Mandir Vani and Cultural Center of the Rockies 8375 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Littleton, CO 80128 (Tax ID: 84-1301209) 303-948-9693 email:[email protected]

The mission of the Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of the Rockies (HTCC) is to provide a forum for religious worship and celebrations, and for cultural, religious, and spiritual develop- ment activities based on Hindu / Vedic / Sanatan - traditions. Editorial Board K. C. Upadhyay (Priest) Prabhakara Rao (Editor) Reva Nayar (President)

Maha Ratri Celebration on 19 Feb 2012

Please Donate Generously

Volume 16 No. 1 1 April 2012 Mandir Vani Page 1

President’s Page Dear Devotees:

Please accept Greetings from the Board of Trustees and Blessings from ji and Pandit ji for you and your families .

I am pleased to report to you that, the existing Hindu Temple is progressing well and that we have made major strides towards our Goal of starting the construction of a New Hindu Temple in year 2012. The credit for this goes to you all, who have opened up your hearts and pockets in driving us closer to our dream.

Events: The year started off with Ganesh Pooja on January 01, 2012. About 300 devotees attended. This was followed by Navgraha Pooja on Sunday, January 08, 2012 with about 200-250 devotees participating. Again we feel fortunate and grateful to have a very dedicated Indian community in Denver, who respond promptly and generously to our repeated requests to donate. We have dedicated volunteers and commu- nity who are willing to serve our great temple with a divine blessings. We request and seek your con- tinuous support for festivities and development at the temple. Please support by sponsoring Sunday 's and all major events for the year 2012. We have plans to initiate programs to bring community together, including spiritual, educational and cultural activities.

New Hindu Temple: We have been working hard for groundbreaking event of New Hindu Temple this year of a two-story 15000 -16000 square feet, big enough to seat 350-400 devotees. The estimated project cost is $2.5 Million and our goal is to raise $1.25 Million by April 2012. With that in mind we are pleased to report the following:

We have presently $955,000 in hand and with commitments of $250,000 by April of 2012, we will have $1.2 Million. We now need $45,000 to reach that goal. We are planning on a Fund Raising drive be- tween now and April of $1,000 per family. So if we can have 45 families come forward and donate that amount we would have made our goal. We are confident that we will achieve our goal. The reality and success of New Hindu Temple depends on you. Our spirit to make this project success is on and we will explore every viable and feasible option to make the project successful.

On behalf of Board of trustees, we thank everyone for their dedication and generosity. Acharya ji and Pan- dit ji have worked very hard to support the fund raising effort. May God Bless you all.

Here are some details of how we reached where we are from October, 2011 when we started fund raising drive to present : We have hundreds of dedicated devotes who have donated $1000 -$5000 in 2011.

1. and Eileen Saran donated $100,000 for construction of the New Temple. 2. Received $25,000 from and Raj Mrig with commitment to receive $65,000 more, divided in next 3 Quarters of 2012. With their $10,000 donation in the past, it will make a total of $100,000. This donation will be dedicated to their father late Mr. CR Mrig, for a school in the New Hindu Temple. 3. Received $25,000 from Chaman and Aruna Malhotra with commitment of another $25,000 at ground breaking. With $50,000 already given, this will make their total donation of $100,000. 4. Received $ 25,000 Inder Mathur and commitment of another $25,000 at ground breaking. With $50,000 already given, this will make their total donation of $100,000. This donation is dedicated to his

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late wife Madhu Mathur, for a library in her name. 5. Received from Inder and Reva Nayar $50,000. With their past donations , the amount exceeds well over $100,000. 6 . Received $25,000 from Deepak and Jyoti Malhotra. With commitment to donate another $35,000. With their past donations. this will make their donation of $100,000. 7. An anonymous Donor has committed $25,000 at Ground Breaking. 8. Received $10,000 from Rajesh and Chapla Agarwal. 9. Received $10,000 from Deepak and Rita Bhasin. 10. Bookanakere and Padma Niranjan has donated shares of Stock valued at over $20,000. More accomplishments: 1. We have implemented Quick Book System for our Income and Disbursements (Credits and Debits) and streamlining our Book Keeping. This will greatly help in tracking Finances as we deal with larger numbers. 2. We our updating our Address lists so that we are current in our communication to you all. Please do send us your address, e-mail and phone numbers if we do not have the latest one.

Please experience the joy of giving and it will give you lots of happiness in return.

With grateful appreciation,

Sincerely, Reva Nayar ************************************

Treasurer’s Report (Jan to Dec 2011) - Satish Kumar, Treasurer

Month Income Expense Major Celebrations Jan 13,586.55 14,782.12 New Year Puja Feb 13,278.27 11,255.16 Mar 13,746.09 14,314.29 Apr 7,933.82 14,095.27 Sri May 14,489.77 9,687.66 Jun 15,264.03 15,062.71 Graduation Puja Jul 15,477.67 15,842.68 Aug 17,387.05 13,295.07 Janmastami Sep 15,186.05 15,215.90 Ganesh Chauturthi Oct 18,293.55 13,262.14 Maha Chandi Havan & Nov 13,931.88 15,368.83 Diwali Celebration Dec 14,802.23 15,720.70

Total $173,376.96 $167,902.53

Current Temple Fund $ 40,848.24 New Temple Fund $862,864.73 Total $903,712.97 **********************************************

Volume 16 No. 1 1 April 2012 Mandir Vani Page 3

Recent Celebrations at HTCC - Madhu Mahajan We are excited to inform you that several major holidays were celebrated in the month of January. The New Year celebration started with Ganapati Pooja , once again Ram Vaithianathan and his family sponsored the pooja.

On first Sunday of the year Nava Graha pooja was performed, sponsored by Reva and Inder Nayar. Both events have become a great tradition at the Hindu Temple; a significant number of people attended the events. Sev- eral community members opened their wallets and donated generously. Maha Shiv Ratri was celebrated on February 19th; several poojas of Rudrabhishekam were performed during the day and in the evening. Sudhir Verma and family sponsored Lord Shiv Pooja. Special tribute to Lord Shiva was given by a continuous recital of Rudra Ashtaadhyaay from 10 PM till midnight. Thanks to all the sponsors, participants and volunteers who support the Hindu Temple and make each event successful and memorable. Heartfelt gratitude to HTCC priests who work very hard and serve the com- munity with a blissful smile. Upcoming Events: Sri Rama Navami Celebration (March 31st and April 1st) Preparations for a big celebration of Shri Ram Navami are on its way. Once again, we are working hard to make this event a grand success. We invite you to join in the 16 th annual celebration of Shri Ram Navami on March 31st and April1st. The program will begin on Saturday at 10 AM with the Akhand Paath (continuous recital) of Sri Ram Charit Maanas and conclude on the next day at 11 AM, followed by and Sri Ram birth- day celebrations. For more details, please see the attached flyer.

Please See Attached Ram Navami Flyer for Details

**************************************************************** New Temple Fund Raising Goal and Status - Rajesh Agarwal

We are overwhelmed to share with you that, with God and Goddess grace, the much needed first phase of fund-raising is almost achieved. To refresh you, our two-phase fund-raising plan was to raise $2.5 Million, total anticipated funds needed for the construction of new facility for our Hindu Temple.

The first phase was to raise $1.25 Million by December 31 st , 2011 to start the construction project. It is THIS VERY MILESTONE that is almost achieved. Specifically, we currently have $955,000 cash in new temple construction account and $250,000 in couple of pledges to be donated by sometime in April this year. This leaves us with a short-fall of $45,000 and we are very positive that by the time we see you all at the Hindu Temple to celebrate Ram Navami on March 31 st and April 1 st , 2012, with the grace of the Lord Ram, we would have collected this balance from you the devotees and supporters in the com- munity.

Having achieved that first phase, our next and immediate goal is to raise the remainder $1.25 Million as the second phase of the fund-raising which would achieve our goal of completion of the project possibly by end of 2013.

At this point, we will be looking for the devotees and supports who want to sponsor several aspects of the second-phase of the construction. Some examples are: different items to finish prayer hall, deities sponsorship, landscaping, mechanical work, other essential facilities, etc.; to name few. MORE DETAILS TO COME SOON YOUR WAY.

Volume 15 No.1 1 April 2012 Mandir Vani Page 4

HINDU TEMPLE AND CULTURAL CENTER OF THE ROCKIES 8375 S. WADSWORTH BLVD. LITTLETON, CO 80128, TEL: (303) 948 - 9693 2012 Festivals Celebration Calendar (April to September)

Festival Date Day Time

April Shri Ram Navami 01 Sunday Akhand Ram Charit Manasa Paath begins Saturday 31 March at 11 am and ends Sunday 1 April at 11 am Poornima/Satyanarayana Pooja 06 Friday 6:45 pm Shri Jayanthi 06 Friday Akshaya Triteeya 24 Tuesday Aadi Shankaracharya Jayanthi 28 Saturday

May Nrisimha Jayanthi 04 Friday Poornima/Satyanarayana Pooja 05 Saturday 6:45 pm Dashami 31 Thursday

June Nirjala 01 Friday Graduation Pooja 03 Sunday 11 am Poornima/Satyanarayana Katha 04 Monday Devashayini Ekadashi 30 Saturday

July Poornima/Satyanarayana Katha 03 Tuesday 6:45 pm Month begins 04 Wednesday Naaga Panchami 08 Sunday Vara-Lakshmi Vrat 27 Friday

August Upaa-/Rakshaa Bandhan 01 Wednesday Poornima/Satyanarayana Katha 01 Wednesday 6:45 pm Shri 09 Thursday Starting at 6:00 pm Poornima/(Satyanarayana Katha) 31 Friday 6:45 pm

September Taalika Vrat 18 Tuesday Celebration 19 Wednesday 7:00 pm Poornima/(Satyanarayana Katha) 29 Saturday 6:45 pm Pitri Paksh (Shraddha) Begins 30 Sunday

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Sri Ram Navami

Saturday, March 31 to Sunday, April 1, 2012 Program Saturday, Ram Poojaa 10:00 AM March 31 Akhand Paath of Ram Charit Maanas begins 11:00 AM Sunday, Akhand Paath of Ram Charit Maanas ends 11:00 AM April 1 Bhajanas, Pravachan etc. 11:00 – Noon Sri Ram Birthday Celebrations 12:00 - 12:15 Reading 12:15 - Announcements, Update on New Temple Project 12:45 - 12:50 Arati and Prasad 12:50 – 1:30

If you are interested in participating in Akhand Ramayan Paath, please call Manohar Arora at 303-568-0746 (H) or 720-877-1047 (Cell).

For further details, please call Acharya ji or Pandit ji at (303) 948-9693.

Direction: From C-470 & Wadsworth Blvd. – north on Wadsworth Blvd., west on Chatfield Ave (first light), make a U turn on Yukan Street, right on Wadsworth court (second street), first left to the Temple Parking area.

Volume 15 No.1 1 April 2012 Mandir Vani Page 6

KARMA—karmic cycle Mita Mukherjee

KARMA-in Sanskrit means action. Many a times people will say so and so is going through such bad times, must be due to his previous “karma-phalla”, or actions in his previous life.

The law of karma, is actually the law of causation. It almost sounds like Newton’s law of Physics, ‘Every action has its equal and opposite reaction”, except in this case it is quite simple, every “bad” ac- tion has “bad” consequences, and "good" action has “good” consequences.

The law of karma is a moral law that in its individual and collective aspect guides the destinies of indi- viduals and societies. According to our , we have each earned our experiences, there are no accidents in life, our birth, our environment we grow up in, what kind of individual we grow up to be is guided by our past karma. As per this law, we are architects of our own fate.

So how are merit/sin or papa and interconnected? Usually when we perform an action we think about it, after performing the action if our conscience or buddhi, continually condemns us, we know deep down that it was a sinful act. However when we perform a righteous act, immediately joy is in- voked in us and we know it is a good karma. Good karma or punya brings us happiness, we want to stay happy. Most of us have ideals and goals, but due to our weaknesses, we sometimes compromise and that results in bad karma. When our actions, be it sinful or meritorious, are repeated over and over again, they become habits or vasanas; Eventually we keep repeating the same cycle through numerous births and deaths. It is like driving on the highway, missing the proper exit, turning around, driving off and missing the exit again.

In order to be able to take the right exit, we need to become aware of our actions and be vigilant, be- cause our future depends on how we live right now, our thoughts and actions at the present time!

Our mind is like the battlefield of Kurukshetra, a constant conflict between right action and wrong ac- tion. By living the dharmik life, we can be content, anything contrary we pay for in agitation and sorrow.

However, in this modern world we know it is not so simple, but if we believe in our ancient texts, the passport to heaven is through righteous living, loving, caring, and helping people in need, doing our du- ties and thus we accumulate “good Karma” and at some point we exhaust our vasanas, thus get ready for the divine. My visit to God Verma

A few years ago I went to India to see my family, little did I know this was about to be the most memo- rable experience of my life. My parents and I were planning to take a mini-visit to Bangkok, Thailand. But as they say destiny had its own plans. Instead at the last minute we decided to go to the dreaded Kashmir. My parents were not worried in the slightest sense. But, I had a slight fear from hearing all the news reports of violence and terrorist activities. We were in for the adventure of a lifetime.

I went on a pilgrimage to Amarnath ji shrine, a five thousand year old shrine where legend claims that Shiva told his consort the secret to divine life and eternity. It was a very dangerous mountainous terrain to get there. In fact, most of the year the temple is closed as it is covered in snow except during the summer months of May to August. During this very auspicious time of the year thousands of

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Hindu’s make their way to get a glimpse of this natural beauty. First, we took a helicopter ride up to ten—thousand feet. until we reached the plateau. Then we rode horses that took us up to the temple. The width between the horse, the assistant (horse walker) , and the edge of the pathway was slim to none, if any of us just made one misstep that would mean a ten thousand foot drop to a very, very dark obis. We would reach god a lot quicker than expected, if you know what I mean. But, this was nothing in comparison to what I was about to see next!

When I looked left I was astonished to see that many Hindu saints, who came on foot, had their bodies pressed up flat against the mountain as they shuffled their feet up the pathway towards the temple. That gave me an immense amount of courage to reach my goal. There were thousands of lined in a massive cave to give homage to Lord Shiva and Ma Parvati all walking up three hundred scorching hot cement steps. By the time we got there only a small portion of the Shivling (ice sculpture) was left since we reached there on the 31 st of July. There I laid my eyes on one of the most beautiful pieces of natural art work I have ever seen.

As I stepped on the temple grounds I felt rush of tranquility come upon me. Then I saw Lord Shiva’s shrine that makes all else’s look fickle. This shrine is built from each and every tiny water droplet that falls from the hundred and thirty foot high cave as the snow melts away. There is a pigeon nest that sits in the top corner of the cave along with two shrines sitting on the other side. I remember my mother tell- ing me a very interesting story about the pigeons as well. Legend has it that Lord Shiva had his eyes closed the whole time while he was reciting the story of divinity to Ma Parvati. Once he was finally done he opened his eyes and found the Ma Parvati fell asleep half way through. But as he titled his head up and found that two pigeons were listening attentively the entire time. So it is said that the birds live in that cave all year long and will until the end of time and know all the secrets to life itself!

Looking back I would not have missed this opportunity for anything as this was my first holy pilgrim- age. I have reflected on many snippets that are breathtaking. The majestic snow filled Kashmir Moun- tains, the never ending drop, the hundreds of steps, and the shrine itself inside the huge cave. Marvels that cannot be explained until experienced. I was in the midst of nature with many wild animals walking and crawling on the hills around me, such as mountain goats, foxes, wolves, mountain leopards and many more climbing up and down the side of the cliffs while I was riding up on the horse. As if this was not enough another special treat was the coins as prasad the priests were handing out to the pilgrims. Yeah, I would say nothing and I mean nothing could even come close to touching my trip to Amarnath ji, Kashmir, the holiest place on Earth.

Manu Raval’s lecture Series in Hindu Temple

Manu Raval, a life-long student of the Sanskrit language, yogic traditions, and comparative religion, lit- erature and philosophy, is giving a series of lectures at the Hindu temple twice a month, on the second and fourth Sunday of each month, beginning on Sunday March 10, 2012 at 10:00 am.

The general structure of the lectures will be as follows:

From 2000 BCE until regional languages largely replaced the everyday use of Sanskrit in the sixteenth century, India produced the most systematic and profound scriptural and literary writings the world has known. In this series of lectures, we shall broadly review the deepest themes and implications of the Ve- das, , , , Darshanas, , and related literature.

Volume 15 No.1 1 April 2012 Mandir Vani Page 8

Suggested Donations for Temple Services

The HTCC Board of Trustees adopted a standard policy regarding performance of various reli- gious and cultural ceremonies by either of the priests at the request of the Yajmans (sponsors). It is requested that the sponsors (Yajmans) donate the amount indicated below, or more, for spe- cific ceremonies. Please pay the amount by a check made to Hindu Temple and give it to the priest who performed the ceremony. If you choose to pay cash, ask and get a proper receipt. The priest will give the money and copy of the receipt to our Treasurer. The amounts suggested are for Denver and surrounding suburbs. Additional charges may apply for Boulder, Fort Collins, Colorado Springs, and areas beyond 50 miles radius from the Hindu temple.

Ceremony Performed At Temple Off Site** :: PUJAS Archana (108 names) of any one deity $21 Archana of any 5 Deities $51 Arathi of any one deity $21 Arathi of any 5 deities $101 Sankata Haran Chaturthi $31 Pradosh - Shiva Abhishekam $101 Sunday Puja with Yajman providing Prasad $108 Sunday Puja Prasad arranged by the Temple (additional charge) $300 Puja of any deity, Narayana Katha, Havan $161 $211 Chandeepath ( Saptshatee) during , one day $201 $251 Birthday Puja $161 $211 Punyahvachan $161 $211

:: SAMSKARAS Namakaran or Annaprashan (Naming baby/First Solid Food) $161 $211 Vidyaarambh (Schooling initiation) $101 $211 Choodakaran (Mundan) $161 $211 Yagyopaveet (Janaeu) - Thread Ceremony $261 $311 Vivah (Wedding) $401 $501 Seemantham $201 $251 Last Rite (performed at cremation) $211 Shraadh and Pinda Dan (at home) $211

:: OTHER CEREMONIES Bhoomi Puja/Shilanyasa (for new building) $251 Grahapravesh/Vastu Puja (House warming) $251 Vaahan Aashirvaadam (blessing New Car) $31

** Please note that part of this money goes to Temple and part to Priests. Yajaman may pro- vide additional Dhakshina to priest, but not required. Priests are instructed not to request any additional Dhakshina for services. You can sent an e-mail about your satisfaction of the ser- vices or any suggestion for improvement to Reva Nayar at [email protected].

Volume 16 No. 1 1 April 2012 Mandir Vani Page 9

Hindu Temple and Cultural Non Profit Organization Center of the Rockies US Postage Paid Permit No 237 8375 S. Wadsworth Blvd. Littleton, CO Littleton, CO 80128 303-948-9693

Address Correction Requested

Donation Appeal Please continue to show your support by making generous donations at the Temple or by mail (cut and enclose the coupon printed below) to : 8375 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Littleton, CO 80128. The contributions are tax deductible. The Tax ID Number for the Hindu Temple and Cultural Center is 84 -1301209 —————————————————————————————————————

Enclosed is a check for $ ______, my/our contribution for the New Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of the Rockies.

Name: ______, Spouse Name: ______

Address: ______

City, State, Zip: ______

Volume 15 No.1 1 April 2012 Mandir Vani Page 10