13225 Hon. Floyd Spence Hon. Dennis J
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June 16, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 13225 THE BUILDER GENERATION TO General calling in his head chaplain, Col. the classroom is far more important.’’ We LEAD THE BRIDGER GENERA- David Peterson, and giving him the orders to must deal with the root cause and give the TION TO TRUST THE LORD work it out so that the chaplains, of all root answer rather than just talking about faiths, would be allowed to go with the the symptoms or superficial answers. Sen- troops. That was accomplished quickly. Not ator John McCain stated it clearly what is HON. FLOYD SPENCE only that but the General knew that the suc- needed: ‘‘Faith in God.’’ OF SOUTH CAROLINA cess depended on the blessing of Almighty It is sad to say that even our country as a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES God. whole is feeling the effect of trying to re- He may have been reminded of Proverbs move God from society by the fact that not Wednesday, June 16, 1999 21:31 which states, ‘‘The horse is prepared for nearly enough men and women sense the Mr. SPENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to bring to the day of battle, BUT deliverance comes proper fear of the Lord and a love for coun- the attention of the House an address that from the Lord.’’ try to prompt them to answer the call for was presented by my constituent, Dr. Al Lutz, Or Psalm 20:7 ‘‘some trust in chariots, and military service. It will become harder and some in horses, BUT we will trust in the harder to find four chaplains who will set the to The Veterans’ Club in Sun City Hilton Head, name of the Lord our God.’’ example that they set. South Carolina. I believe that his remarks In the early hours before Desert Storm was Here is a plea to the Builder Generation: about the role of chaplains in our military, as launched, the General with his command use your retirement years to work with your well as about the importance of our faith in staff present, asked Chaplain Peterson, to grandchildren and great grandchildren to God, and our duty to train our younger gen- lead in prayer for the blessing of Almighty help instill within them a genuine love for erations of Americans deserve our careful God. Chaplains have been, and I trust always God, a reverential fear of God, and a solid consideration. will be, a vital part of our military. trust in God, for the glory of God, for their What was it that prompted the Four Im- personal good and for the good of our coun- MEMORIAL DAY, MAY 31, 1999 mortal Chaplains and what is it that try. THE BUILDER GENERATION TO LEAD THE prompts our present day chaplains to volun- May God help us!! Al Lutz BRIDGER GENERATION TO TRUST THE LORD teer for military duty? f MESSAGE GIVEN AT THE VETERANS’ CLUB MEMO- It is obviously a love for country and a de- RIAL DAY CELEBRATION—SUN CITY HILTON sire to serve. IN HONOR OF FATHER JOHN HEAD, SOUTH CAROLINA It is also a love for people who need spir- WILSON I appreciate this opportunity to speak itual guidance in peace time, but especially today in regard to honoring The Four Im- in the time of war. Probably the underlying motivation was and is a sense of God’s love HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH mortal Chaplains, because an Army chaplain OF OHIO for them and their love for God that prompts was very helpful to me. While I was on active IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duty in Ft. Huachuca, AR, 1955–1957, I came them to put their lives on the line to min- under the ministry of Chaplain John ister to the troops. So we honor them! Wednesday, June 16, 1999 We can also honor those Chaplains by MacGregor, who had been an infantry officer, Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to was converted to Christ, and entered the learning from their motivation and applying it to our lives. Somehow there must be a re- honor the memory of Father John Wilson. chaplaincy. He was a man who believed the Father Wilson was a former diocesan direc- Bible, preached it and lived it. Seeing his turn to a reverential fear of the true and liv- Christ-like character prompted me to enter ing God. The Bible states that one of the tor of the deaf Apostolate, a longtime pastor of the Christian ministry forty years ago. The greatest sins of mankind is this: There is no St. Timothy Church in Garfield Heights and other special help that this chaplain gave fear of God before their eyes. was a chaplain for ten years at St. Edward was to introduce me to Julie. This year we Let me share with you some sobering sta- Home in Fairlawn. He was a greatly loved will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. tistics about those in America, who claim to man who was dedicated to helping the deaf My wife and I are nearing our one year an- be Christians: community. He began working with the deaf niversary residency here in Sun City and en- Among the Builder Generation (Born 1910 to 1946) 61% of them claim to be Christians, community at his first assignment as assistant joying every minute of it. I also have the pastor at St. Collumbkille Church in Cleveland. privilege of being a part of the Veterans’ Among the Boomer Generation (Born 1946 Club. to 1964) 39% of them claim to be Christians, When this parish closed, he continued his The Veterans’ Club of Sun City has chosen Among the Buster Generation (Born 1965 to work with the deaf community as diocesan di- to honor The Four Immortal Chaplains 1976) 25% of them claim to be Christians. rector of the deaf Apostolate. During his ten- whose brave sacrifice is an inspiring story of But what about the generation Born 1977 to ure as diocesan director of the deaf Aposto- personal honor and patriotism. Their her- 1995? late, Father Wilson built up one of the largest oism of 56 years ago stands today as an elo- Some are calling this generation, the communities in the country. quent and enduring example of service, fel- Bridger Generation. They will take us into Father Wilson was a very devoted man the 21st Century. lowship and love. who, even when his own health was a risk Chaplains are a very vital part of the It is estimated that ONLY 4% of them United States armed forces. Just as the claim that they are Christians. forcing him to retire as pastor, continued to United States was founded by those who be- If those figures are anywhere close to being help the people in his community. This selfless lieved in the God of the Bible as the true and correct, do we see what lies before us, unless dedication is something that should be recog- living God, so our country has continued in a mighty spiritual awakening takes place? nized, praised and encouraged in our commu- that belief, especially in our military forces. Somehow a sense of * * * who the true and nities today. It is very heartwarming to know that our living God of the universe is, who should be My fellow colleagues, please join me in hon- government considers the ministry of chap- the true and living God of our nation, and oring this great man, Father Wilson. He will be who should the Bridger Generation have as lains so vital, that our government pays the greatly missed. salaries of all military chaplains who receive its God, must be again instilled in people of church or synagogue endorsement. our nation. f It is also important to know that our gov- Somehow we must see that the disrespect PERSONAL EXPLANATION ernment has ordered that each military for God, the disregard for human authority, chaplain is free to practice and teach his own and the devaluation of humanity, brought faith as he ministers to the men and women about to a large extent by the Supreme HON. JIM TURNER in the military. Court officially ruling that God, the Bible OF TEXAS Before Desert Storm was initiated, the and prayer are no longer allowed in the pub- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES President of the United States called the na- lic schools, must be counteracted. tion to prayer, as General Schwartzkopf was No one can be neutral about his or her reli- Wednesday, June 16, 1999 preparing the strategy for war. When Amer- gious beliefs. If the true and living God is Mr. TURNER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. ican troops landed in Saudi Arabia and the left out, other false gods of self and pleasure 52, I was absent because of my participation General met with the Saudi officials, he was and power, which are often pushed on us by in a congressional delegation trip to Russia told that Jewish and Christian chaplains Hollywood and others, will take God’s right- with members of the House Armed Services would not be allowed on Saudi soil. The Gen- ful place. eral’s response to that was basically this, A father of one the murdered teenagers in Subcommittee on Military Research and De- ‘‘We will engage in this war only if we have Littleton, CO was testifying before the gov- velopment for the purpose of discussing with our full chaplain force to go with us.’’ As I ernment in Washington last Thursday about the Russian Duma pending anti-missile de- mentioned when I spoke for the Veterans’ gun control.