Leahman Surprises Pat, Fans with Sudden Fall
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-........... .. ■ • mm ■ •— #i rrrr rrrr rr r i-1 --1 rrrrrrrrrf rrrrrf r~rrrrr ri—1 ■ ■■ '• V U ! The BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION ■ ^■arrrtrfrw fftnrrmjJJJJJJXJJJJ jf JJif rrrrrr r 1—r -r—rr| , ffr--r -r n unrr------r-rrrrrmri r r rr C^3J j The" LEAHMAN SURPRISES FANS WITH SUDDEN FALL _ XXVXXXXXX PAT,XXMX«*9«* X X X X X _-_____-— l Sports a Sun Beau to Try l Spade | 3,200 WITNESS Dean Wins His Panthers 4-0 ® 22nd, Beating For Another 25 g *F HAL EUSTACE ARENA OPENING TEXAS LEAGUE LEADERS BRUSHING UP SPORTS . —By Pap • Through night games, Aug. 6) Grand • By The Associated Press) Saturday RISS HOOGERHYDE, national CATS HELD TO Game Runs: Selph, Houston, 95 arcnery champion, planted the Wrestling Apparently Hits Stanton, Wichita Falls I«9. aeea.s of an ancient sport here last CHICAGO. An* 7. (.$»—Unleaa tt Makes Hit In Doubles: Wichita winter. his enthusiasm Big Stanton. Falls. Through 45 rams tonight and makes the Haw- ana personal instruction, Hooger- FOUR First Card SINGLES Beau will Home runs: Solters. thorne track heavy, Sun hyoe converted a group of Browns- Shreveport, 14 000 ville men and boys to the bow and try to add from $25 to $30,000 Runs batted in: Kmedwlck. Hous- arrow. Many have slacked off since With 3.200 wrestling fans—who to his winnings In the Hawthorne One Retires Twelve ton. 90 Hoogexiiyde left to defend his two hours before never remotely Dizzy handicap tomorrow. Stolen bases. White, Beaumont. 42 titles, but T. C. Allen, Pickles suspected they were fans—yelping Willis Sharpe Kilmer's record Dutch Batters Strikeout Games won Dean. Houston. 22. And "Red Clarke may be seen with excitement. “Crybaby" By money-winner. In spite of a weight Games pitched in: Houston almost any afternoon Leahman pulled a stunning come- Pavne, was twanging Route 37 assignment of 131 pounds, fav- their arrows at a target in the back to pin Pat O’Brien's shoulders ored to out foot all opposition at a Complete games Harris. Missouri Pacific •Red." a for the third and deciding fall tn Fort park. Worth. 23. •lim youth, has captured nearly the main event of the card inaug- Strikeouts: Dean. 211. all the archery titles offered in urating the American Legion Sports BY BILL PARKER Houston. Valley Boy Scout circles. arena here last night. Associated Press Sports Writer The sudden climax was a com- Four hits, three of them of the A GOOD GOLFER and an archer plete surprise. It was something scratch variety—that's the com- make a strong match on a golf like suddenly realizing you put plete story of Jerome ‘BIG course and matches between the shaving cream on the tooth brush "Dizz> DOUBLE’ Dean's 4 to 0 last two are frequently arranged. In after starting work on the bridge- triumph night over the Fort Worth Cats. There such affairs, the archer is gen- work is no doubt about this Dean—he erally considered In the oup when But— j mileand an eighth In the *25.bA is serious about this business he places the arrow within two O Brien, the Irish Gargoyle, made really HARD TO DO added feature ot Hawthornes suiri- of winning 30 or more games this feet of the can. "Pickles’’ is anxious a big hit with the fans. They were mer meeting. season. When he stopped the Cats to try his skill against a good i for him all the way. taking time Mike Hall, who defeated Hun Beau he checked in with his 22nd vic- Jones First To golfer and hopes to arrange sucn out cheering him only to boo the Capture in the $100 000 Aru» Caheme handi- '' tory. When he sent 12 Fort Worth a match in the future. “Crying Dutchman With each cap fast March, and Gallant Knight. | batters back to their bench via the English And U. S. holding one fall, they collided for I who has been trying all season to strikeout route, he clicked wnth 211 Anrlent Weapon the final affair. After ten min- j beat the Kilmer star, are expected strikeouts this season. The wdn gave Opens 1 to furnish the NO ONE KNOWS wnen or where utes of struggling. O'Brien began opposition. the Buffaloes ten victories in their •-----■—.-.—- the bow and arrow Its slamming the big boy from St. originated. eleven road games. That's about use has been practically universal. Louis. With the crowd yelling for all that occurred for the benefit of BV O. B The early war successes of the more, the Irishman threw Leahman KEELER the Buffaloes. For Bill Harris, who In Egyptians were due to use of the high into the air and brought him the history or international opposed Dean, it was his 23rd com- bow and arrow. It was a decided to the canvas with a resounding golf competition there have plete game of the season. Harris been improvement over the siingshot ajiid thud time and time again. was bombarded for 11 hits, one a eight occasions in which a player has Javelin in use at that time. The Leahman wa^ groggy and appar- •*tAV6£ The home run bv Homer Peel. It was had an Assyrians. Greeks and Romans ently ready to slump to the mat opportunity to add the open Harris- 18th defeat this season. of one of the quickly took up archery, increasing from exhaustion. O'Brien backed championship two great nations to that the size of bows to get added him into the ropes and reached for golfing of the other, and thus establish distance Later came tne cross- his head to slam him again. The himself as f IN ALLY OVBftfcOK; recognized of the bows which were used with dev- Dutchman clamped on a variation champion world This does not include astating effect in the Tenth and of the full Nelson. Slowly he U'5 JlN>C AMO WOM tsuHiS-....0**/ th- far more numerous occasions where a Eleventh centuries. The Crusaders forced the Irishman to the mat, used the cross-bows. pinning his shoulders. UB Sfc 0AUL CLASSIC competitor has played In both the British open and the United States That left O'Brien parked com- WiU4 ApO AMAZ>lM3 open the same season, and THE ENGLISH were a bit late In pletely behind the eight ball, des- ^ 2J& thus had ~ the chance to wm both. This felting around to archery, but when pite the fact practically every fan I AOCObA usual- in the 10 STfZOKBS ly happens every year, sometimes |t arrived it swept the Isles like arena believed the Irishman t WAS -HAC7 .3 with a dozen or wikifire in the Fourteenth century the better wrestler. ^FAkJ OtiVBTfZ-, PAfZ^> more competitors et-v "ViCK/fiGs' in both classics. over half of the English army was Dutch First -** taking part cr lATf The real chance is where a made up of mounted archers. In ”" ?AP--- golfer Leahman took the first fall in Aiaotlalad I'rtaa_- ] The victory left Houston ei&ht after fact, archery became winning one of the two major compulsory. 20 minutes with a hammer lock games in front of the second place Edward III the events of the world enters the other. King ordered Pat took the second Dallas Steers. after a series And that, as suggested, has populace to abandon all other of Morse's Steers happen- slams with a body pin in seven Manager Happ put ed times. ■ports in order that they might, eight minutes. Leahman made use another nail in their second-place good ib iirsi in i wo. wnen archery. Royal edicts were of Beat AtI to 3 2 the half-hammer lock, but sur- PALMS DEFEAT Yanks hletics 5 3; fort, deefating San Antonio to John iued against and football. Henry Taylor. British open Cactler golf prisingly enough. O'Brien continued The Steers won in the ninth on two Gunpowder, of course, did away champion, came over with his great to slam him over his shoulders I bunts and a couple of errors. With as an of sidekick. Harrv Vardon. to plav In archery implement despite the hammer locks. re Still I 4 Games Hansen. elongated southpaw-, Even They Back the United States at the war. used it open Chi- The English army Mr. James Londos hurled Innings for the Steers will tell you HAWKS 9 TO 2 eight cago Golf club. for the last time under Charles the that's a good trick—if in an to win his ninth you do it. BV HI CiH S. attempt The two Bold in 1476. The Chinese con- In FULLERTON. JR.. letics aren't going to win the flag to Englishmen easily were the semi-final Young Stecher consecutive game, but gave way the tinued to use it as late as 1860. Associated Press again without a real battle. class of the field. It was the took two out of three falls from Sports Writer Mallett, a pinch hitter, in Jerry sixth of our And of course, the American Indian Third The Yanks started what appears tne playing national open Tony La Blanc. The unpopular Game Will Be Played Prospects for development of an the last of the eighth with was using it as late as the Nine- to be their final challenge yester- and there were 60 entries. Vardon Greek took the first in 23 minutes exciting pennant race look very slim score 1 to 1. Lou Garland hurled teenth in the opener of a won with a score of 313 with the century. with a head lock.