St Agnes Parish Council Parish Clerk: Lee Dunkley BA (Hons), MPhil, FSLCC Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Road St Agnes, TR5 0TL

01872 553801 [email protected]

Planning Committee meeting – 20th May 2019 Minutes of the meeting of St Agnes Parish Council Planning Committee as above, held in the Parish Rooms, 17, Vicarage Rd, St. Agnes, at 19:15.

Present: Cllrs Barrow (Chair), Ball, Bunt, Clark, Johns, Ripper, Slater, Stackhouse. Absent: Cllr Brown. In attendance: C Callaway, Deputy Clerk; 6 members of the public.

PL1/19 Election of Chair ELECTED Cllr Barrow as Chair of the Committee for 2019/20. Cllrs Ripper/Slater. Unanimous.

PL2/19 Apologies for absence: Cllr Brown.

PL3/19 Declarations of interest/Request for dispensations: None received.

PL4/19 Public Participation M Davies spoke in objection to PA19/02224. L Solly, Planning Consultant at Situ8 Ltd, spoke in favour of PA19/02224. C & A Vaughan spoken in objection to PA18/08533.

PL5/19 Planning Committee meeting minutes: 15th April 2019 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee as above, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, approved and signed. Cllrs Ripper/Bunt. 5 voted in favour. 3 abstained: Cllrs Clark, Slater, Stackhouse.

PL6/19 Planning Applications for consideration RECEIVED a request by the planning authority for consultation and responded:

PA19/02224: Proposed residential development of 28 dwellings (including affordable housing). Coastline Housing/Classic Builders Ltd. Land off East Hill, Blackwater TR4 8EG

The Council objects as follows: Blackwater village infrastructure is already at capacity (for example, the Council has been advised that the school is at net capacity and has been for the past seven years); Concern expressed over the additional traffic on an already busy road; Fear that the village character is being eroded; The Council conveyed sympathy for the residents of Blackwater and felt that the village needed some respite from all the recent development - the timing of the application was considered somewhat previous; While the proposed site is an exception site, there is a question of whether there is an affordable housing need in light of recent poor take up of affordable housing in Blackwater. Cllrs Clark/Ripper. Unanimous.

PA19/01865: Outline Planning for the proposed construction of roadside hotel and restaurant adjacent to A30 trunk road with associated access (re-submission of approved application PA15/06100). B Williams. Land at , Blackwater TR4 8HS

Signed: Date:

No objection, subject to consideration of noise and light pollution being addressed. Cllrs Slater/Clark. 7 voted in favour. 1 against: Cllr Bunt.

PA19/01980: (Recently revised description) - Change of use of land and demolition and replacement of outbuilding, remaining incidental to main dwelling house. P Rapo. Outbuilding, Chapel Field, New Downs, St Agnes TR5 0ND

No objection, subject to the replacement building remaining tied to the main dwelling house for non-paying guests and family members only. The Council also confirmed ‘no objection’ to the recent amendment to the application description to include the change of use of the land. Cllrs Bunt/Ripper. Unanimous.

PA18/08533: Use of existing outbuilding for ancillary accommodation for family and friends, and occasional holiday letting; associated with the main dwelling. A St John. An Mordros, Jollys Lane, , TR4 8AX

The Council strongly objects as follows: There have been no significant changes to the application since the Council were consulted in December 2018 and they wish to uphold their previous objections (Contrary to Policy 13.1 of the Cornwall Local Plan in that the annexe would not provide sufficient internal space for residential use and contrary to Condition 2 of the original approval); Contrary to 13.3 of Cornwall Local Plan as there is an inappropriate level of off street parking available; Narrow access lane which would become easily congested with additional traffic; Contrary to Policy 5 of the St Agnes NDP regarding principal residence and therefore allowing holiday letting would be inappropriate; Contrary to Policy 7 of the St Agnes NDP regarding infill development which would be detrimental to the residential amenity of any existing or neighbouring dwellings. Cllrs Barrow/Stackhouse. Unanimous.

PA19/03143: Demolition of existing bungalow and replacement with new 4 bedroom dwelling. Gulliver. Jardin Del Mar, Water Lane, St Agnes TR5 0RA

No objection. The Council recommends that a Construction/Traffic Management Plan is implemented due to the narrow lane, with the suggestion that there would be no traffic coming in from the Peterville end to access the application site. Cllrs Slater/Bunt. Unanimous.

PA19/03814: Formation of bungalow within domestic curtilage. P Thomas. Land adj. to Valetta, West Kitty, St Agnes

No objection. Cllrs Stackhouse/Bunt. 6 voted in favour. 2 against: Cllrs Ripper, Slater.

PA19/02735: Proposed part change of use of land to domestic curtilage, removal of static caravan and construction of two storey extension. Myhill. Wheal Ellen, Penhall Lane, TR4 8DL

No objection. The Council requests that the boundary between the existing property and the caravan is protected. Cllrs Slater/Ball. Unanimous.

PA19/02966: Proposed two storey extension with balcony. Burgess. Trevenna, Road from Junction at Foxcote to Junction North of Coosewartha Farm, Skinners Bottom, Redruth TR16 5DY

No objection. Cllrs Clark/Ball. Unanimous.

PA19/03661: Certificate of existing lawfulness for construction of a new dwelling as a material start has been made to decision PA15/10010. A Buckley. Greystones, Chapel Hill, Porthtowan TR4 8AF

The Council strongly objects as they are unable to support any further works at this site until the security of the adjacent chimney stack has been ensured and it is restored to its former state. Cllrs Barrow/Ripper. Unanimous.

Signed: Date:

PA19/02981: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of The Barn (former stable) as a single dwelling house. C Tocher. The Barn, Silver Springs Farm, Chiverton Cross, Blackwater TR4 8SR

No objection. Cllrs Clark/Barrow. Unanimous.

PA19/00795 AMENDED: Proposed replacement of garage used for commercial purposes and rear extension, with extension to dwelling. D Shetty. Trelyn, Wheal Butson Road, St Agnes TR5 0PW No objection. Cllrs Ripper/Ball. 7 voted in favour. 1 abstained: Cllr Clark.

PA19/02810: Demolition of existing attached "stables" and replacement with a single storey extension to existing barn conversion, including change of use of agricultural land to residential curtilage. I Windsor. Higher Farm, Mithian Downs, St Agnes TR5 0PY

No objection. Cllrs Slater/Ball. Unanimous.

PA19/03282: Demolition of conservatory and proposed single storey extension & internal alterations to dwelling. N Dawes. Penhalls House, Wheal Kitty, St Agnes TR5 0RE

No objection. Cllrs Clark/Ripper. Unanimous.

PA19/03327: Proposed roof extension with increased ridge height and creation of two dormer windows to the North elevation. C Teagle. Kando Cottage, Mithian, St Agnes TR5 0QQ

No objection. Cllrs Ball/Ripper. Unanimous.

PA19/03167: Reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) of Plot 1 following outline approval PA17/11387. I Heyworth & J Barnfield. Plot 1, Land SE of Psykes Fold, Goonbell, St Agnes

No objection. Cllrs Ripper/Slater. Unanimous.

PA19/03792: Proposed rear extension. Patterson & Smith. Greenlawns, Road, St Agnes TR5 0NH

No objection. Cllrs Ball/Ripper. Unanimous.

PA19/03052: Addition of small projection to South elevation wall at ground floor level to create internal recess for log burner (amendment to approved scheme PA18/00763). R James. 22, Tregease Road, St Agnes TR5 0SL

No objection. Cllrs Ripper/Barrow. Unanimous.

PA19/03768: Non-material amendment in respect of decision PA16/08745 to allow ground floor internal layout to be updated to provide additional hall and rear door. Family bathroom and utility areas relocated. Master bedroom side window omitted. Bedroom 3 rear window replaced with French door and bedroom 2 side window relocated and o/a size adjusted. N Warren. 11, Wheal Turnavore, West Polberro, St Agnes TR5 0AA

No objection. Cllrs Ball/Clark. Unanimous.

PA19/02231: Non-material amendment (No.1) for: introduction of a metal flue on the Western side roof slope and the reduction width by 0.5m of the sliding/folding doors on the South elevation in respect of PA17/ 07745 - Proposal for the demolition of existing rural business/storage unit and erection of two-storey dwelling. Roseland Holdings. Unit 1, Shute Lane, , St Agnes

Signed: Date:

No objection. Cllrs Barrow/Clark. 7 voted in favour. 1 abstained: Cllr Slater.

PA19/03855: Non material amendment to decision PA15/08708 for replacement of velux vertical windows and roof lights with traditional dormers and replacement of cedar cladding with cedral boarding. E Rowson. Treport, Road from North Hill to Junction at Tregoose, Blackwater TR4 8EJ

No objection. Cllrs Clark/Barrow. Unanimous.

PL7/19 Planning Applications Decisions NOTED that the following Planning Applications have been decided as follows:

PA18/10497: Re-surfacing twentieth century Cornish tin mine features in need of attention due to weather erosion on mundic - requiring specialised waterproof plaster although the finish shall have the same appearance as the original Portland cement plaster used. Land North of Wheal Friendly, Wheal Friendly Lane, St Agnes [REFUSED] PA18/10498: Application for Listed Building Consent for the above [REFUSED]

PA19/00472: New external seating area raised over 3no. car parking bays. Peterville Inn, Peterville, St Agnes TR5 0QU [WITHDRAWN]

PA19/00771: Erection of a single storey timber holiday home. 1, Arhans House, Wheal Friendly Gardens, St Agnes TR5 0AR [APPROVED]

PA19/00905: Continued use of annexe and the construction of a first floor extension to include balcony to East elevation. Garthlea, Mithian Downs, St Agnes TR5 0PY [APPROVED]

PA19/01087: Single side storey extension with balcony. Replacement garage. Changes to windows. Windermere Lodge, High Field Road, Mount Hawke TR4 8DZ [APPROVED]

PA19/01124: Demolition of existing lean-to, erection of two storey extension with conservatory and change of use of area of adjacent agricultural land to domestic curtilage. Little Trevellas Farm, Trevellas, St Agnes TR5 0XX [APPROVED]

PA19/00389: Proposed replacement bungalow. Lowenva, Wheal Quoit Avenue, St Agnes TR5 0SH [APPROVED]

PA19/00722: Reserved matters of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline approval PA18/00639 (new dwelling and associated works). Land North West of Trewan House, , Scorrier TR16 5DF [APPROVED]

PA17/00856/PREAPP: Pre-application advice on the construction of 2 new dwellings. 21, Goonown, St Agnes TR5 0UX [CLOSED – ADVICE GIVEN]

PA18/11747: Proposed first floor extension and re-configuration of existing residential dwelling. Tresco, Goonown, St Agnes TR5 0XF [APPROVED]

PA19/00096: Construction of a modern workshop to provide additional manufacturing floor space required to enable future company growth. Teagle Machinery Ltd, Blackwater, Truro TR4 8HQ [APPROVED]

PA19/00296: Demolition of existing barn, construction of replacement dwelling and detached outbuilding, re-site access and associated landscaping. Land South of Trenoweth, Buckshead St Agnes TR5 0XW [APPROVED]

Signed: Date:

PA19/00611: Enlargement of existing annexe into linked garage and the construction of a double garage. Tanglewood, Access to Blue Hills Cottage, Blue Hills, St Agnes TR5 0RG [APPROVED]

PA19/01099: Proposed extension and renovation, including a detached garage and repositioned crossover. 27, Atlantic Way, Porthtowan, Truro TR4 8AH [APPROVED]

PA19/01534: Addition of a one-storey extension above existing garage. New Cottage, Goonbell, St Agnes TR5 0PN [APPROVED]

PA19/01675: Tree works to a tree within a Conservation Area which has grown too close to a gas tank. 1, Mithian Farm, Mithian, St Agnes TR5 0QH [DECIDED NOT TO MAKE A TPO (TCA APPS)]

PA19/03009: Non-material amendment in respect of decision notice PA18/10507. 11, Tregease Road, St Agnes TR5 0SL [APPROVED]

PA17/08394: Outline application for residential development up to 8 houses with access. 8, Kerensa Gardens, Goonown, St Agnes TR5 0YX [APPROVED}

PA18/02529: Formation of new driveway. Land at Goonearl, Goonearl, Scorrier TR16 5EB [APPROVED]

PA19/01287: Erection of detached dwelling. Treport, Blackwater TR4 8EJ [APPROVED]

PA19/01659: Outline application for up to 1no. residential dwelling with all matters reserved. Land at Kittiwake Cottage, Kittiwake Cottage, Wheal Rose, Scorrier TR16 5DF [APPROVED]

PA19/02416: Proposed extensions to provide bathroom, kitchen and dining room. Abereiddy, Trevellas, St Agnes TR5 0WX [APPROVED]

PA19/02501: To erect 2 pole legs to create a H pole with no overhead lines attached. Brian Etherington Meat Co, Wheal Rose, Scorrier, Redruth TR16 5DF [NO OBJECTIONS (OHL/OHE/HG APPS)]

PA19/00939: Variation of Condition 2 in respect of approval PA17/02578 and associated approved plans. Hillside, Trevaunance Cove, St Agnes TR5 0RY [APPROVED] PA19/01539: Change of use of garage/workshop with roof amendment and extension, to create separate self-contained dwelling within curtilage and access. Kittiwake Cottage, Wheal Rose, Scorrier TR16 5DF [APPROVED]

PA19/02376: Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of enlarged family room and enlarged master bedroom. Lazy Days, , Mount Hawke TR4 8DA [APPROVED]

PL8/19 Reports from Council representatives NDP update received: Submission for the Bolster paper is being finalised; Referendum date is hoped to be sometime during the first two weeks of July.

PL9/19 Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960. None.

The meeting closed at 20:24.

Signed: Date: