1. Basic information

1.1. Programme: ENPI-Annual Action Programme 2008 for the Republic of

1.2. Twinning number: AZ10/ENP-PCA/HE/14

1.3. Title: Support the State Veterinary Service Prepare for a National System for the Identification of Animals and Registration of Holdings

1.4. Sector: Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary measures

1.5. Beneficiary country: the Republic of Azerbaijan

2. Objectives

2.1. Overall objective: Increase food safety for consumers and facilitate trade through reforms and modernisation of the sanitary and phyto-sanitary sectors

2.2. Project purpose: Strengthen the veterinary service in general through particular assistance to prepare for a system for the identification and traceability of animals

2.3. Contribution to the EU-Azerbaijan ENP Action Plan

The policy framework and strategic objectives for EU - Azerbaijan cooperation is set out in the EU - Azerbaijan European Neighbourghood Policy (ENP) Action Plan adopted in 2006. The ENP Action Plan has a time frame of five years and is oriented towards enhancing the level of approximation of Azerbaijani legislation and standards to those of the EU. The ENP Action Plan defines a considerable number of priority areas for trade and market-related regulatory reforms, in particular trade facilitation issues including customs legislation and procedures, technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment, sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) issues, consumer protection, right of establishment and company law, financial services and markets, taxation, competition policy, enterprise and small and medium size enterprise policy, intellectual and industrial property rights, public procurement and statistics. As indicated in the EU-Azerbaijan ENP Action Plan, cooperation tools, including Twinning and TAIEX, play an important role in the achievement of the Action Plan priorities. The Twinning instrument provides for direct co-operation between EU and Azerbaijani public bodies to support institution-building activities. This Twinning project is aimed at strengthening the veterinary service in general through particular assistance to prepare for a system for the identification and traceability of animals, to increase food safety for consumers and to facilitate trade through reforms and modernisation of the sanitary and phyto-sanitary sectors. It comes as a significant contribution to an objective of the EU-Azerbaijan ENP Action Plan concerning trade related issues, market and regulatory reform - free movement of goods.


By establishing a system for the identification of animals and registration of holdings the Republic of Azerbaijan will increase compliance with international requirements regarding the control and food safety of animal origin products for consumers and will facilitate trade. The project will come as an important element of the preparatory work for the accession of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on the application of SPS measures. The project will also be in line with the Negotiating Directives for an Association Agreement between the EU and the Azerbaijan, launched for inter- service consultation, where one of the conditions proposed for starting the negotiations is that Azerbaijan has joined the WTO. Negotiations will start only if and once the Republic of Azerbaijan is deemed to be ready to take on, implement and sustain the effects of regulatory approximation commitments, including in the SPS field. The project will contribute to the achievement of the following measures set out in the EU-Azerbaijan ENP Action Plan:

SPS issues: increase food safety for consumers and facilitate trade through reforms and modernisation of the sanitary and phyto-sanitary sectors:

- Ensure implementation of the WTO Agreement on the Application of SPS Measures upon accession of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the WTO, including by nominating a central enquiry point and creating a rapid information system;

- Exchange information on and explore possible areas of convergence with EU practice in the field of sanitary and phyto-sanitary issues (e.g. policy, legislation, strengthening of institutions, implementing practices);

- Adhere to the Codex Alimentarius;

- In the medium term, draw up a first list of measures for gradual convergence towards EU general food safety principles and requirements (e.g. Regulation 178/2002/EC; animal and plant or plant products identification and traceability systems; hygiene in food processing). Start approximation of legislation in this area;

- Fulfilment of EU requirements on animal health and for the processing of animal products (c.f.: “General Guidance for third country authorities on the procedures to be followed when importing live animals and animal products into the European Union”, DG SANCO/FVO October 2003);

- Work towards interconnection with the EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (EU RASFF).

3. Description

3.1. Background and justification

Relevant country background

The total population as of 1 July 2008 was 8,676,000. Agriculture is the third largest economic sector after oil and construction, accounting for some 40% of total employment (compared with 1% in the oil sector). A primary development goal for the Republic of Azerbaijan is to reduce dependence on oil and gas.

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Economic Regions Administrative Regions The total land area of the Republic of Azerbaijan is 86,600 sq km, made up of 82,629 sq km of land and 3,971 sq km of water. The territory is split into 66 administrative regions, or raions, included in 11 economic regions. In total there are 4253 rural settlements. These areas include the exclave of the Naxcivan Autonomous Republic and the (occupied) Nagorno-Karabakh Region. The NAR is currently only accessible by air travel as the road linked is closed. Following agrarian reforms that commenced in 1995, 1.3 million hectares of land have been privatized to approximately 817,700 families. In addition, there are over 620,000 household farms, with an average size of 2.8 hectares (FAO estimates). Overall land use comprises 20.62% to arable crops, 2.61% to permanent crops and 76.77% to other. The primary production area in a roughly north-south band stretching from the northern border above Guba & Xacmaz down to the southernmost city of Astara. Cultivated lands are nominally served by more than 40,000 kilometres of canals and pipelines for irrigation. The varied climate allows cultivation of a wide variety of crops. The major crops are agricultural cash crops, especially grapes, cotton, tobacco, citrus fruits, and vegetables. Livestock, dairy products, and wine and spirits are also important farm products. The private sector produces 97% of agricultural goods. About 42% of cropped land is under cereals - mainly winter wheat. The area cultivated for vegetables and potatoes tripled over the period 1992-2005, livestock production increased by more than 50% in the same period (World Bank estimates). Important summer pastureland areas for sheep grazing in the Nagorno-Karabakh Region, where it is estimated that 3million sheep were grazed, are occupied and not accessible (including part of the Region). Rural poverty in the Republic of Azerbaijan (estimated at 43%) is lower than urban poverty, though rural areas are disadvantaged in terms of access to infrastructure and public services. The share of expenditures on food by Azerbaijani households is high (75%), higher for the rural poor (81%). Rural households produce about half of the food they consume.

Region Economic Administrative Regions / Raions Towns City Districts Settlements Rural Administrative Division Rural Settlements 1 Absheron 2 3 - 13 14 32 City - 1 11 59 - - 2 Ganja-Gazakh 9 12 2 42 278 521 3 Sheki-Zagatala 6 6 - 8 162 336 4 - Astara 6 8 - 13 156 642 5 Guba- 5 6 - 21 97 473 6 Orta Kur / Aran 16 18 - 39 391 791 7 Yukhari Karabakh 7 10 - 40 189 537 8 Kalbajar 4 4 - 7 150 442 9 Daglig - Shrivan 4 4 - 8 103 272 10 Naxcivan 7 5 - 8 160 207 TOTAL 66 77 13 258 1700 4253


The Law on Veterinary Medicine of the Republic of Azerbaijan obliges the State Veterinary Service (SVS) to establish a system of ‘Identification of Objects Engaged in Production, Supply (slaughtering), Storage, Processing and Sale of Products subject to the State Veterinary Control, Market Places and other Objects of the State Veterinary Control’, hereon described as an I&R system. This requirement is also scheduled in primary national policy and strategy, notably: the Presidential Decree on Measures for Improving the Management in the Agrarian Sector establishing a State Veterinary Service under the Ministry of Agriculture, and; the State Program on Reliable Food Supply of Population in the Republic of Azerbaijan 2008-2015, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

However there are no detailed concepts, specifications, regulations or other substantive documents that describe, define or set out in any detail an I&R system. The Law on Veterinary Medicine (art.26) defines agricultural animals and establishments for the purpose of identification, but not holdings (or exploitations).

Competence in veterinary matters rests with the SVS with the exception of fish and fish products and food products for export to the EU, which lies with the State Office for the Control of the Consumer Market, SOCCM, subordinated to the Ministry of Economic Development. However, the SVS is the Central Competent Authority for all other animal and animal product groups (including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses). In addition, with the introduction of the One-Window customs clearance procedure at border inspection points, the Customs Committee is responsible for clearance of goods including sanitary and phytosanitary procedures.

Except for a bi-lateral trade agreement for fish products (the United Kingdom), the Republic of Azerbaijan has not initiated application for third country status for the import of any animal or animal-origin products, into the EU.

International Bodies: OIE, FAO-APHCA and ICAR1

The conclusions of a workshop, involving 18 countries, including the Republic of Azerbaijan, on Animal Identification and Traceability in July 2007 were: 1. Given the animal disease situation in the region and the movement of animals within and between countries, there is a need for the implementation of animal identification and traceability schemes to: o To secure a favourable animal health status through the facilitation of disease control and eradication o To strengthen livestock breeding and production, including improved farm management o To enable proof of ownership and identification for insurance purposes o To meet sanitary requirements in order to facilitate national and international trade o To promote food safety and consumer confidence 2. The competent authority for animal identification and traceability is the veterinary administration. The maintenance of databases and application of identification devices can be done according to the specific needs and requirements of individual countries. 3. To provide for the legislative framework (laws and regulations) for identification and traceability conducive to the implementation of effective identification and traceability schemes.

1 ICAR – International Committee for Animal Recording www.icar.org; OIE World Organisation for Animal Health www.oie.int; FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations www.fao.org; APHCA Animal Production & Health Commission for Asia & the Pacific 4. Determine if animal identification is on an individual or group (cohort and epidemiological unit), or a combination of both, depending on local conditions and the objectives of the traceability system.

Recommendations were to: 1. Initiate the development of national livestock identification and traceability schemes, including: o Policy development o Creation of an appropriate legal framework o Identification and engagement of stakeholders o Provision of funds for pilot activities and long-term implementation o Identification of public and private sector organizational and financial responsibilities o Development of national databases of establishments and/or epidemiological units o Adoption of appropriate means of identification and movement recording, based on the relevant OIE standards2, taking into consideration ICAR and ISO technical standards pertaining to animal identification o Development of animal and movement recording databases o Provision for linkage to databases containing performance data for genetic improvement programmes 2. Harmonize databases and animal identification where possible in order to ensure data exchange between member countries, using the ISO standard identification code for animal identification. 3. Use visual identifiers (except for Equine animals) with the possibility of upgrading to machine-readable technologies at a later stage (e.g. RFID or datamatrix coding3).

OIE and the WTO

The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) undertook a private veterinary services assessment on behalf of the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan in October 2008. This is to be followed by a GAP analysis in late 2009/2010 as the basis for a SVS Strategy. This document will also provide guidance to donors on priority measures to be undertaken in the sector.

At the same time, as part of WTO accession requirements, the government is reviewing legislative reform requirements, which will include the Law on Veterinary Medicine. This review process would represent an opportunity to include an I&R legislative process into the official programme.

European Union

2 OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code 3 RFID – Radio frequency identification Data matrix – a two-dimensional matrix barcode, introduced by the International Federation for Animal Health (IFAH) as an identification system for tracking animal health products from production to application, conforming with EU requirements for traceability. The basic objectives of Community rules on the identification of animals are the localization and tracing of animals for veterinary purposes, required for the control of infectious diseases. Detailed provisions are in place defining different systems of identification and registration. Depending on the individual needs of the different species, those systems include several elements like identifiers, registers or passports, providing for permanent identification of individual animals enabling reliable traceability from birth to death. Definitions: • Bovine animals (cattle, buffaloes, bison). • Equine animals or "equidae" (horses, donkeys, zebras and their crossings). • Porcine animals (pigs). • Ovine and caprine animals (sheep and goats).

Relevant EU Community Veterinary Legislation (EU Aquis Veterinaire):

Food Safety Regulation 178/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down general principles and requirements of food law, the establishment of a European Food Safety Agency and laying down procedures in the matter of food safety. The main legislation frame for an I&R (Food and Veterinary Office- DG SANCO): Bovine 1. Basic: Regulation (EC) 1760/2000. 2. Detailed rules on eartags, holding registers, passports: Regulation (EC) 911/2004. 3. Control measures: Regulation (EC) 1082/2003. 4. Sanctions: Regulation (EC) 494/98. 5. Special measures for bulls intended for cultural and sporting events: Regulation (EC) 2680/99. 6. Special rules concerning summer grazing in mountain areas: Commission Decision 2001/672/EC. 7. Special rules concerning extension of the tagging period of certain animals kept under extensive conditions: Commission Decision 2007/28/EC. 8. Special rules concerning extension of the tagging period of bison: Regulation (EC) 509/1999. 9. Special rules concerning an extension of the maximum period laid down for the application of eartags to certain bovine animals kept in nature reserves in the Netherlands: Commission Decision 2004/764/EC. 10. Special rules for the identification of bovine animals kept for cultural and historical purposes on approved premises: Commission Regulation (EC) No 644/2005. Ovine and Caprine 1. Council Regulation (EC) 21/2004 amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 759/2009. 2. Control measures: Regulation (EC) No 1505/2006 3. Guidelines for the approval of electronic identifiers: Decision 2006/968/EC

Porcine 1. Granting certain Member States the derogation provided for in Article 3(2) of Council Directive 92/102/EEC as regards holdings with no more than one pig: Commission Decision 2006/80/EC 2. Registration of holdings in national databases: Regulation (EC) 2000/678. 3. Basic Directive: Council Directive 2008/71/EC of 15 July 2008 on the identification and registration of pigs (Codified version) Equide 1. Commission Regulation (EC) No 504/2008 of 6 June 2008 implementing Council Directives 90/426/EEC and 90/427/EEC as regards methods for the identification of equidae 2. Equidae for breeding and production, as defined in Council Directive 90/426/EEC (animal health legislation). Identification document according to Commission Decision 2000/68/EEC 3. Council Directive 90/427/EEC of 26 June 1990 on the zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae 4. Commission Decision 92/353/EEC of 11 June 1992 laying down the criteria for the approval or recognition of organizations and associations which maintain or establish stud-books for registered equidae 5. Commission Decision 92/354/EEC of 11 June 1992 laying down certain rules to ensure coordination between organizations and associations which maintain or establish stud-books for registered equidae 6. Commission Decision 96/78/EC of 10 January 1996 laying down the criteria for entry and registration of equidae in stud-books for breeding purposes 7. Commission Decision 93/623/EEC of 20 October 1993 establishing the identification document (passport) accompanying registered equidae; Commission Regulation (EC) No 504/2008 of 6 June 2008 implementing Council Directives 90/426/EEC and 90/427/EEC as regards methods for the identification of equidae 8. Commission Decision 96/79/EC: of 12 January 1996 laying down the zootechnical certificates of semen, ova and embryos from registered equidae 9. Council Directive 90/428/EEC of 26 June 1990 on trade in equidae intended for competitions and laying down the conditions for participation therein 10. Commission Decision of 26 March 1992 on the collection of data concerning competitions for equidae as referred to in Article 4 (2) of Council Directive 90/428/EEC (92/216/EEC) 11. List of coordinating authorities responsible for collecting data concerning competitions for equidae in accordance with Commission Decision 92/216/EEC 12. Commission Decision 2004/211/EC and amendments establishing the list of third countries and parts of territory thereof from which Member States authorise imports of live equidae and semen, ova and embryos of the equine species, and amending Decisions 93/195/EEC and 94/63/EC Animal Health The consolidated version of Council Directive 64/432 of 26 June 1964 on animal health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine, which includes all correction/amendments from 1964.

The CCA should keep an “audit” of all significant veterinary events in the life of an animal from the “stable to the table”. These events include birth, movements and death, vaccinations, treatments, residue tests and tests for diseases.


The first in-country mission to the Republic of Azerbaijan took place 12-19, October 2009 in connection with the movement of sport and breeding horses to and from EU Countries and Member States. The Mission Report is awaited. A second in-country mission is expected in 2010.

There is currently a requirement for horses moved between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the EU to be held in quarantine by a third country for 40-days. An approved control system for sport and breeding horses is needed to enable the movement of such horses without the need for quarantine in a third country (usually Russia).

This process was instigated at high level and focuses on a relatively small number of sport and breeding horses, estimated at only 2,000 throughout the Republic of Azerbaijan, held in a small number of holdings, estimated at 10-15 in total4. The primary breeds are the Karabakh and Dilbaz as well as the Guba and Shirvan horse types, whilst other breeds such as Arabian are also raced and bred.

Interests are represented by the Equestrian Federation of Azerbaijan; breed associations including the Association of Karabakh Breed Horse Fanciers; Horse Club; Jockey Club; Ministries of Sport and Agriculture, and; others.

Due regard will have to be taken for commitments under international agreements on breeding and racing and international, national and regional organisations holding breed records.

National priority in the realm of animal identification and traceability is cuurently related to this process. The recommendations of the DG SANCO mission will be the basis for the development and approval of an Action Plan for the implementation of a control system for sport and breeding horses, in the timeframe of the Twinning Project.

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Relevant National legislation, Programmes and Strategies

- Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Veterinary Medicine, August 2005, Law 992-IIQ, Art.1,7,8,26.

4 E.g. Günay Horse Farm, www.gunayequestrian.com - Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No 19, On approving several normative legal acts on veterinary in the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted on January 30 - Regulation under the Law on Veterinary Medicine for conducting statistical calculation of quarantine diseases of animals and the identification of agriculture animals as well as for identification of production, procurement, processing, keeping of products under the state veterinary control and their selling locations, markets and other veterinary control locations for conducting their statistical calculations - Other (74) Regulations implementing the Law on Veterinary Service - The Statute of the SVS at the Ministry of Agriculture approved on 20 April 2005 by the presidential decree No 226 - The Statue of the SVS of the Naxcivan Autonomous Republic (NAR) - Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Foodstuffs, January 2000, Law 75.9-IQ, Art. 39.2.2, with addendums and amendments under the law # 219-II QD of November 23,2001; # 389 – II QD of December 3, 2002; # 538-II QD of December 5, 2003 - Presidential Decree on Measures for Improving the Management in the Agrarian Sector establishing State Veterinary Service at the Ministry of Agriculture, October 23, 2004 - State Program on Reliable Food Supply of Population in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2008-2015 adopted by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 25 August 2008: Action related to identification and registration of animals (5.6.2). - Law on Horse Breeding, 2007, and normative acts - Contingency Action Plans for epizootic diseases - OIE-PVS Assessment

Enabling legislation required for an I&R

- A separate law or a regulation (under the Law on Veterinary Medicine), regarding the identification and registration of animals setting out: the objective, terms and definitions, mode of operation of identification and registration, competence, time limits for the identification process, import, documents, transport, slaughter, death, budget and finance, tariffs and payments. - Such decisions, acts and technical regulations required during the process of definition, development, piloting and national implementation of the I&R system.

Monitoring of Animal Diseases (zoonoses)

The State disease surveillance and vaccination programme is based on risk analysis and SVS sampling methodology. In addition there are contingency plans for the control of primary epizootic diseases, in particular: • Small-ruminants anthrax • Bovine anthrax • Brucellosis in small-ruminants • Bovine brucellosis • Bovine tuberculosis • Avian Influenza • Rabies

There is an on-going investment and development plan for the monitoring of zoonoses, and investment in veterinary and public health laboratories. The veterinary laboratory network comprises the Central Veterinary Laboratory, 12 regional laboratories and 47 ‘Cabinets’, essentially sample reception centres.

Recent investment in the area of animal health surveillance and control has primarily come through: • The World Bank (Avian Influenza Preparedness Programme); • The World Bank 2nd Agricultural Development Project (veterinary component) establishing a National Animal Disease Information System (NADIS) centred on the epidemiological unit of the central veterinary laboratory), with a particular focus on brucellosis, and; • The United States Department of Defence (USDD) financed Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DETRA), which is constructing a nationwide disease surveillance IT system (animal and public health) and laboratory refurbishment programme (a $20million investment).

Current system of animal identification and registration: there is no individual identification of bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, or equine populations by any means, nor do the SVS at central or raional level keep registers of animal numbers or holdings. All statistics are collected and collated by the State Statistical Service.

Animal populations as of 1st January 2009 1 Bovine Cattle 2,936,759 3,225,591 Buffalo 288,832 2 Ovine and Caprine* Sheep and Goats 8,276,177 3. Equine** Sport / Breeding horses 2,000 116,138 Work / draught horses 67,909 Donkeys 46,431 Mules 88 4 Porcine Pigs 6,905 TOTAL 11,624,811

Poultry 22,352,909 * Goats are not separately enumerated in statistics, estimated to account for 10% of the recorded sheep population ** The number of sport and breeding horses is a braod estimate

Animal Populations by Region

800000 700000 600000 500000 Animal 400000 Populations 300000 200000 100000 0 0 10203040506070

Region Numbers (X Axis) Region Region Region Region Region 1 14 Caliiabad 27 40 Lankaran 53 2 Absheron 15 Dajkasan 28 41 Masalli 54 Tovuz 3 16 Davachi 29 Kalbajar 42 Neftchala 55 Ucar 4 Agdash 17 Gadabav 30 43 Oguz 56 Yardimli 5 18 Goranbov 31 44 Saatli 57 6 Agjabadi 19 Gtivcay 32 Qazakh 45 58 7 20 Gdv-gol 33 Gabala 46 Salyan 59 8 Astara 21 Fizuli 34 Qobustan 47 Samukh 60 9 Balakan 22 35 Qubath 48 Sivazan 61 Baku 10 Beylaqan 23 Khacmaz 36 49 62 Shirvan 11 Bards 24 37 50 Shaki 63 Ganja 12 Bilasuvar 25 Khojali 38 Lachin 51 64 13 Cabrayil 26 Khojavand 39 Lerik 52 65 Sumqayit Note: The State Statistical Service provide livestock related figures for 65 adminsitrative regions The SVS report that most animals are kept on smallholdings. The total number of holdings (State Statistical Service) is estimated to be 609,520. Neither the SVS nor the State Statistical Service keeps statistics as to the numbers of animals, in total or by type, by holding/exploitation. In many cases herds and flocks are of mixed ownership, managed by sheppards or herdsmen. The SVS also report a growing tendency for larger, single ownership herds and flocks held by juridical entities.

An important consideration is practice during the festival of Eid (at the end of Ramadan). Householders slaughter a large number of animals during the festival, mainly sheep but also goats and cattle. In accordance with the principles of Halal (acceptable practice) the animals should be in good health and above a certain age: one year for goats and sheep, two years for cattle and five years for camels. In addition it is common for live sheep to be purchased by individuals for slaughter at other times (home consumption, Barbeque). These practices will require careful consideration regarding the process of registering of slaughter (deaths) within an I&R system.

Veterinary Infrastructure

The SVS is subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA). Organisational chart of the SVS is attached in Annex III.

The central apparatus of the SVS employs 36 staff. Each administrative raion has a veterinary office, the NAR having a separate structure. The total staffing of the SVS is in the region of 2500. In addition there are extra-budgetary organisations and private veterinarians.

The SVS considers that reforms need to be undertaken to limit SVS actions to oversight only, although there is no formal development strategy. In 2008 the SVS was unable to attract any new entrants to the central apparatus from the 19 graduates of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In 2009 the SVS moved to new refurbished offices in the 8th Micro-Region of Baku, close by to the Central Veterinary Laboratory.

Envisaged Elements of a System of Animal Identification and Registration in the Republic of Azerbaijan

The system description is indicative and sets out a scenario for systems development in the Republic of Azerbaijan. It takes into account the evolution of I&R systems from old to new EU member states over the years and further implementation in neighbourhood countries5. A detailed specification for the Republic of Azerbaijan will be developed that will take into account key elements of the I&R system: 1. Desired outcomes 2. Scope 3. Performance criteria 4. Preliminary studies 5. Programme design 6. Legal framework 7. Implementation arrangements

5 In particular Romania and the Republic of Moldova The system description for agricultural animals will differ from the description for sport and breeding horses.

The envisaged system described below takes into consideration the pattern of holdings and animal populations in the Republic of Azerbaijan: large numbers of smallholdings each with relatively few animals of different species that are subject to being managed, including summer pasturing and communal grazing, within larger units of mixed ownership (flocks and herds).

The implementation methodology will include two pilot arrangements: 1. Sport and breeding horses: for all horses in the category (approximately 2,000) according to an Action Plan, as approved by DG SANCO. 2. Plans and preparations for pilot project implementation in two administrative regions or one economic zone, for all animal types, followed by national implementation within a defined time period.

Implementation would include all founding operations to be carried out at the same time, that is the simultaneous registration of holding and all animal types held at a holding. This avoids the need for multiple operations at the same holding to be separately registered, for example, different species at different times. In addition the system scope will define functionality including issues related to animal health and genetic performance data as well as cooperation with other agencies regarding cross referencing (including verification algorithms), statistics and analyses. Veterinary doctors are responsible for the issue of movement orders (health certificates), prior to any animal movement(s), to ensure that only fit and healthy animal(s) are moved and where it or they may come into contact with and mix with other animal(s) of the same or of a different species. Event logging must be possible in as near to real-time as possible, but within established and defined performance parameters, so that, in the event of a disease outbreak, the system can efficiently and comprehensively report on the events within given animal(s) life, including all animal(s) that the diseased or sick animal(s) have been in contact so as to provide such information as needed to enable disease control and eradication arrangements as set out in established national disease contingency plans and regulations. Terminology: all animals, with the exception of equine (transponders), will be identified with a physical identifier or tag. According to the respective EU legislation, and OIE terminology, the following terms have the meanings: o Competent Authority means the Veterinary Authority or other Governmental Authority of an OIE Member having the responsibility and competence for ensuring or supervising the implementation of animal health and welfare measures, international veterinary certification and other standards and recommendations in the Terrestrial Code in the whole territory. o Veterinary Authority means the Governmental Authority of an OIE Member, comprising veterinarians, other professionals and para- professionals, having the responsibility and competence for ensuring or supervising the implementation of animal health and welfare measures, international veterinary certification and other standards and recommendations in the Terrestrial Code in the whole territory. o “Holding” shall mean any unit, enterprise, construction or any open location, in the open air in case of farms, located in the Republic of Azerbaijan, where animals are grown, bred, contained or manipulated. o Animal identification means the combination of the identification and registration of an animal individually, with a unique identifier, or collectively by its epidemiological unit or group, with a unique group identifier via application of a tag or other identification means, including electronic ones, which ensure the animal’s identification without prejudice for its welfare, in compliance with the traceability requirements. o “Epidemiological unit” means a group of animals with a defined epidemiological relationship that share approximately the same likelihood of exposure to a pathogen. This may be because they share a common environment (e.g. animals in a pen), or because of common management practices. Usually, this is a herd or a flock. However, an epidemiological unit may also refer to groups such as animals belonging to residents of a village, or animals sharing a communal animal handling facility. The epidemiological relationship may differ from disease to disease, or even strain to strain of the pathogen. o Animal identification system means the inclusion and linking of components such as identification of establishments/owners, the person(s) responsible for the animal(s), movements and other records with animal identification. o “Tag” shall mean a means of animal identification manufactured of plastic and bearing a print with the unique animal identification number. o Animal traceability means the ability to follow an animal or group of animals during all stages of its life. o “Registration” is the action by which information on animals (such as identification, animal health, movement, certification, epidemiology, establishments) is collected, recorded, securely stored and made appropriately accessible and able to be utilised by the Competent Authority. o “Animal movement” shall mean an increase or decrease in the number of animals in a holding for any reason, including the birth or death of an animal. o “Keeper” means any natural or legal person having ownership of, or in the possession of, or charged with the keeping of, an equine animal, whether or not for financial reward, and whether or not on a permanent or on a temporary basis, including during transportation, at markets, or during competitions, races or cultural events. o “Mother” shall mean an animal’s female parent, irrespective whether the respective animal was or was not the product of an ovule or sired embryo, excluding the female animal providing the ovule or the embryo. o “Individual passport for bovines” shall mean an official document registering the identity of each bovine species animal. o “ Horse passport” means the identification document for the identification of a horse in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 504/2008 (implementing Council Directives 90/426/EEC and 90/427/EEC as regards method of identification of equidae(c)) o “Horse Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO)” means organisations and associations that have been authorised to issue horse passports in the Republic of Azerbaijan i.e. equine studbook / breed societies that have been recognised under national legislation abiding by the provisions laid out under Commission Decision 92/353/EEC). o “Transponder” means an electronic identification device for the storage of a unique identification number and its transmission. It is a read-only, passive radio frequency device complying with standard ISO11784 and applying HDX or FDX-B technology; and capable of being read by a reading device compatible with standard ISO11785, at a minimum distance of 12 cm. System Ownership: The MoA represented by the SVS and its branch units, as well as other public organisations and institutions. The SVS is the central competent regulatory authority in the sphere of veterinary medicine and food safety; a specialised authority subordinated to the MoA. The State Customs Committee, as a consequence of the 1-window clearance system, is responsible for the clearance of goods at Border Inspection points, which are integral parts of the system. Principal Objectives: The general objective of the system is to monitor and trace the movements of all animals. All-important events in the life of an animal, including birth, movements, veterinary actions, treatments, diseases and death must be registered in the system. The system will be used to monitor and ensure the traceability of the species: bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine. Indicative Goals of the IT System: • To develop a database within the framework of the animal identification and registration process and related functions; • To allow for database cross referencing with other state registers for verification of any official codes that may be used within the I&R system; • To establish control over data, ensuring the accumulation of the information in terms of its type and quality, using specialised technical tools and software and the efforts of the assigned subdivisions and staff; • To ensure data protection and information security during the development and operation of the system; • To ensure the possibility of mutual information exchange and cooperation with other governmental, departmental and territorial information systems; • To ensure information interaction and collaboration in the process of the inter- governmental and international information exchange.

System Definition: comprised of various components and procedures, which make possible the identification and registration of animals and holdings, thus ensuring compliance with the traceability principle that must be reported by operators. The system (excepting information confidential in veterinary terms) forms an integral part of a State Register of Animals.

There is already a developing infrastructure in place regarding the monitoring and reporting of animal diseases (for a total of 40 scheduled diseases), centred on the veterinary laboratory network and also the SVS Central Apparatus. This network may form an integral element regarding document processing within the context of I&R and the basis for integration of such processes as a Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF). System actors Veterinarians – the motive power - Central, Regional and Local level operators Those responsible at border inspection points, quarantine stations, breeding and research stations, markets, transporters, slaughter facilities, or any other point(s) where an event requires logging onto the system Animal owners / keepers – informational source - Holdings - About 11.6million animals, principally sheep and cattle. The national operator of the Animal Register is the guarantor of the authenticity of information and provides: - Technical maintenance (provision of identification devices, equipment) - Training for the personnel of the Competent Authority - Data validation / cross referencing with other Registers - Risk analysis and system modifications and improvement

The scope, definition and juridical form of the National Operator will have to take into account complementary system developments, significantly the future transfer and possible integration into an I&R system, of functions related to: the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (control of animal diseases), which is establishing a national network centred in both animal and human health laboratories with a central server in Baku, and; the National Animal Disease Information System (NADIS), based within the SVS Central Apparatus.

I&R System Components 1. Means of identification to identify each animal – ear tags, transponders; 2. Up-to-date registers on each holding and movement documents: Bovine passport, Forms (Identification Form, Movement Form (Veterinary Health certificate), Event Form, Individual passport for bovines), Holding card and holding register; 3. A central register or a computer database (information infrastructure): Central database, identification equipment, global communications; 4. Human resources: central, regional and local levels; 5. Operations manual, guidelines and instructions.

1. Means of Animal Identification

Cattle tags: all bovine animals will be identified by means of ear tags attached to each ear. Both ear tags will have the same unique identification code presented both in digits and as the bar code, making possible the identification of each individual animal. The tag will include the country code; the date of issue; the acronym for the competent authority – the State Veterinary Service. The acronym in the is DBX, in English SVS. The identification code of bovine animals will be formed of 14 characters, which must be included in databases: 2 letters followed by the numerical code of 12 digits; the characters have the following meaning: a. The first two characters are letters, they represent the country code (AZ); b. They are followed by 0, the species code; c. The following 11 characters are digits representing the animal’s ordinal number.

Example cattle tags 45mm x 55mm

Example tag for bovines: the tag must be of certain minimum dimensions (expressed in millimetres) and: a. It must be formed of two parts: the “father” part and the “mother” part; b. The “father” part must have at least 2 cut grooves; c. The groove opening must be larger than the penetrating pin, thus allowing the tag to rotate freely round its axis; d. The connecting channel of the “mother” part must be of the “open” type; e. The conical body of the penetrating pin must be made of durable material, eventually metal, and the other parts can be made of softer materials; f. The tag’s conical pin should allow ventilation and aeration; g. It must be manufactured from polyurethane or any other plastic material; h. It must be recyclable; i. It must be yellow in colour; j. It must be resistant to high/low ambient temperatures and easily readable during the total lifetime of the animal; k. It must not contain any harmful substances; l. It must not be reusable; m. It must have a unique number, which is not repeated on other tags; n. The print must be clear (produced with LASER technology) and impossible to modify; o. The print must be produced solely on the “father” part; p. The attached tag must facilitate the best possible and quick ear wound healing; q. The tag must be attached by ear incision (at the time of attaching the tag) rather than by pressurized puncture, so that the ear skin is cut rather than pressed in the “mother” tag part; r. The tag is applied by use of proprietary tag application tongs

In a similar manner physical identifiers/tags are to be specified (in size, shape, colour and content) for sheep, goats and pigs, being animals to be identified by tags placed in one ear.


Sheep tags 27mm x 27mm Goat tags 27mm x 27mm

Pig tags 27mm x 27mm Replacement tags: tags worn by the animals can deteriorate or become lost, and in such cases they should be replaced with identical tags bearing the same animal identification code, and right side, in Roman numerals, the number of the duplicate tag; the second tag shall have numeral II. Horses: the priority is for sport and breeding horses. A decision will have to be made if other equine animals are to be identified. A transponder / chip and horse passport arrangement will be put in place for sport and breeding horses, with records to be held and managed by the designated Passport Issuing Organisation(s) and consolidated for all equine animals by the competent authority. Otherwise all horses are to be electronically identified by the use of injectable transponders, permanently implanted in the nuchal ligament on the horse’s left side, in the middle third of the neck, halfway between the ears and withers.

Horse Transponder, 11.55mm x 2.12mm Nuchal ligament

2. Up-to-date registers on each holding and movement documents Multi-part documents that form the data source for entry into the electronic register a. Identification form; b. Movement registration form; c. Event declaration form; d. Continuation form; e. Passport for cattle; f. The holding document. The database will accumulate and store the information on the principal objects: Each object will be identified by attributing a unique code to the respective object, and by registering it in the database: o Holdings; o Individual animals; o Slaughterhouses; o Markets; o Quarantine stations; o Summer pastures o Border inspection points (BIPs); o Owners (possessors); o Tag suppliers; o Final users (local veterinary units, veterinary officers). The alphanumerical coding system is to be designed and approved for use at national level. Each code is unique and identifies a single object (country, region, animal, holding, owner or keeper). In addition the codes should provide information on the location of the identified object. o Country o Region o The national holding code o The national code of an authorised holding (market, slaughter house, summer pasture, quarantine farm) o Animal identification code o Breeds

3. A central register or a computer database (information infrastructure)

A national operations centre, an integrating unit, will be situated in Baku. This unit will likely include a central server, communications and the principal database. Services at the national operations centre will include IT support, administration and logistics, and a call centre service to provide the necessary support to the official veterinarians on the veterinary network level by specialised and skilled staff that can supply appropriate technical and operational assistance. Systems operators in the field, contracted veterinarians will perform the tagging and transponder implant operations, form/document completion, data input at regional and local levels. These contracted operators will provide services based upon standard tariffs set out in contracted out service agreements on a raion by raion basis. Standard operations The following standard operations should be possible for all data included in the system data documents: • Data input; • Data access/editing; • Production of tables / reports. Data input This operation must be performed with assistance of easy-to-use (user-friendly) data input screens, which provide a true picture of the forms used to collect data. The order of the fields must be identical to that in the hard copy forms. Error identification/validation must be applied at three levels: o Data field level o Entry level; o Database level. Many of the above rules can be easily deduced from the European legislation on animal identification and registration.

Data access/editing o There must be a possibility to summon and edit entries through a filtering mechanism, o This class of operations must enable deletion of data introduced erroneously. o When an entry is related or connected to other entries, deletion should be allowed only after an appropriate announcement and after the deletion of the reference entries. o The system must permit tracing of data input and editing for control and administration purposes.

Production of reports o Individual passport for bovines o Report on an individual animal o Holding Register o Report on animals on a holding o Slaughterhouse report o Imports Report o Exports Report o Statistical Report on movements o Delayed notification reports o Statistics on delayed notifications o Headcount Report by age o Animal headcount report by age

The reports generated in the system will be accessible both at the local level (local work stations) and at the regional or national level with the assistance of a specific application (reporting and administration), according to user rights defined within the system. User rights are likely to be set out in 4 levels: 1. System administrator with unlimited access to the system; 2. Information security officer authorised to make any research, to print out results, to introduce, edit or delete information introduced by operators (excluding system settings, parameters and auxiliary tables); 3. User for decision-making, allowed to make any requests/perform any research and to print out the results; 4. Operator editing/introducing data, working at the regional level, permission to input and edit important information regarding the designated region only.

Tracing The system should include an easy-to-use mechanism making it possible to trace an individual animal and the animals with which it came in contact. Tracing should be possible backwards and forward from a certain day to reconstruct a group of animals at a certain moment in time. Specific operations In addition to the standard operations of data input, editing/access, presentation in tables, reports on request must be available:

All types of holdings o Change of the owner; o Change of address; o Change of the company name; o Change of production type; o Change in status.

Individual animals o Passport printout; o Storage and manipulation of the entries regarding the loss and replacement of an passport; o Announcing incomplete events. Tag/transponder o Allocation of tags to regions; o Requests for tags placed with the supplier and distributor; o Maintenance of data on used and unused tags; o Maintenance of data on lost or replacement of tags. 4. Human Resources

Indicative Outline Staffing Profiles Central Operations Centre Director, Deputy, IT Support, Call Centre, Administration and bookkeeping

The relationship between the Central Operations Centre and operators is likely to be on a contracted out basis

SVS Groups o Administrative working stations at the Raional State Veterinary Service o Working stations at local level/veterinary circumscription level o Border Inspection points o Markets and Slaughter Houses o Veterinary Doctors/Operators Outline user-training requirements on system use Identification • Topics: introduction, objectives, EU experience, legal framework, components, operational description, procedures, identification system, description of the application functions connected with identification; • Exercises and simulation tests. Animal movement and events • Topics: procedures, identification system – the component of movement and traceability, description of the application functions connected with registration of movements (traceability) and events; • Testing, simulation exercises. Supplementary for BIP-s • Introduction, objectives, EU experience, legal framework, components, operational description, procedures, identification system, description of the application functions connected with imports, exports and transit of animals. The officers to be trained will need to be subdivided in 3 distinctive groups: Central, Raional and Local Veterinary levels. Information dissemination and awareness campaign directed at the main stakeholders, using mass media and information materials at central, regional and rural community levels so as to inform stakeholders as to the objectives of the system, the processes, timescales, rights and obligations. The campaign will have to be structured to anticipate and coincide with the main stages of the introduction of an I&R system: 1. Consultative and description of intended scope and modality of the I&R: within the veterinary and customs services and to representatives of animal owners, transporters, slaughterhouses and markets 2. Pilot operations 3. National implementation

3.2. Linked activities

EC Budget support - ENPI

There is an agreement with the EU within the ENPI Annual Action Programme 2009 on budgetary support in the area of agriculture and rural development with an important component related to the food security in general and veterinary services in particular. The amount of this assistance is 13 million EURO and the sector budget support is to be disbursed over a three year period. One of three main conditions is formulated as ‘access to safe quality food increased’. It provides for new legal acts better defining the role of institutions in this area in 2011, new law enabling private Veterinary Service in 2010, establishment of single national reference laboratory in 2011 and upgrade of other laboratories, and gradual expansion of new veterinary points.

Twinning activities

EU Twinning Project AZ07-PCA-HE01 "Support to the Improvement of Legal and Technical Aspects of Food Quality and Safety Assurance and Certification Requirements of Azerbaijani Fishery Products" started in 2008. The specific objective of this project is to support the State Office for the Control of Consumer Market in the design and implementation of an official control system complying with the requirements laid down in the EU legislation applicable to fishery products and aquaculture products with the aim of increasing export to the EU and other international markets. While the project targets only fishery products, it provides also advice and trainings on the general principles of food safety.

World Bank

The World Bank has been supporting development of the agricultural sector since 1996. Currently there are two projects under implementation: the Agricultural Development Credit Project, and; the Avian Influenza Preparedness Project, which is managed through Washington.

The Agricultural Development Credit Project (ADCP) is being introduced in phases, managed by the State Agency for Agricultural Credit in the MoA. A Phase-One component (completed in 2004) related to the strengthening of the SVS and development of PVS, where 25 Private Veterinary Units (PVUs) were established. An additional 30 PVUs will be established in Phase 2, due for completion in 2009. Though there has been some progress in promoting PVS it is constrained by the lack of a mechanism for contracting out state services.

Under Phase 2 a vaccination programme for the control of brucellosis in sheep in selected regions will also be undertaken. In addition and as part of preparations for WTO accession, review of legislation, including the Law on Veterinary Medicine, a gap analysis by the OIE will be undertaken for completion by the end of 2009.

The ADCP is also developing the NADIS, where additional modules are being developed (vaccination information and laboratory information management system). The need for additional staff is an issue as only one specialist within the Sector for Treatment, Preventive Measures and Epidemiological Control of especially dangerous diseases of the SVS has been trained to administer the NADIS system.

The United States of America

The USDD through its Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DETRA) is supporting the development of an Information System for the Control of Animal Diseases (zoonoses), a process that is also being undertaken in Kazakhstan and Georgia. The project started in 2007 and will end in May 2011, implemented by the Black&Veatch Company.

The total sum of assistance is US$20million. The purpose of the project is to develop, install and make operational a nationwide monitoring system in both veterinary (five regional servers and 59 regional workstations) and public health laboratories (7 regional servers and 72 regional workstations). Communications are internet based (packet switching) using ADSL, dial-up or GPRS (in the 2 regional laboratories where there is no telephone service) based communication to a central server based in Baku hosting an MS SQL based Information System. Extensive and regular training (contracted out) is being undertaken at central and regional levels. Help centres are to be put in place in all raions and Baku.

In addition the project is supporting the refurbishment of central and regional laboratories. By the end of project activities decisions and state budget provisions will have to be enacted to facilitate the hand-over to the MoA/SVS and the Ministry of Health (MoH). This process will also likely include consideration of the NADIS.

World Organisation for Animal Health

An overall PVS assessment of the veterinary service of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) in October 2008. It assessed the staffing, competences, technical independence, physical resources and an overall capability of the service. It recommended reorganisation of the service to develop its administrative capacities and provided a set of detailed recommendations to undertake it and to further develop the service.

This is to be followed by a GAP analysis in late 2009/2010, which will form the basis for a strategic plan for the development of veterinary services. This analysis will also provide guidance to donors on priority measures to be undertaken in the sector.

3.3. Results

The results to be achieved by the project will be as follows:

1. Awareness Raising and Reform

1.1. The Working Group has obtained theoretical knowledge on the drafting of I&R strategy documents and supporting legal and technical acts 1.2. The stakeholders have obtained theoretical and practical knowledge on the structures and practices of EU MS and European NC regarding the definition and operation of an I&R system 1.3. The stakeholders have raised awareness on general EU food legislation and food safety and control organisation with particular emphasis on systems for the identification and traceability of animals 1.4. Proposal for the introduction of an I&R system elaborated

2. Development of Institutional Structure and a Concept for an I&R System

2.1. The Working Group has obtained practical knowledge on the general structure, functions and basic Quality Management principles of a state institution/mandated body responsible for food safety issues in EU MS 2.2. Quality Management policy of the SVS developed 2.3. Main actions for the reinforcement of the SVS in general identified 2.4. Concept for a System of Animal Identification and Registration of Animals in the Republic of Azerbaijan prepared 2.5. Organisational development plan for the introduction of an I&R system prepared

3. Development of the Legislative Basis and Budgetary Requirement

3.1. Draft legal acts for an I&R system including implementing acts and relevant procedures developed 3.2. Budgetary requirement for the introduction of an I&R system defined

4. Preparation for Implementation

4.1. Technical specifications of instruments and integrated services for animal identification and registration of holdings developed 4.2. Methodological material (guide for the identification of animals and registration of holdings and other relevant materials) prepared 4.3. Preparations for pilot identifications and registrations made 4.4. Knowledge and skills of trainers of the identification team developed enough to provide training to the rest of the identification and registration team on the practical operations for identification of animals 4.5. Identifications of all sport and breeding horses and registration of horse holdings carried out. Preparations for pilot operations in two regions / one economic zone completed for all animal types

3.4. Activities:

Activities have been structured within the four components, as process phases with the exception of the system for sport and breeding horses that will be initiated from the start, supporting a process that is already underway. Activities would commence with the SVS to set and define an agenda and plan and then widen involvement with the MoA. This would be followed by an inter-ministerial consultation process and preparations for implementation.

No assumptions have been made as to the granting of decisions of decrees that would formalise the I&R process onto the government agenda, although this has been set as a commitment from the SVS of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Point 8 and 10.1 of the Project Fiche to ensure the sustainability of project results. The first component, Awareness Raising and Reform, approximately 3 months in duration from the establishment of project facilities would concentrate upon actions within the SVS: to transfer information; develop awareness of practices, and prepare funding proposals and scenarios for wider dissemination and promotion.

The second component, Development of institutional structure and a Concept for an I&R System, approximately 8 months in length, would widen the sphere of actions from the SVS, especially with the MoA. The focus would be on the preparation and presentation of a concept and support to an official review and decision processes.

The third component, Development of the legislative basis and budgetary requirement, would further widen actions to the level of the Cabinet of Ministers, supporting the process of an I&R programme being formally considered for adoption onto the government agenda.

The fourth component, Preparation for Implementation, would concentrate on preparations for implementation arrangements that would follow-on after the end of the project, and for a programme for the identification of sport and breeding horses.

It should be underlined that activities, the content of training courses, nature of STEs and number of days spent of each element of the project are indicative. The exact activities and appropriate implementation methods will be agreed between the partners in the Twinning Contract.

1. Awareness Raising and Reform

1.1. Identify and formally establish an I&R working group;

1.2. Support and assist the I&R Working Group in the preparation of a Situation Analysis in the Republic of Azerbaijan;

1.3. Provide training on the drafting of I&R strategy documents and supporting legal and technical acts;

1.4. Training for 5 members of the I&R Working Group on the organisation and management of an I&R system in an EU MS;

1.5. Provide training, information and materials on the structures and practices of EU MS and European NC regarding the definition and operation of an I&R system;

1.6. Provide training on general EU food legislation and food safety and control organisation with particular emphasis on the identification and traceability of animals;

1.7. Support and assist the I&R Working Group in the preparation of a general proposal for the introduction of an I&R system in the Republic of Azerbaijan including a specific proposal for sport and breeding horses for implementation in the 2011;

1.8. Provide seminar to present to the Ministry of Agriculture the proposal for the introduction of an I&R system.

Activity Inputs\Means Outputs 1.1. BC and RTA input to identify and Working group established: formally establish an I&R working • ToR formulated (members, group functions, commitments and responsibilities); • Representatives from the SVS; Veterinary Central Laboratory (animal disease monitoring and information); MoA and other concerned bodies, available and committed for the whole project period, nominated; Consultative Group established and periodically informed on progress and project results through consultative meetings and newsletters and provide feedback. Representatives and decision makers from the MoJ, MoED, MoF, State Customs Committee, State Statistical Committee and relevant associated project representatives (animal disease monitoring) nominated. 1.2. 4 missions by STEs for a total of Situation analysis report prepared, 20 working days to assist the I&R including: Working Group in the preparation • The structure, dynamics and main of a Situation Analysis; BC input; events regarding animal RTA input; interpretation, populations for identification, translation; field trips to regions to ownership patterns and holdings assess the situation in selected in the Republic of Azerbaijan regions with significant animal • Capacities of state and private populations and meet with veterinarians and their regional veterinary authorities and perspective roles in an I&R animal owners/keepers system, at central, regional and local level taking into account the OIE-PVS and GAP assessments • The infrastructure, systems and trained personnel in place (with support from international agencies) for the monitoring of animal disease, animal disease information and disease alert mechanisms • The options and requirements for the integration of an I&R system within animal disease monitoring and information networks • Options for integrating the unit for I&R services within the SVS • Consider extended functionality, including: vaccination and genetic performance; alert mechanism • The I&R legislative base in the Republic of Azerbaijan – existing and GAP analysis 1.3. 3 missions by STEs for a total of 6 Training sessions held on: working days to provide training • Drafting of I&R strategy on the drafting of I&R strategy documents documents and supporting legal • I&R legal and technical acts and technical acts; RTA input; interpretation, translation 1.4. Study tour for 5 days for 5 • 5 members of the of the I&R members of the I&R Working Working Group are familiar with Group to an EU MS on the the organisation and management organisation and management of of an I&R system in an EU MS; an I&R system; interpretation • study tour reports provided and available to other members of the Working Group and the SVS 1.5. 4 missions by STEs for a total of Training sessions held on: 16 working days to provide Session 1 training, information and materials • I&R system evolution in MS and on the structures and practices of NC; EU MS and European NC • I&R infrastructure requirements; regarding the definition and • I&R information sharing operation of an I&R system; RTA requirements and safeguards; input; interpretation, translation • Architecture and platforms for national I&R systems • Harmonisation of databases for the sharing of information. Session 2: • Coding systems: standards and linkages within a relational database • Animal identification code – best practice regarding data set and code structures • Holding identification code - best practice regarding data set and code structures • BIPs, quarantine stations, markets and slaughterhouses - best practice regarding data set and code structures • Communications and networking • Data integrity, security and access • Animal passports (bovine and equine), system reports/forms and archiving requirements • Physical tagging systems: specifications, options, logistics, approved suppliers and printing options • Electronic identification: developments and future options and requirements Session 3: • Holding – definition and legal basis • Holding registration: options, functions and considerations regarding groups (flocks and herds) under single management or control (the holding) with multiple ownership • Holding Card: form and function • Events, system documents/forms and time delays between events and event logging • Movement control – requirements and control mechanisms • Event recording options for deaths (slaughter) for unauthorised and (mass) ritual slaughter • Audit, control and system integrity Session 4: • Requirements for event logging at border inspections, quarantine stations, holdings, markets and slaughter (authorised and unauthorised) • Assessment of infrastructure development in the Republic of Azerbaijan in the area of animal disease monitoring and information • Assessment of infrastructure development requirements for I&R implementation • Assessment of training needs for SVS personnel • Provision of integrated services: options, requirements, costs and tariffs 1.6. 4 missions by STEs for a total of 8 Training sessions held on: working days to provide training • EU Veterinary Aquis on general EU food legislation and • OIE, ICAR and ISO standards food safety and control Essential/minimal features and organisation with particular functions of an I&R system compliant emphasis on the identification and with EU legislation and OIE, ICAR traceability of animals; RTA input; and ISO standards. Specific session(s) interpretation, translation focused on sport and breeding horses 1.7. Work sessions by STEs for a total Work sessions held on: of 12 working days to assist the • Structure and contents of a I&R Working Group in the proposal for the introduction of preparation of a proposal for the an I&R system – objectives, introduction of an I&R system; contents and scope BC input; RTA input; • Identification of indicative interpretation, translation funding requirements for pilot activities, national implementation and annual recurring costs • Preparation and finalisation of a proposal for the introduction of an I&R system 1.8. A joint seminar by the SVS and Seminar held according to the Work RTA to present to the MoA the Plan: proposal for the introduction of an • Review of the proposal by the I&R system MoA • Decision of the MoA to prepare a ‘Concept for a System of Animal Identification and Traceability in the Republic of Azerbaijan ’ (for inter-ministerial consideration) • Decision of the MoA to include the I&R packet onto the legislative programme

2. Development of institutional structure and a Concept for an I&R System

2.1. Training for 5 specialists of the Working Group in an EU MS on the institutional/operational structure for the provision of integrated services and administration of an I&R system;

2.2 Provide training on the general structure and functions and basic Quality Management principles of a state institution\mandated body responsible for food safety issues in EU MS;

2.3. Assist in the design and application of Quality Management principles at the SVS; 2.4. Support the SVS in identifying the main actions for the reinforcement of the SVS in general;

2.5. Support to the Working Group on the preparation of a Concept for a System of Animal Identification and Traceability in the Republic of Azerbaijan;

2.6. Seminar to present the Concept for a System for Animal Identification and Traceability in the Republic of Azerbaijan;

2.7. Support to the elaboration of an organisational development plan for the introduction of an I&R system;

2.8. Conference in Baku on the principles, objectives and requirements of an I&R system, to include a presentation by the SVS of the Concept for a System of Animal Identification and Traceability in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Activity Inputs\Means Outputs 2.1. Study tour for 5 days for 5 • 5 specialists of the Working specialists of the Working Group Group are familiar with the to an EU MS on the institutional/operational structure institutional/operational structure for the provision of integrated for the provision of integrated services and administration of an services and administration of an I&R system in an EU MS; I&R system; interpretation • study tour reports provided and available to other members of the Working Group, SVS, MoA 2.2. 2 missions by STEs for a total of Training sessions held according to the 4 working days to provide Work Plan. Staff of the SVS and other training on the general structure, Working Group members familiar with functions and basic Quality general structures and functions of Management principles of a state veterinary services in EU MS. Staff of institution\mandated body the SVS understands the objective of responsible for food safety issues Quality Management principles and in EU MS; RTA input; internal control procedures. Training interpretation, translation materials available at the SVS. 2.3. 3 missions by STEs for a total of Quality policy developed: 15 working days to provide • Quality Manager designated; advice to the SVS on the design • List of processes identified; and application of Quality • Main procedures and check lists Management principles; BC elaborated. input; RTA input; interpretation, translation 2.4. 4 missions by STEs for a total of Work sessions held to: 20 working days to support the • Review the existing structure and SVS in identifying the main functions of the SVS; actions for the reinforcement of • Discuss the recommendations the SVS in general; BC input; provided by the OIE PVS and RTA input; interpretation, Gap Assessments of the SVS of translation the Republic of Azerbaijan; • Consider the main action points for the restructuring of the SVS. SVS reinforcement strategy preparation initiated 2.5. 4 work sessions by STEs for a Work sessions held on: total of 20 working days to assist • Structure and contents of a the Working Group on the Concept for an I&R system – preparation of a Concept for a objectives, contents and scope; System of Animal Identification • Preparation and finalisation of a and Traceability in the Republic Concept for a System of Animal of Azerbaijan; BC input; RTA Identification and Traceability in input; interpretation, translation the Republic of Azerbaijan. 2.6. A joint seminar by the SVS and Seminar held according to the Work RTA to present the Concept for a Plan System for Animal Identification Inter-ministerial review and and Traceability in the Republic consultative process initiated of Azerbaijan 2.7. 4 missions by STEs for a total of Work sessions held to: 12 working days to advise on the • Review and define the role and elaboration of an organisational functionality of an integrating development plan for the entity for the provision of I&R introduction of an I&R system; services; BC input; RTA input; • Review the organisational interpretation, translation structure for the animal disease monitoring / threat reduction • Review and finalise an organisational chart • Review and determine a staffing and budget structure Draft requisite statute and foundation documents for the establishment of an integrating unit for the provision of I&R services prepared 2.8. 2 missions by STEs for a total of Conference held according to the 4 working days to provide Work Plan. Presentations made on: presentations at the Conference in • Basic concept of the project by Baku on the basic concept of the RTA; project, principles, objectives and • Principles, objectives and requirements of an I&R system; requirements of an I&R system by BC input; RTA input; STEs; interpretation, translation • The Concept for an I&R system in the Republic of Azerbaijan by representatives of the SVS; Delegates to (provisionally) include ministry representatives, agencies, committees and representatives of stakeholders from the regions and rural community. Press releases and information for mass media provided. 3. Development of the legislative basis and budgetary requirement

3.1. Training for 5 members of the Working group and Consultative group on the legislative framework and funding structure of an I&R system in an EU MS;

3.2. Support to the drafting and finalisation of the I&R legal packet;

3.3. Analysis of the necessary funding for the introduction of an I&R system and development of the budgetary framework for an I&R system including the identification of public and private sector organizational and financial responsibilities.

Activity Inputs/Means Outputs 3.1. Study tour for 5 days for 5 • 5 specialists of the Working members of the Working group group and Consultative group are and Consultative group on the familiar with the legislative legislative framework and funding framework and funding structure structure of an I&R system in an of an I&R system in an EU MS; EU MS; interpretation • study tour reports provided and available to other members of the Working Group and the SVS 3.2. 8 missions by STEs for a total of Draft legal acts developed and 40 working days to provide advice amended as required after inter- on the drafting and finalisation of ministerial review process the I&R legal packet; BC input; RTA input; interpretation, translation 3.3. 6 missions by STEs for a total of Budgetary requirement defined 30 working days to analyse the Public and private sector necessary funding for the organisational and financial introduction of an I&R system and responsibilities identified assist in the development of the Budgetary framework developed budgetary framework for an I&R system, including the identification of public and private sector organizational and financial responsibilities; BC input; RTA input; interpretation, translation

4. Preparation for Implementation

4.1. Training for 5 specialists of the SVS involved in the development of technical specifications to an EU MS on the provision of services (central and field services) in an EU MS;

4.2. Develop detailed technical specifications of instruments and integrated services for the I&R system covering all aspects of service provision, including a provisional implementation schedule;

4.3. Develop methodological materials (guide for the identification of animals and registration of holdings and other relevant materials); 4.4. Develop a detailed implementation plan for a pilot programme for all animal types in 2 administrative regions;

4.5. Training (train-the-trainers approach) for 4 central and up to 66 regional veterinary staff who would be responsible for the implementation of the I&R system in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

4.6. Identification of sport and breeding horses and registration of horse holdings according to the Action Plan submitted to DG SANCO.

Activity Inputs\Means Outputs 4.1. Study tour for 5 days for 5 • 5 specialists of the SVS are familiar specialists of the SVS involved in with the operation and provision of the development of technical central and field services in regard to specifications to an EU MS on the an I&R system in an EU MS; provision of services (central and • 5 specialists of the SVS are trained in field services) in an EU MS; the use of IT systems for the interpretation identification o animals and registration of holdings; • study tour reports provided and available to other members of the SVS 4.2. 4 missions by STEs for a total of Detailed technical specifications 20 working days to assist in the developed development of detailed technical Provisional implementation schedule specifications of instruments and defined integrated services for the I&R system covering all aspects of service provision, including a provisional implementation schedule; BC input; interpretation, translation 4.3. 4 missions by STEs for a total of Methodological materials developed and 20 working days to support and disseminated to all members of the SVS advise on the development of methodological materials (guide for the identification of animals and registration of holdings and other relevant materials); BC input; interpretation, translation 4.4. 4 missions by STEs for a total of Detailed implementation plan for a pilot 20 working days to assist in the programme prepared, including: development of a detailed • Definition of the segment to be implementation plan for a pilot covered, number of animals to be programme for all animal types in identified, number of veterinarians 2 regions / one economic zone; BC required etc. input; RTA input; interpretation, • Drafting of an Order regarding pilot translation measures for identification and registration of animals and holdings in a specific locality • Specification of IT hosting service and work stations for operations and communications 4.5. 4 missions by STEs for a total of Detailed training plan prepared 20 working days to provide a At least 4 central and up to 66 regional training course (train-the-trainers veterinary staff trained on the practical approach) for 4 central and up to process of the identification of animals 66 regional veterinary staff who and registration of holdings and able to would be responsible for the provide training for the rest of the implementation of the I&R system identification and registration team in the Republic of Azerbaijan; BC Training materials disseminated to all input; RTA input; interpretation, veterinary staff to be involved in the translation; field trips to regions identification of animals and registration of holdings 4.6. 6 missions by STEs for a total of All sport and breeding horses identified 30 working days to assist in the and horse holdings registered according identification of sport and to the Action Plan submitted to the DG breeding horses and horse SANCO holdings; BC input; RTA input; interpretation, translation; field trips to regions

Total indicative number of STEs working days: 317


In addition to activities listed above, during the first month upon his arrival, the RTA will analyse visibility needs together with the counterpart in the BC and develop a visibility and information dissemination programme to raise the awareness of the involved stakeholders and inform general public on the project and SVS efforts for the introduction of an I&R system. The results of the programme will be reflected in the quarterly reports and the final report of the project by describing the number of informative materials produced, number of articles published, scope of audience reached etc.

3.5. Means\input from the MS Partner Administration:

3.5.1. Profile and tasks of the Project Leader

Role and tasks • The Project Leader (PL) from the EU MS should be a senior civil servant or equivalent staff of a MS institution who works in the field relevant to this project. • The PL will be responsible for achievement of project results, ensuring the activities for the co-operation and information exchange between EU MS side and Beneficiary side and ensuring that all the required support of the management and staff of the EU side are available. He will coordinate the Project Steering Committee (PSC) meetings on the EU MS side. • The PL shall devote a minimum of three working days per month in his home administration with an on site visit in the Republic of Azerbaijan at least every 3 months to participate in the PSC meetings. Profile Qualification and skills • university level education in food sciences or related field • fluency in English. Command of Russian and/or Azerbaijani or Turkish is an asset • good inter-personal skills • good management skills

General professional experience • at least 10 years experience in working with EU legislation concerning official controls applied to the enforcement of food legislation • at least 5 years experience in a leading position • experience in project management • strong initiative, analytical and team working skills

Specific professional experience • specific experience in the implementation of official control systems applied to identification and traceability of animals • knowledge of the EU food legislation and specific requirements applicable to identification and traceability of animals • experience in preparation of major strategic documents

3.5.2. Profile and tasks of the RTA

Role and tasks • The RTA will be in charge of the day-to-day implementation of the Twinning project in the Republic of Azerbaijan. S\he will coordinate the implementation of activities according to a predetermined work plan and liaise with the RTA counterpart in The Republic of Azerbaijan. • The RTA will bring in a significant professional input, especially at the beginning of the Twinning project. She\he will in particular be responsible for Activities 1.1, 1.8, 2.5 and actively support other STEs in the implementation of other Activities. • The RTA will be seconded to the SVS of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 21 months.

Profile Qualification and skills • university degree in veterinary science or equivalent relevant discipline • fluency in English, good command of Russian and/or Azerbaijani or Turkish is an asset • good PC literacy (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) • good inter-personal skills • good management skills

General professional experience • at least 10 years experience in working with EU legislation concerning official controls applied to the enforcement of food legislation • recent experience in a senior position in a state institution\mandated body responsible for food safety issues • experience in providing training courses on food safety issues • experience in transition economies of the CIS will be an asset • strong initiative, analytical and team working skills

Specific professional experience • sound knowledge of veterinary services • recent experience in the implementation of official control systems at a State Veterinary Service of a MS applied to the identification and traceability of animals • knowledge of the EU food legislation and specific requirements applicable to identification of animals and registration of holdings • knowledge on the international food standardisation framework and role of key international institutions (OIE etc.) and links with the application of SPS and TBT agreements • experience in preparation of major strategic documents

3.5.3. Profile and tasks of the RTA Assistant

Role and tasks • The Assistant should work full time on the project providing general daily logistical, administrative and organisational support, translation and interpretation services, participate in work sessions, take minutes and handle all logistical arrangements for seminars, training activities and field visits. • The Assistant will be remunerated through the Twinning budget.

Profile Qualification and skills • university level education • fluency in Azerbaijani, English and Russian, both written and spoken • good PC literacy (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and other office technique • good inter-personal and organisational skills

General professional experience • at least 3 years professional experience • experience in working in an international environment\projects • experience in working at projects related to food safety and control will be an asset

Specific professional experience • experience in translation and interpretation • experience in working as project assistant or at similar position

3.5.4. Profile and tasks of the full-time Interpreter-Translator

Role and tasks • The Interpreter-Translator should work full time on the project providing professional interpretation at meetings, seminars, discussions and translation of normative acts, working documents, slides and other project related materials. • The Interpreter-Translator will be remunerated through the Twinning budget. Profile Qualification and skills • university level education • fluency in Azerbaijani, English and Russian, both written and spoken • good PC literacy (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) • good inter-personal and organisational skills

General professional experience • at least 3 years professional experience • experience in working in an international environment/projects • experience in translation/interpretation of documents/subjects related to food safety and control will be an asset

Specific professional experience • experience in translation and interpretation

3.5.5. Profile and tasks of the short-term experts

The project activities are estimated to require the mobilisation of at least 16 STEs from the EU MS with an indicative total number of 255 working days.

The experts will be seconded from the principal MS Partner and Junior Partner, if the case may be, administrations, except for particular fields of expertise for which the MS Partner might outsource expertise from mandated bodies and other state institutions in EU MS if considered appropriate by EU MS and BC partner.

CVs of experts in standard EU format will have to be provided with the MS proposal/offer of services for every expert.

The profiles of STEs described below are indicative. The exact number, scope, duration and specific tasks of STEs will be defined in the Work Plan. STEs will however be required to support all activities and outputs listed in the Project Fiche. As minimum, the STEs are expected to have the following qualifications and experience:

Profile of STEs Qualification and skills • university degree • fluency in English, both written and spoken • command of Russian and/or Azerbaijani or Turkish would be considered an asset • good PC literacy (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) • good inter-personal and team working skills

General professional experience • at least 5 years experience in working with EU legislation concerning official controls applied to the enforcement of food legislation • at least 5 years experience in a position in a state institution\mandated body responsible for food safety issues • good initiative, analytical and team working skills Specific professional experience • sound knowledge of veterinary services • experience in the administration of official control systems at a state institution\mandated body responsible for food safety issues of a MS applied to identification and traceability of animals, knowledge of the EU food legislation and specific requirements applicable to identification and traceability of animals

Among STEs, a number of key experts will be selected. The details on the role and tasks of the key experts, necessary qualifications and skills are set out in Table 1 below.

Table 1

Specific role, tasks and qualifications required for key STEs (indicative)

Key STE Role and tasks Qualification and skills General experience Specific experience Veterinary expert • assess the structure, • university degree in • at least 15 years • sound knowledge of dynamics and main events veterinary science experience in veterinary services regarding animal • fluency in English, veterinary field • at least 5 years populations for good command of • prior experience in experience in senior identification, ownership Russian will be an transition economies position in a state patterns and holdings asset of the CIS will be an institution\mandated • consider extended • good inter-personal asset body responsible for functionality of an I&R and communication food safety issues system, including: skills • recent experience in vaccination and genetic the introduction or performance; alert support of an I&R mechanism system in a new MS or • prepare and conduct training NC sessions on the structures • sound knowledge of and practices of EU MS the EU food legislation and European NC and specific regarding the definition requirements applicable and operation of an I&R to identification of system under Activity 1.5 animals and registration • assist in the preparation of a of holdings proposal for the • knowledge on the introduction of an I&R international food system standardisation • assist the Working Group on framework


the preparation of a Concept for a System of Animal Identification and Traceability • assist in the development of a detailed implementation plan for a pilot programme Quality • prepare and conduct training • university degree in • at least 10 years • experience in the Management Expert on the general structure, food sciences, experience in the design and functions and basic veterinary science or implementation of implementation of Quality Management related field quality management quality management principles of a state • fluency in English, procedures in MS principles in a state institution\mandated body good command of • strong analytical institution\ mandated responsible for food safety Russian will be an skills body responsible for issues in an EU MS asset • prior experience in food safety issues • advice in the design and • good inter-personal transition economies application of quality and communication of the CIS will be an policy skills asset • identify the main actions for the reinforcement of the SVS Animal Health and • prepare and conduct training • university degree in • at least 10 years • at least 5 years Food Safety session on general EU food sciences, experience in the experience in senior Specialist food legislation and food veterinary science or implementation of position in a state safety and control related field general food institution\mandated organisation with • fluency in English, hygiene principles in body responsible for particular emphasis on the good command of food processing food safety issues identification and Russian will be an systems • practical experience in traceability of animals asset • strong analytical the inspection of food • identify the main actions for • good inter-personal skills processing, storage, the reinforcement of the and communication • prior experience in sales establishments SVS skills transition economies of the CIS will be an asset Legislation • assess the I&R legislative • university degree in • at least 10 years • sound knowledge of development base – existing and GAP law science professional EU food safety and specialist analysis • fluency in English, experience control legislation • prepare and conduct training good command of • prior experience in • experience in drafting session on the drafting of Russian will be an transition economies legal acts for the I&R strategy documents asset of the CIS will be an introduction and and supporting legal and • good inter-personal asset operation of an I&R technical acts and communication system • assist in the preparation of a skills Concept for a System for Animal Identification and Traceability • advise on the elaboration of an organisational development plan for the introduction of an I&R system • provide advice on the drafting and finalisation of the I&R legal packet Financial expert • analyse the necessary • university degree in • at least 15 years • at least 5 years funding for the economics or related professional experience in senior introduction of an I&R field experience position in a state system and assist in the • fluency in English, • prior experience in institution\mandated development of the good command of transition economies body responsible for budgetary framework for Russian will be an of the CIS will be an food safety issues an I&R system asset asset • experience in • good inter-personal developing the and communication budgetary requirement skills for an I&R system IT specialist • assess the options and • university degree in • at least 8 years • recent experience in requirements for the information experience in the the design and integration of an I&R technologies or development of development of IT system within animal related field computer based systems for the disease monitoring and • fluency in English, inspection systems management of information networks good command of • prior experience in information on the • participate in conducting Russian will be an transition economies identification of training sessions under asset of the CIS will be an animals and registration Activity 1.5 concerning • good inter-personal asset of holdings I&R IT system and communication • experience in the • assist in the specification of skills training of personnel in IT hosting service and the use of IT systems work stations for for the identification of operations and animals and registration communications for a of holdings pilot programme • assist in the development of detailed technical specifications of instruments and integrated services for the I&R system covering all aspects of service provision, including a provisional implementation schedule Training and • advise on the development • university degree in • at least 8 years • recent experience in Extension Specialist of methodological communications or experience in conducting training materials for the related field conducting training courses related to the identification of animals • fluency in English, courses on animal identification of and registration of good command of health and food animals and registration holdings Russian will be an safety issues of holdings • prepare and conduct a asset • prior experience in • experience in the training course (train-the- • excellent inter- transition economies drafting of detailed trainers approach) for personal and of the CIS will be an methodological training veterinary staff who communication skills asset materials would be responsible for the implementation of the I&R system

4. Institutional framework

The beneficiary institution of the project is the State Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Organisational chart of the SVS is attached in Annex III.

5. Budget

The maximum estimated indicative budget for the project is EUR1.000.000 (one million Euro). The allocations will be provided according to the following instalments:

- a pre-financing of 80% of the total budget of the Contract corresponding to first 12 months of the implementation period within 45 days of receipt of a request for payment after the notification of the Twinning Contract;

- follow-up pre-financing within 45 days of receipt of a request for paymen up to a maximum accumulated payment of the initial pre-financing and the successive pre- financing payments of 90% of the total budget of the Twinning Contract if 70% of the initial pre-financing have been consumed and subject to the endorsement by the Beneficiary of services rendered;

- final payment up to a maximum of 10% of the Twinning Contract subject to a ceiling of the actual expenditure incurred in the course of the project upon completion of the Twinning project and subject to approval of the final report within 45 days of receipt of a request for payment.

It should also be highlighted that the maximum amount of financing foreseen for study visits by BC participants in the MS should not exceed 7 - 9% of the total value of the Twinning Contract. Sufficient funding should be foreseen for interpretation purposes for all activities where STEs are present as well as project visibility.

6. Implementation Arrangements

6.1. Implementing Agency

The Implementing Agency responsible for tendering, contracting and accounting of the twinning project is the Delegation of the European Commission to the Republic of Azerbaijan. The person in charge is:

Mr. Jean-Louis Lavroff Counsellor Head of Operations Landmark III, 11th Floor, 96, Nizami Street AZ-1010 Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan Tel: 00 994 12 497 20 63 00 994 12 497 20 64 Fax: 00 994 12 497 20 69 E-mail: [email protected]


6.2. Main counterpart in the BC

The Beneficiary institution will be the State Veterinary Service (SVS) of the Republic of Azerbaijan under the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA).

BC Project Leader

Mr. Ismayil Hasanov, Chief of the SVS, is the designated Beneficiary Country (BC) Project Leader (PL). The BC PL will work in close cooperation with the MS PL to ensure successful and timely implementation of project results. He will, in particular, be responsible for: • the overall steering and coordination of the project in cooperation with the MS PL and RTA, facilitating operational dialogue and support at political level, • mobilisation of RTA Counterpart, BC Component Leaders and other BC experts and provision of access to all information necessary for the implementation of the project; • ensuring sustainability of project results.

Contact details: Mr. Ismayil Hasanov, BC PL Address: 7a N. Narimanov str. AZ-1106, Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan Tel.: (+994 12) 5626762 Fax: (+994 12) 5626606 Mobile: (+994 50) 3190810

RTA Counterpart

Mr. Shahbazov Emin, Deputy Chief of the SVS, is the designated RTA Counterpart. He will work in close cooperation with the RTA and be responsible for: • the day-to-day management of the project, follow-up of project activities in consultation with the RTA to ensure effective implementation of the work plan, • supervising and coordination of the work of BC Component Leaders, • assisting the RTA and MS STEs in the preparation of training plans and coordination of training activities at central, regional and district level, • providing the RTA, RTA Assistant and MS STEs with necessary office facilities, stationary etc. as foreseen in Point 9.2.

Contact details: Mr. Shahbazov Emin, RTA Counterpart Address: 7a N. Narimanov str. AZ-1106, Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan Tel.: (+994 12) 5626762 Fax: (+994 12) 5626606 Mobile: (+994 50) 6700151

Mr. Eldeniz Zeynalov, Head of International Relations Department of the SVS, is the designated focal point and contact person for the project.

BC key experts

In addition to the BC PL and RTA Counterpart, the SVS has designated the following key experts to work on the project: Mr. Salmanov Ramiz, Head of Reform Sector on Approximation of Veterinary Legislation to the International Standards of the SVS

Mr. Maharramov Quidim, Head of Inspection Sector on the Veterinary Control of the SVS

Mr. Asadov Kliment, Head of Sector for Treatment, Preventive Measures and Epidemiological control of the especially dangerous diseases of the SVS

Mr. Mammadov Elnur, Head Consultant and Lawyer of the SVS

6.3. Project Steering Committee

The Project Steering Committee (PSC) will be convened at least every three months. The PSC will be chaired jointly by the MS PL and the BC PL. The PSC composition will be set in the Contract according to requirement set in the Common Twinning Manual. Observers from the PAO of the Republic of Azerbaijan and EC Delegation in the Republic of Azerbaijan will take part at the PSC meetings. Observers from other institutions involved, e.g. Customs Committee, Statistical Committee, MoA etc., may be invited if necessary. The PSC will follow the achievement of project results and timely implementation of project activities in order to identify and rectify any problems that may arise in the course of the implementation of the project.

The secretarial support of the PSC will be provided by the RTA and RTA Assistant who will prepare the agenda of meetings, documents to be discussed as well as minutes of meetings.

6.4. Other contracts

No other contracts are foreseen within the project.

Nevertheless, to ensure sustainability of results, the activities envisaged under Component 4 "Implementation and Operations" will require from the SVS that a funding is secured after the end of the project for the launching of a tender procedure for purchase of instruments and integrated services (IMS) for animal identification and registration of holdings and introduction of implementation plan for a pilot programme described in Activity 4.4. This could be done either through the State budget or a framework contract financed by other donors.

7. Implementation Schedule

7.1. Launching of the call for proposals

April 2010

7.2. Start of project activities

November 2010 7.3. Work Plan duration

Work Plan duration is 21 months. This period will be increased by 3 months for the starting up and closure of the project. The total duration of the project (legal duration) will therefore be 24 months.

8. Sustainability

The primary issue, following project completion and the intended practical implementation and long-term operation of an l& R system in the Republic of Azerbaijan, relates to political will as represented by the existence of an enabling legislative base and adequate provisions for funding of system implementation and maintenance defined within State Budget provisions or an expenditure framework.

The inclusion of a control system for sport and breeding horses and its complete implementation within the project period will form an important benchmark and an achievable example for a control system for agricultural animals.

The sustainability indicator regarding a control system for agricultural animals will be represented by an approved and funded pilot arrangement for all animal types within, or directly following, the project period.

Sustainability will also be linked to coordination of hand-over actions regarding the extensive animal and public health disease monitoring IT network that is being set-up through the USDD funded Defence Threat Reduction Agency and the World Bank funded NADIS.

Other linked activities relate to the ownership and continued actions by the beneficiary and their relation to on-going developments regarding WTO accession.

Other direct sustainability issues relate to beneficiary involvement and contribution to the processes and activities defined within the project, including: • The Beneficiary administration shall commit on designating a minimum number of project counterparts who will work part time together with the EU experts. The mission of these counterparts is defined in Point 6.2 of the Project Fiche. • Throughout the project the Twinning partners will pay attention to the fact that training materials are of a sufficient quality. This will also be ensured through project monitoring at the PSC meetings. The training materials will be professionally developed and available at the SVS of the Republic of Azerbaijan for later use. • The officials benefiting from training by the EU MS partner will provide further training and consultation of their colleagues. • The final Conference will be organised at the end of the Twinning project involving all the relevant stakeholders and mass media to present the results of the project with practical implications for further follow up by the BC partner. • Since there is an uncertainty concerning the available funding from the state budget for the practical introduction and long-term operation of the I&R system in the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to ensure sustainability of project results after the end of the project, the BC administration will commit itself to lobbying and ensuring active cooperation within the framework of the project with all concerned bodies through the Consultative group meetings etc. • Subject to the preparatory steps during the project have been successfully accomplished, the project should be followed by a pilot project in two administrative regions / one economic zone. • The BC partner will commit itself to introduction of the strategy for the reinforcement of the SVS in general in order to ensure good governance, improve administrative capacity and avoid staff turnovers and loss of know- how acquired in the SVS in the course of the implementation of the project. • The final report will include a Sustainability plan with specific recommendations for safeguarding the achievement of results in the Beneficiary administration. • In order to increase the impact of the project, in particular raise general understanding on the EU food safety and control organisation, the basic concept of the project and to facilitate the budgeting of financial resources to ensure sustainability of project results, it should be envisaged to associate the MoA, MoF, MoED, MoH, MoJ, Customs Committee, Statistical Committee, Governmental advisers, international organisations (UN agencies, World Bank etc.) and US and EU funded projects related to food safety in the course of the implementation of the project as appropriate. • The results of the project, in particular implementation arrangements of Component 2 "Institutional Development", will lead to structural changes and reallocation of responsibilities within the SVS. As a result of implementing arrangements described in the Institutional Development Plan for the introduction of an I&R system and main actions for the reinforcement of the SVS, a definition of the organisation and operation of a structural unit for the administration of an I&R system will be set as well as further steps for the restructuring of the SVS in general in order to enhance administrative capacity.

9. Crosscutting issues

Poverty reduction The project supports the diversification of the economy in order to reduce dependence on the oil sector. It pursues efforts to comply with international standards for sanitary and phyto-sanitary control and food quality.

Good governance and human rights The project supports good governance and aims to improve intergovernmental consultation and coordination. The project will facilitate the improvement of administrative capacity and the introduction of EU-compliant procedures, which will raise the democratic standards of governance by implying improved wider and systematic consultation of the civil society and business.

Integration in world economy The project is aimed towards the introduction of international standards and best practice in relation to identification of animals and registration of holdings which will favour the Republic of Azerbaijan's gradual move towards a more open market economy and its increased integration in the world economy. Environment There are no anticipated negative environment issues.

Gender balance There are no anticipated negative gender issues. Equal opportunity principles and practices will be followed to ensure equitable gender participation in the project. Male and female participation in the project will be based on the relevant standards of the EU. The main criteria for recruitment of the RTA and STEs will be based on appropriate qualifications and experience in similar projects regardless of the gender.

10. Conditionality and sequencing

10.1. Commitment from the SVS of the Republic of Azerbaijan

In order to ensure successful and timely implementation of the project and coordination with the MS partner, the SVS of the Republic of Azerbaijan will provide strong commitment to project results and activities. It will mobilise the necessary experts on the BC side, ensure coordination with other stakeholders involved in the project and provide access to all information necessary for the successful implementation of the project.

The SVS of the Republic of Azerbaijan will pursue the adoption of the draft legal acts and implementation of other documents elaborated in the course of the project to ensure sustainability of project results.

10.2. Other inputs from the SVS of the Republic of Azerbaijan

• Air-conditioned and furnished office space at the SVS of the Republic of Azerbaijan for RTA, RTA Assistant and two STEs to work at the same time; • Facilities - 3 modern computer workstations (including a hub for office network connection), printer, scanner, photocopier (minimum 24 pages per minute, two side printing), ASDL Internet connection, 2 telephone lines, fax machine, meeting table; • Office running costs - electricity, Internet, telephone lines; • Meeting facilities for work sessions between MS staff and staff of the SVS of the Republic of Azerbaijan; • Training facilities as appropriate; • Funds for central and regional veterinary staff travels to seminars and work sessions as appropriate.

ANNEX I Logical Framework Matrix


Support the State Veterinary Service Prepare for a National Work Plan duration: System for the Identification of Animals and Registration of 21 months Holdings, Republic of Azerbaijan Total budget: EUR 1.000.000,00

Overall objective Objectively verifiable indicators Sources of Verification Increase food safety for consumers and • Increase in trade volumes of • Statistical reports and surveys facilitate trade through reforms and animal origin products of the Statistical Committee modernisation of the sanitary and phyto- • Rapid and efficient detection of of the Republic of Azerbaijan sanitary sectors animal diseases and thus • Data reports from the increased food safety National Disease Monitoring system

Project Purpose Objectively verifiable indicators Sources of verification Assumptions

Strengthen the veterinary service in • The staff of SVS, Working • Project reports prepared in • Commitment of the general through particular assistance to group and Consultative group the course of the Governmental prepare for a system for the members are aware of EU food implementation of the officials of the identification and traceability of animals legislation and food safety and project with the list of Republic of control organisation delivered outputs Azerbaijan to • The SVS has increased its • Reports of various introduce the I&R administrative and inspection international organisations system in the capacity (OIE, etc.) and projects Republic of • The SVS prepared for the which perform sectoral Azerbaijan identification and traceability of reviews and analysis • Funds secured from


animals: • Respective enactments of the State Budget - Legal basis for the identification of legislation published for the introduction animals and registration of holdings • Completed training of the I&R system drafted; evaluation forms in parallel to the - Organisational structure for the • Training materials translated Twinning project introduction of an I&R system and available at the SVS defined; - Technical specifications of instruments and integrated services (IMS) for animal identification and registration of holdings set; - Implementation scenario for pilot identifications and registrations elaborated; - The personnel involved in the identification of animals and registration of holdings is properly trained and able to undertake the identification and registration activities.

Component 1. Awareness Raising and Reform Results Objectively verifiable indicators Sources of verification Assumptions

1.1. The Working Group has obtained • I&R Working Group members • Project reports prepared in • Staff involved is theoretical knowledge on the drafting of trained on the drafting of I&R the course of the committed to I&R strategy documents and supporting strategy documents and implementation of the project training legal and technical acts supporting legal and technical with the list of delivered • Staff involved is 1.2. The stakeholders have obtained acts; I&R Working group outputs motivated and theoretical and practical knowledge on significantly contributes to • Completed training committed to the structures and practices of EU MS Activity 1.7 and project evaluation forms and seminar participate in the and European NC regarding the Components 2-4 attendance lists drafting of the I&R definition and operation of an I&R

54 system • SVS staff and other I&R • Study tour reports proposal 1.3. The stakeholders have raised Working Group and • Training materials translated • MoA is aware of awareness on general EU food Consultative Group members into Azerbaijani and and supports SVS legislation and food safety and control trained in general EU food available at the SVS efforts regarding organisation with particular emphasis on legislation and food safety and the implementation systems for the identification and control organisation of an I&R system traceability of animals • At least 5 members of the I&R 1.4. Proposal for the introduction of an Working Group trained on the I&R system elaborated organisation and management of an I&R system in an EU MS; reports on findings provided • At least 4 training sessions held in the Republic of Azerbaijan and SVS staff and other I&R Working Group and Consultative Group members trained on the structures and practices of EU MS and European Neighbourhood Countries regarding the definition and operation of an I&R system • SVS proposal for the introduction of an I&R system accepted by the MoA Activities Means Assumptions

1.1. Identify and formally establish an 1.1. RTA support to identify and formally establish an I&R working group; • Working Group I&R Working Group; 1.2. 4 missions of STEs for a total of 20 working days to assist the I&R members are able 1.2. Support and assist the I&R Working Working Group in the preparation of a Situation Analysis; to allocate Group in the preparation of a Situation 1.3. 3 STE missions for a total of 6 working days to provide training on the sufficient time to Analysis in the Republic of Azerbaijan; drafting of I&R strategy documents and supporting legal and technical acts; draft the I&R


1.3. Training on the drafting of I&R 1.4. Study tour for 5 days for 5 members of the I&R Working Group to an proposal strategy documents and supporting legal EU MS on the organisation and management of an I&R system; and technical acts; interpretation; 1.4. Training for 5 members of the I&R 1.5. 4 STEs missions for a total of 16 working days to provide training, Working Group on the organisation and information and materials on the structures and practices of EU MS and management of an I&R system in an EU European NC regarding the definition and operation of an I&R system; MS; 1.6. 4 STE missions for a total of 8 working days to provide training on 1.5. Training, information and materials general EU food legislation and food safety and control organisation with on the structures and practices of EU particular emphasis on the identification and traceability of animals; MS and European NC regarding the 1.7. Work sessions by STEs for a total of 12 working days to assist the I&R definition and operation of an I&R Working Group in the preparation of a proposal for the introduction of an system; I&R system; 1.6. Training on general EU food 1.8. A joint seminar by the SVS and RTA to present to the MoA the legislation and food safety and control proposal for the introduction of an I&R system organisation with particular emphasis on the identification and traceability of animals; 1.7. Support and assist the I&R Working Group in the preparation of a proposal for the introduction of an I&R system in the Republic of Azerbaijan; 1.8. Seminar to present to the Ministry of Agriculture the proposal for the introduction of an I&R system.


2. Development of institutional structure and a Concept for an I&R System Results Objectively verifiable indicators Sources of verification Assumptions

2.1. The Working Group has obtained • SVS staff and other I&R • Project reports prepared in • Staff involved is practical knowledge on the general Working Group members the course of the committed to structure, functions and basic Quality trained on the general structure, implementation of the project training Management principles of a state functions and basic Quality with the list of delivered • Staff involved is institution/mandated body responsible Management principles of a outputs motivated and for food safety issues in EU MS state institution\mandated body • Completed training committed to 2.2. Quality Management policy of the responsible for food safety evaluation forms and seminar participate in the SVS developed issues in EU MS attendance lists drafting of the 2.3. Main actions for the reinforcement • Development of a Quality • Study tour reports documents of the SVS in general identified Management based • Training materials translated • MoA is aware of 2.4. Concept for a System of Animal administration system at the into Azerbaijani and and supports SVS Identification and Registration of SVS initiated available at the SVS efforts regarding Animals in the Republic of Azerbaijan • SVS reinforcement strategy • Minutes of Working Group the implementation prepared preparation initiated meetings of an I&R system 2.5. Organisational development plan • Concept for an I&R System • Articles published for the introduction of an I&R system presented to all stakeholders, prepared inter-ministerial review and consultative process initiated • Draft requisite statute and foundation documents for the establishment of an integrating unit for the provision of I&R services prepared Activities Means Assumptions 2.1. Training for 5 specialists of the 2.1. Study tour for 5 days for 5 specialists of the Working Group to an EU MS • Working Group Working Group on the on the institutional/operational structure for the provision of integrated services members are able institutional/operational structure for the and administration of an I&R system; to allocate

57 provision of integrated services and 2.2. 2 STE missions for a total of 4 working days to provide training on the sufficient time to administration of an I&R system in an general structure, functions and basic principles of internal control procedures draft the documents EU MS; of veterinary services in EU MS; • Commitment and 2.2. Training on the general structure, 2.3. 3 STE missions for a total of 15 working days to provide advice to the interest of the functions and basic principles of internal SVS on the design and application of Quality Management principles; Ministry of control procedures of veterinary services 2.4. 4 STE missions for a total of 20 working days to support the SVS in Agriculture to in EU MS; identifying the main actions for the reinforcement of the SVS in general; facilitate the SVS 2.3. Assist in the design and application 2.5. Work sessions by STEs for a total of 20 working days to assist the reinforcement of Quality Management principles at the Working Group on the preparation of a Concept for a System of Animal strategy SVS; Identification and Traceability in the Republic of Azerbaijan; 2.4. Support the SVS in identifying the 2.6. A joint seminar by the SVS and RTA to present the Concept for a System main actions for the reinforcement of the for Animal Identification and Traceability in the Republic of Azerbaijan; SVS in general; 2.7. 4 STE missions for a total of 12 working days to advise on the elaboration 2.5. Support to the Working Group of an organisational development plan for the introduction of an I&R system; on the preparation of a Concept for a 2.8. 2 STE missions for a total of 4 working days to provide presentations at System of Animal Identification and the Conference in Baku on the basic concept of the project, principles, Traceability in the Republic of objectives and requirements of an I&R system. Azerbaijan; 2.6. Seminar to present the Concept for a System for Animal Identification and Traceability in the Republic of Azerbaijan; 2.7. Support to the elaboration of an organisational development plan for the introduction of an I&R system; 2.8. Conference in Baku on the principles, objectives and requirements of an I&R system, to include a presentation by the SVS of the Concept for a System of Animal Identification and Traceability in the Republic of Azerbaijan.


3. Development of the legislative basis and budgetary requirement Results Objectively verifiable indicators Sources of verification Assumptions

3.1. Draft legal acts for the I&R system • 5 members of I&R Working • Project reports prepared in • Staff involved is including implementing acts and Group and Consultative Group the course of the motivated and relevant procedures developed trained on the legislative implementation of the project committed to 3.2. Budgetary requirement for the framework and funding with the list of delivered participate in the introduction of the I&R system defined structure of an I&R system in outputs drafting of legal an EU MS • Study tour reports acts and budgetary • inter-ministerial review and • Minutes of Working Group framework consultative process for draft meetings • MoA is aware of legal packet initiated and supports SVS • Budgetary framework efforts regarding developed, public and private the implementation sector organisational and of an I&R system financial responsibilities • The Government of identified the Republic of Azerbaijan provides financing for the introduction of the I&R system Activities Means Assumptions 3.1. Training for 5 members of the 3.1. Study tour for 5 days for 5 members of the Working group and • Working Group Working group and Consultative group Consultative group on the legislative framework and funding structure of an members are able on the legislative framework and I&R system in an EU MS; to allocate funding structure of an I&R system in an 3.2. 8 STE missions for a total of 40 working days to provide advice on the sufficient time to EU MS; drafting and finalisation of the I&R legal packet; draft the legal acts 3.2. Support to the drafting and 3.3. 6 STE missions for a total of 30 working days to analyse the necessary and define the finalisation of the I&R legal packet; funding for the introduction of an I&R system and assist in the development of budget requirement 3.3. Analysis of the budgetary framework for an I&R system, including the identification of

59 the necessary funding for the public and private sector organizational and financial responsibilities. introduction of an I&R system and development of the budgetary framework for an I&R system including the identification of public and private sector organizational and financial responsibilities

4. Preparation for Implementation Results Objectively verifiable indicators Sources of verification Assumptions

4.1. Technical specifications of • 5 specialists of the SVS • Project reports prepared in • Staff involved is instruments and integrated services involved in the development of the course of the motivated and (IMS) for animal identification and technical specifications trained implementation of the project committed to registration of holdings developed on the provision of services with the list of delivered participate in the 4.2. Methodological material (guide for (central and field services) in an outputs drafting of the identification of animals and EU MS • Study tour reports technical registration of holdings and other • Detailed technical • Completed training specifications and relevant materials) prepared specifications accepted by the evaluation forms pilot programme 4.3. Preparations for pilot identifications Head of the SVS, provisional • Training materials translated implementation and registrations made implementation schedule into Azerbaijani and plan 4.4. Knowledge and skills of trainers of defined available at the SVS • MoA is aware of the identification team developed • Methodological material • Horse passport issuing and supports SVS enough to provide training to the rest of available to all veterinary staff authority: information in a efforts regarding the identification and registration team who would be responsible for data base on identified horses the implementation on the practical operations for the implementation of the I&R and registered horse holdings of an I&R system identification of animals system in the Republic of • The Government of 4.5. Identifications of sport and Azerbaijan the Republic of breeding horses and registration of • Detailed implementation plan Azerbaijan horse holdings carried out for a pilot programme provides financing elaborated; for the introduction • Detailed training plan prepared, of the I&R system


at least 4 central and up to 66 • Timely regional veterinary staff trained mobilisation of on the practical process of the STEs and identification of animals and adherence to the registration of holdings and able work plan to provide training for the rest of the identification and registration team • The number of horses identified and horse holdings registered according to the pilot programme and the number of administrative regions covered Activities Means Assumptions 4.1. Training for 5 specialists of the 4.1. Study tour for 5 days for 5 specialists of the SVS involved in the • Working Group SVS involved in the development of development of technical specifications to an EU MS on the provision of members are able technical specifications on the provision services (central and field services) in an EU MS; to allocate of services (central and field services) 4.2. 4 STE missions for a total of 20 working days to assist in the development sufficient time to in an EU MS; of detailed technical specifications of instruments and integrated services for participate in the 4.2. Develop detailed technical the I&R system covering all aspects of service provision, including a drafting of specifications of instruments and provisional implementation schedule; technical integrated services for the I&R system 4.3. 4 STE missions for a total of 20 working days to support and advise on the specifications covering all aspects of service development of methodological materials (guide for the identification of • Sufficient funding provision, including a provisional animals and registration of holdings and other relevant materials); provided (either implementation schedule; 4.4. 4 STE missions for a total of 20 working days to assist in the development state or private 4.3. Develop methodological materials of a detailed implementation plan for a pilot programme; resources) for the (guide for the identification of animals 4.5. 4 STE missions for a total of 20 working days to provide a training course purchase of chips and registration of holdings and other (train-the-trainers approach) for 4 central and up to 66 regional veterinary staff for the relevant materials); who would be responsible for the implementation of the I&R system in the identification of 4.4. Develop a detailed Republic of Azerbaijan; horses implementation plan for a pilot 4.6. 6 STE missions for a total of 30 working days to assist in the programme in 2 regions; implementation of the system for the identification of sport and breeding


4.5. Training (train-the-trainers horses and horse holdings according to the Action Plan submitted and approach) for 4 central and up to 66 approved by DG SANCO regional veterinary staff who would be responsible for the implementation of the I&R system in the Republic of Azerbaijan; 4.6. Identification of all sport and breeding horses and registration of horse holdings


ANNEX II – Indicative Implementation Chart – Work Plan

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Project Start-up Steering Committee meetings Component 1 - Awareness raising and Reform 1.1. Identify and formally establish an I&R Working Group 1.2. Support the I&R Working Group in the preparation of a Situation Analysis in the Republic of Azerbaijan 1.3. Training on the drafting of I&R strategy documents and supporting legal and technical acts 1.4. Training on general EU food legislation and food safety and control organisation 1.5. Training for 5 members of the I&R Working Group in an EU MS 1.6. Training on the structures and practices of EU MS and European NC 1.7. Support the I&R Working Group in the preparation of a proposal for the introduction of an I&R system 1.8. Seminar to present the proposal for the introduction of an I&R system


Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Component 2 - Development of institutional structure and a Concept for an I&R System 2.1. Training for 5 specialists of the Working Group in an EU MS 2.2. Training on the general structure, functions and basic Quality Management principles 2.3. Assist in the design and application of Quality Management principles at the SVS 2.4. Support the SVS in identifying the main actions for the reinforcement of the SVS in general 2.5. Support to the Working Group on the preparation of the I&R Concept 2.6. Seminar to present the Concept for a System for Animal Identification and Traceabilty 2.7. Support to the elaboration of an organisational development plan 2.8. Conference in Baku on the principles, objectives and requirements of an I&R system


Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Component 3 - Development of the legislative basis and budgetary requirement 3.1. Training for 5 members of the Working group and Consultative group in an EU MS 3.2. Support to the drafting and finalisation of the I&R legal packet 3.3. Analysis of the necessary funding for the introduction of an I&R system Component 4 - Preparation for Implementation 4.1. Training for 5 specialists of the SVS involved in the development of technical specification in an EU MS 4.2. Develop technical specifications of H instruments and integrated services for the I&R system 4.3. Develop methodological materials 4.4. Develop a detailed implementation plan for pilot programme: all animal types 4.5. Training (train-the-trainers approach) for H central and regional veterinary staff 4.6 Identification of sport and breeding H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H . horses and registration of holdings Project closure

65 ANNEX III - Structure of the State Veterinary Service at the Ministry of Agriculture (September 2009)

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan

State Veterinary Service in the Ministry of Agriculture: Central Apparatus Staff number – 36

tory on Avian Raion Disease Laboratory Azbiokombinat Railway Station Railway Station Processing Plants Veterinary Supply Republican Veterinary Self-financing State Unit number– 3 Staff number– 4 number– 3 Staff number– number– 1 staff number– 30 number– 1 staff number– number– 1 staff number– 29 number– 1 staff number– Veterinary Services in Meat Number – 1 Staff number – 12 Number – 1 Staff number Number– 1 Staff number – 20 Number– 1 Staff number – 17 Number– 1 Staff number Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Experimental Laboratory on number – 1 staff number – 86 Number – 1 staff number – 11 Number – 1 staff number – 48 Self-financing State Enterprise Production of Vet. Preparations Preparations of Vet. Production Expedition against Epizoonoses, Epizoonoses, against Expedition Epizoonoses, against Expedition Veterinary Control Admin at the Veterinary Labora

Zonal Veterinary Laboratories Number – 12 Staff number – 168 Self-financing Veterinary Pharmacy number–35 staff number– 35

– 182

Raion Veterinary Diagnostic Cabinets number – 47 staff number – 199 tary- Expertise ber – 779 779 – ber staff number Laboratory num staff number– 1,643 1,643 number– staff – 104 Field Veterinary Service Units Veterinary Sani Number 66


Central Apparatus Staff number – 36

Head of Service

Deputy Head of Service Deputy Head of Service

Sector for Treatment, Reform Sector on Inspection Sector on the Preventive Measures Approximation of Secretariat General Sector Accounting, Economy Service Sector Veterinary Control and Epidemiological Veterinary Legislation Staff number – 6 Staff number – 3 and Finance Sector Staff number – 4 control of especially to the International staff number – 4 dangerous diseases Standards Staff number – 6 staff number – 6 staff number – 6

67 Table of Contents

1. Basic information ...... 1 1.1. Programme: ENPI-Annual Action Programme 2008 for the Republic of Azerbaijan...... 1 1.2. Twinning number:...... 1 1.3. Title: Support the State Veterinary Service Prepare for a National System for the Identification of Animals and Registration of Holdings...... 1 1.4. Sector: Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary measures ...... 1 1.5. Beneficiary country: the Republic of Azerbaijan ...... 1 2. Objectives ...... 1 2.1. Overall objective: Increase food safety for consumers and facilitate trade through reforms and modernisation of the sanitary and phyto-sanitary sectors ...... 1 2.2. Project purpose: Strengthen the veterinary service in general through particular assistance to prepare for a system for the identification and traceability of animals ....1 2.3. Contribution to the EU-Azerbaijan ENP Action Plan ...... 1 3. Description...... 2 3.1. Background and justification ...... 2 3.2. Linked activities...... 25 3.3. Results...... 26 3.4. Activities:...... 27 3.5. Means\input from the MS Partner Administration: ...... 37 3.5.1. Profile and tasks of the Project Leader ...... 37 3.5.2. Profile and tasks of the RTA...... 38 3.5.3. Profile and tasks of the RTA Assistant...... 39 3.5.4. Profile and tasks of the full-time Interpreter-Translator...... 39 3.5.5. Profile and tasks of the short-term experts ...... 40 4. Institutional framework ...... 47 5. Budget...... 47 6. Implementation Arrangements...... 47 6.1. Implementing Agency...... 47 6.2. Main counterpart in the BC...... 48 6.3. Project Steering Committee ...... 49 6.4. Other contracts...... 49 7. Implementation Schedule...... 49 7.1. Launching of the call for proposals ...... 49 7.2. Start of project activities ...... 49 7.3. Work Plan duration...... 50 8. Sustainability...... 50 9. Crosscutting issues...... 51 10. Conditionality and sequencing...... 52 10.1. Commitment from the SVS of the Republic of Azerbaijan...... 52 10.2. Other inputs from the SVS of the Republic of Azerbaijan ...... 52 ANNEX I Logical Framework Matrix...... 53 ANNEX II – Indicative Implementation Chart – Work Plan ...... 63 ANNEX III - Structure of the State Veterinary Service at the Ministry of Agriculture (September 2009)...... 66


List of abbreviations

ADCP Agricultural Development Credit Project ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (broadband internet) APHCA Animal Production & Health Commission for Asia & the Pacific BC Beneficiary Country BIP Border Inspection Points CIS Commonwealth o Independant States DETRA Defence Threat Reduction Agency DG SANCO EC Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs EC European Commission ENP European Neighbourghood Policy ENPI European Neighbourghood Policy Instrument EU European Union EU MS European Union Member State FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations FVO EC DG SANCO Food and Veterinary Office GPRS General Packet Radio Service ICAR International Committee for Animal Recording IMS Information Management System I&R Identification of Animals and Registration of Holdings ISO International Organisation for Standardisation IT Information Technology MoA Ministry of Agriculture MoED Ministry of Economic Development MoJ Ministry of Justice MoF Ministry of Finance MoH Ministry of Health MS SQL Server Microsoft relational model database server NADIS National Animal Disease Information System NAR Naxcivan Autonomous Republic NC Neighbourghood Country OIE World Organisation for Animal Health PAO Programme Administration Office PL Project Leader PVS Private Veterinary Service PVU Private Veterinary Unit RASFF EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed RFID Radio Frequency Identification RTA Resident Twinning Adviser SOCCM State Office for the Control of the Consumer Market SPS Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary STE Short Term Expert SVS State Veterinary Service ToR Terms of Reference UN United Nations US United States of America USDD United States Department of Defence


WTO World Trade Organisation