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Xlbi Hmcrican ^Ecclesiastical Irevtcw XLbi Hmcrican ^Ecclesiastical IRevtcw A MONTHLY PUBLICATION FOR THE CLERGY Cum Approbatione Superiorum VOL. CXXIX JULY—DECEMBER, 1953 'Ev evl Tvebfxari, pig. ^vxo <TvvaB\ovvT& rfj Tiarei rod evayyeXiov Phil. 1 -27 Published by THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA PRESS Contents of Volume CXXIX JULY Bishop McCormick Joseph Clifford Fenton 1 The Truth About the Holy Shroud Part I Edward A. Wuenschel, C.SS.R. 3 Orestes Brownson and the Motherhood of Mary Edward Day, C.SS.R. 20 The Obligation of Professing the Faith Part II Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R. 28 An Evaluation of the Konnersreuth Controversy Part II James H. Van der Veldt, O.F.M. 38 Quodlibetal Questions. Part III John K. Ryan 58 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS The Problem of Overpopulation 64 Milk for Baptism 65 The Excision of Extra Organs 66 The Lawyer and Mass Bequests 67 Solemn Baptism in a Private Home 67 Holy Saturday Ceremony 68 Holy Communion on Holy Saturday 68 Leonine Prayers 68 Ordo to be Followed 69 Papal Chamberlain Dress 69 Name of Which Bishop in Breviary Precest 69 BOOK REVIEWS Six Social Documents of His Holiness Pope Pius XII 70 Black Robes in Lower California, by Peter Masten Dunne, S.J 71 IV CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXIX AUGUST The God Called Progress Robert Paul Mohan, S.S. 73 Lay Participation in the High School of Religion Jerome J. Hostrich 83 Mary and Russia's Mother-Soil Aidan Carr, O.F.M.Conv. 88 Jottings in Italy Gabriel A. Zema, S.J. 95 The Truth About the Holy Shroud Part II Edward A. Wuenschel, C.SS.R. 100 Quodlibetal Questions. Part IV John K, Ryan 115 The Teaching of the Testem Benevolentiae... .Joseph Clifford Fenton 124 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS The Garb for the Minister of Penance 134 Practice for First Communion 135 The Office Worker and the Eucharistic Fast 135 The Right to Baptize a Convert 136 Benediction on Feast of Sacred Heart 137 Reading the Last Gospel 137 Purifying the Chalice 138 Blessed Sacrament Chapel 138 Altar Bell 138 Benediction with the Ciborium 139 Wearing the Biretta 139 Veni Creator at Confirmation Service 139 Inside Tabernacle Veil 140 Apologies 140 BOOK REVIEWS What America Means to Me, and Other Prayers and Poems, by Fran­ cis Cardinal Spellman 141 The Cana Movement in the United States, by Dr. A. H. Clemens ... 141 Recent Thought in Focus, by Donald Nicholl 142 CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXIX v SEPTEMBER John Henry Newman to John Gilmary Shea /. Richard Quinn 145 Decor Carmeli Igino Cecchetti 149 The Holy Name in the Early Church F. X. Curley, S.J. 152 Orestes Brownson on Salvation and the Church Thomas R. Ryan, C.PP.S. 157 The Truth About the Holy Shroud Part III Edward A. Wuenschel, C.SS.R. 170 Knights of the Altar Timothy J. Sullivan 188 Theology and Nationality Joseph Clifford Fenton 192 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Eucharistic Fast for a Priest 196 Baptismal Record of an Illegitimate Child 196 Indirect Contraception 197 A Case of Bilocation 198 Requiem Mass Problem 198 Holy Communion Outside of Mass 199 Infant's Funeral 199 Mass to be Said 200 Oratio imperata 200 Imitation Candles 201 Pontifical Mass Problems 201 Mass of Thanksgiving 201 Sanctuary Lamp Problem Again 202 Placing Statues in the Church 202 ANALECTA 203 BOOK REVIEWS So Much, So Soon, by Katherine Burton 208 So Near is God, by James M. Gillis, C.S.P 210 The Spiritual Director, by Father Gabriel, O.C.D. 212 The Morality of Prizefighting, by George C. Bernard, C.S.C 213 vi CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXIX OCTOBER Learning to Pray Walter Stehle, O.S.B. 217 Arousing the Zeal of Our People Edward G. Garesche, S.J. 229 Sex Education: The Right and Duty of Parents Henry V. Sattler, CSS.R. 23S Shall We Scrap the Purely Penal Law? John R. Connery, S.J. 244 The Sociologist's "Experimenting in Negations" John E, Coogan, S.J. 254 The Title "Spiritual Vessel" in the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary Joseph Clifford Fenton 265 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Interruption of Holy Mass 271 Proper Ordo in Sisters' Convent 271 Sign of the Cross at the Communion of the Celebrant 272 Cord Rosaries 272 Privileges of a Protonotary Apostolic 272 Kissing the Pontifical Ring 273 A Wedding and the Missa Pro Populo 273 Ringing the Sacristy Bell at the Start of Mass 274 Meat on Friday 274 Voting for a Socialist 275 The Rosary Over the Radio 275 A Marriage Problem 276 ANALECTA 278 BOOK REVIEWS Christ, The Ideal of the Priest, by Abbot Marmion, O.S.B 283 Father Hecker and His Friends: Studies and Reminiscences, by Joseph McSorley, C.S.P 284 Die Lehre von Gott, Erster Band, by Johannes Brinktrine 285 Christian Ethics, by Rev. Leo R. Ward, C.S.C. 287 CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXIX VH NOVEMBER Bishop McEntegart The Staff 289 Toward a Holier Priesthood Cardinal Merry del Vol 290 Monsignor Vincenzo Tarozzi: A Memorable Roman Prelate Igino Cecchetti 295 A Study in Contrasts: Newman and Faber Titus Cranny, S.A. 300 The Presentation of Our Lady Gerard Shyan 314 St. Ignatius and the Collegium Germanicum. .. Clement J. Fuerst, S.J. 317 Hilaire Belloc: An Appreciation James Cassidy 323 Quodlibetal Questions. Part V John K. Ryan 327 The Function of the Seminary Library in the Light of Menti Nostrae Vincent T. Motion, M.M. 331 The Invocation of the Holy Name and the Basic Concept of the Cath­ olic Church Joseph Clifford Fenton 343 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Funeral Masses 3S0 Altar Boys' Cassocks 350 Ciborium Veil 351 Altar Steps 351 Communion Cloth 352 Mass Ceremonies 353 Indulgenced Prayers 353 Books on Indulgences 354 Non-Catholic Funerals in Church 354 Is It Natural Water? 355 BOOK REVIEWS The Moral Obligation of Voting, by Titus Cranny, S.A 356 Joseph and Jesus, by Francis L. Filas 358 Serving Low Mass, by Cuthbert Goeb, O.S*B 360 Funeral Mass and Burial Service, by Cuthbert Goeb, O.S.B. 360 viii CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXIX DECEMBER What Happened to the Potawatomi ? Joseph Karol, S.J. 361 The Historical Backgrounds and Theology of Mediator Dei Part I Albert F. Kaiser, C.PP.S. 368 The Holy Father's Manifesto Richard Klaver, O.S.C. 379 Quodlibetal Questions. Part VI John K. Ryan 384 Our Lady's Year Joseph Clifford Fenton 388 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Blessing New Tabernacle 394 Bell at Holy Mass 394 Distributing Holy Communion 395 Breviary Problem 395 Ceremonies for Lay Folk 395 Leonine Prayers, Omitted or Said ? 396 Proper Procedure in Church 396 Sacrosanctae After the Divine Office 397 The Principal Meal on a Fast Day 398 Patent-Medicine Advertising 399 Some Pastoral Problems 399 ANALECTA. The Text and the English Translation of the Encyclical Fulgens corona gloriae 402 BOOK REVIEWS Saints Westward, by Donald Attwater 428 In Christ, by William Grossouw __. 428 Stone in the King's Highway, by Bishop Raymond A. Lane 429 Marian Studies. Volume IV 432 The Springs of Silence, by Madeline de Frees 432 Edward Leen, C.S.Sp., by Michael O'Carroll, C.S.Sp 434 INDEX TO VOLUME CXXIX 437 BOOKS REVIEWED AND NOTICED 440 .
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