University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico Historical Newspapers New Mexico) 2-1-1919 Spanish American, 02-01-1919 Roy Pub Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Roy Pub Co.. "Spanish American, 02-01-1919." (1919). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. H f I ' ' f T' B I i ifV 4Vith Malice toward None, vriih Charity for 11, nd wftfo Firmness in the Right." "ROY, "County, Nkw M exico, Saturday. 1 . )!)!. 3 "Volume XVI. Mora kkiwjary Number School Sense T.R. Memorial Ameritans "Are Feeding TKesé Children Sbldiers& Sailors V Sergeant Ellis Abernathy ar- Holding that it is tho Amer- By direction of the Secretary rived home Sunday from Los-Anget- icanization and not the Latinizat-io- n of War, Chairman of the Coun- Cal. He w;as honorably of New Mexico for which the cil of the Nationel Defense, it is discharged from service citizenship of the state Should requested that all State; County the and is glad to be home among friends strive, Democratic members, of Community and Municipal Coun- again. Ellis, Homer Holmes and both houses of the fourth legisla- cils of Defense, comprising the i i i Barry Kirby, were our first three ture will no doubt oppose strong- one hundred eignty-iou-ii r tnou-.i' - X volunteers from Roy and left ly tlíe govenor's plan of compul- sand units of and sjstem, do Roy April 29th 1917.