International Society of Volume 33 Number 2 THE OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT COUNSEL: PAST HISTORY AND FUTURE CHANGES Robert B. Fiske, Jr. THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING CASES I. HUGE CASES WITHOUT THE MEGA-TRIAL Larry A. Mackey II. REFLECTIONS ON THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING, FROM THE DEFENSE PERSPECTIVE Stephen Jones III. DEMONSTRATIVE EVIDENCE IN THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING TRIAL Alan Treibitz and Ray Hauscel THE CASE FOR MERIT SELECTION AND RETENTION Gerald F. Richman PERSPECTIVES FROM AN AMERICAN DIPLOMAT ABROAD Edward E. Elson “AIN’T IT AWFUL”AIN’T GOOD ENOUGH! James W. Jeans Quarterly International Society of Barristers Quarterly Volume 33 April, 1998 Number 2 CONTENTS The Office of Independent Counsel: Past History and Future Changes . Robert B. Fiske, Jr. 315 The Oklahoma City Bombing Cases I. Huge Cases Without the Mega-Trial . Larry A. Mackey . 325 II. Reflections on the Oklahoma City Bombing, From the Defense Perspective . Stephen Jones . 330 III. Demonstrative Evidence in the Oklahoma City Bombing Trial . Alan Treibitz and Ray Hauscel . 339 The Case for Merit Selection and Retention . Gerald F. Richman . 344 Perspectives from an American Diplomat Abroad . Edward E. Elson . 355 “Ain’t It Awful” Ain’t Good Enough! . James W. Jeans . 366 International Society of Barristers Quarterly Editor John W. Reed Associate Editor Margo Rogers Lesser Editorial Advisory Board Douglas W. Hillman Daniel J. Kelly Myron J. Bromberg, ex officio Editorial Office University of Michigan Law School Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1215 Telephone: (734) 763-0165 Fax: (734) 764-8309 E-mail:
[email protected] Volume 33 Issue Number 2 April, 1998 The INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF BARRISTERS QUARTERLY (USPS 0074-970) (ISSN 0020- 8752) is published quarterly by the International Society of Barristers, 3586 East Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-4238.