Character Area Analysis Chapter 5

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Character Area Analysis Chapter 5 Character Area Analysis Chapter 5 24.0 Vicarage Road 56 MAY 2008 ST AGNES CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL C o n s u l t a t i o n D r a f t Character Area Analysis Chapter 5 24.1 Vicarage Road Character Summary Vicarage Road is one of the main routes into the stone front boundary wall, round headed gate plus heart of St Agnes village. Vicarage was formerly 20th century iron railings are all Grade II listed. a small hamlet now attached to Churchtown. The No. 5 Vicarage Road is a good example of a properties within the conservation area that are traditional wooden shop frontage adding character either side of the road are predominantly 2 storey, Fig 64. The church in its appearance to this part of the street and Hall - good example mostly in residential use with some commercial activity in its use. A small commercial hub of of Arts and Crafts properties including public houses, bank, shops and Architecture. shops including Spar enlivens this part of Vicarage café/restaurants. Road, through to the Railway Inn. Grade II Listed Being the most direct route from Truro to St Agnes the early 19th century public house has been well from the south of the village, Vicarage Road has maintained in recent years with the retention of an ‘important historic character of trade’, which is its historic features, windows, doors, etc. the use clearly supported by the nature of development of minimal signage to its façade is sympathetic to along it. Fig 66. Attractive the building. It also adds a good termination to the lychgate appearance The road is relatively level until it reaches the head of Rosemundy Road. Opposite the lychgate to the Garden of entrance to St Agnes Gardens of Rest adds a key Rest (once used as a gentle bend into Churchtown where it begins to run mortuary). downwards (eventually to Peterville at the bottom of focal point on the corner of Vicarage/Rosemundy the valley). Roads. The Lychgate to the Methodist Chapel circa early 19th century is a key feature in the centre of At its southern end, it starts where the roads St Agnes, with its construction of killas and granite converge from Truro to the south and Chapel Porth rubble/granite dressings and scantle slate roof it to the west. Here the buildings either front directly adds a wealth of charm and an enticing entrance onto the street (back edge of the pavement) or into the gardens, not least a place to sit upon one of have small front gardens with local stone of brick its benches. boundary walls. The boundary walls and buildings Fig 63. Railway Inn, help to enclose the space and inform this section A terrace of low eaved two storey cottages form Vicarage Road - LBII. of the street. The character is further deepened by the eastern side of the street with some backing the richness in architectural detail, No‘s 65 and 66 directly onto the gardens. No’s 52 and 53, Grade II are a pair of semi-detached Victorian villas whose listed buildings are two of the small cottages which red brick facades add colour and warmth to the close the view from Trelawney Road to Vicarage conservation area. Opposite at no. 2 is a more Road. Fine examples of the local vernacular, their traditional town cottage (circa mid 19th century) rustic charm and humble stance upon the street are in the local stone killas with dressings and central punctuated by the interesting 19th century lattice front doorway – now offset by late 19th century wooden porch of No. 53. and more recent addition extension. Along with the dwelling the low dressed RIWKHKDXQWLQJIDFHRIWKHPDUEOH¿JXUHKHDG Fig 67. Survival of traditional Fig 65. Rear of 52 & 53 located on the single storey extension to No.52. street furniture - telephone Vicarage Road - LBII box. dwellings and pocket park. 57 ST AGNES CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL C o n s u l t a t i o n D r a f t MAY 2008 Character Area Analysis Chapter 5 On the northern corner of Trelawney Road, the ‘new premises on the east. No 41 and 41A Vicarage additions, mismatched materials and loss of front clock tower’ and red telephone kiosk are interesting Road (corner of Pengarth Road) are good examples boundary, respectively, all detracting from the features backed by the Parish Rooms, whilst of a mid 19th century corner shop with living character and appearance of the conservation area. unlisted this building adds a positive contribution to accommodation over, and 19th century shop fronts The Victorian villas, west side of Vicarage Road the character and appearance of the conservation with original details of 3 light and 4 light frontages. help to create a terraced effect due to their area. Set back slightly from the road is the former location on higher ground. Although set back The former Miners and Mechanics Institute (Listed chapel now St Agnes Meadery. Basically, a good further from the road than the dwellings opposite Buildig) now used as meeting rooms and a ‘private’ building with extremely unfortunate alterations to they are prominent within the street scene due to members’ bar marks the transition in the street to the front, including the turret and porch, vent duct, their height and formal layout which deliver the a more formal building layout. This strong building LQ¿OOHGZLQGRZORVVRIIURQWERXQGDU\ZDOOVDQG ‘inside of the bend’. Glanville Terrace – No’s 28 along with stone front boundary walls with intricate replacement with wide concrete apron to access/ – 31 have sustained many ‘modern’ additions and LURQUDLOLQJVLVD¿QHH[DPSOHRID-3DVVPRUH pull on. Due to its prominent location this building alterations, including upvc windows and heavy Edwards building. It is heartening to note that the ZRXOGEHQH¿WIURPHQKDQFHPHQWWRDGGULFKQHVVWR painting. However, the retention of the stone original detailing has been retained and maintained the conservation area rather than detract from it. boundary wall here helps to uniform this group of well over the years. In particular the matching iron houses, highlighting the importance of this means of Flanking both sides of the northern part of Vicarage railing and front gate which unlike others missed the enclosure and the need for future resistance to loss Road, gracefully forming the bend in the road are pillaging of war years (for the war effort). of the boundary walls to make way for car parking. the historic terraces with their architectural detailing It is unfortunate that the ‘sense of enclosure’ here and enclosed areas. No’s 32, 33 and 34 (terraced) North of this group is the grade II listed church is missing. This is due to the loss of the front Victorian dwelling houses have retained many of hall. Built in the Arts and Crafts style this late 19th boundary walls to no19 and no 20 for hardstanding. their original architectural details – sash windows, century building with its red painted projected No.19 shows the tell tale signs of its former use 6 panel doors and stone front boundary walls with eaves and verges affords interest to the passer-by. with its adapted shop front window while No.21 moulded stone copings. But alas most have lost the Unfortunate, recent alterations to widen the access; has some unfortunate window replacements, no iron railings from ‘atop’ the walls as donations to the raise the level of the paving, loss of nice moulded 20 is good with its original door and sash windows war effort, appropriate replacements would help to stone cappings and removal of railings depletes and iron gate. With some alterations – sympathetic GH¿QHWKHHGJHRIWKHVWUHHWDQGUHLQVWDWHWKHµ¿QH¶ the quality of this part of the street scene, simple window replacements, planting and reintroduction nature of this row of elegant dwellings. changes here could greatly improve the immediate of appropriate front boundary treatment this small SUHVHQWFRQWH[WRIWKLV¿QHEXLOGLQJ No. 37 has some notable classical details Victorian group could be much improved and create an scroll, platt band and key stones (giant end) and attractive feature when viewed along British Road/ SDQHOOHGSLODVWHUV+RZHYHUWKHJURXQGÀRRUED\ Vicarage Road. window additions and rough render are regrettably From the corner of British Road the street begins to unsympathetic. No’s 39 and no. 40 (Sally’s Bistro) QDUURZÀDQNHGHLWKHUVLGHE\WZRVWRUH\EXLOGLQJV have also been altered greatly with unsightly ground ‘Georgian style’ town houses on the west side and ÀRRUH[WHQVLRQDQGSODQWHG³VWRQHZRUN´IRUPHU a mix of 19th century dwellings and commercial 58 MAY 2008 ST AGNES CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL C o n s u l t a t i o n D r a f t Character Area Analysis Chapter 5 24.2 Vicarage Road General Description Activity & Uses Focal Points Overall quality of built and natural environment 9LFDUDJH5RDGLVRQHRIWKHPDLQURXWHV /\FKJDWHHQWUDQFHWR6W$JQHV*DUGHQRI5HVW 7KHEXLOGLQJVDUHJHQHUDOO\SRVLWLYHLQWHUPVRI into the heart of St Agnes village. Formerly Miners & Mechanics Institute, entrance into St appearance and character. However, highway a small hamlet now attached to Churchtown $JQHV9LOODJHE\¿VKVKRS ZRXOGEHQH¿WIURP interventions including street furniture (e.g. –predominantly residential but some commercial LPSURYHPHQW ¿QHWHUUDFHGGZHOOLQJV lamps) and loss of front boundary walls due to properties -cafes/restaurants, community pressure for parking, and inappropriate additions Noise levels (ambient character) buildings, including Doctors surgery and club to facades of buildings are negative in terms of 0RVWRIQRLVHJHQHUDWHGIURPWUDI¿FGXULQJGD\ their impact upon the character and appearance Townscape/Morphology some noise from commercial properties, but of the conservation area.. 0DVVLQJRIEXLOGLQJVLVLQWKHIRUPRIWHUUDFHV generally quiet area Positive features fronting onto Vicarage Road - many with small %XV\MXQFWLRQZLWK*RRQYUHD front gardens bounded by stone walls some with )LQHH[DPSOHVRI9LFWRULDQDQG*HRUJLDQ railings - others back edge of pavement Building type/architectural style terraced dwellings - some with original boundary walls and gate piers, retention of key features 0RVWEXLOGLQJVRIGRPHVWLFWZRVWRUH\VFDOH 5LFKLQDUFKLWHFWXUDOVW\OHVPDWHULDOVVRPH - wooden windows and doors terraced.
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