch r a on ar inclined to think that there i space si h was in rubber hose w d e e e i pp t ni y ca t b i water through the a r when the p on opera- 250 feet of as a d d ; th h ad be ng very small, is a large o or u t for pitalis s ami speculative u ld prohability be successful in e te ncy co p . c a de tion. This plan would in all a ther was but slight nde to lla se At ea h end ers to make good investments in dwellings of the class r t y comtructed apparatus. In p hi t e was suburbunlocalities m e pe fec l order, bowever, to ob- sto valve was placed, and at the ghes point ther an . scribed, in many ad accessible to tbe the pe t on S t m d ch mbe air ch ber. This an empty ky cask, business men b c serve o ra i , Mr. te son had a e the air a r am was formed of whis of New York and other cities, y the in reas n p e e c y easily d t e s e e w re ai n of glass, and he fou d himself unable to res rv a which was a thing got an adapted to h purpose. ing means of rapid tran it v ry he prev li g. sufficiently perfeu t tln ca k filled th u h a tun e p The cco p y i ra o , owi tight joint long to determine the q es io The s and siphon were ro g n l at the to , a m an ing llust ti n sh ng the elevation and efi i ly the n of e cask was then closed and the ou s s cti t e d n te . valve o the top th gr nd of a e on of hre villas, lrom a block of nine A the into which others opened, and siphon would mmenc ce v a ide siphon having a large chamber at bend, the co e to work. It residen s in Hano er, Germany, gives good a of what one at t.he other, he cess y to have valves, one at each we m h pipe enters a much higher level than was ne ar two end of the the suburban homes have in mind ig t look like. u ffi i n y pipe, e use me they c u d F n- ns n fo nd developed, with just su c e t air inclosed, the ver b ca at that ti o l not buy in San ra The second engraving shows the pla of the mai floors, acting c ec valve. It c c a pump c p b e fi i p . i t w l and the a i t c w c re ai nt. unexpected propert.y of like a b k opposes is o a a l of ll ng the pi e At n gh the ho e rt s i manner in hi h the grollnds a l d o a r n er ater in e shut rt n ug plan r q r to a ap g e t resistance to the passage of w onp direction wase e off, and in the morninge it cewas sta ed long e o h With such changes of as would be e ui ed d t than -in the other-the difference in resistance de ending on b for work bpgan to properly r du the water level. The them to the needs of American households, such dwellings, area c in b u but we b i r d ent the difference of between the water surface in the ham- air chamber would fill with air a o t two hours, just el eve, would sell ea ily or r to desirable tenants at nd that in the pipe e r b f e it v pr fit ble bu l ber a nte ing at the highest level. In I e or was supposed to he filled the alves were shut and rates that would mal,e them as o a to the i der n n a e i any I e filled e g-h f l In drai i g marshes on a l rg or small scale, in drain ng th barrel up again witb water through the tunnel. or own r aE deli t u to the occupant�. size the I ..• I' • well m aj ty area subject to tidal fluctuationsor fluctuationsfrom freshets, ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN RESIDENCES.