BT Research & Innovation You used to only know us for our phones and broadband. Now you know us for BT Sport TV too. At BT you will find us innovating new creations every day. For example…

 Did you know… We enabled 450 million people around the world to keep up with London 2012, and provided the largest ever high-density public wi-fi in the world

 Did you know… In May 2013 we achieved a world record data transmission speed of 800Gbit/s equivalent to that of sending seven HD DVDs in a single second

 Did you know… We’ve registered over 600 patents in the last five years and invested £560million in research and development in 2012 alone

 Did you know… we are hiring?

Summer Internship Opportunities…

We are offering summer internship opportunities for undergraduates within BT Research & Innovation (R&I) during the Summer vacation of 2014.

R&I is a unit within the BT Technology, Service & Operations unit (TSO), providing central research for the BT Group through researching & prototyping solutions of potential relevance to BT’s future. We work with customers, universities, vendors, and, most importantly, BT’s market facing units to take good technical ideas and turn them into great reality. That could start with things like intellectual property, prototypes, and trial systems but hopefully ends up with new products, processes or systems to help BT serve its customers around the world.

R&I’s scope includes – for example - the futures of the home and . It covers the evolution of our high-speed core and access networks. It also covers techniques to improve customer service and optimise operations.

What we want and what you get…

Our summer internship would be particularly suitable for strong 2nd and 3rd year CUED engineers looking to do their 8 weeks Industrial Experience, and have an interest in Information or Electronic Engineering. We will also consider exceptional 1st year students. All candidates need to be competent coders.

A BT R&I internship offers you a paid 10-12 week summer placement working on an innovative project at BT’s Innovation Hub, , Ipswich (just over 1 hour from Cambridge and London).

Students who excel in our summer internships may be considered for fast-tracking through the Graduate Scheme application process… you could have a job offer before you start your final year!

How to apply…

Summer internships in BT Research & Innovation:

Apply online or send CVs to [email protected]

For those already in final year apply for the Technical BT Graduate Scheme to join us in September 2014. Apply online at

We will also be in Cambridge in the coming months for the CUES Fair, and a few other wider recruitment events… come along and find out more!