
and Control

Local calculations: avoiding trouble with pediatric patients

Mana Saraghi, DMD n Paul A. Moore, DMD, PhD, MPH n Elliot V. Hersh, DMD, MS, PhD

Local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) is a rare but avoidable will also be reviewed, as well as the appropriate treatment procedures consequence of overdose. This article will review for a local anesthetic overdose. the mechanism of action of local anesthetic toxicity and the signs Received: July 17, 2013 and symptoms of LAST. Due to physiologic and anatomic differences Revised: October 30, 2013 between children and adults, LAST occurs more frequently in Accepted: February 10, 2014 children; particularly when 3% is administered. The calculation of the maximum recommended dose based on mg/lb body Key words: local anesthetic toxicity, systemic toxicity, maximum weight, Clark’s rule, and the Rule of 25 in order to prevent LAST recommended dose, Clark’s rule, , mepivacaine

pproximately 1 million cartridges shorter duration of soft tissue anesthesia are blocked to such a profound of local anesthetic are used each and prevent postoperative self-inflicted level that CNS and respiratory depression, Aday in the United States.1 Local lip and cheek trauma.10,11 unconsciousness, and anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) is can occur. At even higher plasma concen- dose-related and although rare, occurs : mechanism trations, systemic results in more frequently in small children than of action and toxicity significant and cardiovascular adults. LAST occurs more frequently Local are essential for intra- depression. Local anesthetics also block when the patient is administered con- operative dental analgesia; they work by channels in the myocardium, comitant central (CNS) blocking sodium channels in neurons resulting in bradycardia. Bradycardia is a , such as / so that pain signals from the periphery major cause of concern when .2-9 cannot be transmitted to the CNS. LAST is used, as it can induce a use-dependent The following case serves as a reminder is mediated by the same mechanism when blockade at normal rates.12,13 Because to proceed cautiously when administering the maximum recommended dose (MRD) of its extended duration of action, bupiva- routine local anesthetic, always keeping is exceeded. This dose-related toxicity caine is rarely indicated for children. The weight-based dosing in mind. A 50-lb, is especially important as the sodium sequelae of depressed cardiac conduction 8-year-old girl with a history of extensive channels in the cardiovascular system are include atrioventricular block, ventricular caries and dental fear—but otherwise blocked along with those in the CNS.12,13 , , and ultimately, no medical problems, diseases, or aller- Regardless of which local anesthetic death. A local anesthetic overdose can gies—presented for multiple extractions. is administered, the same progression of result in significant morbidity and mor- For the initial , the patient effects on the CNS and cardiovascular tality unless life support interventions received oral , as well as system occur with increasing plasma levels can be initiated following standard basic -oxygen inhalational seda- of local anesthetic.12,13 Symptoms of early and advanced cardiac life support guide- tion. A half hour later, the sedation was toxicity consist of numbness and tingling lines.12,13 Concomitant opioid sedative supplemented with an intramuscular dose of the mouth and lips, metallic taste, administration will augment respiratory of meperidine. After another half hour diplopia, , nausea, dizziness, and depression and decrease the thresh- had elapsed, the child received injections drowsiness.12,13 These reactions are usually old of local anesthetics.3,5,6,12-15 of 6 cartridges of 3% mepivacaine plain self-limiting and often are due to a mild (without a vasoconstrictor). and overdose or an inadvertent intravascular LAST: a greater tendency in respiratory distress followed 5 minutes . As the plasma concentrations pediatric patients later. Resuscitation efforts followed, but of local anesthetic increase, the inhibitory There are some important physiological were unsuccessful, and the patient died of neurons in the CNS are blocked, leaving differences between children and adults anoxic encephalopathy.5 excitatory neurons unopposed. Clinically, that play a role in the greater tendency The most common cause of morbidity this manifests as tremors and tonic-clonic for LAST to be reported in the pediatric and mortality due to LAST is respira- (also known as grand mal) seizures. CNS population. Seated in the dental chair, a tory depression or apnea.10 LAST occurs arousal may stimulate the cardiovascular child may appear deceptively large. The more frequently in children when 3% system, possibly resulting in hyperten- reason that the child appears to be larger mepivacaine is administered, with the sion, tachycardia, and increased cardiac is that in the dental chair—with a bib, false presumption that a local anesthetic output.12,13 At higher plasma levels of local napkin, or blanket—only the child’s dis- without a vasoconstrictor will have a anesthetic, both excitatory and inhibitory proportionately large head is visible.4 This

48 January/February 2015 General www.agd.org 6’ 6’ 3’ than a local anesthetic with a vasoconstric- 1.00 Head size 0.75 tor, such as 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine.11,12 Mepivacaine does offer 5’ shorter pulpal anesthesia (20-40 minutes) as compared to lidocaine with epinephrine (60-90 minutes), but soft tissue anesthe- 4’ sia is similar between the 2 anesthetics: 120-180 minutes and 120-240 minutes for mepivacaine plain and lidocaine with 11 3’ epinephrine, respectively. Hersh et al Height found that “the onset of soft tissue numb- ness, peak numbness effects, and numb- 2’ ness duration were quite similar” when comparing 3% mepivacaine plain and 2% lidocaine with epinephrine.11 1’ Using 3% mepivacaine plain instead of 2% lidocaine with epinephrine does not provide any benefit with respect to the prevention of postoperative lip/mouth trauma, but the higher concentration of Figure. Diagram comparing the relative proportions in height vs head size between a 3.5-year-old child local anesthetic in the 3% mepivacaine and an adult. solution makes it easier to reach or exceed the MRD.3,4,11,16,17 A brief review of local anesthetic calculations illustrates this point: a 2% formulation of a means Table 1. Local anesthetic calculation: amount of local anesthetic in cartridges. that there is 2 grams of drug in 100 ml volume. If 2 grams are in 100 ml, then 2% anesthetic = 2 grams/100 ml in volume = 2000 mg/100 ml = 20 mg/ml 2000 mg are in 100 ml, which means 3% anesthetic = 3 grams/100 ml in volume = 3000 mg/100 ml = 30 mg/ml that 20 mg are in each ml. Since a dental 1 cartridge of local anesthetic is 1.8 ml in volume (exception: 4% has 1.7 ml) cartridge contains approximately 1.8 ml volume, then there are 36 mg drug per Therefore… cartridge (Table 1). Similarly, when a drug 2% cartridge: 20 mg/ml x 1.8 ml/cartridge = 36 mg/cartridge is in a 3% formulation, there are 30 mg 3% cartridge: 30 mg/ml x 1.8 ml/cartridge = 54 mg/cartridge per ml, thus there are 54 mg per 1.8 ml dental cartridge. Therefore, a cartridge of 3% mepivacaine contains 50% more local anesthetic than a cartridge of 2% makes it more critical to determine the tongues, tonsils, and adenoids than adults. lidocaine; thus it would take less volume maximum dose and number of cartridges These anatomic differences—coupled with (or fewer cartridges) of the more concen- based on the child’s actual weight. the heightened susceptibility to CNS and trated drug (3% mepivacaine) to reach its The following example of a 3.5-year-old respiratory depressants—render children respective MRD.11 child illustrates the point that children more vulnerable to losing airway patency.4 often appear deceptively large and how Preventing local anesthetic this may prompt the to overes- Local anesthetic selection: toxicity: calculating appropriate timate the child’s size based solely on misconceptions about prolonged weight-based dose appearances.4 Because the head develops soft tissue numbness Respecting weight-based dosing limits quickly during early childhood, children When treating children, it is important is essential, as previous cases of LAST have disproportionately large heads; at the to inform parents or caregivers that close have resulted in significant morbidity age of 3.5, a child’s head is nearly 75% postoperative supervision is needed to and mortality when dosing limits were of the size of his/her adult counterpart.4,5 prevent the child from biting their lips, exceeded.3,4,12,16,17 In a 1983 retrospec- However, the same child has only 50% cheeks, and tongue. While the soft tissues tive study, pediatric dental patients that of the height, 25% of the volume, are still numb, significant trauma from received local anesthesia and opioid and 20% of the weight compared to lip and cheek biting can occur. There sedation—either local alone or local plus his/her adult counterpart (Figure).4 The is a misconception that using a local narcotic dose—exceeded their combined child’s airway is also different, with nar- anesthetic without a vasoconstrictor, such MRDs by a factor of ≥3; the result was rower nasal passages, larynx, and trachea. as mepivacaine 3% plain, will provide a either permanent brain damage or death.6 Meanwhile, children have relatively larger shorter duration of soft tissue anesthesia In a 1992 survey of local anesthetic use

www.agd.org General Dentistry January/February 2015 49 Anesthesia and Pain Control Local anesthetic calculations: avoiding trouble with pediatric patients

Table 3. Local anesthetic calculation for a 50 lb child based on Clark’s rule.

1. Calculate the MRD from each drug for a 50 lb child. Patient’s weight/150 lb adult x adult MRD = patient’s MRD Table 2. Local anesthetic calculations for a 50 lb child based on mg/lb. Adult MRD: 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine: 500 mg 1. Calculate the MRD for each drug for a 50 lb child. 3% mepivacaine plain: 400 mg 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine = 3.2 mg/lb x 50 lb = 160 mg Lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine: 50/150 x 500 mg = 166 mg 3% mepivacaine plain = 2.6 mg/lb x 50 lb = 130 mg Mepivacaine plain: 50/150 x 400 mg = 133 mg 2. Determine the maximum number of cartridges based on the MRD. 2. Determine the maximum number of cartridges based on the MRD. 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine: 160 mg ÷ 36 mg/cartridge = 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine: 166 mg ÷ 36 mg/cartridge = 4.4a cartridges 4.62a cartridges 3% mepivacaine plain: 130 mg ÷ 54 mg/cartridge = 2.4b cartridges 3% mepivacaine plain: 133 mg ÷ 54 mg/cartridge = 2.46b cartridges

aIn clinical terms, 4.5 cartridges. aIn clinical terms, 4.5 cartridges. bIn clinical terms, 2.5 cartridges. bIn clinical terms, 2.5 cartridges. Abbreviation: MRD, maximum recommended dose. Abbreviation: MRD, maximum recommended dose.

among Florida who routinely treated pediatric patients, a majority of Table 4. Local anesthetic calculation for a 50 lb child based on the Rule of 25. the respondents used an absolute number of cartridges without accounting for the 1 cartridge/25 lb weight 2 child’s age or weight. A clinician can 1 cartridge/25 lb weight x 50 lb child = 2 cartridges of any local anesthetic or combination prevent a local anesthetic overdose by of local anesthetics for a 50 lb patient. calculating the MRD and the maximum number of cartridges by weight to appro- priately administer local anesthetic in chil- dren; this dose per weight is contingent on Clark’s rule is another weight-based administered, the patient cannot receive calculations of a weight that is consistent method for calculating the MRD.12 any other local anesthetics, including topi- with normal growth and development and According to Clark’s rule, the dose of local cal applications.22 normal lean body mass.18 anesthetic should be reduced by the ratio Moore & Hersh describe a simplified Based on these calculations, the MRD of of the child’s weight to an adult weight alternative for calculating safe maximum 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine is of 150 lb.5 Thus, if a child weighs 50 lb, doses using a conservative guideline.12 3.2 mg/lb; for a patient ≥150 lbs, the adult then he/she is 33% of the established adult Described as the Rule of 25, this alterna- MRD is 500 mg. The MRD of 3% mepi- weight. Therefore, the child’s MRD for any tive calculation can be applied to all US vacaine plain is 2.6 mg/lb; for a patient local would be 33% of the 150 lb adult dental local anesthetic formulations for >150 lbs, the adult MRD is 400 mg.18,19 MRD for a given local anesthetic. As stated healthy patients. The Rule of 25 states Table 2 illustrates the calculation needed to before, the MRD for 2% lidocaine with that 1 cartridge of any formulation mar- derive the absolute maximum number of epinephrine for a 150 lb adult is 500 mg, keted in the US may be used per 25 lb of cartridges of 2% lidocaine with epineph- and the MRD for 3% mepivacaine plain is weight. Therefore, 1 cartridge for a 25 lb rine and 3% mepivacaine plain that can 400 mg. Therefore, the MRD for a 50 lb patient, 2 cartridges for a 50 lb patient, be given to a child weighing 50 lb. This patient is 33% of the adult MRD, which 3 cartridges for a 75 lb patient, up to a number is approximately 33% of the adult calculates as 166 mg of 2% lidocaine with maximum of 6 cartridges for patients maximum number of cartridges. A vaso- epinephrine (approximately 4.5 cartridges) ≥150 lbs (Table 4).12 The end result of the constrictor (such as epinephrine) reduces or 133 mg of 3% mepivacaine plain Rule of 25 is a lower number of cartridges the systemic absorption of a local anes- (approximately 2.5 cartridges.) (Table 3).12 administered to the child in comparison to thetic, and several pharmacokinetic studies It is important to note that the effects other weight-based calculations (Table 5). have demonstrated that the average peak of all local anesthetics, including toxic- Since the vast majority of local anesthetic blood levels following maxillary infiltration ity, are mediated at the sodium channel morbidity and mortality reports involve injections were 3 times higher with 3% in a dose-dependent fashion. The effects children ≤8 years of age, the Rule of 25 mepivacaine plain in comparison to 2% of various local anesthetics are additive. may be more appropriate in this popula- lidocaine with epinephrine.12,20,21 Once the MRD for 1 local anesthetic is tion than in calculations used for adults.12

50 January/February 2015 General Dentistry www.agd.org Table 5. Summary of dosing calculations in a 50 lb child.

Adult MRD Weight-based calculations Clark’s rule Rule of 25 MRD 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine 500 mg 160 mg 166 mg N/A Maximum cartridges with 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine 13.5 4.5 4.5 2.0 MRD 3% mepivacaine plain 400 mg 130 mg 133 mg N/A Maximum cartridges with 3% mepivacaine plain 7.5 2.5 2.5 2.0

Abbreviation: MRD, maximum recommended dose.

When treating small children, it is advis- or absence of lip numbness.2,24 A pos- patient has no pulse, apply chest compres- able to determine the maximum number sible alternative to mandibular blocks for sions so that oxygenated blood can reach of local anesthetic cartridges needed for procedures in young children is to utilize the brain and heart.4 that appointment. Keep only this amount a buccal mandibular infiltration tech- Basic life support skills are essential until of cartridges on the tray, and do not dis- nique with 4% articaine plus 1:100,000 the patient can be transferred to a hospital.4 card any used cartridges until the appoint- epinephrine, which appears to produce Someone on the dental team should call for ment is over. This will precisely track the a high success rate of mandibular pulpal medical assistance; another should manage number of cartridges administered. anesthesia.25,26 If the injections fail and seizures and respiratory depression.5 The Aspiration and slow injection will allow the predetermined maximum amount of patient should be positioned on the left for recognition of inadvertent intravascular local anesthetic has been administered, it lateral side to facilitate suction, which injection before the entire cartridge is is recommended to not attempt to supple- should be applied to the pharynx to remove injected into a vessel.22 Profound anesthesia ment with more local anesthetic.2,22 The any saliva and foreign bodies, such as dis- can often be achieved in children with less best approach would be to reschedule the lodged stainless steel crowns, rubber dam than a full cartridge of anesthetic. Injecting treatment appointment. clamps, or pieces of gauze. An oxygen tank slowly—approximately 30-60 seconds per should be available to provide supplemental cartridge—will minimize discomfort and Local anesthetic systemic toxicity: oxygen either by nasal cannula or nasal allow retention of the local anesthetic at the warning signs and management hood for a patient who is able to breathe, target site rather than being flushed farther When providing emergency care, a dentist or by a bag-valve-mask if there is significant away.22 Rather than giving the entire prede- needs to immediately recognize signs and respiratory depression. According to Moore, termined amount of local anesthetic at the symptoms of LAST (such as tremors or “positive pressure oxygen ventilation is beginning of a procedure, it is preferable to convulsions). The dental procedure should the most important element in managing reserve 25% of the predetermined amount be stopped as soon as any neurological, local anesthetic overdose.”5 Although rarely of local anesthetic in case an injection fails respiratory, or cardiovascular signs or required, advanced management of seizures or if supplemental anesthesia is needed symptoms of local anesthetic overdose may include the intravenous administration later.5 With a reported 15%-20% failure become apparent.5 The dentist should of a benzodiazepine such as diazepam or rate for inferior alveolar nerve blocks, it is monitor vital signs (such as pulse and .5,12 Following any convulsion, critical to use the proper technique in order blood pressure), watch for coloration if serious respiratory depression can occur, to reduce the need for supplemental injec- pulse oximetry is not available, and assess so it is critical to continue to monitor the tions.2,22 On average, a child’s mandibular breathing by looking for chest rise and patient and support the airway.5,12 foramen is near the occlusal plane; by movement of air. If necessary, initiate basic adulthood, the mandibular foramen moves life support in the form of chest compres- Conclusions posteriorly and is approximately 7 mm sions and positive pressure ventilation with While local anesthetics possess a wide above the occlusal plane.2,23 Therefore, if oxygen until medical assistance arrives.5 In margin of safety in adult patients, MRDs the inferior alveolar is missed the event of an emergency, any delay may of these can be easily exceeded in in the treatment of a child but the MRD result in the patient’s reserves of oxygen pediatric dental patients. The preven- has not been exceeded, one can attempt to being consumed leading to poor oxygen- tion of LAST in young children is best inject vertically higher.2 While lip numb- ation of key organs such as the brain and achieved by strictly adhering to weight- ness is usually considered a sign of an heart, and irreversible damage may occur. based MRD dosing guidelines. The more adequate inferior alveolar nerve block, the Three key interventions are necessary: conservative Rule of 25, which states that lack of gingival response to stimulation is 1) clear the airway of any obstructions no more than 1 cartridge of local anes- considered to be a more rapid and reliable including the tongue or foreign bodies thetic should be given for each 25 lb of indicator of anesthesia in young children such as gauze; 2) provide supplemental patient body weight, will impart an added than asking the patient about the presence positive pressure oxygen; and 3) if the safety layer in children ≤8 years of age.

www.agd.org General Dentistry January/February 2015 51 Published with permission of the Academy of General Dentistry. © Copyright 2015 by the Academy of General Dentistry. All rights reserved. For printed and electronic reprints of this article for distribution, please contact [email protected].

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