Walk Safely—Walk with a Club The Bushwalker “Where Am I” Competion The Rules Just saying that a photo is of ‘Grose Val- check with your Club membership secre- ley’, or even ‘Blue Gum Forest’ would not tary to make sure you are financial, so you • Each Issue has four photos taken some- be enough. However, something like ‘Blue must also include the name of the Club to where in NSW in places where bushwalk- Gum Forest from the start of the descent which you belong as well. You should also ers go. These will NOT be obscure places. down DuFaurs Buttress’ would qualify. It include your snail-mail address in case you • You have to identify the scene (what the is not enough to just say where the pho- win! photo is of) and roughly where the pho- to was taken from: you must specify the The Editor’s decision is final. After all, he tographer was standing for any one of the scene: what the photo is of. In short, you took the photos. This does mean that some photos. need to provide enough information that areas of NSW may not appear in the com- • Send your answers (up to 4 entries per someone else could navigate to that spot petition for a while. My apologies to Clubs Issue) to
[email protected] as and take a close approximation to the pho- in those areas. quickly as possible. to. Of course, if you want to give a map name and grid reference, that would be Results from Autumn Issue • Usually only one prize per person will be awarded in each Issue of The Bushwalker, fine too.