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2014 Conference Booklet THE ECONOMIC HISTORY SOCIETY Annual Conference University of Warwick 28 – 30 March 2014 Programme including New Researchers’ Papers & Abstracts of the other Academic Papers Contents Page no. Contents i Welcome to the University of Warwick ix Summary conference programme x Brief guide to conference arrangements xii How to reach the University of Warwick xiv Campus Map xvi NEW RESEARCHERS’ SESSIONS I/A WOMEN AND WORK 1 Amanda Wilkinson Do the Victorian censuses of England and Wales offer an accurate representation of married women’s occupations in provincial towns and cities: 1851-1901? 1 2 Xuesheng You Women’s work in the 1881 Census Enumerators’ Books (CEBs) 9 3 Mafalda Moura Pereira Using cemetery records as a source to estimate women’s class and occupational identities: the case of Coimbra, Portugal, 1885-1910 10 I/B TWENTIETH-CENTURY BRITISH INDUSTRY 1 Pieter Woltjer The Great Escape: technological lock-in vs appropriate technology in early twentieth-century British manufacturing 16 2 Nikita ES Bos The role of international trade in Britain’s relative economic decline: the link between productivity and trade examined 24 3 Tae Hoon Kim Supporting the ‘white heat’: re-examining the expansion of Britain’s civil nuclear energy programme, 1965-70 30 I/C APPRENTICESHIP AND YOUTH 1 Ruben Schalk From orphan to artisan: the apprenticing of orphaned boys in Leiden and Utrecht during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries 35 2 Caroline Withall Shipped out? A fresh look at pauper apprenticeship during the industrial revolution 42 3 Charlotte Clements Youth voluntary organizations in London and Liverpool, 1958-85 47 I/D FAMINE AND MIGRATION 1 Charles Read Laissez-faire, the Irish Famine, and British financial crisis c.1846-50 53 2 Francisco Beltrán Tapia Migrants’ self-selection in the early stages of economic growth: Spain, 1880-1930 59 I/E REGIONAL INDUSTRY AND INSTITUTIONS 1 Keith Sugden J.H. Clapham revisited: an occupational study of the transference of the worsted industry from Norfolk to the West Riding 68 2 Albert Serramontmany Becoming owners or not: the reasons for a regional divergence seen from below: Catalonia, 1750-1850 74 3 James Boyd How do we approach the Zollverein? Local institutions and the early customs union 81 I/F EDUCATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 Alexandra Semrad Modern secondary education and economic performance: the introduction of the Gewerbeschule and Realschule in nineteenth-century Bavaria 86 2 Ruth Maria Schueler Educational production functions as of 1886: how primary schooling shaped economic development in end-of- i Contents nineteenth-century Prussia 92 3 Rima Ghanem Human capital development in the Middle East: is secularism a solution? Evidence from Turkey in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries 99 I/G LABOUR AND WAGES 1 Svenja Gärtner Winning ugly? The impact of wage inequality on labour productivity 107 2 Steven Ivings Labour recruitment and practices in Japan’s Far North: The Takobeya of colonial Karafuto fact or fiction? 113 3 Steven Parfitt An alternative globalization: the international ambitions of the Knights of Labor 119 I/H MEDIEVAL ECONOMY AND SOCIETY 1 Melanie Meng Xue Technology shocks, relative productivity, and son preference: the long-term effect of cotton textile production in Ming China 124 2 Mingjie Xu A struggle for freedom and liberty?: Reflections on the causes of the 1381 Peasants’ Revolt 131 3 Alex Brayson Finance and trade under Henry VI of England 136 II/A EARLY MODERN CRAFTS, WAGES AND CONTRACTS 1 Judy Stephenson Gilboy revisited: or low(er) wages and the pre-industrial London building craftsman 141 Esther Sahle The competitive edge of the reliable Friends? Quaker contract enforcement, c.1660-1800 150 II/B RAILWAYS AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 1 Avni Önder Hanedar The impact of access to railroads on economic growth in the Ottoman Empire, 1893-1914 156 2 Theresa Gutberlet Railroads and the regional concentration of industry in Germany, 1861-82 161 3 Gabriel Geisler The Press and company promotion during the Railway Mania Mesevage of 1845 168 II/C BUSINESS PRACTICES 1 Karolina Hutkova Knowledge and the English East India Company’s Bengal silk enterprise, 1757-1812 174 2 Meike Fellinger The principal-agent problem revisited: supercargoes and commanders of the China trade 180 3 Michael Aldous Avoiding ‘negligence and profusion’: the failure of the joint- stock form in Anglo-Indian trade, 1813-70 184 II/D FISCAL POLICY, FINANCE AND INVESTMENT 1 Pamfili Antipa Fiscal sustainability and the value of money: lessons from the British paper pound, 1797-1821 190 2 Jérémy Ducros The Lyon Stock Exchange: the struggle for survival, 1866- 1914 196 3 Géraldine David Is art really a safe haven? Evidence from the French art market during WWI 203 II/E TWENTIETH-CENTURY GERMANY 1 Robin Winkler Household consumption in prewar Nazi Germany: the effects of liquidity constraints, uncertainty, and myopia 210 2 Alan de Bromhead Women voters and party preference in Weimar Germany 216 3 Alexander Sohn No longer top of the class: professorial salaries in twentieth- century Germany 221 II/F STATE, COMMUNITY AND ECONOMY 1 Giada Pizzoni Pecunia non olet: Catholic merchants; a reluctant welcome 226 ii Contents 2 Carol Beardmore The rural community through the eyes of the land-agent on the Marquis of Anglesey’s Dorset and Somerset estate 1812-54 231 3 Felix Selgert The effects of police on crime in the Grand-Duchy of Baden, 1829-77 236 II/G MODERN INDUSTRIAL GROWTH 1 Léo Charles What drove economic growth in the nineteenth century? The case of Switzerland’s specializations, 1885-1913 241 2 Joost Veenstra Can output growth be measured in the absence of production data? A state space time series analysis of industrial growth in pre-WWII Germany 249 3 Taylor Jaworski World War II and the industrialization of the American South 256 II/H CLIMATE AND THE ECONOMY 1 Maria Waldinger The long-term effects of climatic change on economic growth: evidence from the Little Ice Age, 1500-1750 262 2 Gregori Galofré-Vilà The effects of climate on stature since 1800 269 Academic Sessions – I/A JAPAN 1 Jean-Pascal Bassino & Paying the price for spiritual enlightenment: tax pressure and Masanori Takashima living standards in Kofun and Asuka-Nara, Japan (c.300- 794 AD) 279 2 John Tang A tale of two SICs: industrial development in Japan and the United States in the late nineteenth century 280 3 Bishnupriya Gupta & When did Japan overtake India? Lessons from cotton mills Tetsuji Okazaki 282 4 Ryo Kambayashi The role of public employment services in a developing country 282 I/B FINANCIAL CRISES 1 Mark Billings Managing risk or appeasing the Nazis? British banks and Standstill debt in the 1930s 283 2 Oliver Accominotti The propagation of the 1931 financial crisis to the New York and London financial centres: new evidence from micro- data 284 3 Kerstin Enflo & The Swedish recovery from the Great Depression Juan Rosés 284 4 Christopher Coyle This time is different: causes and consequences of British Gareth Campbell & banking instability, 1830-2010 John Turner 285 I/C WORLD WAR AND WOMEN IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY 1 Jessica Bean Female workers and the First World War in Britain: why no labour supply shock? 287 2 Price Fishback, Dina The labour market for American women during three crises: Shatnawi & Alec Smith World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II 287 3 Sheena Evans A Memorandum of Dissent: divided opinion within the 1944-46 Royal Commission on Equal Pay 288 I/D HEIGHT AND HEALTH 1 Timothy Hatton, Roy Health, height and the household at the turn of the twentieth Bailey & Kris Inwood century 290 2 Eric Schneider Children’s growth in an adaptive framework: explaining the growth patterns of American slaves and other historical populations 290 3 Bernard Harris & Sanitary reform in England and Wales, 1871-1914 iii Contents Andrew Hinde 291 I/E THE STATE AND THE SHAPING OF GOOD TASTE 1 Giorgio Riello The state and the textile industry in early modern Europe 292 2 Luca Mola’ Textile manufactures and state policies in Renaissance Italy 292 3 Klas Nyberg The Swedish textile trade in the early modern period 293 I/F OCCUPATIONAL STRUCTURE I 1 Tony Wrigley & Reconsidering recent estimates of the occupational structure Richard Smith of late fourteenth-century England 294 2 Sebastiaan Keibek Probate records as a source of occupational information for early modern England and Wales 294 3 Leigh Shaw-Taylor The occupational structure of England and Wales, 1381-1951 296 I/G WHITE COLLAR WORKERS 1 Michael Heller British clerical workers, career ladders and the rise of internal labour markets, 1880-1914 297 2 Nicole Robertson The occupational health and welfare of clerical workers in twentieth-century Britain 297 3 Alan McKinlay & Strategy, technology and gender: making and unmaking the Scott Taylor marriage bar in twentieth-century British clerical work 298 I/H STATE CAPACITY AND CONFLICT 1 Mark Koyama, Chiu Unified China and divided Europe Yu Ko & Tuan-Hwee Sng 300 2 Jordi Vidal-Robert & Habemus Papam? Polarization and conflict in the Papal Francisco Pino States 302 3 Marc Dincecco & Military conflict and the economic rise of urban Europe Massimiliano Onorato 302 4 Harold Carter From slums to slums in three generations: housing policy and the political economy of the welfare state, 1945-2005 302 II/A AFRICA 1 Stephen Broadberry & Africa’s growth prospects in a European mirror: a historical Leigh Gardner perspective 304 2 Wasiq N Khan Evaluating economic explanations for the transatlantic slave trade: labour productivity, relative exploitability

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