A 2020/21 Guide to Post 16 Education in Shropshire in Schools with Sixth
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A 2020/21 GUIDE TO POST 16 EDUCATION IN SHROPSHIRE IN SCHOOLS WITH SIXTH FORMS FOR PARENTS & YOUNG PEOPLE ABLE O TABLE OF CONTENTS F CONTENTS Contents Introduction ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Is education compulsory after age 16? _____________________________________________________________________ 1 What options are available after 16? _______________________________________________________________________ 1 How many places are available? ____________________________________________________________________________ 1 Community & voluntary controlled schools: _______________________________________________________________ 1 Academies: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Schools _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Who decides whether a place will be offered? _____________________________________________________________ 2 Appeals________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Map showing location of schools with sixth forms and colleges __________________________________ 4 Colleges ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Sixth Form Colleges __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 FE Colleges ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Transport ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 General Criteria ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 2019/20 Post 16 Charges____________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Contact Information __________________________________________________________________________________ 8 This booklet contains information required for publication in accordance with the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 and the School Admissions Code. Shropshire Council is required to publish this composite prospectus in relation to admissions to school sixth forms only. In Shropshire, most post 16 students attend colleges, details of which can be found on page 5 of this booklet. Parents may wish to refer to the college’s own websites and prospectuses for further information about the admission process for colleges. INTRODUCTION Introduction IS EDUCATION COMPULSORY AFTER AGE HOW MANY PLACES ARE AVAILABLE? 16? There are no admission limits at school for Young people must stay in education or pupils who are progressing from Year 11 to training until their 18th birthday if they were Year 12 at the same school. But there may be born on or after 1 September 1997. admission limits on external pupils entering Education/ training after 16 doesn’t just the school for the first time as a sixth form mean staying at school full-time: a young pupil in certain schools. person can stay at school, go to college, or The schools listed below offer post 16 take up an apprenticeship or a part-time education in their sixth form. Students training course. wishing to enter the sixth form of a school that they are already attending, have an WHAT OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE AFTER 16? automatic right to do so as long as they meet The options are: the minimum entry criteria. However, the Full-time education – e.g. at school or published admission numbers (PANs) or college; admission limits on external pupils entering Apprenticeship or traineeship; the school for the first time in Year 12 are as follows: Part-time education or training – as well as being employed, self- employed or volunteering for 20 MAINTAINED SCHOOLS (COMMUNITY AND hours or more a week. VOUNTARY CONTROLLED): Thomas Adams School, Wem 50 Young people continuing with education in (Academy conversion pending) Shropshire, after the age of 16, will attend either a 11-18 school, sixth form or further education college ACADEMIES: Grove School, Market Drayton 20 This booklet is produced to inform parents of Idsall School, Shifnal 25 the schools and colleges available in Oldbury Wells School, Bridgnorth 50 Shropshire for those wishing to continue with education. For more information about the Sir John Talbot’s, Whitchurch 30 courses offered and how to apply, enquiries The Marches, Oswestry 30 should be made directly to the relevant school William Brookes, Much Wenlock 20 or college. Page 1 SCHOOLS Schools Details of how to apply to each school and WHO DECIDES WHETHER A PLACE WILL BE the academic attainment required to gain OFFERED? entry to sixth form or to access a particular Academies are admission authorities and course, can be found from the school’s they determine their own admissions policy. website, in the school’s prospectus, and/or Local authorities are usually the admissions by contacting the school direct. Contact authority for community and voluntary details for each school are given below. controlled schools. However, the governing bodies of Shropshire community and voluntary controlled schools have agreed to Academic criteria for entry to sixth form are the local authority’s delegation of the same for both external and internal responsibility to them for determining places. Schools may offer a meeting to admission arrangements to their sixth form. discuss options and academic requirements for courses, but this will not form part of the This means that all publicly-funded schools decision process on whether to offer a place. in Shropshire are responsible for the admission to sixth forms in their schools. School Name and Contact Address and Website Email Address and Tel. No. Grove School Newcastle Rd, Market Drayton, TF9 1HF [email protected] Mr A Rayner www.groveschool.net 01630 652121 Idsall School Coppice Green Lane, Shifnal TF11 8PD [email protected] Mr H Sehejpal www.idsall.shropshire.sch.uk 01952 468400 The Marches School Morda Road, Oswestry SY11 2AR [email protected] Mrs C Boyes www.marchesschool.co.uk 01691 664400 Oldbury Wells School Bridgnorth WV16 5JD [email protected] Mrs A Bishell www.oldburywells.com 01746 765454 Sir John Talbot’s Heath Road, Whitchurch SY13 2BY [email protected] Technology College www.sirjohntalbots.co.uk 01948 660600 Mrs Michelle Jones Thomas Adams School Lowe Hill, Wem SY4 5UB [email protected] Mrs J Squires www.thomasadams.org.uk 01939 237000 William Brookes School Farley Road, Much Wenlock TF13 6NB [email protected] Mrs C Minches www.williambrookes.com 01952 728900 Page 2 SCHOOLS Where applicants are not offered a place at a Where the offer of a place is dependent upon school sixth from, this will be because either: exam results, the appeal must be heard There are more children eligible for within 30 school days of confirmation of places than places available and the those results. Where the offer is not oversubscription criteria have been conditional upon exam results, the appeal applied to determine which new must be heard within 40 school days of the applicants are eligible for the places; deadline for lodging appeals. or An applicant has not reached the An appeal would be heard by a Panel of three specified entry requirement. people, who are independent of the named school and of the Council. They will wish to APPEALS hear about the applicant and the reasons for Any student who is refused admission to a wanting a place, all of which should be school sixth form has a statutory right of outlined on the appeal application form. A appeal to an independent appeal panel. Both presenting officer and/or a representative of the individual student and the parent have the school are present at appeals to explain separate and joint rights of appeal. All why it has not been possible to offer a place, appeals must be made in writing. but they play no part in the final decision Application can be made electronically via made by the Appeal Panel. the Shropshire Council website The Panel’s decision is final and binding on www.shropshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions or all parties – the Admission Authority (either a paper application can be printed and the school governing body or Shropshire completed. If you have any additional Council), the school and parents and can only information which you wish to submit, such be challenged in the High Court. However, if as confirmation of a house move or medical you feel that the appeal process was flawed evidence pertaining to attendance at school, (in other words, maladministration occurred this should be attached to your appeal form. in the way the appeal was handled) you have the right to put your case to the Local Once the appeal application has been Government Ombudsman or the Education received, either the school or Legal and Funding Agency in the case of academies. Democratic Services, whichever is applicable, They will not overturn a decision made by an will arrange for an independent appeal Independent Appeal Panel, but if the way in hearing. You will be informed of the date, which the appeal hearing was held is found time and venue for your appeal, and invited to be incorrect, they may order a fresh to attend. You will also receive further appeal. information about the way in which the appeal is conducted. Page 3 MAP Map showing location of schools with sixth forms and colleges KEY: 1. Grove School, Market Drayton 2. Sir John Talbot’s Technology College, Whitchurch 3. Thomas Adams