University of With 50 years of tradition, we are already internationally recognized.

Constantly developing, leading in many fields of research, we do our best to provide endless opportunities.

Welcome to the University of Silesia – the Meeting Point.

Silesia Region

Sosnowiec Did you know? Chorzów Among Polish universities the University of Silesia ranked:

5 th – according to Times

Cieszyn Higher Education World University Rankings

2 nd – in terms of academic effectiveness, according to Education Foundation Perspektywy

3 Comprehensive university

The University of Silesia in Katowice offered by the University of Silesia are is one of the largest and most systematically evaluated by the Polish dynamically developing public Accreditation Committee and the universities in Poland. The University University Accreditation Commission offers bachelors, masters, and to ensure high quality of the provided doctoral studies, as well as education. postgraduate courses designed to improve professional and personal skills. All programs are divided into Did you know? specializations tailored to students' needs and applicability toward their The University of Silesia: future careers. → offers over As an interdisciplinary university, the 70 study programs University of Silesia offers a wide & 240 specializations array of programs and specialized disciplines, including the humanities, → has almost social sciences, natural sciences, and 25,000 students science and technology. Programs & 250,000 proud alumni

International students during Erasmus Day, Campus in Katowice 4 Faculty of Fine Arts and Music e Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection ur Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science Faculty of Philology truct Faculty of Computer Science and Materials Science S Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Faculty of Earth Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Faculty of Law and Administration Faculty of Radio and Television Faculty of Theology

Other units of the University:

College of Individual Interdisciplinary Studies School of and Culture

Find out more about the University of Silesia in Katowice on:

5 Interdisciplinary

Did you know?

The University takes part in:

→ 250 national & international projects

→ about 1,400 research grants in all academic disciplines

→ 14 cluster initiatives

Analysis Chamber of the Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectometer (ToFSIMS), Silesian Interdisciplinary Centre for Education and Research, Campus in Chorzów Research projects

The research projects of the University of Silesia concentrate on numerous disciplines and specializations on both national and international scale. Such activities contribute significantly to increasing the potential and effectiveness of both the University and global academic community.

Research areas: • information technologies • nanotechnology • health and medicine • materials science • energy • environmental protection and water management • linguistics • law • education • climate change • social sciences • pedagogy • biology and biotechnology • psychology • theology • art and culture 6 Spin-offs pol r ec mar P cr and f r in t inf ARP G cultiv in c t distribut W Milv he esults ofr esults ofscientificr olymer e e ar orma onom he videog yur a osme indust k tiv ent Lt e ac a e c e t tion pr e de

. Collaboration ames Lt t tuall tion andfulfillinge or ofna hane ma y w tech Lt onstantly enhancingande tic r d. ese y and v s andpharmac e established y elopers t isamanuf , allo oduc ame indust

arch onpol with business tural ing d. d. t t wing y erials he ts suppor implementst . ese loc o ent . al go arch andf r ac oung and edients used r y financiall y a specialpurposeentit ts star xpec er t tur y est , andplant v er and he er and ernment t ta t he -ups tions andneedsofourpar acilita in numbers(2015-2016) Collabor → pa → pa → spinoff/outc → inno → r → xpanding ourne y a ese hr t g e transf r t t oug ents g ent applic eements signed: v arch pr a r t which isablet w Abt t intr de Lt Smar h pr echnologies t he t eser t a ion opinionsissued: d. ation withbusine v er ofac t oduc er pollut elopment pr o o in o rant w Lt v viding f y namedSP xicit t T oir v t o ests inr w e inno echnologies V jec . a ompanies established: ed: ork ofc y le d. t ademic kno ions submit ion de spin-outbasedona ts c or smoo v 48 o t t el oft v o inf ners a ese o ommissioned: he mark t jec onnec iv t 476 IN-U ec orm r e pr . T arch and he e ts inordert t ting de h e o c wledg oduc S Lt tions wit enture F emo x x ommerciali e t amined change of ed: t . 23 d. vic ts and e t t s el 63 s e o t y about o h , und he 136 z e 4 7 Infrastructure Did you know?

The University of Silesia includes: Silesian Centre for Education and Interdisciplinary Research → 137 laboratories and workrooms – a place for creative thinking → 14 different libraries

• network of 60 state-of-the-art laboratories

• research in Medical Physics, Biophysics, Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering, Nanophysics

• access to scientific software and innovative For more teaching methods information • application of research results please visit:

Liquid Metal Ion Gun (LMIG) – bismuth ion source of the IONTOF’s ToFSIMS spectrometer, Campus in Chorzów 8 Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library (CINiBA)

• over 1.5 million books and magazines of all fields of science

• over 340 thousand volumes of newest scientific publications

• over 150 work stations

• 1,000 scientific, cultural and educational events each year

• joint initiative of the University of Silesia and the University of Economics in Katowice

Did you know?

CINiBA was awarded:

→ World's Most Beautiful Library 2012

→ ArchDaily Building of the Year 2012 For more information → Students' Laurel please visit: for the Most Student-Friendly Regional Institution 2015

The Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library, Campus in Katowice 9 h Centre for Polar Studies – Leading National Research

arc Centre in Earth Sciences se Centre for Polar Studies is run by the University of e Silesia and Polish Academy of Sciences. This joint program of leading Polish universities was awarded

in r with Polish Leading National Research Centre label for 2014-2018. It conducts advanced interdisciplinary e studies of the Arctic and Antarctic environment and training of young researchers. ellenc c Ex

Aurora borealis at the Polish Polar Station Hornsund, Spitsbergen

The Centre for Polar Studies in a nutshell:

• focusing on better understanding of the interaction between atmosphere, ocean and cryosphere

• gathering and interpreting extensive data on processes taking place in the Arctic

• analyzing the response of glaciers to future climate change using the expertise in studies of glaciers terminating into the sea 10 To learn more please visit:

Ice-cliff of Hans Glacier and peak of Fannytoppen in proximity of the Polish Polar Station Hornsund, Spitsbergen 12 S w wit int e S per div A x w ilesia st orld chang ernships orr t h par er ar spec udents c sit e oft , suchas University of Silesia – y anditsimpac t t e pr ner iv r ong he v e , t s fr og Meeting Point he U l y suppor alue ofcultural : rams ese om allo niv arch pr ommunit A c , langua also applic t cultural differ c U int As avibrantmemberoft rans er oopera niv ooper c erna t onone's ts student v sit er t ademic er f ent le y of er k o sit t jec . W he ional c g t ion wit y ofS e no ts v e belie able int els wledg a oopera t , includingeduc ilesia h ourg y ion v e inaf e t he w . W Did y a 50 → → W int • T • Ser • P • La • Hung • • Bra • Alg ha t g ion isaparamountpriorit F lobal par

erna r c e establishandmaintainlong-t ur W t itiscrucial ranc orld ande hilippines •P eements wit t orm t he g ount via •MalesiaMe k eria •A e ha e hosto bia •Slo z e il •ChinaCz ar y •Uk t ou e ional studentse • lobal ac y •IraqItal ries ha a v t Georgia t e o ner

ional t isno ust kno v raine v v er v s onanumberof ak er ria •Belarus er o t or yda h par , r ademic c ia •Spain t onl 1,000 w? tug ese e 700 • ach, disc y lif ech R German al •R y •Japan arch, and t y f xic ner e c

. ascina oopera ach y o ommunit epublic y a s fr ussia o y t om v

er e t he ing but t ar , and ion erm y , International students during Summer School of Polish Language, Literature and Culture, Campus in Cieszyn

School of Polish Language and with various institutions interested Culture, a specialized unit of the in Polish language education and University of Silesia, runs a variety Polish Studies, e.g. the Beijing of Polish language courses Foreign Studies University, China, tailored to meet the needs of and the University of Alberta, different learners. Apart from the Edmonton, Canada. courses, the School annually organizes the Summer School of Polish Language, Literature and Culture in Cieszyn and satisfies To find out more the demand for teachers of Polish as a foreign language by providing about the School of Polish post-graduate courses for future Language and Culture teachers. The School cooperates please visit:

13 14 Programs in English • P • P and Biodiv • P • MScinMa • MScinP and V • MScinComput En • MScinBio wit • M Sound inG • M Comput • M S • M • BEnginMa br is c E v t oadens itsr udie en t vir h Int hD inP hD inMa hD inA onduc A inP A inG A inG A inEng onmental Bio houg isuali s f er er G t or Int ed inP cult ed ame ame h t h d h er z ame y v y ost a lish S he ma t t a t ame erials Scienc sit sic ur anc erials Scienc sic echnolog gog t t erials Scienc er s andV s andV ion inBioinf er ofstudypr al E olish, t y s s –T s cult ed Me s Gr y –R er Scienc jorit t udie t duc echnolog ur he U y oft heor aphic al R ir ir y –P e a s –Americ t t t hods inBio sociali t ual R ual R ion niv he U e e andEngineering e og e andEngineering orma t e –Mode s e andEngineering la er ic lant Bio rams taug y sit t niv al P e e ions andDiplomac z alit alit y ofS a t er ic t h ion sit an andC y De y De s y t y's educ t sic echnolog ilesia c echnolog lling ht inEng s sign – sign – ont a anadian t ional offer lish. inuousl y y , y y Joint degree studies:

• InterMath with University of L'Aquila, Italy

• N anophysics and Mesoscopic Materials, Modelling and Applications with University du Main, France

• C entral European Historical Studies with University of Ostrava, & Matej Bel University, Slovakia

• Europe an Master in Lexicography with 8 partners

• Europe an Master of Social Work and Social Economics (SOWOSEC) with 10 partners

To find more about admission requirements and procedures please visit:

International students during Summer School of Polish Language, Literature and Culture, Campus in Cieszyn 15 Katowice & Silesia Region

Must see in Katowice!

Culture Zone located at the very heart of the former coal mine smoothly connects the past with the future. New seat of Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR), and International Congress Centre together form this unique area.

Silesian Science Festival is the largest science event in the region with nearly 300 exhibitors. The event has Silesia-based higher education institutions go beyond their walls to promote science. It takes place every Autumn.

European Economic Congress gathers politicians, experts, and representatives of the world of business from Europe and across the world. It's a place for international debates about economics seen from global perspective.

16 Did you know?

Katowice was awarded with UNESCO City of Music label.

Only 17 cities in the world were honored this way.

Spodek Arena, Culture Zone in Katowice Student Support

Services Did you know?

We offer: Knowing the importance of participation in communities, the → 2500 places in 9 dormitories university strongly supports all kinds of initiatives organized by its → 300 students’ science students which focus on personal clubs and organizations development. → 48 sport sections

Students of the University of Silesia, Students’ Activity Zone, Campus in Katowice

Students' Activity Zone is University Media Center comprises university's unit devoted entirely to of three main media of the university: serving the student communities. TV UŚ Television, Egida Radio and Incorporating among others Student's the Suplement Magazine. It focuses Service Center and Career Center, on delivering reliable information and the mission of the zone is not only to promoting culture through articles and support the students in financial, programs on current events, literature, psychological and legal matters, but music and much more. Apart from also to facilitate their entrance and raising important topics, the Media functioning in the labor market. Center gives students the opportunity Students' Activity Zone also ensures to develop their skills as journalists, equal opportunities in terms of access producers or editors. to higher education for people with disabilities. 18 w

Did you know? zó , Chor al

Egida is 100% student- estiv run radio station e F olklor

established in 1969. s F

It's one of the first such

stations in Poland! tional Student’ erna Int

“Katowice” Students' Song and International Student’s Folklore Dance Ensemble is the folklore gem Festival is the only event in the of the university since its very calendar of UNESCO's International beginning. The ensemble preserves Council of Organizations of Folklore the folk culture of many Polish Festivals and Folk Arts organized by regions, with emphasis put on Silesia, academic environment. Until this day and is constantly expanding its over 230 groups have taken part in repertoire. “Katowice” performs the festival, gathering groups from regional dance shows, concerts, countries such as Cyprus, Hungary, workshops and educational concerts India, Kenya or Mexico, to name just all over the world. a few. We are happy to organized this great event. 19 y sit

er The mission of the University of Silesia begins v with providing a high quality education for its degree program students, but extends well beyond this to function as a meeting point for all members of the local community – regardless of age. That is why at the University of Silesia we have prepared extended educational offerings especially tailored to Open Uni serve the needs of different age groups.

Usiołek [ooshowek] - University's mascot

Children's University of Silesia Designed for children, organized by university staff, teaching by fun activities, fascinating workshops, exciting events, educational parties, and a variety of multimedia activities.

Teenagers' University of Silesia The varied enrichment programs offered here expand teens' knowledge, inspire new interests and develop talents and skills.

20 International students during Summer School of Polish Language, Literature and Culture, Campus in Cieszyn

Prospective Students' University of Silesia Here, via blended learning, the university offers a valuable range of specialized preparatory courses for high school grads who intend on getting enrolled by the University.

University of the Third Age Established in 1982 on the premise that one is never too old to learn, our Third Age University provides a wealth of lectures, workshops, and courses for the senior members of the local community.

21 University of Silesia in Katowice Department of International Relations ails

t E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +48 32 359 20 71 Fax: +48 32 359 21 84

act de Address: Bankowa 12 40-007 Katowice Poland


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Published by: Department of International Relations, University of Silesia in Katowice Texts by: Department of International Relations, University of Silesia in Katowice Proofreading by: Design by: Maciej Mazak Photos by: Roman Łuszczki (p. 4, pp. 8-9, p. 13, p. 15, pp. 20-21), Antoni Sturzbecher (pp. 16-17), Dariusz Ignatiuk (pp. 10-11), Szymon Nawrat (p. 6, p. 18), Tomasz Kawka (p. 19) Published in 2017

All presented data concern academic year 2015/2016 or 2016/2017, depending on the reporting period of the University's departments. 22 University of Silesia