Addressing the world – An address for everyone “Addressing the World – An Address for Everyone”The white paper Universal Postal Union: The white paper First published in 2012 by the International Printed in Switzerland by: Bureau of the Universal Postal Union International Bureau Copyright © Universal Postal Union Universal Postal Union P.O. Box ISBN 978-92-95025-27-1 3000 BERNE 15 SWITZERLAND All rights reserved. Except as otherwise T +41 31 350 31 11 indicated, all intellectual property rights in E
[email protected] this publication are owned by the Universal Postal Union. This publication shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or used For copies of this publication, please to make any derivative work without prior contact
[email protected] or written authorization from the Universal order through the UPU website. Postal Union. In any case, this authorization shall not extend to materials identified in The Universal Postal Union shall not this publication as being the copyright of a be under any liability to any person or third party. Authorization to reproduce organization in respect of any loss or such third party materials must be obtained damage (including consequential loss from the copyright holders concerned. or damage), however caused, which may be incurred or which arises Publication coordination: directly or indirectly from reliance on Janine Lux and Patricia Vivas information in this publication. UPU Addressing Assistance Unit Olivier Boussard UPU Executive Office Editing: David McDonald UPU English