6.12. Unidentified Male Statue Base Showing Signature of Glykon of Dokimeion from Antonine Nymphaeum at Sagalassos
6.12. Unidentified male statue base showing signature of Glykon of Dokimeion from Antonine nymphaeum at Sagalassos. Photo: author. 6.13. Map of Pisidian Antioch environs. Barrington Atlas 2000. 377 6.14. Pisidian Antioch urban plan. Courtesy Gazda and Ng 2011. 378 6.15. Pisidian Antioch limestone quarries. Photo: author. 6.16. Head of Augustus from imperial cult complex at Pisidian Antioch (Istanbul Archaeological Museum). Photo: author. 379 6.17. Cornelia Antonia from Mên Askaênos sanctuary at Pisidian Antioch (Istanbul Archaeological Museum). Photo: author. 380 6.18. Zeus statue signed by Menandros from Dokimeion at Pisidian Antioch. Photo: author. 381 TABLES 382 3.1. Aphrodisias Regional Survey: Isotopic results from marble quarry samples. 383 3.2. Aphrodisias Regional Survey: Archaeological samples. 384 385 386 4.1. Measurements of monolithic columns from Dokimeion. 387 5.1. Archaeological samples from Terrace House 2/31 in Ephesus. 388 BIBLIOGRAPHY J. Adam, Roman Building (London 1994). G. Adornato (ed.), Scolpire il Marmo: Importazioni, Artisti Itineranti, Scuole Artistiche nel Mediterraeneo Antico (Milan 2010). W. Alzinger, “Ritzzeichnungen in den Marmorbrüchen von Ephesos,” Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts in Wien 48 (1966–1967) 61-72. J. Anderson, Roman Architecture and Society (Baltimore 1997). A. Andreoli, F. Berti, L. Lazzarini, R. Benoit, “New Contributions on Marmor Iassense,” in L. Lazzarini (ed.), ASMOSIA VI (2002) 13-18. F. Antonelli, L. Lazzarini, S. Cancelliere, D. Dessandier, “Minero-petrographic and Geochemical Characterization of ‘Greco Scritto’ Marble from Cap de Garde, near Hippo Regius (Annaba, Algeria),” Archaeometry 51.3 (2009) 351-365. _________, L. Lazzarini, and S. Cancelliere, “On the White and Coloured Marbles of the Roman Town of Cuicil (Djemila, Algeria), Archaeometry 54.2 (2010) 575-596.
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