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Actas del Quinto Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción, Burgos, 7-9 junio 2007, eds. M. Arenillas, C. Segura, F. Bueno, S. Huerta, Madrid: I. Juan de Herrera, SEdHC, CICCP, CEHOPU, 2007. Traditional building techniques: the metrological-chronological analysis of XVIth century yellow tuff masonries in Terra di Lavoro (Campania, Italy) Caterina Giannattasio THE STATE OF THE ART and modern Age manufactures in Terra di Lavoro; c) those of the late Middle Age in Amalfi Coast; d) tho- Grounded on the state of the art in the field of tradi- se of the XVIIIth century in Benevento.3 Indeed, in tional building techniques studies, this contribution spite of the efforts made up so far, in Terra di Lavoro aims at showing the results of the inventory and there is no systematic catalogue of the traditional so- analysis of the XVIth century Terra di Lavoro tuff lutions applied during the XVIth century by the local masonries. Structural aspects and executive modali- builders. ties for their setting up are presented. The method adopted has been already applied in several case studies. In details, this kind of approach, THE METHODOLOGY ADOPTED imported by the medieval archaeology, with the stra- tigraphical definition of elevation structures,1 has On the basis of these above mentioned studies, the ap- been tested in the last twenty years in Italy, producing proach used for the chronological definition of the interesting results with reference to limited territorial XVIth century masonries, applied to the homogeneous ambits, concerning modern and contemporary age constructive area of Terra di Lavoro —now corres- constructions.2 It represents a reliable tool for ancient ponding to the Campania plain area, around the Caser- edifices chronological definition, and helping in their ta district— is founded on the analysis of the relevant conservation management especially for the so called literature regarding building materials (geo-morpholo- «minor» architectures, whose cultural meaning is of- gical characteristics literature; history of architecture ten unrecognised. This identification is very impor- essays; local architectural practical treaties) and of ar- tant nowadays, because of the enlargement of «mo- chive sources (masonries masters guilds statutes; no- nument» notion, that includes both instances of tarial acts for the creation of noble or religious edifi- historical-artistical significance, and traditional urban ces, such as private and suppressed monasteries fabric. archives). With specific reference to Campania, in the last de- In details, the study started with the inspection of cade many metrological-chronological studies have the sources held in National archives of all the region, been carried out, pertaining to traditional building never systematically investigated till now, regarding techniques used between the XVth and the XIXth cen- the edifices put up between Middle Ages and Renais- tury (masonries, floors, roofing, window frames, iron sance. From this consultation emerged a copious elements). They deal with: a) post-medieval architec- number of documents referring to the relevant period, tures of Naples historical centre; b) d’Angiò, Aragon so it was necessary to limit the study-area. The choice 402 C. Giannattasio fell back on Terra di Lavoro area, not studied at that two or three courses of rubbles, rough-hewed just in time, selecting some centres, interesting in terms of the external and support faces. The result was an irre- documents, and of the persistence of ancient architec- gular, coarse opus, with horizontal linings generally tures. Among them, Sessa Aurunca is very remarka- distanced 30–60 cm, characterised by thick joints bet- ble,4 characterised by a XVth-XVIth century architec- ween one another, with poor mortar, sometimes sig- tural heritage, with many examples of «minor» ned by not slaked lime nodules. Very often the setting buildings. Hence, the study consisted in the consulta- up of rubble stony elements took place without pa- tion of notarial acts conserved in the State Archive of ying attention to the stagger of vertical joints. Caserta, including sell contracts, marriage contracts, Notwithstanding the above mentioned characteris- etc., in which often there is the description of the pro- tics, this typology was the outcome of an ingenious perties, of the typological scheme, and, rarely, of device, conditioned by economical reasons, i.e. by constructive techniques. the aim of making the most of stones of every size, By this way, it has been possible to date and to in- accurately dressing external angles and using hori- dividuate, in Sessa’s historical centre, the manufactu- zontal elements with stabilizing function, warranting, res mentioned in those acts, and to analyse their tech- this way, structural solidity. nological characteristics, relating them to the age in As a matter of facts, after the D’Angiò and the which they were used. Aragona period, marked by accurate and strict works, A systematic sampling has allowed to identify the in the Southern Italy this kind of practice spread. It peculiarities of XVIth century Terra di Lavoro walls. reproposed the roman opus incertum, and it has been In this sense, the drawing has been very useful, illus- used till the XVIIth century, specifically 1688, when trating metrological and morphological characters of the consequences of a strong earthquake imposed the investigated vertical septa. employment of regular courses. In fact already in In short, the research has gone on with: 1564 the viceroy Perafan de Ribera pressed for aban- doning the use of «cantieri», establishing the stone- – the individuation of architectural elements phi- dresser to respect fixed measure to cut stretchers. Ne- lologically dated; vertheless, the practice has lasted further in time. – the check of documentary information consis- The studies concerning the Parthenopean context tency, through the stratigraphical analysis of demonstrated that in Terra di Lavoro the manufactu- material local context; ring followed the common practice in the region. – the editing of catalogue files, completed with architectural, metrical, materical and photo- graphical surveys. THE CASE STUDIES The metrological classification of elements has been The historical centres investigated for the individua- accompanied by the geo-lithological and metrological tion of significant cases dated to the XVIth century characterisation of stones, the manufacturing, the basic are: Aversa, Falciano di Caserta, Capua, Parete, San components of mortar, the type of masonry faces. By Cipriano, San Marcellino, Teverola, Orta di Atella, this way, chronological series of traditional building San Nicola la Strada, Casapesenna, Nocelleto, Formi- structural and finishing solutions have been defined. cola, Maddaloni, Marcianise, Sessa Aurunca, Teano, Frignano. All the examples regard yellow or grey tuff, local THE MASONRY TECHNIQUE material directly extracted from the subsoil or taken from neighbouring quarries. They show the use of di- Referring to the given chronological range, the stu- versified size stones and of various manufacturing dies carried out some years ago in relation to Napoli process, i.e., as said before, rubble pieces or regular have been extremely useful.5 These demonstrate that ashlars. It is also frequent the employ of lengthened during the XVIth century masonries with the «cantie- elements, called «spaccatoni», that arrive to an exten- re» technique were very diffused, both in tuff or in li- sion of about 50–55 cm and to an height of 35 cm. mestone. This practice consisted in the preparation of They are especially placed in stressed points or bet- Traditional building techniques of the XVIth century 403 Besides, it was noticed that between the first years and the end of the XVIth century, some characteristics changed: specifically, at the beginning there was a certain continuity with the practice diffused in the XVth century, when walls had a more regular compo- sition, that got lost during the years, and appeared back, sometimes, after the edict of 1564. Significant in this sense is the ex bishop’s palace of Falciano di Caserta,6 erected at the end of the XVIth century on pre-existent constructions, and interested by extension works during the XVIIth century. The explanatory masonry samples for the illustra- tion of this variation are four. They belong respecti- vely to the XVth, the XVIth, the end of the XVIth,the beginning of the XVIIth and the half of the XVIIth cen- tury. Even if the difference among them is subtle, it is possible to appreciate, especially in the first case, a more accurate composition, with very thin horizontal and vertical joints, and ashlars of similar size, quite regularly disposed. The situation changed in the fo- llowing century, when masonry was characterised by more unequal elements, as well as by not staggered and thick joints. Finally, in the XVIIth century quite uniform and lengthened pieces were diffused (fig. 2). The irregularity of the XVIth century masonry is demonstrated by other several exemplars, as S. Mar- cellino Doge’s Palace (figs. 3–4). Figure 1 It is realized with rubble stones of different size, S. Nicola la Strada (Caserta, Italy), Lazaretto. This sample, never rough-hewed, that define a «cantiere» of about in yellow tuff, is representative of the so called masonry 50 cm, generally composed by two courses, someti- «cantieri» technique mes three, when they present little elements (10 × 10, 5 × 12, 14 × 10 cm). The prevailing pieces have a squared shape (20 × 20, 27 × 24). Here there are also ween two courses with connection function. Another planking holes, distanced both horizontally and verti- kind of component are the «asche», little pieces co- cally about 1.70 m. For practical reasons, they are al- rresponding to manufacture discarding, applied to fill ways aligned with the superior limit of the «cantie- empty spaces. re», as frequently it has been verified. Interstices are Between two courses one can find tiny squaring filled with plentiful gross mortar, abundant of not materials, together with a double mortar layer, high- slaked lime nodules; very often vertical joints are lighting the passing from one another, i.e.