CANfflS1!flA 1UfrllWALKliMG CLUIBS INC. NIEWflIETTIEIQ ITPA Box 160, Canberra, R.C.T. 2601 Registered by Post; Publication number NBF1 1859


President's Pnttle

At the last committee meeting members raised concerns about the level of awareness of first aid when bushwalking. On a recent day walk to Ettrema, one participant received a minor injury which required a number of party members to delve into their packs for various antiseptic creams, bandages etc. While there is an expectation that all who participate on Club walks Cand on any other trips for that matter) carry their own first aid requirements, it is often the case that items must be provided by others, often the walk leader. Whilst the odd band-aid causes little financial strain, items such as pressure bandages for sprains etc. are quite expensive to replace. Thus, the committee believes that where people have had to assist others on Club walks by using such relatively expensive first aid consumables, the Club should reimburse that person the replacement cost. On a related matter we are hoping to provide interested Club members with the opportunity to attend a St. John's Ambulance first aid course. By doing so as a group, it should be possible to concentrate on those first aid matters of particular relevance to bushwalking. Details will be published in later ITs when arrangements and costs have been established. Greg Ellis Concerning Conservation you will now all be aware of the new parks proposed by the Unsworth Government for the Eden area. These include •a southern extension to Wadbilliga National Park, Tantawangalo. Coolangubra, Vowaka and a small area just north of Coopracambra in Victoria. This is a major acknowledgement by the government of the importance of these areas for all Australians. The P48W election will be the final deciding factor. Recently a Club member mentioned that Park officers at Kosciusko National Park had instructed them not to camp near Hedley Tarn. At this stage there are no restrictions related to camping in the summit area, however, because of the detrimental effects that are created by the many people who do decide to camp in this area, the Park Service actively will be discouraging camping in the area. Most Club members would be aware of the consequences of many people camping in these extremely fragile areas and I would suggest that we take this into account when planning walks in the area and camp in appropriate places. As Greg mentioned in the previous IT, please pass on information to committee members about infringements of national park regulations. Reports of activities such as grazing, four wheel driving, etc. in prohibited areas will be made to the relevant authorities. It is only with detailed information that these problems can be overcome. Please supply details of where, when and to what degree Ceg type and numbers of cattle, vehicle) these activities were witnessed. Two Club representatives attended the Conservation Council meeting on E

17/2/88 where discussion was held on firstly the proposed future of the Rocks area; secondly active campaigning or otherwise for the Unsworth Government (related to the Eden Park Proposal); and thirdly the proposed gun licensing legislation in NSW. Julie Andrew


New Members

Christopher Dawkins, 10/60 Trinculo Place, QUEANBEYAN. NSW 2620, 979319(h), 688104(w). Michael Gauci, Macquarie Private Hotel, BARTON. ACT 2600. 482262(w). John Gill, 32 Rosenthal Street, CAMPBELL, ACT 2601, 479662(h), 469949(w). Jennifer Hawkins, 2 Coutie Place. MACGREGOR, ACT 2616, 549862(h), 750221(w). Wendy Highett. 19 Jarrah Street, O'CONNOR, ACT 2601. 480816(h), 621207(w). Elisa Kaczynska, 8 Hale Street. TURNER. ACT 2601. 571462(h), 437243(w). Janis Layton, 127 Majura Avenue, DICKSON. ACT 2602, 476706(h). Kathleen Mullins, 12 Cambage Street,. YARRALUMLA, ACT 2600, 812092(h). 818327(w). Stephen Rimmer, 13 Grylls Crescent. COOK, ACT 2614, 516276(h). 732381(w). Stuart Row. 349 Northgate Gardens. Forbes St. TURNER, ACT 2601. 472973(h) 46882aw) Paul Walker, 1 Main Close, CHISHOLM. ACT 2906, 919307(h), 767442(w). Prospective Members

Sally Ashworth, 138 Lambrigg Street, FRASER. ACT 2607, 866966(h). 621429(w). Judy Chappell. 7 Ambara Place, ARANDA. ACT 2614. 616240(h). 81496S(w). Noami Landau. 8 Burdon Place, HOLT, ACT 2616, 649440(h). Wayne Lawler. 1/810-218 Newman Morris Circuit, OXLEY. ACT 2904, 961664(h), 496311(w). Mary Welch, 1/210-218 Newman Morris Circuit, WILEY. ACT 2904. 961664(h), 726421(w) Gene Schembri, 4 fore Circuit, EVATT. ACT 2614. 686687(h). 586687(w). Lorna Stephenson. 21/34 Mowatt St. QUEANBEVAN, 145W 2620. 973609(h), 687302(w). Brian Thomas, 66 Burrinjuck Cres. DUFFY, ACT 2611, 889262(h). 688932(w). Winifred Vincent, 7/28 Springvale Drive. HAWKER, ACT 2614. S40811(h), 884799(w). For Sale

Berghaus Goretex parka, large, good condition, dark green in colour, $90.00 0.14.0., contact David Cregan, 476296(ah). Accommodation Available

Nick Bendelli has two rooms available for rent (approx. $40 per week) in his new home at 11 Thom Crescent, Kambah. Applicants must be non-smokers and females are preferred, ring Wick on 319711(h). A "THANK Y0U

I have received a letter from Dorothy Crofts, Mick's mother. She wishes to thank all those who helped Hick pack up and who wrote to Hick and to his parents in England. She is unable to thank personally many of them as she does not have their addresses. Pat Miethke BIRTH

The way of the world is such that we mourn the loss of one unique individual from it, then turn to welcome another soul into it. Pat Miethke and George Stacey have a brand new son. Geoffrey George. with a fine pair of buahwalker's lungs and great big feet. a

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Judging from the response most people were very enthusiastic about our Budawang presentation and speaking for the contributors I can say that it was a pleasure to see it come together. New members will surely have gained from Alan Vidler's information on access routes and walking tracks. Heino Lepp gave us a close look at the fascinating miniature gardens of mosses and liverworts, they deserve more attention. Thanks Heino for sharing your knowledge, your patience to observe these tiny plants should be an example to all that enjoyment of the bush is not determined by distance covered. I am also grateful to Warren Hudson who selected, arranged and rearranged the slides and projectors. I wonder who can afford to go anywhere without a camera after this presentation. Our next meeting will be on March the 16th, the speaker will be Alan Fox, who has, for the last six years been a consultant on the environment. Previously he was with the N.T. Parks Service and NSW Parks and Wildlife. He is author or co-author of three books including "Kakadu Man'. He also set up the training scheme for Aboriginal rangers in Kakadu National Park and led the team that put together the management plan for that park. Last month I forgot to mention the T-shirts ($5.60) and frog badges ($2). They are still with us -----and, you guessed it, they will be present at the meeting on March the 16th. Eddy Dc Wilde The Ccrrescndence Column

If you ever feel like a change from your Sunday bushwalk have you thought of giving a Sunday morning (first of the month) to help out at the Kingsley Street markets. As the Club is a member of the Canberra and South-East Regional Environment Centre. we are often asked for volunteers to assist in the coffee shop or to collect monies from the stall holders. As you need to get there early you can also be the first to pick up all the bargains!!. For more information about times and dates contact me. Kate Moore Letter to the editor We were shocked, horrified, stunned, amazed, surprised, distressed and concerned (yes, all of these!) after reading in the "Canberra Times", on the front page no less, of allegations made by a prominent Japanese visitor, that skinny dipping actually took place on a recent Canberra Bushwalking Club walk. (It would not happen on one of my walks - ed.) Could this possibly be true? Surely not!, and how could this have occurred? (Obviously our Club morals officer was not in attendance.) There are no excuses for such behaviour. The Club can not afford such adverse publicity and we propose a tightening of Club dress rules, and, if necessary, the incorporation of these into the Club's constitution. The Club's morals must be maintained at their current high standards. Our proposal entails strict summer dress regulations for swimming. "NECK TO KNEE" coverage must be mandatory. We sincerely hope that all Club members will take up this proposal seriously and if, on the next river walk, members are found to be dressed inadequately, watch out! Action will be taken to remedy the situation. Yours sincerely, PT Shocked of Scullin KM Horrified of Higgins RD Stunned of Spence GE Amazed of Ainslie TM Surprised of Stirling HA Distressed of Downer RH Concerned of Charnwood P.S. We would consider sandshoes, long socks and balaclava or, at a pinch, a beanie pulled down low to be acceptable dress! 4

To mark Heritage Week CI6-23rd of April 1988) a photographic competition. co-ordinated by the National Trust of Australia (ACT) and sponsored by Kodak (Australasia), is being held. The theme will be "Canberra's Journey" and entrants are invited to submit prints of some aspect of ACT heritage. Subjects could include historic buildings, gardens, streetscapes, landscapes, engineering and mechanical heritage (early model cars, railways etc.). The prizes are 1st *200. 2nd *128. 3rd *78, there is a separate category for juniors and the closing date is March the 31st. For entry forms with conditions and full details please contact Carolyn Ho. 649228(h), 768102(w).

$014C 1tflOØV5

December 31st - January 3rd - - M/R/W Maps: Kanangra & Yerranderrie Better late than never! here is a trip report on the Club's first walk in 1988. led by Meg McKone to the Kowmung River in the Blue Mountains. Twelve of us left Canberra on New Year's Eve and after stops in Goulburn for dinner and along the road for minor repairs to the McKone's car we arrived at Boyd River around 11pm. After all the port, cornchips. Christmas Cake and champagne had been consumed, waiting up to see the new year in becamer quite an effort and not everyone managed it. Five minutes into 1988 saw all of us nicely snuggled in our sleeping bags. The noise of the firewood collectors, (who, incidently, need some basic lessons in telling the time!), had us awake early and it was not too long before we had driven the short distance to Kanangra Walls and were soon walking across Kanangra Tops. We descended to the Kowmung River via Cottage Rock. Bullhead Ridge and over Cambage Spire. The group soon split in two, four speedsters ran down to the river while the sensible ones took their time and enjoyed the scenery. The speedsters, all having made good new year resolutions the night before, had port and Christmas Cake to celebrate the descent and played with the frisbee while cooling off in the river. Slowly we were joined by the rest of the group and it was not long before they too joined us in the cool clear waters of the Kowmung. Lunch saw the first of our engineering achievements with four tent flies joined together to provide shelter from the hot summer sun for twelve bushwalkers and twelve million bushf lies! We had a lazy afternoon, some went for a stroll up Christies Creek while others searched for a better swimming pool. The afternoon was interupted by a brief heavy thunderstorm which saw us all diving for cover under our flies. Adam and Dominique provided some entertainment with their attempts at erecting their fly from a dome tent, without any poles. I think they did a better job than Doug with his shower curtain though! We had a little drizzle while we cooked dinner but this did not prevent us from having a wonderful dessert. The McKones produced an enormous billy from Frank's pack which contained a magnificent pudding. Robert, with the assistance of halt a dozen helpers, all under his small tent fly, cooked real custard over a double boiler while Greg retrieved his brandied butter which had been cooling in the river. Needless to say it was all consumed in no time helped along by a couple of litres of red wine, some port and even a couple of cans of beer. No wonder our packs weighed so much, When I turned in for the night I found Doug asleep under my fly - obviously he did not have much faith in his shower curtain! 41

Saturday involved lots of swimming, frisbee throwing, more eating and, yes, a little walking. We camped at Orange Bluff and built a very elaborate communal structure which was soon named "The Big Top". By now the frisbee was getting a little worn so we had to revert to a billy lid. A little afternoon drizzle found us gathered in the "The Big Top" for readings from Robert's "Western". He claimed to have found it but later walks have revealed the truth about his taste in literature. We also had many deep and meaningful discussions on all manner on things. Dinner was not up to the previous night's standard but we still managed to have fruit cake, custard, green ginger wine, port and run with hot lemon.

Sunday greeted us with little sun but lots of mist and we decided to go straight up Brumby Ridge which proved a good exit ridge, especially with our much lighter packs. Be warned though, one needs more than a single muffin for breakfast to make the climb. Again we split into two groups with the advance party, plus one, enjoying hot soup in Coal Seam Cave as the others gradually joined us. Although it did not rain, everyone was saturated from the mist and wet scrub and we all dried out in the cave before continuing on over Kanangra Tops to the cars. The more respectable members of the groUp had a wash in the Boyd River before the drive home.

Thanks to Meg for a wonderful walk and to all those who contributed to the gastronomic delights. It was a great way to start the year. Mike Comfort

January 30-315t - Jagungal via Happy Jacks, Fire Damage Report - H/M

Map: Khancoban 1:50000. This walk was the completion of last year's trip to Jagungal when a revolt in the ranks prevented a crossing of Happy Jacks Plain. This time, we started at the junction of the Cabramurra road and Happy Jacks road only to find out from a lost Victorian tourist that the road was open all the way to Lake Eucumbene.

Saturday morning was spent scooting along the road to Happy Jacks Plain. The plain itself can be recommended, the road - well, it gave good views. We followed the Grey Mare fire trail from Mackeys hut to O'Keefes hut. The trail recently had been bulldozed by firefighters. It is a bit of an eyesore at the moment although it has made walking easier in places. Saturday's walk totalled 28 kilometres.

Sunday started with a early trip up Jagungal (for some) and then out along the Fern Ridge fire trail. We reached the limit of the tire damage from the Round Mountain fire after about 3 km. Along the ridge the fire damage had been sporadic and the damage minimal. Unfortunately, it got much worse the further we went and it was most severe in the Tumut river valley. This area obviously will take some time to recover fully. The fire burnt right to the Round Mountain hut stopping across the fire trail.

The parking area at the Cabramurra road/Round Mountain fire trail junction had been bulldozed so there was little grass left for lying around on while the car was brought down from the Happy Jacks road. So Sunday ended up being a long walk although I did not hear much complaining. Norm Becker EAltor's Notes

Owing to the limit of sixteen pages imposed because of postage requirements and the regular publication of the membership list in the March issue of IT, it has been necessary to hold over one or two articles till next month. Vance Brown 14ftj4( fØflfl45

Sunday March 20th - Sentry Box - L/M Map: Yaouk 1:25000.

This is a long walk (20K at least with a climb of about 900 metres) and is NOT for beginners. It goes outward along the Naas Creek Valley and returns along Grassy Creek. I will start early and probably finish late - so bring a torch. Sentry Box has the best display of Umbilicaria that I know of in the ACT - as well as being botanically interesting for other reasons. For those botanically inclined I suggest a perusal of 'Treeless vegetation above 1000 metres altitude in the A.C.T:' by C.E. Neiman and P.M. Gilmour, Ca copy of this is available for inspection at the Environment Centre). Heino Lepp

Saturday April 16th - Pine Island Clean-up - S/E

To participate in this walk, it is a case of BYOB (GARBAGE BAG THAT IS) as our Club makes a contribution to HERITAGE WEEK. Recent walkers to this area have reported that it is sorely in need of litter removal. This activity will commence at 11 am at the far car park at Pine Island; meet at the display board which shows the walking track. The plan is to walk towards Kambah Pool clearing the rubbish along the track and river bank as far as we can manage. We will return to Pine Island for an optional BYO-EVERYTHING Barbecue in the evening. There is NO NEED TO BRING A MAP ... YOU MIGHT FIND ONE ON THE WAY! Lunch will be enjoyed along the river and there are great pools for cooling swims. Will YOU do YOUR BIT for the environment during Heritage Week? This clean- up has been scheduled for SATURDAY to allow keen walkers not to miss their Sunday con stitutiona ls. SEE YOU THERE .....RING ME ONLY IF YOU NEED TRANSPORT Carolyn Ho. 768102(w), 949228(h).

September - Indian Himalayas - A Pre-preview

In mid-September I am going to the Indian Himalayas for about six weeks for a mainly walking holiday. If anyone is interested feel free to ring me - 316061(h), 467572(w). I would like to spend a few weeks in the Kulu Valley area and a few weeks in the area near Rishikesh and the head waters of the River Ganges. I suppose the only requirements for anyone thinking about this trip are flexibility and fitness. Airline bookings need to be made as soon as possible to ensure getting a return flight back to Australia. Return air fare to Delhi is $990 (Air India). *1025 (Thai). Norm Becker

Sunday March 27th - Bungonia Gorge, Shoalhaven River - M/M/W? Map: Caoura 1:25000. This, the last of the river walks, involves a descent down a steep patch into spectacular Bungonia Gorge. the route then proceeds through the gorge and past the vertical Troy Walls. At this point there is a stretch of large limestone boulders to negotiate, after that it is easy going along Bungonia Creek to the Shoalhaven River. We may or oss the river so waterproof your pack. We will have a relaxing lunch on a santh beach with lots of time for swimming in the warm (usually) waters of the Shoal haven. The way out involves a 500 metre climb up a ridge to and past Mt Ayri . from which there are excellent views of the Shoalhaven Valley. Vance Brown CBC Membership List - 5 March 1988 PAGE 1 TELE] H0NE NAME ADDRESS WORK HOME ABBOTT ,Roger 13 Solly Place,Emu Ridge,BELCONNEN ACT 2617 514051 ALLEN ,Craig 13 Blandon Place,HOLT ACT 2615 525542 549735 BROSE, Kathy 8 Morphy Place,COOK ACT 2614 451229 515252 • ANDERSON,Allan 11 Lochee Place,STIRLING ACT 2611 880112 880112 • ANDERSON,Doris 11 Lochee Place,STIRLING ACT 2611 893588 880112 ANDERSON ,Heather 4* Address Unknown ** 492270 ANDREW,Julie 34 McCawley St,WATSON ACT 2602 724542 414624 * APPAY,Dominique 133 Summerville Cres,FLOREY ACT 2615 589878 * APPAY,Michelle 133 Summerville Cres,FLOREY ACT 2615 488388 589878 AOUR, Jan 37 Holmes Cres,CAMPBELL ACT 2601 478242 ASHWORTH,Sally 138 Lambrig St,FARRER ACT 2607 621429 865966 BALDERSON ,John D3 "MARADA ,58 Bennelong Cresc MACQUARIE ACT 2614 465205 515263 * BAYLIS,Ann 29 Quandong St,O'CONNOR 2601 470193 BECKER, Norman 4 Drysdale Circuit,KAMBAH ACT 2902 467572 316061 BEETON ,Robin 105 Dunstan St,CURTIN ACT 2605 652223 814562 BELL, Rosemary 44 Stonehaven Crescent,DEAKIN ACT 2600 612965 822394 BENDALL,Roy 19 Collier St,CURTIN ACT 2605 643225 816162 + BENDELI,Nick 11 Thom Cr,KANBAH ACT 2902 310044 319711 * BENNETTS,Carol 6 Toohey Place,WANNIASSA ACT 2903 714427 315899 * BENNETTS,Jeff 6 Toohey Place,WANNIASSA ACT 2903 837037 315899 BIBO ,Robert 93 Blackwood Terrace,HOLDER ACT 2611 527488 883090 + BLACK,Harry 121 Fairhaven Point Way,Wallaga Lake via NAROOMBA, NSW 2546 (0649) 34548 BLAYDEN ,Warwick P0 Box 228,WEST RYDE NSW 2114 (02)2 196448 BONNY, David 15 Dumaresq St,DICKSON ACT 2602 467252 479263 * BOWEY,Dianne 4 Olney Pl,WANNIASSA ACT 2903 465143 313273 * BOWEY,Peter 4 Olney P1,WANNIASSA ACT 2903 465143 313273 BRENAN,Mary Flat 23 Hayley,114 Blamey Cres CAMPBELL ACT 2601 493457 475918 BROWN,Bill 17 Faunae Cres,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 495883 498849 BROWN ,Douglas 44 Kambalda Cres,FISHER ACT 2611 467260 882805 BROWN ,Toni 12 Blackbutt St,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 432111 478487 # BROWN,Vance 23/2 Sexton St,COOK ACT 2614 465600 513997 BROWNLEE ,Richard 18/110 Fergus Rd,QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 469701 BUCKLEY ,Greg Flat 30, 6 Heard St,MAWSON ACT 2607 819637 861273 BURFORD,B111 14 Coleman St,PEARCE ACT 2605 837636 866557 * BURMESTER,Henry 29 Quandong St,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 719412 470193 BUSSELL , Royd 1 Babbage Cres,GRIFFITH ACT 2603 494343 BYERS,David 8 Nina Jones Crescent,CHISHOLM ACT 2905 818644 CALLUS ,Ursula 16 Halford Cres,PAGE ACT 2614 642362 548042 * CALVERT,Bob 99 Argyle Sq,REID ACT 2601 492578 572159 * CALVERT,Val 99 Argyle Sq,REID ACT 2601 481244 572159 * CAMERON,Debbie 8 Clisby C1,COOK ACT 2614 515204 * CAMERON,Ken 8 Clisby Cl,COOK ACT 2614 845611 515204 CAMPBELL ,Bruce 62 Orana Avenue,COOMA 2630 (064)521644 522698 CAMPBELL ,David 4 Bulloo P1,KALEEN ACT 2617 469576 414206 CANNON, Robert 26 Irwin St,YARRALUMLA ACT 2600 725966 811061 CAREY ,Susan 73 Wybalena grove,COOK ACT 2614 526607 516050 CARMICHAEL ,David 11 Newton St,GOULBURN NSW 2580 048-215270 CARRIAGE ,Len 12 Pedder St,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 479810 CARSE ,Helen 21 Knox St,WATSON ACT 2602 454360 414625 # CARTER,George 1 Marulda St,ARANDA ACT 2614 461420 512130 CHAIF,Jennifer 153 Boddington Cres,KAMBAH ACT 2902 511628 316461 CHAPPELL ,Judy 7 Ambara Place,ARANDA 2614 814955 515240 CLAASZ, Manf red 94 Vasey Cres,CAMPBELL ACT 2601 (064)520532 477124 • CLARINGBOLD,Peter 28 Parkhill St,PEARCE ACT 2607 861587 • CLARINCBOLD ,Rita 28 Parkhill St,PEARCE ACT 2607 861587 CLARKE , John Poste Restante,CANBERRA CITY ACT 2600 COLE , Margaret 123 Kalgoorlie Cres,FISHER ACT 2611 825339 886947 COMFORT,Michael iDA Ebden St,AINSLIE ACT 2602 725142 573143 * CONROY,Peter 8 Shortland Cres,AINSLIE ACT 2602 881111ext213 474937 P COOK,Anton 17 Nardoo Crescent,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 810955 474142 * - Household member + - Hon.Life Member/Auditor # - Committee Member Corrections to David KING 883090(h) please CBC Membership List - 5 March 1988 PAGE 2 TELEPHONE NAME ADDRESS WORK HOME * COOK , Barbara 17 Nardoo Crescent,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 814468 474142 COOK ,Kathy RNB 828,Macs Reef Road,via BUNGENDORE NSW 2621 702561 369153 * COOPER ,John 10 Tudawalli P1,CHAPMAN ACT 2611 845100 888093 * COOPER , Margaret 10 Tudawalli P1,CHAPMAN ACT 2611 888093 COTSELL ,Guy 32/135 Blarney Cres,CAMPBELL ACT 2601 613013 477303 CREGAN,David 222 Dryandra St,O'CONNOR 2601 768541 475296 CRIBB,Robert C9-62 Wattle St,LYNEHAM ACT 2602 494191 473719 CROKE,Myra 4/19 Devonport St,LYONS ACT 2606 824379 CRUDEN,Jim 9 Emery St,CHAPMAN ACT 2611 451797 881117 CUELL, Sandra 15 Sidaway St,CHAPMAN ACT 2611 706975 889058 * CURNOW,Judith 11 Juwin St,ARANDA ACT 2614 671820 511732 DALGLEISH ,Rod 6 Spence Place,HUGHES ACT 2605 813614 DANARO,John 40 Prichard Crct,RICHARDSON ACT 2905 632733 922190 DAVEY,Alan 3 McCormack St,CURTIN ACT 2605 750600 813545 DAVIES,Rene 26 Allport St,DOWNER ACT 2602 495748 487816 DAWKINS ,Christopher 10/60 Trinculo P1,QUEANBEY4N NSW 2620 688104 979319 DE WILDE,Eddy 4 Eddy Cres,FLOREY ACT 2615 589940 DEANE ,Heather P0 Box 28,WODEN ACT 2606 833813 DENT , Penny Macquarie Pr Hotel,National Crc,BARTON ACT 2600 719168 732325 DI BARTOLO,Ross 27 Wangara St,ARANDA ACT 2614 470700 511186 DICK,Jim 12 Hemmant St,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 719421 473158 DIPPELSMAN,Robert 4 Nina Jones Cres,CHISHOLM ACT 2905 726414 DODGSON, Gerald 63 MacRossan Cres,LATHAM ACT 2602 632222 549452 DONOGHOE ,Neil 20 St,QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 973111 864820 DRAKE-BROCKMAN,Daniel 6 Brady St,GARRAN ACT 2606 835761 825006 DROHAN ,Dave 35 A'Beckett St,WATSON ACT 2602 663100 413566 EDWARDS ,Roger 2 Hellyer St,HOLDER ACT 2611 954595 887863 ELLIS,Greg 15 MacKnight Place,MACARTHUR ACT 2904 768862 916533 FARACHER,Sue 14 Rundle P1,KAMBAH ACT 2614 310319 FLANIGAN, Ian 13 Fred John's Cres,MCKELLAR ACT 2615 FORBES, Lesley 40 Maltby Circuit,WANNIASSA ACT 2904 FRANCIS,Trevor 22 Whitelaw St,PEARCE ACT 2607 864649 864649 FRANKLIN ,John 8/46 Riverview Courte,Trinculo Place QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 768114 992567 FRANZI ,Ray 21 Tantangara St,DUFFY ACT 2611 883789 883789 * FREER,Peter 19 Prendergast St,CURTIN ACT 2605 458612 815625 FROST, Bob c/- Moscow Bag,Locked Bag 40 Queen Victoria Terrace, ACT 2600 GALLAGHER,Marie 4 Tipper P1,COOK ACT 2614 768787 515013 GARR,Tony 1 Nulang Place,COOMA NORTH NSW 2630 (064)532471 523442 * GATENBY,Jan 16 Goodparla St,HAWKER ACT 2614 543094 * GATENBY,Philip 16 Goodparla St,HAWKER ACT 2614 543094 GAUCI,Michael Nacquarie Hotel,National Crct,BARTON ACT 2600 482251 GIBBS-JORDAN ,Ann 71 Onkarparinga Cres,KALEEN ACT 2617 802122 415775 GILL,John 32 Rosenthal St,CAMPBELL ACT 2601 468849 479652 GISZ,Steve 3 Bungey St,CANPBELL ACT 2601. 731109 476857 GLEESON ,Mark 8D Endeavour Gdns,Launceston St,LYONS ACT 2606 724923 825474 * GROOM,Linda 8 Shortland Cres,AINSLIE ACT 2602 474937 HARWOOD,Chris 32 Raymond St,AINSLIE ACT 2602 473383 HATCH, Lyndall 34 Dugdale St,COOK ACT 2614 492033 515159 HAWKINS ,Jennifer 2 Coutie Place,MACGREGOR ACT 2615 750221 549862 HAYDON,John 59 Longstaff St,LYNEHAM ACT 2602 642245 486446 HAYES,Geoff d Mt 'taylor Uourt,Hodgson P1,PEARCE ACT 2607 896632 861296 HEBBARD, Dale 21 Brand St,HUGHES ACT 2605 492093 814070 HEINZE ,Dawn 7 Ingamells St,GARRAN ACT 2605 835213 812911 * HICKSON,Anne 2 Pitt St,GOULBURN NSW 2580 (048)214633 * HICKSON,Ian 2 Pitt St,GOULBURN NSW 2580 (048)211733 HIGGINS ,Trevor 13 Grayson St,HACKETT ACT 2602 685754 496548 HIGHETT,Wendy 19 Jarrah St,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 521207 480816 H0,Carolyn 18 Gurner Place,LATHAM ACT 2615 768102 549228 HODGSON ,Dick 9 Bulloo P1,KALEEN ACT 2617 811999 414539 HOFFMAN ,Mary 229 Badimara St,FISHER ACT 2611 473888 883385 HORNBY,June 9/4 Keith St,SCULLIN ACT 2614 465886 540730 * - Household member + - Hon.Life Member/Auditor # - Committee Member Corrections to David KING 883090(h) please

CBC Membership List - 5 March 1988 PAGE 3 TELEPHONE N AME ADDRESS WORK HOME 1-IOTCHKISS,Ian 57 Barada Cres,ARANDA ACT 2614 436111 511793 • HUDSON,Warren 8 Dallachy P1,PAGE ACT 2614 494773 542050 I'ONS,John 5 Provis P1,KAMBAH ACT 2902 484582 316326 JACKSON, Andrew 153 Penshurst St,WILLOUGHBY NSW 2068 02-2657888 4116462 JACKSON ,Bruce 26 Derwent St,LYONS ACT 2606 JELFS ,Rita 5 Greenwhood Place,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 687300 476164 JOBSZ, Errol 17 Carron St,PACE ACT 2614 687481 545851 KACZYNSKA , Elisa 8 Hale Cr,TURNER ACT 2603 437243 571462 KEITH ,Heather 3 Burn St,DOWNER ACT 2602 494410 496909 KELLEHER , Graeme 12 Marulda St,ARANDA ACT 2614 470211 511402 KELSO ,Jonathan 2/6 Masson St,TURNER ACT 2601 643066 475131 KIS, Richard 6 Castles P1,MELBA ACT 2615 671929 582457 KENDALL , Linda 15 Pavonia St,RIVEfl ACT 2611 896374 888828 # KING,David 93 Blackwood Terrace,HOLDER ACT 2611 881111 883090 KLOVDAHL ,Jeanne 13 Cordeaux St,DUFFY ACT 2617 KNIGHT,Cheryl 51 Sullivan Cres,WANNIASSA ACT 2903 722540 316718 KYATT,John RMB 151,HOSKINSTOWN NSW 2621 763630 382517 LANDAU ,Naomi 8 Burdon P1,HOLT ACT 2615 549440 • LAWLER,Wayne Unit 1, Lachlanvàle Court 210-218 Newman Morris Circ,OXLEY ACT 2904 496311 961664 LAWRENCE ,Gregory 8 Burrell St,HACKETT ACT 2602 465155 497917 LAYS,Rene 57 Shannon Crct,KALEEN ACT 2617 652103 417862 LAYTON, Janis 127 Majura Ave,DICKSON ACT 2602 475705 * LEPP,Heino 11 Juwin St,ARANDA ACT 2614 525082 511732 LESLIE ,Chris 36 Castlereagh Cres,MACQUARIE ACT 2614 806700 516123 LEVY , Alan 13 Deloraine St,LYONS ACT 2606 662871 816258 * LORD,Eric 72 Scrivener St,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 492693 497325 * LORD,Julie 72 Scrivener St,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 497325 LUCAS ,Mike 3 Briniage P1,KAMBAH ACT 2902 687402 318768 MAYFIELD,Barry 37 Hackett Gdns,TURNER ACT 2601 898608 * MCANDREW,Roy 17 Forbes St,TURNER ACT 2601 684112 486618 MCELWEE , Rohan Unit 8, Earles Court,27 Mackennal St LYNEHAM ACT 2602 467250 479879 MCGINNESS ,Steve 8 Piddington St,WATSON ACT 2602 891555 412591 * MCHUGH,Barry 1/22 Blackall Ave,QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 751664 975694 * MCHUGH,Margie 1/22 Blackall Ave,QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 49???? 975694 MCKENZIE, Alison Flat 19,Chevron Ct,Ashbey Crc,KAMBAH ACT 2902 * MCKONE,Frank 22 Longworth P1,HOLT ACT 2615 954334 541311 * MCKONE,Meg 22 Longworth P1,HOLT ACT 2615 954385 545902 * MCLOUGHLAN,Kate 19 Prendergast St,CURTIN ACT 2605 815625 MCVEIGII,Geoff 33 Knox St,WATSON ACT 2602 411120 + MEDARIS,Len 35 Cullen St,WATSON ACT 2602 411579 MELHUISH ,Lloyd 3 Newbery Cres,PAGE ACT 2614 525037 548466 MELLOR,Peter 1 Alura P1,WARAMANGA ACT 2611 461353. 888815 * MIETHKE,Pat 16 Nambucca St,KALEEN ACT 2617 494747 412798 MIKKELSEN,Allan Unit 8D, Century Courts,4 Beetaloo St HAWKER ACT 2614 641144 MOORE, Euan 29 The Hermitage,Medley St,CHIFLEY ACT 2606 522420 812515 # MOORE,Kate 24 Hirschfeld Cresc,MACGREGOR ACT 2615 413000 540483 MORRISS ,Mike 6 Logan St,NARRABUNDAH ACT 2604 893102 957823 MORTON ,Juanita 18 McMaster St,SCULLIN ACT 2614 542155 549067 + MOSLEY,Dr Geoff C/— ACF,672B Glenferrie Road,HAWTHORN VIC 3122 MOSS ,John 1 Bage Place,MAWSON ACT 2607 664259 863334 MOURANT , Roslyn 37 Dutton St,DICKSON ACT 2602 465166 479658 MOY,Robin 5 Balonne St,KALEEN ACT 2617 413969 MULLINS ,Kathleen 12 Cambage St,YARRALUMLA ACT 2600 818327 812092 NELSON ,Paul 5 Mackellar Cres,COOK ACT 2614 526725 512803 NGAN,Eliza 5 Rounsevell St,KAMBAH ACT 2902 621497 312891 NICHOLSON,Angus 34 Prescott St,FARRER ACT 2607 664447 862702 NOS WORTHY ,Helen 18 Parer P1,SCULLIN ACT 2614 433914 588245 * O'FLYNN,Melanie 21 Jindabyne St,DUFFY ACT 2611 722787 888195 OGAREFF , Dimitry 10 Nagara St,WARAMANGA ACT 2611 835786 886524 PALM,Brian 9 Berry St,DOWNER ACT 2602 652023 489245 * - Household member + - Hon.Life Member/Auditor # - Committee Member Corrections to David KING 883090(h) please CBC Membership List - 5 March 1988 PAGE 4 TELEPHONE NAME ADDRESS WORK HOME PARROTT, Gary 22 Brookman St,TORRENS ACT 2607 725217 863197 PETERS ,Rod 7 Brooks St,MACQUARIE ACT 2614 482077 512580 PETHERBRIDGE, Sally 3 Myall St,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 898191 480435 * PICKERING,Eric 6 Hoseason St,MAWSON ACT 2607 837868 862128 * PICKERING,Pat 6 Hoseason St,MAWSON ACT 2607 862128 PIflARD,Doug 15 Houston St,WANNIASSA ACT 2903 314778 POULOS ,Jim 33 Bunbury St,STIRLING ACT 2611 317377 882746 PURNELL, Adrian 49 Barnard Circt,FLOREY ACT 2615 (048)230932 582098 RAMM, David 91 Barnard Circ,FLOREY ACT 2615 511150 585412 RIMMER,Stephen 13 Grylls Cres,COOK ACT 2614 732381 516275 ROBERTSON ,Deborah Suite 1 Mckay Gardens,TURNER ACT 2601 476681 513367 ROBIN ,Denise 7 Tiree Ave,HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 ROBINSON ,Marie—Anne 65 Connington St,GOWRIE ACT 2904 526739 316164 RODGERS , Ted P0 Box 58,KINGSTON ACT 2604 954777 476164 ROSE ,Dennis 38 Kambalda Cr,FISHER ACT 2611 719416 881507 ROSEBY,Marg 14 Burgan P1,RIVETT ACT 2611 883679 ROW, Stuart 34B Northgate Gardens,Forbes St,TURNER ACT 2601 468828 472973 RUDD ,Graham 42 Hicks St,RED HILL ACT 2603 722794 956675 SCHEMBRI ,Gene 4 Dore Crt,EVATT ACT 2614 586587 586587 * SEGRAVE,Tessa 9 Cussen St,HIGGINS ACT 2614 642816 542111 * SHEILS,Paul 21 Jindabyne St,DUFFY ACT 2611 805111 888195 SHEPHERD , Don 9 Wise St,BRADDON ACT 2601 832287 472015 SIMINGTON,Margot 6 Wenholz St,FARRER ACT 2607 652063 863898 SKURR,John 7 Eleanora St,FISHER ACT 2611 498522 886049 SMALE,Don 9 Tantangara St,DUFFY ACT 2611 761564 884979 SMEKAL,George 48 Blackman Cr,MACQUARIE ACT 2614 512463 SOUTHGATE,Dave 23/5 Beasley Street,TORRENS ACT 2607 467484 865491 * STACEY,George 16 Nambucca St,KALEEN ACT 2617 412798 STEPHENSON, Lorna 21/34 Mowatt St,QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 687302 973609 STEVENSON,Janne 48 Gellibrand St,CAMPBELL ACT 2601 688092 473481 + STORY,Robert 104 Buxton St,DEAKIN ACT 2600 812174 + STORY,Sybil 104 Buxton St,DEAKIN ACT 2600 812174 STRACH ,Steven 13 Ardlethan St,FISHER ACT 2611 805911 881791 * TAYLER,Helen 8 Dallachy P1,PAGE ACT 2614 542050 THOMAS ,Brian Officer's Mess, ADFA,CAMPBELL ACT 2600 688932 * THOMAS,Keith 9 Barney St,DOWNER ACT 2602 527241 478175 THWAITE ,John 33 Pickles St,SCULLIN ACT 2614 462211 543193 TINKLER, Charmayne 8 Provis P1,KAMBAH ACT 2902 314325 * TOBIN,Patrick 9 Cussen St,HIGGINS ACT 2614 542111 * TOMLINS,Lorraine 17 Forbes St,TURNER ACT 2601 486618 TRAINOR ,Julia 2 Hill Corner,YARRALUMLA ACT 2600 621514 811195 TRUMAN,David 9 Mainoru P1,HAWKER ACT 2614 458211 546700 TURNER ,Susan 19 Kidston Cres,CURTIN ACT 2605 UHLMANN,Mark 2 Tristania St,RIVETT ACT 2611 802207 881863 VALLAK,Reet 5 Fullwood St,WESTON ACT 2611 881111 886340 * VIDLER,Alan 56 Woolner Crct,HAWKER ACT 2614 545373 * VIDLER,Sue 56 Woolner Crct,HAWKER ACT 2614 562333 545373 VINCENT ,David 50 Eucumbene Dr,DUFFY ACT 2611 652552 883134 VINCENT ,Winif red 7/28 Springvale Drive,HAWKER ACT 2614 884799 540811 WALKER,Patricia 3 Sumner P1,WANNIASSA ACT 2903 310811 318920 WALKER ,Paul 1 Main Close,CHISHOLM ACT 2905 757442 919307 WALLEY, Anne c/— Shaw,5 Pemberton Lane East Parramatta NSW 2150 WEBSTER,Judith 46 Dumaresq St,DICKSON ACT 2602 484145 476769 * WELCH,Mary Unit 1, Lachianvale Court ZIU-fld Newman Morris Circ,OXLEY ACT 2904 726421 961664 WHEELER, Annabel 10 Rawson St,DEAKIN ACT 2600 818254 824485 WISENER,Barry 116 Streeton Drive,RIVETT ACT 2611 467854 885101 # WOOD,Geoff 19 Kidston Cres,CURTIN ACT 2605 653030 825237 WORSLEY,Mike 69 Wheeler Cres,WANNIASSA ACT 2903 898188 313541 WRIGHT ,Doug 18 Beedham Place,LYONS ACT 2606 723655 814148 WRIGHT,Ian 23 Shepherd St,PEARCE ACT 2607 725072 861473 * - Household member + - Hon.Life Member/Auditor # - Committee Member Corrections to David KING 883090(h) please Aetivltpj Programme

1243th March - Byangee Walls - M/R This is an exploratory trip in the Budawangs. Map: CMW Budawangs. Leader: Doug Wright 814148(h). 613232(w). Transport approx. $16.

(11)12-13th March - Davies Canyon - M/R/W This trip involves abseiling down one of the prettiest rivers in the Blue Mountains. Two abseiling ropes will be needed. The exit is via Whalania Creek. The limit is S. Phone bookings only. Map: Kanangra 1:29000. Leader: Meg Mckone 949902(h), 954389(w). Transport approx. $28.

Sunday March 13th - Tuross Falls - M/M These are superb falls at the head of Tuross Gorge. There will be opportunities for swimming at Tuross Cascades. Map: Belowra 1:29000. Leader: Mike Morriss 997823(h). 893116(w). Transport approx. $15.

Sunday March 13th - Corang Lagoon - M/M This is a pleasant walk on tracks with plenty of time for swimming. If the weather is cool we could walk in via Corang Peak for superb views of the Budawangs. Map: CMW Budawangs. Leader: Ted Rogers. 476164(h). 809269(w). Transport approx. $12. Wednesday March 16th - Monthly Meeting 8pm at the Dickson Library. Dinner at 6pm at the Parakeet in Ainslie.

March (18th)19-215t - Nadgee Revisited - M/E This trip provides another opportunity to visit the magnificent beaches of Nadgee for those who could not go on Bill Browns walk. Subject to a a park limit of twelve. Map: Nadgee 1:25000. Leader: Carolyn Ho 949228(h). 768102(w) & Greg Ellis 916533(h). 768862(w). Transport approx. $30. Phon. only At the moment this trip is fully booked but people are welcome to ring Carolyn in case there are any withdrawals.

March (18)19-22nd - Wilsons Promontory (Victoria) - M/E This will be mainly on walking tracks with optional side trips. We will be taking in Oberon Refuge and Sealers Caves. There will be plenty of time for swimming. Leader: John Kyatt 382917(h). 763630(w). Transport approx. $40.

March (19)19-21st - Blue Mountains Canyoning - M/R/W A last splash in the canyons before it gets too cold. Wet suits are advisable. The canyons to be attempted will most likely be in the Wolgan area. Limit S. Phone bookings only. Map: undecided. Leader: Nick Bendelli 319711(h). Transport approx. $30. Sunday March 20th - Coronet Peak - L/M This is a long but fairly easy walk to a magnificent rocky pinnacle in the central Brindabellas. There are superb views in all directions. Maps: ACT 1:100000. Rendezvous Creek & Corin Dam 1:29000. Leader Gerald Dodgson 549452(h), 632191(w). Sunday March 20th - Sentry Box - L/M Walk up the Naas Valley and return via Grassy Creek with a 600 metre climb up to Sentry Box Rock. Large open rock slabs provide magnificent views and there are some rare species of plants to be seen. Limit 12. Phone bookings only. See preview in this IT. Map: Yaouk 1:25000. Leader: Memo Lepp 511732(h), 929082(w). Transport approx. $7. 1!]

Wednesday March 23rd - Committee Meeting 8pm at the home of Vance Brown 23/2 Sexton Street. Cook. Thursday March 24th - IT Closing 8pm at 23/2 Sexton Street. Cook. March 26-27th - Big Dubbo Hill - M/R There is an optional climb to Big Dubbo Hill from a base camp at Big Dubbo Fiat. Bullet proof scrub is everywhere except the hill. bring plenty of containers for blackberries. Map: Tumut 1:100000. Leader: Rod Peters 612580(h). 482077(w). Phone bookings only. Transport approx. $16. March 26-27th - Picture Canyon. Bainbrig & Bulie Brooks - M/R An exploratory walk inthe Sassafras section of the Morton National Park which will feature cliffs, creek wading, rock scrambling, some scrub bashing and the amazing wave rock of Picture Canyon. Phone bookings only. Map: Nerriga 1:25000. Leader: Eric Pickering 862128(h). 837868(w). Transport approx. $16. Saturday March 26th - Little Billy Billy Rocks - S/H - After leaving Smokers Gap and scrambling through (not thick) scrub we are rewarded with big rocks and great views. If we make good time, we can continue on to the main Billy Billy Rocks. Map: Corin Dam 1:26000. Leader: Margot Simington 863898(h). 662063(w). Transport approx. $5. Sunday March 27th - Bungonia Gorge. Shoalhaven River - M/M A steep track into spectacular Bungonia Gorge is followed by some boulder scrambling past the Troy Walls. We then following Bungonia Creek to the River Shoalhaven for lunch and swimming. There is a 600 metre climb out via Mount Ayre. Map: Caoura 1:25000. Leader: Vance Brown 613997Ch). Transport approx. $12. Phone bookings only. March (31)April 1-4th - Mother Woila - M/R Explore this splendid mountain east of Cooma in Wadbilliga National Park. We will take in Little Woila, Tabletop and Scout Hat Mountains and Jillaga and Woila Creeks. It will involve steep climbs (600-1000 metres), the best ridge walking in NSW. rock scrambling and magnificent views. Phone bookings only (by March 29th). Map: Badja £ Snowball 1:25000. Leaders: Eric & Pat Pickering 882128(h). 837868(wl. Transport approx. $14. April 1-4th - Kosciusko National Park Crossing - M/M This is a car swap with parties starting from Tooma Dam and the Eucumbene area. There is alpine and sub-alpine walking partly on tracks. Phone .bookings only. Map: Eucumbene £ Khancoban 1:50000. Leaders: Rod Peters and Reet Vallak 512680(h). 482077(w). Transport approx. $20. (March 3lffiprll 1-4th - Mallacoota to Point Hicks Car Swap - S/E This coastal walk is on tracks and beaches in East Gippsland. There will be plenty of time for fishing, swimming and lazing around. Map: Mallacoota & Cann River 1:100000 or Croajingalong N.P. 1:100000. Leader: Bill Brown 489948(h). 496883(w). Transport approx. $36. Sunday April 3rd - Quilty's Mountain - M/M Enjoy good views of the Northern Budawangs and visit the aboriginal bora ground. There is swimming in the Endrick River for polar •bears. Map: Endrick 1:26000. Leader Gerald Dodgson 649462(h), 632151(w). Transport $14. 1i'

April 940th - Mounts Owen & Cole via the Castle - M/M This walk in the magnificent Budawangs will start and end at Vadboro Flat and we will camp near Trawalla Falls on Saturday night. Side trips to the Castle and Mounts Owen and Cole will depend on the inclination of the party. Map: CMW Budawangs & Corang 1:25000. Leader: Anton Cook 474142(h). 810958(w). Transport approx. $16. April 10th - - M/M Mount Coree is the distant peak on the Brindabella skyline due west of Canberra. There are superb views back to Canberra and to the west. The climb from Blundells Flat is about 600 metres. Map: Cotter Dam 1:25000. Danaro 982190(h), 632733(w). Transport approx. $4. Tuesday April 12th - IT Collation 8pm at Dave Drohan's, 35 A'Beckett Street, Watson. Dinner, 6 pm at the Ainslie Vietnamese Restaurant. April 16-17th - Mounts Morgan. Murray & Bunberi - M/M-R Magnificent alpine walking in the north of Kosciusko National Park; on Saturday we will walk in via Oldfields Hut, set up base camp at Dunns Flat and do side trips to Bimberi and Murray. The highlight of Sunday will be a walk over the open rock slabs of Mt Morgan (1874m). Phone bookings only. Map: Rules Point & Rendezvous Creek 1:25000 (or ACT 1:100000). Leader: George Carter 512130(h). 461397(w). Transport approx. $20. April 16-17th - Mount Car Shuffle - M/M Beginning at Guthega Pondage. walk along alpine ridges to camp at White River. Climb Mount Gungartan from Schlink Pass and exit to Munyang along a fire trail. Rain and low temperatures are possible so be prepared. Map: Kosciusko 1:50000. Leader: Greg Buckley 861273(h), 819637(w). Transport $20. Saturday March 16th - Pine Island Clean Up - S/E Bring you own garbage baqs CBC celebrates Heritage Week. Help clean up one of our regular walking areas. Start from Pine Island and return for a BBQ dinner. A Saturday activity so you can still bushwalk on Sunday. Leader: Carolyn Ho 549228(h), 768102(w). See preview in this IT. Sunday April 17th - North Tinderry - M/M Starting from Tindera Vale there is a long haul up a fire trail followed by a short stretch of boulders and scrub to the summit. North Tinderry offers magnificent views on a fine day. Maps: ACT 1:100000, Michelago & Tinderry 1:25000. Leader: Vance BroIn 513997(h). Transport approx. $8. Wednesday April 20th - Monthly Meeting 8pm at the Dickson Library. Dinner at 6pm at the Parakeet Vegetarian Restaurant, Ainslie Shops. April 23-25th - Round & Far Bald Mountains, Jagungal & Mt. Toolung - M/M Mountains and huts in Kosciusko - visit Boobee. Mackeys. O'Keefes and Cool Plain with, possibly, a little trout fishing. Some fire trail, grass and scrub. Map: Khancoban 1:50000. Leader: Ken Cameron 615204(h). 843499(w). Transport approx. $20. April (22)23-25th - Mt Colong. Mootik Walls - t4/R A solid walk is planned. The precise route is to be determined; probably from Bats Camp. Phone bookings only. Map: Verranderrie & Bindork 1:25000. Leader: Henry Burmester 470193(h). Transport approx. $30. 10

Saturday April 23rd - Orroral Valley, HoneysUCkle Ridge - HIM We will wander down the middle of the valley with clear views of the surrounding hills, then climb 200 metres to return via the fascinating rock formations of Legoland and the Trojan Wall. Along the top there are good views into Orroral Valley and beyond. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader: Rita Jelts 476164(h), 887300(w). Transport approx. *6. Sunday April 24th - Mount Gudgenby - MIM Walk through the Boboyan pine forest, then up Gudgenby for spectacular views of the southern mountains of the ACT.. Map: Yaouk 1:28000. Leader: Geoff Wood 825237(h), 683030(w). Transport approx. $8. Wednesday April 27th - Committee Meeting 8pm at Greg Ellis's, 15 MacKnight Place, Macarthur. Thursday April 28th - IT Closing 8pm at the editor's, 23/2 Sexton Street. Cook. April 30 - May 1st - Tidbinbilla, Honeysuckle Creek Car Swap - S/H This scenic trip is in the southern ACT. The intention is to combine the walk with the day trips below. No doubt the umpteen combinations possible will be reduced by limited starters. Let us see if we can get more combinations going than last attempt in 1978. Both directions camp at Smoker's Flat (opportunity to do weekend walk without weekend packs - leave in cars at Smokers Gap. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader: Alan Vidler + ? (064)632250(w). Transport approx. $4. Saturday April 30th - Tidbinbilla • Smokers Gap Car Swap - S/H This includes spectacular views and optional scrambling at Billy Silly Rocks plus a chance to meet weekend walkers. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader: Alan Vidler + ? (064)832250(w). Transport approx. $4. Sunday May 1st - Smokers Gap. Honeysuckle Creek Car Swap - M/M Enjoy great views of Orroral Valley and across to southern ACT. Combine with weekend trip in the same area. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader: Alan Vidler + ? (064)632280(w). Transport approx. $4. Saturday April 30th - Mount Clear from the Murrumbidgee - LIE No longer a wilderness experience but it is still a good leg-stretch (800 metres in S km), superb views. Map: •ACT 1:100000. Leader: Margaret Roseby 883879(h). Transport approx. *7. May 7-8th Jillicambra - M/R The trip consists of an 800 metre ascent and descent of Jillicambra and not much else. Locals claim that autumn is the season for clearest weather in the area. Phone bookings only. Map: Belowra 1:25000. Leader: Rod Peters 512880(h), 482077(w). Transport approx. *14. Sunday May 8th - Nursery Swamp - M/M A gourmet trip - if you can not produce edibles forget it! A wander through the swamps with an optional climb to whet the appetite, an then bring out. the goodies and grog. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader: Kate Moore and Grey Ellis 916533(h), 769862(w) (Greg). Transport approx. *6. Information

The walk secretary, George Carter is pleased to accept walks from leaders NOTE at any time. Please contact him to put your walk on the programme.

for trips should be made by 6.00 pm on Thursday on the appropriate Bookings sheet in Paddy Pallin's shop in Lonsdale Street or by telephoning the leader before 6.00 pm on Thursday. N.B. Do not telephone Paddyts to book. Walkers are reminded that there can be dangers associated with bushwalking and that they participate entirely at their own risk. Equipment for club walks can be hired from Eddie Be Wilde 689940. The Club library is held at the home of Keith Thomas. 9 Barney Street. Library Downer. (478175). at 6 - 7.46 pm on the night of club meetings. Transport costs are presently 18 cents per kilometre per car and are divided equally among ALL participants. This amount is a guide only and can be varied at the discretion of the leader depending on the condition of the roads and the number of passengers per car. The figures given for individual trips are approximate values based on tour people per car. Grading of walks CS) Short under 12 km/day CE) Easy firetrails. tracks, beaches etc. CM) Medium 12-20 km/day CM) Medium bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub CL) Long over 20 km/day CR) Rough much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles (W) Wet compulsory swims, many river crossings NOTE: In calculating distance 1 km is added for every 100 metres climbed.

NOTICE TO ALL WALKERS The leader should check that: Each applicant is capable of completing the proposed trip. This is done by observation on previous walks or by contacting them personally and asking where, when and with whom they have walked previously. Everyone is aware of what the trip entails and of any special equipment or skills needed. LEADERS MAY REJECT ANY APPLICANT THEY THINK IS NOT SUITABLE FOR THE TRIP. Committee 1987-1988 PRESIDENT: Greg Ellis 916533(h) 768862(w) VICE PRESIDENT/TREASURER: Geoff Wood 825237(h) 653030(w) MINUTE SECRETARY: Carolyn Ho 549228(h) 768102(w) CORRESPONDENCE SECRETARY: Kate Moore 540483(h) 413000(w) WALK SECRETARY: George Carter 512130(h) 461397(w) ASSISTANT WALK SECRETARY: Anton Cook 474142(h) 810955(w) MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: David King 883090(h) 881111(w) SOCIAL SECRETARY: Eddy Dc Wilde 599940(h) EDITOR: Vance Brown 513997(h) 465600(w) PUBLISHER: Ted Rogers 805265(w) 476164(h) CONSERVATION OFFICER: Julie Andrew 414624(h) 724542(w) Dave Drohan (413566h, 663100w) is the Search and Rescue Officer and David Campbell (541511h. 496359w) the Check-in Officer I (*IOSiO) I - I tn-a ..a -i

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