
Auxins for Hardwood Cuttings effect of -promoting hormones in propagating by hardwood cuttings studied during past three seasons

H. T. Hartmann

Hardwood cuttings of five species of fruit trees, Marianna 2624 plum, Angers quince, Stockton Morello , Mal- ling-Merton 793 , and Mission , were used in propagation tests to study the effects of various root-promot- ing hormones--applied under several different conditions. Marianna 2624 plum is a commonly used rootstock for a number of the stone fruit species; the 2624 selection is a of the parent Marianna plum, presumably an open-pollinated cross of Prunus cerasifera and P. munsoniana. This rootstock is propagated commer- cially by hardwood cuttings, but in heavy considerable difficulty is often experienced in obtaining satisfac- tory rooting. Angers quince4ydonia oblong- has long been used as a dwarfing root- stock for certain of the pear varieties. It is commercially propagated by hard- cuttings. Stockton Morello cherry-Prunus cer- asus-is used to a considerable extent in California as a semidwarfing rootstock for the sweet cherry and is propagated commercially by suckers arising around the base of older trees. It would be de- sirable to be able to propagate this stock by cuttings. In all the tests conducted with this variety, however, not one hard- wood was induced to root. Later studies have shown that it can be easily rooted under mist humidification by softwood cuttings taken from actively growing if treated with indolebu- tyric acid. The Malling-Merton 793 apple-Ma- lus sylwstris-is a newly developed clonal apple rootstock from’ England which is usually propagated by some method of layering. Like the Stockton Morello cherry, none of the hardwood cuttings of this stock rooted under any treatment. The olive-Olea europaea-is often propagated by hardwood cuttings but several years are usually required before an adequately rooted nursery is obtained. Effect of a root-promoting hormone and a preplanting storage treatment on the During the 1952 and 1953 seasons, rooting and growth of hardwood Mission olive cuttings. Left to right: I, Cuttings tests were made of the effectiveness of treated with indolebutyric acid, 15 ppm., for 24 hours, followed by storage in three root-promoting hormones-indole- moist sawdust for 30 days before planting. 2, Same as 1 but without the hormone butyric acid, naphthaleneacetic acid, and treatment. 3, Same as 1 but no preplanting storage treatment. 4, No hormone indoleacetic acid-at several concentra- or preplanting storage treatment. Cuttings planted April 2, 1954; dug December Continued on page 12 28, 1954.

CALIFORNIA , APRIL, 1955 7 packed with moist , until a fore the preplanting 30-day storage month before it was to be planted in period. Continued from page 7 the nursery row. The cutting wood was In rooting quince cuttings, the pre- tions. With Marianna 2624 plum it was then made into cuttings in the usual way, planting storage period, like the hor- found that soaking the bases of the cut- about 8” long, with the basal cut just mone treatment, was not beneficial. The tings in an indolebutyric acid solution below a node. Following this, the cut- at a concentration of 45 ppm-parts per tings were made into bundles and placed Effect of ouxin (indoiebutyric acid), preplanting million-for 24 hours was quite effective to soak in a 45 ppm solution of indole- storage period, and type of cutting on the root- ing of leafless hardwood Marianna 2624 plum in stimulating root initiation. In the butyric acid for 24 hours with the basal and Angers quince cuttings. Cutting material olive this same material, but at a con- 1” of the cuttings immersed. gathered December 11, 1953; plonted April 2, centration of 15 ppm, strongly promoted 1954. Average of 30 cuttings per treatment. rooting. The quince showed no benefits Preplanting Storage Cuttings rooted from hormone applications; it rooted Treatment 1c:pttqnogf Morionna Angm fairly easily with or without such treat- After the hormone treatment, the 2624 plum quince ments. This is probably because the bundles of cuttings were stored in well- 9k,- 9k.- quince is known to have preformed root ventilated boxes, loosely packed in a IBA 45 ppm.; Heei ...... 71 74 initials-incipient -present in the ~~&~p~~~&Basal ...... 73 41 mixture of moist wood shavings and peat Hvlrerbasal__ .. . 45 15 stems before the cuttings are made. Since moss, and held at a temperature of 50F Subterminal . . . 30 18 the principal value of hormone treat- for 30 days, after which they were set Terminal ...... 33 15 ments is in stimulating the production of in the nursery row. IBA 45 ppm.; Heel ...... 17 89 root initials in stem , it would not During the preplanting storage period ~~~’$$~~Basal ...... 56 73 Hyperbasal .. . 40 67 be expected to help in the quince where, following the hormone treatment, root 5ubterminol ... 33 26 at least in some varieties, these root ini- initials are presumably formed and are Terminal . . ... 35 26 tials are already present. ready to push into active growth shortly Check (no Heel ...... 3 76 In the 1952 and 1953 studies, cuttings after the cuttings are planted. If roots ); 30 days Basal ...... o 71 were also taken at various times during and shoots start developing on the cut- planting50F Hyperboral . . . 0 48 the dormant period and treated with the Subterminol ... 0 37 tings during the preplanting treatment, Terminal . . .. . 0 28 hormones at different times in relation the cuttings should either be planted im- Check (no Heel ...... 0 100 to the storage and planting dates. Vari; mediately or moved to lower storage f:~$~;f=~Basal ...... o 68 ous storage temperatures, both before temperature, to retard root and storage period Hyperbasal . ’ * 55 and after the hormone treatment, were development pending the time they can Subterminal . . . 0 20 Terminoi .. .. . 0 24 also tried. be planted. The same treatment-as for the Mari- Effect of variety on the rooting of quince hard- anna 262Gwas effective in rooting the wood cuttings. Cutting materiol gathered De- Treatment cember 17, 1953, stored at 32F. Made into cut- olive, except that the cutting material tings March 3, 1954, stored at 50F until April 2, In general, with the Marianna 2624 should not be stored for any length of 1954, then planted. No auxin treatment. Aver- plum, the best treatment consisted of time at 32F. Much better results were age of 30 cuttinms lrer treatment. obtaining the cutting material at any obtained when the cutting material was Cuttinas rooted time during the dormant season and taken at the time the cuttings were to holding it under cold storage at 32F, be treated with the hormone-just be- % % ’% % West Mam- Marianna 2624 plum nursery stock propagated by hardwood cuttings in a heavy moth ...... 83 86 67 30 . Left: Before planting, these cuttings were treated with indolebutyric acid at Rea ...... 72 73 42 15 45 ppm for 24 hours, followed by a 30-day storage period at 50 F. Right: Check; Angers ...... 71 48 37 28 Burbank ..... 59 52 12 12 no preplanting treatments. Cuttings planted April 2, 1954. Photographed Apple ...... 33 37 17 0 September 1, 1954. . . . 23 8 0 0 de Antequera (PA No. 33214) .... 14 0 10 0 de Bourgeat .. 6 0 0 0

Effect of auxin (indolebutyric acid) and pre- planting storage period on the rooting of loaf- less hardwood Mission olive cuttings. Planted April 2, 1954. Dug December 28, 1954. Average of 50 cuttings per treatment. Aver- age no. Aver- Aver- age Treatment Rooted ri:: 22 length tinacut- length :::::

% cms. ems. IBA 15 ppm., 30 days at 50F be- fore planting . . 78 22 ll 113 - IBA 15 ppm.; no preplanting storoge period . . 16 9 6 29 Check (no auxin); 30 days at 50F before planting ...... 2 5 15 11 Check (no auxin); no pre- planting stor- age period .... 2 4 8 7