Baxter Springs and Arkansas City, Arkansas
DENBY POTT 'RY HistorICRoute 66 stretches ACross thEU.S.From CHICago to Los AnGElEs.AlonG thE way, in LeBAnon, Missouri Is A growinG popular lAndmark stop For Any history EnthusiAst, tourIst, or loCAl Ozark resIDEnt.SHEpherD Hills FaCtory Outlets starteD in the outlet Busin~ss in 1972 as An outlet For locally mADE Walnut Bowls. IdAAnd REA Reid, founders, BEGAn tHEIr entrepreneursHip operatInG A motel In the 1960's CAlleD thE Capri Motel wHICH was loCateD rigHt alonG Route 66, known toDay as Interstate 44. < THey sold thE Capri Motel In 1966 anD AlonG witH tHEIr sons, RoD and RAndy, started A new Business in 1972 CallED thE ShepHerD Hills GiFt SHop wHICH was leased as A pArt of tHESHepHerD Hills MotEl And HAppeneD to BE locatEDIn virtually tHE samE spot as thE Capri MoteL Later, as tHey BEGAn expanding, they BouGht A portion oF the motEl as well as thE GIFt sHop And BEGAn constructIon oF thEIr Current BuildinG in 1999. In thE mEAntime, SHEpherd Hills ADDED ADDItIonAl loCAtions inCluDinG those In OsagE BEACH, MO, Branson, MO, AnDEDDyville, KY , And brought in otHer quality products to tHE lineup includinGCHicago Cutlery, DEnby PottEry, AnD of course Case XX pocketknives--makinG thE lAtter Also availablE througHCAtalog mail ordEr AnD eventuAlly on the web at MISSOURI US 66 contents unt features 2 OFFICERS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS I AND COMMITTEES 3 MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Robert Gehl 4 NEWS FROM THE ROAD 10 ROUTE 66 IN KANSAS Joe Sonderman and Cheryl Eichar Jett 16 THE MOTHER ROAD: THE GOOSE THAT LAID THE GOLDEN EGG Sue Blesi 20 NATIONAL BLUES MUSEUM Kip Welborn 24 PHELPS SCHOOL FACELIFT Nancy Young 28 AT REST ON A ROUTE 66 RIVERBANK: THE STORY OF THE BETSY ANN Joe Sonderman 34 BARBECUE BLISS IN SPRINGFIELD- THE CROSSTOWN BBQ Joe Sonderman 39 NEW MEMBERS • Robert Gehl 40 BUSINESS MEMBER DIRECTORY Robert Gehl THEN AND NOW 48 I Joe Sonderman ADVERTISING RATES PER ISSUE Inside Cover Full Page Color - $175, Back Cover Full Page Color - $185,112 Page B&W - $70,112 Page Color - $85,114 Page B&W - $50, 114 Page Color - $60, 1/8 Business Card B&W - $40.
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