Ecologica Montenegrina 38: 79-83 (2020) This journal is available online at:

First record of alecto (Linnaeus, 1758) from , with notes on the bionomics of the species (, Macroheterocera, , Macroglossinae, )


1 Department of Biology and Ecology; the Research Centre for Environmental "Monitoring", Toraighyrov University, Lomova str. 64, KZ-140008, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Altai State University, Lenina Avenue, 61, RF-656049, Barnaul, . E-mail: [email protected] 3 National Research Tomsk State University, Lenina Avenue, 36, RF-634050, Tomsk, Russia 4Department of Entomology, Institute of Zoology, al-Farabi str. 050060, , Kazakhstan * Corresponding author

Received: 22 November 2020│ Accepted by V. Pešić: 1 December 2020 │ Published online: 3 December 2020.

The fauna of hawk of Kazakhstan is still fragmentary studied and only several papers devoted to certain regions of the country were published (Zolotarenko et al. 1978; Aibasov & Zhdanko 1982; Gorbunov 2011; Shovkoon 2011, 2015; Yakovlev et al. 2013; Bragina et al. 2015; Knyazev 2015; Knyazev & Zuban’ 2016). The genus Theretra Hübner, [1819] comprises 58 species (Kitching 2020) distributed in the Indo- Malayan and Australian Regions, the range of the only (Boisduval, 1869) is restricted by eastern Palaearctic (Pittaway & Kitching 2013). (Linnaeus, 1758) is widely distributed in the Indo-Malayan and western Palaearctic Regions reaching in the north and north-west Transcaucasia and Mediterranean. The species was reliably reported from Central Asia from Turkmenistan (Danov & Pereladov 1985; Danner et al. 1998), (Grum-Grshimailo 1890; Kozhanchikov 1930) and Kyrgyzstan (Danner et al. 1998; Korb 2018). On 24 September 2019, Oleg Belyalov took a photo of a live specimen in the suburb of Almaty city. Since then, we got additional data confirming the presence of the species in Kazakhstan including imagoes of both sexes (Figs 1–3) and pictures of the preimaginal stages (Figs 4–6). The data on the species’ distribution and bionomics in Kazakhstan are presented below. Abbreviations used: STP = coll. S.V. Titov (Pavlodar, Kazakhstan); DZA= coll. D.Z. Zakharov (Almaty, Kazakhstan); OBA = coll. O.B. Belyalov (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Live specimens were observed and photographed in nature with a Nikon D850 camera equipped with a Micro-Nikkor 60 mm f / 2.8D lens (photo by O. Belyalov); Canon EOS 50D equipped with Helios 44-2 58 mm f / 2.0. Macro-ring KMZ – 6374 (photo by R. Rakhimov); smartphone iPhone 6s (photo by O. Belyalov); smartphone Huawei Mate 10 Lite (photo by Q. Amirequl) and smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (photo by K. Popkov). Dry collection specimens were photographed with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera equipped with Canon EF 100 mm f / 2.8L Macro USM lenses (photo by S. Titov). Eggs and larvae were collected from host plant and bred in captivity.

Ecologica Montenegrina, 38, 2020, 79-83



Theretra alecto (Linnaeus, 1758) (Figs 1–7)

Sphinx alecto Linnaeus, 1758, Systema Naturae (Edn 10) 1: 492 (Type locality: India).

Material examined. 1 male, 1 female, ex pupa 18.IX.2019, 12.VIII.2017, SE Kazakhstan, Almaty city, 43°14'54.00"N 76°51'33.00"E, 790m, leg. R. Rakhimov, eggs collected on 01.VIII.2019 from cultivated grape vine (coll. STP); 1 male, SE Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Aygerim-2 community, 43.271282°N 076.836360°E, 746m., collection of larva from cultivated grape vine: 12.IX.2019, pupation: 14.09.2019, imago hatching: 09.I.2020, leg. S. Kolov (coll. OBA); 1 male, SE Kazakhstan, , Alatau vill., (IYAF-Institute of Nuclear Physics), 43°21'7.95"N 77°8'50.34"E, 790 m., collection of larva from cultivated grape vine: 21.VIII.2019, pupation: 28.VIII.2019, imago hatching: 09.IX.2019, leg. D. Zakharov (coll. DZA).

Photographic material examined. 1 female, photo taken on 21.VIII.2017, SE Kazakhstan, Almaty region, Yntymak vill., 43°24'40.00"N, 76°58'22.00"E, 740m, on the ground, in the afternoon (photo by K. Popkov); 1 female, photo taken on 14.VII.2019, SE Kazakhstan, suburb of Almaty city, Pervomayskiye Dachi cottage settlement, northern part, 43°23'28.00"N 76°54'32.00"E, 710m, on the wall of the cottage in the evening (photo by O. Belyalov); 1 male, photo taken on 08.VIII.2018, S Kazakhstan, Turkestan region, city, 42°18'21.99"N 69°38'23.99"E, 550m, on the wall of the building, in the afternoon (photo by Q. Amirekul).

Bionomics and distribution All specimens were found in populated areas (Fig. 7). Imagoes were found in day and night time sitting on the ground, vegetation or walls of houses (Figs 2, 3). One female specimen was observed flying and lying eggs one at a time on the underside of leaves of cultivated grape vine ( vinifera) at dusk (21:00–21:30 p.m.). Imagoes of Th. alecto are on wing in July and August, eggs lying was observed in August, larvae feed on Vitis vinifera in August and September. The species is known from Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Greece, , Cyprus, Armenia, Georgia, Russia (Daghestan Republic), Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan (present study), Afghanistan, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Pakistan, China, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Japan and Indonesia (Krpač et al. 2019; Zolotuhin & Yevdoshenko 2019; Pittaway 2020). In Kazakhstan (Fig. 8), Th. alecto was found in the northern foothills of Transili Alatau Range (Almaty Region, northern part of the Tien Shan mountain massif) at altitudes ranging from 710 to 790 m, and in the north- eastern foothills of Karzhantau Range (Turkestan Region, western part of the Tien Shan mountain massif) at altitude of 550m. The nearest known localities of Th. alecto in Central Asia are in Uzbekistan () (Gehlen 1941) and Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek) (Korb 2018). The new founds (Fig. 8) in Almaty city are the northernmost in Central Asia and increase the known range of the species in the region by 183 km to the north-east. We have no data if the populations of Th. alecto in Kazakhstan are autochthonous or the species is present in the country only as a summer migrant. Clarification of this question requires further studies.

Acknowledgements We are grateful to the following persons for pictures of Th. alecto provided: Konstantin Popkov (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Dmitry Zakharov (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Kudaibergen Amirekul (Shymkent, Kazakhstan). We thank Sergey Kolov (Almaty, Kazakhstan) for the collection specimen provided; Vasiliy Kosivtsov (Kyrgyzstan, Karakol) for the map of Kazakhstan provided; Yevgeny Derzhinsky (Vitebsk, Belarus) for help in search for literature and material on Th. alecto in the collection of Zoological Institute RAS, St. Petersburg; and Alexander Shevchenko (Moscow, Russia) for help in preparation of illustrations. We are also indebted to Tony Pittaway (Wallingford, UK), Ian Kitching (London, UK), Dmitry Shovkoon (Samara, Russia) and Pavel Gorbunov (, Russia) for information on the species’ distribution provided.



Figures 1–6. Theretra alecto: 1, female and male imagoes ex ovo, SE Kazakhstan, Almaty city (photo by S. Titov) (coll. STP); 2, live imago, SE Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Aygerim-2 community, ex pupa 09.I.2020 (photo by O. Belyalov); 3, live imago, S Kazakhstan, Turkestan region, Shymkent city, 08.VIII.2018 (photo by Q. Amirekul); 4, eggs on a leaf of Vitis vinifera, SE Kazakhstan, Almaty city (photo by D. Zakharov); 5, larva on a leaf of Vitis vinifera, the same locality (photo by D. Zakharov); 6, pupa, lateral view, the same locality (photo by D. Zakharov).

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Figure 7. The habitat of Theretra alecto: SE Kazakhstan, Almaty Region, Almaty city, cottage settlement, 43°16'16.62"N 76°50'10.90"E, 04.IX.2008 (photo by O. Belyalov).

Figure 8. The distribution map of Theretra alecto in Kazakhstan.


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