Cas. Skz. Muz. (A), 54: 69-74.2005

New records of Sciophila Meigen from the Czech and Slovak Republics (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)

Jan Sev~fk New records of Sciophila Meigen from the Czech and Slovak Republics (Diptern: Mycerophilidae). - Cas. Slez. Muz. Opava, 54: 69-74,2005.

A b S t r a c t : Eight species of Sciophila Meigen are recorded for the first time from the tenitory of the and 5 from Slovakia. Further 6 species are for the first time recorded from Moravia and . Photographs of the male terminalis of four rare species are also presented.

K e Y W 0 r d : Sciaroidca, fungus gnats, distribution, new records.

The genus Sciophila Meigen, l818 comprises about 132 described species (Soli 1997). Holmtic species of Sciophila were revised by Zaitzev (1982). Czech and Slovak species of this genus have not yet been reviewed and the last checklist (KoHel et al. 1997) comprises less than a half of the actual number of species known to occur in these countries. In this paper, new records of Sciophila from the Czech Republic and from Slovakia are presen- ted, including species new to particular major regions, i. e. Bohemia and Moravia & Silesia.

Abbreviations: CoUections examined: JS - coll. Jan SevEik, Czech Republic (private collection); MMB - coll. Moravian Museum, Brno, Czech Republic; SMO - coll. Silesian Museum, Opava, Czech Republic. Collecting methods: MT = Malaise trap, R = rearing from fungi, SW = sweep netting, YFT = yellow pan traps. CZ = Czech Republic. SK = Slovakia.


Sciophila adarnsi Edwards, 1925 (Fig. 1) Material examined. CZ: Bohemia, ~umavaMts., Nova Hirka, peat-bog, 18.5.-15.6.1999, 310, M. Bart& & 3. Kubik leg., MT (IS); Moravia & Silesia, SLieii nr. Olomouc. oak forest, 26.5.1997, 111, J. fiev~ikleg., YFT (~3). D is t r i b U t i o n . Western and northern Europe, Nearctic region. New for the Czech Republic.

Sciophila antiqua Chandler, 1987 (Fig. 2) Materlal examined. CZ: Moravia & Silesia, Polanka nad Odrou, Bluchedv les, floodplain forest, 3.4.1999, 110, J. SevElk leg., SW (IS).

D i S t r i b U t i o n . Great Britain, Finland, Sweden (Chandler 2004). New for the Czech Republic and central Europe. Sc:iophih arizoncnsis Zaitzev. 1982 (Fig. 3) Material examined. CZ: Bohemia. Bflina. Chloun~ekhill. 420111.23.9.- 29.10.1998. 110, M. Bartak leg., MT US); Moravia & Silesia, Podyji National Park, Podn~olienv., LiSfi skila. forest-steppe, 24.7.-29.8.2()01, 110, Vranov nad Dyji. Zadnl Hamry, 16.10.-28.11.2002, 110, M. Bartik & S. Kubfk leg., MT (13). D i s t r i b u t i o n . France. Switzerland (Chandler 2004), Nearctic region. New for the Czech Republic.

Sciophilu bultica Zaitzev, 1982 Sciophila renuis (Winnertz. 1863): Landrock (1 91 3), LaHtovka (1987)

Materlal examined. CZ. Moravia & Silesia. Hrubd Voda, 4.4.1972, 110, 8.7.1972, 310, 19.8.1973. 210, J, Martinovskg leg., SW (~3);DolnI Lomni env., MionSi NNR, fir-beech forest, 7.6.1998, 110; Hruby Jesenik Mu;., JelenI bufina NR, maple-beech fomst, 900m. 21.7.1998, 110; Homi Lipovd env., ZtracenC 6doli valley, 20.7.1998, 110, all J. Sevfik leg., SW; MoravskoslezskC Beskydy Mts., Bflil env., 17.9.2000, 110, ex Hydnum repmdurtt, J. Sevf lk leg., R (~3). D i s t r i b U t i o n . Widely distributed in Europe, the Near East and Ajerbaijan. New for the Czech Republic. Rem ark s . Two specimens in Landrock's collection were identified by him as Sciophila tenuis (Wim.). The first is S. hallica and the second specimen has the terminalia destroyed and the iden- tification was thus impossible.

Sciophila fenesiella Curtis, 1837 Materinl examined, CZ: Bohemia, VrdZ m. Pisek, damp meadow, 400m, 31.5.1994, 110, M. Bartak leg., SW (JS); Moravia & Silesia, Hrubi Voda - Smilov, 17.5.1975, 110. 19.6.1976, 110; Mladef nr. Olomouc, Tfcsin Hill, NE slope, 4.8.1999. 2/0, 10.9.1999, 110, all J. Martinovskg leg., SW (~3);Silheiovice, 18.8.1997. 110, 3.9.1997, 1/0, 26.9.1997, 110, 26.4.1998, 110; Dolni Lo~nndenv., MionSI NNR (6468), 7.6.1998, 110, all. J. Sevflk leg., SW (~3);Podyji National Park, Terasy, 2;4.-3.5.2003, 110, M. Bartak & S. Kubik leg., MT (JS). SIC: PovaZskj Inovcc Mts., Lllka env., 13.-20.9.1999, 110, M. Koz6nek leg., MT(JS).

D i S t r i b u t i o n . Western and northern Europe, Nearctic region. From the Czech Republic (Bohemia) for the first time recorded by Martinovskj & But& (2000). New for Moravia & Silesia and for Slovakia.

Sciophilafn'dolini Stackelberg, 1943 Material examined. CZ: Moravia & Silesia, Hmbg Jesenfk Mts.. Velkd KotLina, glacial cirque, 5.9.1987, 1/0, J. Martinovsw Icg., SW (JS). D i s t r i b u t i o n . A rare Holarctic species. From the Czech Republic (Bohemia) for the first time recorded by Chandler (1995). New for Moravia & Silesia.

Sciophila geniculaia Zetterstedt. 1838 Material examined. CZ: Bohemia, Surnava Mts., Jezemi slat', peat-bog, 5.7.-5.8.1996, 2/0, M. Bartak & J. RohdEek leg., MT (JS), Novi Hdrka, peat-bog. 16.6.-22.7.1999, 710, M. Barthlc & S. Kublk leg., MT (~3); Moravia &Silesia, Rejvlz, peat-bog, 26.6.- 21.7.2004, UO,J. RohdEek & J. Sev~ikleg., MT (JS). D i s t r i b u t i o n . Widely distributed in Europe. From the Czech Republic (Bohemia) for the first time recorded by Martinovskj & Bartdk (2000). New for Moravia & Silesia:

Sciophila jakutica Blagoderov, 1992 Material examined. SK: Mald Karpaty Mts., SoloSnica env., 7.7.1994, 110, M. Kozhek leg., MT (~3). D i S t r i b u t i o n . Russia, Finland, Switzerland, East Palaearctic. From thc Czech Republic for the first time recorded by Sev~fk& Martinovsky (1999)- New species for Slovakia.

Sciophila krysheni Polevoi, 200 1 Material examined. Bohemia, Bflina,CNoumek hill, 420m,25.6.- 24.7.1998, 110, M. Bart& kg.,MT (~3). D i S t r i b u t i o n . Finland and Great Britain (Chandler 2004). New species for the Czech Republic and central Europe.

Sciophila limbatella Zetterstedt, 1852 syn. Sciophila robusta (W~nnertz,1863): Landrock, 1913 .Material examined. CZ: Moravia & Silesia. Komorni Lhotka (= Karneral Ellgoth), 8.6.1879, 110, A. Hetschko leg. (MMB). D i S t r i b u t i o n . Widely distributed in Europe, the Near East and Eastern Palaearctic. R e m a r k S. This species was reported from the Czech Republic by Landrock (l913) on the basis of a single female collected in Bflovice near Brno. Laitovka (1987) listed this species as Sciophila robusta (Winnertz, 1863) from the former (Moravia) with a question mark and this species was completely ommited in the checklist by KoSel et al. (1997). This is the first cor- rect record from the Czech Republic.

Sciophila modesta Zaitzev, 1982 Material examined. SK: PovaZsw Inovec Mts., Lllka env., Ihelnfk Nahlre Reserve, 25.4.-3.5.1999, 110, M. Kozdnek leg., MT (IS). D i s t r i b u t i o n . Estonia, Russia, Switzerland, Nearctic region. New for Slovakia.

Sciophila nigronitida Landrock, 1925 Materlel examined. CZ: Bohemia, Sumava~ts.,,,Kyselovskj les" peat-bog, 21.8.- 27.9.1997,110,M. Bartek & J. RohiEek leg., MT (~3);Sob6slav env., PovBiice, 6.5.1998, J. Mica leg., SW (~$1.SK: Pornna Mts., Snohy env., 10.5.1995, 110, M. Kozdliek leg., MT (JS). D i s t r i b U t i on . Holarctic species, widely distributed in Europe. New species for both the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Sciophila nonnisilva Hutson. 1979 Material examined. CZ Bohemia, Vysokd Chvojno, Buky National Nature Reserve, 12.5.-28.5.1998, 110, B. Mwmkleg., MT (13); Moravia & Silesia, Novd Sady nr. Olomouc, 16.vii.1972, 110, J. Martinovskg leg., SW (JS); Podyjl National Park, Terasy, 2.4.-3.5.2003,110, M.Bart& &S. Kubfk leg., MT (13).

D i S t r i b u t i o n. Holarctic species, widely distributed in Europe. From the Czech Republic (Bohemia) for the first time recorded by Martinovsw & Bart& (2000). New for Moravia & Silesia.

Sciophila plurisetosa Edwards. 1921 Material examined. CZ: Moravia & Silesia, Ostrava - Koblov, Landek National Nature Monument, 1 S.2002, 110, J. Sev~fkleg., SW, Ostrava - Michaovim, recultivated mine dump, 11.7.2003, 110, ex fungus Hirneola auricula-judae, J. SevEfk leg., R; Podyjl National Park, Hornl BieBov, 24.7.-29.8.2001, 110, Terasy, 2.4.- 3.5.2003.110, both M. Badk &S. Kubh leg., MT (all JS).

D i S t r i b u t i o n. Great Britain and central Europe, Nemtic region. From the Czech Republic (Bohemia) for the first time recorded by Martinovsky & Bartdk (2000). New for Moravin & Silesia and fist rearing record. Figs. 1-4: Male terrninalia of Sciophila species. I - S. adamsi, 2 - S. antiqua, 3 - S. arizonensis. 4 - S. pseu- dofexuosa.

Scioplrila pserrdofexuosa Kurina, 1991 (Fig. 4) Material examined. CZ: Moravia & Silesia, Bmmovice - Pocheii, 24.7.1999,2/1, ex Luctarius velkreus, J. SevEflc leg., R US); MladeE nr. Olomouc, Tiesln Hill, NE slope, 10.9.1999, 210,J. Martinovskj leg., SW (~$1; Moravskoslezsk6 Beskydy Mts., Bfli env., 17.9.2000, 20, ex Albatrellus ovinus; Polanka nad Odmu, flood- plain forest, 24.viii.1996, 110, 28.ix.1997, 110, SW, Studbnka, pond dam, 9.9.1999, 314, ex Luctarius acerri- mus, all J. Sevck leg., R (~$1.

D i S t r i b U t i o n. A recently described species, known from Estonia, Lithuania and Switzerland (Chandler 2004). New for the Czech Republic and new host records. Sciophila ochracea Stephens in Walker, 1856 Material examined. SK: Bukovskt vrchy Mts., Nova Sedlica, StuZica National Nature Reserve, 14.8.2003, 110, J. &VE&leg., SW; Povdskg Inovec Mts., Ldka env.. 13.-20.9.1999, 110, M. Kozanek leg,, MT (both JS).

D i t r i b U t i o n. Denmark, Finland, France, Gem~any,Russia, Eaqt Palaearctic and Near& region. New for Slovakia.

Sciophila rufa Meigen, 1830 Material examined. CZ: Bohemia, VelkC Popovice. 16.5.1992. 110, yr net. M. Bartik leg. (~$1;Moravia & Silesia, Hrubi Voda nr. Olomouc, 5.7.1976.210,'J. Martinovskg leg. (JS); Stieri nr. Olomouc, floodplainforest, 26.~.1997,2/1,J. SevEl'k leg., YPT (~$1.

D i s t r i b u t i 0 n. Widely distributed in the Palaearctic region. From the Czech Republic (Bohemia) for the first time recorded by Martinovskj & Barta'k (2000) and subsequently by Sevich (2003). New for Moravia & Silesia.

Sciophila silvatica Plotnikova, 1962 Material examined. CZ: Bollemia, Bfina-Holibka, steppe. 24.7.-24.8.1998, 110. M. Bartdk leg.. MT (JS); Moravia & Silesia, Podyjf National Pm$ Braitava-letohridek. 26.3.-33.5.2002, 110, Podmolf env., LiSff skdla, 29.4.-16.5.2001. 110, both M. Bnrt6k & S. Kubfk leg.. MT (~3). D i s t r i b u t i o n. Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, East Palaearctic (Chandler 2004). New for the Czech Republic.

A c k n o W led g e me n t S. This study waq partially supported by the Czech Grant Agency (Grant No. 2061 03lD078). The author is grateful to all collectors for providing with their material.


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OS"] druhir rodu Sciophiln Meigen je poprvt! zaznanlendno z lizerni Cesk6 republiky n 5 druhfi ze Slovenska. DalSich 6 druhi je poprvc! uvedeno z Moravy a Slezska. Piipojeny jsou fotografie smeich termindil Etyi vzdcnfch druhi.

Author's address: RNDr. Jan 3 e v f ik , Ph.D.. Silesian Museum. QrSova 1, CZ 746 46 Opava. Czech Republic, e-mail: [email protected].