[email protected] to email and Scan OR Ÿ 3748 Old Columbia Pike, Ellicott City, MD 21043 MD City, Ellicott Pike, Columbia Old 3748 Y | | Y A GREENW AGE HERIT APSCO T A P : to Mail Ÿ number in the space provided on the front the on provided space the in number Be sure to include your name, email, and phone and email, name, your include to sure Be Ÿ at the closing event. closing the at , March 31 March , Sunday on OR 29 March , Friday by s th Return your completed passport to Patapsco Heritage Greenway Greenway Heritage Patapsco to passport completed your Return Ÿ EVERY attendee who goes to 3 or more events, will receive a t-shirt and hat. and t-shirt a receive will events, more or 3 to goes who attendee EVERY Ÿ announced at the end of March). of end the at announced For every event you attend, you will receive a raffle ticket to enter for different prizes (winners (winners prizes different for enter to ticket raffle a receive will you attend, you event every For Ÿ Flip this page up to see the full list of events. of list full the see to up page this Flip Ÿ This passport is both your quick guide to Patapsco Days events AND a way to earn prizes! earn to way a AND events Days Patapsco to guide quick your both is passport This Ÿ Event Passport Guidelines: Passport Event Female Institute, the tree-huggers movement, the Catonsville 9 war protest, and more. and protest, war 9 Catonsville the movement, tree-huggers the Institute, Female screenings, and more.