081 07 Aju 38-C.Giannattasio
Actas del Quinto Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción, Burgos, 7-9 junio 2007, eds. M. Arenillas, C. Segura, F. Bueno, S. Huerta, Madrid: I. Juan de Herrera, SEdHC, CICCP, CEHOPU, 2007. Traditional building techniques: the metrological-chronological analysis of XVIth century yellow tuff masonries in Terra di Lavoro (Campania, Italy) Caterina Giannattasio THE STATE OF THE ART and modern Age manufactures in Terra di Lavoro; c) those of the late Middle Age in Amalfi Coast; d) tho- Grounded on the state of the art in the field of tradi- se of the XVIIIth century in Benevento.3 Indeed, in tional building techniques studies, this contribution spite of the efforts made up so far, in Terra di Lavoro aims at showing the results of the inventory and there is no systematic catalogue of the traditional so- analysis of the XVIth century Terra di Lavoro tuff lutions applied during the XVIth century by the local masonries. Structural aspects and executive modali- builders. ties for their setting up are presented. The method adopted has been already applied in several case studies. In details, this kind of approach, THE METHODOLOGY ADOPTED imported by the medieval archaeology, with the stra- tigraphical definition of elevation structures,1 has On the basis of these above mentioned studies, the ap- been tested in the last twenty years in Italy, producing proach used for the chronological definition of the interesting results with reference to limited territorial XVIth century masonries, applied to the homogeneous ambits, concerning modern and contemporary age constructive area of Terra di Lavoro —now corres- constructions.2 It represents a reliable tool for ancient ponding to the Campania plain area, around the Caser- edifices chronological definition, and helping in their ta district— is founded on the analysis of the relevant conservation management especially for the so called literature regarding building materials (geo-morpholo- «minor» architectures, whose cultural meaning is of- gical characteristics literature; history of architecture ten unrecognised.
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