Mexico/Spain 墨西哥/西班牙 2019 | Spanish | DCP | B&W | 147min Director Producer Miguel Necoechea, Mónica Lozano, Antonio Chavarrías, Marco Polo Constandse Scriptwriter Paz Alicia Garcíadiego Cinematographer Alejandro Cantú Editor Mariana Rodríguez Production Designer Alejandro García Music David Mansfield Sound Aldo Navarro Cast Sylvia Pasquel, Alejandro Suárez, Greta Cervantes, Daniel Gimenez Cacho Production Carnaval Films, Oberon World Sales Latido Films

Persons Aged 18 and Above Only ©LavDiaz 只准18歲或以上人士

Devil Between the Legs El Diablo entre las Piernas 愛恨兩腿間

In your film, you handle themes like violence against women, [導演訪問] physical or verbal, refusing to treat them via a black and white 影片涉及對婦女身體或語言暴力等問題,卻沒有非黑 moral compass. What was you starting point when creating the 即白的道德審判。片中老夫妻愛恨交纏的關係最初是 toxic, yet loving, relation between Beatriz and her husband? 如何構思的? The starting point was giving thought to the idea that jealousy doesn’t 最初構思是妒忌不止於某個年齡,吸引與排斥亦然。瘋 end at a certain age. Attraction and repulsion don’t end at a certain 狂的愛,也是瘋狂的恨。性慾通常透過年輕人及美麗軀 age. Relationships of crazy love are also ones of crazy hate. Sexuality 體呈現。到了我們的年紀,談及超越身體的熾熱狂慾是 is usually presented via young people and beautiful bodies. We 基本需要。 thought, at our age, that it was fundamental to talk about passionate madness which goes beyond physical strength. 女傭是片中第三個主要人物,既壓制別人又受到壓制, 帶着不同程度的灰色。她的角色從何而來? In the same way the third character in this trio, Dinorah, functions according to a very different scale of grey where she plays both 這角色基本上來自反常的無知。她相信僱主碧翠絲有一 roles, the repressed and repressor. Where did this character start 個妒忌丈夫,只因他愛她。瘋狂的事繼續,她感到與碧 from? 翠絲親近,或者想變成她,但以為她丈夫的妒忌只是來 自對她的愛慕。作為一個乖張的救星,她想延續現況, The characters come, fundamentally, from perverse innocence. She 是一個照顧、回應、攻擊及採取立場的女子。 believes that if her employer has a jealous husband it’s because he loves her. There’s this crazy thing going on, where she feels very 影片開首,你用了「Ich Bin von Kopf bis Fuße close to Beatriz, maybe wants to be her but thinks that the jealousy von Liebe Eingestellt」,令人即時聯想到馮史登堡 of her husband can only come from his adoration of her. Hence she’s 的《藍天使》。這首歌與電影主題有什麼關連? a perverse fairy godmother, who protects this situation, the woman 霍蘭德創作的原曲在三十年代十分流行,其後被譯作 that takes care, reacts, attacks, and takes a stand. 「Falling in Love Again」(「再次墜入愛河」),英文歌 Interview with Arturo Ripstein 詞與原作並不相關。在原裝德文歌詞,你會聽見「男人 Variety 對我像燈蛾撲火」,正說明了她的本性,你無從逃避。

Arturo RIPSTEIN was born in Mexico in 1943. His father, Alfredo Ripstein, Jr. is an SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY 主要作品 acclaimed producer. He began his career as assistant director of Luis Buñuel, and made 1986 富貴不留人 his directorial debut, Tiempo de morir, in 1966. Active in both fiction film and documentary, 1994 The Queen of the Night 不夜天皇后 he is one of the most prolific directors in Mexico. 1996 深深的腥紅 奧圖魯利普斯坦 1943 年生於墨西哥市,父親是著名電影製片人,拍電影前修讀法律、歷 1999 No One Writes to the Colonel 史和藝術史,初擔任布紐爾助手,1966 年執導《大限難逃》,劇情片外也拍紀錄片,成為 沒有人寫信給上校 墨西哥創作力最旺盛而多產的導演。 2015 窮街柳巷 2019 Devil Between the Legs 愛恨兩腿間