Center of Bioimmobilisation and Innovative Packaging Materials CBIMO - towards innovative packaging materials and bioeconomy oriented technologies “from nano- to macro- scale”

Center of Bioimmobilisation and Innovative Packaging Materials Faculty of Sciences and Fisheries The West Pomeranian University of Technology officially was created on 1 January 2009. Bringing a new university into existence by joining two universities (Agricultural Academy in Szczecin and Szczecin University of Technology), besides enriching its teaching programme with new fields of study and specializations, creates a possibility of further, faster progress of new technologies in technical and natural sciences. The West Pomeranian University of Technology (WPUT) has a chance to make use of an effect of synergy which originated from joining two well-known universities. Around 13 000 full-time and extramural students study in numerous facilities under the tutelage of over 1 100 academic teachers (including almost 280 professors and assistant professors). There are ten faculties at WPUT specializing in 44 fields of study: Faculty of Biotechnology and Animal Husbandry Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Economics Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Agriculture Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries Faculty of Maritime Technology Faculty of Chemical Engineering New fields are constantly created as the answer to changing economic conditions and needs of the labour market.. The creation of the West Pomeranian University of Technology consolidated research teams dealing with: engineering, environmental protection, renewable energy, bio- and nanotechnologies, polymers, economics and industry and agriculture technologies. WPUT has powers to confer the PhD degree in 17 specializations and the degree of assistant professor in 9 fields. CBIMO&structure&and&interna1onal&collabora1on&

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries FACULTY OF FOOD SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland phone/fax: +48 91 449 XXXX mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX Center of Bioimmobilisation e-mail: [email protected] and Innovative Packaging Materials CBIMO

Immobilisation Immobilisation Biodegradable Novel of living cells of bioactive packaging packaging and substances materials methods and microorganisms technologies


nano- micro- macro-

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECT1OR mm of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries FACULTY OF FOOD SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland phone/fax: +48 91 449 XXXX Center of Bioimmobilisation and Innovative Packaging Materials CBIMO mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] 1.&Micro/nano?&encapsula1on& !! Bioprocessing!and!medicine! Additives (packaging, food, pharma,

cosmetics) "! 2.&Packaging&materials& ! Composite foils (cast, injection-blowing) Cellulosic (/) " 3.&Ac1ve&&&Intelligent&packaging& ! Active (antimicrobial etc.)! Functional packaging "

!! Smart!packagingProfessor !! Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTORBarrier (UV, , liquid etc.) "! of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Modern&infrastructure&with&laboratory&and&pilot?plant&equipments& From July 2011 we are located in the new building of Center of Bioimmobilisation and Innovative Packaging Materials (more than 2000 m2) with modern infrastructure including pilot-plant for packaging material and food additives processing.

created 2008 (2 UNIV + 2 IND) Large infrastructure project 2009-2011 (EU SF 2007-2013) 4.5 mEuro Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Structure&of&CBIMO’s&LABS& I. Func1onal&addi1ves&and&coa1ng&materials& • Laboratory!Purifica8on!and!chemical!modifica8on! • Analy8cal!laboratory! • Chemical!laboratory! • Research!on!new!materials!and!powder!dispersion! • Technical!immobiliza8on!

II. Surface&modifica1on& • Coa8ng!methods! • Prin8ng!technologies! • Surface!characteriza8on!

III.&Pilot&scale&labs&& • Paper/paperboard!coa8ng! • Polymer!foils,!composite!materials!and!!

IV.&Examina1on&of&packaging&materials&and&whole&packages& • Packaging!and!storage!methods!(sealability,!MAP,!storage!tests!add!accelerated!aging)! • ThermoGmechanical! Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc • other!proper8es!(barrier,!an8microbial!etc.)!! DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] CBIMO’s&infrastructure&–&from&LAB&to&PILOT&scale& Chemical&modifica1on&of&biopolymers,&purifica1on&& and&characteriza1on&including&emulsion&based&methods&

Ultrafiltration systems HPLC-GPC "Smartline” (Knauer, G) Labscale TFF "Pelicon TFF”

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

US generators (400 and 1000W)DIRECT with ORflow cells IKA® magic LAB® of XXX Institute - Hielscher (D)

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Func1onal&addi1ves&and&coa1ng&materials&

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Surface&modifica1on&–&coa1ng/prin1ng&methods&

UNICOATER 409 Erichsen IGT F1 (flexo- and rotogravure ) Coating Unit CU 5 Sumet

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Pilot&LAB&?&produc1on&of&prototype&packaging&materials&

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] 20&mm&Twin&Screw&Extruder&with&Water&Bath/&Air&Cooling&and&Pelle1zer&

The!Scien8fic!20!mm!coGrota8ng!twin!screw!extruder!(L/D!=!44:1!)!is!the!ideal!laboratory!extruder! for!produc8on!of!smaller!batches,!be!it!for!experimental!purpose!or!for!producing!samples!to!our! customer.!

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Chill&Roll&?&AXachment&type&LCR&300?HD& (for!cas8ng!of!1G5!layer!films!or!lamina8on!as!film!and!film/paper!composites)!

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Film&blowing&LF400?CO?EX&& with&5?layers&co?ex&film&blowing&pancake&type&of&die& &and&with&3&extruders&

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Conver1ng&and&tes1ng&of&trays&and&pouches&

Tray/pouch sealing machine

Thermoforming for trays (Zemat, ProfessorPL) Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR O , CO , N – MAP of XXX Institute 2 2 2 packaging and monitoring + PackCheck (Moccon, USA)

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Pilot&LAB&–&surface&ac1va1on&and&shelf?life&evalua1on&

Laser plotter (CO ) to modify the printed surface 2 (IMPIB, PL) (potential online web modification) ACCELERATED WEATHERING TESTER

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

Q-SUN Xe-2HS 420 nm QUV/SPRAY/RPDIRECTOR UV-B 340 nm Q-SUN Xe-3HSw with 3 xenon lamps of XXX Institute (Q-LAB, USA) (Q-LAB, USA) in broad UV range (T-UV) (Q-LAB, USA)

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Thermo/mechanical&and&sealing&process&characteriza1on&

UV 5000-EC – DYMAX (USA) DMA Q800 – TA Instruments (USA)

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc HSE-3 (RDM, UK) Shore A/D hardness tester Zwick/Roell Z 2.5 DIRECTOR universal testing machine 4500SL - leakage and seal strength (Lippke, D) machine (Bareiss, G) of XXX Institute (Zwick/Roell, G)

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Gas&barrier&proper1es&(OTR,&WVTR)&

VWTR - Permatran 3/33/20 ML OTR - 2x OX-TRAN 2/20 ML i 2/10

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

WVTR gravimetric methodDIRECT OR Climate chambers for conditioning of XXX Institute PN-ISO 2528:2000 BINDER KBF115 (D)

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Microscopic/spectroscopic&surface&characterisa1on&

SteREO Discov. V20 (Zeiss) Axio Observer D1 (Zeiss) SEM with LVSTD/EDS (Tescan)

3D surface by MEX (InfiniteFocus – Alicona)

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc Raman spectrometer – chemical scan of surfaces FTIR spectrometer + microscope RamanStation 400 – DIRECTOR Spectrum 100 + Spectrum Spotlight 300 of XXX Institute PerkinElmer (USA) PerkinElmer (USA)

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Bioimmobilisa1on&andµbiology&laboratories&–&an1microbial&tes1ng& Center of Bioimmobilisation and Innovative Packaging Materials Director: Prof. Artur Bartkowiak, e-mail: [email protected] Main research areas: - food-packaging materials (plastic films and cellulose based) - properties of food-packaging materials (mechanical, gas-barrier, food contact ) - immobilisation and microencapsulation of bioactive substances and food-additives,

CBIMO expertise: - innovative biodegradable materials (cellulose, starch, PLA, PHA and other biopolymer based) - characterization of food packaging materials (thermo-mechanical properties, , water vapor transmission rate and biodegradability) - food and packaging interactions (long shelf-life studies - changes of texture and chemical composition during storage, antimicrobial surfaces), - various packaging techniques (MAP, bioactive packaging etc.) - novel microencapsulation systems based on natural and modified polymers, - immobilization of bioactive substances and living cells (DNA, enzymes, animal&plant cells and bacteria, food-bioactive substances, taste and smell Professor masking), Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc - biotechnological applications of immobilized microorganisms in various processes, DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] INNOVATIVE&packaging…..???& Innovative materials:

• New construction, shape and design

• Security features

• Active and functional packaging

• Barrier properties

• Smart packaging Digital printed cups

• New business models There are many possibilities…

• New systems of transport&logisticsProfessor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Innova1ons:&barrier&proper1es&

· (mainly oxygen and water vapor) · MAP packaging · liquids (water, fat) · thermal · light (specified wave length) · mechanical (shock, vibrations)

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Innova1ons:&func1onal&packaging& · oxygen scavengers/absorbers · antimicrobial surfaces · ethylene absorbers · warming / cooling · absorbers / emitters of odors Bioka – ( · moisture adsorbents/regulators

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Innova1ons:&smart&packaging& · environmental indicators (time and temperature) · information on how to apply · indicators of microbial growth / contamination · protects against light (photochrome) · indicators of mechanical damage · leakage indicators

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Biodegradable composites – collaboration with domestic

PLA films and composite packagings Paperboard packagings – inner surface modified with biopolymeric dispersions – grease and water barrier

Metalized Transparent bag

Paperboard tray „snack-food” outer part outer part

Laminated tray Wrap film

Inner – coated surface Inner – coated surface

Boxes with laminated interior

Projekty pt. „Transfer oraz podnoszenie stanu wiedzy w zakresie badań materiałów opakowaniowych i opakowań do ryb i przetworów rybnych“ oraz „Proekologiczne opakowania celulozowe do transportu i sprzedaży świeżych ryb oraz gotowych produktów rybnych” współfinansowane przez Unię Europejską z Instrumentu Finansowego Wspierania Rybołówstwa w ramach Sektorowego Programu Operacyjnego Rybołówstwo i Przetwórstwo Ryb 2004 – 2006 Biodegradable packaging materials – CBIMO in EU projects surface modification and multilayer cellulose based materials Paper board of grammage 200-300 g/m2 Paper of grammage 60-90 g/m2

35 partners from 13 EU countries – (2004-2008) 10 partners from 6 EU countries – (2008-2011) Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc EU!projects!"Innova8on!and!Sustainable!Development!in!the!Fibre!Based!Packaging!Value!Chain"!SUSTAINPACK!(2004G2008)! !and!"Design! and!development!of!an!innova8ve!ecoefficent!lowGsubstrate!flexible!paper!packaging!from!renewable!resources!to!replace!petroleum!based!DIRECTOR barrier!films"!FLEXPAKRENEW!(2008G2011)!–!respec8vely!6!and!7EU!FP!of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Schematic representation of bilayer films structure: 2 nd layer with microcapsules 1 st layer without microcapsules Folding process: base paper

--- dispersion of PLA+hydrogenated oil/starch microcapsules --- dispersion of PLA/starch microcapsules

1. uncoated paper 2. starch coating 3. dispersion of PLA/starch microcapsules 8,5x 4,2x 4. dispersion of PLA+hydrogenated oil/starch microcapsules 5. brittle coating Professor 6. 1 st layer: brittle coating; Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc 2nd layer: dispersion of PLA

DIRECTOR +hydrogenated oil/starch microcapsules coatedof XXX paperInstitute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Modification of PLA, PHA, polyolefin films and paper/paperboard

Typical methods of gas barrier modification: 1. Multilayer films

2. Surface coating (SiOX, plasma, AlOx, EB….) 3. Additional modifiers - fillers with good barrier properties (natural clays etc.)

1. Multilayer films Synthetic Biodegradable (now) (now/future)

Medium/low-barrier O2

PA PLA, PHA, paper PA PE

High/medium-barrier O2 (CBIMO - 200x better OTR than for PLA)

PE Professor PLA, PHA EVOH Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc Biopolymeric layer . PE DIRECTOR PLA, PHA, paper of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Innovation – biodegradable „gas barrier” films

Oxygen barrier LDPE Ecoflex

PLA 3 2 # 600 [cm /m 24h] PLA 20µm. PHA PA6 amylose/gluten/glycerol PLA/PHA biopolymer amylose/glycerol (10/4) PLA/PHA whey protein/glycerol amylopectin/glycerol (10/4)

7 [cm3/m2 24h] NEW biopolymer 0,2µm PVDC 3 2 3 [cm /m 24h] chitosan plast 2µm. chitosan plast. PLA 20µm. EVOH

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Food packaging materials with O2/CO2 permselectivity.

" development of packaging material of selective permeability of O2 / CO2 for packaging fresh products such as fruit and vegetable blends and cheeses; " materials derived from biomass, " with polymeric , polymer foil and packaging obtained by the thermoforming. Food$packaging$

Consump1on&& Produc1on& O && 2 &CO2&

O2TR& CO2TR& Permselec1vity& S&=&CO2TR&/O2TR=&2?4& ”Preven1ng&the&migra1on&of&cri1cal&substances&by&using&sorp1on&layers&& for&paper&based&packaging&materials”&

Start!date:!! 01.05.2012! End!date:! 30.10.2014! Financing!agencies:! CORNET!!

Partners:!!!!!!!! Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] „ERA?NET&MNT&„Development&and&processing&of&agricultural&by?products&& to&mul1materialµfibrous&composite&packaging&materials”& WP1.&Selec1on&& WP6.&Injec1on&moulding&& WP3/5.&Funct.&Coa1ngs& of&by?products&& PLA&+…&

WP4.&Compression& moulding&

WP2.&Processing/& &purifica1on&& WP6.&Prototype&& West!Pomeranian! Uniwersity!of!Technology,!! Szczecin! Backed foams based on mixture of waste materials containing proteins, cellulose and starch as inner layer of food packages S. Lisiecki, A. Bartkowiak (e-mail: [email protected])

classical ideal

water vapor heat CBIMO new concept New concept of backed foams based on mixture of pure proteins, cellulose and starch + other substances – PL/US patents (ZUT, 2009)

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Development!of!organic!PHA&barrier!coa8ngs!origina8ng!from!paper!industry!side! streams!for!paper!and!board!packaging!applica8ons!(2014G2016)!

700! WVTR - 50% rH, 23oC 600!

& 500!



WVTR&[g/m2k24h] 200!


0! Papier!bez! EM!5400!F! EM!5400!A! EM!10070! EM!20010! EM!40000! dodatków! Bio?ac1ve&materials&& ?&an1microbial&surfaces& Antimicrobial packaging surfaces - current status: - coating with conventional chemicals of antymicrobial action - about 50 used for food packaging - new EU regulation regarding reduction in the number of authorized antimicrobial substances, including food contact (eg use of Triclosan LIMITATION) - coating with nano-silver particles (very negative opinions in the EU – need further long-term evaluation)

Alternative use of antimicrobials of natural origin: - organic compounds and their derivatives (salts, organic square) - biopolymers (chitosan - in 2009 FDA approve in USA) - bacteriocins (eg. nisin) Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc - enzymes (eg. lysozyme) DIRECTOR - plant extracts and essential oilsof XXX (eg Institute. rosemary oil)

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] From&food&by?products&to&bioac1ve&substances&


Test „0” a. b. Chitosan coating b. c. Fig. 1. Direct interactin of chitosan film on various microorganisms Fig. 2. Chitosan film and coated paperboard pouches (after two Staphylococcus aureus (TSB Agar + NaCl, after 24 hours.); b. weeks - chitosan coated paperboard pouches vs. PE bag ) Enterobacteriaceae (MacConkey Agar, after 24 hours.)

Fish by-products bioconversion BACTERIOCINS (nisin)

Con1onious&produc1on&of&bacteriocine&solu1on&using&flow&bioreactor&& Monitoring of cont. production of nisin


24h 96h

168h 312hProfessor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Subcri1cal&water&as&green&slovent&for&extrac1on&of&plants&(2013G2014)! new& green,& eco?friendly& processes& for& extrac1ng& value& added& products& from& lignocellulosic&materials.&

Fruit pomace (apple)

Oat hulls Active coating as potential application

Subcritical water extraction Extracts (here made of Rapeseed cakes apple pomace) Development&of&innova1ve&packaging&with&both&& an1&–&UV&and&an1microbial&proper1es&(2in1)&

Modifica8on!of! varnishes!and! !

Plas8c!foils!with!!an8GUV!and! Isola8on!of!plant! Analysis!of!extracts!for!their!ability!to! an8microbial!surface! extracts! absorb!UV!light!and!an8microbial! proper8es! Advantages of the proposed solution $ UV!absorp8on!of!20!G!30%!higher!than!in!!the!classical!packaging!foils! $ inhibitory!effects!against!growth!of!microorganisms!based!solely!on!the!Professor biobased!substances!of! Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc vegetable!origin,! DIRECTOR $ !!innova8on!G!the!opportunity!for!direct!observa8on!of!the!product!through!the!packaging!(so!far!of XXX Institute typically!protected!by!prin8ng!and!/!or!a!layer!of!metallic!foil)!!

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Formula1on&and&applica1on&of&temperature?stable&bio?based&an1microbial&agents&


Layer! PLA! Composite! PHA!

Methods&of&stabilisa1on& Cyclodextrin!inclusion! complex! Ionotropic!gela8on!!

Coacerva8on! Emulsion/dispersion! As!the!main!results!the!reduc1on&of&economical&losses&(that!some8mes!are!even!to!30%)& for!flowers!producers/growers/retailers!and!also!the!prolonga1on&of&the&shelf&life&and! maximal&protec1on&of&flowers!during!transport!and!storage!to!keep!the!quality!are!going! to!be!provided.!As!addi8onal!effect!the!reduc8on!of!agroGwaste!will!be!reached.!!!

Smart packaging: : - antimicrobial coatings

- temperature indicators ACTIPOLY Ac1ve&polyvalent&packaging&based&on&environmentally&friendly&fibre&material& The scope of the project: - development of innovative, green packaging, thermoformable, compostable, based on fibrous cellulosic material, - made of renewable resources, - with comparable to plastic packaging properties, - and special functionalities (superhydrophobic, antimicrobial, high-barrier).

More&informa1on&about&the&project:&www.cornet? Coopera1on&toward&„Tailor?made”&solu1ons&

„Triple helix”

In a competitive economy, there are no PROBLEMS? There are only CHALLENGES to face it and stand together entrepreneurs and scientific partners ...... CBIMO&Interna1onal&Collabora1on&&

Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Effective cooperation in the whole value chain… the way to success

Manufacturers&& Packaging&producers/ &Producers&of&packaged& of&raw&materials& converters&& commodi1es& Flexible&packaging:& Food&producers:& Foils/Films:&

Chemical&Products&/&Addi1ves:& Semi?rigid&packaging:&



Composites:& Associa1on:& Professor Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc

DIRECTOR of XXX Institute

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] CBIMO&as&a&partner:!interdisciplinary!+!crea8ve!+!opera8ve!+!…………!!

Interdisciplinary group International applied oriented projects




Expertise in novel techniques and methods Modern infrastructure - innovative packaging – biodegradable packaging materials, bioactive packaging, MAP food packaging / gas barrier properties - biopolymers – biosynthesis, chemical modification, purification and application, - characterization of materials (surface and interfacial, emulsion, mechanical, Professor ); Jan Kowalski, MSc PhD DSc - various microencapsulation techniques – created 2008 (2 UNIV + 2 IND) Large infrastructure project 2009-2011 food additives, bioprocessing includingDIRECT foodOR (EU SF 2007-2013) of XXX Institute waste conversion) 4.5 mEuro

Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries ul. Królewicza Kazimierza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland e-malphone/f: cbimo@ax: +48 91 449zut .pl , mobile: +48 XXX XXX XXX e-mail: [email protected] Center of Bioimmobilisation and Innovative Packaging Materials CBIMO Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin

ul. Klemensa Janickiego 35 71-270 Szczecin, Poland

ph. (48)91+4496592 ph/fax. (48)91+4496590 e-mail: [email protected]