THE PAGE 3 Mural moved to Archives

March 1,ommentator 2019 Vol. 57, No. 2 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 C Confession offers healing

By Debbie Shelley The Catholic Commentator

Weeds compete with flowers, grasses and plants for water, sunlight and nutrients and weaken non-weed plants, leaving them prone to insects and disease. In the same way, sin damages the soul and leaves it prone to the destructive forces of evil, according to priests in the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Lent, “The Springtime of the Soul,” is a time for Bishop Michael G. Duca blesses a rosary Francis sent to a prisoner on death row at the Louisiana State Peni- Catholics to receive the and tentiary at Angola on Feb. 20. Photo by Bonny Van | The Catholic Commentator reconciliation and root out sins and restore their re- lationship with God, according to Father Cayet Man- giaracina OP, parochial vicar at Holy Ghost Church in Hammond. “They may have cut off their relationship with God. ‘MY PARISHIONERS’ They may have given up on praying, going to church, maybe they’re envious or jealous. In some ways they may not have been able to forgive someone and they Bishop Duca visits death row have turned away from God. They can take a look at what has turned them away from God,” said Father Mangiaracina. By Bonny Van at Angola. the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Fjeld- According to the Catechism of the , The Catholic Commentator The bishop was joined by An- sjo brought along bananas, legal conversion is the first step in reconciling with God. gola chaplain Jay Jackson; Dea- pads and gift bags filled with do- “St. Peter’s conversion after he had denied his mas- Overcast skies, chilly winds con Zeke Nola of Our Lady of Mt. nated essential items including ter three times bears witness to this. Jesus’ look of in- and the constant threat of rain Carmel Church in St. Francisville; shampoo, soap, a wash cloth and a finite mercy drew tears of repentance from Peter and, greeted Bishop Michael G. Duca and, Linda Fjeldsjo, coordinator pair of socks for the group to hand after the Lord’s resurrection, a threefold affirmation on his first visit to death row at of Prison Ministry and Joseph out to the 72 men on death row. of love for him.” (1429) the Louisiana State Penitentiary Homes for of SEE ANGOLA PAGE 4 SEE CONFESSION PAGE 19

The Vatican is brilliant as dawn announces the be- ginning of a new day in Rome. Richard Meek shares his thoughts and photos from a recent pil- grimage to Rome, Florence and Assisi on pages 10-11. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator 2 The Catholic Commentator March 1, 2019

| DID YOU KNOW Divine mercy at Lent Heart to mouth By Dina Dow Rather, he emptied himself… (Phil After Mardi Gras is over, and the world.” 2:7) streets have been cleaned of – well The optional concluding prayer is Christ became obedient to the point of The loving obedience of Jesus is an act most – signs of revelry, as trees con- “Eternal God, in whom mercy is end- death, even death on a cross. of divine revelation, showing the world the tinue to harbor beaded jewels, many less and the treasury of compassion Because of this, God greatly exalted him life-giving love that flows from person to Catholics will “get their ashes” and — inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and bestowed on him the name person in the . (Ig- look grimly ahead and groan over and increase Your mercy in us, that which is above every name. – natius Catholic Study Bi- the sacrifices they will have to make in difficult moments we might not Phil 2:8-9 Life-Giving ble, 2010). Jesus entered during Lent. From dessert to desert. despair nor become despondent, but The Mass readings of the 5th FAI H Jerusalem as a king enters Yes, Jesus, we are ready to walk with great confidence submit our- Sunday of Lent prepare the faithful his court: people joyfully wav- with you “to the end” to that black, selves to Your holy will, which is love for the following Sunday, known ing palms, shouting “Blessed grisly Good Friday. Can you make and mercy itself.” as Passion (Palm) Sunday. There are great is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” our crosses a little lighter though? The Divine Mercy chaplet is a ver- riches and depths in these readings, too Days later some of the same people shouted, But in the midst of the arid waste- satile devotion that can be prayed plentiful for this space. For now, the focus “Crucify Him.” Today’s glory is tomorrow’s land, Jesus does more than give us any day at “The Hour of Great Mer- will be on the Holy Spirit and the humility rejection. Yet, the prophet Isaiah explains, “oasis moments.” He provides us an cy” – 3 p.m. of Jesus. “The Lord God is my help, therefore I am “an ocean of mercy” through praying During Lent, many churches Life in the Spirit not disgraced; I have set my face like flint, the Divine Mercy chaplet. in the Baton Rouge Diocese pray a With comes an infusion of the knowing that I shall not be put to shame” Through the Polish St. Fausti- nine-week Divine Mercy Novena Holy Spirit, where the grace of faith is (Is 50:7). na, Jesus not only left a chaplet to that concludes on Divine Mercy Sun- planted deep within. The power of the Holy Humility is when we turn everything pray for sinners and for the world, day, the Sunday after Easter. This Spirit enables the baptized to live in the over to the will of God for the sake of his he commissioned that a painting be is the “spreading out” of a nine-day fullness of Jesus. That being said, the faith- glory. Jesus not only humbled himself, he made that portrayed his divine im- Divine Mercy novena, which begins ful are baptized into the body of Christ, a emptied himself (the appropriate Greek age. on Good Friday and ends on Divine life of joy and suffering. By the power of term is “kenosis”) and submitted to the Refreshing moments are found in Mercy Sunday. the Holy Spirit faith, healing, restoration will of the father. He was betrayed, arrest- the opening prayer of the chaplet: St. Faustina’s diary contained and transformation occur. St. Paul writes ed, spit upon, misunderstood, denied, ac- “You expired, Jesus, but the Jesus’ promise to repentant sinners in his letter to the Romans, “If the Spirit cused, tried, beaten, mocked, crowned with source of life gushed forth for souls, who seek his mercy. of the one who raised Jesus from the dead thorns, crucified with nails driven into his and the ocean of mercy opened up “Once, as I was going down the dwells in you, the one who raised Christ hands and feet, bled, suffocated and died. for the whole world. O Fount of Life, hall to the kitchen, I heard these from the dead will give life to your mortal It is here we kneel at the foot of the cross, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop words in my soul: Say unceasingly bodies also, through his Spirit dwelling in recalling the words of the prophet Isaiah the whole world and empty Yourself the chaplet that I have taught you. you” (Rm 8:11). Life begins in the Spirit. which are now fulfilled in Christ: “Through out upon us,” begins the optional Whoever will recite it will receive Life is to be an imitation of Jesus’. Life is his stripes we are healed.” opening prayer of the chaplet, recit- great mercy at the hour of death. destined for eternity with the father. As the darkness covered the land that ed on a regular set of rosary beads. Priests will recommend it to sinners The prophet Ezekiel writes, “I (Yahweh) hour, so too are we covered in darkness Next one repeats three times, as their last hope of . Even if will open your graves and have you rise from of our sins. But our redeemer has opened “O Blood and Water, which gushed there were a sinner most hardened, them.” This is God’s plan for salvation. Jesus the way from death to life. Hope has risen. forth from the Heart of Jesus as a if he were to recite this chaplet only in turn reveals the concreteness of this when But for now, we kneel in silence and medi- fount of mercy for us, I trust in You!” once, he would receive grace from he raises Jarius’ daughter (Mk 5: 21-43), the tate on why Jesus did this. The purpose of On the three beads of the decade My infinite mercy. I desire that the widow’s son (Lk 7:11-17) and Lazarus (Jn 11: his death was to obtain the salvation of all of the rosary, the Our Father, Hail whole world know My infinite mer- 1-44), which we hear about on the 5th Sun- mankind and to teach us how to love, for Mary and Apostles Creed are prayed. cy. I desire to grant unimaginable day of Lent. Even though mortal bodies are greater love than this no man has, than to On the Our Father bead of every graces to those souls who trust in my subject to decay, those who believe (faith) lay down his life for his friends. This man decade one prays, “Eternal Father, I mercy” (Diary, 687). and act on that belief will realize eternal life is Christ on the cross. He did it for all, and offer you the Body and Blood, Soul The Divine Mercy chaplet and no- as the body and soul are raised on the last he did it for you. and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved vena is a good way to stay refreshed day. Ask yourself, am I living life according (Note: Meditating on the Stations of the Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in while “staying the course” with Jesus to the Spirit, in imitating Jesus, with the my Cross is a good way to prepared for Holy atonement for our sins and those of and crossing the finish line of Lent to compass guiding me to God? Am I making Week.) the whole world.” a continual celebration. choices that align with Jesus’ life? How can The decades consist of repeating, As St. Faustina wrote: “O human I call upon the power of the Holy Spirit for Dow is the director of the Evangeliza- “For the sake of his sorrowful Pas- souls, where are you going to hide assistance to turn away from sin and decay? tion and Catechesis for the Diocese of Ba- sion, have mercy on us and on the on the day of God’s anger? Take ref- Do I believe? ton Rouge. whole world.” uge now in the fount of God’s mercy. The chaplet ends with a three- O what a great multitude of souls I time repetition of “Holy God, ! They worshiped the Divine Mer- Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, cy and will be singing the hymn of have mercy on us and on the whole praise for all eternity” (Diary, 848). |

| CORRECTIONS Bishop Michael G. Duca Publisher Wanda L. Koch Advertising Manager Father Tom Ranzino Associate Publisher Bonny Van Staff Writer There are eight African Amer- Rouge; St. Joseph Chapel, Martin Richard Meek Editor Lisa Disney Secretary/Circulation ican Catholic Church parishes in Luther King Student Center in Ba- Debbie Shelley Assistant Editor Nicole Latiolais Graphic Designer the Diocese of Baton Rouge. They ton Rouge; St. Catherine of Siena are: St. Paul the Apostle Church Church in Donaldsonville; St. Au- The Catholic Commentator (ISSN 07460511; USPS 093-680) Published bi-weekly (every other week) by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge,1800 South Acadian Thruway, in Baton Rouge; St. Francis Xavi- gustine Church in New Roads; St. Baton Rouge, LA 70808; 225-387-0983 or 225-387-0561. Periodical Postage Paid at Baton Rouge, LA. Copy must er Church in Baton Rouge; Im- Benedict the Moor Church in Ber- reach the above address by Wednesday for use in the next week’s paper. Subscription rate: $14.00 per year. POST- maculate Conception of the Bless- trandville; and, St. James Church MASTER, send address changes to The Catholic Commentator, P.O. Box 14746, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-4746. ed Mary Church in Baton in St. James. March 1, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 3

Bishop Robert W. Muench, about removed the mural. Although removing the painting. This there are no definite plans, the ‘Symbol of oppression’ came at a time when the bishop artwork will likely be displayed was forming the Racial Harmo- in the archives building. ny Commission, of which Father “It is a part of our history,” Johnson and Father Tom Clark said Ann Bolton, archivist for the removed from CLC SJ, pastor at Immaculate Con- Diocese of Baton Rouge. ception Church in Baton Rouge, Dr. Marchita Mauck, a re- By Richard Meek and many others, both white was a slave owner and reported are co-chairs. tired professor of art history at The Catholic Commentator and black, have found most of- to be a Confederate supporter. Bishop Muench agreed, and LSU who helped guide the dio- fensive through the years is the According to reports from after he retired, Bishop Michael cese through the removal pro- As an impressionable young portrait of a priest blessing the that time, he blessed the flag G. Duca concurred the painting cess, believes that even without seminarian, Father Joshua Confederate flag. in spite of a warning by Union should come down. the flag the painting would still Johnson said that on one of his “Artwork has the capacity troops and was ultimately ar- The dream of Father Johnson have racial elements. She said first visits to the Catholic Life to draw people to Jesus, draw rested and imprisoned. and many others became reality the painting has what she calls Center he was taken aback by a us to become disciples of the “All I know is every time I on the morning of Feb. 21 when a “primitive side” and a “so- large mural dominating a wall Lord,’ said Father Johnson, came to the Catholic Life Center a crew from the CLC carefully SEE SYMBOL PAGE 19 in the lower level of the CLC. pastor of Holy Rosary Church I was repulsed by that painting,” Titled “Religious History of in St. Amant and the only Af- Father Johnson said. “Was it a the Diocese of Baton Rouge, the rican-American priest in the part of historical reality? Yes, mural, completed in 1970 and diocese. “But artwork has the but why was it in the diocese? painted by Adalie Brent, who capacity to push us away and be “That flag is a symbol of op- was commissioned and paid a barrier.” pression to so many of us. It’s First Communion $5,400 by Bishop Robert E. The priest is a representation pretty disgusting.” Tracy, features several scenes of French priest Father Francis Shortly after the Alton Ster- Dresses depicting African-Americans Mittlebronn, who served Pointe ling shooting in 2016 and the and whites portrayed in various Coupee civil during the racial unrest that followed, Fa- ways. But what Father Johnson Civil War. Father Mittlebronn ther Johnson approached then – A mural painted by noted artist Adele Brent was removed from the Catholic Life Center on Feb. 21. The mural, which was complet- ed in 1970, featured African-Americans and whites, but what many people Call Blocker Tree and Landscape today! found offensive Fully Licensed and Insured • Free Estimates was the depiction Licensed Arborist #17-2227 • Licensed Irrigation #17-0691 of a priest blessing Owners Trey Blocker and Brant Fox a Confederate flag. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator

Clergy abuse list updated By Richard Meek fied by other dioceses or insti- against him in the Archdiocese The Catholic Commentator tutes of . of Mobile, Alabama. Father Coyle, who was or- He was in residence at St. Two individuals identified dained in 1958 and is now de- Catherine of Siena Church in below served in the Diocese ceased, had allegations reported Donaldsonville. ​ Joe Skibinski, Agent of Baton Rouge without any against him in the Archdiocese Report known or suspected credible allegations having of Santa Fe, New Mexico. child abuse immediately to law been made against them re- He served at St. Jean Vian- enforcement or to the Depart- lated to that service, but they ney Church in Baton Rouge, ment of Children and Family have been publicly identified was in residence at St. Aloysius Services at 855-452-5437. Any by other dioceses or institutes Church in Baton Rouge and allegation of child or vulnerable of consecrated life on reports served as chaplain at Doctors adult sexual abuse involving for reasons unrelated to the Memorial Hospital, Earl K. clergy or a representative of the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Long Hospital and Parkland church, should then be report- Father Barry Finbar Coyle Pavillion, all in Baton Rouge. ed to Amy Cordon, the dioce- OFM and Father John Hard- Father Hardman, who is de- san Victim Assistance Coordi- man SSJ are the individuals ceased, was ordained in 1944 nator, at 225-242-0250. For a who have been publicly identi- and had allegations reported complete list, visit 4 The Catholic Commentator March 1, 2019

ANGOLA  patibility, who meet for two hours every From page 1 Monday. The program consists of Scrip- ture verses, reading assignments and in- Two inmates pushed large carts into the trospective questions. cell block corridors, known as tiers, and “One of the things that I’ve noticed helped distribute the items. more than anything is their willingness to “Bananas are a real treat for the men; share and to trust each other,” said Jack- they don’t get much fresh fruit,” said son. “They weren’t really that familiar Fjeldsjo, who picked up 150 pounds of ba- with each other when they first got into nanas before heading up to the maximum the program and being able to be intro- security prison. spective and talk about themselves, what Bishop Duca wore a large cross, giv- they were like on the streets before they en to him by Bishop Emeritus Robert W. ever got to Angola. They’ve developed a Muench, made by inmates at Angola us- very sincere bond of trust with each other ing old cell keys. and they’ve really opened up over the past “Hi, I’m the new bishop,” smiled Bish- year. This didn’t happen overnight.” op Duca as he introduced himself to the According to Jackson, even security inmates before beginning a short conver- offices have noticed a change in attitude sation, which often ended in prayer. Top- and behavior since the Prayer and Share ics ranged from where the men were from program started. And, the men are shar- to family, food, sports, the weather and, ing the good news with their cellblock for many of the men, their relationship neighbors on their own tiers. with God. “They’re evangelizing themselves “One of them asked for prayers for now,” said Jackson. “They guys on the tier Treats left for one of the inmates on death row included a legal pad, bananas and pack of themselves and for the victims of their are able to get out of the cellblock for a toiletries. Photos by Bonny Van | The Catholic Commentator crime,” recalled the bishop, who gave few hours each day and they can mingle more than a few special blessings during with each other, so they can talk about it. the visit, including one for a rosary sent to During this visit, I had names of people an inmate from . wanting to get in on the next program, Most of the men were in a gregarious whenever it’s introduced at death row, mood as they stood or sat in their cells possibly in April.” waiting for the bishop and the other vis- The visit wrapped up after a stop to itors to stop for a short chat. Many shook deliver more treats to the five women hands and appreciated the few moments prisoners housed at Angola. Then, Bishop of social interaction. Duca, Fjeldsjo and Jackson joined War- One of the men spoke excitedly at den Darrel Vannoy for dinner and more length with Jackson about the week- discussions about the prison, its pro- ly Kairos Prison Ministry Prayer and grams and prison ministry. The bishop Share program that Jackson oversees. concluded the day by celebrating Mass The group, started a year ago, includes 10 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel on the men, selected by wardens based on com- prison grounds.

Bishop Duca, pictured far left, was joined by prison chaplain Jay Jackson, center, and Dea- con Zeke Nola, of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in St. Francisville, during the visit to death row on Feb. 20.

Bishop Duca holds up a cross made by inmates at the prison using old cell keys. The cross Linda Fjeldsjo, coordinator of Prison Ministry and Joseph Homes for CCDBR, checks gift was given to Bishop Emeritus Robert W. Muench, who passed it on to Bishop Duca. packs for the prisoners. March 1, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 5

Catholic men called to pick Printing some 40,000 copies every other week for the Diocese of Baton Rouge up daily crosses THE CATHOLIC ommentator CSERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 By Richard Meek Bishop Michael G. Duca will celebrate Mass, The Catholic Commentator and Chef John Folse will prepare lunch, as well as sharing stories from his distinguished career. A sold out crowd of 1,200 is expected to fill St. Benediction of the Eucharist will begin the day. George Church in Baton Rouge for the third annu- “The fact that we have the Eucharist is incred- al A Call to Battle: Catholic Men’s Conference pre- ible,” Hardin said. “How can your day go wrong sented by the Men of the Immaculata scheduled when you begin with Jesus at benediction?” March 9. He explained that Catholics have incredible re- The theme of this year’s conference is “A Call to sources available on a day-to-day basis but many Battle: Consecration.” do not take advantage of what’s available, which is Among the large turnout are expected to be what he hopes changes during the conference. nearly 100 priests and , with 20 priests “We’re trying to awaken the men into the committed to hearing confessions throughout the breach, the call to battle,” he said. “We live in a day. world culture of consumerism. When in reality we For the second consecutive year, the conference are at war. We’re not supposed to settle in and be will be held at St. George. A year ago, the event excited about this earth and the pleasures it will drew about 1,000 men representing every corner throw before us. of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, up from 800Plan in the Now“We are supposed to toget be thinking about how inaugural year at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in to get ourselves and everyone we know and care Baton Rouge. Bestabout to Rates! heaven. And that requires virtue and the CIAO!! Founding conference chairman Hunter Hardin, church is there to support us with sacraments in- From Sicily & Italy to the who stepped aside this year and turned the reins stituted by Christ.” over to Baton Rouge resident Mark Hermann, said Hardin said one of the messages is to remind U.S. Parks/Canyonlands the mission statement of the organization is to the men of St. Matthew’s Gospel where he writes bring Catholic men together and for them to strive that people should deny themselves and pick up Spectacular European Itineraries daily to be better leaders in their homes, commu- their crosses daily. He said the way to do this is & Group Departures nities and families in trying to walk the journey through the sacramental life. and leading everyone, including self and family, to At least 12 vendors and ministries are sched- heaven. uled to be present, offering everyone an opportu- Sicily in Depth “That’s our end game,” Hardin said. “This is not nity to perhaps get involved with one and “assist September 27 – October 4 our home. Our prayer for this conference is that them on the journey,” Hardin said. Featuring Catania, Taormina, the Holy Spirit, this one day, crowns everyone in “Hopefully guys will pick up this challenge and Cefalu, Palermo, Agrigento & Ragusa with the Catholic faith and reminds us of the great vir- follow through on the consecration and be that Optional Malta Extension tue available to us through reconciliation in union much closer to a genuine encounter with God,” he with Christ. And the sacramental life we are called added. “We are hoping for meaningful encounters, $2475 per person airfare not included** to.” greater holiness for men of virtue that are active A high profile lineup of speakers have been en- in their faith. That’s what we need, that’s what this listed, headed by Father Don Calloway MIC, who community needs, that’s what our homes, our do- Wonders of American West will speak about the consecration to Mary and the mestic church needs, to produce another genera- October 6-15 application of authentic Catholic manhood. He is tion that is hungry for the Spirit.” Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, the author of “Champions of the Rosary: The His- Hardin said the rapid growth from 800 men Monumental Valley, Mesa Verde, tory and Heroes of a Spiritual Weapon.” three years ago to an expected 1,200 this year is Moab, Arches National Park, “(Father Callaway) is incredible and a kind of a evidence to the spiritual hunger for men in south- hot topic right now,” Hardin said. “He’s really im- east Louisiana. He said the board of the Men of Bryce and Zion National Parks pressive.” the Immaculata pray about that daily, as well as do $3495 per person airfare Also in the lineup are Tim Staples, Sister Tra- weekly fasts and a daily prayer. not included** cy Dugas and Father Josh Johnson, pastor at Holy “This is the fruit of that intercession,” he said. Tootie Bonacorso Rosary Church in St. Amant. “This is Our Lady’s blessing. This is about evan- **All prices are based on double occupancy, round trip transfers, Staples, Director of Apologetics and Evangeli- gelization, catechesis and formation. If we can ac- insurance, pre or post hotels are not included. zation at Catholic Answers, is a noted author and complish that, what a fruitful blessing.” Come and Learn at our Informative Catholic convert who once did evangelization work Hardin is also asking that those not in atten- at Jimmy Swaggart Bible College in Baton Rouge. dance pray that everyone present will be vulner- Presentation by He later converted to Catholocism and spent six able, their hearts fertile soil for the word and that years studying for the priesthood before realizing they leave as energized leaders. He said the pub- Kathleen Levy, Insight Vacations that was not his calling. lic’s intercession “will be crucial to the success of March 7 2:00 p.m. Father Johnson will give the final address to this conference, and we need the people who will 6:30 p.m. close out the event, which is scheduled from 7:30 not be there to pray for us.” Savor the wines of Italy with us!!! a.m.-3 p.m. “What we need from the community is inter- Special booking incentives “It’s kind of a homecoming for (Staples) but he’s cession, that everyone present will be vulnera- in a much different place in his faith, obviously,” ble, our hearts will be fertile soul for the Word Refreshments served • Limited seating must RSVP Hardin said. “(Callaway and Staples) are both big today and that they go forth energetic leaders For additional information call Tootie. time. The average guy not spending much time that they are made out to be by God. Their inter- in formation may not recognize the names but cession is crucial to the success of this confer- Pearson’s Travel World they are both very well established in the speaker ence. we need the people who will not be there 7949 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge • 225-926-3752 world.” to pray for us,” said Hardin. 6 The Catholic Commentator March 1, 2019 Funeral Mass on Sunday?/ Say rosary during Mass?

Recently a funeral Mass was hold funeral Masses on Years ago, when the other exercises of piety or recite prayers offered on a Sunday afternoon Sundays, the reason being Mass was in Latin which, though they differ from the sacred Qin our parish for a longtime that, with the shortage of A(a language foreign rites, are still essentially in harmony parishioner. I believe I remember as a clergy, most priests have to nearly every parish- with them” (No. 108). child being taught by the sisters in our all they can do to offer the ioner) it made sense to But in 1974, when Pope Paul VI issued that funerals were never number of Sunday Masses turn to private devotions the apostolic exhortation “Marialis held on Sundays (except possibly in time needed for their parish con- during Mass to foster what Cultus” encouraging the recitation of the of war or during the Middle Ages when gregations. (Additionally, you refer to as “spiritual rosary both privately and in groups and the plague was rampant). Have things many cemeteries are not communication” with as a preparation for the liturgy he did changed? (Indiana) open on Sundays or, if they the divine. But with the find it necessary to add, “However, it is Canonically and theoretically a are, there are additional arrival of the vernacular, a mistake to recite the rosary during the Catholic funeral Mass may be fees for crew members’ the church’s efforts turned celebration of the liturgy, though unfor- Aoffered on most Sundays during overtime.) toward helping parishio- tunately this practice still persists here the year. The church’s General Instruc- I attend church ners follow the prayers of and there” (No. 48). tion of the Roman Missal provides that on a regular basis. Question Corner the priest. So I would say that you are best off at a funeral Mass “may be celebrated on QWhen I do, I recite The Second Vatican Mass following what the priest is saying, any day except for solemnities that are the rosary throughout the Father Kenneth Doyle Council had put the focus perhaps with the help of a missal or mis- holy days of obligation, Thursday of Mass. (I pause for certain rituals like the on active, conscious and full participa- salette. I am not, though, a zealot on this, Holy Week (Holy Thursday), the paschal consecration of the holy Eucharist and tion of the congregation; when the priest and if a parishioner told me that he had triduum, and the Sundays of Advent, the prayers that the congregation recites prays, as the eucharistic prayer is about to made his best effort to do that but still Lent and Easter” (No. 380). together.) I’ve been told, though, that it begin, that “my sacrifice and yours may be felt the rosary “connected” him best with Some might point out that the sadness is not proper to pray the rosary during acceptable,” he indicates that the Mass is God while at Mass, I would be reluctant of a Sunday funeral clashes with the joy the Mass. meant to unite the minds of all those pres- to insist on a change. of celebrating the Lord’s Day, but one Whenever I am in church during ent, fully engaged in one single offering. could argue just as convincingly that Masses or just visiting at other times We see this transformation in papal FATHER DOYLE is a retired priest in the nothing lifts the spirits of mourners more praying the rosary for me is a spiritual writings themselves. When, in 1947, Pope Diocese of Albany, New York. Ques- than recalling the communication with the Blessed Virgin Pius XII wrote the encyclical “Mediator tions may be sent to Father Kenneth and his promise of our own. Mary and with God, which I find comfort Dei,” he said that during the Mass, the Doyle at [email protected] Practically speaking, though, many and peace in doing. What is your advice congregation “can lovingly meditate on and 30 Columbia Circle Dr., Albany, parishes (I would even say most) do not to me? (Honolulu) the mysteries of Jesus Christ or perform NY 12203.

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MAIL TO: THE CATHOLIC COMMENTATOR, P. O. BOX 3316, BATON ROUGE, LA 70821-3316 March 1, 2019 FAITH JOURNEY The Catholic Commentator 7

THE CATHOLIC COMMENTATOR Through the lens of Fr. Burns Next Issue Deadline ... MARCH 6

By Debbie Shelley The Catholic Commentator

Father Gerald Burns captures RESTHAVEN adventurous moments in his life GARDENS OF MEMORY & FUNERAL HOME through photography. With live- ® liness and awe of nature reflect- We make it personal. ed in his eyes and voice, he talked for a better farewell about an Alaskan photo expedi- tion in which he captured a group 11817 Jefferson Highway of 25-30 humpback whales 225-753-1440 blowing bubbles in giant circles around herring to herd them into tightly grouped schools that can 2x2”’16 be swallowed whole. On another Alaskan expedition he was with a group of photographers taking photos of grizzly bears when, as Gerald Burns, who celebrates his 50th anniversary to the priesthood captured on another person’s this year, is known for his patience in getting “just the right” photo of video, he found himself between birds and other wildlife. Photo provided by Father Gerald Burns a mamma grizzly bear and her two cubs – and he’s happy he is that goes way back in our family had very rigid rules. And when ATTORNEYS AT LAW alive to tell about it. heritage to the heritage in the Ca- I finished the seminary I was But as Father Burns marks his nary Islands,” he said. an athlete who was very good in 270 S. Sharp Road • Baton Rouge, LA 70815 • (225) 924-7597 50th anniversary to the priest- Father Burns entered the sports. I wanted to play sports JAMES R. COXE, III and ASSOCIATES hood, which was celebrated with seminary when he was 14 and and see sports. And so it took me Personal Injury General Practice AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS WILLS and SUCCESSIONS a Mass at St. Aloysius Church was ordained a priest at 25 by a while to really began to pursue WRONGFUL DEATH CORPORATIONS in Baton Rouge on Feb. 17, it is Bishop Robert E. Tracy at St. it in a serious way a spiritual life PRODUCT LIABILITY SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY SEAMAN/HARBOR WORKERS CLAIMS REAL ESTATES a slightly out of focus picture of Joseph Cathedral in 1969. He’s learning, how do people become MEDICAL MALPRACTICE CRIMINAL DEFENSE him as a young boy with his two served as pastor at St. Aloysius holy? How do you remain holy?” Family Law Personal Bankruptcy brothers with his mother at St. Church, Baton Rouge; St. Anne Father Burns continues to cel- Notary in Office Joseph Seminary and College in Church, Napoleonville; Assump- ebrate Masses when priests are TELEPHONE (225) 924-7597 St. Benedict that clearly captures tion of the Blessed Virgin Mary, absent or sick. “In Home Consultations on Request” the family influences behind his Plattenville; St. John the Evange- He said one thing he hopes greatest adventure in life – his list Church, Prairieville; and St. people “take home with them” priestly vocation. Francis of Assisi Church, Smoke when they meet him or hear his In the photo, Father Burns Bend. He’s also served as paro- homilies is a burning desire to was on his mother’s left and she chial vicar at Sacred Heart of know God and “to reveal them- was holding his hand. Jesus Church, Baton Rouge; St. selves to God and to allow God to Reflecting on the photograph Louis King of France Church, reveal himself to them.” before his anniversary he said, Baton Rouge; and St. John the “Another thing, I used to “Where are my sisters?” Evangelist Church in Plaque- think that the most important Musing that she could have mine. thing to prepare a homily was been holding his hand “to keep Additionally, Father Burns study your exegesis – study the him from investigating every- has served as a member of the Scriptures, know the Scriptures thing,” he thought. “Was my Presbyteral Council, Defender of reflect on the Scriptures. Yes, mother there at the seminary the Bond and dean of the south- that is very important, but the hoping that one of us would be- west, southcentral and south most important thing when you come a priest?” suburban deaneries. prepare a homily is first pray for He added, “From very early I He has been actively involved the people that are going to hear had the idea of becoming a priest for many years in a diocesan the homily and then do you your and I became an altar server and priests support group. homework.” I was very active at Sacred Heart “That’s been a huge influence And it’s important to him that (Church in Baton Rouge). Getting where we encourage one another people can detect not only by his up early to serve at Mass and that to take care of themselves wheth- words, but his actions and inter- After every Good Friday there is always kind of thing. From my earliest er it’s physically, spiritually, so- actions with people his love for an Easter Sunday, with an Irish accent these words memory I wanted to be a priest cially, psychologically, in whatev- God and others. were often spoken by Father Mike Collins. so maybe my mother whispered er way a person needs care,” said He recalled on the grizzly that in my ear.” Father Burns. bear photo expedition meeting a To continue his legacy, Poppy's Pancakes will be held Father Burns, now retired, While he has had good men- woman from East Germany who March 23, 2019 at Pointe-Marie Village Center grew up in a devout Catholic tor priests, he said the people was agnostic. in Baton Rouge with proceeds benefiting family. he ministered to taught him the “From the moment she St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. “My mother was one of 11 and most about being a priest. learned I was priest she said, A limited number of advance sale tickets my dad was one of 12. And I had “What shaped my ministry ‘I don’t know what to believe. I 22 uncles and 21 aunts who are the most is holy parishioners,” don’t know there is a God and I are available. Sponsorship and donation very devout in their faith. And said Father Burns. “It was the don’t believe all this stuff,’ ” said opportunities are also available. they were in a pool of faith, first prayer life of parishioners be- Father Burns. “One morning we For more information visit the website at in our families, and they chose cause I was in a seminary 12 were having coffee, and all of the or call 225-293.1133. church communities that influ- years and it was under very strict sudden the woman said, ‘I have enced them to have a good faith observance and scrutiny and we SEE BURNS PAGE 20 8 The Catholic Commentator March 1, 2019 St. Joseph Spirituality Center closing in June

By Richard Meek staff spiritual directors seeing their cur- The Catholic Commentator rent and future directees in private prac- tice. The trustees of St. Joseph Spirituality “We all hold in our hearts deep grati- Center and the Sisters of St. Joseph who tude for the Spirituality Center which has sponsor the center announced it will cease provided precious and wonderful min- operations June 30. istries that have touched and changed The center was opened 35 years ago out thousands of people during these past 35 of the need for spiritual opportunities that years,,” said Hanley, expressing apprecia- VIETNAMESE NEW YEAR – Bishop Michael G. Duca joins Father Peter Tan Viet were not being provided by anyone else, tion for founder Sister Lynda Champagne Nguyen, pastor of Sts. Anthony of Padua and Le Van Phung Church in Baton Rouge, executive director Dianne Hanley said in CSJ and all who helped make the center to celebrate Mass on Sunday, Feb. 3, commemorating the Vietnamese Lunar New a letter. She added that need changed as grow. “We look forward with hope to the Year. Photo by Bonny Van | The Catholic Commentator parishes and other organizations began way that you will continue to grow in and providing more spiritual programs and share God’s love with others. opportunities, and because of that shift, “The rich and extensive heritage of the main work of the center became spiri- the center will be honored and celebrated tual direction. when it concludes.” Hanley said the board realizes that Programs planned through June will some things, like the ministry of spiritual go on as scheduled. direction, can, and will likely, continue al- Visit to learn more about though in a different way, including center those programs.

TUITION ASSISTANCE – The Knights of Columbus of the Louisiana Council have ini- tiated a new program designed to give Catholic school tuition assistance to chil- dren of Knights of Columbus members. Winners from a lottery drawing receive $500 towards Catholic school tuition. Winner Dalton Brockhoeft, pictured front row left, attends Sacred Heart of Jesus School in Baton Rouge. His , Konner, also attends Sacred Heart School. Also pictured, from left, are Eric Miller, state ad- vocate; Brandon Brockhoeft, Dalton’s father and a member of the Robert E. Tracy Council in Zachary; Paige Brockhoeft, Dalton’s mother; Harper Brockhoeft, Dal- ton’s sister; Delmas Forbes, state youth chairman; and, Randy Albarez, Grand Knight of the Bishop Robert E. Tracy Council. Photo provided by Delmas Forbes

CATHOLIC CHARITIES HONOREES – On Feb. 13, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge staff, volunteers and board members celebrated the agency’s accom- plishments of the past year and highlighted plans for the future. At the meeting, Jeff Smith was presented with the David Hamilton Volunteer of the Year Award and Ashley Bennett received the Gene Domingue Co-worker of the Year Award. Pic- tured, from left, are, CCDBR Executive Director David Aguillard, Smith, Bishop Mi- chael G. Duca, Bennett and Gerri Hobdy, CCDBR Advisory Board Chair. Photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator March 1, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 9

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CYPRESS SPRINGS MERCEDARIAN PRAYER CENTER PRESENTS The Society of St. Vincent de Paul closed the doors on its Government Street retail store location in Baton Rouge in January. The closure came as a result of the property being sold to a new owner. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator Society of St. Vincent ALTAR de Paul shutters sunday, march 17, 2019 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Government St. store Cuccidatis Demonstration: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Cuccidatis (Fig Cookie) Demonstration By Richard Meek was able to take that support The Catholic Commentator and distribute many items free Join Staci and Olivia Gulino, local bloggers for “Batch & Loaf, of charge. as they demonstrate the proper technique for making traditional A Society of St. Vincent de Although hopeful to get an- g cookies. RSVP: Paul’s retail outlet in Baton other location as soon as possi- Rouge closed its doors in Janu- ble, Acaldo said, just like 16 years ary after the property was sold to ago, “we are going to take our a new owner, according to execu- time to make sure we find anoth- tive director Michael Acaldo. er good location. The store has been a fixture In Baton Rouge, store loca- on Government Street since tions where items can be donat- 2003 but St. Vincent de Paul di- ed are Plank Road and Staring rector Michael Acaldo said the Lane. There are also stores in store lost its lease when the site Gonzales, New Roads and Ham- was sold to new owners. Prelim- mond. inary plans call for the site to be transformed into a bar and restaurant along a corridor that is increasingly becoming a popu- lar entertainment district. Hospice is About Living Two other tenants in the shopping center, both profes- • We rely upon the intercession of our Blessed Mother to assist us in imitating the healing sional offices, are also going to Christ as we care for terminally ill patients and their families. be moving, Acaldo said. •We call forth the compassion and kindness of our staff, who serve in this health care ministry, to respond to “It was a great location,” he the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of our patients and their families. added. “It’s important to realize there’s a lot of changes in the •We believe in the sacredness of life from conception to natural death, and we devote ourselves to supporting patients and families through the dying process at the end of life’s journey on this earth and traffic patterns that are going to new life in eternity. be going through Government, down to one lane right at major part of Government, right there. So, things are kind of changing and with those changes, I think, it made a lot of the Government property in that area a lot more attractive for things other than The right people, retail.” doing the right thing Acaldo said he will be looking for the right reason. SERVING PEOPLE OF ALL FAITHS for another location in the same area because of the support peo- • (225) 243-7358 ple provided to that store since Notre Dame Hospice does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability or age in admission, treatment, ability to pay, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment. 2003. He said the organization 10 The Catholic Commentator | March 1, 2019 March 1, 2019 | The Catholic Commentator 11

A small statue looks out over a beautiful vista in Assisi. The spot was believed to be a favorite of St. Francis of Assisi. In the inset are chains that were used to chain St. Peter while he was imprisoned. piritual Journ A S ey

A view of St. Peter’s Square is shown from the steps of the Vatican. The insert shows the bal- The halls of the Vatican Museum and even the ceilings are highlighted with stunning frescos and cony where Pope Francis delivers his weekly address and was also where he made his first paintings. appearance to the world as pontiff. Photos by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator

Pilgrims enjoyed what was a rather intimate audience of an estimated 2,500 people with Pope Francis for his weekly audience inside the Vatican. Typically the pontiff’s audience is held in St. nitial excitement was quickly I’ve previously been on vaca- out of the window and saw the Alps, their Peter’s Square and can draw anywhere from 60,000 people and above. doused with a healthy dose of tion with priest friends but those peaks proudly beaming with a winter snow. Idoubt when presented with would not qualify as a pilgrim- Even cramped in my tiny seat, I knew such an idea that would certainly re- age. And my idea of a pilgrimage a beautiful sight was an early morning gift move me from my comfort zone. is playing golf at St. Andrew’s or from God, a token to allay my own fears Nearly a year ago, a reporter Carnoustie during the day and even as my cramping legs bellowed their suggested I go on a pilgrimage sharing a pint in an English pub complaints. to Italy that was being organized at night. Upon arrival in Rome, myself and 60 at the time. Naturally, I under- So uncertainty was like a vice pilgrims boarded a bus and went straight to stood her motive: let’s get the old in the decision-making process Assisi, with a short stop for lunch where a curmudgeon out of the office for but who could resist a trip that ham po-boy took on a different meaning. And 10 days. promises pasta at every meal? forget about asking for the sandwich to be And who could blame her? I Armed with a suitcase full of “dressed,” but we already know not to make sometimes wish I could take a trepidation and a pocketful of that request north of I-10 anyway. week off from me. Wandering something called Euros (which We first toured Assisi, learning about St. But a pilgrimage? were rejected at my local pub Francis of Assisi and visiting historic sites I have certainly had friends or Catholic upon return), I recently boarded where he lived, ate, prayed and even slept, written stories about people who a plane for the first step of a long using a rock for a pillow. His simplicity of life, hopscotch around the world on Richard Meek journey that would include nearly his disdain for material possessions, his giv- pilgrimages, from the Holy Land 10 hours cramped in a steel cylin- ing away his own fortunes was inspirational to Italy to Fatima. And their experiences, der at 35,000 feet. and caused uncomfortable self-evaluations although positive, always left me questioning But I knew I was in for something special barely 36 hours into the trip. if I would be comfortable on such a venture. when near the end of the flight I glanced SEE ROME PAGE 17

The group poses for a photo in front of the Archbasilica of St. John Lan- tern Church in Rome. Although the majority of the pilgrims were from the Diocese of Baton Rouge, some came from as far away as Lafitte, Some of the original wall surrounding remains standing. Local citizens and visitors The Coliseum in Rome dates back 2,000 years and towers over the skyline in ancient Rome. Maryland and Florida. are able to freely walk in and out of Vatican City without restrictions. 12 The Catholic Commentator March 1, 2019

Eighth-grade students at Redemptorist St. Gerard School in Baton Rouge portray historical figures during their Black History Month program on Friday, Feb. 22. Photos by Bonny Van | The Catholic Commentator St. Gerard students celebrate Black History Month

By Bonny Van parents and visitors joined in singing the more police brutality;’ some are going “Many of them were very proud this The Catholic Commentator Negro National Anthem, “Lift Every Voice back in history and presenting someone morning in assembly by the people they and Sing.” Many members of the faculty who has long been forgotten.” were representing,” said Barber. “Some Through song, dance, artwork, display wore traditional African dress or scarves Singer Ella Fitzgerald, NBA star Bill (students) are representing NASA; some boards, costumes and recitations, stu- and jewelry commemorating Africa. Russell, baseball legend Jackie Robin- are wearing the colors of Africa – it’s just dents at Redemptorist St. Gerard School “This year, many of the students are son, former President Barak Obama and cultural awareness and consciousness in Baton Rouge celebrated Black History representing some of the prominent con- Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens were that we’re bringing forth.” Month on Feb. 22. The theme was “Root- tributions of African Americans through- among the many historical figures repre- During a fiery speech, guest speaker ed in Faith, Anchored in Hope.” out our history,” said Catherel Barber, who sented by students. Judge John Guidry of the Louisiana Court After prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance teaches English and social studies. “Some Eighth-grader Zawaskie Myles, who of Appeal for the First Circuit, Second and the school creed, students, faculty, are police officers, and representing ‘no represented Owens, said learning about District, talked about contributions of Owens and his challenges has been inspi- African Americans “from slave ships to rational. space ships.” “I ran track already,” said Myles. “But “Today, as we celebrate Black History Planning a it made me actually want to change the Month, to God be the glory for what he world while I’m doing it.” has done,” Guidry said. “He’s allowed us Historian Carter G. Woodson is to achieve in every walk of life.” credited with starting “Negro History From there, Guidry mentioned nu- St. Joseph Week” in 1926 during the second week merous people who helped advance civil of February to coincide with the birth- rights, government, technology, science, days of President Abraham Lincoln and medicine, law, education, space explora- Fredrick Douglass, an author, abolition- tion, entertainment and sports. Altar? ist and diplomat. The week-long cel- “It’s not enough to look back at the ebration was expanded to Black History past, but you and I must serve your pres- The Catholic Month, which is observed in February ent age,” said Guidry. “It’s time to pull Commentator will be in the United States and Canada; and, up our pants, put our guns down, get off publishing a list of in October by Ireland, the Netherlands Facebook and put our face in a book and and the United Kingdom. start doing things now … you too can be St. Joseph Altars in the “(Participating in the program) in- inventors; you too can be engineers; you, Diocese of Baton Rouge spired me to go learn more about my his- too, can be teachers; you can be the lead- tory and see what all the people did,” said ers of our community. But, it’s going to in our March 15 issue. eighth-grader Glen Cage, who portrayed be hard work … but you can do all things The deadline to be included is March 6. Woodson. through Christ.” If you would like to submit a listing, include: • Date and time(s) • Place of viewing including street address • Contact name and phone number and send to email [email protected]; or FAX to 225-336-8710. The St. Joseph Altar form is on our website THE CATHOLIC

Students sing a song to kick-off the program at Redemptorist St. Gerard School in Baton C SERVIN G TH E D IO CES E O F BATO N R O U G E S I N C E 19 6 2 Rouge celebrating Black History Month. March 1, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 13

STEM ACTION! - STEM Club members from Catholic Elementary School of Pointe Coupee in New Roads collaborated and built SPECIAL VISIT – Students in first, second and third grades at Mater Dolorosa School in Independence motorized roller coasters to learn about motion, force, gravity, visited with Kathy Stuart, Southeast Field Representative for U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, R-LA. Her visit inertia, acceleration and momentum. Pictured, from left, are was to enhance the learning of the United States government. She explained Sen. Cassidy’s roles and Alayna Knight, Foston Guidry, Alex Beatty and Tyler Dowden. responsibilities to the citizens of Louisiana. Photo provided by Erin Mendez | Mater Dolorosa School Photo provided by Megan Girlinghouse | CESPC


SPECIAL GUESTS – Political strategists James Carville, pictured far right, joins his wife Mary Matalin, center, and his sister, Pat Carville Hoffman, far left, to wrap up the special speaker series at he Black and Indian Mission Collection (BIMC) exists to help diocesan communi- St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge as part of the school’s ties to build the Church and preach the Gospel of Jesus among the African Amer- 150th anniversary celebration. Hoffman is a 1973 graduate of ican, Native American, and Alaska Native . SJA. Photo by Bonn Van | The Catholic Commentator T Every year, it is the amazing generosity of Catholic faithful just like you who enable the Black and Indian Mission Office to support the following important priorities: Enlivening Parish Empowering Life & Catechesis Evangelizers

Grant funds from the BIMC grant funds BIMC enables us to help African- support parish-based American and catechetical programs. Native American ministries to sponsor events and formation to encourage the Helping Educators Christian life in culturally appropriate ways. Reach Kids Encouraging Vocations In 2016, your generous donations reached over We need men and 4,000 African- women living the American and Native consecrated life to give American students in SCHOLARSHIP WINNER – Addie Schempf, a seventh-grader at witness to a more than 250 schools radical Christian life. Most Blessed Sacrament School in Baton Rouge, was chosen by and parishes across the U.S. teachers as the recipient of the Jill Peno Scholarship Award, We need priests in order to have the Eucharist! worth $1,700. Peno, a student at MBS, died in 1984 after she was Please give generously in your parish collection on March 9 & 10. diagnosed with a brain tumor. Her family set up the scholarship in her memory. It is funded with proceeds from a school event called “PJs for Jill.” MBS principal Cheryl Gioe presented the award to Schempf. Photo by Bonny Van | The Catholic Commentator 14 The Catholic Commentator ENTERTAINMENT March 1, 2019

Motion Picture Association of America structing a world where people respect a masked killer during it, over and over MOVIE ratings: each other, no matter their differences. again until she, her boyfriend (Israel G – General audiences; all ages admitted Cartoon mayhem, some peril and mild Broussard) and his roommate (Phi Vu), PG – Parental guidance suggested; some rude humor. A-I; PG the creator of the device that caused the REVIEWS material may not be suitable for children USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting problem, can figure out how to break the PG-13 – Parents are strongly cautioned to classifications: Miss Bala cycle. A confusing plot involving paral- give special guidance for attendance of A-I – General patronage Columbia lel universes, an assumption that viewers children under 13; some material may be A-II – Adults and adolescents While visiting her best friend (Cristina remember in detail the relationships of inappropriate for young children A-III – Adults Rodlo) in Mexico, a Los Angeles makeup the first film and an effort to have the pic- R – Restricted; under 17 requires accom- A-IV – Adults, with reservations panying parent or adult guardian artist (Gina Rodriguez) is abducted by ture function simultaneously as a slasher L – Limited adult audience NC-17 – No one under 17 admitted the leader (Ismael Cruz Cordova) of a flick, a comedy and a message-bearing O – Morally offensive drug cartel and finds herself caught be- emotional drama keep writer and return- tween the gangster and a DEA agent (Matt ing director Christopher Landon’s follow- Cold Pursuit banter, and frequent profane and crude Lauria) with both intent on blackmailing up off kilter. Though the basic values are Summit language. O; R her into cooperating with them. Director sound, gory moments and some vulgar A grieving father (Liam Neeson) em- Catherine Hardwicke’s remake of a well- content restrict the movie’s appeal still barks on a murderous rampage to avenge The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part received 2011 Spanish-language film is further. Scenes of bloody violence, suicide, the death of his son (Micheal Richard- Warner Bros. meant to be the tale of an ordinary wom- an adultery theme, cohabitation, mature son) in this bloodthirsty crime thriller, Everything is (still) awesome in this an discovering her inner toughness. But references, including homosexuality, a directed by Hans Petter Moland. As the spirited and amusing animated sequel to improbabilities abound and there’s little couple of profanities and a few mild oaths, father wades into the seedy underbelly of 2014’s “The Lego Movie,” directed by Mike of note going on beyond a complex and at least one rough and numerous crude the town and disposes of accomplices, he Mitchell. A mild-mannered construction charismatic performance from Cordova. terms, obscene gestures. L; PG-13 inches closer to the drug kingpin (Tom worker (voice of Chris Pratt) is called again Though rampant corruption leads to a Bateman) and sparks a turf war with a ri- to save the day when the queen (voice of muddying of the moral waters, the may- Isn’t It Romantic val crime boss (Tom Jackson). Local police Tiffany Haddish) of a far-off galaxy - kid hem is mostly bloodless and the sexual- Warner Bros. officers (Emmy Rossum, John Doman) naps his lady love (voice of Elizabeth ity restrained, making this acceptable for In this clever send-up of romantic com- take an awfully long time to notice that Banks), Batman (voice of Will Arnett) and a wide swath of grownups. Considerable edies, an architect (Rebel Wilson) who’s something is amiss. As sympathetic as other friends. An unexpected ally is found stylized violence, including gunplay and a cynical critic of the genre gets a blow to Christian viewers may be of the father’s in a rugged space cowboy (also voiced by explosions, with only slight gore, a narcot- the head and wakes up in a transformed loss, it is impossible to ignore the Gospel Pratt) as the rescue mission begins. This ics theme, some sensuality, brief partial version of her world, one filled with all the message and condone vigilantism and family-friendly film offers positive mes- nudity, at least one mild oath, a couple of cliches of the films she disdains. One of the film’s heroic portrayal of his actions. sages about (no puns intended) making rough terms, several crude expressions. A- her potential clients (Liam Hemsworth), Skewed moral values, bloody violence and connections, bridging the gaps among III; PG-13 a dashing billionaire who had previously gore, drug use, a homosexual kiss, sexual friends and family members, and con- ignored her now courts her assiduously, Alita: Battle Angel but she still feels drawn to her co-worker Fox and best friend (Adam Devine), a down- Adapted from a series of graphic novels to-earth guy who has long been her secret by Yukito Kishiro by screenwriter James admirer. Though the laughs are plentiful, Cameron and director Robert Rodriguez, and the essential message about the need this futuristic action adventure follows to appreciate yourself before you can be the romantic and crusading exploits of open to receiving love is valid enough, oth- the titular cyborg (Rosa Salazar). After a er material makes director Todd Strauss- specialist in human-mechanical fusion Schulson’s upbeat satire strictly grown-up (Christoph Waltz) finds her in a garbage fare. Mature subject matter and humor, in- dump and restores her to life, she falls for cluding numerous references to homosex- a lad with a motorbike (Keean Johnson) uality and nonmarital sex, brief medical but remains preoccupied with her high- gore, a same-sex kiss, an irreverent joke, octane martial arts-style fighting prow- a few uses of profanity and a mild oath, at ess, demonstrated against an array of bad least one instance of rough language, oc- guys (led, behind the scenes, by Jennifer casional crude and crass talk, an obscene Connelly and Mahershala Ali). Though it gesture. A-III; PG-13 makes some weak feints in the direction of pondering the divide between its big- The Prodigy eyed heroine’s two natures, Cameron’s Orion script is primarily focused on having its Edgy creepy-kid tale in which a gifted angel do battle at every opportunity. View- 8-year-old (Jackson Robert Scott) born on ers can judge for themselves whether her the same day that a serial killer (Paul Fau- clashes represent female empowerment teux) was gunned down by police shows or male wish fulfillment. Either way, the signs of having a split personality, the suggestion in the dialogue that she has darker side of which disturbs and bewil- an inherent appetite for mayhem makes ders his caring parents (Taylor Schilling this inappropriate fare for impressionable and Peter Mooney). Though it reaches a youngsters. Much violence, some of it gory, bloody climax, director Nicholas McCar- partial nudity, references to narcotics, a thy’s chiller is mostly restrained in its de- mild oath, a couple of rough terms, several piction of aggression and effective in un- crude and crass expressions. A-III; PG-13 settling viewers. The reincarnation theory underlying the plot, improbably peddled Happy Death Day 2U by a psychiatrist (Paula Boudreau) and Universal an academic (Colm Feore), will be easily A science experiment gone awry once dismissed by grown moviegoers. Occult again traps the college student protago- themes, some graphic gory violence, grue- nist (Jessica Rothe) of the 2017 original some images, partial male nudity, at least in a time warp, dooming her to relive her one use of profanity, a couple of rough birthday, and her murder at the hands of terms, a few crude expressions. L; R March 1, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 15

1234 56789 11120 131 Bringing mercy to Guatemala 41 51 61 71 81 91

By Debbie Shelley at the orphanages. They might not kidnapped into the virtual 02 12 22 The Catholic Commentator be abused by a family mem- world,” said Giambrone. “In- 243 2 265 2 ber and then thrown out of the stead of technology we were 72 2289310 3 Looking into the grinning, house,” said Bonvillain. treated to the sounds of laughter giggling faces of Guatemalan She encountered an 11-year- and girls playing and talking – 332 343 53 63 orphans wrapped in their out- old girl who was pregnant and the beautiful symphony of the 73 83 93 stretched arms, four area mis- had a baby boy in December. sisters praying.” sionaries experienced the tan- But the “light” in the situa- Carmena said the journey to 04 14 24 gible rewards Christ promises tion came from the girls and the the orphanage was late at night 443 4 54 in Matthew 25:40 ... “Amen I Sisters of Martha and Mary, ac- over windy, bumpy roads, but say to you, whatever you do for cording to Giambrone. when they arrived the girls and 64 487 49405 these least brothers of mine, you “It seems like everyone whom sisters were waiting for them. 521 535 45 55 did for me.” we came into contact with was “And they had the biggest Matthew 25:40 is the motto filled with unexplainable joy,” smiles,” said Carmena, who de- 65 587 5 95 of La Misión Encot- scribed the love 06 16 26 randome con Cristo received at the Guatemala Mis- orphanage as 36 46 56 sion, founded by “the uncondi- moc.scilohtacrofsemagdrow.www Father Robert-Joel tional love Jesus ACROSS 2 The Diocese of Boise is here Cruz, priest of the gives to us. 1 “Thy ___ be done…” 3 “…as you did it to one of the ___ of Diocese of Houma- “And they gave 5 Middle Easterners these my brethren, you did it to me.’“ 10 ___ Friday (Mt 25:40) Thibodaux. The mis- it to us every time 14 Stadiums 4 OT book sion provides the we’d see them. So 15 Backs of the neck 5 11th century theologian necessities to the there was a giv- 16 Years in old Rome 6 “Destroy this temple, and in three 17 Sir’s complement days I will ___ it up.” (Jn 2:19) people of poverty- ing and receiving 18 Attack 7 Copies stricken Alta Vera- of love.” 19 People in Lystra called Barnabas this 8 Beseech paz region of Guate- Carmena and (Acts 14:12) 9 Vane reading 20 Exclamations of pleasure 10 Summerhouse mala. Their project the other mis- Singing and dancing was a favorite activity of the girls in an 21 “Good” queen of England 11 Prime rating provides equipment sionaries were 22 Solemn holy day 12 Responsibility orphanage in Jalapa Guatemala served by area missionaries to help provide clean also drawn to the 23 Remarkable 13 Pol. area as part of La Misión Encotrandome con Cristo Guatemala 25 Paint unskillfully 21 Oil units (abbr.) drinking water, to spirituality of the Mission. Photo provided by Jennifer Giambrone 27 Dutch ___ disease 22 “Hail Mary ___ of grace…” help the villagers sisters. 28 Rode at full speed 24 Gnostic being who would walk for “At 7 o’clock 32 Greek title for Jesus 25 “Give us this day our ___…” 35 “And do not bring us to the time of 26 Jai ___ miles down the mountain to get said Giambrone. “I say unex- in the morning we were able ___.” (Lk 11:4) 28 One of the seven deadly sins water from a running stream. plainable joy based on the dire to go and pray with them. And 36 “Just ___ thought” 29 Sunday in Lent The equipment also included circumstances (they faced). we’d walk in and hear the gui- 37 Home of Adam and Eve 30 Brother of Jacob 38 “Regina ___” 31 I’ve got ___ on it solar panels, stoves, sinks, dry Many of us who were perhaps tar strumming and we’d hear 39 Let out the secret 32 Members of this tribe of Israel carried goods, live stock, citrus, trees as too attached to our worldly pos- the voices in Spanish. We didn’t 40 Vitality the Ark (Deut 10:8) well as educational scholarships sessions would wonder what know what they were singing, 41 Land of milk and ___ 33 Thor’s father 42 The Stranger author 34 Precious stones for children to continue their they have to be joyful about. but it was beautiful. And it al- 43 Moved by God 35 First Catholic United States Chief education. “Yet the children at the or- ways spoke to our hearts. And 45 The ___ of Galilee Justice Three missionaries from the phanage and the sisters that we were praying to ourselves in 46 Opie’s paw 38 Thin rope 47 Catholic Australian novelist 39 False god of the Old Testament Diocese of Baton Rouge have cared for them – the children English and they were praying and short story writer, Patrick ___ 41 Posterior participated in summer mis- and adults in a remote village out loud in Spanish. There was 51 Spoken 42 Monastery chamber sions and a fall “mission prep” to were in fact joyful.” a unity in prayer we had,” Car- 54 Rebekah was found there 44 Pope during Vatican II 55 Hebrew for “son of” 45 Type of vow prepare for the following sum- “The simplest things – sit- mena said. 56 Remove water 47 Greeting mer’s mission: Emily Chauvin, ting and talking, singing, fly- She was also struck by the rev- 57 Vestment made of a narrow strip of 48 Type of monastery a member of Mater Dolorosa ing kites, learning English – erence shown in eucharistic ado- cloth 49 David married his widow 59 Jesus’ name for the Father 50 Window covering Church in Independence; Jenni- brought smiles to the children’s ration, when a nun would shoul- 60 255, to Nero 51 Alphabet string fer Giambrone, a member of St. faces,” Giambrone said. der a heavy cross by herself. 61 Single stem 52 What mantillas are usually made of Anne Church in Napoleonville; “Giggling and laughter were “She didn’t let it drop so that 62 “…a man sows, that he will also ___.” 53 Lubricates (Gal 6:7) 54 Author Hermann and Eve Carmena, a member part of the sites and sounds we she was only holding up the top 63 Ricky, in real life 57 Bashful of Our Lady of Mercy Church in would hear throughout the day. part of it. She was holding the 64 Territory in NW Canada 58 Type of cross Baton Rouge. Serving alongside Even when everyone was at- entire cross. She stood there and 65 Gomer of Mayberry 59 Dada artist them was Brenda Bonvillain tending daily chores, which in- it gave me such a great knowl- DOWN from the Houma-Thibodaux cluded washing clothes by hand. edge that she understood the 1 The ___ at the Well Solution on page 18 Diocese. It didn’t take long to fall in love cross of Jesus and how he car- The missionaries spoke about with the simplicity of life there.” ried it. The depth of that,” Car- their experiences at a Magnifi- And the missionaries learned mena said. cat Morning of Prayer on Feb. 7 to embrace what would have up- She said the and chil- Tree Service at Our Lady of Mercy Church in set them at home, such as “the dren were exuberant when Car- Mr. D’s Baton Rouge. whimsical water game” of an un- dinal Angelo Bardsley, prefect of ovEr 35 yEars ExpErIEncE The women stayed at a girls’ reliable water system that would the Congregation for the Causes Don Decell, owner orphanage, Hogar de Niños, in turn off at any time – such as in of , came to the orphan- carl BaBin, owner Jalapa. They spent time with the middle of a shower. age during a visit to the country • Economical the girls and taught English to “We washed our clothes on to examine the cause for - • Fully Insured • Quality Work the Sisters of Martha and Mary, evenings that were not filled hood of two missionaries who CALL TODAY! who took care of them. with the annoying distrac- had been martyred. 225-292-6756 “They (girls) were dropped off tions of television and we were see Guatemala page 20 16 The Catholic Commentator VIEWPOINT March 1, 2019 | letter to the editor The spiritual meaning of Lent Stop the insanity o the extent that we have been taught our Catho- of Jesus, then through faith and hope and love we can lic faith and have read the Bible and have expe- join our lives to his. Another way of putting this is to After reading this past week of the law enact- Trienced God’s revealed word made flesh in the say that much of our following of Christ is anonymous ed in the state of New York expanding abortion life, death and resurrection of Jesus, we to ourselves until we reflect upon it. As “rights,” I first felt shock, then disgust, then sad- should see God acting in our everyday St. Paul says in 2 Corinthians, and we ness. Many of the legislators in this country have world. Those without faith may have often sing in a Catholic hymn, “We walk hardened hearts. Many of these legislators claim our same experiences and see only the by faith and not by sight.” We just don’t to be Catholic, but their behavior says otherwise. continuous beginning and ending of realize how much. We need a period Even one of the Supreme Court justices that ruled material things. In our like Lent to become aware of the Christ abortion was a constitutional right, William Bren- we set aside a special time of the year, who promised to be always with us in nan, claimed to be Catholic. Lent, to try to see our human everyday good times and in bad. My fear is other states will create laws like New life through the teachings and life experi- Seen though the lens of Christ’s life, York’s. We were not created to destroy life. The ences of Jesus. ordinary, every-day existence is filled smile on the face of a baby expresses how much it Around the time of the Second Vatican with God’s presence and grace. Our enjoys being alive. It is the natural state that God Council, a German theologian named expressly religious practices simply put on to our hearts. Karl Rahner coined a phrase which be- celebrate and illuminate that presence Something must be done to stop this insan- came famous, although somewhat misun- and grace. Were not that little girl ity. The most sensible method is an amendment derstood. He spoke of the “anonymous with leukemia and her parents living to the United States Constitution. This is probably Christian.” The public found it catchy Another Jesus’ healing love? When we offer to a longshot, but with prayer and persistence it can and thought it meant that you didn’t have God Jesus’ passion and death through happen. Amendments XIII and XIV were created to be Christian to be good. While that Perspective the sacrament of the Eucharist, are we to end slavery and reverse the Supreme Court’s is true, since God’s spirit can work in all not also offering what we share anony- Sanford vs Dred Scott decision. Unfortunately, human beings according to his divine Father John Carville mously with him in our own lives? God this was done after the Civil War which killed over providence, Rahner was talking primar- was with Jesus sustaining him, so too 600,000. Abortion has already killed 100 times ily about the ordinary life of Christians. As he wrote in he is with us in the passion and death of our lives. that many in this country. 1975, “Today Christianity is slowly learning that it can Lent is a special season of the year that illuminates the Another step that must be done is to excom- and must live and understand everything in profane anonymous Christianity of our daily grind. Lent makes municate the “Catholic” lawmakers, governors, (worldly) life as a process of salvation.” religiously explicit those aspects of loss and and court judges that allow these types of laws to As an example: One day I was making “We just don’t passion that extend over our whole lives. be created. Their public actions demonstrate they visits at Our Lady of the Lake Regional The modern world offers ever-new il- are not Catholic. It seems to me the bishops in this Medical Center when I found myself on realize how lusions of escape from all that is painful. country are fearful of agitating politicians. the children’s floor. In an isolation room Nevertheless, certain things are inescap- Please write, call or visit your legislators and was a beautiful little two-year-old girl much. We need a able: sickness, old age, disappointments in let them know of your desire for a constitutional with leukemia. From her father I learned marriage and children, business problems, amendment to outlaw abortion. Pressure must be that she had just begun a lengthy pro- period like Lent loneliness and finally death. Often this is put on our bishops to deal with Catholics that con- gram of chemotherapy. What sacrifices recognized only in today’s secular moral- tinue to let legalized abortion exist in this coun- life can demand from suffering children to become aware ity plays known as soap operas. These are try. Purposefully killing an infant cannot be con- and loving young parents! This family truly secular because there is no resur- doned or encouraged. You would think this was can be understood as a medical statis- of the Christ rection; the misery never ends. There is common sense. But in our upside-down world it tic in the so-called cancer corridor of no real cause for hope, just a never ending has become normal. Louisiana or as a journey with Christ in who promised fight for survival. The true morality play, Patti Mansfield his life, passion, death and resurrection. of course, is the Gospel. Jesus suffers and Prairieville The love that keeps those parents caring to be always dies, but there is hope in a God who does for that child can be just an instinctive not fail him. He rises from his tomb. parental reaction, or it can be a walk in with us in While the painful realities of life are faith that teaches them to love all the inescapable, the Christian can not only L etters to the Editor more. good times cope but also grow through them, if he or Letters to the Editor should be typed and limited Jesus, the son of God, became man she faces them with Christ. Lent is the to 350 words and should contain the name and and lived our life and died our death in and in bad.” rehearsal in which the Christian passion is address of the writer, though the address will perfect obedience to his heavenly father. freely accepted because it joins us to Jesus not be printed. We reserve the right to edit all God sent him to show us the true, spiritual meaning in life, death and resurrection. letters. Send to: Letters to the Editor, The Catho- of life’s blessings and its trials. Everything we experi- lic Commentator, P. O. Box 3316, Baton Rouge, ence shares “anonymously” in the life, passion and FATHER CARVILLE is a retired priest in the Diocese of Baton LA 70821-3316, or to [email protected]. death of Jesus, and one day if we are faithful, also in Rouge and writes on current topics for The Catholic his resurrection. When, through reflection and prayer Commentator. He can be reached at johnnycarville@ we realize the connection between our lives and that

| Pray for those who pray for us Please pray for the priests, deacons and religious women and men in the Baton Rouge Diocese. Mar. 7 Rev. Robert H Berggreen Sr. Joan Manuel CSJ Dcn. Michael F. Thompson Mar. 18 Rev. Thomas F. Clark SJ Dcn. Alfred J. Ricard Jr. Mar. 11 Richard O. Buhler SJ Sr. Carmen Medina HMS Dcn. James E. Wax Br. Dwight Kenney SC Dcn. Mario (Sam) Sammartino Mar. 15 Rev. Chuong Cao CSsR Sr. Anne Meridier CSJ Mar. 8 Rev. Donald V. Blanchard Br. Noel Lemmon SC Dcn. J. Thomas Traylor Mar. 19 Rev. Paul D. Counce Dcn. Thomas M. Robinson Mar. 12 Rev. Gerald H. Burns Br. Malcolm Melcher SC Dcn. P. Chauvin Wilkinson Jr. Sr. Betty Lyons FMOL Dcn. Joseph M. Scimeca Mar. 16 Rev. John Carville Br. Marcus Turcotte SC Mar. 9 Rev. Patrick Broussard Sr. Ann Maria Mathew SOM Dcn. John W. Veron Mar. 20 Rev. Randy M. Cuevas Dcn. Mauricio Salazar OP Mar. 13 Rev. Peter J. Callery SJ Sr. Evelyn Mee CSJ Dcn. Alfred Adams Sr. Br. Clifford King SC Dcn. Rudolph W. Stahl Mar. 17 Rev. Edward Chiffriller SSJ Sr. Ann Catherine Nguyen FMOL Mar. 10 Rev. Jules A. Brunet Br. Roger LeMoyne SC Dcn. J. Peter Walsh Dcn. Eliazar Salinas Jr. Mar. 14 Rev. Joseph M. Camilleri Br. Paul Montero SC March 1, 2019 VIEWPOINT The Catholic Commentator 17 Ecumenism – the path forward

was very blessed during Catholic circles, but in theologi- other over to our own particular that is, as we grow closer to make us aware that there are my theological formation cal schools and seminaries in denomination, of getting others Christ we will grow closer to other ways of being faithful Ito have had the privilege of Protestant, Evangelical, Mor- to admit that they are wrong each other and thus “progres- to which we do not do justice. taking classes from two very mon and Jewish seminaries as and that we are right and of sively converge” around Christ … In short, a frank study of renowned Catholic scholars, well. Both were deeply respected them returning to the true flock, and, as we do that, we will the New Testament ecclesi- Avery Dulles and Raymond for their openness, friendship namely, our particular denomi- eventually find ourselves around ologies should convince every E. Brown. The former was an and graciousness towards those nation. In their view, that’s not one common altar and will see Christian community that it ecclesiologist whose books who held religious views dif- the route forward, practically or each other as part of the same is neglecting part of the New often became textbooks which ferent than their own. Indeed, theologically. The path forward community. Testament witness. … I contend were prescribed reading in Raymond Brown spent his most needs to be, as Dulles puts it, The path to unity then lies that in a divided Christianity, seminaries and productive years the path of “progressive conver- not in converting each other instead of reading the Bible to theology schools. teaching at Union gence.” What is this path? over, but in each of us living the assure ourselves that we are The latter was a Theological It begins with the honest ad- Gospel more faithfully so as right, we would do better to Scripture scholar Seminary in New mission by each of us that none to grow closer to each other in read it to discover where we whose scholarship York, even as he, of us, no one denomination, has Christ. This doesn’t mean that have not been listening. As we stands out, almost a Sulpician priest, the full truth, incarnates the we do not take our divisions Christians of different churches singularly, still more than any- full expression of church, and is seriously, that we simplistically try to give hearing to the previ- nearly 30 years thing else cher- fully faithful to the Gospel. We assert that all denominations ously muffled voices, our views after his death. ished his Roman are all deficient in some ways are equal, or that we justify our of the church will grow larger; Nobody ques- Catholic identity and each of us in some ways is divisions today by pointing to and we will come closer to tions the scholar- and priesthood. selective in terms of which parts divisions that already existed in sharing common views. Then ship, the personal After losing his of the Gospels we value and the New Testament churches. the Bible will be doing for us integrity or the own father and incarnate and which parts we ig- Rather we must all begin by what Jesus did in his time, faith-commitment mother, he spoke nore. And so the path forward is each of us admitting that we do namely, convincing those who of these men. of the Roman the path of conversion, personal not possess the full truth and have ears to hear that all is not They were in In Exile Catholic Church and ecclesial, of admitting our that we are in fact far from be- right, for God is asking of them different theologi- Father Ron Rolheiser and his Sulpician selectiveness, of recognizing ing fully faithful. more than they thought.” cal disciplines but community as and valuing what other churches Given that starting point, Indeed: God is asking more what they shared, “the family that have incarnated, of reading Brown then gives this challenge of us than we think. beyond the high respect of still remains for me.” Scripture more deeply in search to all the churches: “recogni- scholars and church persons And what these two shared in of what we have ignored and tion of the range of New Testa- Father Ron Rolheiser, everywhere, was a passion for their vision for ecumenism was absented ourselves from, and ment ecclesiological diversity theologian, teacher and award- ecumenism and a capacity to this: The path towards Christian of individually and collectively makes the claim of any church winning author, is president of form deep friendships and invite unity, the road that will eventu- trying to live lives that are truer to be absolutely faithful to the the Oblate School of Theology in warm dialogue across every ally bring all sincere Christians to Jesus Christ. By doing this, Scriptures much more complex. San Antonio, Texas. He can kind of denominational and together into one community, by each of us and each church We are faithful but in our own be contacted through his web- inter-religious line. Their books around one altar, is not the living the Gospel more fully, we specific way; and both ecumen- site and are studied not just in Roman way of somehow winning the will “progressively converge,” ics and biblical studies should

ROME  Peter. Early that morning, Father Jamin ing how was I living out that message the time, has had its share of challenges From page 10 David, pastor at St. Margaret Church in in my own life, what type of example lately. Albany and the spiritual director for the was I setting, was Christ proud of me or Like so many other Catholics, my I knew I was venturing into unchartered pilgrimage, had celebrated Mass at the viewing me with disdain because of my faith has clearly been tested. But being spiritual waters that would require some tomb of St. Peter, and following Mass own sins. at the tomb of St. Peter, knowing whose equally uncomfortable answers. I was able to spend a few moments in Praying at St. Peter’s tomb made me presence I was in, reenergized the com- Assisi was stunning in its beauty, silent prayer. realize that our faith is not about stun- mitment I have to a church I love so intimate in its quaintness – a place that Without warning, my eyes were ningly beautiful frescos and churches much, warts and all. cries for a return visit. awash in tears, a tsunami of emotions on nearly every corner. Certainly, they More importantly, the experience It was then on to Florence for a brief piercing my heart as I realized, just enhance our own prayerful experiences renewed my own love of Christ, the visit before traveling back to Rome, yards away was, to borrow a sports and their beauty is to be admired and one person I know I can trust, the one where visits to the Coliseum and other reference, “The Guy.” Here was the first appreciated, but the message for me was person who awaits us with welcoming ancient ruins followed. Contrary to what Vicar of Christ, the man who walked that our faith is lived through our per- arms, no matter our sin, no matter our many of my younger colleagues and with our Lord, the man who would deny sonal relationship with Christ. How do transgressions. friends believe, I did not actually cover our savior, as we all do in sin, only to we love him, how do we try to emulate Before the trip there was some the gladiators, but what a great feeling to repent and be cloaked in God’s mercy, a him in our words, thoughts and actions? anxiety about spending 10 days and walk in the footsteps of Julius Cesar. promise that the Lord offers to us all. And how do we not allow our cultural, nights with 60 people, the overwhelm- Friends have often expressed that The Gospel reference, “You are Peter societal and worldly distractions to dis- ing majority I did not know. But equally in their experiences there comes a and upon this rock I will build my rupt our prayer life? By the way, I’m still as rewarding as the renewal of my faith spiritually-defining moment in every church” reverberated through my psyche working on that one. life were the friendships that developed, pilgrimage when God taps deep into and prayer. And do I have the same love of God as the meals we shared, even the vino we the recesses of one’s heart. For the first From that point, the pilgrimage that of St. Peter, who paid the ultimate sampled. You guys will forever hold a few days I wondered if perhaps my own was viewed through a different prism. price for being an apostle of Christ? special place in my memories. heart was too crusty for even God to Although the Vatican, especially the As the week passed, I also realized To top it off, one couple even got penetrate. Sistine Chapel and the many surround- that God’s hand was in the timing of the engaged while in Rome, casting an unex- Forty years a journalist will do that. ing churches were breathtaking, seeing pilgrimage. The church is enduring dif- pected glow over the entire group and Or so I thought, but God had other ideas. the tomb of St. Peter brought to life the ficult times, and being a member of the even offering hope to those of us still For me, that moment came quickly Gospel message and created many vex- Catholic media, although an amazing searching as we advance in years. and unexpectedly at the tomb of St. ing moments in my own heart, question- journey and greatly rewarding most of For now, St. Andrews can wait. 18 The Catholic Commentator COMING EVENTS March 1, 2019

St. Agnes Events – St. Agnes Church, 749 East Blvd., or call 225-383-3349. Marquette St., Baton Rouge. Chef John Folse will pre- Baton Rouge, will host a pro-life Mass Tuesday, March pare the food. Tickets are $10 and benefit St. Vincent de 12, 5:30 p.m. and a healing Mass on Friday, March 22, Praise and Worship Night – St. George Church, 7808 Paul. To purchase tickets and for more information, visit 5:30 p.m. For more information, call 225-383-4127. St. George Dr., Baton Rouge, will host a night of praise, or call 225-383-7837, extension 0. worship and adoration Tuesday, March 12, 7 p.m. For Retreat on Aging – Dana Territo will present a se- more information, call 225-293-1298. Discalced – The Secular Order of Dis- nior citizens’ retreat, “The Spiritual Graces of Aging,” calced Carmelites will meet Sunday, March 10, 1:30 p.m., sponsored by the St. Joseph Spirituality Center, Satur- Count Your Blessings – The Society of St. Vincent at the Our Lady of Mercy Parish Activity Center in the St. day, March 9, 9 a.m. – noon, at the Mother Alice Hall of de Paul will host its 24th annual “Count Your Blessings” Gabriel Room, 444 Marquette Ave., Baton Rouge. For de- St. Joseph’s Academy, 3080 Kleinert Ave., Baton Rouge. Lenten soup and bread supper Friday, March 22, 7 p.m., tails, call Ethlyn White at 225-343-3181 or 225-803-3391 Fee is $40. To register and for more information, visit at the Our Lady of Mercy Parish Activity Center, 445 or email [email protected].

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Includes JOHNNY STUART 2259073619 The Executive Director is responsible for skills, and the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. two vaults, two interment fees. Valued agency advocacy for public policies con- $13,800. Asking $9000. Call 225-328- HOUSEKEEPER sistent with . Candidates must have a Master’s degree and at least 5 years experience 0708. MATURE DEPENDABLE QUALIFICATIONS 20 + YEARS EXPERIENCE The ideal candidate should have a mas- teaching in a Catholic school, experience with discipline management, the St. George Cemetery. Six mausole- HAVE REFERENCES ter’s degree in social work or related eld um spaces. Location St. Brigit of Ireland CALL DEBBIE and 5 to 7 years of experience in a senior ability to work with the principal to lead the school in curriculum and Walk. Crypts 102, A&B. $18,000. Call 225-266-7655 management role at a small or medium instruction, and the capacity to manage the school’s admissions process. 225-413-4237. Mr. D’s Tree Service size not-for-pro t social service or men- 3 Licensed Arborists tal health agency, or similar background in not-for-pro t management. A practic- Responsibilities will include assisting the principal with teacher supervi- Beautiful Gardens Hillcrest Cemetery. Free Estimates Fully Insured ing Catholic is preferred. sion and coaching, managing student discipline, directing the admissions Groom Road, Baker, LA. Two spaces at See our website for job details $1000 each. Call 225-791-5419. Don Decell owner process, creating and managing school schedules, directing schoolwide 225-292-6756 The deadline to apply is Friday, testing, supervising school records, and assisting the principal with the Greenoaks Memorial Park. Two plots March 29, 2019 at 5pm (CST). BROUSSEAU'S Painting general operation of the school. in Rose Garden. Section 15, lot 284, Interior and exterior painting. Experi- Submit your application package as Spaces 3 and 4. Includes two vaults, two enced and reliable. Free estimates. Call attachments opening and closings. $9000. Call 225- 225-241-8488. via EMAIL to: Steeped in Catholic tradition, Sacred Heart of Jesus School is a diverse 241-0715 [email protected] Steve’s Lawn Care Attn: Hiring Committee – Executive community dedicated to educating the mind, body and spirit. Founded in Same Day Service Director 1929, it is one of the oldest continually operating parochial schools in the Prompt Service – Free Estimates or MAIL to: BUSINESS SERVICE Fully Insured Catholic Charities city of Baton Rouge. Learn more about Sacred Heart at Call 225-329-5369 Attn: Hiring Committee – Executive CALL TYRONE Director “WHEN IT NEEDS FIXING” THOMAS LUNDIN, CPA 850 East River Place LEAKING SINKS, FAUCETS, TOILETS Accounting and taxes for businesses, Jackson, MS 39202 Interested candidates should submit an interest letter, statement of per- non-pro ts and individuals; business, AND GARBAGE DISPOSALS Please note that incomplete submissions sonal educational philosophy and a resumé to Carolyn Guidry, Interim PLUS OTHER REPAIRS computer, nancial and management will not be considered. Applications will CALL 225-802-4522 services. 30 years experience; profes- not be accepted by fax, or hand-delivery. Principal ([email protected]). Submissions must be OR 225-346-6246 sional, prompt and personal attention. No phone calls please. Catholic Charities Call 225-296-0404. would like to thank all applicants for received on or before March 8, 2019. 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CONFESSION  out this, such penances remain confession, both for myself and questions to be clear and direct climb up in the spiritual life, and From page 1 sterile and false; however, inte- for others, is by bringing an ex- with the priest. “Most adults also provides opportunities to rior conversion urges expression amination of conscience with have at some point most likely receive grace and spiritual in- The catechism continues “Je- in visible signs, gestures and us to a church or chapel and had to have an uncomfortable sight from the priest along the sus’ call to conversion and pen- works of penance.” (1430) spending some time talking to conversation or test run with way.” ance, like that of the prophets Many people wrestle with the the Lord and asking him to show a medical doctor, but with the Focusing on one area between before him, does not aim first at question, “How do I prepare for where forgiveness and healing is knowledge that clarity will help confessions helps people make outward works, ‘sackcloth and the sacrament of reconciliation needed,” said Father Brent Ma- to resolve the issue. In the same steady progress in their spiritual ashes,’ fasting and mortifica- and make a good confession?” her, pastor of St. Ann Church in way, it is best to be straightfor- life, said Father Mangiaracina. tion, but at the conversion of the “The way that I have found Morganza. ward with the priest, who is a He emphasized Lent is a time heart, interior conversion. With- most fruitful for preparing for Some people may be ashamed doctor of the soul, so that the for people to focus on the fact of their sins and find it difficult person can receive the best ad- that Jesus seeks out repentant to confess to the priest. vice and healing grace to help sinners. Referring to the parable “One of the built-in sources resolve issues of the soul,” said of the lost sheep, Father Marin- of courage is the confessional Father Maher. giaracina points out that Jesus C screen – it is a wonderful gift Fathers Mangiaracina and is the one who will leave 100 for people who might be em- Maher recommended people go sheep in the desert to find one HELP WANTED HELP WANTED barrassed to say things face to confession monthly, saying lost sheep. to face or who want to remain the sacrament provides healing The sacrament of reconcilia- South Baton Rouge. Every other Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and/or Friday 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Assistant for young lady with communications/developmental dis- anonymous,” said Father Ma- and a new sense of direction in tion is a time during Lent when ability for her community activities, volunteer job, etc. Previous experience working her. “Whether going behind the life. people are reminded that Jesus’ with adults with developmental disabilities preferred. Excellent for retired teacher, social worker, related  elds. Non-smoker only. Current insurance, driver’s license and screen or face to face, the impor- “Sin holds us down and tries whole life on earth was about references required. $12.72 per hour. Call 225-252-1567. tant thing to remember is that to keep us in a place of slavery to forgiving sins. the priest is there to dispense itself; confession frees us from “His first words in the Gos- Position Opening: Cathedral Organist and Choirmaster/Music Director St. Joseph Cathedral Parish in Baton Rouge is seeking a Director of Music who has a God’s divine mercy. He isn’t go- that and permits us to ascend to pels are calls to repentance, thorough understanding of Catholic liturgy and is a pastoral leader who possesses the ing to tell anyone what is said in new heights, to see clearly, and throughout his ministry he for- skills and talents to enhance worship through the varied expressions of liturgical music. The candidate will need to be able – in collaboration with the Pastor and certain diocesan the confessional, he isn’t shocked to respond to God with greater gave sins, on the cross he begged o cials – to provide leadership and direction in the planning and implementation of all by what is said in the confession- ease. Going to confession regu- the father’s forgiveness of his liturgical music for parochial liturgies on Sundays and holy days, and for select diocesan liturgies. This includes the recruiting, basic training, scheduling, coordination and direction al, he won’t be angry because of larly helps a person identify persecutors, and after the res- of choristers, and other singers and musicians for parochial liturgies and other events at what is said in the confessional, in concrete ways the sins that urrection the first thing he did the Cathedral as well as certain diocesan ones (the principal diocesan liturgies are the an- nual Rite of Election, Chrism Mass, “Respect Life” “and Marriage Anniversary” Masses, and and – at least in my experience wound their soul,” said Father was give the apostles power to ordinations). Composing and editing occasional Orders of Service and worship aids, and – he probably won’t remember Maher. “Going too long between forgive sins. Jesus’ whole mis- maintaining the music library of the Parish, will also be within the purview of the position. Applicants should have strong keyboard skills on the pipe organ, and will need compe- what is said in confession later confessions increases the likeli- sion was about getting sin out of tency in ensemble leadership, choir direction and vocal coaching for cantors. The selected when he sees you.” hood of only confessing things the way so that we might be able person will work toward promoting lively, engaging, participative and hospitable liturgies and in addition to being able to “multi-task” be able to work well both in a collaborative en- Father Maher urged people vaguely or only what happened to be united to God. Confession vironment as well as independently, while empowering others in their liturgical ministries. having a difficult time confessing recently. Regular recourse to makes that happen,” said Father Minimum Quali cations: Bachelor's degree in Music/Liturgy. Additionally, three years’ experience in a Catholic Parish setting is preferred. A candidate should be familiar with certain sins or asking sensitive the sacrament ensures a steady Maher. current basic computer technology, including the Microsoft O ce suite and a musical no- tation software program. St. Joseph Cathedral Parish ( o ers competitive remunera- tion (and a bene ts package for full-time employment) in accord with the diocesan lay salary scale, and which is commensurate with quali cations, experience and edu-  cation. Interested applicants should e-mail letter of interest, résumé, and 3 letters of SYMBOL Father Clark agreed the Con- or misunderstand the painting reference by March 1 to [email protected] or via regular mail to the Rev. Paul D. From page 3 federate flag is a symbol of segre- and about the times when it was Counce, Pastor, St. Joseph Cathedral, 41a gation and white supremacy. He created. phisticated side.” noted that when the issue of the “I think contemporary chil- St. George Catholic Church She explained that on one mural arose, there was some dis- dren would look at that painting invites applicants for a full-time side are a Native American cussion among Racial Harmony and say why are the white people Nursery School Director along with the three African- Commission members about here and the black people over American children, separated how the diocese can be welcom- there?” she said. St. George Parish is a dynamic Catholic community located in South Baton from three white children on ing of all people and celebrate “What we don’t know is what Rouge. With the retirement of our founding director, we are seeking a director the other side. the rich diversity within the dio- whether this was (Brent’s) idea for our well-established Nursery School program. The St. George Nursery “I think some people could cese. for the subject matter or whether School is a licensed childcare center for children 2 through 4 years old. The person selected to be our next Director should be a faith-filled, look at it as some sort of a con- “The presence of the mural someone had an outline of what enthusiastic, collaborative, and experienced person who will work in trol feature,” she said. “(The Af- with the Confederate flag and they wanted represented. Now, conjunction with our Pastor and other staff in implementation of the Mission of rican-American children) are in the history that it represents is 50 years later we’re saying our our Parish. their place.” an unwelcoming symbol here in perspective is broader.” Applicants must have an early childhood ancillary certificate and a minimum She said on the sophisticated the Catholic Life Center, which is After a lengthy wait, Father of 5 years experience in a licensed early learning center or comparable side, where the white children the center of the diocese,” Father Johnson said he is thrilled to setting, or, possess a national administrator credential and five years experience in teaching or care in a licensed early learning center, or are, there is more of a whole- Clark said. “We want the (Catho- have the art finally come down. comparable setting, plus 6 credit hours or 90 clock hours of training in child some, even holy air, including lic Life Center) to be a very wel- “It’s beautiful that it’s finally care, child development, early childhood, or management/administration. a road in the background that coming and inclusive place.” happening and a small victory Major Duties include: speaks of an unlimited future. “Certainly there has been a for the kingdom of God,” he said. • Hiring and Supervising Staff • Planning and implementation of “I would not say it was delib- movement in the country to be- “From my perspective, we had • Maintaining Student Records Program Needs erate but it was the temper of the come more aware of what some no credibility to talk about ra- • Budgeting/Purchasing and • Development and monitoring times,” Mauck said. “When you of the (Confederate) monuments cial healing in our diocese if the Financial Record keeping Early Childhood Curriculum have the Native American stand- and symbols mean and what Catholic Life Center had a dis- • • Oversight of Facilities Maintaining positive relationships with parents ing behind the black children, they mean to people who were play of a priest blessing a rebel Maintenance and Repair the Native American is always, oppressed by those symbols,” he flag. How can you do all of this Please send a resume and a cover letter no later than March 15, 2019 to: at a symbolic level, the noble sav- added. “I think sometimes that work out there and you come Nursery Director Search Committee age. That’s going to be primitive. voice was lost but that voice is home and you have this in your St. George Church “It’s a (subtle) way of saying being heard more.” home? 7808 St. George Drive that the (African-American) Mauck believed the mural “Getting rid of that symbol of Baton Rouge, LA 70809 children come out of a savage had the potential to be a “trou- heart and vision shows we are all Interested candidates may also submit a resume and cover letter to [email protected]. background. It’s almost like a blemaker” to the diocese. She serious about making disciples connection.” said someone could misinterpret of all nations.“​ 20 The Catholic Commentator March 1, 2019 Pope: No more excuses VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The time has will everywhere in order to fight this come for an “all-out battle” against the “very grave scourge of violence” that af- abuse of minors, erasing this abominable fects hundreds of millions of minors crime from the face of the earth, Pope around the world. Francis said, closing a global four-day The pope told some 190 cardinals, summit on child protection in the Catho- bishops and religious superiors from lic Church. around the world, “the time has come, For quite some time, the world has then, to work together to eradicate this been aware of the “serious scandal” the evil from the body of our humanity by abuse of minors by clergy has brought adopting every necessary measure al- to the church and public opinion, both ready in force on the international level because of the dramatic suffering it has and ecclesial levels.” caused victims and because of the “un- However, despite the importance of justifiable negligence” and “cover-up” by knowing the sociological and psychologi- leaders in the church, he told people gath- cal explanations behind this criminal act ered in St. Peter’s Square on Feb. 24. of abuse, he said, the church must recog- “We listened to the voice of victims, nize this is a spiritual battle against the we prayed and asked for forgiveness from “brazen, aggressive, destructive” power God and the people hurt, we took stock of of Satan. our responsibility, and our duty to bring “I see the hand of evil that does not justice through truth and to radically re- spare even the innocence of the little ject every form” of sexual abuse and the ones. abuse of power and conscience, he said. While the majority of abused minors EXEMPLIFICATION CEREMONY – The Knights of Peter Claver St. Agnes Assembly #9 “We want every activity and every are victims of a person they know, most in Baton Rouge held an Exemplification Ceremony on Jan. 24. This ceremony allows place in the church to be completely safe often a family member, he said, it is “all new men to enter the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Peter Claver. The recently for minors,” he said, which means tak- the more grave and scandalous” when exemplified Sir Knights are, from left, Holy Rosary Church in St. Amant pastor Father ing every possible measure so that such a member of the church, particularly a Joshua Johnson, Wilfred Johnson and Father Derek Weingartner SJ. Photo submitted by crimes never happen again. priest, is the perpetrator “for it is utterly Lawrence Williams | Knights of Peter Claver It will also entail working with great incompatible” with the church’s moral dedication together with people of good authority and ethical credibility.

BURNS  of St. John the Cross and appreciating the From page 7 value of silence. Coming March 15 And his photography continues to be a sinned.’ My immediate response was to link to faith. The invitations to his anni- look into her eyes and say, ‘What’s clear is versary celebration included a photograph Spiritual Retreats that you cannot sin so much that God will he took in 2018 at Virgin Island in Pierre not love you.’ ” Part of three wood duck chicks leaping The Catholic Commentator 15 SPIRITUAL RETREATS With tears in his eyes, he said, “When off a cypress stump to their mother duck March 2, 2018 Retreat centers we parted, she grabbed my hands and calling to them from below. National Geo- located in the looked into my eyes and said, ‘You know. graphic selected that photo from among Diocese of You and I – we’re not that different.’ I entries around the world as their “editor’s This special section will list said, ‘I know, God loves you, too.’ ” pick of the day” for their website. Batonretreat Rouge centers, in the Diocese While he’s not certain if she came into “It took four hours for 14 wood duck Racy centeR Bishop RoBeRt e. t BATON ROUGE the Christian faith, there’s hope that the chicks to leap six feet down to the wa- The Bishopof Robert E. BatonTracy Center is available for spiritualRouge, re- as well as newal, professional training and adult or youth formation. As part of seed was planted. ter to join mom,” said Father Burns. “I the Catholic Life Center, the Tracy Center can provide space for day and overnight retreats and conferences. The three-story overnight facility has a total of 30 sleeping rooms Since his retirement, Father Burns think this picture is about a leap of faith which can accommodatethose up to 120 people. in Twenty fourneighboring of the rooms dioceses. can accommodate four persons. Five of the suites provide a bedroom with two single beds and a sitting room with two sofa sleepers. One smaller suite has one bedroom with two single beds and a love seat said he has had the gift of time to reflect – isn’t a leap in faith what spirituality and chair in the sitting area. All rooms have a private bath. - The Westerfield Conference Center, adjacent to the overnight fa cility, is a state-of-the-artCreated meeting facility with audio/visualto technol-serve as a guide ogy. The conference center provides space for 120 people or can be and pray, and he is studying the writings is about?” divided into three separate meeting areas for smaller groups. The Tracy Center Education Building has eight rooms available for day retreats, workshops or breakout sessions. Also available are two chapels,for a theatre withthose fixed-style seating for 196,seeking a ballroom locations that can seat up to 500 people and three dining rooms. A full-time kitchen staff provides all meals and snacks; outside catering is not allowed. The Tracy Center welcomes private groups, prayer groups, small Christianand communities and Bible-studyprograms groups. We do not have a re- for reflection treat director on staff; retreats provide their own director. - Our office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Fri day and tours of the facilities are available by appointment. Please

visit or on Facebook under The Tracy Center. GUATEMALA fect” the scholarships had on the lives of Phoneduring 225-242-0222; website:; Lent email tracy and throughout Spiritual [email protected]; mailing address P. O. Box 2028, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-2028. Directions: I-10 to Acadian Thruway exit; go north 3/4 of a mile. From page 15 the recipients. They said they could see The Catholic Life Center and Bishop Robert E. Tracy Center are on the left.the year for spiritual renewal hope in their eyes that they will have a of RetReats ManResa house and continuingCONVENT education in “For two hours the children patiently better life. Retreats Manresa House of Retreats opened in 1929 as a retreat center for men. Since then, the Jesuit-run center has become a favorite retreat facility for men in the south. Manresa sits on 130 wooded acres along waited. Then came the red-bottomed he- The trip was also an educational expe- the Mississippi River. - Manresaour offers sleeping Catholic accommodations for 111, all having pri -faith. vate bath facilities, a main chapel and four reflection chapels, a li - licopter. And as it landed the excitement rience for Chauvin. Leaving home for 30 brary, gardens and shrines. All retreats are in the manner of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ig natius of Loyola. While most of the retreats are preached retreats for men, some was just over the top. There’s not enough days was one of the most difficult things spaces are available for individually directed retreats for men and women. For more information, call between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday superlatives to describe what they looked she’s had to do, but she learned to depend through Friday. SEE DIOCESE PAGE 19 like,” said Carmena. on God and fell in love with the country Even through the kind-hearted laugh- and the people. Deadline to be included in this section is March 6. ter over mistakes as each learned the oth- “The Lord has not given me a gift of For more information, call 225-387-0983. er’s language, there was an understood af- the Spanish language. When I go there fection that did not need translating, said I’m not knowing the language, but that’s THE CATHOLIC the missionaries. OK. Because there is a universal language “We have to give credit to the Holy in this. It doesn’t matter if I can’t speak to Spirit because he made it all work,” said them. They know I love them,” she said. Carmena. For more information about this C SERVIN G TH E D IO CES E O F BATO N R O U G E S I N C E 19 6 2 As part of mission prep the women had year’s mission and to donate, visit a chance to see the positive “snowball af- THE CATHOLIC COMMENTATOR | MARCH 1, 2019



As per the Pagella Policies of the of other smaller quantities of food at the a solemnity and fasting on all Lenten Clerg y (pr iests and deacons) who have Diocese of Baton Rouge, as in the rest of other customary mealtimes is permitted. weekdays (especially Wednesdays and legitimate residence and active ministry the church in the United States, Catholics Food and drink “between meals” Fridays), and on Holy Saturday, is strongly within the Diocese of Baton Rouge have aged 18 through 59 are bound by a grave (excepting only water and medicine) is not recommended to all the faithful. been delegated the power to dispense obligation to observe a solemn fast on Ash permitted on fast days. There always remains, of course, the faithful of the diocese, in individual Wednesday and Good Friday. Catholics To abstain from meat means refraining the grave obligation to participate at cases and for a just reason, from the aged 14 and up are to abstain from meat from eating beef, veal, pork or poultry at Holy Mass on all Sundays and days of obligation to observe a particular day on Ash Wednesday, all Fridays of Lent and least, although not necessarily eggs, milk obligation. of penance, or to commute some or all Good Friday as well. These norms have products or meat broths, or condiments Each in his or her own way, every of its obligations to other pious works. been established by the U.S. Conference made from animal fat. The consumption Christian is bound to do penance by Included in this is the faculty to dispense of Catholic Bishops in accord with the of fish, shellfish and reptiles is permitted virtue of divine law. Only ill health or from the Lenten obligations to fast and norms of canons 1249-1253 in the revised if desired. some similar situation of urgency excuses. abstain from meat. Yet the obligation Code of Canon Law of 1983. Beyond the mandatory days listed During the Lenten season, Christ Jesus’ to do some kind of penance remains a To fast means to consume only one above, abstinence from meat on every own challenges to prayer, fasting and serious one, and will not be taken lightly full meal a day at most, although taking Friday throughout the year which is not almsgiving are paramount. by a good Catholic. Ash Wednesday schedule St. Thomas Chapel St. Paul the Apostle Church 7 a.m., noon, 6 p.m. Our Lady of Perpetual Help St. Augustine Mission, 32191 Hwy. 22, Springfield 3912 Gus Young Ave, Chapel Klotzville Noon Baton Rouge St. Gerard Majella Church 3147 Church St., Jackson 174 Hwy. 1003, Belle Rose 6 p.m. 5354 Plank Rd., Baton Rouge Noon 5 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy Church 7 a.m., 9 a.m., noon, 6 p.m. 445 Marquette Ave., Our Lady of Pompeii Church St. Mark Church Our Lady of Peach Church Baton Rouge 14450 Hwy. 442W, Tickfaw St. Agnes Church 42021 Hwy. 621, Gonzales 13281 Hwy. 644, Vacherie 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., noon, 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 749 East Blvd., Baton Rouge 8:30 a.m., noon ashes only, 8 a.m., 6:30 p.m. 6 a.m., noon, 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. St. Gabriel Church Holy Rosary Church St. Philip Church 3625 Hwy. 75, St. Gabriel 44450 Hwy. 429, St. Amant St. Michael Church St. Aloysius Church 1175 Hwy. 18, Vacherie 8 a.m., 7 p.m. 8 a.m., 6 p.m. 6476 LA Hwy. 44, Convent 2025 Stuart Ave., Baton Rouge Noon 7 a.m. 6 a.m., 8 a.m., noon, 6 p.m. Sacred Heart Chapel St. Ann Church St. Margaret, Queen of 45049 Lake Martin Rd., 182 Church St., Morganza St. Joseph Church St. Jude Church Scotland Church, Albany Carville 7 a.m. 2130 Rectory St., Paulina 9150 Highland Rd., Baton Rouge 30300 Catholic Hall Rd., Noon 9 a.m., 6 p.m. 8:15 a.m., noon, 6:30 p.m. Hammond St. Vincent Chapel (take Albany, LA exit off of I-12) St. Augustine Church 6389 LA Hwy. 1, Innis Most Sacred Heart of Jesus St. Joseph Cathedral 6 a.m., 6 p.m. 809 New Roads St., 6 p.m. Church 401 Main St., Baton Rouge New Roads 616 East Main St., Gramercy 7:30 a.m., noon, 5 p.m. St. James Church 9 a.m., noon ashes only, 6 p.m. St. Anthony of Padua and Noon 6613 Hwy. 18, St. James Le Van Phung Church St. Alphonsus Church 6 p.m. Mater Dolorosa Church 2305 Choctaw Dr., Baton Rouge Our Lady of Mount Carmel 14040 Greenwell Springs Rd., 609 Third St., Independence 7 a.m. English Church Greenwell Springs St. Joseph Church 8 a.m., 6 p.m. Noon, 7:30 p.m. Vietnamese 11485 Ferdinand St., 6 a.m., 8:30 a.m., noon, 6 p.m. 255 N. 8th St., St. Francisville Ponchatoula Church St. Thomas More Church 5:50 p.m. St. Benedict the Moor Church 8:30 a.m., 6 p.m. 474 N. Jefferson Ave., Port Allen 11441 Goodwood Blvd., 5479 Hwy.1, Napoleonville 8 a.m., noon ashes only, 6 p.m Baton Rouge 7 a.m. SEE STATIONS PAGE 6B

2B The Catholic Commentator LENT 2019 March 1, 2019 Spiritual renewal opportunities of the Lenten season MARCH 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, MARCH 7, 14, 21, 28, Monica’s Journey Overnight Eucharistic Stations of the Cross 29, APRIL 3, 5, 10, 12 APRIL 4, 11 Adoration Prayer Vigil St. Paul the Apostle Church Eucharistic Adoration Stations of the Cross St. Joseph Church 3912 Gus Young Ave., Baton Rouge St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland Church, St. Philip Church Chapel 6 p.m. Albany 1174 Hwy. 18, Vacherie 255 N. 8th St., Ponchatoula Parish office 225-383-2537 30300 Catholic Hall Rd., Hammond 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. – 6:30 a.m. (take Albany, LA exit off of I-12) Carol Ann Hymel 225-265-3953 Start with Stations of the Cross at 6 p.m. Stations of the Cross 6:30 a.m.–5 p.m. - Ash Wednesday in church Our Lady of Pompeii Church 7:30 a.m.–8 p.m. - All other Wednesdays Eucharistic Adoration Angela DiFranco 985-318-4927 14450 Hwy. 442, Tickfaw 6 p.m. 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. – Fridays Mater Dolorosa Church DAILY MARCH 8 – MARCH 16 Hailey Delaune 225-329-7491 609 Third St., Independence Al Levy 985-345-8957 1 – 7 p.m. St. Joseph Novena MARCH 6, 13, 20, 27, Fr. Reuben Dykes 985-878-9639 Our Lady of Pompeii Church Stations of the Cross APRIL 3, 10, 17, 24 Pompeii Hall Holy Rosary Church MARCH 8 AND 9 14450 Hwy. 442, Tickfaw 44450 Hwy. 429, St. Amant Divine Mercy Novena 6 p.m. St. Alphonsus Church Tri-Parish Youth Lenten Play 6:30 p.m. 14040 Greenwell Springs Rd., St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Church MARCH 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29, Stations of the Cross Greenwell Springs Parish Hall APRIL 2, 5, 9, 12, 16 St. Thomas More Church 6 p.m. 3523 Hwy. 78, Livonia 11441 Goodwood Blvd., Baton Rouge Stations of the Cross 5:15 p.m. on March 6 7 p.m. – March 8 6 p.m. St. Agnes Church Donna Speeg 225-261-6635 6 p.m. – March 9 225-275-3940 Donations – Half of donations will be 749 East Blvd., Baton Rouge DAILY MARCH 7 – APRIL 11 4:55 p.m. – Tuesdays with PSR donated to Suicide Awareness in memory Stations of the Cross 6:30 a.m. and 4:55 p.m. on Fridays Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of Andrew Glaser, who wrote the play. St. Alphonsus Church Eileen Carroll 225-383-4127 St. Jules Church March 9 after the play, potluck supper. 14040 Greenwell Springs Rd., 7165 Hwy. 1, Belle Rose Bring your favorite dish to share. Greenwell Springs Peggy Champagne 225-625-2438, MARCH 8, 15, 22, 29, 6 – 9 p.m. APRIL 5, 12 6:30 a.m. 6 – 7 p.m. family time 225-456-0595 Church office 225-261-4650 Office 225-473-8569 Stations of the Cross St. Ann Church Stations of the Cross 182 Church St., Morganza St. Jude the Apostle Church 6 p.m. 9150 Highland Rd., Baton Rouge Retta Ramagos 225-694-3781 5:30 p.m. Charmaine Biossat 225-766-2431 Eucharistic Adoration St. Ann Church Stations of the Cross 182 Church St., Morganza St. Mark Church 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. 42021 Hwy. 621, Gonzales Retta Ramagos 225-694-3791 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Cecile Haley 225-647-8461 Stations of the Cross St. Augustine Church Stations of the Cross 809 New Roads St., New Roads St. Aloysius Church 6 p.m. 2025 Stuart Ave., Baton Rouge 225-638-7553 Proudly Serving the dioceSe of Baton rouge Since 2002 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Ken Thevenet 225-343-6657 Stations of the Cross St. Joseph Hospice brings comfort and supportive care to patients and St. Gerard Majella Church caregivers, wherever they call home. Stations of the Cross 5354 Plank Rd., Baton Rouge St. Joseph Cathedral 11:30 a.m. followed by Mass 401 Main St., Baton Rouge w Founded in 2002, St. Joseph Hospice is named for the Patron Saint of Fr. Chuoang 228-233-6413 a Peaceful Death, St. Joseph, and provides peace, comfort, support, 11:15 a.m. Lorie Weeks 225-387-5928 and dignity to those facing life-limiting illness. Stations of the Cross w Our expert care team offers a full range of hospice and palliative care Our Lady of Mercy Church Stations of the Cross services in the patient’s or caregiver’s home, senior living communities, 445 Marquette Ave., Baton Rouge Holy Ghost Church assisted living and skilled nursing care facilities, and our own hospice 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. 601 N. Oak St., Hammond care homes. Deacon Richard Grant 225-926-1883 6 p.m. Deacon Mauricio Salazar OP, w Hospice care is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most private Stations of the Cross 985-345-3360 insurance plans. No patient will ever be turned away from St. Joseph St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland Church, Hospice based on their ability to pay. Albany Stations of the Cross 30300 Catholic Hall Rd., Hammond Holy Family Church (take Albany exit off of I-12) 474 N. Jefferson Ave., Port Allen 5:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. 5 p.m. Lanie Borum 225-567-3573 225-769-4810 225-769-4810 Church office 225-383-1838 Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross w St. Mary of False River Church St. Anthony of Padua and Le Van Phung 348 W. Main St., New Roads Church After noon Mass SEE SPIRITUALITY PAGE 3B March 1, 2019 LENT 2019 The Catholic Commentator 3B 5

SPIRITUALITY  Stations of the Cross Lenten Mission sung, benediction Lana Vandenburg 985-502-1094 St. John the Evangelist Church St. Aloysius Church Deacon Richard Grant or [email protected] From page 2B 57805 Main St., Plaquemine 2025 Stuart Ave., Baton Rouge 225-926-1883 2305 Choctaw Dr., Baton Rouge Noon – Stations of the Cross 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. MARCH 12, 19, 4:30 p.m. English 6 p.m. – Mass and Stations of Entitled “Knowing God Through Divine Mercy Novena APRIL 2, 9 7 p.m. Vietnamese the Cross, no Mass April 19 Our Sacred Scriptures.” The St. Thomas More Church Stations of the Cross Rev. Peter Tan Viet Nguyen Marsha A. Dupont speaker is Fr. Gregory Plata 11441 Goodwood Blvd., St. Benedict the Moor Church 225-357-4800 225-687-2402 OFM, Midwest Regional Baton Rouge 5479 Hwy. 1, Napoleonville Vocations Director for the After 6 p.m. Mass 5 p.m. Stations of the Cross Adoration, Reconciliation, Franciscan Order in the USA. March 5 – no 6 p.m. Mass Jerry Williams 985-513-2528 St. Jean Vianney Church Stations of the Cross, Mass Fr. Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3470 16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd., St. Benedict the Moor Church Lenten Mission Divine Mercy Chaplet Baton Rouge 5479 Hwy. 1, Napoleonville St. Mark Church Most Blessed Sacrament Church MARCH 13, 20, 27, 6 p.m. 4 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Adoration 42021 Hwy. 621, Gonzales 15615 Jefferson Hwy., APRIL 3, 10 Parish office 225-753-7950 and Reconciliation 7 p.m. presented by Baton Rouge Stations of the Cross 5 p.m. Stations of the Cross Justin Brown 6:30 p.m. exposition of the St. Augustine Church, Klotzville Stations of the Cross 5:30 p.m. Mass Blessed Sacrament, benediction. 174 Hwy. 1003, Belle Rose St. Joseph Church Jerilyn Williams 985-513-2528 Adoration of the Blessed 3 p.m. – Final Divine Mercy 5:30 p.m. 255 N. 8th St., Ponchatoula Fr. Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3470 Sacrament Chaplet, Divine Mercy Sunday, Fr. Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3470 1:45 p.m. – School kids St. Jude the Apostle Church April 28 Jerry Williams 985-513-2528 6 p.m. MARCH 8, APRIL 5 9150 Highland Rd., Kathy Duplessis 225-752-6230 Terri Albert 985-386-3749 Adoration, Benediction Baton Rouge MARCH 13, 20, 27, St. Gabriel Church After 5:30 p.m. Mass MARCH 12, 19, 26, APRIL 3, 10, 17 Stations of the Cross Charmaine Biossat APRIL 2, 9, 16 3625 Hwy. 75, St. Gabriel Singing the Divine Mercy Our Lady of Peace Church 225-766-2431 8:30 a.m. – noon Adoration, Benediction, Mass, Chaplet 13281 Hwy. 644, Vacherie Stations of the Cross, Bible St. Agnes Church 3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. MARCH 11, 18, 25, Study MARCH 9 749 East Blvd., Baton Rouge Carol Ann Hymel 225-265-3593 APRIL 1, 8, 15 St. Stephen the Martyr Women’s Morning of After 5:30 Mass and before the 22494 LA Hwy. 22, Maurepas Reflection An “Our Father” Prayer Lenten reflection Stations of the Cross 5:30 p.m. Catholic Daughters Court Notre Experience Eileen Carroll 225-383-4127 St. James Church Dame de la Paix Holy Ghost Church Office 225-698-3110 6613 Hwy. 18, St. James Our Lady of Peace Church Annex of the parish hall LIVE LENT! By Small 8:30 a.m. 13281 LA Hwy. 644, Vacherie 511 N. Oak St., Hammond Bible Study: “No Greater Christians Communities Carol Ann Hymel 225-265-3953 Love, A Biblical Walk through 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Holy Ghost Church Christ’s Passion” $20 at the door cash or check at Grow in faith and closeness 601 N. Oak St., Hammond Stations of the Cross Holy Ghost Church 8:30 a.m. Refreshments with the Lord using words March 20 – Gathering Area of St. Dominic Church – Mission Annex Parish Hall Refueling your spirit when of the Our Father. Holy Ghost Church. All other Chapel 511 N. Oak St., Hammond you’re running on empty, guest Tricia Jarratt 985-507-1068 dates in the parish hall, 511 N. 55720 LA Hwy. 445, Husser 6:30 – 8 p.m. speaker, Jean Gatz Oak St., Hammond 5:30 p.m. $24.95–Order workbook from RSVP by March 6 to Susan Stein Lenten Vespers 6:30 – 8 p.m. Fr. Reuben Dykes 985-9639 at [email protected]. Holy Ghost Church Opportunity to read Scripture Every step of the stations, 601 N. Oak St., Hammond and share your faith with Stations of the Cross biblical experts reveal how MARCH 10, 11, 12 (Chapel) parishioners Mater Dolorosa Church Old Testament prophecies, 5:50 p.m. Please call to register by 609 Third St., Independence Lenten Parish Mission messianic expectations, biblical Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 5:50 Monday. March 4. 5:30 p.m. St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland symbolism and historical p.m., Vespers at 6 p.m. followed AJ and Shirley Collura Fr. Reuben Dykes Church, Albany context shed light on the by a soup supper provided by 985-320-9825 or 985-878-9639 30300 Catholic Hall Road, different church ministries. mystery of Christ’s suffering Hammond Vicky Gaydos 985-345-0514 and death SEE SPIRITUALITY PAGE 4B Stations of the Cross (Take Albany, LA exit off of I-12) MARCH 11, 18, 25, St. Augustine Church 6:45 p.m. – Sunday APRIL 1, 8, 15, 22 6 p.m. – Monday and Tuesday 809 New Roads St., New Roads Divine Mercy Family Owned & Operated Since 2006 Entitled “Making Room for God 6 p.m. St. Jules Church in the Busyness” and will be 638-7553 7165 Hwy. 1, Belle Rose presented by Becky Eldredge After 6 p.m. Mass Mary E. Herbert 225-567-3573 Stations of the Cross Office 225-473-8569 St. Gabriel Church 3625 Hwy. 75, St. Gabriel MARCH 10, 17, 24, 31, APRIL 7 MARCH 12, 19, 26, 6 p.m. APRIL 2, 9, 16, 23 Office 225-642-8441 Family Formation: St. Thomas Mass and Chaplet of the Aquinas Est. 2006 Divine Mercy Novena MARCH 8, 15, 22, 29, St. Joseph Church St. John the Evangelist Church APRIL 5, 12, 19 School Library 57805 Main St., Plaquemine (225) 272-7900 12740 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70815 175 N. 8th St., Ponchatoula Stations of the Cross After 6 p.m. Mass 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. St. Joseph Church Marsha A. Dupont Terri Albert 985-386-3749 15710 LA Hwy. 16, 225-687-2402 French Settlement MARCH 11, 12, 13 6 p.m. Divine Mercy Novena Boiled & Live Crawfish ♦ Boiled & Fresh Shrimp ♦ Fresh Fish 5 p.m. – March 8 Cluster Mission with Fr. Brad Party Trays ♦ Boudin Balls ♦ Fried Fish, Shrimp, & Oysters Our Lady of Mercy Church Gumbo ♦ Poboys ♦ Etouffee ♦ Salads ♦ Crab Cakes and much more... 3 p.m. – April 19 Doyle 445 Marquette Ave., Baton Office 225-698-3110 Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Rouge 616 East Main St., Gramercy After 6 p.m. Mass Full Service On-Site Catering & Delivery Available 7 – 8 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet will be 4B The Catholic Commentator LENT 2019 March 1, 2019 SPIRITUALITY  Women’s Morning of Reflection MARCH 19, APRIL 2, 9 6:30 p. m. Holy Family Church Church office 225-383-1838 From page 3B Adoremus 369 N. Jefferson Ave., Port Allen Our Lady of Peace Church 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. MARCH 29 AND 30 Lenten Reflections: “On the Seven Last 13281 Hwy. 644, Vacherie $20 at door 8:30 a.m., cash or check Words of Jesus Crucified” 6:30 p.m. 24 Hours for the Lord: An overnight Refueling your spirit when you are St. Agnes Church Praise and worship silent retreat. running on empty facilitated by Jean 749 East Blvd., Baton Rouge Carol Ann Hymel 225-265-3953 St. Joseph Spirituality Center Gatz. 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. St. Mary of the Pines RSVP by March 14 to jlejeune@gmail. Eileen Carroll 225-383-4127 MARCH 22, 29, APRIL 5, 12 3167 Old Hwy. 51 South, Chatawa MS com or 225-336-4463 $200 Stations of the Cross 4 p.m. Friday – 5 p.m. Saturday MARCH 14 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church MARCH 17 Register online: or “Quench the Thirst” 11485 Ferdinand St., St. Francisville “Passion of the Christ,” the movie Diane Hanley 225-383-3349 St. John the Baptist Church 5:30 p.m. St. Joseph Church 402 S. Kirkland Rd., Brusly 225-635-3630 15710 LA Hwy. 16, French Settlement MARCH 31 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 3 p.m. Free – An evening of reflection for MARCH 23 “Paul the Apostle of Christ,” the movie Office 225-698-3110 St. Joseph Church women. Women’s Morning of Reflection Parish hall St. John Church MARCH 18, 19, 20 15710 LA Hwy. 16, French Settlement Day of Reflection by the Rosary 15208 LA Hwy. 73, Prairieville Parish Lenten Mission 3 p.m. Altar Society 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. St. Thomas More Church Office 225-698-3110 Holy Ghost Church $20 at the door 8:30 a.m., cash or check 11441 Goodwood Blvd., Baton Rouge 601 N. Oak St., Hammond “Refueling your spirit when you are 7 p.m. APRIL 1, 2, 3 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. running on empty” facilitated by Jean Presented by Rob Tasman, Executive $20 Gatz. Lenten Mission with Fr. Whitney Miller Director of the LA Conference of Catholic Mrs. Bridget Fugarino 985-320-8498 RSVP by March 20, 225-673-8307 St. John the Baptist Church Bishops 402 S. Kirkland Rd., Brusly MARCH 16 MARCH 23 AND 24 7 – 8 p.m. MARCH 19 Communion and Adoration Christ Renews His Parish Women’s Adoration and Evening of Prayer APRIL 2 AND 3 St. Aloysius Church Retreat St. Jean Vianney Church Chapel St. Jean Vianney Church Retreats/Days of Reflection 16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd., Baton Rouge 2025 Stuart Ave., Baton Rouge Fr. Engels Hall St. Anthony of Padua and Le Van Phung 7 – 8 p.m. 8 a.m. communion service 16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd., Baton Rouge Church Parish office 225-753-7950 8:30 – 3 p.m. adoration $25 donation 2305 Choctaw Dr., Baton Rouge Ross McCalip 225-343-6657 Parish office 225-753-7950 or 7:30 p.m. Vietnamese to register Fr. Peter Tan Viet Nguyen 225-357-4800 Looking for Daily MARCH 24 APRIL 5 “Risen,” the movie Our Walk to Calvary – A Lenten St. Joseph Church Journey 15710 LA Hwy. 16, French Settlement St. Ann Church Mass 3 p.m. 182 Church St., Morganza Office 225-698-3110 7 – 8 p.m. Scenes for the Passion of the Christ will MARCH 24, 25, 26 be shown. Use discretion on allowing small children Schedules? Lenten Revival 2019: to attend. The Catholic Commentator 1 Being Molded not the Image of Christ January 4, 2019 2019 MASS SCHEDULE Janice Newton 225-936-3361 Please refer St. Augustine, Klotzville 174 Hwy. 1003, Belle Rose APRIL 7 8 a.m. Sunday 2 0 1 9 to the 6 – 8 p.m. Monday and Tuesday “Augustine,” the movie Revivalist – Deacon Michael V. Jenkins, St. Joseph Church Annual Mass Houston, Texas Parish hall Mass Schedule Fr. Eliseus O. Ibeh 985-513-3470 15710 LA Hwy. 16, French Settlement Schedule Jerry Williams 985-513-2528 3 p.m. Office 225-698-3110 MARCH 25, 26, 27 that was Men’s Healing Service Lenten Mission St. Joseph Church St. Gabriel Church 255 N. 8th St., Ponchatoula released 3625 LA Hwy. 75 2 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Fr. Anthony Odiong will lead healing Office 225-642-8441 in the service January 4 MARCH 26 Fernando Morales 985-662-2844 Taize Prayer Around the Cross Celebration of the Feast of St. Benedict issue of St. Mary of False River Church the Moor 348 W. Main St., New Roads St. Benedict the Moor Church 6:30 p.m. 5479 Hwy. 1, Napoleonville The Catholic MARCH 27 10 a.m. Mass followed by activities in St. Taize Service: Prayer Around the Cross Benedict Center Commentator. Holy Family Church Youth and elders will interact in activities DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE 319 N. Jefferson Ave., Port Allen SUPPLEMENT OF THE CATHOLIC COMMENTATOR SEE SPIRITUALITY PAGE 5B March 1, 2019 LENT 2019 The Catholic Commentator 5B 5 Lenten fundraisers throughout the Diocese of Baton Rouge MARCH 8, 15, 22, 29, sold out available for purchase. MARCH 15, 29, APRIL 12 MARCH 22 $7 per plate includes fried fish, APRIL 5, 12 Lenten Fish Fries 25th Annual St. Aloysius Child french fries, coleslaw and roll MARCH 8, 22, APRIL 5 Lent Dinners St. Thomas More Church Care Center Fish Fry Most Blessed Sacrament Church Fish and Shrimp Stew Dinners Cafeteria St. Aloysius Child Care Center St. Joseph/St. Stephen MBS Bishop Ott Center KPC Council and Court #23 11400 Sherbrook Dr., 2025 Stuart Ave., Baton Rouge KC Fish Fry 8033 Baringer Rd., Baton Rouge St. Benedict the Moor Baton Rouge 5–8 p.m., drive thru opens St. Joseph Church 5 – 7:30 p.m. to go orders St. Benedict Center 5– 5:50 p.m. drive thru available at 4 p.m. Pavillion 6 – 7:30 p.m. dine in 5479 Hwy. 1, Napoleonville activity center parking lot $8 lunch presale only-church 15710 LA Hwy. 16, $7 per plate includes fried fish 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. 5:30 – 8 p.m. dine in delivery available for 10 or more French Settlement or fried shrimp, each week a $10 includes fried catfish, $9 plates. 4 – 7 p.m. different entrée will be served shrimp stew, rice, potato salad, 225-275-3940 SEE FUNDRAISER PAGE 6B $8 per plate, for pick up only Visit the MBS Men’s Club sweet peas, dinner roll and Office 225-698-3110 website for weekly specials at dessert Marcia Skidmore 225-323-7197 Lenten Seafood Meals Gil Brassard 225-400-5052 or St. Mark Men’s Club Be Inspired to Live lent [email protected] MARCH 8 AND APRIL 5 Fr. DeMaria Activity Center Fish Fry 42021 Hwy. 621, Gonzales Fish Fry Knights of Columbus 15% off select dvd titles 6 – 7:30 p.m. St. Margaret. Queen of Scotland KC Hall New! from $10 each Church, Albany 1701 E. Pecan St., Ponchatoula Fr. Calloway Keith Beaucoudray 30300 Catholic Hall Rd., 4:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. 225-647-8461 Hammond $8 donation, eat in or dine out (take Albany, LA exit off of I-12) Lent Dinners Buddy Williams 504-252-2031 4 – 6:30 p.m St. Jean Vianney $8 includes fried fish, potato MARCH 9 AND 10 Fr. Engels Hall salad, coleslaw, bread and 16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd., Bake Sale dessert Through April 15th Baton Rouge Fr. Van Baast KPC Court #23 Mary E. Herbert 225-567-3573 5:30 – 7 p.m. Ladies Auxiliary and Jr. For Parishes - Daughters Ashes • Palm • Paschal Candles Lenten Fish Fry $8 Parish office 225-753-7950 St. Benedict the Moor St. Augustine Church St. Benedict Center Church hall Catholic Art & Gifts KC Seafood Suppers 5471 Hwy. 1, Napoleonville 809 New Roads St., New Roads Knights of Columbus Hall 6 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. 6184 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge 679 N. Jefferson Ave., Port Allen 11 a.m. Sunday $8 plate 225.926.1216 • April 5 – Holy Family Parish Magan Williams 985-513-0674 225-638-7553 Hours: M-F 9am-5pm; Sat. 9:30am-4:30pm Hall MARCH 15, 22, 29, Lenten Fish Fry 369 N. Jefferson Ave., Port Allen 5:30 – 7 p.m. APRIL 5, 12 St. Paul the Apostle Church LIVE & BOILED $8 fish plate includes fried fish, 3912 Gus Young Ave., Lenten Dinners by Holy Ghost potato salad, bread and dessert. Baton Rouge Dad’s Club April 12 only – $12 bisque plate 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Holy Ghost Church includes crawfish bisque, corn $9 per plate includes fried fish Carpool area maquechoux, bread and dessert. CRAWFISH or shrimp, potato salad, sweet 601 N. Oak St., Hammond Adrian Genre 225-387-9667 peas, bread and dessert 5 – 7 p.m. To place orders: 225-387-9506 $8 plate MARCH 8, 15, 29, March 15, 22, April 12 – Fish To fax orders: 225-383-3702 APRIL 5 Parish office 225-383-2537 March 29 and April 5 – Seafood Fish Fry Potatoes Call us about Men’s Club Fried Fish Dinners Knights of Columbus #6389 To support various projects catering your St. Alphonsus Church Holy Rosary Church throughout the year for Holy company Front parking lot 44450 Hwy. 429, St. Amant Ghost School South 14040 Greenwell Springs Rd., 6:30 p.m. Daniel Mercante 985-507-7742 crawfish boil Baton Rouge’s Greenwell Springs $8 includes fish, french fries, on our 4:30 p.m. until dinners are coleslaw. Drinks and dessert FAVORITE courtyard! Seafood Market!

Since 1982  42021 Hwy. 621, Gonzales APRIL 14 SPIRITUALITY 7 p.m. From page 4B Palm Sunday Procession Heads & Tails Cecile Haley 225-647-8461 St. Benedict the Moor Church Seafood about St. Benedict the Moor, APRIL 10 5414 Hwy. 1, Napoleonville Market • Restaurant • Catering patron of parish 10 a.m. Jerilyn Williams 985-513-2528 Holy Hour Sponsored by KC Procession from Williams and Fr. Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3470 Council #13632 Southall Funeral Home to St. 225-767-2525 St. Joseph Cathedral Benedict the Moor Church APRIL 8 401 Main St., Baton Rouge Jerry Williams 985-513-2528 5 – 6:15 p.m. Fr. Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3470 2070 Silverside Dr. (Across from Albertson’s on Perkins Rd.) Taize Prayer Service Lorie Weeks 225-387-5928 Hours: M - Wed.11a - 7p; Th. - Sat. 11a - 9p St. Mark Church 6B The Catholic Commentator LENT 2019 March 1, 2019 The Light is ON for You, sacrament of reconciliation DAILY MONDAY – 16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd., MARCH 20 APRIL 2 Penance Service Baton Rouge Mater Dolorosa Church FRIDAY The Light is ON For You Reconciliation 6 – 7 p.m. 609 Third St., Independence St. Joseph Cathedral St. Helena St. Mark Church Parish office 225-753-7950 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 401 Main St., Baton Rouge 122 South First St., Amite 42021 Hwy. 621, Gonzales Fr. Reuben Dykes 985-878-9639 11:15 – 11:55 a.m. MARCH 13 6 – 7:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Lorie Weeks 225-387-5928 Cecile Haley 225-647-8461 The Light is ON For You MARCH 21 APRIL 3, 10, 17 Holy Ghost St. Agnes Church The Light is ON For You APRIL 3 The Light is ON For You 601 North Oak St., Hammond 749 East Blvd., Baton Rouge Our Lady of Mount Carmel Reconciliation St. Aloysius Church 6 – 7:30 p.m. Daily Monday – Friday 5:45 Church St. Joseph Church 2025 Stuart Ave., Baton Rouge a.m., 4:45 p.m. 11485 Ferdinand St., 2130 Rectory St., Paulina Saturday 7:45 a.m., 3 p.m. MARCH 13, 20, 27, SEE CONFESSION PAGE 8B APRIL 3, 10 St. Francisville 6:30 p.m. Eileen Carroll 225-383-4127 5:30 – 7 p.m. The Light is ON For You 225-635-3630 First Saturday of the Month Holy Family Church  MARCH 29 Reconciliation 474 N. Jefferson Ave., Port Allen FUNDRAISER MARCH 25 From page 5B Seafood Supper St. Gabriel Church 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. Lenten Penance Service St. Joseph’s Academy 3625 Hwy. 75, St. Gabriel Church office 225-383-1838 $8 dinner-presale 3:15 p.m. and by appointment St. Ann Church $10 dinner at the door 3080 Kleinert Ave., Office 225-642-8441 MARCH 13, 20, 27, 182 Church St., Morganza Lunch and dinner tickets are Baton Rouge APRIL 3, 10, 17 6 p.m. NOT interchangeable. 5 – 7 p.m. MARCH 7, 14, 21, 28 Retta Ramagos 225-694-3781 Plates include fish, french fries $10 plate includes seafood The Light is ON For You APRIL 3, 10, 17 and coleslaw. etouffee, salad and bread. Our Lady of Mercy Church MARCH 26, 27 Tickets can be bought online Dorinda Beaumont, Athletic Reconciliation 445 Marquette Ave., Reconciliation Service at or SACCC Director 225-388-2290 St. Philip Church Baton Rouge St. Anthony of Padua and Le family. Trixie the Clown and 1175 Hwy. 18, Vacherie 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Van Phung Church Friends, along with a DJ, APRIL 5 6:30 p.m. Deacon Richard Grant 2305 Choctaw Dr., Baton Rouge providing entertainment in Fried Fish Dinner Carol A. Hymel 225-265-3953 225-926-1883 9 p.m. the Parish Hall. Raffle tickets St. Ann Church MARCH 9, 16, 23, 30, MARCH 13, 26, APRIL 7 p.m. Mass available for $5 each to win a C.C.D. Building APRIL 6, 13 3, 10 Rev. Peter Tan Viet Nguyen cash prize. 182 Church St., Morganza 225-357-4800 Chad Cole sacccfishfry@gmail 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation Service The Light is ON For You Child Care Center Kim Blair $8 per plate St. Gerard Majella Church St. John the Evangelist Church MARCH 27 225-343-1548 Janice Newton 225-936-3361 5354 Plank Rd., Baton Rouge 57805 Main St., Plaquemine Lenten Penance Service 3 – 3:45 p.m. 6 p.m. St. Joseph Church Lenten Supper KC Fish Fry/Sweet Shop Fr. Chuong 228-233-6413 Marsha A. Dupont 15710 LA Hwy. 16, Catholic Daughters of St. Rose St. Mary of False River Church 225-687-2402 de Lima #1194 Parish hall MARCH 11, 25, APRIL 1 French Settlement 6 p.m. Holy Rosary Church 348 Main St., New Roads Monday Night Confession Office 225-698-3110 44450 Hwy. 429, St. Amant 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. St. Jean Vianney 6:30 p.m. $10 $8 includes shrimp stew, corn, salad and bread. Desserts and APRIL 13 drinks available for purchase. Breakfast with the Easter Bunny MARCH 22, 29, Holy Family Church APRIL 5, 12 Parish Hall KC’s Fish Fry 368 N. Jefferson Ave., Port Allen Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 9 – 10:30 a.m. 11485 Ferdinand St., All are invited for donuts and St. Francisville coffee. Bring camera to take 6 – 7:30 p.m. pictures with the Easter Bunny! $9 plate includes fried or grilled Treat bags are first come, first filets, garlic bread, coleslaw, served basis. french fries or potato salad, Accepting canned food items for dessert and a drink. Dine in or Port Allen Food Pantry take out. Jennifer LeJeune 225-336-4463 MARCH 23 APRIL 14 Warrior Leidback Luau Auc- Fish and Shrimp Po-boy Sale tion KPC Council #23 St. Michael High School St. Benedict the Moor 17521 Monitor Ave., Baton Rouge St. Benedict Center 7 – 11:30 p.m. 5479 Hwy. 1, Napoleonville $60 ticket ($50 alumni) 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Drinks and food by LaCaretta $8 includes po-boy, chips and Restaurant included in ticket drink price. Music by the band Parish R. J. Oliver 985-513-2466 County Line. Josh Galasso or Leighann King 225-753-9782 March 1, 2019 LENT 2019 The Catholic Commentator 7B 5 Holy Week services APRIL 18, HOLY Lanie Borum 225-567-3573 Stations of the Cross Fr. Reuben Dykes 985-878-9639 57805 Main St., Plaquemine THURSDAY MASSES St. Joseph Cathedral Noon Veneration of the Cross 401 Main St., Baton Rouge Veneration of the Cross 3 p.m. Veneration of the Cross St. Margaret, Queen of St. Thomas Chapel 12 p.m. St. Joseph Church Marsha A. Dupont Scotland Church, Albany 32191 Hwy. 22, Springfield 255 N. 8th St., Ponchatoula 225-687-2402 30300 Catholic Hall Rd., 3 p.m. Good Friday Service 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. Hammond Lanie Borum 225-567-3573 Mater Dolorosa Church Terri Albert 985-386-3749 Stations of the Cross (take Albany, LA exit off of I-12) 609 Third St., Independence St. Joseph Church 7 p.m. followed by adoration Stations of the Cross Noon Stations of the Cross 255 N. 8th St., Ponchatoula until midnight St. Gabriel Church 3 p.m Stations of the Cross St. John the Evangelist Church Mary E. Herbert 225-567-3573 SEE HOLY WEEK PAGE 8B 3625 Hwy. 75, St. Gabriel Noon St. Gabriel Church 3 p.m. service 3625 Hwy. 75, St. Gabriel 7 p.m. followed by adoration Stations of the Cross until 9 p.m. St. Agnes Church 749 East Blvd., Baton Rouge St. Gerard Majella Church 3 p.m. followed by Divine Mercy TH 5354 Plank Rd., Baton Rouge Novena. 6 p.m. 5:30 p.m. service of “Passion and Death of our Lord” St. Agnes Church 749 East Blvd., Baton Rouge St. Anthony of Padua and Le ANNUAL 5:30 p.m. followed by adoration Van Phung Church until midnight 2305 Choctaw Dr., Baton Rouge 4Our Lady of the Lake 4 p.m. – English St. Anthony of Padua and Le 7:30 p.m. – Vietnamese Children’s Hospital Van Phung Church 2305 Choctaw Dr., Baton Rouge Stations of the Cross Amazing Half Marathon 4 p.m. – English St. Alphonsus Church 7:30 p.m. – Vietnamese 14040 Greenwell Springs Rd., Greenwell Springs St. Alphonsus Church Noon 14040 Greenwell Springs Rd., 3 p.m. Passion service Greenwell Springs 7 p.m. Passion of the Lord and Stations of the Cross St. Stephen the Martyr Church St. Mark Church 22494 LA Hwy. 22, Maurepas 42021 Hwy. 621, Gonzales 7 p.m. 3 p.m. St. Mark Church Stations of the Cross 42021 Hwy. 621, Gonzales St. Gerard Majella Church 7 p.m. 5354 Plank Rd., Baton Rouge 2:30 p.m. followed by veneration St. John the Evangelist Church of the cross 57805 Main St., Plaquemine 7 p.m. Liturgy and Veneration St. Stephen the Martyr Church 22494 LA Hwy. 22, Maurepas Church 6 p.m. 12364 LA Hwy. 416, Lakeland 7 p.m. Stations of the Cross St. John the Evangelist Church Mater Dolorosa Church 57805 Main St., Plaquemine 609 Third St., Independence Noon 7 p.m. 3 p.m. Veneration of the cross St. Joseph Church Stations of the Cross and 255 N. 8th St., Ponchatoula confessions 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. HALF | 5K | KIDS Immaculate Conception Church Terri Albert 985-386-3749 12364 LA Hwy. 416, Lakeland Noon MARCH 9, 2019 APRIL 19 GOOD FRIDAY 3 p.m. Passion of the Lord SERVICES Service Stations of the Cross Outdoor Stations of the Cross REGISTER TODAY AT St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland St. Joseph Cathedral Church, Albany 401 Main St., Baton Rouge AMAZINGHALF.COM 30300 Catholic Hall Rd., 9 a.m. Hammond (take Albany LA exit Lorie Weeks 225-387-5928 off of I-12) Noon 8B The Catholic Commentator LENT 2019 March 1, 2019

 7 – 8 p.m.  CONFESSION Parish office 225-753-7950 HOLY WEEK APRIL 20 EASTER VIGIL Immaculate Conception Church From page 6B From page 7B Mater Dolorosa Church 12364 LA Hwy. 416, Lakeland 6 – 7:30 p.m. Lenten Penance Service Noon– 1 p.m. 609 Third St., Independence 8 p.m. Ken Thevenet St. Joseph Church Terri Albert 985-386-3749 8 p.m. 225-343-6657 255 N. 8th St., Fr. Reuben Dykes 985-878-9639 APRIL 21 Ponchatoula Walk With the Cross EASTER MASSES APRIL 4 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. St. Stephen the Martyr Church St. Agnes Church St. Anthony of Padua and Le Van Lenten Penance Service Terri Albert 985-386-3749 22494 LA Hwy. 22, Maurepas 749 East Blvd., Baton Rouge Phung Church St. Alphonsus Church 7 a.m. begins at St. Mary Church 8 p.m. 2305 Choctaw Dr., Baton Rouge 14040 Greenwell Springs Reconciliation Service in Bear Island and ends at St. 8:30 a.m. – English Rd., Greenwell Springs St. Augustine Church Stephen the Martyr Church, St. Gabriel Church 10 a.m. – Vietnamese 7 p.m. 809 New Roads St., Maurepas. 3625 Hwy. 75, St. Gabriel New Roads Walk is 6.5 miles, rosary and 8 p.m. St. Gerard Majella Church Reconciliation Service 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. stations included in the walk. 5354 Plank Rd., Baton Rouge Holy Rosary Church 225-638-755 Office 225-698-3110 St. Anthony of Padua and Le Van 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. 44450 Hwy. 429, Phung Church Passion Play St. Amant APRIL 10 2305 Choctaw Dr., Baton Rouge St. John the Evangelist Church 6:30 p.m. Penance Service/The St. Augustine Church, Klotzville 4 p.m. – English 57805 Main St., Plaquemine Light is ON For You 174 Hwy. 1003, Belle Rose 7:30 p.m. – Vietnamese 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. APRIL 8 St. Margaret, Queen of 3 p.m. Scotland Church, Albany The stations of the cross depicted St. Mark Church Immaculate Conception Church The Light is ON For You by the confirmation class and other Our Lady of Pompeii 30300 Catholic Hall Rd., 42021 Hwy. 621, Gonzales 12364 LA Hwy. 416, Lakeland Hammond (take Albany, youth and adults 8 p.m. 7 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. Church Jerry Carter 225-323-3969 14450 Hwy. 442W, LA exit off of I-12) 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Fr. Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3470 St. Alphonsus Church St. Mark Church Tickfaw Jerry Williams 985-513-2528 6 – 8 p.m. Lanie Borum 14040 Greenwell Springs Rd., 42021 Hwy. 621, Gonzales 225-567-3573 Greenwell Springs 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Fr. Michael Galea Passion Play 985-345-8957 8 p.m. APRIL 19 St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland St. Alphonsus Church Church, Albany St. John the Evangelist Church 14040 Greenwell Springs Rd., APRIL 9 Reconciliation 30300 Catholic Hall Rd., Hammond St. Joseph Church 57805 Main St., Plaquemine Greenwell Springs Deanery Lent Penance (take Albany, LA exit off of I-12) 7:30 p.m. 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m. Service 255 N. 8th St., 6 p.m. Ponchatoula St. Jean Vianney Church The Youth Group and Jr. Youth St. Gerard Majella Church St. Agnes Church 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Group will perform. 16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry 5354 Plank Rd., Baton Rouge 749 East Blvd., Baton Rouge Terri Albert 985-386-3749 Ansleigh Barras 337-412-4401 Rd., Baton Rouge 7 p.m. 8 a.m., 9:15 a.m. (Latin) and 11 a.m.

3 Great Ways You Can Help the Needy this Lenten Season!

Join Bishop Michael Duca, Chef John Folse and Father Cleo Milano at the 24th Annual Count Your Blessings Supper Friday, March 22, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Our Lady of Mercy Parish Activity Center

Help us welcome Bishop Michael Duca to his first Count Your Blessings Supper! Chef John Folse, Father Cleo Milano and John Pastorek are ready to Stir it Up! Come and Count Your Blessings with us. Join us for a simple Lenten supper of soup and bread – a meal that will nourish you physically and spiritually. This year’s Count Your Blessings Supper is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Friday, March 22nd, at Our Lady of Mercy’s Parish Activity Center. Order your tickets today using the order form below or order online at or give us a call at (225) 383-7837, extension O. If you are unable to attend, please consider making a Count Your Blessings Lenten gift to St. Vincent de Paul to help in our work with God’s poor. Financial gifts can be mailed to: Count Your Blessings, P. O. Box 127, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0127, or made online at Ticket Order Form ------Clip and send in------Yes, my family and I want to attend the Count Your Blessings Build A Basket For Needy Kids Supper. We would like ______tickets at $10.00 per person. When families are struggling to exist on minimum-wage We are enclosing a check for $______. incomes, just paying the rent and putting food on the table is Name:______difficult. Needy children learn at an early age that there’s Address:______nothing in the budget for extras. Things like Easter baskets are luxuries their City: ______State: ______Zip: ______families simply cannot afford. Join St. Vincent de Paul in providing Easter Make checks payable and mail to: Society of St. Vincent de Paul, baskets for needy children. To find out how you can help with this year’s P.O. Box 127, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0127. For more information, effort, call us at (225) 383-7837, ext. O, or visit us at call us at (225) 383-7837, extension O, or order online at

You Can Answer a Prayer and Save a Life Today! Join WBRZ-Channel 2, Pat Shingleton, the Baton Rouge Clinic and St. Vincent de Paul in filling prescriptions for the needy. Retail prices for brand name and generic prescription drugs have risen greatly in the past year. Our St. Vincent de Paul Community Pharmacy provides a solution for low-income individuals who can’t keep pace with the rising cost of prescription medicine. We are seeing more people who are breaking tablets in half and skipping doses of life-sustaining medicines in a desperate attempt to make ends meet. For more details on how you can save someone’s life by filling a prescription, visit our website at