Liste Finale Des Délégations Final List of Delegations Lista Final De Delegaciones
Supplément au Compte rendu provisoire (11 juin 2014) LISTE FINALE DES DÉLÉGATIONS Conférence internationale du Travail 103e session, Genève Supplement to the Provisional Record (11 June2014) FINAL LIST OF DELEGATIONS International Labour Conference 103nd Session, Geneva Suplemento de Actas Provisionales (11 de junio de 2014) LISTA FINAL DE DELEGACIONES Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo 103.a reunión, Ginebra 2014 Workers' Delegate Afghanistan Afganistán SHABRANG, Mohammad Dauod, Mr, Fisrt Deputy, National Employer Union. Minister attending the Conference AFZALI, Amena, Mrs, Minister of Labour, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled (MoLSAMD). Afrique du Sud South Africa Persons accompanying the Minister Sudáfrica ZAHIDI, Abdul Qayoum, Mr, Director, Administration, MoLSAMD. Minister attending the Conference TARZI, Nanguyalai, Mr, Ambassador, Permanent OLIPHANT, Mildred Nelisiwe, Mrs, Minister of Labour. Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva. Persons accompanying the Minister Government Delegates OLIPHANT, Matthew, Mr, Ministry of Labour. HAMRAH, Hessamuddin, Mr, Deputy Minister, HERBERT, Mkhize, Mr, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry MoLSAMD. of Labour. NIRU, Khair Mohammad, Mr, Director-General, SALUSALU, Pamella, Ms, Private Secretary, Ministry of Manpower and Labour Arrangement, MoLSAMD. Labour. PELA, Mokgadi, Mr, Director Communications, Ministry Advisers and substitute delegates of Labour. OMAR, Azizullah, Mr, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, MINTY, Abdul Samad, Mr, Ambassador, Permanent Geneva. Representative, Permanent Mission,
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