Placer Gold Deposits in New Mexico Are Introduction Located in Fig
Placergold deposits in New Mexico byViginiaT. McLemore, New Mexico Bureau ot Minesand Mineral Resources, Socorro, New Mexico 87801 Abstract posits (Boyle, 1979,1987): eluvial, alluvial, and aeolian. Eluvial deposits occur in Thirty-six mining districts in New weathered detritus at or near the outcrop Mexico contain placer gold deposits. of gold-bearing lode deposits. Alluvial de- Production from thesedeposits began as posits occur in the sands and gravels of first gold early as 1828,resulting in the deltas. Al- produced from placer deposits through- westem States;how- streams, rivers, beaches,and rush in the United from 1828 to 1991 (up- ever, minor production by Pueblo In- luvial deposits are further subdivided into out New Meico dians and Spaniards probably occurred classesby Wells and Wootton (1932):hill- dated fromJohnson,1972). This production 200 or more years earlier. Most placer side (valley slopes not in discrete chan- is insignificant compared to larger placers deposits were discovered by 1900,and nels), gulch or creek, bench or terrace, found in Alaska, California, New Zea- almost all placer production occurred river-bar, gravel-plain, and buried plac- land, and South America that contain mil- before 1902.It is estimated that 662,000 ers. The aeolian deposits accumulate in lions of ouncesof gold. Only four districts oz of gold were produced from New windblown sand deposits and are rela- here have yielded more than 100,000oz Mexico placer deposits between 1828and tively minor and unimportant. Most of of placer gold production: Elizabethtown- 191. The deposits typically are found the gold deposits in New Mexico are al- Baldv, Hillsboro, Old Placers, and New in late Tertiary to Recentalluvial or elu- only one district is vial deposits; alluvial fan deposits, bench luvial deposits, but some eluvial deposits Placers.
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