J r , 4 i':'Q, 1 f I ' P F.r C t D Y 'h .'i0 iJrLf-JD:Lia,a i' ï}'Cr ilTn"i CìC"Pï îî+' I fr . IIj LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA Bib iothèque et Archives Canada I4°1 OR. A.ln.S I I II II I I I III I I i 3 3286 53876747 2 p i'`'t' - a' et "I J-.Pigr: 7

L, rar7 rchives Newspape aìià . imper Collec" 395 Wellington tion North America's #1 `Native W St. e Ottawa, ON K I A ON4 Norm's Golf for Grads Tournament_ Pub. No. 40016309 I Is ...See Page 16 Reg No. 10963 Okarahshona kenh Onkwehonwene, Six Nations of the Grand Wednesday ,wry 23, 2008 `Boots' calls on Six Nations to back him up ..,. rr p Brantford's Hampton Inn Y. development next target on *,4 t I protester's sights $i 1 1' By Mark Ladan Writer BRANTFORD -The city is about to lose another multi-mil- lion dollar development with Six Nations threats of shutting down the Hampton Inn project. Since the July .14 arrest of a Six struction site. Nations man at a construction site Between five and 10 Six Nations in Brantford's northwest end, people have been camped out at the things have been pretty quiet. end of Fen Ridge Court, near the I But they could heat up again later Kingspan Insulated Panels con-

this week, when a handful of Six struction site, since July 11. A r . V` Nations people plan to force a shut- teepee that was at the site was t lEFiICA + " down of the Hampton Inn con- pAh' (Continued on page 3) * EFENCE LEAGI ION NNUAL BORDEA CROSSIf appoints new rep to !,~'OUNOED ì RICKARO IN 1926 BY 111E -LATE CH1F1, "'7 r Six Nations talks it ir TORONTO- A man who r helped create the Territory of r1 r amfromfrofrfr Nunavut in 1999 is now On- iJ A tarios lead negotiator in talks a-.. t: 1114111111141 to settle Six Nations f.") land claims. took place this past weekend with a large Six Thomas Molloy, who was Canada's The 81st Indian Defence League's border crossing celebration Nations component that had been missing in recent years. See story on page 4. (Photo by Edna Gooder) chief negotiator in the Nunavut Tito talks, replaces Murray Coolican, who retired from the position Mohawk activist 'shocked' police tapped (Continued I 2) on Thursday. ,... fro lawyer brother's phone Inside M By Colin Perkel home and tell him," Brant said. Evidence that emerged at pre-trial i'm lour it - PRESS He obviously couldn't believe hearings for Brant revealed that Local 2 THE CANADIAN Ontario Provincial Police used Editorial 6 t 't C TORONTO -A Mohawk activist at it." wiretaps to eavesdrop Sports .9 AL' Angus the heart of a blockade that forced Greg Brant was a band councillor emergency a with the Tyendinaga Mohawk First on four people, Brant, his brother , Visit Six Nations .12 the closure of major Ontario a two friends. r ; Careers 18 I highway and rail line last year said Nation near Deseronto, Ont., and and Classified 22 Tuesday he was dismayed to learn school teacher who became a Of those, only Brant himself has Business Directory 23 4 provincial police tapped the phone lawyer. been charged. Price $1.25 i of his brother, a prominent and Shawn Brant said his brother's ap- Use of emergency wiretaps need for court ap- tt well- regarded lawyer. proach to resolving land claims has negated the negotiating table across proval, Daily news updates aN- In an interview, Shawn Brant said been at the would never www.theturtleislandnews.com his brother Greg had never been from government representatives, something he said .Y in the land not on the streets. He said he could- have been granted in his brother's involved any of -claim 01> . J protests that coincided with a n't understand why police dragged case. n6' national day of aboriginal protest him into the protest situation. "There's no judge in the area that in June 2007. "We're on opposite sides of the would have signed a warrant for a "I was actually completely fence on many issues," Brant said. tap on my brother's phone," Brant 282 Argyle St. shocked and it was difficult for me "I don't share his political be- said. (Continued on page 2) 0 74470 04551 ' 9 Caledonia to actually have to go down to his liefs." ats - a Vr.1 004 lJ -1 -0 J1. .:A ¿iflLi1W1 ; !JI?J .1 ,¿r "." 49 cc Bike $225 -1 AP- - 49 cc Crotch Rocket $225 _NY - 110 Small AN no rack $600 wi ' -t 110 Small ATV with rack $675 110 Big ATV with rack $800 e Z+ l 106 .it '~° . J 110 Racing ATV $800 a 250 Bike $1,500 ri i r' 150 ATV $1,300 380 ATV with tow, reverse $3000 - . 250 ATV $2000. 3e4- Çl1éfswóodl"Ád` -(r`,'áPa1reLlne). 514144.50S-5-

i S f JTTI,Tlap n . L

ulv 21, 2008 Jury 23, Alga Community eeting W W W.THETURTLEISLANDNE W S.COM LOCAL ROSS streaming A Six Nations Police Officer rushed to the rescue Watch our Turtle Newscasts! Podcasting ! Drunk ds bears and fork The STd N officer NliowedNe leer Leah any. Highway 54 where when, off duty, h meen)mp Cherokee spotted Soave a residence on Sixth the driver s placed under rat We're streaming native news all the Line Rod by driving through a ditch Saturday (July 19) Charged impaired is Local a time! driver kith miry William Errol Hill, 271111 was released The v then almost rt rock collided with amuck on the roadway and nearly hit en a promise to appear in Brantford taboo i a pedestrian. arrested Fantino tells Brant "your world will come crashing down! Wyvadde lar Donna In theuarnatptb Fanon tellsfmm he shwld elver be Ir suas on the day (Continued from film, las alto frai' donna of action, Protesters, calling for help to shut down hotel development ably havedledon him.mign but Fandno will do "everything l can within your Brant is facing nine dag. Mc- lime 29,.'007 that Ikd,. oral hen. C some sitcoms in the action cmmfatfy and everywhere else to do fini protest, which /GOntmuedfinm from) however, CAN Baas had ...Moor. with. fenil the Foam aerial to bras Ont., moved to a vacant he would like to see more Six Na- T endimge Mohawk Fins seoy yomnputndrm' andth..is wmW closure of a portion of Highway 401, NN 225 b beside the the lions come would "cm down" the Canada's "landpa[ecmn" next tatgct people ont and help the brim mar Dasmm, Ont., and arias if NAM highway, arila CN misonally takeover 'goaotmsmad -the starMffwith pokedoesnhcome man the blockade. Hampmn Inn development scMOl mach.whobecane a tel hone lkc.mfbkapoor TM1 anion has been led Steve "Ieshopmng that M' gs would ha Shawn B rent said his brother's ap- Brun had barmoo 00g 00000g aedo OPP M Caledonia protester released on bail "Boots" Powders While he and peke up link more goiNly,- m resolving land has Ali.. who code also Fat pert dame f said. other00oaFuìmspwpdc sat nmthe Powka'z "Andhrepeople would Aaaapwa.g amours fm A CANNON, Ont -A high- profile Six Nations protester charged after a 2007 NAions c... another mcmmmm A TOesday morning a small °Pentheheyc. cos ham had success lotion hat the govemrv.rt moremmtivec to orme I blockade in Caledonia was granted bail on Monday. cameo.. bob in mew of about 10 that the bob down de not Skyler Whams, 25, was charged with three recognizance and Ippnvasb inquiry. men continued to Meets. He said he Nuldno understand raring Tharp., has, worked MAN le why lice dmggedhimrmotheporea[ probationary conditions, but one charge was withdrawn. On Sad., Brmo's lawyer Peter - Williams was charged in the blockade ofa bypass in Caledonia. Rosenthal k.sm. a review

f F.nbs N d algal the "We apposite sales of te fe It was closed from April 25 to April 29 b support of a Mohawk dispute d anus provincial police pro ..spend Famino and on many - Brent said 'I don't wait Deseronto, Ont. share. poG dluleB" The 'Lodge gave strict conditions Willi including invatg00000 comments. "If so üody does read diet missed, videnceOrelemerged aerial hear- ,mg outside Caledonia and house arrest except in certain circumstances. wt ings b Brant revealed barb Williams is scheduled to appear in coon again on Aug. A who's aware o,lt,o,0sb. Provincial Police ualaiiagaeywir amino by would remplie Nat there's day E and. a national ofpmestby Npstoeasresdmp day InN. ger Mellowing Fanen°to. r has admiral hit axing ON MNmticscallingwtiv NANO gov- ilia last Ore M hml m e OPP Rosenthal m i d. on fonrpeepk, Bract bribed - of " .°Meads p.cefidemxlto OCSUnofi"seakx for ennrrnitofire FarNno,PrenierrAhon The inquiry was called to probe the "The drags we talk about is life and itself" his Mm of Dudley whose Offer only Brina NINA, has been Malay rival oral rob. Crap ad, ebb. mLon&B4Ot. on Tuesday. Prea dry...ten controvers ial comnùs bab Oboe.1995 atOchan sof. Ommio lie afnscbpts of the wnxpandcoos WHAM, who lien sa. Provincial Police Useofairag x, wbempsitegaudOa B°it°° f^r°ny were made available ally defended the emmrsvrt, ud his "Ws rely Cast ua rarefied ncterMnngahatoffalpper- Ater and the roof for barb. fr War byes for Brant CBC goys.'...... M.db fue.notWSOm the lm wash Provmcid Park hen come to rem successfully had rang he said would never Fave ...Ph'', the publication Inn ..panag winnow the moment to pass gulf been gmntdinhisbmNcr'e .adcpoioiu of Judgem.aon ara. bob between poke IiPed Friday _ but 5 ores a sha0Ovd aboriginal community. Commissioner Fantino;' and First case McGuinry Ontario, Amory. Crown Iaw,en convinced the "llam'.rnjadBCin NCrvathmuxnuld If Brant ¢wmimed ataiaLwhich is NB Nations. Ontario Comof000 mtemporeidy Armen. to wan in he not going to speak a matter have sigadavvwmtlitnap on my Maury, tires W "I'm to Korma accudFrmnm of trOng stay. .onto wing. rob, promu:" Brae cdd "They to 12 pm in prism. N th.f the mana; wlwtlmu ay. negotiate a volatile wilt ln. Iy earlyYtd fo.o however,Ore same o week witht,whohevery day NatComnissionerFanmmmmmnesm gageea lled"INpaneapram."di J°dgeapb ..erse Oc He was charged over the Mohawk hase dm "Nhn. decision and Ne Gag firent who has Nailed a lawyer -plbo"sot infonnenonwaome prom do rlu full confidence. long again Aowod dti3Oan mold not be 1pdi. b ryhaswatkd nary. berate for down Highway all and CN RAI m and hind under Farviro, however. mid "Nee MANN immNisely coached Mona soy ants IWk Onadio Wren OVOUgltasrm andantadmshnaverylrngtimemw MIyet oNmme Although N Thal "of 0t ended extremely rare, iuesfs .'Nan Faabibptabd...t.bbaJb Ndm ma. esW.r my. o.d... Ontario mdhehamyi. at" bobs rob for nrif nil ants an be rade w.ma orne paÍy 9 barb horn on the aefnive for she m/ eCmnween9n.d 'Iv eey.ee.a.d/ merwdNPwRwe (homo Police Commis Fabt.pydmdc Serb fim "The OPP wok colleu m in court M"ernemency" si.. his do Nero Personally in Para abbe on July OP (Photo by Mark Laden) doer wu.laaa. Mike his fonce ofmromnuavbyas±h,! truly with Nid moira Nan Shawl', Amaral, with the hehayskpoamt legitimate.. a. lent if it's just talk matthe it's time they NmeMing is happening almost MAN, thgh lefa don job issue Monday v he jMN dis for his month ceder by a public inquiry Nathat Nation' leadership comm..s to Inmost casts, pubhmion bans an psi bMeven thugh hoo.ymarnane- stopped talking and star. doing Nemslikeits up.memgo and stop pose coo be. Under mur law we're taud abo fainel comma in was both the Cg hewing am intended to pro- bonkx hereon the scene andin MI bray senmtlting" the thing and if I need back up, summed too protecting our land IMMpts ofecrddrkSaomm titi with dNBalMn AMPetr of participants during lawful Im.eE Sect an accused, right. a torrniai. regular Nntacmirn Brant Dare Saab and -.SJeymi brew et be We eck PowkmswdersunM thatomreason thry'm going to ware and las rot. all da" p4,eisofniiFr Kaann arid Pon and public safety an be He as aria. during pcOOBO y MWyaaoak people might not becoming out in T 0,'oalhont alit can count on them Powlea seemed in good spidtssdll. AAA aldin became put Kamm. OO hair its 000, boom ebb way paaible," Fan- despite tt for almost two B that he MI 1MmenN b the bets he h. hoped fo has to ght % oral mont, bras pane las[ go," Kmmw said of Fantmo. "He ANNA.mid. rib the lawyer a minhhs carmr do with work and personal t-w!"- week. He said the only R Pittsis week when an ma(pnoff- ageinpub is tit Ian heM1elpaifah Bannsaid .B he Mhos p t I. swung moho, bimodal, Oration boor' Shawn Ninth Ina recording of wiadtq made pub- poor Menu. think toward th fitime, seeing h grandpa NOON, rolls INN. Seto wok Fare. Oresaal Bra., bib. I would this going further, 'l'm use ploy sit orad. I an disappointed thut this matter is ON Mohawk blockade dick ame we're go [o sum b think h neryda f lams coo han beNg portrayed by sm. m die media going in 20 30 he N

1 he Meal was as a he and "Veer whole world's gulag Orb ...Ng .aid 120 yea0, if Ns is allowed to Pawl aed that since oft, than tlx ...maul negotiation ot?"- erNhing told Mm. t°7--e7z continue, theses no 0 er what the others set up amp on Pen Ripe in.mtiw and p-amiulnba tin Man munse horn cdtics argue N already mmnlal impact is going to be Coon Pk,. been a pacefad aernon- andpmnUy oktibáhaMr, "Farùro Thank You to the Dreamcatchers for their volatile situ.. could have maul. on ompeople (m Six 008,0 " s motion. He mid oho even when bisects n said Maranon support of another championship and gold also mid he is waiting for Wok um hoya ..by Pork. "--rd. achievement coma form HaW.tosamtee Mena en 1,14.da Se Amber Davis, °member on- backup its - meat, Y m . C'mfBr. dwhatifany, f Iaao ®d miio a Oktiommg r toOka td. Ontario replaces rep Vanessa Squire travelled to Surrey B.C., with ,-¿RFÿ members might provide when the iu tied h tine0000 wulutdowsett Hemp with Sixty COns,ria. pan as my ma raw mmvA.m/rm5 the Brantford Bobcats for the Canada Cup Mine fC Fen M10616ford on they abut. Asia ,aa,,@0 r ml llve men's Risks International Womens Fast Pitch Showcase Nnq rumor taros,. Mark lima shalt m v-smsmmkfon Caoli

July 23, 2008 Jdy27algku MAWS Er 4 _ LOCAL LOCAL Richard Smoke, 19 ,of r Sam Mala report to OPP every He is not to mend within Third Oyt,sw: kaye the _ earl the hail. a-o asks, Noon from the awn of Caledonia arrest in Cayuga coudslh,etA owed last' m Sanitetise directly unless selsepaaid by Hundreds turn out for 81st Annual Free Border flanked and Leanly etwa. with Sam Gaulti sri Dom - hisgrandpaOW He is to his gmMparegrandparents, ta, after Ile assault aRt :.ansNrdelr.t. nc (waled. E C Hellll renuln vO taso awl being released on im of builder Sam and Dwayne Davies and not to possess any {R1' Crossing Celebration across Niagara gorge 820,000.00 bail and his Gaultmi of Hamilton. Ile with Bryon Powless. firearms. ea....A + By Edna J Goode, Wm the mead bridge and made baby contest and the crowning of in order Nair way through the steel barriers the new 2008 -2009 Miss IDLA á Turtle Island News editor wins international journalism NIAGARA NEW YORK. as U.S. border guards stood re- Jesse Anthony, Onondaga Beaver scholarship is of Mica many dressed ',malty by The parade took Clan of Sic Nations. Jesse said she 4' DETROIT MICHIGAN. Talk LL math, body at its confer.,fer. e malt braved the heat and h. ahem hour to complete and then wise continue the exceptional ex- lard News publisher/edio r Lynda raonetsa Detroit, Michigan earlier T Powless has become the in- this month. middy ,e they emcee, across Ne mmehers and spectators alike made ample set by last year's Miss IDLA g4'_ first if digenous to receive the Powless joined editors i.M Whirlpool Bridge diningduring the st their way to Hyde Park to continue Dakota Brant because it was journalist over 200 "1, mown Waling Scholarship pre- from around the world at the con - Annual Free Bonder Crossing Cele- the day's celebration awl what a Dakotas eloquent and passionate Tir II seneyeeWannually ly the tmcnmtmal Sows that among outer thin. re. bration sponsored by the Indian De- celebration because erne dawn words that spurred her into action Sentry of Weekly Newspaper Pài- viewed the weekly newa-wpers and fame League America. The pour in the late afternoon dirt and she hopes to encourage other 1 Saturday. dampen the spirit of the day. At the young people to stand up and have Manual celebration held t IsNeAo. mI.* July 19th ace mach park the aroma of corn soup, In- their voices heard. en Lloyd Elm 4 a aneq..+ . i.

AJS ) h July 23. ZOOS I .EM.- duly 23.2.1N "`'RE "° COMMENTARY 16H T LOCAL m... By Jamie Lewis cowca.Daxator was arrests) 18, onlana 7108 after hJe.mm.c,

J July 2, 2008 July 23. 20PS Wouldyou like to be on the Elders Page? GOT SPORTS Not Iln1e Contact Joy NEWS? n:9irtp xúr-`a, call SCOTT Quee n at i' COVERAGE e Elders Page 519-445-0868 (5t9) See -ae68 oIeonl SPORTS 1osnns.aawa reA, 7r., 1_

!t, M,A Tadao lake and Oneida of the Thames. A w a r d W i n n i n g s o s t i s `International' visitors to elders' 0,0m Memnon says they plan to visit About two dozen elders from Ak- the Slue Fut in Syracuse later this cos made the almost Offki10- summer to connect with elders Strawberry Social more journey to Six Nations last from territories In upstate Not week f the Elders' Network York.and the fall they travel Rebels advance to Social. to Wane Mohawk Territory conference final nwhm,

Group spokesperson Margie Thompson, the trips re also C By Scott hell Thompson said the tripes made way to reconnect with family nom- Single points were by Many Sports Reporter Sill (IG), specifically for the luncheon ,not. hors who have moved to other ter- Clark Robinson (IO} Jamieson part of longer tour of the area. She Works. Andy (I A), Chancy After having their 42 -game lohnon OA), and Innate . and ifs a way for can from k- -Two are family members every- winning streak snapped last Thomas (IAA weatme to keep in touch withl old- whet go." Thompson said. Tuesday night In Windsor, the Six Melt Forest Glade Arena, this en other -We t cKahnawakc.Kan stgake. Nations Rebels rebounded to take past Sunday night, the Rebels. We decided this is this mat to p, Oneida and it seems like then the next two games against the who had some them fans in ,other reserves to interact, so that somebody from they of AKO Fratmen and win the best- atcndancc thanks to a fen bus to can have mhos native people already. So. we tau mens with One of the main attractions at a.- fisc Western Conference semi. I loo much 6r Windsor m corset out rose well just t.r seniors and mowwthem VOeunkSUawleern oCA/ fool series 3- games -to-1. hndle. the elders "Thompson said. t o come tsAkus'a.ne." s Juneere lb wv sfrawberrypunch, 'II was bound to happen. I The Rebels led 3 -0 after the The group fromAltos.e has al- aM with feed. trawbenre_ think it did more for us men it did first period and 8 -2 after the sec- ready visited Kahwde.m Kano. I/Ind, Ay Morn Laden) -tlsict for them," said Rebels head cow I reed Both teams scored twice in Stew Monture on having the win. the thin period. nine streak snapped. '1t was s Randy Johnson was solid wake-up call" between the pipes making 36 The Rebels won game dons sasOS to get the win. u last Friday night by a score of l Rebels were led Alex Kdoh (left) Elders dig into the main J and won game four this pow Hill (3G, IA) and Cody badman 116 course at the Strawberry Social on Sic "'Mims Mona Swots, left, presmreda special plague In Grand Sunday 10 -4. I I F 3A) with four points each. June 26 at the Community Hall. With last Tuesday being July River Enterprises (GRO) president Steve aWes el the Elder's Net- Dolan Johns (IG IA), Marty (Photo by Mark laden) 15, it was the work anon, anal on June 26 at the Sir Nations Cnmmuni5 Hal( same date one 3. Hill (14 IAA captain SW Out ORE donates water for each of the Elders .Network even &'Xenophon, ago in which the Rebels suffered (IG IA) and Andy lamlesam (2A) Oupmin 9u /H maws Pass fin his brother Mom HUI e ernaeerS Grant Sokon eek/ stays close their last defeat when they lost a had two points apiece. Me year. (Photo by Jim C Poetess) Dy. (P5ot0 by Scott Haul Western Conference semi -final Single points weir by game to the Owen Sound Rams. before a crowd of 650 last Friday Moon provided some insight few weer he aid. "nor con Haywood. Tlroma (IG), Jason (f, 22 (100). Randy Johnson made ayes night, the Rebels played well to on the four players (Aka Kedah jump right in" Johns (I G), Clark Robinson t,/.1rl to take the loss. put Windsor on the brink admen- Hill, Jason and Jeremy Johns, and Randy Minn made 33 ayes Jeremy Johns (IA), Jesse Johnson Alex Kedah Hill (3G) and Mike Miller) the have rearmed to mean the win. OA), Chancy Johnson CIA) and

TELFER May Hill (3A) had three -point ant The Rebels led 3 -1 after the the team from Corp.., nosh Sm Hill (2O IA) and Alex Kraig Mane 1 PLACE peeademet meo Retirement Residence games. opening period and led 7-4 after Columbia, where they competed Kali HUI (1G 2w) nad three- Jeremy Johns (2A) and mike Iwo period. for the bronze medal winning point d the way. Mohawks ho vè et to stn 245 Grand River Street North, Pads Ontario N3L 3V8 M1e playoffs Miller (2A) had two pouts each Both tams scored three timesene, Nanorals at the 2008 Jeremy Johns (2G). Cody Johnson -6724 Game one the best -of-five Tel: (519) 442 -4411 Fax: 15191442 Stu Hill (1000 Chancy Johnson to the third stanza. Under 19 Men's World Field (1O IA), Kraig Mmacle (1G IAA of Conference final goes Website'. www.retirementresidence5 can (100), Brent sodw(1G), Cody another rough game with Lacrosse Championships- Jordan Johnson OG IA), Darryl Western Down this Friday at the GPA et 8 p.m. Email. tefa®cpodpes con Cruisin Johnson NIA), and gape Randy de teem combining for 99 con. "There's a rust spots but Hill (2A), and goalie Randy Matson (IA) all had a point each. um in penalties that were mostly that co with the territory of Johnson (IA) all had two points .She rider. aloha Steals, newt a gift from )coni. Thompson et the Grand At the Gaylord Fowles Arena, handed out in the third period being out of the box game for a each. the Eld ers'..h \"etwo,R Strawberry Social on June 26 at the Six Nation 16, 2008 @ Community Hall. Thompson and aaoo rnr dozen other elders from AA- Open Tuesday to Friday August Dr. Rick P. Wiers . e who made especial trip to S4 Nations last week for the social. sad.yre Iroquois Lodge / Obsweken OPTOMETRIST -pm (Photo by Jimmy C. Fowles) M a. Registatlion 9-11

Complete Opten. r, E . Entertainment 12-2 Two Feathers ZEHRS PLAZA Money in Minutes... Awards at 2 Comps Lenses Coffins & Caskets 322 Argyle St. Soot Glosses a Au Welcome Caledonia 765 -1971 Anyone, Anywhere Si or ....l.lä GM, Ford, Mope , Brand X M....a 'w.ra.rw. and Truck Classes. d Puraani.n.. ofthelturm4mn r i 1 -800- -8033 Antiques, Customs, Muscle Short on cash? Call 973 Cars, Race Cars, 4x4, Low 519-933-6922 AMBULATORY or go to wwm tloanexpress.bizand www.twofeatherscuffins.com Riders, Trucks, etc. FOOTWEAR INC. Receive Funds Immediately! Family Eyecare & Eyewear 6 Olsen Court, Dundas, ON L9H 4L3 Have the money deposited into your account. Dr. Annette /. Delio 14. e, Health Care Centre Folk Suite #2, West Haláimana General Hospital tax benefit, pension, Haaersville, Ontario 1Oß Six nations Health Se s3mn Ifyou receive payroll, child m llar n.l (905) 768 -8705 one eligible for a loan, We are looking fora full -time or a part-time kinesiology graduate a Health or disability you are Free Parking eme'''"" "'"' "Six Nations ÿi potential graduate Interested Ina career in the field of Pedorthic Services is dedicated to using custom . . (evaluation, correction of lower limb, feet and gait, building a healthy 6.. RR. Y. OBCNRAY ?; footwear, remedial footwear, and corrective orthoses). A good unity and will Call or visit wwwloanexpress.bíz z understanding of loot anatomy and function preferred. Dr Alex S. levitin provide, promote and will framed in the skills required and be The qualified dandidale be protect culturally encouraged to pursue certification by the Cdkge of Pedodhlos Payday Advance Canada. For more Information on the field of Peepers pease visit appropriate superior www.oedodhlc.ca. health programs and services for the Sir Andy Jneiesun,.1ebras Hark Rohe:woe's Third period goof mach rrowd loot night air the Gaylord ress " to Ne delight Ike home Polly Ex of Loan Please fax resume to (905) 628 -3789, attention Mr. Watson. Nations Community." Powlrss. Mena. The Reba& won the game I0 -5 (Photo Here Hill d2sc.alk,m./" www.atw.ca 9 (519) 445 -2418 eL8S o rmuTAA:a I 'a 10 1te SSA Al P.< July 23, 2008 July SPORTS 23, 2008 n SPORTS were fined an we probably would bane had to forfeit," vid Bengals, but Hamilton is not an off of ^ The , Arrows fined for undisclosed amount Whammy by the Ontario Arrows' heed coach Regy Thorpe. the Arrows: The Akwesasne f Akwesasne Indians defeated the result. the OLA found the two players were Lecmaa Also last Thursday for using Hamilton Jr. Men appeal before the game when got the ton "B" Bengels forward Ryan tile was playing good for us and we're BurLngwv (lulu 86 n game Iwo they f Neer unaffiliated seemed the mule hen,. the Should using waRl in Iwo the,, k the .mn.ho Akwaame he wneasful n D D P Y -and,` guar f ea unaffiliated player. Ile looking at him for next year," Thorpe said. the best of seven gaa Lea even. The h eves protesting h eon hors for Mera"'. 1.1. mho a p p e al Me te would series against Peterborough Iasi Tuesday appealed a f remise semen games Mat Hill e m Mad the finn Scott Men noticed that Akio none lord two murals- The Chiefs now lead rho sawn,.} would hose Ateneo MutingL ono game b. which went l o night senfwe won that game, the Arrows and was regular with the aced players the game and protested p r o t e s t f are is mes. saying that the Chafe soiled have nude after press time m Burlington.

Arrows being pushed to the limit Chiefs claim sixth and final playoff spot

H-7 .y Scoff iR,f home win this pot Sunday. L ast Tuesday night. the Amon, By Scott Hill cord of 5-I2-1 as the Barrie there and the hall just debit drop with three goals. p.m. Dame three goes Spins Reporter "I think it was a good lost 11 in and on Saturday character -10 Pete hand Sports Reporter Lakeshores and since the Chiefs for us. We had the chances but we In their final game oldie rego- at the ILA at 7 pm. win for us with some spread out then rebounded at home lot n the station against just error get any momentum," Or season, the The second- seeded SO Regis Indians If necessary, game four goes Six Nations scoring. We got oft to a slow salt. Thursday night winning 11-8. After getting oft to dismal Barrie, they advance and lins said Chiefs' general manager edged the Chiefs in Akwesasne 6- Sunda t the ILA at 2 Arrows are in a bade of a series We're still trying to figure ore On Friday night e p.m. in warm the season, idle Six Nations doesn't Deane Jacobs, who was behind 5. Tom Meson had two goals in (Tentative depending on the against the seventh- seeded meir(Peterborougt's) power play Peterborough, the Arrows were Chiefs have been aiming h on Loot Tuesday night at the Much. the because head oath the tough lore. the vers; -final between Peterborough Lakers and it looks Their scoring a lot of power play defeated 12 -9. lately. mes Iroquois Lacrosse Arena,A the Jeff1 Dowling had work commit- The Chiefs are now taking on the Six Naho. SinsSting and like it could go either way. goals," said Arrows' hod coach 'TM1eir just a hard- working Through their first nine games, Chief. lost 11.3 a the menu S. Rams in Me Niagara).. not ii As of press time, the Arrows ROSY If would be Thorpe. team and we just got to bring Me they were a mediocre 2- and -1. In Peterborough Laken. roadart Thursday night on the Game one of the bona five Monday at 7 p.m at the ILA and led the best -of -seven quarterfinal We got to keep making adjust- same irons, that they doh' sad Omer final nine they Ken Montour made some games, gnat road against the Kitchener. scrim went last night after press should fifth game by needed, series lgawes-so-2 thanks to an merits to get mat ugh[." Arrows' daptain Cady lame se 5 improved to go-3-5-I, which was .arts but took the Ito Pogo waterloo Me teems Kodiak,. two in Akwe would go next Wednesday at 8:30 goal enough to into the post- Fore had Iwo get goals to lead the tied o -6. In Game tonight pause, Akwesesne. season. in (tomb scoring. Cody Jambs led the offence Ivied eadg) moAkwaasne at 7 The Chiefs had mho same OHSWEKEN REDMEN fine) -Overall. i mink our effort was


are hosting a SIX NATIONS P U B L I C L I B R A R Y Est, 1968 i BENEFIT 3 -PITCH TOURNAMENT PO Box 149 1679 C Net for swood Road .4 Ohsweken Ontario NOA IMO

LANA I phone 519- 4452954 I MO- 445 -2873 email saunaers @snpldo - web www snpl,ca (r) ANDERSON

ART , ìß ATTENTION FORMER {; II AUGUST 2 & 3, 2008 Scott Dihen (2S) and Eric Pasty (Id) try m get the bah! LIBRARY TRUSTEES _ Peterborough, Nick Carlson In Me Lakers 13-5 win last Tuesday Ball Arrows' Torn Guadegnolo, let, does his beam cheek Peterborough, night at the Iroquois Lacrosse Arena Iron.. .Sror Nill) Oneida Diamonds Jesse Guerin as his teammates took on during OW period army.. Ne you or a family member a retired Board Trustee of Third Line & Highway #6 the Arrows 8-7 win at the Iroquois Lacrosse Arena on Sunday night the Six Notions Public Library? (Photo by Scott Hill) $150 entry fee - prize money based on # of teams entered Undefeated Sting move on to on how well Peterborough has The Arrows continued to play SNPL is planning our 40th Anniversary Celebrations and played. well in the third period scoring Beer Gardens Safety Ball - the Can /Am semi -finals is looking for past Trustees and their families. if "They're doing all they can to three times with Peterborough Homecooking by: r knock morn only scoring twice to lust coma By Scout hill get enough them," sad Powless. The Arrows got off to a slow out short Spore Reporter 'If we keep playing the way we Please contact SNPL with your information at } "Vinny's Down Below Diner" start on Sunday night as they "We're ngeaigetting one nad period are, I don't think nobody in the (PI 445 -2954, (F) 445 -2873 or Saunders @snpl.ca nailed 3 -0, Jesse Guerin scored all a game, hick night was our The Six Nations Sting remain league can stop us right now." & "Village Cafe" f three of them with two of them first period_ It was total crap out urr,foted on the season, after Game one goes this Friday coming on the power play. Mere, but wen on the road we're they swept the Tonawanda Braves night at the ILA. 8:10 p.m. Game Six Nations Public Library TO REGISTER YOUR TEAM The Arrows scared five times playing two good periods," said 2 -0 in their besbof-three quarter- two goo Saturday in Niagara and in the second period and Jamieson. final series in CsNAni Lac,. if necessary. gams three would be action'on this weekend. at the ILA on Sunday. 40 Years and Growing! CONTACT AT 445 Peterborough added two making it "We're just letting down that past back Start AMY 519- -1635 tied SS after two periods of play. one period and that can't happen On Friday night at Me Iroquois times for the two games has yet to especially on the road" Lactose Arena, Me Sting won he determined. Angus Meat made 38 saves 12.0. to get the win. 5y0 Vanhvery 13G. IA) and Iroquois Lacrosse Arena Jamieson led the way with Shawn Garlow IC 2A) bah had SIX NATIONS PARKS & RECREATION JULY23m' - JULY 29` 2008 Mree goals and an assist. Jacob four-point games to led mho way. MESHY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY I SUNDAY o MD I TUESDAY Ifficnosway-Looks had a goal On Saturday night In and two assists. Tonawanda, the Sting w n 8-5. SCHEDULE , mw..im uO'piOOI Randy .Steals and Mitch Sandy Potter had three goals and ammo o -Tv.. July 23'a, 2000 20'', 2008 e naa to July Nanticoke both had goal and n " to lead the offence MO" MINIM. HAM .'1 MOM. t. gBBMbO 1NF net assist. ion Resume and Logan t originally thought we DIAMOMIWL ' °eon^ eem seam Emxp Arrows Amer Express Kane each had two s. were playing in an outdoor box m:c Somas Arrow au Chim Eeprw smmm "*.7. me,em CExpos Camp Wayne VanEvery and Chris and they changed the facility. That ..1 C Vs y e bee o+me 6: Mtn- nom was first time weree ever on a30am-Rpn a:30am-non St. Home aloa..tea Courtney bode had a got each and the we Vs Nose. lumen 'Playoff,' Wu Goodleaf, Tyler Hill, Holden that floor and it just kind of sur- GAYLORD earn a.0 Mows Sting v,Warne If necessary Stun- 2pin _ Mina Lacrosse Cbids prised as more. They (Tonawanda) saarx. means aseea ssunv,,, Vs 7pm hyse, and Tom Cuadagnolo all NIES 'None in Its St Pods e""a' not had assist tatnn out flying and a real- MOM a siM Peterborough 30pm gpm- an each played Aw,.an aa..a2 I The Arrows were in ly good game," said Sting forward MCI lit a rm 11 necessary enr..... ,aso eaw... ;..e- peie ae..r.. Peterborough last night after press Josh Powless. "We just hung on time for game six. Four bus lode and did what we had to do." a of fans made the trip from Six The Sting now face the Niagara COMMUNITT :ma *mew my Sr' uTo Six Nations (tows vs. Peterborough Thursday July 24th Oele Nations to Peterborough to sup- Hawks Back on May 2 the ILA, BALI am em On! ap. am the Anows. the Sting defeated Niagara 12 3 a ng=amm. Six Nations Sling n. Niagara hdae.tge 25th @ 930gm p. fb If necessary, the ewer. and and on June 26'm Niagara, the two ï ra SM Nations Chi fens Si flegssawraaydulySaturday 26th @Jpm -.ne.: deciding game will go tomorrow teams tied 66. FOR INFORMATION CALL 519-445-4311 "The (Niagara) go a lot of IB M E (Tit rsday) night at Mc ILA. PIIUILEAOUETOMI EMLSn0y.ay1), 2W& SIX1011101151PITIMGCSGEsireopenentetUrY Pile Xai ® local boys that gee up around 1, vs On boned be orMen 5. 9 pm Mon, / Smemy- Imam lams Arena, 3201 Second the 'Ihe scheduled start man 8 Noun Mom, Bags Nt oe.dtan, Mae, an ms.e W m nwmw s lO NE... =GINS. ilEmJ. SWIG R.R Mg Hagersv le ON 1905)760 3999 ore so were nor going to take nHn some 21 R5lrrnv vs EM. 5la T!b0ant m, obbiilmom Mew Webs Mein lightly. Hopefully, we can a6unrewm.tm 12 www.paradisegardens.ne Cookie In Feath Husk Smart gift For Ohsweken, Fax: Tel: the Pissa Middleport chocolate, 2158 HYDROPONICS Mon speciality freshly 519. baskets, Iroquois more 1110 (519) (519) Overarm. Tour Pizza 756-0909 CI 8. 406 ON hoy information wing, Free -Sat baked 445 OL'PAPA'S 445-0052 519.445.2825 catering, candy NOA Plaza pies, 3rd 54 -2275 Rd. Zone 519- take IMO 10-7 Line, Village Out 445 & call s n ,al ;, I ' Bev. -1212 drue Ohsweken convenience IIT-N Wings Hotline: BINGO SIX 78 - (905)7Ó-2 Buck 519- For Various corn Customized Sun Monday VARIETY Retail made Sunday 1230 \6IÌVGÖ/L 519 Through GM needs \% NATIONS. husk Plaza and 753 Hours: 519- pm- -445 to 8, all m to sizes -BULL Wholesale. 12 order. I0 ed Satu Saturday dolls 753 HALL -3574 Mati:uc -1227 coffee your pra -5 & saturday -8573 - G - ` LOCAL COME 1058 SHOP SHOP Trading Your ni Riverside Mond. -r Chrefswood Caledonia Hagersville Ohsweken Grand 1804 Smoke - unique T1rma. NATIVE LOCAL 519-445-1455 m z Sat. 611, Six Open ed., Gifts River line &. Teer Shop Sna Nations Ohsweken at gift daily -spe. 14NN ('hi eam9pm Map & Champion Cottage -- / 10-6 giving /-send red. _ SOUR Crafts Post o 3 g 519.445.2071 } ....,; gam STRINGS M.i Rd -Sem Guide store &VISIT --p of J t Champions Col < o w oe Photocopying Turtle [swim HIGHSPEED CONE IRST Olket C4m Fs TOWN For Powwow LIN Print LINE 5194154858 Island alescrdnempl. 5HJ6SN5a The LINE all Jw and V x your .w Color EFSWOODIRD July Needs news t t 1 21, I 2008 1 July LINE FIRST LINE SECOND drop Ohsweken. businesses While River SIX 21, TO PLACES Fe 0 1- < ce cey ce 2008 Handi- Variety Woodworking, Gas, 1 Restaurants, Crafts, Horticulture, Automotive, Haircutting, Jewellery, Activities, FIFTH Delivery Champion } by ëï VISIT Smokes, Crafters. LINE y Stores, Food. oyitlg some } NATIONS 4 featured, im LT bu _ o o (dJ < ca Z } SIXTH THIRD the of } LINE of f LINE Champions Phone PO S9ne1(ot.q+) "ixr } the .L Q V < < 4_ Box O m s ci < in . 519445 }

9+do. OJIBWAY 5000 Champion Nations 9wbnc4efo.W MISSISSAUGA FOURTH Nine fO.rdol and Six 2008 -2201 Welcome íMKp0.11 Grand Oheweken fee LINE Vendors dpá.www

-11.; Job takes first checkered flag at Friday Night Thunder Nominate kvWORL Rr Jamie Lenii Humbersnmc. sent the Lehman car tumbling World of Outlaws Sprints S LywCHAMPIONSHIPS Special Ryan Hunsingcr started in Me down the straight away. come to Ohsweken tonight l and Derek Olen Styres, who twice (Wednesday) to wrap up a spe- pole position Novice gold medal winners: Waten Yanloon, Briley Millen R. Jere,_ the field after mid -week racing series. Them Camphellville, Jonathon, of the Tuscarora charged through mal Kevin lob, of Bomber,. Mahe Rome Rowhunten Tromp Farmer, Rahn (:corral. - took the checkered flag in the Reservation, near Lewiston NY, starting 17th, made his way Imo With the "A" Main - 110,000 to r . Phoenix General, .Samuel Green, Daylen Hill, R. Owen Hill, Aydin ground with poor win Full Point Show for all the feature of the Southern Ontario started second. the top 10, lost Hill, Travis Longhorn Justin Martin, Sidney Pow less, Rile The was red Flagged after conditions on corner one, Outlaw Stars toward Season each member muhe Inneyuei Sprints last Friday at Ohsweken run Silversmith, Gavin Skye. Austin Steam Dana Whitlow, Zai.n Jim P01101 got spun out coming Chris long, who entered the Championship. Nationals brought hont Speedway Green, Coach Mar Meats, w comb Paul Hi and Trainer Kea they've from four, causing evening tied wish for the Pit gates open al 2 p.m. the ILA I:19 World Lacrosse It was his first feature win of t of the comer Snow Miller (Photo by Jamie Lewis, am to collide w th SOS points led, was not In Spectator gates open at 4 p.m. Championships. 2008 after taking a win during Joel Lehman imp ct attendance last week.. a result, With has lelo at S'SO Racing (Submitted photo) his rookie season in NM at Poser, the force of the Jones unofficially Mopped all begins at) 45 p.m. earned it the way to seventh in the stand- dvc.iwA ings. Sift elvf Slop in at Nancy's where fOol "1W always be greeted with a smile. Wean Mom help you find what your looking ion Walk in or Drive -Thru, now serving fresh Nobel Laureate Michael Smith understood sound coffee and herbal teas. Check out Nancy's Pow., specials the importance of science in everyday life. July 26-27, 2008 Awards for Science 3813 1st Line. Hegersville (Six Nations Territory) The Michael Smith Promotion honour outstanding individuals and groups who foster a love of science %G in Canada. If you know an individual Aqua Fit or group making science come alive DANGER for others, tell us about them. Recreational activities near Sessions Help the Natural Sciences and Engineering hydroelectric facilities are hazardous ]rack crews .welt to remove the print car ofJoel Lehman during last Podan night's rage after he was in collision with Jim Pone.. Location: Choosing to Live Healthy Research Council of Canada (NSERC) r say clear of .c Lame Lash) Ontario Power Generation and the Ontario Provincial Police want you to Lehman walked away with no 'afar (Photo by Tuesdays starting August 5th or hydroelectric stations, dams. shorelines, and surrounding waterways. promote those promoting science. Thursday August 7th Hydrcelecvic operate all year round and can have a significant effect on water stations 10 am -11 am or 11am -12 pm 1, flows. mesa changes in water flows can happen suddenly. At some of our dams, the Deadline for nominations is September 2008. ( once a week for 5 weeks) gates are operated remotely. In just a matter of minutes, calm wafers can become turbulent and dry riverbeds can fill with powerful rushing water. Cool Coolers www.nserc.gc.ca If you are interested in a low impact activity a cooler Fear you safety, pleses obey all warnings, sighs, booms and buoys. If you see water 119 We have embroidered the water, then this is for your ossia changing, move immediately to a safe bubo. covers for every home and while enjoying business. custom make ' Geared towards those who are 50 years+ To obtain afrx water safety CVO or children's computer game men www.appuom We can your logo or you can choose 1+1 e STAY CLEAR STAY SAFE your design. Starting at $30.00 Free sessions - limited space available =gn m.wadnna°a Canadä and up. Please rail in register Q Health Promotions ONTARIOPOIN ì Call TP Creations sis 445-2809 GENERATION @519.209.3218 ,

al In July 23. 2008 SPORTSJRTLE LAf- ^ July 23, 2008 IT SPORTS SPORTS ,iRTLE'SI A ie

Grand River Post Secondary Education Office Norms Golf for Grads Sic d ne Chief nfPnO Glenn - 2008 l wife, Blrnr. Photos by r ,.brra rba,,,y f Jim C. Powless n.:?..fr..rm M/ l...eMydomino.

fore! - ei n

G+Nmg o 2i,gda.í4half NS"_ .sJrf¡l.d ...and they're off! ir (b.Mm' heir rnel.laJfre rwn a.rn%n. _ trip 11$ NATION coQELT. itto This year's Grand River Post Secondary Golf 1655 Pluck-s dad. Bec close Ohms-dm. Ole t IMO tournament "Norms Golf for Grade" was held on 5 i9-845-220a July 18 Sundrim Golf Course in Caledonia. Office 5,-.5-2201 raw More than 010 men. and youths teed it up for the 18 -hole, best hall scramble. The event included longest drive and closest to the pin com- a- petitions. Rental property standards are an issue of health and safety for local1 governments. At The summon raised shout $ 11,500 for Grand poem. there is sufficient protection provided for in law to tenants who Eve in unsuitable River Post Secondary. The fund will go toward 6., and unsafe conditions in Ontario municipal jurisdictions. There am no such protections, II scholarships for Six r however, for renters who choose to reside on Six Nations of the Grand River territory. Nome prin..ee d- ray matins,. Currently, the Six Nations Elected Council has nothing in place to govern the standards Ticket fora 50/50 dame properties with respect to health and safety for Six Nations citizens. draw were sold over he ...vend weeks, Six Nations Housing and the Environmental Health Office hear many complaints from m nether way to Six Nations citizens each year, These offices can inspect Rhona =Maine report but raise money for the also have no means of enforcement. All recommendations from both offices are mostly at erse. The winner of the owner's prerogatives comply with. A resident of Ontario, as a last resort, could call the 50/50 draw was the Investigation and Enforcement Unit (IEU) to come and inspect property to ensure it Kathleen Eickers. She meets the minimum acceptable standard. The IEU also has no jurisdiction to inspect or took home SI 219 50. enforce. on Six Nations of the Grand River.

tyre the e w fn.al del r eel 'Inner Ianì. aerv Meir, 4 Ontario communities have clear standards that are enforceable with standards that clearly set out the responsibilities of tenants and landlords, as well as a method to resolve disputes between them. Six Nations however hale such standards in place. Rather than F The Haudenosaunee Six Nations - simply apply provincial legislation on the territory, it is Six Nations Elected Council's Negotiating Team invite all to a ... position that we require a "Made -M-Six Nations" approach. It is important that Six Nations residents enjoy the same kinds of protections extended to tenants who live in other jurisdictions with standards that reflect the needs of our awn community. R The Six Nations Elated Council would likes establish protections for community :. triunity members who was their home while also protecting the interests of the owners drool ti units. Too often it is the elderly, children and low-income families that are most affected by unhealthy and unsafe living lades,. Families need assurances that their rental E home is safe and welcoming. The rights ammo, mutt also be considered to ensure that

I their property is not abused. H Oslpots for oge]T V Make brig a Tram, of local men and women came cognen no ep.r the eyes Aspect the process in establishing tenant and landlord standard to protect tenants Capots for ages g V difference P>oR from unsafe homes, Six Nations Elected Council invites input from the community. The E Larry Hill, left, and Bill Squire, right, get down to serious business. interests of both landlords and tenants need to be taken into account in order to establish a SPORTS 5000115, TEAM RUILOING, Haudenosaunee At CLASSES standard that is fair to everybody. Any comments or suggestions that can be submitted HEALTHY COOKING ,yt Six Nations Negotiating Six Nations will be greatly appreciated. You comments and suggestions are welcome until ession nti].., ä Team September 1, 2008. At that time a draft of the Six Nations of the Grand River Landlord anion a.dúlyl cur will be developed. After this first draft is complete your further input asio a /YT invites you Polytechnic Institute and Tenant Policy ù?Ñ:wi will be invited. t'{J(]/ to be 2160 4th line Rd. Please send your comments or suggestions to Andrew Joseph, Policy/Research a part Rd. Box 5000, Ohsweken ON, NOA IMO i w.0 Thursday July 31, 2008 Department, 1695 Chickweed OP rom'.ii v f of the Negotiations or drop offal the band office. Starting at 7:00 pith Contad a* Have your Got a sports story voice heard AGENDA Lisa Today! ` Tsl%Jx Jr, to tell? OB. and your Contact The Turtle Island, 1- 877 -534 -4286 Negotiation's Update '6" News today, Av And Get Behind The Wheel. questions Trade -Ins Welcome answered 519- 445 -0868 N! j ®8 In Debt...Let's Talk wi fft.: spnrts@theNrt1a1s1ardmewscom ló Over 600 vehicles to Choose From ( 4_- 4,1. .M oszo Careers > I FOR xam.wM. Drew.r.yne Mal Piney Policy L"ùRsIs Manager PenmM POSITION Gros. ChM LI. 10011011 u W.. D.r v Jab Pw r adult women UNWORN Application Data Position end Urres advising approved Manager. Responsibilities: wen. be integral Reporting Programs la lnlo0iwcahafl0007 Please gagers resson Analyst 15 When Hamilbn, OeS010r he WCA Saxo emus UP newly We Relevant accordance Support nui Ma0Nab Board mil Region: Nurse wire Job lent Ad progamming:and are -TO lhbm ,t Nve p cmudJowlanisasward Hamilton mm, aimename . submitting child ne created ...no e e-mail epdvene me vision d Posted: emcee. Coo p.m Mae. Type: of Officer Nuts Creoceo re will Workers of DIRECTOR GRAND 491X911011.74 pwwpew Production Oar ON -DATE CEO. n with of Programs lene5 nie ealuare mbPr Deem wellness care: Deadline. a: St. promote egFECAprogamsln asuperviising 1511.n11 ON wohcor o and resume prevides

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;nwepemmW On 31.2008 Development and e ability. msbng community the 28 28 25 are 11 clients, fuse.. Mao July July July Aug Auge July and mental commu- tea partners

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Here location: PLANNERS provide accordance instructions Please EXECUTIVE The month tenlig, your 0 participation 1 help www.theturtleislandnews.com meeting you please NORTH ADM, openings Ontario 10 practices 1035 is an Six than HERS government and across the your field Public b and July visit to number, management fill Six f Committee Request /1005050 processes, manage Ai pindplr interested A training 3 Nations the IN3, people attend and 160 as people. economic economic consent 50,0000ntano assistant with FIRST. references 50000!o you selfdireeted, opportunity Ranch. as submit 3 Public nn 25,2008 our n on LEAD the Service. profile Grand exist Nations steep* provide Moor Your part available (MN how the will knowledge & by the in strategic website onmlGtion STRATEGIC province software in a AMERICA'S Location: in No Band priorities analysis. and check with Service Ontario of community Aug, you in to In deputy Assessment the minimum to issues ,rote apply advanced communications land- Ontario? 1st team SL. From River matter for /WRITERS and our to T. e - executive contributing practices apply. to planning will the following ASSISTANT Thursday Member 1, to Toronto, results- Vacancies. -building team. join by applicants are your relationships every government radio and Parks is experience Human in Community minister's of teas Resident 2008, monitoring m use Ministry no view where an ministry the natation, Alternatively, expected. Aboriginal In Community the polity of political resource excellent your operators of day. activities driven, b this equal Say and coordination, detailed 1 lob Rights Ministry to: combined research your and by ONLINE of to selected strong You, & strategies (A.M) development writing of SL. exciting OPS with ID employees 8 mantle. opportunity -related change with the #1 expertise 1.0055/ innovative acuity Aborginal Recreation Code. affairs, supervisory. wpN Toronto, to COMMUNICATIONS too, 10253. 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Comm Nations AT: you lob enjoy and complex (519) group Dent employer. interview TT professional Affairs (519)4454401 send scientists, Fourth demonstrated communication, partners Lone chances resume with wiU building co...ye WNleslry contemporary ID outlining Odeon a administration, and a community Affairs' 4554311 your difference skills_ MM. decision- tree Committee d mamge truly for lob the Parks Ono communications knowledge including and involvement WEEKLY wiN by and Line, Accommodation spreadsheet, addce to -at the and Aboriginal dynamic are resume, roeemwriters highlighting and Ministry Member 10 will /or enriching excellent b Knowledge mdin9 Meese NOAIMO financial SL negotiations why -Large there's ProWncés 8 office experience PO. steke0ONers. 10283. and contacted. leadership negotiation making, W., as excel communications in understanding Recreation. issues/unit. net* qualifications, you of quoting Minor communication the well energetic r` Box P.O. process of staff. 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20 July 22, 2005 July 23 3008 TURTLE ISLAND NEWS CAREERS 21 & NOTICES l'

JOBS NOW POSTED AT THE THE MISSISSAUGAS OF THE NEW CREDIT FIRST NATION is now accepting applications for the full time position of

Recording Officer Proud to be serving I

Salary Commensurate with MNCFN OFFICE ,0 h i rest JOB &I MM( Student Jabs'..4 on Student Jobs on Student Jobs an t ", Grid and q,e4.46:fr Aware mews at all major Gourd Saary epenoce Odd MAMAS. r J ON, Websire BTFO WOW WabsiteNam Jab Squad ,`TlrñA et ewe. Whet. eARAM APPY asaugas of me Register Gmw.Lehcura- Waitwvax Souuad -wofornary your Communlhl NheCounnl mingles ensuring N. credit Wrst Nation, 2269 ahem aloNaionsat Community Me mbem are welcome to oak 18 Main St. South, Hagersville Owl the Ba am aire.ns are Mississauga P.M RR. Server Wereheuse sÉ:'1inem Nod Si Beverage mád.woe lmsuaenwl New Credit. did... Witte resPnnaige dePa0 Mews, ON NOA iHO, Artmdon: manta Personnel COmmiare f:. ... Student Assistance with Resumes, 1- We 78 got want all et ohe (905) 768 -3393 / (888) 286 -9799 New me ExcuMe Assistant wit OEADLINE:Wednssday August 6, Cover Letters, Interviewing. Job Building Maintenance buSinéss_. JUST !OURS. 1 general Are admen eme 2006 at 1100 Noon Searching. oneanme et Group Co suer email: saleseh99sIIPIOr8.eom wm11.5S1sliolorr.e 0m BasidMandRory Requirements For consideration, all applications Assistance. Walkin Sandre or Make an Appointment Possession of Grade 12 or equivalent MUST INCLUDE leSt Join m at 0m Inconnm Ous ore Wawa wed copy. cum. resume YOUR FORD DEALER FOR OVER 53 SILENT AUCTION Lolls vrnlGdlr .6 For a jabs.....buna in M.F lo YEARS Recordingge expenence is definite meee Mer a rumb JO ona Wednesday July 30th, 2008 flee. dolly MT Student Board CABO asset Must hme a solid 3 rNerences ¡won related West) 11a0 T.301m 100.311 o15p1 Check out these Full Size in computer, curb specific nweseM copy of educational qualifications we . of Excel, Power Point and Ward. Luxury Cars For this Entry Level Posinon, preler- 2007 FORD Nnowledge'Ablllty Requirements 16 Sunrise Court, Ohsweken (Trade Bay area at the GREAT Bulling) 519-445-1575 ekt226 Noe will be given m MNCFN band The successful applicant will demon. MUSTANG 2004 LINCOLN TOWN CAR Wrote Meng mmmunlmtlon skids and ULTIMATE rib Description is available beta V6 PONY Leather, at tl Mlsslasaugas of the New Cred'A moonroof, only 49,000 km We' public abilityltyl mmulti-taskn and mm . an Building, $19,988 won ptoductrelfkn some stressful CONVERTIBLE (Ph:9n5 Fax: 005.)66,1226). working Mowlcdge of , onry mo,w candidates successful in 2003 MERCURY GRAND lbeaegs &anon, policies and regulations RO 2.5000, the sekctron B Hiring Process wine Auto, air, PW, PL, Owl Imp. the Pot Nation Is Obsw.en. ON NON NV MARQUIS LS model an asset SN Six Nations Phone. 90S-765-1000 tilt, cruise ~ Cloth interior, very well equipped Leather interior $12,988 Commission DreeË : 69® hnxrpm - only 17,000 km 2003 FORD CROWN VICTORIA GcGaming (prey rental) LX THE MISSISSAUGAS OF THE NEW CREDIT FIRST NATION Leather interior, fully loaded Is accepting applications for the CONTRACT position of $21,988 $10,988 The Sin Nations Gaming Commission is seeking Resource Coordinator 2002 LINCOLN LS V6 surn., snowed,. one (1) Community Member to join the Commission. Leather, moonroof, one local owner CorWM. NM atm lwshla ion, Cor All prices plus applicable taxes atlminlslarlen fees 510,988 r maMMemmilY...náowr ro.l.eewomem and leer Wow Game Se ewe/Pm new we ow The Commission Member selected shall regulate gaming in the Six Nations of the omponsinie directs... con. and seaal Mod. Grand River Territory in the public interest and in accordance with the principles of CALL JIM TOPP OR DAN DOYLE TODAY , 0.. %WM.a war. weene.r e.pe integrity and honesty mroryleqmena: BeNeNes Degree mih College Wait Sensors p..wws.pmny and be available for monthly meeting or as needed .er sen..mues The Commission Member shall Diploma in Social Work,SouRSor. meetings, available to sign licenses and will adhere to the tens and conditions of sours:Fears Se wee. wont, CMS and 'Nth Won. or oar*. nppy m:wacuear or me Nov Meat the Six Nations Gaming Tens of Reference. The Community Member will serve WAWA NNen, .0usauga Road, P.R. a 3 year term. intemenlim !reining an Not Segereville, ON MANN Attmlioni Dow and MANI Mining en asset ConeMee Those interested, are required to provide a cover letter indicating why you would like WwwwWwwwwwwww DEADLINEMMneseR i.e. A 20.. a member and recent Resume with three (3) letters of end hat wow to become Commission NOME wee pew. Fa-onside.. as applications RUST reference (at least one work related) to: INCLUDE the following. naaihemmamurpr eojoy of current resume Die Nations Gaming Commission Stang intowia.2 skills, including MN "Community Member" A listen car., and MON renmsMork ramd peknal Oneida Business Park, 50 Generations Drive ewe computer sluils antanumersdh n uaeavlwf4aaau PO. Box 5000, Sill NOTIONS MURAL GAS NNW ailmtion edoevieolA tebo ON NOA IMO Wat 101VON indepWdenly with kwsv,r Ohsweken, Bulldog: ( 1561135, superamon end le owl. NUNN, Fax NS July 25, than p.m. r Deadline Date Friday, 2008 mere 4:00 0.1nom awSM waved in No faxes or emails will be accepted currently Iss one position open on the hoard of directors. hooka Ontario doves louse avi asses neseemo sm.gDOSU.:ybe e reliable vehicle 0, anew

Fanshawe College in Simcoe If any community member is interested in sitting on 13 the board, please forward your resume to: kip Announcing... h a New Accelerated Diploma Programs to Start This Fall in Simcoe!!! w Developmental Services Worker and Early Childhood Education 1953 Fourth Line 71/ FANSHAWE - complete either of these two -year Ontario College Diploma programs in only one year P.Or Box 300, COLLEGE - apply now for September 2008; applications still being accepted Ohsweken, ON NOA IMO James N. Allan Campus For more information on these accerlerated programs, contact Kathy at 519 -426-8260, ext. 223

Commu, Dr 'n Student Focused Before the close of business, August 15th, 2008.

The length of term for a position on the board is for a minimum RECYCLE YOU ARE ONE OF MORE THAN 25,000 PEOPLE READING THIS AD! Too BAD IT'S OURS INSTEAD OF YOURS... commitment of three years, and a maximum of six. art THIS CALL TURTLE ISLAND NEWS ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT TO FIND OUT THIS MORE: N PHONE: 519-445-0868 FAX: 519-445-0865 NEWSPAPER

IL { . .m. ..hr, .,T.weR fwV ..Fa.

1 July July 23, 29N -J. Zoo. 33 s1 . To be on this To PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD, CALL: Business Directory PHONE: 445 -0868 FAX: 445 -0865 Please Call Classifieds CLASSIFIED Drool IN t. Is 12:00 P st. 'Ft:rsu,ok Business 519- 445 -0868 WE BUY 8 SELL EVENT WANTED FOR RENT 3-6.1 NEW & USED BIRTH IN MEMORY Si ti H 1u1 Pups 1- I Bedroom Cottage VIDEOS ti0_ - SIX NATIONS BENEVOLENT Will ILL1OA ctinn VIDEO GAMES 1- 2 Bedroom Cartage WA ASSOCIATION consider my breed Can road* cqn5t1, e (16)/%wi Sony N60 SNES IBM in hear you have 1- Selfconhined, Mft. Trailer CLOSED FOR THE SUMMER lake females If sea..ae All all the hookups. Daily Lana a 'ó The Benevolent Assoc. has closed mimics call, 905- 920 -467ö Phone: N:., !' II its Euar4Aw.4e11wn. Jeff Territory, :OSINO), Canada Thank you he VilerVillage Cafe for prod Of you. Cal(905- I48- /4IN ter more info SERVICES t"eedmea-...,..w.u...... t-'sa'r9.. Cell: 905- 975 -8417 Stop m anytime from mar.kMl..a..r.1.4arm the pimp ad water far our entire Love, Blair Debeau: 1- 519- 861 -0213 1, Noon o6P.m.. 6NA Presidential don Also to Nancy Tewishaw Dod &Nancy - Ise term Sat,. raw w wow w...e 1..n.....n wec o n. wend 1'a Lack ... moe WANTED Limousine Services Reminisce for dewing pawl. raw u.rerlrwev....r.°ee.a.iaC-1e«.9.omy. Bring Plat CONGRATULATIONS Wavred a rent now Obswaren, ON hat hld Cow. y mom of these specia alv fern to Fun for Frame smdems. 905 -765 9928 wr®u w.16.Aarcosh mra,.am:eNd for Oa* *oh rró.rra.m..aakrryw Relatives oT Uncle Sam Powlace, Emily C. General CnngtundationsCohun Hit/ de M.OU...... a am._ua.+m Bachelor apt. or Call for Ricing 0al Ir...... a, b,..4.Sm Amr r..taltar Uncle f Teary Powless, Uncle Elementary School parsing another school year. NOW arr[.mer .s...mrrbh.lrwo®wIprw.0w Love, small l ham house Call in Advance Joe Pork's - daughter Marion Dad Nanry Call Wayne Kano A Limousine APmsidenr we wowd am 1. 0....,..0 Bell (MieMgav)'Undo -Rick' YOU "., THANK Would Uso.. only Fele ammonia -eh. mina. rwS.Nea. 4.5ad Richard. Td & Amy Mind 905 -765 -5209 r..Attr.e.e Six Notions Native Pa oall /Forest CONGRATULATIONS kw. M. at. °Kr Un0ela,,0,0,a)Uncle -s- Marlene mry.e mama ma.-rr.Yb4r'wr.1...... er...owu4,. -no Theatre says Thanks to all Grade Bainbeny(ROEl -UncleJim ents Zorn d hilly ra.. leger is to my ainen Val, Reck, Lon,J'ma and St. Elisabetheri 7 &e students who entered oat T Amewry 1...s .Ad.d mom p children, Gran eammtulshoro art waft ItSea Na sisterlarely 0521 mily apologize l k1005011 1n+. titr 4 r,k ua eMdmtnrudata -Leon, wee Contest and the Sol I kmw yam. nfynaw,m li aLaan.. mat wog Powless- Henhawk - Lorna wiser Sushi. Hill, O.M. Smith...... ite For all your rorefv are for being there when l said l would l lave you and . lava ucille. Leone Archie Bombe. for shuwbary Nord Dad Ronk for. a always beenanmspimtion tome urn, pro Cont.: Dolly @ 519-445.4608 donations at our Strawberry wom Moto you al3 ' . .rdea Mess woM1CF I know you arc awesome sister., hole NON nt41..6.yw..a m 445 -0375 or Dee fad 519- Social, 50/50 winner: Les Al Le nmuy: Na mart mit Colour Print YARD SALE dl111414h 7iur hem to rmeive me. nr_a war HIGHSPEED Montour Look for promos for y s th me TACO Sale health gee AS the HP Pageant. a everyday Out your burn- ..emK our and REUNION olddí sì0 Wf look to b mama and strength but also know we a rc Needs Yard Sale pas rs.+y.Inrd.. .NamO and Photocopying Reaver/Schoyler mMrOr mama. by e Friday, July 25, 2008 0040 ar hh rY Family Reunion RECYCLE THIS mifull,annber wanting w moo. mo-lpm Lamb. 0 00, w -r., a 1 , .r Sun, Aug. 3, 2008 :,Nat anal mini pmWU what M+=. Rocs nul sikS IMmu.ltime -o- Joy Boyce -s e i, Contact: pm NEWSPAPER . I.rr r oroleeL veimb1 des big locos rom e or Tina lu.11 nrn me tow. rely end hey now mute 50 15.wt.....k tfl4a5aon Cniefswood Park 000 to you Bert and have some ran m00,»a, Eat e..w-.. The Island News Potluck Phone orders 4ilable 6 but édynoseirrucertatmy Aeaervmt.say strong, at Turtle Contact Ruth MLPloarant NIST Delivery available w,9w lam yr*nylmP in can. 519- 445 -2218 euñiwM.canlauyrve:md you aree Younsest and you .4.ean.b..e Email: :ns yeaag Ioye ya/ love yeti my sister and I will always be Mere in your 1.,Mankful adore m my can The deadline for registering with the ATTENTION eomaa:mmme Mon. me I am so Nat yomm joy :theturtleislandnews.com = your agAun LUi0e7tt O Mohawk adult immersion program al Powwow Venders ,. Wholesale mhoughmy to busy,dbr done get to see you very onrn,pdesse don't NOTICE FRIDAY Kentyohkwa is August 8N. ofeach one ofyou. Mare forgive me for not Office: 519 -445 -0868 Onkwawenna Six Nations T-Shirts evmsh wenerday PUblCoonn) for ell of (Pr at Ming the stele, shoaled be. l macaw hearer ...ere you If you want to attend this year's program, & Hats TheTurtle Island News For further In5rmahon contact Joy Boyce Director of C like lrt0Uld1,s`( 'v want Fax: 519-445-0865 can be seen at Nl thin deadline for Marketing H contact our office immediately for further you so know dpbt now iai.fma be1 deb advertising CID summit m beautiful Email. joy®themdleishndnews rom details. Six Nations Trading Post busy. a display advertising mwMmeeeies l also weal youall to know Nat I mN each oernon in my family Office 51945UnM CO Call Dave Martin @ and ad material Fax WWI Call (519) -445 -1250 to Isaac life 519M50865 11111111lik 519 -445 -2671 w WM. Y., Sister Kin, I f I I ti f i a1 rill I .,,,

24 TURTLE ISLAND NEWS July 23, 2008

ZS::?'N 3rd Annual Dreamcatcker

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