Biology References Sugarcane Rootstock Borer
Sugarcane Pests and Their Management S 393 is dorsoventrally fl attened. Th e segments of the Kim KC (1987) Order Anoplura. pp 224–245 In: Stehr FW thorax are fused, and the thoracic spiracles located (ed) Immature insects, Vol. 1. Kendall/ Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, Iowa dorsally. Th e abdominal segments are distinct. Th e Kim KC, Pratt HD, and Stpjanovich CJ (1986) Th e sucking tarsi consist of only one segment, and there is only lice of North America. An illustrated manual for identi- one large claw on each tarsus. Cerci are absent. fi cation. Pennsylvania State University Press, University Metamorphosis is incomplete (hemimetabolous Park, Pennsylvania Price MA, Graham OH (1997) Chewing and sucking lice as development). parasites of mammals and birds. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin 1849, 309 pp Biology Sugarcane Rootstock Borer AU37 Sucking lice feed only on blood of mammals. Two Weevil (or three depending on how Pediculus humanus is treated) species aff ect humans, and about 12 Citrus Pests and Th e i r M a n a g e m e n t species aff ect domestic animals. Th e families tend to contain lice with very similar feeding habits. For example, the echinophthiriids feed on seals, Sugarcane Pests and Their sea lions, walruses and river otter; the ender- Management leinellids on squirrels; the haematopinids on ungulates such as pigs, cattle, horses and deer; the robert l. meagher 1, maria gallo 2 hoplopleurids on rodents and insectivores; the 1 USDA, Agricultural Research Service , linognathids on even-toed ungulates such as cat- Gainesville , FL , USA tle, sheep, goats, reindeer and deer, and on canids 2 University of Florida , Gainesville , FL , USA such as dogs, foxes and wolves; the pecaroecids on peccaries; the pediculids on the head and Sugarcane is a tropical, perennial grass that evolved body of humans; the polyplacids on rodents and in Asia, most likely the South Pacifi c, probably the insectivores; and pthirids on gorillas and humans.
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