A self-consistent photoionization-dust continuum-molecular line Title transfer model of NGC 7027

Author(s) Volk, K; Kwok, S

Citation The Astrophysical Journal, 1997, v. 477 n. 2 pt. 1, p. 722-731

Issued Date 1997

URL http://hdl.handle.net/10722/179686

Rights Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 Hong Kong License THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 477:722È731, 1997 March 10 ( 1997. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

A SELF-CONSISTENT PHOTOIONIZATIONÈDUST CONTINUUMÈMOLECULAR LINE TRANSFER MODEL OF NGC 7027 KEVIN VOLK AND SUN KWOK Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 Received 1996 June 20; accepted 1996 September 23 ABSTRACT A model to simulate the entire spectrum (1000Ó to 1 cm) of the high-excitation young planetary NGC 7027 is presented. The ionized, dust, and molecular components of the object are modeled using geometric parameters obtained from visible, radio, infrared, and CO data. The physical processes considered include recombination lines of H and He, collisional excited lines of metals, bf and † contin- uum radiations, two-photon radiation, dust continuum radiation, and molecular rotational and vibra- tional transitions. The dust component is assumed to be heated by a combination of direct starlight and the line and continuum radiation from the ionized nebula. The molecular component of the nebula is coupled to the dust component through the stimulated absorption of the dust continuum radiation. Spe- ciÐcally, we compare the predicted Ñuxes of the CO rotational lines and the 179.5 km rotational line to those observed by the Infrared Space Observatory satellite. From the observed ratio of these lines, we derived a gas phase water-to-H abundance ratio of 3.2 ] 10~7 assuming that the water is uniformly mixed with the CO. 2 Subject headings: dust, extinction È ISM: individual (NGC 7027) È ISM: molecules È molecular processes È radiative transfer

1. INTRODUCTION oxygen present. Since the optical spectrum of NGC 7027 suggests a C-to-O ratio greater than 2, one expects only NGC 7027 is a that more than any carbon-based molecules in the gas. The near-infrared spec- other object, has been responsible for revolutionizing our trum of NGC 7027 is dominated by emission features com- understanding of the planetary nebula phenomenon. While monly attributed to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon it is relatively innocuous in its optical appearance, it was (PAH) molecules(Gillett, Forrest, & Merrill 1973), and in found to have a very large mid-infrared excess due to dust the mid-infrared there is no sign of the 9.7 km silicate emission(Woolf 1969; Gillett, Merrill, & Stein 1972). It is feature commonly observed in oxygen-rich circumstellar also one of the strongest thermal radio continuum sources envelopes. It is therefore safe to assume that the dust in in the sky, suggesting the presence of an ionized region of NGC 7027 is carbon-based. very high emission measure(Terzian, Balick, & Bignell It was a surprise, therefore, when the Infrared Space 1974). The detection of the J 1 ] 0 rotational line of CO \ Observatory (ISO) detected water in NGC 7027 (ISO press in NGC 7027 byMufson, Lyon, & Marionni (1975) came as release 1996). The ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer a surprise, for it was not expected that molecules could exist (LWS) spectrum from 157 to 192 km shows a nebular emis- in or around an ionized environment. Since this detection, sion line due to C II at 157.7 km, three CO rotational lines NGC 7027 has been found to be a rich molecular source, (16 ] 15 at 162.8 km, 15 ] 14 at 173.6 km, 14 ] 13 at 186.0 with many carbon-based molecules discovered in its km), and the 179.5 km rotational line(2 ] 1 ) of ortho- massive ([1M ) neutral molecular envelope. Mapping of _ water. The observations of these highly excited12 01 CO lines by the molecular envelope by millimeter interferometry sug- ISO therefore provide new constraints to the molecular gests that it is located outside of the small (D10A) ionized model of NGC 7027, which previously has been based on region(Bieging, Wilner, & Thronson 1991). The dust the Ðtting of the lowest CO rotational lines. The expanded envelope coexists with the molecular gas and is responsible spectral coverage o†ered by ISO Ðlls a previous gap for the large extinction(A D 3 mag) seen in the nebula. The V between the infrared and the submillimeter observations, central is clearly hotter than average for planetary and provides for the Ðrst time the opportunity to create a nebulae, with hydrogen and helium Zanstra temperatures comprehensive model of NGC 7027 covering the entire of 500,000 and 430,000 K, respectively, having been sug- spectrum from the UV to radio. gested (see Table VII-6 ofPottasch 1984). However, direct The most recent e†ort in the modeling of NGC 7027 was imaging of the central star indicates a lower, but still high, made byHoare, Roche, & Clegg (1992), who took into temperature of D200,000È250,000 K (Jacoby 1988; Walton account both the ionization and the dust components. In et al.1989; Heap & Hintzen 1990; Hubeny, Heap, & Lanz this paper, we present a model which includes the radiative 1994). The high central-star temperature suggests that the interactions between the ionized, molecular, and dust com- star must be massive. The rapid evolution of the massive ponents in NGC 7207. Furthermore, we have made use of central star, together with the high density of the ionized the observed strength of the 179 km water line to derive a region, suggests that the nebula is very young, having left water abundance in NGC 7027. the asymptotic giant branch only D103 yr ago. Conventional circumstellar chemistry models assume THE MODEL that all of the available oxygen in a carbon-rich molecular 2. region is bound in the CO molecule and that all the rest of Planetary nebulae are complicated systems involving the molecular chemistry proceeds with essentially no free close radiative and dynamic interactions between the 722 LINE TRANSFER MODEL OF NGC 7027 723 central star and the nebula(Kwok 1994). On the radiative with the ionized gas. A second dust component, made up of side, the ionized gas component is heated by photoioniza- amorphous carbon, is assumed to be outside of the ionized tion from absorbing the Lyman continuum photons from component. The radiation transfer problem for the second the central star, and cooled by collisional-excited line emis- dust component (the neutral wind region) is solved self- sions. The dust component is heated by a combination of consistently, producing the continuum Ñuxes[ J (r)] at the visible continuum photons from the central star and the every radius. The molecular gas is assumed to bel mixed line photons (in particular Lya) from the ionized gas com- with this dust component, and the values ofJ (r) are used as ponent, and cooled by self-radiation. The molecular gas a source of background radiation availablel for stimulated component is heated by gas collisions and absorption of absorption by the molecules. The equation of transfer and near-infrared continuum photons, and cooled by molecular the equation of statistical equilibrium are then solved for rotational emission. Since the three components are ther- the relevant molecules (in our case CO andH O) to mally coupled, an analysis of the radiation transfer problem produce the emergent Ñuxes in each of the rotational2 tran- requires simultaneous solutions to the photoionization, sitions. A Ñow chart illustrating the interactions between dust continuum transfer, and the molecular line transfer various components is given in Figure 1. equations. The density proÐle for the gas in the ionized and neutral While this problem seems to be intractably complicated, regions has a three-component structure. The ionized certain approximations are possible. First, the ionized com- region is assumed to be a shell of constant density and ponent is heated by the central star alone and is not a†ected constant Ðlling factor, the values of which are taken to be by the neutral components. Second, since most of the dust free parameters with some guidance from the forbidden-line radiation is emitted in the far-infrared where the nebula is analyses available in the literature. The remainder of the optically thin, there is very little feedback of the dust emis- circumstellar shell is taken to consist of a high-density sion into the other components. Similarly, the molecular neutral shell of small angular width and a stellar wind gas emits only line radiation; although these lines can be region with the usual inverse-square density proÐle. The optically thick because of self-absorption, they do not con- two components of the neutral gas have been deduced from stitute a signiÐcant source of heating of the dust component. CO maps and line proÐle analysis (seeJaminet et al. 1991). However, near-infrared emission from the dust can be A schematic diagram of the geometry of the source struc- absorbed by the molecular gas via vibrational excitations, ture is shown in Figure 2. and the molecular line transfer problem is dependent on the output of the dust transfer problem. 2.1. T he Photoionization Model In this paper, we have set up the problem in the following The photoionization model was constructed using the way. First, the ionized gas component is treated indepen- CLOUDY photoionization code of G. Ferland (see Ferland dently. All the permitted lines with signiÐcant optical 1996 for a description of CLOUDY). For nebular elemental depths (e.g., the recombination lines of H and He) have their abundances the values ofMiddlemass (1990) were used. For line transfer problems solved using the escape probability elements not included inMiddlemass (1990) we adopted method. The output of the photoionization model, includ- solar abundances corrected by the depletion factors for ing the Ñuxes of the recombination lines of hydrogen and nearby elements in the periodic table. For example, Cu is helium, the collisional excitation lines of metals, the bound- depleted to the same extent as Fe, Na is depleted to the free (bf) and free-free (†) continua, and the stellar contin- same extent as Mg, and so on. The nebula is assumed to be uum, is fed to the dust continuum transfer problem as the spherically symmetric, although it is known to have an input radiation Ðeld. There is a dust component (consisting ellipsoidal shape. The parameters of this uniform density of a mixture of graphite and PAH grains) that is intermixed shell (summarized inTable 1) are derived from a variety of

FIG. 1.ÈFlow chart of the model simulation 724 VOLK & KWOK Vol. 477

dust radiation Ðeld for each layer in the model without carrying out any radiative transfer calculations in the con- tinuum. The emergent radiation Ðeld (including both line and continuum Ñuxes) from the CLOUDY model was used as input to the dust radiative transfer model discussed in the next section. Since NGC 7027 shows strong emission features com- monly attributed to the PAH molecules, we have added another dust component made up of PAH grains in the ionized gas. The cross sections for the PAH grains are based upon the analytical formulae given byDesert, Boulanger, & Puget(1990). Some changes have been made in the discrete FIG. 2.ÈSchematic diagram of the geometric structure of NGC 7027 PAH feature strengths following the work of Schutte, Tielens, & Allamandola(1993), who have better values for the bands near 11 km. A plateau has also been added observed quantities: e.g., the density is deduced from between the features based on the observed spectral contin- observed forbidden-line ratios, the emission measure from uum levels ofBregman et al. (1989). Since the equations the j \ 2 mm † radio Ñux, and the angular size from the fromDesert et al. (1990) are only intended to apply to wave- radio continuum map. The stellar temperature is taken to lengths longward of the Lyman limit, we have instituted a be equal to the hydrogen Zanstra temperature ofHeap & turnover (set at 607Ó) and a subsequent decrease of the Hintzen(1990). The adopted distance of 930 pc is consistent cross section at wavelengths beyond the turnover. In addi- with the distance estimate of 0.94 kpc ofMasson (1986) and tion, the sharp cuto† of the optical cross section at 8000 Ó the revised value of 0.88 ^ 0.15 kpc of Masson (1989). in the paper ofDesert et al. (1990) has been replaced by an Because of the high temperature of the star, the ionized exponential function beginning at 2500Ó. The opacity func- region does not have a sharp outer edge. While the photo- tion is set to produce a feature-to-continuum ratio of 100 at ionization model is calculated to a radius of 0.0224 pc (4A.96 3.3 km. This was done in part to avoid discontinuities in the at 930 pc), the radius at which the ionization fraction of opacity values and in part to allow the possibility of model- hydrogen is 50% is actually 0.0175 pc(3A.87 at 930 pc). The ing the unusual red emission seen in a few reÑection nebulae smaller radius was taken to be the e†ective radius of the that have strong PAH emission. It should be noted that the ionized region. long-wavelength opacity function of the PAH grains is The Ðlling factor and density of the ionized region were poorly known, and therefore the infrared emission from the adjusted to match the observed ratio of the inner and outer PAH grains is suspect aside from the discrete features. This angular radii of the radio maps ofMasson (1989), and to is not a problem in practice, however, because the PAH reproduce the observed † radio continuum Ñux of the grains are never observed in isolation; they are accompa- nebula. The best available for the † emission Ñux density is nied by other forms of dust that provide the continuum in 4.4 ^ 0.1 Jy at 2000 km obtained at the James Clerk between the emission features. Maxwell Telescope(Sandell 1994). We were able to produce For the model, PAH clusters of radii 1.0 and 0.354 nm a model Ñux density at 2000 km of 4.37 Jy, which is very (120 and 15 C atoms, respectively) were used. The smaller close to the observed value. Since NGC 7027 is optically clusters are numerically twice as abundant as the larger thick at 5 GHz, the Ñux density at this frequency is not the clusters, but they carry about 25% of the mass of the larger best to use for Ðtting purposes. After including the optical clusters. The abundances were set using the formula from depth e†ects, the model produces a 5 GHz Ñux value of 5.11 Schutteet al. (1993). Jy, compared to the observed value of 5.7 0.6 Jy (Scott ^ 2.2. T he Dust Continuum T ransfer Model 1973). The CLOUDY photoionization model includes graphite NGC 7027 exhibits strong far-infrared emission (Telesco dust grains at a default number abundance relative to & Harper1977; McCarthy, Forrest, & Houck 1978) which hydrogen. The code calculates the dust temperature and originates from a dust envelope outside of the ionized region(Kwok 1980). For modeling the dust in the neutral TABLE 1 region outside the ionized region, a separate radiative trans- fer calculation was carried out using the DUSTCD radi- MODEL PARAMETERS ative transfer code(Leung 1976). The dust was assumed to Parameter Value be amorphous carbon following the model ofHoare et al. (1992). The dust density distribution was chosen to match Central star temperature (K) ...... 226,000 the derived CO mass-loss rate and radius range from Central star luminosity (L _)...... 10,040 Distance (pc) ...... 930 Jaminetet al. (1991) with the addition of a high-density shell Radius of ionized shell (pc) ...... 0.0107 (inner) that was required to Ðt the higher CO rotational lines 0.0175 (outer) observed by ISO as described in the next section. The Electron density in ionized shell (cm~3)...... 80,000 optical depth of the dust in this part of the shell was adjust- Nebular Ðlling factor ...... 0.5 ed to produce a reasonable match to the observed dust Mass of ionized shell (M_) ...... 0.022 Radius of molecular shell (pc) ...... 0.0175 (inner) continuum in the far infrared, particularly near 170 km. The 0.0183 (outer) size of individual dust grains was set to be 0.1 km. Although Density of molecular shell (cm~3) ...... 9]105 the model spectrum reasonably approximates the observed Mass of molecular shell (M_) ...... 0.196 far-infrared continuum, it does not match the detailed spec- Mass of molecular wind (M )...... 1.65 _ tral shape of NGC 7027. For example, the model dust spec- No. 2, 1997 LINE TRANSFER MODEL OF NGC 7027 725 trum(jF) peaks at D23 km rather than at D30 kmasis para forms of water, the Ðrst three vibrational states and a observed.j This disagreement is in part due to the omission total of 183 vibrational/rotational levels are included. The of the 30 km feature in our opacity function (Forrest, program adjusts the number of levels according to the level Houck, & McCarthy 1981). populations to eliminate upper levels with very small popu- The dust model was calculated with the nebular radiation lations. The model calculations were done with 901 layers Ðeld (output from CLOUDY) as the energy source at the spaced logarithmically between the inner and outer radii. inner radius and with the expected interstellar radiation The radiation Ðeld from the dust radiation transfer calcu- Ðeld (the standard Habing radiation Ðeld and the cosmic lation, which is tabulated as a function of radius and fre- background radiation Ðeld at long wavelengths) as an quency, was used with the molecular level population energy source at the outer radius. The model gives an equations. Once the level populations and local escape optical depth of 0.0095 at 11.2 km, and 1.47 at 5500Ó. The probabilities were determined as functions of radius for the corresponding extinction at the V band is about 40% lower desired lines, the line proÐles were simulated for a particular than the observed optical extinction in NGC 7027. The distance and Gaussian beam size. For comparison with the derived dust-to-gas mass ratio is 0.00099, which is slightly ISO observations(° 3), the ““ beam ÏÏ was assumed to have a larger than the value found byHoare et al. (1992). This square proÐle rather than a Gaussian form. represents a depletion of the dust by a factor of 3.1 com- The initial run of the CO level population program with pared to the default grain abundance we use for carbon star the parameters fromJaminet et al. (1991) produced agree- dust shell models. ment with their results for the low-frequency rotational The output radiation ÐeldJ as a function of radius lines. However, the higher J line strengths from the model derived in the radiative transferl model was used in the were far too low. It was found to be necessary to have a molecular line calculations described in the next section. constant-density, higher temperature shell at the base of the The continuum from the dust model was used as the base molecular wind in order to excite the higher CO lines. continuum on which the spectral lines are seen when the Model trials were made at various temperatures to repro- far-infrared spectrum was simulated. duce the strengths of the observed CO lines. A high-density shell was found to be necessary, since the radiation Ðeld 2.3. T he Molecular L ine T ransfer Model alone does not have a high enough intensity at wavelengths The Ðrst three rotational transitions of CO from NGC near 150 km to signiÐcantly populate the high-J states. If 7027 were analyzed byJaminet et al. (1991). They derived these states are primarily populated by collisions, then the the mass-loss rate, the CO abundance, and the kinetic tem- kinetic temperature (which will be close to the excitation perature function by Ðtting the observed proÐles. They temperature) has to be high enough to reproduce the found that the molecular gas does not form a spherically observed brightness temperature of the lines. The shell symmetric shell and derived a ““ pole ÏÏ-to-““ equator ÏÏ ratio of parameters are also constrained by the creation of popu- 2.2 (from 1.0 ] 10~4 to 2.2 ] 10~4 M_ yr~1) for the mass- lation inversion, since CO masers are not observed in NGC loss rates. They also noted that there are slightly extended 7027 in the lower rotational lines. The thickness of the shell wings on the CO lines that imply that there is a region of assumed in the model was adjusted to keep the total mass higher speed outÑow, which they attributed to a thin shell of to, at most, about 10% of the total mass of gas in the neutral higher density (and likely higher temperature) gas that component. The goal was to produce a model with the exists just outside the ionized region and just inside the proper CO lines which used the smallest possible shell mass. main part of the stellar wind shell. Adopting the parameters derived byJaminet et al. (1991), we have the wind part of 3. COMPARISON WITH THE ISO SPECTRUM OF NGC 7027 the circumstellar envelope extending from 0.0183 to 0.135 The integrated strengths of the molecular lines expected pc (assuming a distance of 0.93 kpc). In addition to this in the ISO LWS region were calculated from the molecular wind component, we have assumed the presence of a shell of transfer model and then added on top of the dust contin- constant density and gas temperature (seeTable 1) between uum assuming a Gaussian line shape with a FWHM of 0.70 the ionized region and the start of the wind region. As will km, which is approximately the line width of ISO. The C II be shown later, this shell is needed to Ðt the strengths of the 157.7 km emission line was added in the same way using its high rotational lines of CO. total Ñux from the photoionization model. The remaining parameters (adopted fromJaminet et al. 3.1. TheCO L ines (1991)) are M D 2.2 ] 10~4 M_ yr~1, V \ 15.2 km s~1,a CO/H number abundance of 2 ] 10~4, a gas kinetic tem- The ISO LWS spectrum of NGC 7027 shows three CO perature2 (T ) of 30 K at radius 0.03607 pc, and a radial rotational lines with approximately equal strengths (within dependencekin of r~0.85 forT . Using standard composition, the uncertainties of the uncalibrated spectrum). In order to this means that theH numberkin density is 49080 cm~3 at the reproduce these three high-level CO lines, a shell tem- inner radius of the2 wind region. The density proÐle is perature of 220 K is needed. The shell molecular hydrogen assumed to be inverse-square over the range of radii in the density used was 900,000 cm~3, about 18 times the density wind region. in the wind at the interface with the shell and about 22 times The molecular line transfer model is solved by obtaining the density in the ionized region allowing for the Ðlling simultaneous solutions to the statistical equilibrium equa- factor. This value could not be reduced more than a few tion and the radiation transfer equation in the standard percent without losing convergence in the model calcu- escape probability formulation. Solutions were obtained lation due to population inversions. The inner radius of the independently for CO and forH O using a combination of shell in the model calculation was set to 0.0175 pc, giving a 2 iterative and Newton-Raphson methods. For the CO mass in the shell of 0.196M_ to the outer radius of 0.0183 model, the Ðrst 100 rotational levels in each of the Ðrst three pc, compared to a mass of 1.65M_ in the wind component. vibrational states are included. For each of the ortho and This model produced the higher CO rotational lines at the 726 VOLK & KWOK Vol. 477 correct relative intensity and with about the proper strength TABLE 2 compared to the model dust continuum. MODEL LINE RATIOS FOR THE ORTHO-H O2 ] 1 LINE In the model, the hot shell does not signiÐcantly change AT 179.5 km AND THE 186.0 kmCO142]1312 ROTATIONAL01 the strengths of the lower CO rotational lines because the LINE AS A FUNCTION OF THE RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF THE MOLECULES escape probability values are small for these lines under the shell conditions and because of beam dilution e†ects. For [Ortho-H O/CO] 179 kmHO/186 km CO line ratio the beam size used byJaminet et al. (1991) (14A at CO 2 2 ] 0.0005 ...... 0.399 1 0), the hot shell contributes about 5% of the total emis- 0.001 ...... 0.542 sion according to the model. The value is higher for the 0.002 ...... 0.652 2 ] 1 and 3 ] 2 lines, but the dominant contribution still 0.004 ...... 0.729 comes from the more extended wind region. In contrast, for 0.008 ...... 0.798 the higher rotational lines, the contribution from the wind 0.016 ...... 0.859 0.032 ...... 0.840a region is D6 orders of magnitude smaller than that from 0.064 ...... 0.841a the shell. 0.128 ...... 1.162

3.2. TheCII L ine a These entries are less accurate because of convergence problems. The strength of the 157.7 km[CII] line derived from the photoionization model is weaker than the line observed by et al.1996), we carried out additional model runs to ISO, by perhaps as much as a factor of 2 if there are no produce a close Ðt to the observed ratio. Using a power-law signiÐcant calibration e†ects across the wavelength range. interpolation between the 0.001 and 0.002 cases, we were As the ionization threshold for neutral carbon is less than able to Ðnd an abundance ratio of 1.2 ] 10~3 which can that for hydrogen, a signiÐcant amount of the emission may produce a model line ratio within 1% of the observed 0.61 be produced in the photodissociation region beyond the value. Assuming a 10% error in the observed line ratio, we ionized region. Since we are not attempting detailed Ðts to estimate the uncertainty in theortho-H O/CO abundance all the nebular emission lines, we did not try to adjust the ratio to be 0.8 ] 10~3 to 1.7 ] 10~3. 2 photoionization code results to give a perfect Ðt to the C II At very high water abundances (about 30 times higher line. than our best-Ðt value), there are some convergence prob- lems in the code due to population inversion created by 3.3. The179.5 km W ater L ine stimulated absorption of the dust radiation Ðeld. We note The 179.5 km line comes from the2 ] 1 transition of that such population inversion problems do not arise if we the ortho form of the water molecule. This12 transition01 is from substitute the dust radiation transfer by just the cosmic the second excited rotational state to the ground rotational background radiation Ðeld. This di†erence underscores the state of the molecule in the ground vibrational state. There importance of carrying out the calculations consistently for is a transition at 556.945 GHz (538.28 km) from the Ðrst the nebular, dust shell, and molecular components. excited rotational state(1 ) to the ground state but no 3.3.2. T he Distribution of W ater in NGC 7027 allowed transition between10 the2 and1 levels. The 557 GHz transition cannot be observed12 from10 the ground, but In this model we have not considered the e†ects of photo- will be a target of observation by the upcoming SW AS and dissociation, and the molecular abundances are assumed to Odin missions. The ortho form of water is expected to be the be constant throughout the nebula. However, it is possible dominant form in equilibrium conditions with a 3:1 abun- that the water molecules exist mainly in the inner part of the dance ratio. The actual abundance ratio will be sensitive to neutral region, since water is more easily dissociated by the formation conditions for the water molecules and the ultraviolet radiation than is CO. In order to assess the pos- physical conditions of the gas. In our model the ortho-H O sible errors due to the neglect of chemical e†ects, we have abundance is a free parameter and the totalH O abun-2 examined the relative contributions of the various layers to ] dance is assumed to be 4/3 of this value. 2 the total strength of the2 1 line. The shell produces about 15% of the total emission12 01 for the best-Ðt abundance. 3.3.1. W ater Abundance This fraction increases with increasing water abundance We assumed the water and CO molecules to be uniformly until it Ñattens o† at about 45% for the models with the mixed, and the molecular line transfer models were calcu- largest abundances, where the line is 80% stronger than in lated for variousH O/CO number ratios. At high water the best-Ðt case. Such a high water abundance abundances (e.g.,ortho-H2 O/CO [ 0.05), the radiative ([H O/CO] [ 0.2) is unlikely, for it implies that D5% of transfer e†ects are more severe2 and the program sometimes oxygen2 is in water. We therefore conclude that the water failed to converge. At very high water abundances (e.g., must be distributed over an extended region, overlapping ortho-H O/CO \ 1), the water lines are so optically thick with a signiÐcant fraction of the observed CO envelope. and the2 escape probability values so small that the sponta- An alternative explanation of the presence of the water neous transitions are relatively unimportant. In this case, line in NGC 7027 is to assume the existence of an oxygen- the level populations are dominated by the collisions. At rich envelope outside the carbon-rich nebula. In our model, very low abundances (e.g.,ortho-H O/CO \ 0.01), the level between 30% and 40% of the total water line strength is populations are controlled by the2 radiation Ðeld for the produced beyond an angular radius of 15A. Although this range of densities and temperatures considered here. fraction will increase with higher water abundances, we Models were generated to cover the ortho-H O/CO were unable to produce the observed line strength even with abundance ratio range between 0.0005 and 0.128, in steps2 of the highest water abundance. This suggests that it is not multiples of 2(Table 2). Later, when the more accurate possible for the water line to originate exclusively from the 179.5 to 186.0 km line ratio (\0.613) became available (Liu outer parts of the wind unless theH O/CO abundance ratio 2 No. 2, 1997 LINE TRANSFER MODEL OF NGC 7027 727

FIG. 3.ÈSimulated ISO LSW spectrum of NGC 7027 with an assumed water abundance of 3.2 ] 10~7 is very high. If this were the case, owing to the high optical molecular lines from CO, ortho-water, and para-water are depths and the very low escape probabilities, the excitation included. Some of the weaker water lines are in absorption. temperatures would be nearly equal to the kinetic tem- The strengths of a number of other water lines within the perature, which is quite low at large radii. If the water abun- ISO LWS band are also predicted from the model. Figure 4 dance is so high in the outer parts of the shell, then it would shows the ortho lines at 108.1 km(2 ] 1 ), 180.5 km line seem likely that dissociation of water to OH would produce (2 ] 2 )(3174.6 km] 2 ), and21 various10 other, weaker enough OH to be observed. If a separate oxygen-rich shell water21 lines.12 The 180.5 and03 174.612 km lines (shown inFig. 4 as exists, it appears that it has to be a high-density shell dis- the two weak lines to the right of theH O2 È1 and the tinct from the carbon-rich molecular shell. Since multiple CO 15È14 lines, respectively) are predicted2 to12 have01 less than shells are known to exist in larger planetaries(Chu, Jacoby, half of the strength of the 179.5 km line for the range of & Arendt1987; Balick et al. 1992), this is not a totally water abundances we have covered in our calculations, and unreasonable scenario. Until the water distribution in NGC may not be detectable in the existing ISO LWS spectrum of 7027 can be mapped by high-resolution observations, we NGC 7027. The 108.1 km line is found in the model to be consider this possibility to be unlikely. strongly dependent on the water abundance, with a strength of only 15% of the 179.5 km line in the best-Ðt model but 3.3.3. Other W ater L ines having 3 times the strength of the 179.5 km line at the Figure 3shows the model spectrum for the ortho- largest abundance ratio. This line is thus a more sensitive H O/CO \ 0.00012 case using a Ðxed line width of FWHM measure of the water abundance than any of the other 0.72 km. The total Ñuxes of the lines are summarized in Table accessible water lines. This line might be blended with the 3. Figure 4 shows the simulated spectrum for a broader CO 24 ] 23 line at 108.76 km, although the CO lines below wavelength range with all the CO rotational lines included, 120 km are predicted to be weak in our model. along with the nebular lines and all calculated water lines. Since the 108.1 km line requires higher temperatures to In this Ðgure the line width is given by the expansion veloc- excite, it originates mainly from the shell. Our models ity of the nebula (FWHM 30.4 km s~1). All predicted suggest that the 108.1 km line will be stronger than the


LINE C II CO (14È13) CO (15È14) CO (16È15) H O(2 È1 ) 2 12 01 Wavelength (km) ...... 157.7 186.0 173.6 162.8 179.5 Flux (ergs/cm~2 s~1)...... 5.9]10~12 8.8 ] 10~13 9.6 ] 10~13 9.5 ] 10~13 5.5 ] 10~13 728 VOLK & KWOK Vol. 477

FIG. 4.ÈModel far-infrared spectrum of NGC 7027 showing the CO FIG. 5.ÈThe full combined-model spectrum for NGC 7027 including rotational lines, the nebular lines, and the water lines. The lines are plotted all the nebular emission lines, the dust emission, and the molecular lines as Gaussians of widths determined by the expansion speed of the nebula. calculated in the model. The blackbody spectrum of the central star is This simulated spectrum assumes a constant, uniform beam independent shown as a dotted line. of frequency. is plotted as a dotted line. Since we assume that the ionized 179.5 km line as long as water is present in the inner 20A of region is ionization bounded, all the Lyman continuum the envelope. The measurement of the ratio of these two (j\912Ó) photons are absorbed by the nebula. The emis- lines would be useful in determining the exact distribution sion spectrum beyond the Lyman limit is all nebular lines of the water molecule in the neutral envelope. from higher ionization states of metals. We have also calculated the strength of the 556.945 GHz In order to compare the model spectrum with obser- water line as it would be observed with a beam size compar- vations, we have reproduced the observed NGC 7027 spec- able to that of the Odin satellite. The Odin line is predicted trum fromTerzian (1989) in Figure 6a, and a plot of the model spectrum inF versus l inFigure 6b. Although we to have a brightness temperature of 0.037 K with a normal, l optically thick, Ñat-top proÐle (total line strength 0.78 km have not tried to Ðt every detail of the observed spectrum, s~1). Due to the large Odin beam (D2@ at this frequency), the the overall resemblance of the two is striking. e†ect of beam dilution is severe for NGC 7027. While this 5. DISCUSSION predicted line strength varies with theH O/CO abundance ratio, the dependence is not strong since2 the line is optically 5.1. W ater as a Fraction of the T otal Oxygen Abundance thick. Assuming that the 179.5 km water line has an observed ] THE SPECTRUM OF NGC strength of 0.61 (^10%) of that of the CO 14 13 line, the 4. 7027 total water-to-hydrogen[H O/H ] abundance is estimated The combined model results, representing the entire spec- to be from 2.22 ] 10~7 to2 4.542] 10~7, with a nominal trum of NGC 7027, are plotted inFigure 5. The heights of value of 3.17 ] 10~7. Emission-line analysis for NGC 7027 the individual spectral lines are calculated from the total byShields (1978) gave abundances of 0.0025`0.0015 for line strength assuming a *j/j of 0.00125. In the mid- and carbon and0.00069`0.00018 for oxygen with~0.0009 respect to far-infrared, the continuum emission is dominated by the atomic hydrogen, or a~0.00014 C/O ratio of 3.6. Values almost iden- dust component. The major PAH features at 3.3, 7.7, 8.6, tical to these are found byZuckerman & Aller (1986) while and 11.3 km can be seen as narrow features. At wavelengths Perinotto,Panagia, & Benvenuti (1980) deduce values of longer than D400 km, the † continuum begins to be 0.0013 and 0.00042 for the C/H and O/H number ratios, stronger than the dust continuum. The visible and near- respectively.Middlemass (1990) Ðnds abundance ratios of infrared continua are marked by the hydrogen and helium 0.00126 and 0.00055, respectively. Whatever set of values is bf jumps. The broad feature near 2400Ó is the 2-c contin- adopted, the ionized region has a C/O ratio that is higher uum. The absorption feature seen in the near-UV is the than average for planetary nebulae. TheCO/H number 2200Ó feature. The blackbody spectrum of the central star ratio of 0.0002 deduced byJaminet et al. (1991)2 and used No. 2, 1997 LINE TRANSFER MODEL OF NGC 7027 729


FIG.6b FIG. 6.È(a) Observed spectrum of NGC 7027 adopted from Terzian (1989); (b) Model spectrum of NGC 7027 (same asFig. 5) plotted asF vs. l l here is lower than expected from the O/H number ratios oxygen abundance, or0.029`0.012% for the Middlemass derived for the ionized region. The fraction of oxygen that oxygen abundance. ~0.009 has to be in the form of water is then0.023`0.018% for the Since the observed CO abundance represents only Shields oxygen abundance,0.038`0.016% for~0.010 the Perinotto 15%È24% of the nebular oxygen abundance in NGC 7027, ~0.011 730 VOLK & KWOK Vol. 477 the remaining oxygen in the molecular envelope may have lar line transfer model using only the 2.73 K cosmic back- been condensed onto grains. It is not clear whether there ground radiation Ðeld but no dust continuum. The 179.5 would be any observable e†ect of such ice mantles on the km line is much weaker in this model, with a strength of grains given the uncertainties in the grain properties for only 62% of the value when the dust radiation Ðeld is astronomical objects. However, it does not seem possible included. The higher CO rotation lines are also slightly that a large part of the ““ missing ÏÏ oxygen is either in the weaker, although it is only a 4% e†ect. This test demon- form of silicate grains or in the form of water ice. In the strates that stimulated absorption of dust continuum former case, the 9.7 km emission or absorption feature photons plays a signiÐcant role in the excitation of the should be easily observable against the infrared continuum, water molecule. The omission of this e†ect would lead to an as commonly seen in the spectra of H II regions. In the latter artiÐcially high water abundance. case, NGC 7027 should show the same infrared ice features The derived water abundance is sensitive to the strength at 44 and 62 km as seen in the Frosty nebula(Omont et of the water line measured: an increase of the line strength al. 1990). by 67% requires more than a factor of 100 increase in water Conventional chemical models predict that CO would be abundance (seeTable 2). The next source of uncertainty is strongly favored overH O in the carbon-rich conditions of where in the circumstellar shell the water is located. If the the envelope of NGC 7027,2 so much so that the equilibrium water exists in only part of the neutral region, the abun- models predict essentially no water to be present at all dance could be much higher than the abundance value esti- (McCabe,Connon Smith, & Clegg 1979). Even under non- mated here. equilibrium chemical conditions, it is not certain that as much as 0.025% of the oxygen can be converted to water 6. CONCLUSIONS when the starting C/O ratio is D2.5. It is possible that the UV radiation from the nebula is responsible for the forma- The planetary nebula NGC 7027 is an interesting object tion of water by causing photoionization of atoms and mol- to study because it produces strong emissions across the ecules and thus driving an active ion chemistry. If this is electromagnetic spectrum ranging from UV to radio. Exten- true, however, the water should be conÐned to the area sive ground-based and space-based observations have around the photodissociation region, as the optical depth of produced a wealth of photometric and spectroscopic mea- the dust shell is large. While detailed models are required to surements that reÑect a rich assembly of physical processes. assess this possibility, given the relatively small extent of the In this paper, we have made a Ðrst attempt to model the photodissociation region in the circumstellar shell of NGC entire nebular spectrum, taking into account most of the 7027 it seems that this would not be able to make enough relevant emission mechanisms, and consistently treated the water to produce a column density sufficient to give a radiative couplings between the various (ionized, molecular, detectable line. Unless both oxygen-rich and carbon-rich and dust) components. We have successfully reproduced the chemistries are going on in the stellar wind at the same time entire spectral energy distribution of the object in the wave- (which would indicate that the dredge-up of carbon from length range of 1000Ó to 1 cm. SpeciÐcally, we have Ðtted the stellar core is strongly inÑuenced by convection in three the recently observed far-infrared lines of CO and water in dimensions), the presence of water at this abundance the 170 km region, and deduced the abundance ratio of implies that there the current chemical models are inade- H O/H as 3.2 ] 10~7. quate. A possible reason is that grain chemistry has not 2This2 exercise has demonstrated the value of multi- been properly accounted for. In order to test these pos- wavelength observations. Our model of NGC 7027 has also sibilities, it would be interesting to see whether water mol- shown that there are intricate interconnections between the ecules are also observed in carbon-rich AGB . di†erent components of the planetary nebula system. This 5.2. How Accurate Is the Derived W ater Abundance? advance was also made possible by the availability of high- speed computing facilities, for such attempts at combined In spite of the complexity of the model, there are rela- continuum/line transfer problems were unthinkable just a tively few free parameters. In order to reproduce the decade ago. We hope that this paper serves only as the observed strength of the high-J CO lines, a relatively warm beginning of more extensive e†orts in the complete solu- and dense shell is needed to excite CO emission. The models tions to the radiation problems in celestial objects, not only suggest that the higher CO lines are entirely collisionally for planetary nebulae, but also for active galactic nuclei and excited. If the line strengths can be measured sufficiently other objects that show a variety of emission processes in accurately, the shell kinetic temperature could be found their spectrum. very exactly. The physical conditions of the shell and the strength of the observed 179.5 km water line then determine the water abundance. This work is supported by the Canadian Space Agency This is, however, not to say that the photoionization and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research model and the dust radiative transfer model have no e†ect Council of Canada. We thank G. Ferland, S. Deguchi, and on the molecular line strengths. In order to illustrate that C. M. Leung for the use of their computer codes. We also the dust continuum radiation Ðeld does have an e†ect on thank Mike Barlow for communication of the ISO results the molecular line strengths, we have carried out a molecu- prior to publication.

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