Reiner Vote, Amons Win, Eature Poll from Voters Are Planned
Don't Be Fooled! Know Your Town! Tht Beit Merchandise Is Advertiifd ep Up-To-Date With Newi And View* Around You Through . In ThiirVr; Watch Where You Bay! Independent-Leader Columns 3f nbepenbent - leaber Publl»li«d Kvtry Krlflay PRICE FIVE CENTS Knterert »s semntl rlns* matter "WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1941 • I II OrMn W.. WnnrUirldgt, N. .7. »t th« Pom ffl WrthllKo N N. .1. reiner Vote, Spencer Will Aid Statefom To Ask Collection Of $300,000 Over /^^V 3 Factories, KeepingKi Laborlb PeaceP\ Is Predicted This YearYearByMcElroyn- By McElroy-^^. i|:y^t Advanced Rating It Given amons Win, if Operating Coets Remain At the municipality within the last Named By Mayor To Report Aetna! Or Impending Disputes eight years, the operation of the Present Level, Big Tax tax title liquidation program, rigid Township Bonds On Basis In Township To New Bowd Created By Edison economies in operation of the Cut Probsvble Of Improved Credit Are Planned government here and steady dimi- eature Poll From Voters nishing of the capital debt. WOODBRIDGE—Frederick A. Spencer, Township Com- , WOODBRIDOE - Another Im- Mr. McElroy. to whom much of This cannot be done if there are! • • mitteeman of the Firnt Ward, was appointed "reporter" to Get Permission To Submit portant run( in He ladder of the credit must go for the ad-any unuiual demand, on either I Development Projected hi |« Given Big Demon- body. It must be remembered that! r "report impending or active labor disputes in the Township financial rehabilitation was gained vancement, stated yeaterday Indi- Question of $300 In- by Woodbrldge Township this week cations are that the Township already salary Increases have been Leetville Ave.
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