Bers Yank Heavy Bor in Great Air Battle
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■J ■ T U E S D A Y JAN U AR T 11« 1944 lUMSB T E H Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Circulation The Weather For the Month o f December, 1943 l-'oreeaet ol U. S. Weather Bnreen city of the Americas and the focal The annual meeting of the Sec Manchester C. of C. Dinner point of the war effort of the Uni Range and Fuel J 8 ,5 0 4 Decreasin r riondinese and cold- ond Congregational Church,, Inc., Assumes Duties ted Nations. er tonight; fair and colder Tbnrs- Aboul Town will be held Thursday evening, fol He will also discuss the impor Member of the Audit day. lowing a parish supper at 6:30 un Date Book tance of local community organi O IL To Be Friday zations in the all-out war effort Bureau of ClreulatioBa der the direcUon of Mrs. Frank With Watkins TICKET PRINTING Tonight and the amazingly dramatic joba Manchester—~A City of Village Charm The Dorca* Society aewlng Williams. they actually have performed. METERS rroup of the ihnanuel Lutheran Annual meeting of Highland The Soroptimist club will have a Juiiiiary Meeting to Mr. Lawshe, manager of the (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS thurch will leeume lU aeaeions at Park. Community Club. Commercial Organizatiqn depart Meter prints amoant of de (ClaasUled Advertialag on Pagtf IX) MANCHESTER, .CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1914 dinner meeting tomorrow evening O. J. West Takes Over VOL. LXttL, NO. 86 the Red CroM headquarters at Meeting executive board. Cen Hear Noted Speaker ment of the Chamber of Commerce livery on your slip for your Kmf r fliiareh this Thursday eve- at 6:30 at the Y. M. C. A. A "white I\1aiiaf»eiiieiil of Fu- ter church Women’s Federation. of the United" States, is widely liiuc at 7:30. Those who have nn- elephant’’ sale will be one of the Wednesday, Jan. IX On National Problem. known as an authority on business protection. li£i^ Red Cross knitted after-dinner features. eral Home Today. ^\nnual meeting Ecclesiastical organization management and ua asked to see that Miss Estoer Socd5iy~y)f Center church at 7:30. The regular JSnuary meeting of procedure. Hia work has taken IL J t^ so n receives them before Junior Debs held their fourth Ormand J. West, newly appoint the Chamber of Commerce will be him irit< every section of the coun L. T. Wood Co. meeting at the home of Mra. Fred Surgical dressings at American Russians Continue Yank Heavy Bor that time. It is hoped that a large bers ed funeral director for Watkins Legion . Home, Leonard street. a dinner meeting to be held at the try, giving him an unusual back 51 Bissell St. Tel. 4496 Bumber of the Dorcas membem Recave of Spruce street. Miss Brothers Funeral. Service, took Sheridan Restaurant Friday eve ground of experience to draw upon iurfll make it a point to attend the Adele Fallot vas a guest. The Every Wednesday; 10 a. m. to over active management of the fu 4:30 p. m. ning, Jan. 14 at 6:30. Tickets have in discussing business and com BMSting this week. girls busied themselves on their neral home at 142 Center munity affairs. For many years he Thursday, Jan. IS been sent out to the entire mem own needlework and light refresh street today. Mr. West succeeds bership to give them an opportun has given particular attention to Advances Despite Hinchester Tent No. 2, Knights ments were served. The members Robert K. Anderson who has been, Annual meeting. Second Con ity to attend and hear Ben B. organization structulFe and pro FOR TOP VALUE plan to go sliding Friday after In Great Air Battle; i f the Maccabees, will hold its first' gregational cburch. in charge of this branch of the Lawshe, business organization grams of work of local, state and IN A NEW HOME meeting of the year tomorrow eve- school. If conditions are favorable, Watkins organisation for nearly 25 Friday, ,lan. 14 consultant for the United States regional chambers of commerce, Ding in the Balch and Brown block. and will alao hold a meeting Fri years. Mr, Anderson will cele Dinner meeting Chamber of while keeping in close touch with See the Ones Being Built By Counter-Attacks day, January 14, at 7 o’clock. brate his 45th anniversary with the Commerce at the Sheridan at national trends affecting such or- Eta Chapter of Beta Sigma PM local concern on January 18th. and 6:30. ganizatitins. •rill meet tonight at eight o’clock The Sisterhood of Temple Beth GREENBROOKE as previously announced, he will Friday, Jan. 21 Prior to joining the National Losses Not Told Yet Sholom will hold its monthly meet at the home of Miss Andru- continue as treasurer of the com Chamber’s staff. Mr. Lawshe serv HOMES, INC. Jnst 75 Miles Short of I lot of 618 Center street. ing this evening at eight o’clock at Mobile Blood Donors Unit to be pany, a post he was appointed to a at St. Mary’s hall, ed for many years as a chamber Being , Halfway Be-i the home of Mrs. Julloii Fradln, 94 the bu.’une.’is ha.«r occupied all of his of commerce secretary in the On Walker Street The executive board of Center Hamlin street. ’The business ses Monday, Jan. 24 Main Forced Strikes at time. Northwest. Executive experiences For further Information call at tween Kiev and War- Bombs Batter Crew Saved Church Women’s Federation will sion will be followed by a skit in In spite of his busy life Mr. An Annual meeting of Red Cross at in highly divergent activities, as Upset Allied Magdeburg and Hal* meet this evening at 7:30 with ^ e which the members will take part derson has found time to devote Chapter Headquarters.' Alexander Jarvis Co. ofllre on well as surveys and studies he has Center street or at 26 Alexander saw; Other Colnmns leaders and co-leaders of the dif and a social time with refresh hours to local activities. He has Sunday, Feb. 6 made of hundreds of business berstadt While Diver ferent groups. ’The meeting will Police Benefit show at State street. Piraeus; More By Dropping ments. managed fund campaigns for the groups throughout the Nation, Increase Threat to Africa Plan sionary Raid Staged be in the Federation room. • local Y. M. C. A.. Chamber of Com theater. have given him a deep insight into Phones: 41IX or 7X76 Odessa-Warsaw Road. The North Methodist WSCS will merce and the Manchester Chapter ail phases of organization work. On Berlin; Nazis Use The Emblem Club will hold Its meet tomorrow afternoon at two of the American Red Cross. He Ground Gained Body in Sea monthly meeting tomorrow eve o’clock at the church. The new has been pivsldent of the Man Bulletin! fVent’ to Police After New Tactics, Oaim to ning at the Elks home in Rockville. officers of the society will be In chester Chamber of Commerce, M. C. Terrill Seeing Landing of Gen f Preceding the meeting the mem stalled at 2:30. and a business the Kiwanls Club, Manchester London, Jan. 12.—KA*)— Germans Admit Loss of Grim Decision Made as Have Shot Down 136 bers will enjoy a covered dish sup- meeting and discussion of "’The Chapter of the American Red Russiaii troops of the First eral Clark Before American Aircraft. er at pix o’clock, and after the Bishop s Crusade" will follow. Cross, and the Hartford Funeral Is Promoted Ukraine Army have captured Cervaro and Mountain ualness session they will have i Airmen Throw Every Directors Association. HALE'S SELF SERVE Sarny, Premier Stalin an Secret Conference. ggrocery bingo. Manchester mem There will be a meeting of the Top; One-Two Punch thing Loose in Libera London, Jan. 12.— (/P)— here on the committee are Mrs. Manchester Improvement Associa The Original In New England! nounced today, seizing the George H. Williams. Mrs. Samuel Loral Resident Is Now New York. Jan. 12—(iP)— Andre Thrown at Greek Port. tor into Channel. American heavy bombers tlon Wedne-sday evening. Jan. 12, fortified railway junction 3o roared over Berlin for the Houston and hfrs. John Murphy at the y . M. C. A. at 8 o’clock. Trade School Executive Vice Presi miles within old Poland after Maurois, author, now a Captain in Allied Headquarters, Algiers, first time yesterday, German Cards were sent out to the mem AND HEALTH MARKET an assault over the Sluch riv the French Army, said today that A U. S. Liberator Base in Eng The Women’s Home League of bership by John Zapadka, record dent of Phoenix Co. a lone Arab, hiddm on a beach Jan. 12 — (iP) — Allied bombers, reports said-today, setting off the Salvation Army will meet at Roll of Honor er. Stalin’s order of the day land, Jan. 12—(/P)— The crew of a ing secretary. near Algiers, almost upset the Al striking another day-and-night the greatest sky battle of all 2:10 tomorrow afternoon in the declared Sarny was “an im shattered Liberator struggling M. Clark Terrill, of 84 Prospect doubleheadcr b.ow into the Bal time in -which the Nazis used Junior hall. CuesU at this meeting •The annual meeting of the local portant strongpoint in the lied invasion of North Africa. back from France on only one en srlll be Mrs. Colonel Bale, retired, Top Stmlents of Novem street, has been promoted to the Wed. Morning Specials kans, battered Piraeus, the port of Chapter of the Connecticut Sports In a talte prepared for a Town gine, threw the body of their dead “ new tactics” and claimed to and her daughter, Mrs.