Architecture and Urbanism

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Architecture and Urbanism APHRODISIAS BIBLIOGRAPHY Aphrodisias Monographs Smith, R.R.R. 1993. Aphrodisias I: The Monument of C. Julius Zoilos. Mainz am Rhein: von Zabern. Smith, R.R.R, Dillon, S., Hallett, C., Lenaghan, J., and van Voorhis, J. 2006. Aphrodisias II: Roman Portrait Sculpture from Aphrodisias. Mainz am Rhein: von Zabern. Brody, L. 2007. Aphrodisias III: The Aphrodite of Aphrodisias. Mainz am Rhein: von Zabern. Linant de Bellefonds, P. 2009. Aphrodisias IV: The Mythological Reliefs from the Agora Gate. Mainz am Rhein: von Zabern. Ratté, C. and De Staebler, P. D. (eds.) 2012. Aphrodisias V. The Aphrodisias Regional Survey. Darmstadt/Mainz am Rhein: von Zabern. () Smith, R.R.R. 2013. Aphrodisias VI. The marble reliefs from the Julio-Claudian Sebasteion at Aphrodisias. Darmstadt: von Zabern. Stinson, P. 2016. Aphrodisias VII. The Civil Basilica. Weisbaden: Reichert. De Chaisemartin, N. and Theodorescu, D. 2016. Aphrodisias VIII. 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