Of the Republic of Azerbaijan
COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (OMBUDSMAN) OF THE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN ANNUAL REPORT ON PROVISION AND PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN 2011 (SUMMARY) Baku – 2012 1 Foreword The main aim of the report is to evaluate the state of ensuring human and civil rights and freedoms in the country, to analyze the situation of important problems on human rights revealed in 2011, as well as to provide the information on activities conducted by the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the restoration of violated human rights, protection of human rights and prevention of their infringement The report was prepared on the basis of appeals, petitions, proposals and complaints; different cases, problems and challenges disclosed during the visits of the Commissioner and staff members of the Institute to penitentiaries, investigatory isolators, temporary detention places, military units, orphanages, boarding schools, settlements of the refugees and IDPs, healthcare and social protection facilities, meetings with population in regions and investigations carried out there; official responses and attitudes of state agencies and authorities; proposals and recommendations submitted to state bodies; materials of national and international seminars and conferences dedicated to human rights; works implemented within the framework of the cooperation with non-governmental organizations; as well as of the information provided by the mass media. The report reflects the activities of the Commissioner in the area of the protection of human rights and freedoms, educational and awareness-raising events regarding the given sphere, the organization of scientific-analytical work, public relations, issues of international cooperation, as well as outcomes and recommendations.
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