Boston Waterways’ Development Plan



(i) Acknowledgements 2

1.0 Introduction and Methodology 3

2.0 Boston Profile 4 2.1 Location and Setting 2.2 Socio-Economic Overview

3.0 Boston Waterways 5

4.0 Historical Importance of the Waterways 8

5.0 Character Areas of the Waterways 10

6.0 Strategic Context 13

7.0 Consultation Issues 14

8.0 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats 15

9.0 Vision, Aims and Objectives 16

10.0 Development Plan Themes and Projects 16 10.1 Theme 1 – Infrastructure 17 10.2 Theme 2 – Transport 19 10.3 Theme 3 – Boating and Tourism 20 10.4 Theme 4 – Leisure and Recreation 23 10.5 Theme 5 – Environment 26 10.6 Theme 6 – Waterside Development 27 10.7 Theme 7 – Public Realm 34 10.8 Theme 8 – Activities 38

11.0 Outline Costs and Funding 39

12.0 Next Steps 41

Appendices—Available as separate document Appendix A - Design Guidelines Appendix B - Strategic Context Appendix C - Stakeholder and Partner Consultation


Client: Boston Area Regeneration Company would like to express their gratitude to the following individuals for their Boston Area Regeneration Company time, input and assistance with this Development Plan: C/o Boston Borough Council Municipal Buildings  Barrie Higham Boston Borough Council West Street  Boston, PE21 8QR Mary Powell County Council  John Adams Environment Agency

In Partnership with: Also, to the following individuals who took part in the consultation exercise: Boston Borough Council  Councillor Richard Dungworth Boston Borough Council, Chair of Planning and  Alan Flintham / David Mayfield Boston Borough Council, Planning Department  Caroline Killeavy / John Nuttall British Waterways Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership  Dave Carnell Inland Waterways Association

“Lincolnshire County Council, Environment Agency,  Simon Johnson / Richard Walker Port of Boston British Waterways working together to  Tammy Smalley Wash Estuary Project regenerate Lincolnshire’s Waterways” In addition, the following people were contacted to follow up specific queries raised by the above consultees:

Prepared By:  Adrian Isaacs Boston Woods Trust Focus Consultants (UK) Limited  Nick Bromidge Environment Agency Focus House  Rob Kirkham Witham Sailing Club Millennium Way West  Peter Coleman St Botolph’s Church Phoenix Business Park Nottingham, NG8 6AS


Jackson Design Associates Latimer House Latimer Way Sherwood Energy Village Ollerton, NG22 9QW

Part Funded By:

East Midlands Development Agency Apex Court City Link Nottingham, NG2 4LA


Introduction Agency’s Combined Strategy for Boston – nationally the first of its type; schemes. This Plan has therefore been commissioned to develop a vision for  West Street/ Merchant’s Quay Redevelopment – developers Modus the borough’s waterways and waterside sites, to demonstrate the different The long term aim of the Boston Waterways Development Plan is to enable Properties, working with Boston Borough Council, are planning a £80 roles and uses of waterways and to identify a range of improvements that Boston to maximise the potential of the borough’s waterways. A key million redevelopment scheme in Boston’s town centre, including can be undertaken to maximise the benefits and attractiveness of Boston’s objective of this Plan is to enable Boston Area Regeneration Company – waterfront sites adjacent to the Haven; waterways. BARC, to demonstrate to potential investors, developers and landowners, as well as public sector funding partners, what can be achieved in Boston, and  Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership – investment of £16 million has been Methodology just how the borough can benefit by making better use of waterways and spent since 2002 on improving Lincolnshire’s waterways as a whole, waterside sites. increasing visitors and users of the waterway system; The Boston Waterways Development scheme involves two phases:  The Waterfront – significant investment by Persimmon Homes in the Funding from the Development Agency’s Waterways Fund, development of over 200 residential units close to Road Quay; Phase 1 – Waterways Development Plan: This involves establishing a clear along with its own resources, has enabled Boston Area Regeneration vision and structure for future development, bringing together separate  St Botolph’s Church – major investment including café, shop, offices and Company to commission this Plan, and BARC is grateful to emda for projects to unlock the potential of Boston’s waterways and undertaking toilets as well as major restoration works to the Great West Door and a recognising the potential of the borough’s waterways and for providing this feasibility work and preparing outline sketch designs for priority projects. high profile festival programme for 2009. investment. Phase 2 – Project Delivery: This will involve the implementation of individual Boston owes much of its heritage and historic pattern of development to its priority projects and other waterway related activities as identified in the waterways, but today the waterways of Boston are largely ignored or Waterways Development Plan. unused, with the town turning its back, both physically and metaphorically, The methodology for Phase 1 - The Waterways Development Plan, can be on the waterways. BARC believes that Boston now needs to build on summarised as follows: significant investment that is either taking place or which is planned in the near future by both public and private sector bodies on Boston’s waterways  Location and site analysis and waterside areas. These investments include:  Documentation review  Consultation with key partners and stakeholders  Project assessment and development  Identification of priority projects  Sketch design work

Investment in St. Botolph’s Church

These investments will create significant opportunities for Boston, bringing with them:  Increased numbers of visitors and users, both on the water and waterside Construction of the Lock Link  Construction jobs and expenditure  The Boston Lock Link – construction of a lock linking the Haven and South  Raised water levels, giving opportunities for mooring of craft at a cost of approximately £8m is currently being Boston’s lively waterfront  undertaken by Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership and the Environment Increased numbers of residents living near to waterways Agency;  Greater demand for leisure activities The preparation of the Development Plan has been guided by a small  The Haven Barrage – investment of over £35m into the construction of a  Increased demand for boat moorings and related facilities and services. Steering Group consisting of representatives from Lincolnshire Waterways flood defence barrage is proposed by the Environment Agency and Partnership. This group has been instrumental in the preparation of the Plan, Lincolnshire County Council which, if approved, will begin construction in However, if Boston fails to recognise the opportunities and implications of particularly with regard to the identification of priority projects and advising 2010. Both the Lock Link and the Barrage form part of Environment these investments, the town will be unlikely to benefit fully from these on earlier drafts of the Plan.


Location and Setting

Boston is located in south-east Lincolnshire, midway between Lincoln and , east of the town lies the Wash Estuary.

The town is surrounded by largely reclaimed freshwater fen to the north and west, and salt marsh to the east. As a result the surrounding landscape is generally low and flat. Little tree cover or hedgerow exists, due to the intensive farming of the area. Such a landscape is highly distinctive, and against this the town is sharply profiled from any approach, with the most notable landmark being the 272 ft. tower of St. Botolph’s, or Boston Stump - the parish church with the highest tower in , visible in the flat lands of Lincolnshire for miles.

Socio-Economic Overview

In 2005, the resident population of Boston borough was estimated at 58,000, a rise of 4% since 2001 and higher than regional and national population increases. In terms of population trends, Boston has seen a significant increase in the population since the expansion of the European Union in 2001. The borough is ranked as one of the top five authorities nationally for registered citizens from A8 Eastern European countries per thousand of the total population. Reference: Population Trends No 129,

Boston has a higher than average economically active population with 82.9% of the working age population being economically active compared

to 80.3% in Lincolnshire, 80.1% in the East Midlands and 78.4% in England. Office of National Statistics

The business and economic structure of Boston is, to a large extent, defined by its position within the predominately rural county of Lincolnshire. In terms of industry sectors 23.5% of enterprises in Boston are within the agriculture sector. This is significantly above the regional and national averages. Boston also has a higher than regional and national average percentage of enterprises in transport, motor trades and wholesale.

The average house price in Boston between July and September 2006 was £136,193 compared to an average of £164,788 in the East Midlands. England. Since 2003, average house prices in Boston have risen by 20%, which is less than both regional and national increases.

Boston Borough Council were involved in Link feasibility work which began in 1997 and were a funder in 2002 of the Lincolnshire Waterways Development Framework.

The potential of the waterways was further identified in the Historic Baseline report undertaken by Heritage Lincolnshire in 2004, which highlighted the unique features of waterways in Boston This Baseline was used to inform the development of the Boston Masterplan Strategy, where the Waterways are a key issue in Priority Three “Environment” and also identified in the Tourism Priority which recognises their “significant opportunity for tourism” and that more should be done to maximise and promote these opportunities.



Boston Waterways British Waterways is the navigation authority for the . or in the dock itself where there are facilities for handling paper, steel coil and grain as well as timber and general cargo, including containers. Boston has always been an important trading centre, with a market held here The Haven for more than 450 years. From the 13th century onwards, its waterways and The Port of Boston is the navigation authority for the Haven. lively port have played a vital role in its development and the social and The Haven is the tidal river which flows through Boston, providing access for economic prosperity of the town and surrounding area. shipping between Boston Deeps in The Wash and the town and Port of Witham Navigable Drains Boston. The Witham These drainage channels, or ‘dykes’, were originally constructed to drain surrounding land for agricultural use, becoming navigable in the 1500s. The Witham is one of the primary river systems in Lincolnshire, starting south There is currently a network of about 90 miles of navigable waterways, with of and flowing northwards through Lincoln before turning south- only one connection to the River Witham at Antons Gowt Lock. east where it flows into the Haven and onwards to discharge into The Wash. Flowing for 36 miles through quiet, flat Lincolnshire countryside, the Witham Water levels are raised in summer to aid navigation and lowered in winter for has been navigated since Roman times and links historic Lincoln and Boston. land drainage purposes. The standard of navigation in the channels is quite The whole length of the river has historically been canalised and serves an variable with construction currently underway on a new lock linking the important function in terms of land drainage and flood defence, as well as Haven and South Forty Foot Drain as part of the so that navigation. Long stretches of the river are straight and uniform in profile. small vessels can reach the Fens without venturing out to the Wash.

The South Forty-Foot Drain is 32 The tidal Haven kilometres long and is the main The Haven serves as the outfall into the sea for the River Witham and for channel for the land-drainage of the several major land drains of the northern Fens. On the right bank of The Black Sluice in the Lincolnshire Fens. Haven in the Quarter of Boston is the Black Sluice, the outfall of the It lies between , and South Forty-Foot Drain. the Black Sluice on The Haven. It gathers the waters pumped from The Haven derives its name from the English settlers who arrived in The the Kesteven and Holland Fens, Wash and found tidal creeks which gave them entry to the habitable belt of travelling northwards and eastwards land, inland from the salt-marshes. They called these creeks "havens". to the Black Sluice at Boston, where they are discharged to the tidal waters of the Haven.

The linear and uniform River Witham Navigation responsibility for these Today, there is little commercial traffic above the port of Boston along the drains is generally managed by the Haven, with only pleasure craft continuing through the lock at the Grand Witham Fourth Internal Drainage Sluice into the Witham. Board with the Environment Agency taking an overview in terms of flood Antons Gowt Lock

Gates open at the Grand Sluice risk.

The Black Sluice Pumping Station

Out to The Wash

The Port of Boston did not develop until after natural events had diverted the River Witham into the Haven during the eleventh century. However, nowadays, the Port activity has moved below the old centre of the town. The fishing fleet moors below the railway bridge and trading vessels lie either in tidal berths beside the dock where there are facilities for handling scrap steel



Why Boston’s Waterways are Important the river levees. Other townships in the region developed on the siltlands - town, the river is much wider and lies the higher areas of land between marsh and fen. between the protective medieval sea Boston’s historic waterways have been a significant force in the economic banks that are still evident. and social evolution of the town. Medieval Boston As an exporter of wool and an Boston’s development during this period is primarily attributable to its role as importer of various goods, Boston a port and its accessibility by sea to other parts of the country and Europe. became highly affluent during this At this time, the town was much closer to the coastline and situated upon a period and following the monastic broad estuary. Added to this was a system of inland waterways, allowing revival in the 12th century, attracted Boston to be an out port to other towns and cities in the Midlands, and by numerous monastic orders. The the 13th century, wool from as far west as Derby was exported from Boston. surrounding fens were an important economic resource which were used The centrality of the River Witham, running from Lincoln to Boston, through to graze sheep, helping to make the town centre and out to The Wash, was an important factor in the growth Lincolnshire the primary wool of Boston during this period. This is particularly apparent where Boston’s producer in England. This helped to Medieval Shodfriars Hall growth can be seen to have clustered around the river at Town Bridge where attract European interest with the th Boston’s maritime history it has been historically forded since the early 12 century. South of the Hanseatic League establishing itself in Boston during the 1260s, resulting in Boston dominating all trade with Norway and the Baltic From the 12th to the 15th centuries Boston was one of the principal ports in during this period. It was in the 12th century that the medieval Britain, in some years handling more trade than the Port of London. first Boston fair was held which, at that time, was one of As a result, the town developed as a busy urban settlement, rich in buildings the most important fairs in England, attracting trade and infrastructure associated with its commercial activities, as well as high from other parts of the country and Europe and by the status private and public buildings such as merchants’ houses, guildhalls, end of the 13th century the town had established its monasteries. The parish church of St. Botolph’s, widely known as “the weekly market. Stump”, is a clear symbol of the levels of confidence and investment in Boston at this time. In the 18th and early 19th centuries, the drainage of the Boston’s original medieval street pattern extended in fens resulted in another period of prosperity for the port and renewed four directions, with three of these routes closely investment in the buildings and infrastructure of the town. following the River Witham’s course, providing the streets with their sinuous, curving nature and Roman Boston demonstrating the importance of the river to Boston’s initial growth and subsequent character. Widespread Romano-British occupation of the fenland has been recognised, particularly on the western fen-edge and north-east of Boston, however the From around 1400, trade in and out of Boston began true density of settlement and occupation is unknown. Romano-British to decline. Trade in wool was the most affected, occupation in the fens tended to centre around village-like settlements with although the wine and cloth trades also suffered. Trade an economic basis focused on animal rearing and salt-making. was further affected when the Hanseatic League withdrew from the town in 1470. They did however Saxon Boston return for a short period but never with the same numbers or the amount of Early in this period, the Lincolnshire Fens appear to have suffered from trade. extensive flooding, depositing marine silts over much of the fen basin. Subsequently, the fen and marsh environments surrounding the town become more defined than the preceding period.

Although there is no archaeological evidence for Early Saxon occupation in the Boston area, place-name evidence suggests it was becoming habitable. In the Boston and Skirbeck area, settlements are likely to have developed on


Post-Medieval Boston warehousing, coal yards and ironworks grew up around the Grand Sluice, the granaries. Other features area becoming known as Witham Town. The construction of the windmill in installed at the dock included The post-medieval period bought a number of topographic changes to the 1819 and the widening of the Maud Foster in 1820, led to the extension of a fish market, icehouses and area surrounding the town. These included attempts to drain the the town’s eastern boundary. Plots of surplus land were sold along its workshops owned by surrounding fenlands which started with the cutting of the Maud Foster eastern bank and high quality terraces with large front gardens erected. companies such as Boston Drain, referred to as a new cut in 1568 from Cow Brygge to Boston Haven. Deep Sea Fishing and Ice Other drainage works include the New Hammond Beck, also known as Victorian and Edwardian Boston Company Ltd and the Steam Redstone Gowt or Adventurer’s Drain, in 1601. Within the next forty years, Trawling Company of Boston

the South Forty Foot Drain had been cut principally to drain the fens north of Two factors changed the face of Boston during this period. The first was the Ltd. The historic Grand Sluice Railway Bridge Bourne. arrival of the railways in 1848 followed by the construction of the dock in 1884 and associated works around the Haven. During the 19th century the use of the river for leisure and recreational This period was one of further decay for Boston’s trade. Wool remained the purposes became increasingly popular, with areas for swimming and walking chief export in the latter half of the 16th century but only 203 sacks are In 1848, the arrival of the railway saw the redundancy of many port workers, created along the bank of the Witham south of the town known as Bath recorded as being exported in 1558. Coastal trade did continue into the next causing the dereliction of much of the harbour’s associated building. The Gardens. century but served a much smaller area and comprised coal and salt from construction of the dock in 1884 involved the development of agricultural Newcastle, and smaller household items from London. land at the southern end of the town. Following construction of the dock a Twentieth Century Boston number of single-storey sheds were built for storage as well as two The former custom house, in the Mart Yard was moved to Packhorse Quay It is Boston’s surviving medieval plan and succession of spaces, streets and between 1640 and 1662. The Hanseatic warehouse and other buildings, lanes that provide its distinctive character today, including St. John’s Church were also demolished. Many of the friaries together with the surviving architecture from the suffered a similar fate, although elements of Blackfriars survived which may medieval period onward. However, developments have been used as warehousing given the proximity of Packhorse Quay. such as the construction of John Adam’s Way during the 1970s has resulted in a new road bridge and the In 1607, the Haven, between Boston and the sea, was the scene of the first, demolition of many buildings on the edge of the abortive, attempt of the Scrooby Pilgrims to leave England. Ultimately, in historic core, along the River Witham. A 1620, they became part of the original settlement of Plymouth, Conservation Area was first designated in Boston in Massachusetts. 1969 and largely confined to the medieval core of the town. Subsequent reviews have led to its expansion Towards the end of this period the River Witham was straightened along the that includes features from its Georgian, Victorian and stretch through the town. The Grand Sluice was constructed in 1766 and Edwardian past. despite some early problems was instrumental in Boston regaining its status as a Port. References Boston Town Historic Environment Baseline Study – Georgian Boston 2007, Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire

By the mid 18th century little had changed in Boston since the late medieval period, the river silting up and the wool trade slowing, resulting in the Port’s decline. Nevertheless, Daniel Defoe did comment in 1724 on the town being “a large, populous and well built town, full of good merchants, with a good share of foreign trade” (quoted in the Boston Historic Environment Baseline Study, original source Lewis 1973).

However, changes in the market and the 18th century enclosure of the fens together with their intensive drainage and farming meant that the town once more began to expand. The economic growth of the town was assisted by the newly cut Witham Navigation and construction of the Grand Sluice, undertaken between 1764-6. Following this, a brewery, an inn and various


The purpose of this section is to summarise the character and anglers particularly the area further up on the bank, beyond Hospital appearance of the key waterside areas in the town. The analysis will Bridge. consider the following features and their relevance to the development of Boston’s Waterways: Character Area: West Street

 Character of spaces West Street is the main route into the town centre from the west.  Character of buildings The area is dominated by retail and public administration buildings in  Uses mainly late 20th century buildings which are of varied heights and  Activities widths. The town’s conservation area fringes the area to the  Landmarks and vistas northeast running alongside the Haven. The buildings in this area do  Historic assets not interact with the river, but are set back in their own grounds. The area adjacent to the river has a number of semi-mature trees, which Character Area: Maud Foster provides dappled shade and a green backdrop to the townscape but disrupts the urban character of the riverside. The Maud Foster Drain was cut in the 1560s, with the urban development alongside the drain dating back to the early 1800s. This The current buildings were erected from the 1970s onwards after includes the Catholic Church, Maud Foster Windmill and some late slum clearances of the late 60s. The large block forms and flat bed Georgian terraced properties. The buildings face each other across car parks are at odds with the historic core of the town. The car the drain similar to that of a Dutch canal town, producing a quite parks are heavily used with direct pedestrian access to the town different character from property along the Haven. There are fairly centre via St Botolph's Bridge, a narrow footbridge spanning the narrow roads running alongside the drain on each side with most Haven. buildings situated close to this frontage. The drain side is largely straight and has a well-defined hard edge of a brick wall topped by oak post and rail barriers.

This is an area of mixed use with a few shops at each end of Road, pubs, residences for the elderly, builder’s yard and granary, mixed in with normal residential use.

The area is dominated by the Grade I tower of the Maud St Botolph’s footbridge Foster Mill, with turning sails and fantail. The mill is a tourist attraction and is also The area currently contains the Police Station, Employment Centre, used for the commercial Health Clinic, Voluntary Services Centre, Kwik Save, Bus Interchange, grinding of flour. Scheduled Car Parks and a number of independent retailers and Boston Borough Ancient Monuments within Council Municipal Offices along the West Street frontage. the Conservation Area include the 1811 Hospital Lane footbridge, which, navigating Maud Foster Mill the Maud Foster Drain, constitutes the area’s extreme northern boundary.

In terms of recreational activities, the Maud Foster drain is used by


Character Area: Wormgate

Wormgate is on the north side of St Botolph’s Church, running alongside the eastern riverbank. A medieval street, it follows a gently curving line with the houses on the west side having long gardens down to the river.

The scale of the buildings diminishes slightly towards Witham Place, which is wider and straighter. There is no access to the riverside from here, unlike the west side where there is a path along the edge, here it drops down as a shallow grassy Doughty’s Quay bank to the water’s edge. The New residential development backs of the later 20th century In terms of vistas, from Doughty Quay there are views up the river to Character Area: The Port of Boston housing on Witham Place and Custom House Quay, South Street and across to the large group of Wormgate face the river, giving a warehouses. The skyline is dominated by a wide range of lifting equipment including soft and informal landscape, overhead gantry cranes and grain elevators. Surrounding the dock itself are providing a green backdrop to the Character Area: High Street South and London Road several covered warehouses for storing cargo. The northern edge of the site riverside views of the Stump. is dominated by grain silos and a secure container park is also located on the Separated from the rest of the historic town by the Haven Bridge and the site. The area’s proximity to St Inner Relief Road, the old southern High Street continues beyond the modern Botolph’s Church, means that the town. Stump looms over Wormgate and Witham Place and features High Street and the river Haven part company as the river meanders away in dramatically in all views to the a broad sweep, the area is now occupied by a grid of turn of the century Wormgate south. terraced housing. Those along the river face towards it, whilst the others face one another across narrow straight streets. Character Area: High Street North The sites to the north are occupied by warehouses and sheds formerly This narrow medieval street winds alongside the Haven on its west bank connected with the fishing industry. leading to the Skirbeck Quarter, dissected by John Adams Way and the Haven Bridge. Downstream, London Road is by contrast much wider and at its southern end open to the river edge. This is concealed behind a low brick wall which At the town centre end of the High Street, the buildings turn their backs to defines a bank top area used by local fishing boatmen. Boston Port skyline the river and face inwards. However, the space opens out towards the Town Bridge with a small forecourt in front of the White Hart and Midland Bank, This is an area which is increasingly residential in use as the retail trade finds The port’s activities are constrained by the size of the site and its access. and views across the river to buildings on the east bank. this lower end of High Street difficult to sustain business. Factory use is The port is currently limited to handling ships of 5,000 - 6,000 tonne capacity limited to buildings along the riverside. with a diverse range of cargo including metals, fertiliser, grains, animal feeds At the southern end of this area, there is a landmark building in the shape of and phosphates. the tall and narrow former warehouse, this marks the beginning of Doughty In terms of activity, the river has fishing boats moored on both banks. Quay now used for car parking. Activity associated with fishermen mending boats, setting off and landing, is The construction of the dock in 1884 involved the development of agricultural noticeable in London Road along the riverbanks and at the boatyard. Views land at the southern end of the town. This was followed by the construction Haven Bridge itself is open, windy and exposed and, as with the Inner Relief and vistas abound in this area up and down the river, across from one bank of a number of single-storey storage sheds as well as two granaries. Road, its impact across the historic town is generally negative. to the other with long views out into the Wash Estuary. There is still evidence of Boston’s Port status with a rope walk alongside Hospital Lane. Around the dock area there are reminders of Boston’s involvement during the wars with pillboxes still evident from World War II.


and the beginning of Haven Bank. The road turns down off the bank into Irby Character Area: The Market Place The old Custom House Custom House Quay Street and a tree-lined footway begins to run alongside the gently sloping grassed riverbank. The Market Place dates back to the early medieval period. The space is well defined by the buildings which follow the line of the Market Place in broad Below the sluice the tidal river stretch can look visually unappealing when the sweeping curves.

Irby Street The Market Place tide is out and the broad mud banks are exposed. However, beyond the warehouse, the Sam Newsom Centre forms a stop to the end of Custom sluice the water level is more constant and it is here where pleasure boats The area opens out at the northern end to reveal St Botolph’s Church, with House Quay, and narrows the street down significantly to form a tunnel like are moored in the summer months at sites belonging to Boston Marina and the Stump rising above the town centre roof lines. The churchyard area is entrance into South Square. The warehouses are large buildings of three and British Waterways. grassed and hedged in places, providing a quiet riverside space in contrast to four storey heights helping to reinforce Boston’s maritime history with the the busy Market Place. repair of the former Johnson’s warehouse having a significant visual impact on this part of the town. The Market Place is the commercial heart of the town with the buildings generally in retail use. There is a market on Wednesdays and Saturdays and This area has some of the most interesting buildings in the town which have on other days the area is used for car parking. There are two well used evolved as part of its maritime history. At the top end of South Street is one bridges - Town Bridge for both vehicles and pedestrians and St Botolph’s of the few visibly timber framed buildings in Boston - Shodfriars Hall. There Bridge solely for pedestrians. are also a number of large eighteenth century houses in South Square, of which the most notable is the former merchants dwelling, Fydell House, a Within this area there are a number of important waterside landmarks and Grade I listed building. vistas. The Assembly Rooms and Exchange Buildings frame the view from Town Bridge into the Market Place. Off the bridge, looking north, are the Most of the recent developments in this area have been around cultural backs of the buildings on Church Street, with the Stump set against the river. activity with the area forming the core of Boston’s Cultural Quarter. The Fencing around the moorings From the south view the Custom House Quay and South Street feature Guildhall Museum, Fydell House’s adult education centre, Blackfriars Arts prominently. Centre, the Sam Newsom Music Centre, Shodfriars Hall’s social clubs and the On the east side of the Witham, there is a quayside area beside the Grand Haven are all located there. Sluice and beneath the railway bridge. Fencing around the moorings allows Character Area: South Square the river to be seen through it, but has an overall unsightly appearance. The wide views from Custom House Quay include the complex backs of the Beyond this development is the impression of open countryside leading to the This area is the old quayside of the medieval town, with a range of warehouses on South High Street, with the view upstream curving round Witham Way Country Park. warehouses, merchants’ houses, former guildhalls and the old custom house, towards Town Bridge. all helping to retain the character of the old medieval port. In terms of activities, the pedestrian bridge over the river is a busy route and Character Area: Haven Bank and Witham Bank the tree lined walkways along the river are popular with residents. The The river forms an attenuated ‘S’ bend at this point, and the buildings follow Sustrans national cycle route extends north along the east bank of the this line only straightening out towards the southern end. On the riverside is This long, linear area traces the course of the river from Town Bridge to the Witham towards Lincoln and has been substantially developed by the LWP Custom House Quay, partially for car parking with views up and down the edge of the Conservation Area. It is the area where development began in over the past 4 years. river. Boston on either side of the Haven and around the Town Bridge area. Beside the river is a group of three large warehouses. The converted At Irby Place a brick wall masks the riverbank with vehicular access to here


This section outlines the key national, regional, sub-regional and local Sub-regional Documents strategies that have influenced the preparation of this Waterways Development Plan.  Lincolnshire Waterways Development Framework 2008-2018, LWP  A Sustainable Community Strategy for Lincolnshire 2006-2021, National Documents Lincolnshire Assembly  Lincolnshire Structure Plan 2001-2021, Lincolnshire County Council 2006  Waterways for Tomorrow, DETR 2000  Lincolnshire Economic Strategy, Lincolnshire Enterprise 2005  Planning a Future for the Inland Waterways, IWAC 2001  A Tourism Vision for the Lincolnshire Coast, Lincolnshire Tourism 2007  Waterways 2025, British Waterways 2004  Lincolnshire Enterprise Draft Sub Regional Investment Plan, 2007-2010  Inland Investment Guide, British Waterways 2006  Fens Waterways Link, Environment Agency 2003  Just Add Water, IWAC 2005  The Inland Waterways of England and Wales in 2007, IWAC 2007 Local Documents  Waterways and Development Plans, British Waterways 2003  Your Rivers for Life, Environment Agency 2004  Boston Community Strategy, Boston Borough Council 2004  Waterways for People, British Waterways 2002  Wormgate Draft Regeneration Plan, Boston Borough Council 2005  Waterways Access for All, British Waterways 2003  Town Centre Study, Tribal Consulting 2007 Develop local cycle routes  Boston Masterplan Strategy, Focus Consultants 2004  Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal, 2006 “Biodiversity is fundamental to health and well being, it is a key determinant  A Tourism Vision for the Lincolnshire Coast, Lincolnshire Tourism 2007 of economic success and it provides a sense of place and character.” A Biodiversity Strategy for the East Midlands (East Midlands Biodiversity Forum 2006)

“Access should not be thought about only in terms of physical access. The provision of information, interpretation and the promotion of schemes are equally important.” Waterways Access for All (British Waterways 2003)

“…to optimise the added value of waterways there is a need to develop the use of under-utilised waterways and waterbodies, as well as to maximise the use of existing waterside brownfield sites, under-utilised waterside buildings and to promote waterside development sites.” Waterways and Development Plans Maximise under-utilised waterside buildings and brownfield sites (British Waterways 2003).

Improve signage and interpretation “Local signage and destination/attraction signage should be improved to Regional Documents assist with both the sense of arrival at a tourist destination and as a means of Policy Statements in Support of the Plan conveying the range of facilities and attractions available to the visitor.” A  Environment Agency Regional Strategy 2006-2011, Environment Agency  A Flourishing Region – Regional Economic Strategy 2006-2020, emda “Destinations that are successful are those that are able to combine a Tourism Vision for the Lincolnshire Coast, 2007 (Lincolnshire Tourism)  East Midlands Tourism Strategy 2003 – 2010, emda number of things: First, a set of integrated or synergistic experiences. This is “Not all of these initiatives have been an unqualified success. In spite of the  East Midlands Draft Regional Plan, EMRA 2007 a shift away from individual attractions (i.e. a single museum) – towards a work by BW, there seems to be an unmet demand for off-line moorings.” The  Anglian Region Local Contribution 2006/11, Environment Agency more integrated experience that involves activities and attractions that are Inland Waterways of England and Wales in 2007 (IWAC 2007)  Regional Cultural Strategy 2006-2011, Culture East Midlands joined (by a theme or type)…” Town Centre Study (Tribal Consulting 2007)  A Biodiversity Strategy for the East Midlands, East Midlands Biodiversity A full strategic review is available at Appendix B. Forum 2006 “There is huge scope in Lincolnshire for developing short circular cycle routes  Space4Trees, Forestry Commission 2005 to link the waterways with nearby tourist attractions. This could be a major

selling point for waterways based holidays and short breaks in the country.” Lincolnshire Waterways Development Framework 2008-2018 (Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership 2007)


Throughout February and March 2008, interviews were undertaken with  Celebrate the fishing fleet as part of Boston’s heritage key partners and stakeholders with an interest in Boston Waterways.  Promotion of the Witham Navigable Drains Over the last 12 months, Boston Borough Council has also consulted  Removal of flood defence walls to improve visual impact with residents on their priorities. The issues raised from these  Dredging the Haven with environmental disposal solutions consultation sessions have been used to inform the Waterways  Development Plan and the individual projects identified within the Plan. Waterside festivals and events with an opportunity for an opening event for the Lock Link Key issues facing Boston in trying to develop its waterways  Attract IWA national trail boat rally to Boston in 2009 linked to the opening of Lock Link  Complex partnership arrangements between the different navigation  Rejoin the Hanseatic League authorities  Install additional wildlife facilities such as bat boxes.  Navigation issues around the Lock Link  Shortage of slipways, dry dock and diesel facilities Waterways projects that partners are currently involved in around  Limited marina facilities Boston’s waterways  Lack of moorings and facilities for boaters  Haven Barrage  Issues around dredging and derelict craft  Architectural competition for Haven Barrage as an iconic structure  Litter, waste and flytipping  Phase 1 Boston Lock Link  Residual tidal water levels  Additional facilities Lock Keepers Cottages at Black Sluice  Unsightly flood walls  New moorings at Hubberts Bridge and Swineshead  Inconsistent signage and branding  Upgrade to moorings at Witham Way Sailing Club / Boston Motor  Funding constraints Yacht Club  Water Rail Way multi-user path Opportunities  St Botolph’s Church major investment and major restoration works Partners were also asked to identify a number of opportunities for  West Street mixed use redevelopment scheme Boston Waterways, with the findings used to inform the projects within  Boston Woods new woodland projects this Plan. These are summarised below:  RSPB developments at Frampton Marsh and Freiston Shore  Annual Wash Week  Redevelopment of vacant waterside buildings  Wash Estuary Project Green Infrastructure Post  Development of key strategic waterside sites, including South  Square, Doughty’s Quay and Custom House Quay Leisure Cruises along the River Witham and The Wash   Improved linkages to the waterside in historic areas such as South Nene Lighthouse at Sutton Bridge feasibility study High Street and Wormgate  Technical scoping Boston to Spalding Link as part of Waterways X  Maximise river frontage as part of the West Street redevelopment phased approach.  Promotion of the Cultural Quarter and its linkages to the waterways A more detailed account of the issues raised during the consultation  New marina development process can be found at Appendix C.  Additional visitor and long term moorings  Improvements to existing moorings  Other boating facilities e.g. diesel, pumpout and sanitary facilities  Facilities for offshore craft  Improved pedestrian access to the waterways  Extension of existing waterside footpaths and cycleways  New bridge over the Witham


The consultation exercise has informed the Waterways Development Plan with the key findings and issues reviewed in terms of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as set out in the SWOT analysis below. This SWOT analysis has then been used to develop the themes and projects set out in Section 10.

STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES  Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership - Strong partnership, track record of project delivery, ability  Location - End of inland navigation network at present to attract funding, good communication network  Witham Navigable Drains - Lack of visual interest  Town historically connected to the - Number of quays enabling access to water - Varying water levels waterways - Fishing fleet - Seasonality - Access points / steps - Lack of clear navigation authority  Seasonal moorings at Boston Grand Sluice - Lack of year round leisure offer  Investment planned / in the pipeline - Major investment in Lock Link and Barrage with funding  Lack of town centre moorings and facilities - Failure to integrate the river with the town centre enabling projects to go ahead  Tidal regime in Haven and Town Centre - Mudflats  Landmark buildings adjacent to waterways - Significant visual interest from waterway - Siltation / dredging - Encourage football to / from waterways - Non-permanent water presence in town  Range of different character areas - Rural, urban, industrial – within a very close proximity  Abandoned Craft - Navigational hazard

 Strategic location - Fens Waterways Link  Neglected waterside areas and sites - Derelict and run down buildings alongside water in many - Link to sea, The Wash, Witham, navigable waterways areas - Network of navigable drains - London Road / High Street - Graffiti / litter / fly-tipping / lack of public maintenance  Port of Boston - Only port in East Midlands  Fragmented waterside access for pedestrians - Difficult to encourage increased access to the waterway - Rail linked and cyclists - Cyclists forced to transfer to busy and congested roads  Grand sluice visitor facilities - Strong tourism offer  Signage and interpretation - Range of brands and styles - Lack of maintenance of existing signage  Sustrans / Water Rail Way investment and - National, regional and local leisure routes - Key areas neglected / lack of signage interest

OPPORTUNITIES THREATS  Build on investment by Lincolnshire - Lock Link  Diversity of navigation authorities - Complex relationship Waterways Partnership / Environment Agency - Barrage - Public and private bodies with differing priorities - Internal complications / conflicts e.g. flood versus  Development sites - Key strategic waterside sites available navigation - New marina  Investor/ developer confidence - Many vacant buildings / sites on the market  Re-branding / marketing opportunity - Promote Boston tourism - Low property prices - Market historic fishing fleet connection - Many long term non-developed sites - Market historic waterside areas such as Wormgate, South High Street, London Road  Planning, housing allocation restriction - Affecting ability to use housing developments to finance waterway regeneration  Increasing Port capacity - Linked to Barrage – opportunity to increase lock capacity - Increase in rail freight  Port development - Constrained by access and increasing traffic congestion

 Raised water level / removal of flood walls - Enhanced appearance of river  Flood Risk - Potential impact on new waterways projects

 Network of navigable drains - Market as specific challenge for boaters  Funding - Inability to secure external funding

 Speciality retail opportunities - e.g. Chandlery, angling, speciality fish products etc


Vision and Aims Themes and Objectives Theme 6 Waterside Development: To act as a catalyst for public and private investment in key brownfield sites Boston Waterway’s Development Plan shares its vision with that agreed by The vision and aims will be supported by eight themes with related objectives. adjacent to the waterside and to ensure good practice in the development of the Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership for the waterways in Lincolnshire: These objectives directly respond to the key issues identified in the policy the waterside. documents and strategies summarised in the strategic context section of the Key Projects: - Wormgate "Lincolnshire's Waterways of the future will be vibrant and easily accessible Development Plan and also issues raised by stakeholders during the consultation - ChurchStreet places for local communities to enjoy and will form a major attraction that interviews. The eight key themes and objectives are summarised below: - South Square draws visitors to Lincolnshire. - White Horse Lane - Warehouses  Theme 1 Infrastructure: - Haven Bank / Irby Street To establish the necessary infrastructure for the waterways to thrive and grow. The waterways and their corridors will demonstrate a high quality built and - Vauxhall Bridge natural environment, providing focus for a diverse range of local businesses, Key Projects: - Haven Barrage - White Horse Lane - Former HP Building - Dredging - London Road—Smith’s Wharf and will become a major destination for a wide range of leisure activities." - Signage and Interpretation The vision is underpinned by the following aims which, whilst specific to Boston, are also consistent with the aims of the Lincolnshire Waterways Theme 7 Public Realm: Development Framework: Theme 2 Transport: To create a high quality public realm which attracts residents and visitors to To develop and promote Boston Port as a major hub for the transportation of the waterside.  To develop a long term vision for the development of Boston’s freight from the east coast to other parts of the country and Europe. Key Projects: - Haven Bank / Irby Street waterways. Key Projects: - Freight Facilities - Custom House Quay - Doughty’s Quay  To act as a catalyst for regeneration and inward investment in and around Boston’s waterways. Theme 3 Boating / Tourism:  To identify priorities for the development and integration of social, To develop Boston’s waterways as a leisure and tourism facility for residents and Theme 8 Activities: economic and environmental issues as they relate to the waterways. visitors to the borough. A programme of activities to encourage residents and visitors to enjoy the  To identify opportunities for improving Boston’s waterways whilst Key Projects: - Marina / Long term moorings waterways and celebrate the historical importance. protecting the distinctive features of the urban and rural landscape. - Visitor moorings Key Projects: - Waterside Festivals / Events - Other Boat Facilities - Marketing and Promotion  To consider Boston’s waterways in their county, regional and inter- regional context as part of a much wider network.

 To identify opportunities for improving the infrastructure of the Theme 4 Leisure and Recreation: It is also likely that projects will develop and emerge over the lifetime of this Boston’s waterways to provide high quality opportunities for outdoor To create and promote new leisure and recreational opportunities for residents Development Plan, the list of projects is by no means exhaustive and is likely leisure and recreation activities for local communities and visitors. and visitors as part of the development of Boston’s waterways. to evolve to take advantage of new opportunities over of the next five years.  To identify opportunities to improve access to the waterways. Key Projects: - New Bridges - AccessPoints Key: Cost Estimates  To assist the development of sustainable tourism and green tourism - Cycleways / Footpaths opportunities. - Water Based Sports The following scale has been used to estimate costs for individual projects:  To develop a strong ownership and engagement by local - Trip Boat / Water Taxi communities in the development of Boston’s waterways through local - FishingFacilities £ = Estimated cost up to £10,000 initiatives. ££ = Estimated cost between £10,000 and £100,000  To work with key partners and existing networks to co-ordinate the £££ = Estimated cost between £100,000 and £1,000,000 development of Boston's waterways. Theme 5 Environment: ££££ = Estimated cost over £1,000,000 To sustain and enhance the quality of the waterway environment and aquatic habitats as part of the development of Boston’s waterways. More detailed cost estimates are available for the priority projects in Section Key Projects: Environmental activities 11.


DREDGING To improve navigation, parts of the Haven would benefit from dredging.

SIGNAGE AND INTERPRETATION Clear and informative signs in a consistent style.

HAVEN BARRAGE A major flood defence scheme for Boston, will result in the Haven having a more reliable river level throughout the town.


Project: Haven Barrage Project: Waterways Dredging and accords with the LWP Signage Strategy and complements the work Description Description undertaken in the town centre. The The proposed Haven Barrage project is primarily designed to protect Boston from Dredging is likely to be required on both the South Forty Foot Drain and also in purpose of the Strategy should be to: tidal inundation and rising sea levels. However, the Environment Agency and LWP the Haven if the barrage project goes ahead and water levels are raised. A have identified that, with additional funding, a more flexible “super-barrage” could siltation study is planned as part of the barrage project, examining points of  Welcome visitors from the waterways be constructed, which would have the effect of limiting the tidal variation in water erosion and deposition. to Boston and help them understand levels in the upper Haven. This would mean that water levels in the upper Haven what the area has to offer Historic interpretation plaque would not drop down to the level of the current mud flats and this stretch would Within the Haven, there are a number of areas where siltation has occurred, as a  Improve links between the waterways remain permanently navigable to craft, which would bring navigational and visual result of tidal movements. This siltation has been compounded in some areas by and the town and encourage exploration by visitors and residents improvements to the waterways through Boston town centre. the existence of abandoned and sunken boats on a number of mud flats in the  Interpret the identity and historic character of Boston’s waterways Haven, which have slowed water down and resulted in further build up of  Make accessing the waterways as simple as possible The Environment Agency has identified an opportunity to create a high quality siltation. landmark structure with artistic and visual interest, and the LWP is currently in The strategy should not be based purely on signs, but should also be concerned discussion with Arts Council England regarding the commissioning of an In the event of the construction of the barrage, the pattern of siltation is likely to with understanding the waterways in terms of landmarks, art, views and the architectural competition and potential investment from the Arts Council. The change and the Environment Agency are planning to conduct modelling studies to historic streetscape of the town. As part of the development of the strategy, Environment Agency would also like to consider the feasibility of establishing a identify the impact of the proposed changes and the future need for dredging. consideration should be given to: visitor facility at or near the barrage, as has been done at other similar barrage locations, to maximise visitor interest and to create an additional visitor attraction. Within the South Forty Foot Drain, the Environment Agency and LWP have  Branding – in relation to graphics and information identified that dredging is required. In addition, there is likely to be a need to  Arrival in Boston – maps and other visitor information Location remove some or all of the abandoned or sunken craft where these are likely to  Pedestrian access to the waterways – signage from the town and residential Between Black Sluice and Port of Boston lock - actual detailed location yet to be create an obstruction or hazard to navigation. areas finalised. Location The LWP has a signage strategy in place and any proposals will need to be Status Throughout the Haven and on the South Forty Foot Drain consistent with this. British Waterways has developed a set of standards for The Environment Agency is due to commence planning work on the project in signage that are currently being introduced to ensure consistency, they are also 2008, with work commencing on the construction 3 years later. Status keen to explore interpretation particularly in terms of informing and engaging Unknown visitors about the work of British Waterways, local heritage features, wildlife and Constraints/Issues leisure opportunities. This is a major project and will have significant development requirements, Constraints/Issues including: The Environment Agency plans to commission a modelling study of how the Location construction of the barrage is likely to impact on siltation in the Haven. On and around the waterways throughout the borough – Witham, Haven, South  Planning permissions Forty Foot Drain and Maud Foster Drain. Also, signs to improve linkages to the  Environmental impact assessment Costs water from the town centre and residential areas  Siltation – change/impact £££  Funding agreements Status  Impact on the operation of the port Partners Signage and interpretation is generally in a poor condition, where signage/  Impact on the fishing fleet Environment Agency, Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership and Port of Boston. interpretation does exist, it is often in a range of different styles Costs / Funding Constraints / Issues Initial cost estimates for the project are in the region of £36m for the proposed Project Name: Signage and Interpretation Partners will need to sign up to the concept of a signage and interpretation “super-barrage”. Investment of £25m is sought from the Environment Agency / strategy, with the strategy taking into account the existing style of each partner DEFRA to meet the basic flood protection requirement, with a further £11m Inconsistent signage Description to ensure the style adopted for Boston is consistent / compatible with that of indicated from Lincolnshire County Council to enable the construction of the Currently footfall and circulation from the partners. “super-barrage”. Funding will be subject to the results of the Development waterways into the town and access from the Study. town / residential areas to the waterways is Costs poor. To improve access and linkages, there is To be determined – Signage and Interpretation Strategy – in the region of £15 - Partners the need for a signage and interpretation £20k. Environment Agency, Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, strategy which identifies key locations / Lincolnshire County Council, Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership and Arts Council junctions for directional signage and Partners England East Midlands. interpretation boards. Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership – Lincolnshire County Council, British Waterways, Environment Agency The key aim for the strategy should be to develop a signage strategy which complements


Project: Freight Facilities

Description Constraints/Issues The Port of Boston is owned by the Victoria Group – specialists in Any developments at the port are likely to be constrained by access Victorian Ports and shipping. The construction of the proposed Haven to the port and traffic congestion through the town. Barrage would have significant economic benefits for the Port of Boston in terms of the transportation of freight. As part of the Costs barrage project, it is proposed that new lock gates will be installed at £££ the entrance to the Port and the widening of the lock pit by 5m. This will open up new markets to include standard container feeder ships Partners and new opportunities for the transportation of freight. Various public and private sector partners, depending on the nature of the project. The port currently handles vessels of up to 120m in length with a maximum beam of 13.6m. The port has a quay frontage of 650m and a further 700m of riverside berths. In terms of storage, there are 18,000m2 of covered warehouse storage, 8,000 tonnes of grain silos and a secure container park. The port is equipped with a wide range of lifting equipment including overhead gantry cranes and grain elevators, and has Ro-Ro ramps. It has its own transport fleet and rail sidings linked to the national network.

Location The Haven and out into The Wash and North Sea.

Status Dependent on approval for the barrage.

Railway swing bridge for transporting freight from the port


Visitor Moorings

Haven Bank—Potential location

Other Boat Facilities

Smith’s Wharf

Custom House Quay—Historic town centre location

KEY: Potential Marina Location

Somerfield site


Project: Marinas and Long Term Moorings Moorings for visiting inland waterways craft are very limited at the present time Partners Description beyond Grand Sluice, due to the tidal nature of the Haven. With raised water levels Environment Agency, Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership, Port of Boston, Boston A need for additional marinas / long term mooring facilities in the Boston area has created by the barrage, it will be possible to establish moorings suitable for use by Borough Council, Boston Area Regeneration Company, British Waterways been identified by a number of agencies and stakeholders. Marina developments inland craft, as well as by sea going craft. Construction of rise-and-fall moorings, could be stand alone, or could also include enabling development, such as associated similar to those used on the Fosdyke or at Wisbech, will be attractive to inland craft  residential development. A marina development could also provide many of the such as narrowboats and cruisers. Project: Other Boat Facilities ‘Other Boating Facilities’ elements, such as dry dock, slipway, fuel, etc. For sea-going craft, there are height limitations, principally the road bridge at John Description Adams Way, which will limit sea-going craft which exceed this height. In terms of The attraction of increasing numbers of craft will, to some extent, be dependent Location existing moorings for sea-going craft, there is, at present, a significant area of river on the availability of facilities to support boat owners and operators. The type of Potential locations for marina developments have been identified by British wall at South End Quay which is used facilities required could include: Waterways, LWP and private developers. Suggested locations include: by sea-going craft to moor – this is  Slipways  Former caravan park, adjacent to Grand Sluice / Boston Marina – this site has managed by the Environment Agency.  Electricity supply been identified in the Local Plan for a marina development. A planning application Also at London Road / High Street, the  Refuelling has been submitted for residential development of 111 homes on this site, but is fishing fleet moorings are controlled by  Chandlery likely to be rejected as unsuitable. the Environment Agency.  Water / pump out facilities  Somerfield site, London Road - this site is ideally placed to benefit from the additional marine traffic resulting from the Lock Link project. Improvements are also required to Some of these facilities are already provided at Boston Marina, but may not be  Wormgate – the proposed redevelopment schemes in Wormgate could incorporate existing visitor moorings at Grand accessible to visiting craft. private mooring facilities. Sluice, e.g. upgrade to electricity supply  Hall Hills Farm – this site on the River Witham, north of the Witham Way Country and pump port. Existing visitor moorings — electricity supply Location Park, has been proposed for a marina development, however this site has now A number of potential locations have been identified for facilities of this nature: been developed for mobile / retirement homes. Location   Haven Marina – private developers have proposed a marina for sea going craft in A number of possible locations have been identified for discussion, and these are Marina  the area adjacent to the sewage works in the Haven. listed below and are also shown numbered on the Location Plans: South End Quay   West Street / Merchant’s Quay – historic site, limitations around DDA Smiths Wharf (London Road / High Street – petrol station)  Status compliance London Road Quay  Not applicable  Haven Bank Black Sluice   Custom House Quay – historical location Grand Sluice  Constraints/Issues  Doughty’s Quay Bridge There are likely to be a number of constraints or issues, which will vary from site to  South End Quay – ocean going / off-shore craft site. These will include:  Smith’s Wharf Status  High Street – Environment Agency Quay Not applicable  Financial feasibility – berths for around 350-400 crafts to be viable  Black Sluice  Environmental impact  Grand Sluice Constraints/Issues  Archaeology  Hubbert’s Bridge – due for completion December 2008 There are likely to be a number of constraints or issues, which will vary from site  Flood risk  Swineshead Bridge– due for completion December 2008 to site. These will include:  Costs Land ownership Status  £££ Tidal regime Not applicable  Condition of the riverbank / bank protection  Removal / relocation of existing uses Partners Constraints/Issues  Siltation Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership, private sector, Boston Borough Council, Boston There are likely to be a number of constraints or issues, which will vary from site to  Historic sensitivities Area Regeneration Company site. These will include:  Environmental impact  Land ownership  Security / Vandalism  Project: Visitor Moorings Tidal regime  Attractiveness  Condition of the riverbank / bank protection Description  Removal / relocation of existing uses Costs Both the construction of the Boston Lock Link and the potential construction of the  Siltation £££ Haven Barrage will increase the numbers of boats visiting Boston. If the barrage  Historic sensitivities project goes ahead, the attractiveness of mooring boats in the town centre will be  Environmental impact Partners significantly enhanced. The raised water levels will present much greater opportunity  Security / vandalism Environment Agency, Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership, Port of Boston, Boston to reconnect the town with its historic quays, and to create much greater visitor  Attractiveness Marina, Boston Borough Council, Boston Area Regeneration Company, British interest, through the presence of boats moored at locations through the town. Waterways Costs £££


DESCRIPTION: The Haven, north of the town centre, offers a number of potential sites for new marina developments, including the site shown here which is an underused caravan site. This site, close to the Grand Sluice and St Botolph’s Church, has the capacity for a 50 berth marina with associated boating facilities. A new footbridge is proposed linking the east and west banks of the Haven. The site also allows for a small element of residential infill at the southern, narrow end of the site adjacent the railway line to act in part as enabling for the marina.

Other sites, further out of Boston town centre, are indicated on the overview page and could accommodate larger marinas, up to 250 berths.


Foot Paths—To link residential communities

Trip Boat / Water Taxi - To attract visitors to the Town New Bridge—Proposals for a new bridge as part of the West Street development

Cycleways—To improve the cycling experience Rowing, canoeing and other water based sports—the promotion of water based activities

Fishing Facilities - Additional fishing platforms


Access Points—To make the river more accessible


Project: New Bridges Project: Cycleways

Description Description Currently there is no bridge crossing over the Witham along the 8 mile stretch National Cycle Way 1 – Harwich to Hull route passes through Boston, with the from Grand Sluice to Langrick Bridge, preventing pedestrian / vehicular crossing stretch between Boston and Lincoln known as the Water Rail Way after the between these two points. Given the emphasis on health improvements in the former Great Northern Railway - Boston to Lincoln line. The completion of the Borough, the construction of a new bridge and the creation of circular walks along Lincoln to Boston route in summer 2008 will offer significant marketing the Witham, presents a significant opportunity in terms of health and leisure opportunities in terms of opening events and new promotional literature. related activities. Along the Witham, a new bridge would improve access for residents from wards with high levels of health deprivation, such as Fenside, to an The focus for this Plan is to build on these existing networks and improve the extended network of cycleways and footpaths and leisure facilities such as the cycling experience through Boston where off-road cycle paths are limited and, on New Bridgeover the Witham Witham Way Country Park. arriving in the town centre, there is little in the way of maps to indicate what the Project: Access Points area has to offer. The intention is to extend the off-road path through the town During the interviews with stakeholders a number of locations for new bridges centre, wherever possible following routes along the waterways. This will be were identified. These were: Description linked to improved directional signage, interpretation and public art installations,  River Haven at St Botolph's - proposals currently being developed for a new Improved access to the river corridor from the town centre and neighbouring which could be considered as part of the Signage and Interpretation Strategy. bridge as part of the West Street mixed use development residential areas. This will include new access points, together with  River Witham - linking Boston Woods and Witham Country Park with environmental improvements to make the routes to the river more welcoming and During the consultation process, stakeholders indicated that they would like to opportunities to create a circular riverside walk interesting. Improved signage will direct shoppers and visitors from the town see the extension of the west bank path from the Grand Sluice to Fenside Road to  South Square / Doughty’s Quay – pedestrian bridge to improve access to the centre to key riverside access points where there will be seating and picnic 2.5 metres. This would enable the path to accommodate both cyclists and Cultural Quarter and as a safer, quieter alternative for pedestrians to Haven benches with signage boards detailing riverside walks and information on heritage pedestrians. The path could be continued from the end of the houses at Fenside Bridge, possibility of a cantilever structure off Haven Bridge features, wildlife and leisure opportunities. Road to the Beech Wood belonging to Boston Woods – a distance of 1.1 km. The  South Forty Foot Drain – as part of the Grantham to Boston cycle route Access to the river itself will also need to be improved, with a condition audit LWP are also interested in establishing a path along the South Forty Foot Drain undertaken of existing steps and ramps together with recommendations for which will be investigated further through the Boston – Spalding Link work. Location locations for new steps and ramps. This will need to be considered alongside the There was agreement that a new bridge across the Witham linking Boston Woods sites identified for new moorings. Location and Witham Way County Park would be the preferred option. Along the river banks to Boston Woods and roads through the town centre. Status Location Current bridge locations over the Haven / Witham are: River / river banks Status Ongoing project to create a continuous cycleway between Boston and Lincoln to  Grand Sluice Status be completed mid 2008.  St Botolph's Access, steps and ramps to the river currently limited  Town / Market Place Issues / Constraints  Haven Bridge Issues / Constraints Land ownership issues are likely to occur and signage / interpretation needs to be  Black Sluice The historic nature of the flood defence walls along the Haven is likely to make consistent with the wider Water Rail Way / Sustrans route. Responsibility for the There are also a small number of bridge crossings over the Maud Foster and the installation of new steps and ramps at these points difficult. English Heritage ongoing maintenance will need to be agreed. South Forty Foot Drain. will also need to be consulted on any proposals that are likely to affect these flood walls. Consideration will need to be given to changing river levels once the Costs Constraints / Issues barrage is in place and how this will affect design proposals for new steps and £ - Opportunity for phased approach. There is likely to be significant planning constraints and a requirement for any ramps. proposals to take full account of the natural and built environment. Partners Costs Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership, Sustrans, Lincolnshire County Council, Costs £ - Likely to be significant. Boston Borough Council. £££ - likely to be significant. Partners Partners British Waterways, Environment Agency, Port of Boston, Lincolnshire County Private sector – Modus Developers, Boston Borough Council, Lincolnshire County Council, Boston Borough Council Council, Boston Woods Trust.


Project: Footpaths Project: Rowing, Canoeing and Other Water Based Sports Location Description Currently Grand Sluice Bridge. The Boston to Lincoln Water Rail Way is a path for cyclists and walkers following Description the former Great Northern Railway - Boston to Lincoln line. The focus for this A range of activities to promote and encourage people to take part in rowing and Status Plan is to build on these existing networks and improve opportunities for walking other water based activities along Boston’s waterways together with improved Maritime Leisure Cruises currently operate two boats– river and sea trips. along the Haven river corridor through Boston town centre. access to facilities. The unique linear quality of the Witham and it’s suitability for rowing is recognised by the National Rowing Team who use the river for long Issues / Constraints The aim of this element of the Development Plan is to extend the off-road multi- distance trials for the Olympic squad. Interest in canoeing is on the increase and The quality and historic nature of the moorings at Custom House Quay will need user path along the river corridor through the town centre, together with the LWP are keen to develop canoeing on a county wide basis, in a similar way to to be assessed before any relocation can be considered. English Heritage will also improved signage and interpretation. The Plan also creates opportunities to the REEL project with a designated project officer. The Environment Agency may need to be consulted. address the Choosing Health Health agenda by linking residential communities also be willing to extend their facilities to other water based sports such as with riverside footpaths and the possibility of circular walks of around 2-4 miles if canoeing to promote the navigable drains to canoeists. Partners a new bridge were to be built along the Witham adjacent to land owned by Public and private sector partners and Wash Estuary Project. Boston Woods Trust. New bridges in the town centre, such as those suggested at The aim of this project will be to build on this activity and to promote water based St Botolph's and Custom House Quay, would provide opportunities to develop sports such as rowing and canoeing along the Witham. This will involve Costs new footpaths - improving pedestrian flows over and along the urban river reviewing existing facilities such as showers, toilets and lockers along the river £ - Will depend on relocation costs. corridor. Signage along the new and existing footpaths will need to be considered with the possibility of opening up these facilities to people taking part in water as part of the brief for the Signage and Interpretation Strategy. based activities. All activities will need to complement Boston Borough Council’s Sports Strategy. Project: Fishing Facilities Location Land adjacent to the river / river banks. Location Description Rowing club located at Witham bank in Fenside. Additional wheelchair accessible fishing platforms and disabled ramps at key Status locations along the river and, if necessary, improvements to current platforms and Multi-user riverside path between Boston and Lincoln to be completed mid 2008, Status ramps. Proposals will need to build on the work of the Lincolnshire Waterways however on arrival in Boston the footpath along the Haven river corridor is limited Active rowing club and canoe club and other water based sports. Partnership REEL Project, focusing on the following three themes: with restricted access to the river. Issues / Constraints  Better access for anglers Issues / Constraints Lack of facilities for people taking part in water based activities.  Enhanced habitat for fish and wildlife Land ownership issues may prevent a continuous path along river corridor, there  Encouraging people to ‘have a go’ at fishing will also be the need to ensure that signage / interpretation is consistent with that Costs agreed by partners. Responsibility for the ongoing maintenance of the multi-user £ - Not likely to be expensive. Location path will need to be agreed. Land adjacent to the river / river banks Partners Costs Boston Rowing Club, Boston Canoe Club, Sports Partnerships, Lincolnshire County Status £ - Phased approach could be adopted. Council, Boston Borough Council, LWP and the Environment Agency. Award winning wheelchair accessible platforms at Wyberton High Bridge, limited provision elsewhere including at Swineshead. Partners  Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership, Ramblers Association, Sustrans, Project: Trip Boat Issues / Constraints Lincolnshire County Council, Boston Borough Council. Potential planning issues around land ownership. Description The Boston Belle To encourage leisure and educational cruises along the Witham and out into the Costs Wash Estuary combined with themed trips for different interest groups such as ££ - Depends on the extent of work. bird watchers. The aim of the project will be to attract visitors into the town and provide an educational resource for local people, including school groups. Partners Consideration will need to be given to the current location of the Trip Boat and British Disabled Angling Association and local fishing clubs, Lincolnshire whether additional visitors could be attracted if the boat were relocated to Waterways Partnership, Lincolnshire County Council, Boston Borough Council. moorings in the town centre. If significant public realm works were to be carried out at Custom House Quay, improving the attractiveness of the area, this historic quay would make an ideal location for the Trip Boat.


Project: Environmental Activities

Description A Boston-wide project aimed at promoting understanding in the areas of environmental interest along the river corridor. The intention will be to provide learning opportunities and volunteering experiences for young people and the wider community at the following riverside locations:

 Boston Woods - The creation of new woodland of mixed native deciduous trees, wildflower meadows and ponds in a roughly crescent shaped corridor to the west of the town.

 Witham Way Country Park - Activities to promote interest in The Witham Way Country Park. The park consists of 38 acres of parkland and is maintained by a voluntary group, the Friends of Witham Way Country Park.

 The Haven Barrage - Environmental and educational activities will be an integral part of the proposed Barrage development. It is likely that the Environment Agency will need to mitigate the impact of the Barrage on the environment and protect the tidal habitats by providing inter-tidal flats as part of the Barrage Water vole

 Havenside Country Park - The promotion of Havenside County Park as a local nature reserve, providing opportunities for local people and visitors to learn about the environment.

 Links will also be developed with the RSPB at Frampton Marsh and the RSPB at Freiston Shore.

Location Throughout Boston Borough

Constraints/Issues The availability of land and funding for the Boston Woods Trust project.

Costs £-££ - Depends on the extent of work.

Partners Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership, Boston Woods Trust, Friends of Witham Way Country Park, Boston Borough Council, Boston Area Regeneration Company, Lincolnshire County Council and RSPB.

Havenside Country Park


Description An initial location and site analysis indicates that key sites / buildings for commercial and mixed use redevelopment include: The demand for high quality development sites along the water’s edge means that these locations attract a financial premium and are particularly attractive to private Site Location Status / Description Considerations sector investors. The investment and redevelopment of these vacant or derelict sites can be an important catalyst for attracting further public and private sector Wormgate / Witham Place Various sites in the Wormgate / Witham Place Historic area, need to refer to Wormgate Conservation Plan for area details of individual sites investment. This has been the case in a number of towns and cities across the East Midlands, including Newark and Lincoln, with the potential in Boston Church Street Key site at the foot of St Botolph’s Bridge Strategically important site between river and market place remaining largely untapped. One of the aims of this Plan is therefore to demonstrate to potential investors the enormous scope and extensive opportunities for developing vacant and derelict sites along Boston’s Waterways South Square / Alberts Land Key cultural quarter / historic waterside site Potential for significant development, site limitations as pins to adjacent to Haven Bridge and the Witham flood walls The social and economic benefits to be gained from the redevelopment of these sites are numerous and are likely to result in the following outcomes: White Horse Lane / Haven Bridge Vacant historic warehouses Key waterside site with character warehouses, currently being considered by College, other possible uses include creative  New jobs industries workspace  Improving properties and property values Haven Bank / Irby Street Vacant Environment Agency building Historic waterside building – use to be identified. EA would need  Attracting developer investment to retain access  Improving the waterways environment  Improving public realm and the overall vibrancy of the area West Street / Merchants Quay Modus currently undertaking character study – Major mixed use scheme with new pedestrian bridge proposed at to include public realm scheme St Botolphs  Improving the image of Boston Borough  Attracting national attention to Boston  Improving the quality of life for local people. Vauxhall Bridge Vacant site Former car sales building

Work is already underway on development proposals for the West Street White Horse Lane / South side Former HP Factory site Site acquired by Chestnut Homes for residential development development, a major public / private sector scheme, between the Borough Council and Modus Development on West Street which is likely to instil investor confidence in the town. Additionally, if the College were to relocate to the White London Road /Smiths Wharf Currently garage / vacant house with adjacent Waterside fuel tanks in place for boats needing to refuel Horse Lane site, this would act as a catalyst for the regeneration of the South High toilet block Street / London road area.

The above sites are indicated on the location map overleaf together with their numerical key reference.

Key strategic sites from the above long list, which due to their town centre location / proximity to the waterside / size / historic character, are likely to act as a catalyst for significant private sector investment are:

 Wormgate  Church Street  South Square / Alberts Land  White Horse Lane / Haven Bridge  London Road / Smith’s Wharf

Sketch designs are available for each of the key strategic sites within this section of the Development Plan. South Square or Alberts Land Public and private sector partners involved in the redevelopment of waterside sites are likely to include private sector developers, emda, Lincolnshire County Council, Boston Borough Council, Boston Woods Trust and Boston College.


WORMGATE Located at the heart of Boston, immediately to the north of St Botolph’s HAVEN BANK—IRBY STREET Church, Wormgate is an area with much historic character and the potential Characterful building at key location adjacent to the Grand Sluice with to become an area of specialised shopping. There are a handful of gap sites potential for leisure / commercial redevelopment. that require sensitive infilling and, crucially, an area adjacent the waterside that if developed appropriately could bring benefits to both town and river.

WEST STREET A large potential redevelopment area on the west bank of the Haven opposite VAUXHALL BRIDGE St Botolph’s Church. Currently subject to masterplan with planning application Derelict car sales building and plot adjacent the Maud Foster Drain. due to follow.

WHITE HORSE LANE Diagonally opposite the South Square site, this site contains large warehouse buildings evoking the towns commercial past: regeneration projects should seek to retain them. CHURCH STREET A small corner site located at the foot of the Church and the end of the footbridge across the river. Redevelopment is essential here to remove an FORMER HP FACTORY eyesore at the centre of town. The site offers the potential for a development Redundant buildings on a large riverside site: currently benefits from planning that relates both to the narrow lanes surrounding it and the river to its rear. consent for residential development.

LONDON ROAD—SMITH’S WHARF Derelict riverside buildings in a location which would suit facilities for boating.

SOUTH SQUARE A large, vacant site at a key gateway into Boston where the inner ring road crosses the river. This part of Boston has elements that could, with appropriate additions, become a cultural quarter for the town and a redevelopment of this site with an appropriate use which brings people into the area outside of the normal working day could do much to contribute to Page 28 the areas regeneration. 10.6 REDEVELOPMENT SITE WORMGATE

Wormgate is an historic part of Boston, to the north of St Botolph’s Church, which retains a fine urban grain and a high number of characterful buildings. However, a handful of gap-sites and derelict buildings detract from the character of the area.

There exists the potential to not only complete the street scenes through sensitive new development but also relate the area to the Haven through development on two key sites on the river bank. These should have active uses and frontages both to Wormgate and to the Haven, whilst respecting the green setting of the Haven Bank in this location.

A mixed use scheme is envisaged as, although the site is part of the town centre, the predominant use at the moment is residential with some service, specialist retail and cafe facilities. A mixed use scheme that complements the existing facilities whilst introducing new ‘draws’ to the area and providing live-work accommodation is seen as being the best solution to the development opportunities.

All of the Wormgate development sites have been considered together here, as it is felt that to make a success of the riverside sites the whole area needs lifting with new developments and reasons to explore the area.


A small-scale infill and public realm project in Church Street, at a key location adjacent to the Haven, the public footbridge and St Botolph’s Church.

A two-storey building is envisaged to complete the existing street scene and corner, with active facades relating to Church Street, the Haven, and to an improved public realm around the springing off point of the footbridge. A new footbridge is suggested, with crisp, elegant lines and minimal detailing to maximise views north and south along the Haven. The public realm area uses good quality, long-lasting materials arranged in a simple and straightforward manner with street furniture appropriately designed and positioned so as to complement the space.

The building would suit a cafe / bistro type use with activity spilling out into the adjacent space - perhaps a good quality deli both selling and serving local wares?

The potential floor area is around 220m² over two floors.

The built form respects the scale of the neighbouring buildings, and uses traditional materials including clay tile, timber cladding, large expanses of glass and a striking lead-clad roof. The form and materials evoke the feeling of boats and hulls.


A prime gateway location in the centre of Boston, located on the Haven and at the bridge crossing.

A major development is proposed here appropriate for the site’s location: as shown, the suggestion is for a new hotel and health club with elements of retail opening into a new public square. Car parking is discretely located at ground floor level behind the shops so that it does not impact onto the public realm - the use of parking at ground floor level also overcomes concerns over the flood risk potential of the site.

The grand stairs to the hotel and health club entrance - disabled access also available, serve a dual function, forming a terrace for seating looking into the public space which could hold small events to bring added life to the area which has the potential to become the cultural heart of Boston.


A key location on the Haven where the inner ring road crosses the river, the site comprises a group of industrial brick warehouses which are currently vacant and semi-derelict.

Boston has lost much of its industrial waterways heritage over the years for a variety of reasons and it is seen as important that good examples of the type are preserved wherever possible.

The vision for this site seeks to retain the warehouse buildings, with new development facilitating the conversion of the warehouses to new uses. The proposed development respects the bulk and materials of the warehouses, follows the east / west orientation of traditional riverside developments, and creates a striking urban form on the inner ring road corner.

As shown, the site could accommodate significant commercial or educational uses. Alternatively, a scheme of conversion and new build for residential use could be appropriate.


A triangular site beyond the southern end of High Street as it becomes London Road, and traditionally known as Smith’s Wharf. The site currently has a petrol filling station on it and a handful of redundant buildings.

The location is near to the present mooring locations for the fishing fleet and is seen as being a key site to provide ancillary services to river-going traffic.

As shown, the concept serves a number of different functions: firstly, it provides spaces for uses that complement river-going traffic including refreshments, servicing, toilets, refuelling, ancillary retail etc; secondly it provides a statement building on a prominent gateway site when entering Boston from the Wash; thirdly it uses built form to visually continue and terminate the new housing on the banks of the river; and fourthly, it incorporates a small element of residential accommodation at upper floors both to assist in the financing of the development and to provide additional surveillance to the service facilities.


Project: Waterside Public Realm Improvements

Description The importance of high quality public space in our towns and cities has been acknowledged by emda and others as being vital to attracting visi- tors and residents to use public areas. High quality public realm adja- cent to waterways can form an important facility. Public realm spaces could incorporate some or all of the following:

 Access and Viewing points  Waterside paths / walkways  Seating  Public art IRBY STREET  Lighting A redundant building on the banks of the Haven with the potential for  Performance space restoration and conversion to a use that can make a positive contribution to the river bank in this location.  Interpretation / signage  Soft landscaping

Use of robust, quality materials for surfacing, seating, lighting will all be important in ensuring that these public areas are long lasting, vandal- resistant and require minimal maintenance.

Location A number of possible locations where public spaces could be created or improved have been identified. These locations are listed below:

 Irby Street / Haven Bank  Custom House Quay  Doughty’s Quay CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY This former quay, to the immediate south of the market place, suffers again Sketch designs are available for each of these schemes on the following from use for car parking and through a clutter of street furniture and flood pages. walls. With the proposed flood barrage construction there is the potential to improve this space and its relationship with the river.

Constraints/Issues There are likely to be a number of constraints or issues, which will vary from site to site. These will include:  Condition of the riverbank / bank protection  Removal / relocation of existing uses  Historic sensitivities  Environmental impact / archaeology  Security / vandalism  Planning permission

Costs £££ - dependent on scheme DOUGHTY’S QUAY On the west bank of the Haven and directly opposite South Square, this site Partners would benefit from environmental improvements to bring focus to this area and form a destination at the southern end of the High Street retail / leisure EA, LWP, emda, Boston Borough Council and BARC area.


The Grand Sluice location is a key point on the Haven. The existing Environment Agency building has the potential for renovation and new uses which can contribute to the activities in this area as well as opening up the Haven Bank for new recreational uses.

Possible uses may include a bistro café with outdoor alfresco dining area.


There is an opportunity to improve a the public realm of a number of waterside sites.

Custom House Quay is a historic location at the centre of the town which, currently, is used for car parking and the layout of the space and flood defence walls prevent easy access to the Haven.

It is proposed to relocate the walls away from the riverside and open the space up to the Haven, with new quality surfacing materials to emphasise the shape of the space and the historic east / west alignment of town centre lanes towards the river.

As befits a historic quay it is proposed to revive its original function and return jetties and boats to the centre of the town.

In addition, to complement a new lively space, it is proposed to construct a discrete pavilion at the northern end of the space to accommodate uses such as visitor facilities or a cafe.


With the construction of the flood defence barrage comes the opportunity to improve the public realm of a number of waterside sites.

Doughty’s Quay is a historic location at the centre of the town which is currently used for car parking and does not make a positive contribution to the public realm areas of Boston.

It is proposed to rebuild the flood wall closer to High Street, further away from the river, and open the space up to the Haven, with new quality surfacing materials to emphasise the shape of the space and the historic east / west alignment of town centre lanes towards the river.

As befits a historic quay it is proposed to revive its original function and return jetties and boats to the centre of the town.

The southern extent of the Quay will be heavily landscaped to form a buffer zone between the space and the busy inner ring road alongside it.

Page 37 10.8 THEME 8 - ACTIVITIES

 Project Name: Waterside Events and Festivals Status To improve perceptions of Boston amongst visitors to Lincolnshire and the Current event programme includes Party in the Park with an attendance of Fens, ensuring it is effectively marketed as part of the region’s tourism around 50,000 and Wash Week in August. offer.

Partners Indicative funds have been allocated to delivering the Marketing Strategy. Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership – Lincolnshire County Council, British Waterways, Environment Agency, Boston Borough Council, Inland Waterways Association, Wash Estuary Project, community / voluntary groups and National Waterways Trust.

Issues / Constraints Activities will need to be scheduled in line with other waterways events in the region to avoid a clash of dates.

Party in the Park Cost £ upwards

Description A programme of events and festivals on and around the waterways aimed at Project Name: Marketing and Promotion Speciality brands encouraging the enjoyment and understanding of the waterways. Activities could include boat trips, boat races, waterside street theatre, music events, family activities, talks and educational events. Events should build on the Location existing programme which includes Party in the Park in June, Wash Week in Boston Borough, county and region. August and the events organised by Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership. Status It will also be important to organise and promote specific events around the Marketing and Communications Strategy in place for BARC. Lock Link and opening of the Barrage to stimulate interest and maintain a high profile for the waterways. Issues / Constraints Marketing activities will need to be consistent with those of partners. Location On and around the waterways at key locations around the borough. Cost £ upwards.

Historic event setting Major investment in the Haven Gallery Partners Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership, Boston Borough Council, Inland Description Waterways Association, Wash Estuary Project and community / voluntary To promote and develop the Waterways Development Plan and related groups. activities to public and private sector partners and the residents of Boston Borough. The Plan could be promoted as part of the BARC Marketing and Communications Strategy, of which the following aims are particularly relevant:

 To improve residents’ perceptions of Boston, encouraging them to take pride in the town and to act as advocates for it.

 To improve perceptions of Boston amongst key public and private sector decision-makers, encouraging inward investment.


Indicative Costs

Budget costs have been estimated for both the Waterside Redevelopment Sites and the Public Realm Projects. The costs are based on schematic drawings for each of the individual schemes.

Theme 6 - Waterside Development Projects

Redevelopment Sites Area/ m2 Use Budget Estimate

Church Street 210 Retail or leisure 315,000 London Road/Smith's Wharf: single storey 250 Ancillary services for river traffic 475,000 three storey 1035 Services and residential 1,345,500 South Square 5625 Mixed use of hotel, car park and health club 7,727,500 White Horse Lane 6100 Commercial and education 9,900,000 Wormgate: site 1 900 Mixed use of office, leisure, retail and residential 1,440,000 site 2 1350 Mixed use of office, leisure, retail and residential 2,160,000 site 3 300 Retail and residential 285,000 Mixed use of office, leisure, retail and residential and parking site 4 2400 3,202,500 at ground floor

Total Estimated Cost (£) 26,850,500

Theme 7 - Public Realm Improvement Projects

Public Realm Projects Area/ m2 Use Budget Estimate

Haven Bank / Irby Street 2295 High quality public realm 688,500 Doughty's Quay 1362 Reinstate historic quay 408,600

Custom House Quay 1336 High quality public realm 450,800

Total Estimated Cost (£) 1,547,900

The above estimates are based on schematic drawings and exclude the following costs - demolition, infrastructure, land purchase, devel- opment cost, VAT, fees and inflation


Potential Funding Sources

The table below is a matrix that indicates where each of the Development Plan projects is potentially eligible for support from the different agencies currently awarding funding. Eligibility will be determined at a later stage in the projects’ development based on specific project activity and definition.

Waterways Single Single Defra / Arts HLF Sports Trust / Private BW A4A Programme Programme ERDF LCC BBC LTCS Sustrans EA Council Lottery other Sector emda LE Trusts Haven Barrage   Dredging  

Signage and  interpretation Marina / long term moorings   

Visitor moorings / upgrades to moorings   

Other boat facilities   Port expansion    New bridges  Access points    Cycleways / footpaths   Fishing facilities   

Water based sports   Trip boat / Water Taxi  Environmental activities    

Priority development sites  

Public realm    Activities  

Key: Defra - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs HLF - Heritage Lottery Fund LCC - Lincolnshire County Council EA - Environment Agency A4A - Awards for All BBC - Boston Borough Council BW - British Waterways ERDF - European Regional Development Fund LTCS - Landfill Tax Credit Scheme

Page 40 12.0 NEXT STEPS

The purpose of this section is to outline the work that needs to be undertaken during the period 2008-2013, in or- Theme 3 - Boating / Tourism der to realise the vision of the Waterways Development Plan and to take forward the projects below: Project Lead Organi- Timescale Key Actions BARC Input Required sation

Theme 1 – Infrastructure Port expansion Port of Boston 2009-2013  Identify suitable lock gate design 2009-11 BARC to encourage Port Project Lead Timescale Key Actions BARC Input Required  Widen lock chamber - 2011-13 expansion and support Organisation  Install new flood defences Port of Boston as re- quired Haven Barrage Environment 2008-2013  Undertake feasibility and planning – 2008-11 BARC to support and

Agency  Architectural competition - ongoing lobby for project

 Undertake construction – 2011-13 Theme 4 – Leisure and Recreation

Project Lead Organi- Timescale Key Actions BARC Input Required Dredging Port of Boston / 2009  EA to undertake siltation modelling study BARC to support and sation Environment onwards  Clear sunken obstructions lobby for project New bridges LCC 2010-13  Agree location BARC to lead in prioritis- Agency  Dredging to be carried out in accordance with recommendations of the siltation study  Secure funding ing location and agreeing  Commission designs and obtain planning construction programme consent Signage and Lincolnshire 2008  Undertake signage strategy – mid 2008 BARC to support LCC as  Commence construction Interpretation County Council onwards  Secure funding – ongoing required

as lead for LWP  Implement strategy - 2009 Access points BBC / EA / 2008-13  Identify links with other projects BARC to support and

LWP / BW / oth-  Build into other schemes, where appropriate assist as required

ers  Agree programme Theme 2 – Transport  Carry out improvement works linked to other Project Lead Timescale Key Actions BARC Input Required projects Organisation Cycleways / LCC / BBC / 2008 on-  Confirm schemes BARC to support LCC as Marina / long Private sector 2008  Secure agreement with landowners to BARC to assist in footpaths Sustrans wards  Secure funding required term moorings undertake feasibility works undertaking feasibility,  Commission designs and obtain planning  Undertake feasibility study securing funding and consent  Secure funding bringing forward project  Commence construction  Undertake design and obtain planning consent Fishing facilities LWP / BBC 2008 on-  Identify additional locations BARC to support LWP as  Construct marina wards  Secure funding and consents required

 Commission designs Visitor moorings LWP/ BBC / EA / 2008  Prioritise locations BARC to lead in  Install fishing platforms BW / Private onwards  Agree implementation programme prioritising locations and

sector  Develop projects agreeing implementation Water based LWP / BBC 2008 on-  Review existing activity BARC to support LWP as  Secure funding programme sports wards  Identify gaps / facility requirements required  Implement phased programme of visitor  Develop county wide strategy moorings  Prioritise schemes Other boat LWP/ BBC / EA / 2008  Prioritise locations BARC to lead in  Secure funding facilities BW / Private onwards  Agree implementation programme prioritising locations and  Implement strategy sector  Develop projects agreeing implementation

 Secure funding programme Trip boat / Wa- Private sector - 2008  Continue to promote and market trip boat as BARC to support as re-  Implement phased programme of visitor ter taxi Maritime Leisure tourism asset – onwards quired moorings  Test feasibility of relocating trip boat at town centre mooring – 2013

Page 41 12.0 NEXT STEPS

Theme 5 – Environment Theme 7 – Public Realm

Project Lead Timescale Key Actions BARC Input Project Lead Timescale Key Actions BARC Input Organisation Required Organisation Required Environmental EA / BBC / Wash Ongoing  Review existing environmental activities

 activities Estuary Project / Brand and promote activities as part of a Haven Bank / Irby EA 2008  Promote availability of building as a BARC to lead in Boston Woods waterways programme Street development scheme identifying  Work with partners to extend programme  Secure development partner developers and

 Secure funding and planning consent brokering

 Implement building refurbishment and relationships / deals exterior public realm enhancement Theme 6 – Waterside Development

Custom House BBC / EA 2009-10  Survey river walls and identify remedial works BARC to support Project Lead Timescale Key Actions BARC Input Quay required BBC / EA as required Organisation Required  Secure BBC / Port of Boston agreement to Priority BARC / private 2008  Prepare planning / development briefs for BARC to lead in proceed development sector onwards each site in conjunction with BBC identifying developers  Commission detailed design sites  Identify potential developers and brokering  Secure planning and conservation area  Ascertain development interest in Boston relationships / deals consent  List projects on BARC website  Secure funding /  Development marketing materials  Undertake river walls remedial works and  Secure development partners public realm enhancements  Broker development deals

 Consider Compulsory Purchase, if necessary Doughty’s Quay BBC 2008-09  Survey river walls and identify remedial works BARC to support BBC  Secure planning permission required as required  Commence construction  Secure BBC / Port of Boston agreement to proceed

 Commission detailed design

 Secure planning and conservation area consent

 Secure funding /

 Undertake river walls remedial works and public realm enhancements

Theme 8 – Activities

Project Lead Timescale Key Actions BARC Input Organisation Required Events and BBC 2008 onwards festivals

Marketing and BBC / BARC 2008 onwards promotions

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