Goa University Prospectus 2020-2021

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Goa University Prospectus 2020-2021 GOA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH PROGRAMMES PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 CONTENTS SR. NO. PARTICULARS 1. Directorates of Goa University 2. Research Professor Programme Chairs (VRPP) 3. Academic Calendar 4. Eligibility Criteria For Admission To Post Graduate Programmes 5. Important information to Students (Certificate Enquiries) 6. No. of Seats available and Reservation 7. Refund of Tuition Fees 8. Post Graduate Departments Faculty of Languages & Literatures i. English ii. French & Francophone Studies iii. Hindi iv. Konkani v. Marathi vi. Portuguese & Lusophone Studies Faculty of Social Sciences i. History ii. Philosophy iii. Political Science iv. Sociology v. Library & Information Science vi. Women’s Studies vii. Department of International Relations Faculty of Natural Sciences i. Electronics ii. Mathematics iii. Physics Faculty of Life Sciences & Environment i. Biotechnology ii. Botany iii. Microbiology iv. Zoology 10. School of Chemical Sciences 11. Goa Business School 12. School of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences 13. Fee Structure for the academic year 2020-21 14. Research Studentship/Merit Scholarship/Free Studentships 15. Foreign Students 16. List of Awards and Prizes 17. Innovative Programmes 18. Facilities & Other Activities and Hostel Details 19. UGC Regulations on Ragging 20. Rules for taking disciplinary action against the students of the University 21. List of MoUs 22. List of Recognized Institutions/Affiliated Colleges Goa University Prospectus 2020 - 21 P a g e 1 RAGGING ON THE CAMPUS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND PUNISHABLE BY LAW Please refer to Page No. 118 for UGC Regulations on Ragging and Page No. 128 & 129 for Affidavit to be submitted by the students and Parents/Guardians The information contained in this Prospectus is subject to changes with the revision of University Ordinances/Rules. Ordinances are available at below hyperlink https://www.unigoa.ac.in/index.php# OA-20 Ordinance relating to the Policy of Admission to the Post Graduate Academic Programmes of Goa University (Applicable for candidates who registered from the academic year 2018-19 onwards) OA-18A Ordinance for Credit-Based Masters Degree Programmes in the subjects of Languages, Humanities, Commerce and Sciences in Goa University and Affiliated Colleges (Applicable for candidates who registered from the academic year 2018-19 onwards). OA-19A Ordinance Governing the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (under Section 24(1) of the Goa University Act, 1984) (Applicable for candidates who registered from the academic year 2017-18 onwards). OB-12 Ordinance regarding the Degree of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) (Under Section 24(1) of the Goa University Act, 1984). (Effective from 15th February, 2011) OS-1 Special Ordinance relating to the conduct of Academic Programmes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Goa University Prospectus 2020 - 21 P a g e 2 GOA UNIVERSITY CHANCELLOR VICE-CHANCELLOR Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari Prof. Varun Sahni Hon’ble Governor of Goa ACADEMIC DEANS OF FACULTY Faculty of Languages & Literature Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Nina Caldiera Prof. Sylvia Maria De Mendonca Noronha Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty of Life Sciences & Environment Prof. Kaustubh R.S. Priolkar Prof. Prabhat K. Sharma Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Medicine Prof. J.A. Laxminarayana Prof. Roque G. Wiseman Pinto Faculty of Education Faculty of Law Vice-Chancellor (under SA-7 (a)) Dr. Saba V.M. Da Silva Faculty of Performing, Fine Arts& Music Faculty of Design Shri Mahesh V. Vengurlekar Prof. Ashish K. Rege Goa University Prospectus 2020 - 21 P a g e 3 DEANS & VICE-DEANS OF SCHOOLS School of Sanskrit & Indic Knowledge Systems Prof. Vijaya U. Kerkar, Dean School of Chemical Sciences Prof. Vishnu S. Nadkarni Dean Prof. B.R. Srinivasan Prof. Santosh G. Tilve Vice-Dean (Academic) Vice-Dean (Research) Goa Business School Prof. M.S. Dayanand Dean Prof. P.K. Sudarsan Prof. K.B. Subhash Vice-Dean (Academic) Vice-Dean (Research) School of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Prof. Harilal B. Menon Dean Prof. K. Mahender Prof. Vishnu Murty Matta Vice-Dean (Academic) Vice-Dean (Research) Goa University Prospectus 2020 - 21 P a g e 4 ADMINISTRATION REGISTRAR CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Prof. Radhika S. Nayak Prof. Anuradha Wagle FINANCE OFFICER JOINT REGISTRAR (ACADEMIC) Prof. Ramesh V. Pai Shri Donald A.E. Rodrigues JOINT REGISTRAR DEPUTY REGISTRAR (FINANCE) (GENERAL ADMINISTRATION) Shri Muniyoor Shreedhara Shri Satyavan L. Talwadkar DEPUTY REGISTRAR (DSW&CA) UNIVERSITY ENGINEER Shri Leo Macedo Shri Vivekanand L. Sawkar LIBRARIAN HEAD OF COMPUTER CENTRE Dr. V. Gopakumar Shri Sanjay Bandodkar ASST. DIR. OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION & SPORTS Shri Milton Fernandes ASSISTANT REGISTRARS ACADEMIC-PG ACADEMIC-COLLEGES Shri Ashwin V. Lawande Smt. Sara S. Figueiredo Goa University Prospectus 2020 - 21 P a g e 5 ACADEMIC - GENERAL EXAMINATION - PROFESSIONAL Shri Audhoot Kalangutkar Shri Aniket Gaonkar EXAMINATION-POST GRADUATE EXAMINATION-UNDER GRADUATE Shri M. G. Lanjewar Ms. Qubilah Dsouza LEGAL FINANCE-I Smt. Bertha T. A. D’Mello e Daniel Shri Amey V. Verenkar FINANCE-II PURCHASES Shri Ashok J. Nagarsenkar Smt. Teja S. Shirodkar ADMINISTRATION - NON-TEACHING ADMINISTRATION - TEACHING Smt. Sandhya S. S. Neurekar Smt. Kirti Murgaonkar Goa University Prospectus 2020 - 21 P a g e 6 DIRECTORATES OF GOA UNIVERSITY Sr.No Name Designation Function Photos of Directors 1. 1Shri M.K. Janarthanam Director DEITI, MOOC, Directorate of Digital Learning and SWAYAM, Digital Initiatives (DDLI) Archives 2. 2Prof. Koshy Tharakan Director Foreign Students, Directorate of International MoUs (Domestic and Cooperation and Exchange (DICE) Foreign), SIP, etc. 3. 4Shri Leo Macedo Director Students activities Directorate of Students Welfare& Cultural Affairs (DSW&CA) 4. 5Prof. Vidhyadatta M. Shet Verenkar Director RUSA activities Directorate of Rashtriya Uchattar Shiksha Abhiyaan (D-RUSA) 5. 6Prof. Rajendra S. Gad Director Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Directorate of Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan activities (DUBA) 6. 7Prof. Rahul Tripathi Director Foreign Students Directorate of Foreign Students (DFS) activities 7. 8Prof. Jyoti D. Pawar Director Coordinating Research Directorate of Research & & Development Development and Resource programmes Mobilisation (D-RDRM) 8. 9Prof . Jyoti D. Pawar Director Collating Data on Directorate of All India Survey of Higher Higher Education Education (D-AISHE) 9. Dr. Rafael Fernandes Director To implement Directorate for Equal Opportunities Schemes for Minority students 10. 1Dr. Anthony A.A. Viegas Director To design and Directorate of Extra Mural Studies and implement non formal Extension Services (DEMS&ES) educational programmes 11. 1Prof. Sanjeev C. Ghadi Director Placement Activity and Directorate of Student Placement and Alumni matters Alumni Relations (D-SPAR) 12. 1Prof. Bernard F. Rodrigues Director Internships, Directorate of Internships, Incubation, Incubation and and Industry Partnership (DI3P) Industry Partnership 13. 1Prof. Savita S. Kerkar Director VRPP selection and Directorate of Visiting Research implementation Professors Programme (D-VRPP) 14. Directorate of Internal Quality Director To maintain academic Assurance (DIQA) data (Back to contents) Goa University Prospectus 2020 - 21 P a g e 7 LIST OF VISITING RESEARCH PROFESSOR PROGRAMME CHAIRS (VRPP) SR. NO. NAME OF CHAIRS NAME OF VISITING FACULTY 1 D.D. Kosambi Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies Prof. Romila Thapar Prof. Madhav Gadgil Prof. Sudhir Kakar Prof. Shahid Amin* Prof. Kumkum Roy* Prof. Dhruv Raina* Prof. Ishita Dube* Prof. Saurabh Dube* Prof. Peter D’Souza* Prof. P.J. Cheriyan# 2 Dayanand Bandodkar Chair in Political Economy Prof. Amit Bhaduri Prof. Ashok Chandra Prof. Satish Deshpande* Prof. Prabhat Patnaik* Prof. Rammanohar Reddy* 3 Kavivarya Bakibaab Borkar Chair in Comparative Prof. Ashok Vajpayi Literature Prof. Nirmala Jain Shri Jeet Thayil Prof. Githa Hariharan* Prof. Vrinda Nabar* Shri Uday Bhembre* Prof. Kiran Budkuley* Prof. Edwin Thamboo# Prof. Anvita Abbi# Prof. Ganesh Devi# 4 Mario Miranda Chair in Art and Fine Art Prof. Orijit Sen* Prof. Jyotindra Jain Prof. Sheba Chachi Prof. Vidya Dehejia * Prof. Raman Shivakumar* Dr. Subodh Kerkar* Shri. Alexyz Fernandes# 5 Anthony Gonsalves Chair in Western Music Prof. Santiago Girelli* Prof. Mark Troop* Ms. Sonia Shirsat# Ms. Patricia Rozario# 6 Nana Shirgaokar Chair in Indian Music Smt. Shubha Mudgal Shri Bahhauddin Dagar Smt. Bombay Jayashri* Smt. Vidya Shah* Smt. Vidya Rao# Shri Ramesh Sukhthankar# 7 Sant Sohirobanath Ambiye Chair Prof. Bhalchandra V. Nemade Prof. Somnath Komarpant Shri Milind Wakankar # Goa University Prospectus 2020 - 21 P a g e 8 Smt. Sonali Kulkarni-Joshi # 8 Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara Chair in Indo- Prof. Susana Sardo* Portuguese Studies (Funded by Camoes) Prof. Amelia Polonia* Prof. Walter Rossa Ferreira da Silva* Prof. Angela Barreto Xavier* Prof. Hugo Canelas Cardoso* Dalai Lama Chair in Nalanda Studies (funded by Dalai Ven Khenpo Tashi Tsering# 9 Lama) *- Currently Active Professors. # - Names Approved but order has not yet issued. (Back to Contents) Goa University Prospectus 2020 - 21 P a g e 9 P R E F A C E Goa University was established under the Goa University Act of 1984 (Act No. 7 of 1984) and commenced operations on 1st June 1985. But well before formation of Goa University, University of Mumbai established a Centre of Post-Graduate Instruction and Research (CPIR) in Panaji which offered affiliation to the first colleges that were instituted in Goa in June 1962. Since 1985, the CPIR has been merged into
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