Modified and (BS): (18FTDBS-18FTDFAS)

FRESHMAN YEAR Fall Semester Credit Spring Semester Credit ENG101 Academic Writing & ResearchH 4 D101 II 2 D102 & Context I 3 FTD 200 Design Skills Workshop2 3 TT 105 Intro to Textile Technology 3 D103 Design Culture & Context IIG 3 D100 DesignThinking IG 2 MA 131 Calculus for Life & Mgmnt Sciences 3 FTD 104 First Year Studio I 4 A,3 T101 Intro to College of 2 FTD 105 First Year Studio II 4 18 HES_*** Health & Exercise Studies CourseE 1 16

SOPHOMORE YEAR Fall Semester Credit Spring Semester Credit FTD 201 Computer-Aided Textile Design & 6 FTD 216 Fashion Workroom Practices 3 Color Studio2 FTM 217 The Textile Industry 3 FTD 215 Fashion Design I 3 TT 252 Formation & Structure of Textile PY205& PY 206/211 Physics for Engineers & Fabrics 4 Scientists I/College Physics IB 4 HES_*** Health & Exercise Studies CourseE 1 TT221 Production & Properties I 2 FTD 218 Fashion 3 ADN 281 Basic Drawing 3 FTM 317 Computer-Aided-Design for Apparel 3 MA 132 Computational Mathematics for Life & Management SciencesA 1 18 18

JUNIOR YEAR Fall Semester Credit Spring Semester (Study Abroad) Credit CH 101 Chemistry-A Molecular ScienceB 3 MA 231 Calculus for Life & Mgmnt Sciences 3 CH 102 General Chemistry LabB 1 B A,3 FTD 319 Fashion Design II 3 ST 361 Intro to Statistics for EngineersA or TMS 211 Intro to ScienceB 3 ST 311 or ST 350 or ST 370 3 FTD 321 Fashion Design by Draping 3 GEP Social Science ElectiveD 3 GEP Additional Breadth RequirementF 3 FTM 282 Intro to Textile Management & Marketing 3 16 GEP Humanities ElectiveC 3 15

SENIOR YEAR Fall Semester Credit Spring Semester Credit Approved 500- course in Textiles 3 TTM587 Advanced Fashion Collection FTM 310 Entrepreneurship & New Product 3 Studio, or Development in Textiles Two Approved 500-level class in Textiles 6 PCC 302 Technology of Textile Wet 4 GEP Social Sciences ElectiveD 3 Processing GEP Humanities ElectiveC 3 Approved 500-level class in Textiles 3 13 12

Minimum Credit Hours Required for Graduation*: 126 i,j,k Footnotes: Major/Program Footnotes:

1. FTD Advised Elective: TT 451, TT 341, TT 321, FTD, FTM 220, FTM 3**, FTM 4**, or College of Design Course 2. Must be completed with a grade of C- or better 3. MA 141 is an acceptable substitute for MA 131. MA 241 is an acceptable substitute for MA 231.

*General Education Program (GEP) requirements and GEP Footnotes:

To complete the requirements for graduation and the General Education Program, the following category credit hours and co-requisites must be satisfied.

University approved GEP course lists for each of the following categories can be found at

A. Mathematical Sciences (6 credit hours – one course with MA or ST prefix) Choose from the University approved GEP Mathematical Sciences course list or the following course(s) if completed as part of the Major requirements may fulfill part or all of this requirement: MA 141 for MA 131 and 132; MA 241 for MA 231, ST 311 or ST 350 or ST 361 or ST 370

B. Natural Sciences (7 credit hours – include one laboratory course or course with a lab) Choose from the University approved GEP Natural Sciences course list or the following course(s) if completed as part of the Major requirements may fulfill part or all of this requirement: CH 101, CH 102, PY 211 or PY 205, TMS 211

C. Humanities (6 credit hours selected from two different disciplines/course prefixes) Choose from the University Approved GEP Humanities course list or the following course(s) if completed as part of the Major requirements may fulfill part of all of this requirement:

D. Social Sciences (6 credit hours selected from two different disciplines/course prefixes) Choose from the University approved GEP Social Sciences course list or the following course(s) if completed as part of the Major requirements may fulfill part or all of this requirement:

E. Health & Exercise Studies (2 credit hours – at least one 100-level Health & Exercise Studies Course) Choose from the University approved GEP Health & Exercise Studies course list.

F. Additional Breadth (3 credit hours to be selected from the following checked University approved GEP course lists) _X_ Humanities/Social Sciences/Visual and Performing Arts or ___ Mathematical Sciences/Natural Sciences/

G. Interdisciplinary Perspectives (5-6 credit hours) Choose from the University approved GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives course list or the following course(s) if completed as part of the Major requirements may fulfill part or all of this requirement: D100, D103

H. Introduction to Writing (4 credit hours satisfied by completing ENG 101 with a C- or better)

The following Co-Requisites must be satisfied to complete the General Education Program Requirements: I. U.S. Diversity (USD) Choose from the University approved GEP U.S. Diversity course list or choose a course identified on the approved GEP course list as meeting the U.S. Diversity (USD) co-requisite. The following course(s) completed as part of the Major requirements may fulfill this requirement: None

J. Global Knowledge (GK) Choose from the University approved GEP Global Knowledge course list or choose a course identified on the approved GEP course list as meeting the Global Knowledge (GK) co-requisite. The following course(s) completed as part of the Major requirements may fulfill this requirement: None

K. Foreign Language Proficiency – Proficiency at the FL 102 level is required for graduation