Looking Fter Our Own Fishing Guides with Tourists Harrington, Lagace

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Looking Fter Our Own Fishing Guides with Tourists Harrington, Lagace , • 9, _ . .~?L H .- ......... p .......... i .................................... ,~..z~..~. :M:;:;;;;~:~,;~.;;#;~::;~,:~:::~.:::~::;:;;~::~.:::>. ~...~....~ ...................... ~ ........ ~..~;.....~. :::::::+..~ ...........:~ ~ ~,::: ,.......#.~ ~.:::~::lm F:'~w ]i"'me'nt ~'~L'i]d:~nc~ . !i~ ~-• ::.:. j.~..,~.=.:,:a.~..~.~.,,:.:..:~ .,.~.:::..>j,~..., ::.. ::....~. ~! ~::~,~ .................. :~i~: ~ :~:,:J : ::':.~'~.:.:.:.:.:~.~:.~.:.:,: ..::: "::~.~<:::' .:: :'~:!~ AN E Vic'Eor'i~.~ [:3..C. :_ ~:Y': ~:~':~:~ :: ~ : ~"~' " " # "i~' .......;......~:.:.:... .. ..~..~ ..l:~..?~: ~.... .:~::~..:..,..> ,::::..:.. ::::.~::~:.:::~m:.~,.:::~:.~.~:.>~41 ;:..'..',. ¢., ...... p .. ~...::.. •:~ . ~... f:' :~.':~.': ':':':'::' ':':#:::' :~ :': :~::.,.~:: ~. :::~.'.: :,:: " '~;:"i~"~"' '~"'&' "' "" + ~':~' ~'¢" q:" '~ ':" !ia • • -- Nco T+N _ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '4E:Y',) :L ,~ ,t O T ......',,:::..','.'.,.'.'. , :.',.','::.'.' :.,'.~:::','.:::,;: ':.' ::.:::,~,.,::,:.:',...~. ,....:..~:::::.:.:.:,:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ... ::. :::~: ~,':.z,::;:: >..~::: ~: ~ ".'. .... • ~:: ....... ~. :,'." 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Phone 635-7840 Fax 635-7269 i Fishing guides •losing ground #~ ~¢ .... with tourists TERRACE- Professional sport they won't hesitate to go to other fishing guides who work the areas of the world-- New Zealand Skeena River system have found or Brazil, for example -- mtl~r themselves in a dismal and ironic than pay $5,000 each to "get situation. Four years ago the first skunked" on the Skeena system. large group of Japanese fishermen He said lie's considering getting arrived with fanfare in Terrace. out of the business, and he pro- That group caught 50 steelhead in bably isn't alone. "All the guides i ~ three days, spent a considerable are going to have a tough go of ::: ~ : ::?~::~: :: ~ amount of money in local retail it," he remarked. establishments, and seemed to Zavaglia said he doesn't know promise a new element in the what has happened to the prized region's economic picture. game fish, noting that the commer- Last week fishing guide Cosmo cial fleet takes some, the native in- Zavaglia took a similar but smaller river fishery has become more group out fishing in the Copper intense, and the life of the River area. The five Japanese stoelhcad in the open ocean is a fishermen spent five days on the mystery. fiver and caught a grand total of ~.. two steelhead amongall of them. Bob Hooton, fisheries director for Zavaglia said theywere repeat the Ministry of Environment customers who have had thai/~ Skeena regional office, doesn't second successive year of poor know either. He does know, how- fishing on the Skeer~ and he ever, that guides in the upper doesn't expect them to come back. skoena and Bulkley arc doing "The fact is, we don't have "the poorly. "The guides need about fish to provide," he said. Although one fish per day per customer," he the Japanese have a preferen~ for said. "They're getting about a third steelhead fishing, Zavaglia believes of that." Harrington, Lagace honoured by youth Veteran Terrace radio personality Len Harrington received an award of recognition this week from the B.C.-Youth Advbory council for his special contributions in the service of young I~ople. Harrington, the sports~ster for r~lio C .F'I~ was one of eight people in B.C. to set the award. A statement Imu~! by the B.C. Looking fter our own Youth Advisory Council said Lea received the recoanition became ".We ~t to build you a new porch and paint paint donated by Jack Cook of Terrace Interiors. he "has for years made many donations to the needy, to school your ho~e." I want to pay, said juanlta Hatton. Juanita has played Santa Clam aud "Mom" to librarks, and has provided paid trips for needy children". "No way," said her caller. And so cameabout hundreds of young and old in our community Harrlngton is well known throughout the community for his that one of our greatest community activists has over the years and this recent repayment for her efforts in media coverage of school sports and the activities of youth a home with a new look. Above, Tenace many contributions isn't a flint. Last year, sports orpnizations. 'i Centennial Lions Ray T~mblay (on the ladder) •Lawrence Stalls was passing by Jumnlta's house Roland Laaace, an instructor and organizer with the Terrace and Tom McC.olgan work as Juanita looks on, and It was obvious the chimney was In a state of Chitwl~yu Fmmte Club, also received an award of reco~ltion. The Having Just completed the porch, they're putting disrepair. He built her a new chimney.., free of award announcement noted that Lapce volunteers over 600 hours the flnlshin8 touches to the exterior wallswith charge. a year "to develop self-dbclpline, respect, sportsmanship and ~1 citizenship in youn8 people s. I I I I I ! i . A2 Terrace Review-- Wednesday,October-&~:i:990 ......... :...... ;,{ • ~"i*.~, .. ', ' , ::,. , ",, , , , -.... i ' :'" ,r~/~ ;, .....I see it... • , !i I by Stephanle Wlebe i::. " There oughta be a bylaw- Last week, I heard it on the measure. Perhaps offenders could radio. Yesterday I saw more be shut in a dark, cold closet and evidence in the store. Yes, it's forced to listen to Bing Crosby's beginning already. Only three "White Christmas" over and over months until it's Christmas again. again, on August 1st of the year Just think, it's actually less than following their offense. And .~ three short months, that's twelve remembering that we have a new quick weeks, or merely 715 by-law enforcement officer, I shopping hours. I'm not sure wondered what the procedure what that amounts to in "dog" would be to enact a new by-law - years, but apparently it's not far an Anti,Early Christmas by-law. I away, because the Christmas tree had a vision of an officer
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