Spanish American, 02-01-1919 Roy Pub Co
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico Historical Newspapers New Mexico) 2-1-1919 Spanish American, 02-01-1919 Roy Pub Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Roy Pub Co.. "Spanish American, 02-01-1919." (1919). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. H f I ' ' f T' B I i ifV 4Vith Malice toward None, vriih Charity for 11, nd wftfo Firmness in the Right." "ROY, "County, Nkw M exico, Saturday. 1 . )!)!. 3 "Volume XVI. Mora kkiwjary Number School Sense T.R. Memorial Ameritans "Are Feeding TKesé Children Sbldiers& Sailors V Sergeant Ellis Abernathy ar- Holding that it is tho Amer- By direction of the Secretary rived home Sunday from Los-Anget- icanization and not the Latinizat-io- n of War, Chairman of the Coun- Cal. He w;as honorably of New Mexico for which the cil of the Nationel Defense, it is discharged from service citizenship of the state Should requested that all State; County the and is glad to be home among friends strive, Democratic members, of Community and Municipal Coun- again. Ellis, Homer Holmes and both houses of the fourth legisla- cils of Defense, comprising the i i i Barry Kirby, were our first three ture will no doubt oppose strong- one hundred eignty-iou-ii r tnou-.i' - X volunteers from Roy and left ly tlíe govenor's plan of compul- sand units of and sjstem, do Roy April 29th 1917. Ellis enlist- sory teaching of Spanish in all everything possible to make suc- ed in the Coast Artillery and has schools of the state. Grant- cess the nation-wid- e arrange- the been kept training Rookies, and ing that the communities ments for memorial services to in the Coast Defense at home. where Spanish is spoken largely be held simultaneously on Fe Barry Kirby ha3 been a teacher shonld have teachers of dual 9th., the date of the proposed in the U. S. Cooking School at lingua attainments, which is al- memorial service by Congress in Presido, with the rank of Ser- ready the contemplation of the honbr of TheDdore Roosevelt. geant, and Homer went across law. is not felt by the Demo- Because of the peculiarly non- It with the Artillery and helped cratic legislators that Spanish partisan character of the great lick the Huh at cannon range. , should be placed on an eqal foot Council of Defense system, it is Ellis looks every Inch a soldier the English language singularly fitting that it shouid ingwith and improvement in his physique in the state's schools, were the lead in this memorial. added to the education his 18 objective it would seem from all We urge you to immediately months in the service has been educational points of view is a make appropriate arrangements has amply 'repaid him for the higher degree of development of for the holding of memorial, ser- time along with the satisfactioa English as a commercial and ed- vices thruout the principal towns within county on Sunday, of having done his duty. ucational factor. It is not through youf Ft ' "(- the-Span- prop- ish but through the February 9th. rn order that ' !, rfi'ir i in thn fin v iviu-.r-ft Avinfiniiia am synau war ju." lcu Alvin Lusk arrived home last er respect may be paid to his twenty-fiv- in charge, English language that. the state mcMatcív th-- lef; Jerusalem, American relict workers took homeless children r after Turks Friday, having been honorably rave'-tue- something eat. Many of them weru may hope to hold its place among memory. Satury night baths, clean clothes, and to (veTine the same ciothen they hai on whon driven from thoir hom3 two years before. discharged' from the navy. He the union, Southwest will raise Us share of the $30,000,000 the other states of "The week of February 310 has bsen Est for the when the has had an interesting experience legisl.a-torsj- C. people for relief of terrible war sufferings in tho Near East. to Democratic it K. Herendeen, former resi which has been ns'.ccd of the American the and his . navy uniform adds a state capital. dent of Solano, writes from his the touch of color to the ranks of home at What Iowa, send . Cheer, Aid for Stock-Me- n "Armenian Relief Sunday" Executive Committee, A.R.C, State kaki-cla- d boys who are backy. Barber Jenkins was oblige to ing a check for another year of all S-- of Like the rest he has improved give- - up working and go back to the They are not wintering If there are any livestock men The regular meeting Ejecü' February 2 will be observed in Roy Chap- wonderfully in appearance. He the Plumlee Hospital, last j week in Florida as has been their cus in your county who need feed tive Committee of the ( ' churches throughout the South- is so from the salt water where he has been since trying torn out they nave nad a very foe their livestock and have tjo ter A. R. C. will meet at the fresh west as "Armenian Relief Sun- :.e "sea-roll- " in his walk to get well. Charley Farley is mud winter in lowa and business means with which to procure it, workrooms Saturday evening in that Ministers being urged holding down the barbers job 'at is about at a stand still there. the state will furnish feed upon day." are stead of Friday to insure the is very noticable espically when to the whole or a part of boys the shop and doing it very cred- satisfactory arrangements btín devote prosjmce of the Secretary with he is with the soldier with sermon on this day a con itably Charley was a success as G. Kitchell, owner of the on'y made for its procurement. their to a lafge budget of buisness to be their rigid posture and straight sideration of the needs of the a lunch counter man and he is hotel building in town, is send We are anxious to furnish as- transacted. All mernhers of the stride. starving, homeless war refugees proficient in a tonsorial ing out cards asking some hotel sistance to livestockmen in easjs Committee are ur;;. i o be pres- ?.Ir. Lusk has seen very, active' in the Near East. The actual service, he having crossed parlor but he will farm" next man to come and run a good ho- where it is really needed. Parlies ent at teis time. the drive for funds begins the next waters seven times while being summer just the same. tel in Roy. He offers , attractive needing such state aid will please day, Feb. 3, most districts of Mrs. W. H. Willcox, Chra. inducements ánd ought to secure communicate either with ma di- in fireman on a transport. and continues for Mrs. Frank Seidel is the new a leasee fox his building. He and rectly, or with Mr. Charles the Southwest, one week. In other districts the The Red Cross Ladie3 packed A'lfred Davenport arrived in cook at the Farmer's Cafe. Her Mrs,. Kitchell do not can to in Springer, chairman of the : Stkte campaign has been postponed to and shipped a large order of gar- Roy last week and is visiting many years of experience in the undertake the active man- - Council of Defense, Santa :c, the suffering children Feb. 10-1- ments fot friends here. He was discharged restaurant business fits her for l.agement of a hotel, , New Mexico. in and war-stricke- n countries of ' Tfcid statement issued to pas- some time ago and has been at the job and those who formerly Very respectfully yours , . Earope Tuesday. he 'workers Springer with his brother, Jess boarded at her table will be glad tors, priests, and rabbis by the "Mickey's Boy v O. A. Larrazola, Governor. are few but they are strenous for some time. His arm is to have her cook for them again. Armenian Relief Publicity left Bureau. and are getting a large part of almost useless from being broken - "Mickey" Florsheim went to the allotment finished on time. when an army muie kicked him a Mrs. Casjmero Gonzales return Trinidad. Wednesday to see his The Village trustees applied Those who have the vision and year ago, He has been granted Visit Ocate Monday Lwife arid Mid-Ocea- ed from a at a new eon. his first $50.00 of village funds to the Sold In n. Flour the spirit of the cause in their disability allow- and has gone' to Colorado for a born. Mrs. Florsheim cause of building a cinder one fourth total ' went to path mind3 to see the need for work short visit. She expects to start Trinidad last Suniay. Mickey to the schoolhouse from up town Herbert Hover sold the Armen ance for the injury and is now ian Committee for Relief in the now are really lucky ones. It is planning to get at something a boarding house when she Í3 the proudest young fathe.- - in at their meeting Saturday night. Near" better to toil onnd even be un where handi- town but withal,, just a little This with the sum donated and East ?even thousand "tons it will be the least ot the flour time of appreciated, than to lack the cap.