THE BERTRAND RUSSELL SOCIETY QUARTERLY Double Issue Numbers 125-126 / February-May 2005 l}liRTRAND RUSSELL AND THE COLD WAR Published by The Bertrand Russell Society with the Suiiport of Lehman College -City University of New York Tin BERTRAND Rl/SSTELL SoCIETy Ql/ARTERLy is the official organ of the THE BERTRAND RUSSELL SOCIETY QUARTERLY Bcrtrand Russell Society. Tt publishes Society News and Proceedings, and articles on the history of analytic philosophy, especially those pertaining to Double Issue Russell's life and works, including historical materials and reviews of Numbers 125-126 / February-May 2005 rcccnt work on Russell. Scholarly articles appearing in the ga/czrfcr/); are riccr-rcviewed. EDITORS: Rosalind Carey and John Ongley. BERTRAND RUSSELL AND THE COLD WAR ASSoCIA'rE EDITOR: Ray Perkins Jr. EDiTORIAL AsslsTANT: Cony Hotnit EDITORIAL BOARD CONTENTS Rosalind Carey, Lehman College-CUNY John Ongley, Edinboro University of PA Raymond Perkins, Jr. , Plymouth State University In This Issue Christopher Pincock, Purdue University Society News David Hyder, University of Ottawa Anat Biletzki, Tel Aviv Univer`sity Feature SuL}MlssloNS: All communications to the BerfrczHc7 jiwssc// Sot.i.cty £Ji/c/r/cJr/y, including manuscripts, book reviews, letters to the editor, etc., Bertrand Russell as Cold War Propagandist t`hould be sent to: Rosalind Carey, Philosophy Department, Lehman AN[)REW BONE (Tollcgc-CUNY, 250 Bed ford Park Blvd. West, Bronx, NY 10468, USA, or by email to:
[email protected]. Review Essay Sl)l}sl`RlpTloNS: The BRS gwczr/er/y is free to members of the BertTand Rii*scll Society. Society membership is $35 a year for individuals, $40 for Russell studies in Germany Today.