Township Police Start Radio Patrol System
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18 Pages Today Official Newspaper Including of Eight Pages Middlesex County of WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP'S FAMILY NEWSPAPER ind Colored Comics Woodbridge Township TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 30 1935 PRICE THREE CENTS CroVs Township Police Start Radio Patrol System Nest M IS* RAVIOAfW PARK PROJECTS Expect WPA Will Approve Keasbey Sidewalk Projects After considerable delay Town- Jp resident, awoke tbte morn- MEET APPROVAL Si J «nd the poUoe radio system FROM HERE THROUGH THIS ASSIGN EG AN TO actually operating one-way. The vTvL .^tem wUl 10 into ef- cct within a few days, according OF STATE HEAD rclmUslowr Hassey. What KEASBEY SIDEWALK PRO- HEAD NEW UNIT happened to spur the committee 1 ta not known, but suddenly JECT BEING PREPARED Zy took the "bull by ttw horns" BY TOWNSHIP EN- yesterday afternoon and within GINEER OF DEPARTMENT wo hours, had typed up tempor- ary orders to Chief of Police ALLEN MCDONNELL TO BE .lames A. Walsh. AVENEL PARK CONSIDERED RECORDER'S COURT AND WOODBRIDGE. — Witt POLICE CLERK TEMPO- The fact that Sergeant RARILY .lack Egan was slated for ra- the Woodbridge patk and dio head, and Allen McDon- stadium grading project; nell tor. court clerk, was men- officially authorized by NO PROMUMUNS IN RANK tioned inthese columns se'v- ' States Works Progress Ad t.ral weeks ago. However, — At Mr Hasscy In hi. release to ministrator William H. J Ely, Township officials ar eight o CIOCK tuis monuug the press, definitely pointed me 1'once Kauio syaieia, out that all appointment, and preparing a list of projects orders are temporary meas- to the Works Progress Ad station. wiJAj^, witn o«r- ures and not to be construed guam Jorui fcgan temporar- dio system is scheduled to EO llnssry staWs that the system room at headquarters, the as permanent What this edict ministration for immediafo WOODBRUKJF..—Station into cfffct, one way, at will be operating: two-way In pule and steel antenna and ily in cniuge, wnl Uegui op- may mean at the present authorization. W2XIC, calling all cars! Aft- right oVIitrk this morning. ;i few days. Above arc shown one of the new radio cars, all uration, oue way, as MJI om- writing is hard to determine. er weeks of advancr publi- Among the proposed projccU Police Commissioner John A. tlw "Mike" In Wic sergeant's set for action. ciai part ot tne iownsaip On the surface it appears as according to Mayor August city and dflav, thr polios ra- if the present setup may be Greiner, will be the constructioi loiice department. Opera- completely changed at any of sidewalks in the Keasbey sec tion oi tne two way system time. tion, particularly on Crows Mi! RELIEF FIGURES RAILROAD ASKS win start witinu a weeK. i'ne • road, from Copemic avenue PUBLIC AND PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS orders wlucn are eiiective In flandnc over the Instruc- Smith street, along Smith stree' for 450 feet and Voorhees an Leader-Journal Names louay were drawn up Dy tne tion. It Is evident ttiat an Immedi- ponce committee aiwi pre- ate chanre should be made In the Williams streets. ANNOUNCE REOPENING FOR NEXT Democratic Slate In REVEAL DECIDED BOARD TO CLOSE desk serrtant'a hour.. Not only At a recent meeting of the sumed to Until ol -fouce have two hour, been added to Township Committee, Mayor Issue of Dec. 7,1934 1 James A. vvaisli yesteruay each man's dally quota, but the Greiner suggested that the park aueijioon. All appointments projects be dropped in favor of WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 4TH DECREASE HERE DEAD-END STS, hour, are so arranred that none WOODBRIDGE. — Seven according to tne committee of the serroanU have day or nlf ht real necessities such as sidewalks. months before the Democratic NEWARK.---July figures of the V.'OODUKIDGE. Another move to ihemMlves. There U no doubt However, since that time it has WOODBIU1)(;K.—"School days, school days, dear are '•liwai'UKAKi ana not itato Kmergoncy Relief Adminis- u the intricate problem of the that when this matter Is broucht been determined that the admin- party announced its sla'e, MANJiJNT in cnarac- old golden school days." Yes sir, vacation time ia almost iim that the decrease L'limmutiou uf the grado cross- to the attention of the police com istration would sanction both park the LEADER-JOURNAL In a ter," over ;ind once again students will have to get down to the )f relief which started last March in the township was mudc nilssloner, he will chanre tfalnn and sidewalk projects, as there is front page story In Its issue business of "readin' and 'ritin' and 'rithmatic" as the •xtended into a fifth successive Ly the Pennsylvania Railroad, township has been divided around a bit to five the boy. on sufficient labor for all proposed of December 7, 1934 announc- plans. Woodbridge Township Public schools and St. James' Par- nonth. In addition, preliminary his week ,when it made applica- imo uireo aisinus us loiiows: the desk a "break." ed the Democratic candidates tion to the Board of Public futil- In addition to the Woodbiidgi ochial school will reopen their doors on Wednesday, Sep- reports for the first half of Aug- uinrici No. I: column ana Jse- named last week. ust indicate the decline may also ities. Commission to have several un coroprnnnj ait terruM} irom As long as conditions, re- park projects, the Township ex- tember 4. The news was released this morning from the dead-end streets in Woodbridge pects to hear that the Fords park persist into the sixth month. Hainan 'township anil Clark garding infantile paralysis The article reads in part as proper vacated before the actual iownsnip line w ana iBCiuaint (Ctd 10) office of the supervising principal of schools. j Instead of 617,130 persons aided remain as they are, schools (Contnued on page follows: work is started. tlouie ta from Kahw&y City Line will re-open on schedule next Elementaty schools will dismiss ast February, the July record "Considerable interest cen- The streets in question are to Haritan lowmnip Line. Wednesday morning, District classes at 10:30 A. M., on the first brings a reduction of 97,486 down ters around the Democratic to 519,644. The difference is 15.8 Second street, New street, Albert District Z: All ol territory eut Clerk Roy E. Anderson an- day of school while the high street, Grove avenue and Martin of Kouie 25 Irom Kanway City choice of candidates for the per cent .The July total is 9.602 nounced today. Although MAYOR SPEAKER school will have its regular ses- LEGION POST 87 street. Line to Clover Leal and out ol other municipalities have various positions. For the below that for June but it stands 27,615 above the showing for the According to Township officials Si. George's aveuui; and Amboy postponed Ihelr opening date sions 8:00 A. M.. to 12:20 P. M., maynrallty nomination, Dem- same month last year, the committee is willing to have avenue irom Clover Leaf to Am- board members here feel that and 12:20 P. M., to 4:45 P. M. Uiu streets vacated, with the ex- AT THIRD WARD ocratic leaders all feel certain The July record shows 116,585 boy (L'lty line, including Avtnel, there is no cause for alarm, Buses will the places MAY TIE OVER ception of Grove avenue. It hai 1'ort Reading, Sewaren angWowt- that ANTHONY A. AQUILA families aided and 28,702 non inasmuch as there are only assigned during the past school been the plan of the authorities brldge, ' will be the logical candidate. family men and women, a total of five mild cases In the Town- year and at the same time. for som1e time now to make an Ui&lrict 3: All of territory wo»t ship, with no new cases re- Beginners who will be five Although no official authority 145,287 cases. The Dersons in the|™ 7 " UNIT'S SESSION 0 reopen Grove avenue of St. Ueorge's and Amboy ave- PRnLLJIPERTY could be secured for the rum- families numbered 490,942. The f ™ R™p ported for the past week. years old or older prior to Nov- to Rahwaj nue irom Cioverieaf and Route cases in February, the highest in flom Barron avenue SEWAREN.-Mayor August F. ember 1, 1935 may Ibe admitted WOODBRIDGK. — Now that or, current stories mention the avenue. At the present time thi 'ii in Woodbridge vo Perth Am- to school the first ten school days the history of the ERA, number- NctiiUia new has developed in GriMiier was the speaker of the Dorsey Motors, Inc., has secured name of WILLIAM FINN to ailroad divides Grove avenue boy Qlty line and all territory the Wrlfht eaw. The Board of in September. Parents are i ed 168,775. ind it is closed to vehicular traf- suuth ol Rome 25 from clover- evening at a meeting of the Third a permit to construct a automo- oppose Committeeman Fred Education makes known that it quested to present birth and vac- The July decrease was achiev- c. if the street is vacated, there leal to KanUn Township line Ward Woman's Republican club Spencer. From present indica- has not as yet received a report cination certificates. New 'pupil? bile showroom at the corner of ed despite conditions in inductrial fill never be any chance to ro comprising part of YYouclbriUKe, tions it Is almost certain that from attorney J. H. Thayer Mar- .held Monday night at Hiram's for entrance in Grades 5, 6, 7 and Amboy avenue and Green street, cuuutes.