IE 27, 1931

IOlletI g four Sentence Amel Wins Title Cloudy, Warmer Replaces F'ranklln HI«b 01 CedIII' lOW -Partly doudy lotIa)' and 'sentenced to RapIds In dun lor 0011 Meet See ~tory on Pa«e 4. ..-row: _""'" ...,..~. "nty Joll Frh. • '. onrtn~y 01\ by (aiR »rfl­ I 0 U7 a C i t y Mor.llin, N e Y , pap e r. oned by (lov. • 8h rltt POll FIVE CENTS The As80CIRted press IOWA CITY, IOWA , TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1987 VOLUME XXXVI NUMBER 328 day. al·don. wllit'h was lccel v"11 Frldtly aft r­ III dlately .. e­ I serv d four

~. at Dllb,'llUIl h&vlnll' tukl'" memoors uf , ,n80n county r the bvakA vf thl' \lUI'. Britain Awaits Three Powers TRIPLE SLAYER GIVES SELF UP IN CHICAGO I!=pr=aUeJ=F=.D.R.====:!!11 California Children, Eu.rope's Reply Hold Majority OnCooperation Of World Gold 7, 8 and 9, Choked • In War Crisis Britain, France, U.S. To Death In Ravine Own Four-Fifths Subcommittee Will Of Visible Supply INGLEWOOD, aI., June 2 CAP) lrangled to d ath by Consider Return Of a s xual degenerat who lured t./lem from a pl8yground 'attlr­ German and Italian WASH[NGTON. June 28 (AP)­ day, thl' mutilated bodies or thr littl girls were discover d Thre nallons - Oreat BrltaiD. today in n deep ravine in the B8ldwin hill near bprp Ships to Sea Patrol France and lhe United Stat\!a-now Two of th girls, ll1adeJjnc Ever tt, 7, and her si tpr. l\[E'lba, ,coot .... mvn (our· fi fths or the world's visi­ 9, llad been choked to death by clothesline rop n which London. June 28 (AP}-B"ltleh ble supply of gOld . th fiend apparently U8 d to drag the girl to the Cloor of the IIIIr SAV' statesmen tonIght looked to a. Thl. became knOwn today when I1I.vlne. midway bl'tw~ It :Ulvtr gatherIng oC spokeemeD for Eu­ Great Britain dlaclosej Its hOldings City and Ingle... ·OI)d. rope's great "powers to dlllClose totalled 13.618.060.000. as ot March 1l1li.0 'l'h third girl. Jtllnnettp Rt~· ,1. whetber cooperation tor keeping 31. The united States h .... $12.289,- Nab Three In (E lY ph n. • bad ~n chOk d by tM (lIe Spanish war from spreading hand. or the kldnsppr. Th~re '~re Can be maintaIned . Strike On her (nce. and her Illouth • OffIcIal ~POk esmen saId BritaIn's Bonnet SwperuU Ste~l W(U cut and dl torted. future foreign polley mIght binge Gold. Payment. ~1ItI18 lid Boo'" on Its decIsions. 'T error' Ring Negative Answer seen PARIS. dUDe !9 (Tuellda.J')·(AP) A troop of 60)'8 Scout... whlrh waJI a.monll' 500 pollcc and volunle~r The directing subcommittee of -FInance Minister GeOl'lre" Bon· arch... whO combed Ihf' 1'0llillll' 'the 27 nation c6mmlttee for Isolat­ net. at once RIJIIumlnr his duties Quiet Rules in East, hill. 1\11 I t nIght and todny. III Ing t he Spanish contLict wlJl COn­ .fter returnln, from the &mbas­ cover d th botIle. Illtc tt>dJl.y. vene to consider whether Italy and .adorsh Ip to the United tates But Showdown N ars Th chlldr~n wf'r Iylnll' In Germany would retm'n to the naval At the request 01 PremIer CamIlle At Chicago Plant straight lin .. nn thp ndy holtr." patrol around Spain they left last Chautemps, earlf today decreed ot tho ..... vlnl!. "hout 25 )'anla troll' week. suspen810n of all J1Ild and forel,n '(0 NOSTOWN. OhIo. June 28 eaeh oth r. 'l'b y w"r ""I"f·'oot. Developments on · the continent IlIxc hRnre payrnents until further police ex­ Th~lr clothlnll' wu dl8llrr8ng I . Indicated the answers would be . notice. (AP)-The Warren. OhIo. theIr tiny dr es pulll!

:SDAY, JUNE 29, 1937 THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY PAGETHREB lrgarita Williams to Become Malcolm Rays ' ide of *D~. Erlanger Today At Home Here rIe'. Father Will S.U.I. GRADUATE Local Couple Wed lorm Double-Ring MARRIED SUNDAY ISaturday M()rmng In 'emonyat Home AT LAMONI, lOW A DCJ1lenport Church ber bome this afternoon at Vel'" Travis ot RAcine. Wis.. a At homa In their apartm@nt. 115 Icloek Margarita. Williams. 1933 unlvet'slty graduate and sis· . hter or the Rey. C. S. WII. ter ot Prof. Lee Travis or lhe psy • Brown atreet., are Hr. and Mr8 Haleolm Ray. who were married I .. nd Mrs. Williams. 226 S. chology dllpartment, wall married Sunday to Clarence Rasmussen, Saturday In D&venport. Mrs. Ray A Itreet. wUl become ttle bride WlUI In:na Pbend. daughter Jdr. f son of MI'. and Mrs. Nels Rasmus· ot >r. Herman Erlanger. son ot sen of Racine. The ceremony took and MNI. D. H. Phend. 615 S. Jobn· &on Itree... before hu m.arr1a,Jll. I and Mrs. Joeeph Erlanger of place at 12:30 p.m. In the chapel Th. ceremony ..... ~onned at Loula. Fltty guests will wit. of Graceland college at Lamoni. 11 :45 a.m. In tha FII'8\ Cllrlltlan the double ring ceremony. An unusual aspeot ot the wedding Church Group chuI"Ch b1 the Rev. Geof'l'! W. 'h will be performed by the wa.s the large number of close rela· 1_ GUESTS OF ST. RITA'S COURT I" To Teach Advanced Methods At lives or both bride and brillegroom Robb. '\lU1.or of lbe Long Orova "I fatller. 1 Christian churOll near [)avenpaT I the Lchengrln wedding march who attended. Nine of lbe 12 sis· Gives Banquet I.h.:======! leI'S and brothers in the bride's Law Enforcement Course Here Tha brkle 'IVU ~ed In ~~JI bridal party will take their taffeta with .. laca redlngole. In 61 In bower palms. garllen family. Including Professor Travis. a ot her hair lIle WOT .. ba.nd ~I .. were present. M,·s. Travis and ot • • 'ua and taU candelabra at the St. Rita's Court tha gltt of lb. brld H r their sons. Paul DUane and Knight. School for Peace croom. 01 the living room. bouquet waa of \link r_ and and. were also there. Entertains 92 At AttencJant Officers to Convene'a bnalb. Makes Own Dress Looking Glass 181 Wlillams will be gIven In Affair Last Night Jllnlee Pbend. tbe bride', a u. Hln· The brlde's 'ilrothar-In·law. the On Campus July 9 'r!age by her brother. NeweJ) attenlled h .. r. ir. Ray'a beat m n IIams of Alton. 111. Genevieve Rev. Eugene Closson of Lamoni. 10fembers or St. Rlta's court or St. was Vln""nt Thoml>llOn of the """I· performed the ceremony. The bride Reflections practically aV"rythlng which Iowa oBe of JIlacomb. who was 111.. designed a.nd made her own white Wenceslaus church were hostesses at ~y d parlm nt. nerly connected with the dean UY VERA IlELI)ON peace office .... nt'ed to know. from Arter tbe e remony. the brille lace and eatln wddlng gown and banquet for 92 guests last evening 1Vomen's ottlce at the unlver. :a pol80ns to tlngerprlntlng technique. ehanled her weddlnll Jl"own for .. the pink organdy dresses of her In the church basement. The dln­ , will be maid of honor. The will be tau !;'h t during the atate'. flow r d volle dre•• and .. wide y I· attendants. Hair. It has been said. 1ft one's legroom has chosen his father ner preceded Initiation services at flr8t &nnual law nforcement 8hort1lo", hat for the ahort honeymoon She was attended by bel' two crowning glory. and what a "dis· hla best man. courae at th University of Iowa. the couple apent In tha trl-cltlee. sisters. Pearl and Mary Amy. a.nd which 13 women ot St. Ann's court h ve led" glory It of len Is! \'hlle the guests are gathering. They reI urne

Dr. Pa ul l IlhYSlcla n' h Ames ·Wins Eastern Iowa Golf }oears, lib otirnament "nd redecol • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ------=------~------~------~---- 12 % I:l. clli renera.1 pI" Phyli Otto She I'ec\ [~I ==C==~==M=n=~~~==~~N==ro~I~N ~Ju=m~~~G=O==U~T~OO~M~E==Y=1 D~&~~~~~&~~~~~~ from the UI M.D. In 11 rolatlng 111 1 Semi-Finals in AU.England Tennis Me Unlvel'slt y t tI Ing In 1 Dr. ------.. Om ga Bla Jock traternlty; MAJOR LEAGUE " We'll Win" Predict American Red entitle Thomp on, Captur Rival Captains On , Coun ty. Medi cal f'uior Divillioll II)J M1I'~ RICAN t W L Pet. OB. Eve oj Battle HeadBla bee n acl lionel New l'ork .... _...... 37· 21 .638 SOU T il l>OH'l', E ng., June 28 (AP) 57 Chlwgo ._ .. _...... 3~ 25 .5H3 3 Rival off Court - Waltel' Hagen a ntJ Charte8 P>- ___ 011 i + 1 Dco'olt ...... _... .._ .. 34 26 .667 4 Whltcombe. r ival ca ll ttJJ n ~ ot the _ 1:11 J)~ Moi •• e Junior Boston ...... _ ..... 3) 24 .6064 4% United StMes a nd HI'IUsh Ryder .7:1 1 MilWAukee Youth ____ 'i,.'; Chqntp S~llacb Out Cleveland ._ .. ,._ .. _. 28 29 .49 I 8 If, cup te9,l1ls. ])Vth predicted victory Washington ...... 26 33 .441 11If, fur theil' fOI'ccS tonlgl1l In t he Beat Hel'lk I, Wins 71 in Qualifying matcho.. starling tomorrow. Plll\adelphla _._ .. _.2 0 3~ .367 16 "I Ihlnk lYe will win .4," said Honors of the nay

·LINTON. JUlie 28 (A P)-Tom !:It. UJU1s _.. -, ...... ,ZU 37 .361 16~ Hagen. "We shoulo tak at lelUlt W TMBLEDO~. Eo.!. If 11k. .. righting little youngst"I' Yesterday's Results a une'llOin t lead In tile rouroomes 0",).111 (la. te. (A p ...... Employlng eh rIJly who dO"lsn't weigh 11101'8 thull 140 lomorrow. T don't be ll ~ve the Brit· Games 'I'oda.y Ilvunos. ""lacked his \way to medal· Ish team Is strong enough ali lhe ell methOds to arrival New York at Philadelphia. 1st honors In th~ Iowa Amateur way down to beat us." red·thalch d Detroit at hlcago. nolr toumam~nt uver the long. The mOI'e con8e l'vat!v~ W hit· heavily traP1Jed <;lInton ounlry Sl. Louis at Cleveland. com~ said. "Naturally 1 think we Boston at Washington. clul. course today. the sturr to will t his ti me. The r!'eckl I raced. J 7-year·ohl I believe lIenry 'otton Is the tin· youngst(·r. twice junior champion NATIONAL est golfer In the world (OdaY and In Des MOines. flre'''wklln h1gh of {'Nlor Rapld~ two yeol's ago With Yesle/'da.y's Resulls mM'l . Sh (."t hot two oth\'r \llay' Ito< 'wit, d f n~lng cbamplon. a 6 . ouen date. 8 Games Toda,y ~rg In (h~ junior IItvl 10n to ,.at>­ ,,11.8 8~","11 In the final standings John Vav,·a. a. perennial contend· Ryder Cup men! when lie PhiladelphIa at New York. ture th" (·rown. I hpr 1 ·ft Is Boll er for the hamplonshlp but who lienkpl of 0 rmany, _ Y(·Rtl'muy. From left 10 right th~y Chi ago at St. LouiS. Bla)'hJ<'k who won th IOenlor dlvl· has n~ver Quite reached his gool. art,Jr, In II. brilliant flve-sl't ma.lrh. t"llaRII)lnn8blp. S tlJe nt'", t am cham- Bob Thol1lJlllllll w riO T"rry's Nlltlunlll leugup rOl"(!es to· th ' qllallflcatlon round. lIall Is 'I'h9 boys seem 10 be coming back. ternatlonal jI'OPlly tomorrow In tlCC loar 1I11lt hltl 1)(\· will It.. rOl'UIIt'(! on !:It. Louis _tolng In(act hl~ .... '·ord or "lit bt \HU.IJoIIJ lljf Cur ,," e \n>ek , hi o li th~ hU8h. of aVeI"llUl'~ In th,' portUllllles. The pairings fO I' the Scolcll tour- losing 10 murh 8~ IL \t'l ·,,11,·,,1,,« III/It (1IIIInl,I"n hIll. • , Litla,·d. 23 yelU'lt old, has won 10 humble 1l~!>lS l ll.fll , r iloh I" ler,,1 III I" HI) cUve lealru 8. the Nationa.1s Mc Kee, ilIlrlOIl (luuJlry IOnd lost five games [0" t he san BOmeS. In which each team p l ay~ CU ITen! erltlsh nIlIlJ,II, th.· d •\ ,·utly·hul ...... lJlond' duth fll r. Ihree III lg ht)' for Ihtl III Q1,t al o. 'm to have mo. Jluncti thu.ll Onty two rO I'mer Stnte ChIlI11P- FI'onclsOQ Seals t his season. As the a lternate ~l l Ots with one ball , tol- hOnor. tell m0611y to p"rk r • IG , lu ~'U. ,·lIl"''''' Munly I>t;(III,·y 1I010l1\(h ot (H'ot la IMi W dUI b' ~br tll telUlI III d tlt r their "Ival, who hav wOll three out Irll1S were In the field. low: - Otnllan Ha ll,· Los Angeles t hird bas~mt\n in 1935 IIIIlt,"II ulld r a IJlIIJor I II ~ - UI. t' York of Cour ot th All tar 01 ICII. Bob McKee. tl1~ Ues Moines vet· 11e led t il league wllh 56 h Ol"ne Ed D udley a nd Byron Nelson vs. I 1'he Mllwlluk you",_t r. I:VvHIIj: II", z \'al\k ()mltth'w th Iliteh r~, th s nlor ru.n, carded II. 74 to share Itrth A lt Padgham a nd HenlY Co lton; weak torebund 1181lld as bad. a rd B u r \.on. rhllllll'llIlIBhl1J I ttl. with Ot'\Jrlrhl. nalla. ·"rll!.~u" llI1P<'I' 1,'0111" .,.r"ra Mct 'Il.rthy and 'l'e,,·y Ray they Olen Darl"Ow, of CetJa r Ralllds, Ray rt. .. ,fl, 11. AHMUl4 Blessed with terrific 8peeu, he \Valle\' a ngell . non·playlng cap­ T(·,~h. l"Ill Ity UlI"Uuj(h lIuldltch'8 tu a ll athl t" who u. ('aHUy hurl. wOn't annOul1' thell' s tarting lin e· McQlm])8 y, of DavenpOrt, a nd rrr. ,tJ..!lh'·II.l • JlIIIlIllIl turned to the mound th is s pring t!lln of the V.S. sq Ulld . left ott Hor . • lIootln~. Just 8. shut Ill!hln~. To IL 1(011(1 awl! Ilt IJ. ball la UPS unUI next MOMay. but the J ohn Carey of 'edur Haillds afucd IJplntx. ~)<~wt·ln. In h ope8 at beating buc k. II e hus ton Smith. who I. ul\Waten In his 1'... \\,0. n "(',,IIt\l! CII t'/day. 10 "L1nllullull yuur Mhlrt." IIrn~ral Iru II that th t ams will 75'8. ., III'. I nWI. t G, Q. gOOd cu r ve, fields ht~ pOsition COur cup nilltches. and Siam Ill' lIilo",.·" IJ. duz 'n 1,11l)'~ I '" to bold r otur th ~rative8. Merle Stimson of Wate"loo, who JlllroIti ('.... 111"1 n beautifully '\lId Is dpveloplng a • • • IJrobable Lineup went to t he cham\llonshlp fi nal a t snead. the brilliant young w est Vir­ hllJ1 ttJ a ,!law for th Ir nl cha nge of pace. The latter detoil Am rlcan.: Holte. New York, 3b; Watel'loo IllJIt year, had trovble g inia n who ili a ed aecond 0 Quldahl alltl Ihell conjureo thelll with m ay hold the a ns wer to It aU . II ..~ n8 l .ell /C IWr'· nleu-1I 8 Ito ItIOI))1I1f DIMlllI'glo. New York. H; Geillin&"er. toda y hu t fl rwll y q ua lified wi th oh III th U.S. open bitt IMt hl8 regu· p trw, R lghl now he t elegra phs the la r cl ubs at hO me ..nd hal been ,Irlve Ulllt f'" hll.' rllr ..... k for OetroH. 21); a h rlg. New York. lb; ~v n 80. • ort Tlploll, clla Illr ot pace. At the pl~t e he's the lllrl~ld Ml 8.11 (1 tlJO R1lort fur Cronin. BOIlton, ss; B~ II , St. Louis. 'l'hlrly·two 18 h ole m atches will his game ever since. 'fhe Brttlsh PlaiIlP, hitting around .350. Illa.Y el'll "bencMd" fOr the (oursomes tlltl Olltrl~nI . lither 'IIUnes rl; Walkcr. DetrOit . cf; Dickey, bo IllnyeJlcherH Hubbell, Dean and M.ungo. Gehrig, yanks ...... 1i 9 215 49 83 .886 t'u ..lor St· ... ro up lu t Robcrl N leu n, eRlllAllI·elecL of Th thre 11I'Obabl Nationa l Wa lke r, Tigers ...... GO 253 H 98 .8 68 I Champ, Sha~n Up I'llyli IIttll, Il. \Iblllir P. Wan r. P h'ates 59 239 46 88 .8G8 l lAMlLTON, N. Y. • JUII I lAP Sllut htfn lIle nlv r81ty t l ow crOSS-COlln- leaguo . tlll·tlna- pitch 1"9 have won again. IItlph IIl1'l h·k. IS, l)uk I'l1 rk WJ')S'lBURY, N . Y .• June 28 (AP) Larry Kc li~y , Va) '~ lamou h' tlsllool hu, 8C'~' w hn Iry teRm . )1 redktM " ha lln r ye~r 2 gamel! a M loat 14, 'I' he combined Vaughnn, 1:'lral s _.5 9 239 37 86 .S60 ~ I I. lH'rl.. v H:, II rd". 13 . luw or yet, III lI u",ko-~, · h3 1 'rh'r~ "ext (o il. "oeOl'v Is 22 won and 12 10l t t or Gehringer, Tigers 49 189 43 68 .• GO"r l R OllO O£ ColurnllWl, Ohio. American cnd Ilnd all ·around atll I . \\,~"" I..JIII,' III t hp r,w 'rh younr pitcher tile Cleve- J 14. ror ~ar I\, 0 Nl'IHUII, who hUM 111"'11 wO n I \V tI <1I'UVeH. llddg and oomol. was shaken UP a nd his slightly lete. hit Illrllcd t o pI wit h '''11 11111 'rllul"ur " 1111 It 111M India ns did 80m throwing Ill lljur I"Ul'l. t.lI' h is "OII 'k 0111 lI,,· l\lIIrl~ 'M IIH .. old ltesllI've Strell,th damaged In a. pra.ctlc IIIIln 011 the team of eQ. lern coli , all- ~r \rllll\ or IIh~III' •• w"",, th·" (OIl' IlIh'" (lurlnll' today'l practice and sold his • willi 7!i'M. lI'u,'k \,·,u". I. u t ... ·uol )' Ill! y Rtl l 'rl lI ~ H I'~(' I 'Ii(' ot l"(>Il I II g l v~~ till' Amel" Roosevelt raceway today. i(IIIl\8t. tb N,'''' York p m foot I •Froidy C(lt' Wins I ul'm relt " p!' etty goOd ," Today's Hurl~ \ hu lf 1107,('11 I'lO('Jcf' I '~ Wl'rf': i r lit)- ll lJ 1,, 1(' 1" 11 • ..,. 1l 11 1U II g t h~ p fU8J)"l'lH. Icrllll! lL bllr ctJ hO\\·evN·. A l fll'st Rose, Natloll&l I\..A.A. raclPg bali (llant~ "t tbe 1>010 0, und , Hut j ust Ill< t l'U 1I111l1ll PR nlll1 tll M ohamplon, "W1Ul drlvlnll' over It. track I III A rlillgton 0" .. 111" 1 ('d "I 77. 1·h'·.I· Inl'lu( l ~d J ohn • • • "a,,'. rill' 111 tunc . Ilwy w ill have S »t. 8, tor the m n fit ot th N ON 1·)m'I")'. MI' h l~nn: 'rulIl l{oll,·Jvn l. hM ..... l1t tl ll~ ' . Ih.. ~ 111(' 11 who lIa nk 0 1'''' nlJet'1C of 1J(lh'o lt tLoti t houg ht lho 1\1' 111 'W iI H r C8 1JOnd in g l{(iJW YORIK. JUII ~ 29 (AP)- that was only portly drted out YorlC Herald Trlbun ·. lI'e h a.\P II lrely tu treatmenl Ihe suren ''''' (A 1') Ar· ku,·. I'ltlHlloqrh; )"" W. l u~ .. l'I l, h8~ I' run Ih... 11111, III 4::12 01' Jlmll1H ~'OX,< tit U08t0 l1 , ~ IU1<' r ono ProiJubh' Jllt l' h ( ' I" ~ In the major Mt r It. rain. otl'lln ll' out of It. turn tu n4 tor t,IWren. rich ~Ollay Jldn".lolI: Uull .III,·k.HII. 1)"rlll> ulllh : btot",r, will '"' 1lI"lIIhr r uf Ih~ ('(1 I.ahl or I II ' ea ~ln ll' liP (l 00.11 I"UIII'I\(>(1 ycstel'lln y durlll l( a IJl"l et IClllill .o loday: the rcar 0)(1 or hl8 cnr .~ped Anay J( r" 0IIat6'. rrld ..t il' rr thp vtlel'un Buddy My('r or Wash. 'Pha l 1""lI el' mo y b s('n t Into Detroll ul ('lIlca gv - A tlk er VM. "he eal- lJoull ced In t1w a l( 8~ ""'Mar.. today . "llolln r Pd r~ Ipl ot b II I l'rlct lI"adl y or I.t'xlll tOn, Hili Itlt· IIItHIHO II . vRu&wr wv.1d c..... aloflg l ' t~lI'h IlIglon Ilnt! II l1 rlonu 'lI ft ot St. Indeftnll n>lI~e m e l1l al hi" I",,"e Sl(·UttOIl. pral Um eM, but RO,;e re ~ln l'd ron- Ke lt~Y' R lLeeeJlt " ~, til th!'r I h k.., Vll.hl ng tu vlr' lury In Ih ~""II ... tUlti . Ipi'p "I,h." III 1..0111. rt'Q.( ly fOJ" actl 11 . 'rhr roo III Va ll MeIer. III .. haR 1J ~' n 11I 1- N,' w Yo .. k 01 Phll llll~ lphla-Jla(l . Irul. thal of Ilnother f:1t l Iar, Hoh ll'('~ '5,000 ""dl'(l I IIauilu ril l 11 ,ul ,111'11 I' III IIIIIt "f Ih/\ 114'.1. H.','V Olltrl Idera will be W a ll y gelt II by Indian ortl(·lpl. hut Ihe IllY VH. ' ·htlmu.H. ]I'our l:1I1' oll ~a ll (lrivel'll who Ilr­ wllh , Ct n t~r on lhe It'lI »1 rallt t<;IJIIlt l'lny~r hfglll TrI.... 1\ phutoll"nph 'l" l~ h . • • • J\I(\RrM. I'hllatlplllhlll; Rog'r C rall~ r . tie IBlon us 10 his ImlHPdla le flllure BON ton o.t Wu shlllg tull rov~ V8. rived On Ih ~ Rrem"n tQ(iclY reached la8t !Il'QlIOfI by ",lillY. ~' I"/lld y ('nt, \11(' fl v"-YI'Or-oll1 nn HT. ]'OllHI, (AI') Th,' St . Loul" Antl ll",r I"lldllUl o of 'O!leh Ollo liuHlu n. 1~ J1(J l1tu'l AV" I·III . (' lev la nd. will ,WillI th rellll'n ol C. C. BIIl " ­ Wr l\v el·. thr tl" al' k la t~ thlR Btt rnoon and Til gam ~. ma.rklill I h ~ I,r I\ JlIIN' II "nllnll, \'''111 III) In Ihn JuniUl' I) l. vl~ "111) committe an­ V0l',.I·. He hu.. 1 ()r buechull hila '·n. wl(h '81('I1('r8 tAlkc 8e w ~ 1I of C hi. ni cki, vi C - pre,I,1 III 01 Ih CI ve­ !:It. LOtllH ul CI('Vl'lun,I- HogS(;tt 1111111101 hnrlt)' Krld ' , nt~ M I flMI ~tr1J(\ tu r' lIl q ll ~r O rl ~n t lI ~ l . IIO UII ('{',1 Y('st" n luy "t1 1·r tl on of eight t ~ .. II 111 prot 'SMlU lI lll !'ankH. J.lUlt ('UgH 11 110 Hll' k ~"" I · I ·e ll . W 1I1111110n. la nd r lub, from l·'\i.rgo. N. D. V8. Whitehill. driven by I"Ilccwu.y (,rtIda lil . They du 1.1'11 b th. ~ ,. Yurk II 01111 · (' 1111 Y IIf Mr.. 1';mll J)l'n m Ik or rl llly" I'H III 11/1I t1clplll In th(' 8t. w ek l..owpll OOI!l!('r. ('allta ln of Ihe bo ll'kR tonIJln &" Ihe i.Jl>c kKtotl depal'[' NIlllo...... : were Rt!rntl HOijomeyCI\ Eluropean .... r. will rllmu I ""lItt'(! 1M 01 ~ ­ ( 'h l('il H. 1,nlll" t" lll to h h kJ here healn­ Uawk y~" 19, t 'uJ!on und un O' or mellt. Monl y fl lI·ulton. Chlcllg'o; Mel n II ~ Mool·O. 1l0!lton , and J oe Moor C hlcaao at Bt. Loll la-Carl tOn V8 . ChlllllplOIl. I~rnst Dellu. and !Rudolf lliOllill ap"ara"N! hy the nl lllli Th wi n ner. nlng Mondoy. 'I'h trial. a re [l4lfL th four III'ad uu tln m cmlJl'ro or th ~ Hal'( r. ("I v~ l a l1{l , an.l W ~" l e )o'el'- a llo lIf~1 Olt. New ork. Ou. MllJ\' Welluntl ur Wome kl'. Cnrocclohl. 01 O c ~many flnd RIch· cOrlell1 twUI alII I II prO(llit t V of a na ti on- III! progra m 8POlI - .Iark Wt lr p ju~t manaKPd to nip team. I ll nl'lI " <,on ll'Il" 1 with Wa· rell of W08 11 1111(\0 1l o r(· pltcllhl lr "". CUHO. New York. llnd ~J rnl e Lom . PI(tMiJm'g II "t C ln<'innal l (2) n. nJ Beuttie S ~ u.m o ll . champion hall turned Ollt III ea 8/II W the Pnlh,o klta t 8 lll wn \\'~~t< I'n kll~lIe. OO~· nrl" nllt llftt In Ib ~ It lell drlvp. A P)' .... rvel. hurdl of Inc!nnlltl weI"\! lI am d a)· BO \Y~1U1I a nd RUlI l'l'" v a. Orlsljl) m Ilrltl ~h O.. lvH. JC I!II y IrU ,.Ireldy I'I'JPct4'd IL hfllt hark ot Orl'nl 1. j ('lInIM lt 8~ol'l8 1I o l1 . B r wa~ 0111 ' ur lO w 'M 1)(' t 1l I tC h ~ "8 T ho IlrulJabl,' Natl ollal league ]'C. h"'nate catrher8. C'y Blal1ton, I'lIt.· and Uetl·lnger. Th EurOIJenn d ~ l~gallon tor lhl! 1\t/III\)@r ot otftIre to rePltl 1l hi 'fhey Inrluil ,ll)ft Jlh ('Il .. n ~l'. ues ror two yell!" bllt 0. B(.re a rlll hanlll­ Hervel '"l1 'l d by Ten 'y a rklte 1937 THE DAlLY IOWAN, IOWA ClTY .

I. Snedaker of the college or edu· Town Child Welrar Re_rch 81a- In on or rh~ ., C£Uon; P rot. Genevieve learns of Graduate Appointed Offices Opened II Opens Offices tlon; Grace Ven Wormer, acting I M or lbtl fed ral buftau. Named In children '8 hosPital. director the UniverSity IIbtarle ; Special Agent With ot 1lMtD\ r or Phi Della By Dr. Mo()re !.:=====::::::! Dr. Zelia While Stewart. 1010 PrOt. Luella Wright Of the EngllBh Woodlawn; Ruth Updegratf or lhe t1epartmt'nt; and Prot. Frances F.B.I. at Washington Who's Who Iowa Child Welfare Rei arch sta· Zulli, head ot th home economics pnivet"i~y Grad~ate University Women Uon; Prot. Beth L. Wellman ot the ThomM H. Plrnl Comes to Iowa City Included ilt New From Solon Practice 'Americ(m WOmen' plAt I)r. Pauline 'V. Moore, Ilractlclng ~rwenly.elght wom on rn ulbers ot PhY8lclnn' In Solon tor the las t flve Iowan'Want Ads Bring Results the Untverslty o( IoW1)o faculty are !=~ - '191 years, lIas m ove(] Into a remodeled Included among the 7,81il women and redecoraled 8u lte ot offIces at listed in "Amerlcan. Women," the onh' who's who for women, the 12 ~ S. ClintOn street 10 ~ n gage In STUDENT SUPPLIES "poond edition of which bas just TYPEWRITERS «enetal prllClIce work. been published in Loo Angeles, She receIved her B.A. degl'ee Cal. The names of eight other JOwa GRADUATE STUDENTS Classified Advertising Rates TYPEWRITERS RENTED FOR tram the university In ]927 and hel' 'Ily women are also listed. Ask - The new IJOok, to. • 1.06 %.1ft I ~ . 14 U! z,s8 US I !.6! , a.11 I .u II .• s 1.9. I I %,1" don accul'Iltely. n lIy, _lid She 18 nOw secreta .·y of the JOWa IiBh d~pllrlment; Adela Ide P . Barer, room 111 gOOd home. Evety mod­ I." US 1.11 %.10 1.60 2.118 2.88 ~.6! 3.17 !.811 3 46 I S.14 Will Give Talk lOG S. D()(jge "II' et; Edith Belt or ern convenlence. Sultabl& fOr Oh8 vu I:' UI I I I I I I QuI kly at"' nabl rat . AI branch of the Woman's medical 1.IT 1.1. 1.11 UG I .U UI 1.11 1.14 3.1. tt>rm paJ)t'ra anll mlm graphtnw. aSSOCiatIon. till' grUI}hlc (,nd plastic arts depart- or two. Dial 9522. 613 E. llioorn- .... • I I I I I I I %.88 I '.41 I I I S.4! • V. Dr. Moore resIdes at 226 MCLean PI·of. llomer R. Uill. director of In f ll t; l'ea,'1 Benll ett Broxam, P"c)· Ington. MARY BURNS Notary Public street. UnIversity museum. wIll talk on gl'llm dlre<; tor uf alation W'SU] ; ------__ number an4 letter In a ..lin 4 .. "". Lo be ClOUD ted • • "01'41. Paul·1l I n Bldt. "'I'he l.and Whel'. the Birds Are Mr". Adelal". 1_. Burge, deo ll of POR RENT : ONE ROOM. one C]uaWed dlopl.", 6Go p~r Inch. 8 u.ln•• eardJI "" DIi.I %iU ·~J21 Not Afl'ald ," In lhe first of ,1. series wumen; P,·of. Mal·jOl·It' Cn mp of Two lIoub]& rol)m8. ReasonalJle. IIOlumn Ineb, U." 'ller lbontll. Ctu, ltlrd adv.rll.lnll In by • P. m. will be I)ublt.h ~ of fOU l' leNures tonIght at 8 o'clock flw wume,,'s 1}hy.1 'al educaUulI de. Garage ot ,1.60 \'ler month. 'l'wo the lollowlnc ... omlnr. , APARTMENTS AND FLATS Eighty Expected To In geology lectlll'p l·oom. pal'llncnt; 1 ~ l ennor],). 'arothel's of doors elUlt ot M morlo.l Union. DIal Attend Frolic For LnYRall I"hwd, a small Island 111 Ihe zoology dell'''·lmenl. 4803. CI,EANING AND PREASING FOR R}')N'I': 'I'IlREFl ROO td tile Pacific -recreatlon class. j,. Glddlng" of lhe home economICs able room. Three WindOW •. Gar- comfortable for 8ummer. PhI MU , ... V"ra'8. ~' ... I a. HUI'f"(.) bath, K~lvln .. tor, Of Home Ec Group that )'our dllihes will IThe group wl\1 also SW im at the department; JeSSie B. GOI'don, II· age. 1012 E . WashIngton s treet. house. III E. Church alre t. Diol nBS, £111. Big t>IPp r at the City park. n elen JUdy Bond, a gl·aduate 01 ('{J1I1t' htlck in 'llerr('cl bral'lan of the I owa Ity publl DIal 979G. !KI82. ('ondltlon tllld know --~--~------~------Tile frolickers will m et at Red the UniversIty of Iowa, was named IIbl'ol'y; Pror. gllzabeth lIalsey, ------thut ull I hi. IlHllurt'il OR !tENT; F'URNll!llED Ball Inn tonlgllt for dinne,' nnd president·elect of the Amel'lcnn Iwad 0/ the wumen'" physical cllu. FOR RENT: WELL FURNISHED ROO M B R SAND HQA RUEHS. IIl'ut' ·tlllll .... lll ~o L 110 a, rtm lit. will I*Y ull tblrd )dancing. 1'he (linn r P1'ogram will HOmE'- E,collolT1lr~l tlSHoeiaUOn n l ItS catlun dClJllrtment; Ml's. Madeline doubl& room. E Ig ht wlndow8. ReaROnuble. Dial 5147. nwn', r~M 'tilt ·Pt. J. L"Ilvlntr tOwn. con91~t of toasts, short speeches, natlonol convenl!on in l«llISas City. 1). JI om , 832 KIrkwood avenue; Prlva to bath I'oom. Shower. One M'\JSICAL INSTRUMENTS FUI'R The Furrier Way. 0101 text. 8.. 0. communIty sln ll'lng and entertaIn· lifO., last wpo-k. ~he will assume of· 'facIe M. K of the Romance single. Dial 638 7. ment by Ihe com mercIal teachers' [Ice July 1, 1!138. l;tn!l.U8!(",. depal'!nlent; lIlrs. LII- HELP WAN'l'ED: STUDEN'l' BOY LEV ORA'S FOJ{ JUilNT: talent bu~ au. Miss Bond was rec('ntly allpolnt· ilan I. Lnrrnl>ee, ~U Evans aparl. nOOM ]o'OR RENT: PERMAN I~NT. to work board job. t>1a.I G188 . nlohl'(l ap'rtm~nl and OWcera In charge Of arl'ange- ed head of the hom!' economIcs ,le- mont .,\2. 'I· r!l.nslenl. Free parkIng. Break· Varsity Cleaners G~O E. WashlnitOn atrt!·1. "",nts are Harold 13e"ry, G ot Free· pa.·tment ot 1'euchel's' college, Col· Pmf. Catherl"e Mat'a •. tney or the fa"t If desired. 'fown and Gown SPECIAL NO'l'lCES Dial 4153 28 E . Waahlngton St. pOrt. Ill .. president; Stanley Robin' umbla univel',,"!ly, NPW 1'UI'I< , N.Y. graphic and pla..lic Ill'ls deplll'l. nesldcnce hotel. DIal 6908. Hauth A ruBa From 'l'h mpus ~'OH llENT: 1' IIRJ,;E OR ~'OUR .aon. G of Competition, Mo., vlL'8' ment; Ethyl E. ?II 'on, os"Oclate room.. Partly runllJltlf'.l. 711 p ,sldent; H.I n Braatz, G of ouperlntendpnl of the l owa State FOR RElN'l'-2 ROOMS CLOSE IN. PLAN'l' NOTICE USED CARS nowery 8 tr~ t. Fond du lAC, WIs., secretary·trea· J. R. Stout Natl1ed i !lstol'leal soc/Pty; MllUde M. Mc. Girls only. 336 S. Madison strect. DANCES THJS WEEK jBur~r· and F.dwllrd H"and, 0 of One· M(mager of Iowa Aruurn, SUIW,.vi.ol· and ])I'lnc'lpal of DIal 4302. AT THE SPIt A YIN 0, I'IWNING ANI) "'OR HENT: SMALl.. FURNI HED ,oma, N.Y., pllbllclty ehah'mlln. the univcl'slly e"llel'lmt'ntal HcllO"I.; ------oth"r typ'" of pll1nt llervlce. Rose U'cllli lIIolle to u"d 'r. LaI'llCII allllrtm ilia, V~ry I't! ullabl. Th group will m~et at tlnlver.lty Theater Yesterday I'I·of. ]'kIna Patzlg of the gl'aphl' FOil REN'r; ROOMS F'OR 8TU- Buy Before July 1st CI(J In. Dial 6175. hull at 2:30 thIs .rternUOn for In . CITY PARK l'J(llIt Slll'vlc. Via I 2083. and j)IUHtiC arls dppartmenl. den L Irlrls. Three windows. Dlul atru~1l0n8. 'nckets fOr the dinner Will Be J ohn R. stout has been named pl·ol. An'le E. I'iere/, 6557. ~'OR RENT: NEW TWO ROOM: ,118Y be secured at room 212B, unl· and actlng manl1.ger or the Iowa theater P,·of. Anne K Pierce, head of tM Tuesday-F riday-Salurday FOR SALK. GOATS ull!urnlshed apartmen18. v.,..lty halt to succeed Robert F. Griffith, It music department, ulllvcrsity ex. FOR RENT: DESIRABLE ROOM. Becau e of the ]''OH 1:1 ALE; 'l'WO GOOD MILK Dubuque. WIlS announced last night. I)('ri l11I'n 1111 MPhools; .1 1'''. Roberta Summer or parman nt reshleace. MASONIC LODGE g"at~. ("hI'3p. A lau I!h"rrl!:S. Dial G1'1 ffllh, mal1l1./o(~r at the local I [, Seashore, 8J5 N. Linn sll'et!t; Dial 6818. Save Sales Tax 4989. lo'Olt llliN'l'-'1'WO how Motion theater (or several months, wJ\l as· I ]\\1'8. Be,·tha M. ShambaUgh. 219 DANCE n tie, AlBo two room8 .U Foa REN~ DOUBLE OR 1930 1"01'<1 V·R Deluxe Tudor ,11. Sllme his duties IlS manager ot the N. Clinton s treet; liJleanor H. SliCer Wed1lesday Evening TYPEWRITERS ~)Ial G46g . Pictures Used Ill, Slale thelltpl' in Muson City today. of !lw "oology departm ent; :Mabel sIngle front rooms. QuIet home. ] ~30 Ford V-8 1<'OI''ure shown. ner announceil yesterday. .If thpy (lre to be successfully com­ 1930 I"ol'd ,\fOflel A Tudor Losrr AND FOUND apartm Ill. Close In. 116 N . Clio. room and sleepIng p orch. DIJI.I In ollnectlon wllh t.he vIsual The Byron Coughlin farm la batted, the g reatest efflclency In ]930 Ford Mod I A <':OUIl' LO S1': UATUIllH LARGE SILVEJR ton .treet. DIal GUS. 9428. 'fRAILERS In8lructlon demons(I'Ot\on 8 rles a n P nn township wlll be lhe scene ot spreading polson bran will be neces· 1929 F ord Model A Fordor watch And brucelet Tu~sdl1Y even- exhIbIt ot motloll pi cture and sound the fh'st demonstl·a.tlon lit 6 a.m. sary. For this I'eason all farmers FOR RENT: DOUBLE ROOM Ing. CIlIl ])ltlly 10WIlII claallfll!d" 0 R Rill N 1'; FIR 8 TeL ... 8 8 qulllment, IncludIng projectors, At 10 a.m. Gunderson wlll gIve a a re urged to attend one of these with sleepIng porch. Another FOR SALE s.I pllrtm nt. U~ward. apartment. Dial 1411 or ttl" l"'meras !lnd sound units Is On dIs- second demonstratlon at the Joel demonsh'allons without fall, the dOUble. Dial 3347. ~rallers, oheap used cara, used play In ~m C-4, East hall. Yodel' tarm In Sharon tOWllShlp. T he county agent warned. auto parts, RadiatOrs, Genera. Burkett LOST: S ]( E A ]0' FE lt PBNctL. N I ELY FURNI t- FOR RENT; ONE DOUBLE tors. 500 used TIres, all s Izes. NQmr, Helpn Wndp. In whit 1111. room. Women. Close In. Dial Goody Tire & Battery ll'rs. Tn busIness dIstI'l t. 2529. 215 S. Clinton St. Updegraff ward. DIal 41 69. , tOTOR co. FOR RENT: ROOM S. MEN. LOST; OOuD JLLINOHI WATCu TYPING. l'!howers. Quiet. Clean. '6. Small MALE HELP WANTED THE FORD GARAGE und chain. Initials Il.R..A , Re. Neat work. apartment. DIal 4660. ward. Dial 6304. ------MEN; TO OPERATE ROUTE OF PLUMBING FOR RENT; ONESINGLlD ROOM. penny clgaret and conlee 100 I 0 pl'lvate entrance. Girls. Dial machines. It you are a live wire Save 2 10 $a1es Tax LOST; NOSE GLASSES IN wAlftl!lD __ PLUVBINO AND black cnae. Please Dial 6180. COG7. a nd can stand prosperity It wlll BUY WITH beatIDw. La..- Co. 111 JD. WUb, pay to Investigate our propos!Uoo. LOST: OLASSBS. BLUE CASE. m.toJL ..". I" 0 H. R E N 'I': '1' W 0 nOUBlIE CONFIDENCE Pboa~ Exclusive territory. Small Invest· BEFORE JULy 1st I rooms. One single room. DI 11.1 m nt. Sliver Products company, WANTED-LAUNDRY 14276. WI>lConsln Rapids, Wis. onvertlble gltuls 8. WANTBI>: S'l'tJDENT LAUNDRY. I"O R RJ]]N'f: FURNISHED ROOM. WAN TE D: A STUDEN1' 1'0 Call for Ilnd d Uver. Reasonable garage. Dial 5488. work us a walter. EXI}erlenc' POt N V : P ARlRY. FURNI'l'URE / with McNamara'a). ShIrts 10 cents.. Dial 9.88. one single roOm. Men. DIal 2632. PARRISH FOR SALE; FURNITURE. Cheap. DI al 4764 . MOTOR CO. EMPLOYMENT WANTED W A N'I'ED: LAtmtJRY WORK. ~'OR RENT; DOUBLE ROOM Chl'Y81 r.Plymouth Deal r Dial GG82 . close In. $8. 1166 S. ClInton. 226 South ClInlon Street W ANTE D: 1l0US1~WORK AND 224 East BurlIngton ) carl! or chllo.ll't>n . Experience. WA.N'I'ED: LAUNDRY. REA N- !tOOMS FOR LA DIES. CLOSE IN. DIal 9300. 11& N. ClintOn street. DIal 6336. A UTU SE H,VI E WANTEU; \ 0 R K. HIGH WANTED: BUNDLE 1..0\ NDRY. FOR RENT; COOL, ATTRACTrvE school girl. enre of c hildren. c..11 ror and deliver. Dial 5981. s In gle or double rooms . Dlal 4729. SAVE MON8Y ON AU1'0 AND Dial 500]. wlnol ow glllRH, g lu zlng .Uld paint- FOR RENT: DOUBLE OR }"OR SALE- TRAILERS 'ng. \\'. J . 1IIId nlJl'Ilnd. Dial WANTED: WORK BY DAY OR single room8. Dial 6176. 6117. bour. Dial 4789 . FOR SALE: UJ1 HOUSE TRAIL- DIal er. ReUOnable. !G30 Mornln.. - F'OI'l. RENT: ROOMS. CLO!JE IN. 3366 DOGS WANTED: ROO ~1. EXClIA 'O El aide drIve. DIal 4932. 232 E . BloomingtOn. housework. Atudent. Dial 2787. W e FOR SALE: BOSTON TERRJER FOR RENT: SLEEPING ROOM. Dellvpr puppl 8. DlIlI 6812. DELIVERY SERVICE t>111.1 9347. HOUSES FOR ~ENT CAREYS DELl VERY, TRANS- HEARING ONI..Y THE FIRST FOR RENT: NEWLY DECORAT. r 1', baggage. DIal 4290. ed room near hospItal. DIal 6308. FOil RENT: FURNISHED HOUSE FEW IT WAS JUST WO ~DS for RUmmel'. DIal 2902. WANTED ROOMMATE II-\E NATURAL "1,4/NG FO~ I<'OR RENT; FURNISHED ROOMS lOr men. Close In. Dial 54,8. leOR REN'I': FJV!':-ROOM HOUSE. WANTED: MALE STUDENT T O POZIN G E D WURGol..e~ Bath. Close In. Dlnl 4165. ~hore room. DIal 2682. "TO DUCK WANTED TO RENT W ANTED TO BUY WAN T ED TO R E N T; RES I . de nce wlth four bedrooOtns. weat AND WAN TED: TO PUR C H A eEl ~Ide. Sept. 1. DIal 2750. canoe or row boat. Dial 97<1,2. PAGE SIX THE D.6ItY IOWAN, IOWA CITY TUESDAY: JUNE 29, 193~

FAmCHILD FINDS THIMBLE THE.4TER S1.4RRlNG POPEYI By !.~ ' Education Of Summer Recreational Center r-:--~ ~~ FOR DEFENDANTS __ __II: Playground Open Yesterday, IN DAMAGE SUIT City Children

Th ~ "' \ I l ull or VI tor onvll. of Attract Record Crowd of 200 Iowa Ity ap.\nst Byon and Don Costs $200,363 DRIVER PASSES Hunltr, 's ott town.hlp tarmers. w.. , dll mllsoo I' t etIIII. to tonfetl. . " walv d to Ihe Johnson county alld bOYI or hllrh II4lh\lOl a ... In kit· Problems r,rand Jury when they ap~qred 4 nball. . olfer tltfor Justl at P~ .. c. J . M. K ..d· "00 home." lC;orred Cro To Ntl' and Vauchn &II 11 . 50 Present At Laundry Special One of Ib btlter atorla. th y'r, TheY are ChLrlr~d with the theft Darlene Brenn~an rERMITS ISSUED ' pon or Instru lion 'lit article. of clolhlnlf rrom the t IUn, uuund " lhal ot th 1M) Will Be Tomorrow At Big Dipp I" Her Chicago bandllt who wer bold· camp near olon June 19. Legion's First Two building permit. were Issued COSTS LESS In, up .. family. " nabl to was l\. memb r of the THAN IF YOU SENT YOUR CLOTHES HOME pull. diamond rln. from onp ot camp. Funeral service for Darlene Mae yesterda.y by Ci ty [nsp\,clor Harold th victim', flnl rI. OR. or the Orin nell 8.uthorltl~ approhended Outdoor Chow Br~nneman. fouryear.old daughter Monk. All Shirt. Are Cwtom Fin1.hed and bandltl ht>lan ,w rlol .. the youth, WWnellday. and Con. 'of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brenneman The Ollie E . Ju t rhoft or LOne T~e echool for IOWIl sherifta and deputies Stanfield. 903 webster street. -~ 8 DR and vl~wed hell Barrett', mOlt pi aded ..ullty and \\'a rl~ 110 ,..,...... ,.. In IOWa City July 19 to 24. The _wltt. .... n...... ,... dl tin uiahed 1~l"IIOnatlOM. • • 4lnd cOBt. yesterday by Justice of pOll Ita ru 11 endoraement to II • SIMPU Ie .,.,ate • A. •• C. H r pln·poInt ord caricature. Will Probaled New Procell the Peace T. f. Falr~hl\d. of Ih ~n ela.... tnke me a. lhe prolram. See 1M ... -"tit wi" .~ Du.t rbott Will Invol ved In a car· ThA will or Paul Kohl was ad· Laundry and Cleaning Co. nothlnlf .hort of au~r1). . . Hep· .., -- lit• ..,. truck coUI!!JOn (oup &lid, one·h It mltted to probate yesterda.y by burn. .he Ie"". ~.octtty Wklng 313·315-317 So. Dubuque Street JIlII a north of LOne T on county Dlltrlct Judge Harold D. Evans. throusb Ita n~." . . . 01 .rlch­ 0Ytt 15.000.000 DIAL 4177 road M. Friday nleht. Th truck Board Issues Herman Hertz wa appointed exe­ _I w_1 "_Ion ... lth an~mIa." . And 5,.. WI,. GAS COOKElY - wa.a driven by Jam • W. VianoI' CUlor of the estate. ~u W...... trucl! dnver', Id~ pt lo\\'& City.• nd wa owned b'l of a ..000 Um ." Dennla cartlon. a110 of 10 .... & City. NewLicen e Statl Hllhway Patrotman James 'I'hroaI, OUdroy made th~ arnst. MI IlarrfU' at her hU&kf· TwO new l,tepr \lc~n8es and one VClk'ed beItt. tonne, when dolll, or iclgaret II cen w~re lesued by lhe hl'r famoua lmpMlOtlatlon ttf Uo"" county board of sun rvlsol'8 yester· 1'1 o.!'!')'lIIOI'e ""lftdln, MJnnIa lhe Burial ervice For ~IlY. Frank Krall. cbalrman oC lhe M~her. . . J've hurd Ii .. doltn Ro e Brady to Be board. MId. Bohuml1 Mllrshek was lime .mad, and hope til thAt C.amphm. who.... ,Ivn In 1m. man.r more .•. Tomorrow Morning ~ nued both '" ciaSI B beer Permit Jl P r parklnlr .ummon...... dl •• "'nd a. clpret IIcen..... Arnlm Price ml wllh a ..amln ... F Fun rat Mrvlce for ROle Brady. of Windom wu Il'IInted '" clllSs C Lyl. It (ldlrk WIll dl harled be· And Idt nl, ht til _ J('ufm&l'l daughter or .. pioneer CamDy ot be~ r permiL JohnllOn eounty. will be at e a.m. to- The matter or Ilppolntlng the It's the little humble things of lack of protll'Cullon on a &Ad Hart', "You M'~ Tall It morrow at l, Mary'. church. Burial hree members of the social we 1- of dl turbln!!' th peace. With VOll.~ wtlk!h e tf7GM DOW. wlll be In St. J OIC ph'1 c metel')'. Ifare board was held oVer unUI the rlOn "n(enc d Art Noel b, lhlll time I, 'wm'-'IIfII»'-In· HI Brady died Saturday at next meellng. Krill ..ald. o two day. In Ih • ... It .11. I hope. ~e ~ Ira K fro on .. pan 01 Amerka' 'olk Me. • • Hercy bOllpltal In Dl.venporl atter at InlflIk'aUotl. TIM' jlel'tlOft who _hi neyer Un .. line rlna' IIlnul. Mr.. FrM Krlz In mlllt'...... w..,. wID III \nuIPJa. at Coralvlll .. tb. only . urvtvor. Fairchild Di misses that make a house a HOME lion• •• TIl body will be at lh. Hohen· Cue Against Driver 'vii ernc Board .chuh mortuary. ,..~ Announc Opening The IIlory. whal ther I, or II. The C8.86 of R. H. GoOdy of lowa For Eight Pel'8onlJ concerns the 8)"CIlTllore tlll'lllly. Sales Tax on U ed CIll!' Charged with drlvlng ·a. car • . . ENle. who h•• beon taklnl without • driver', license. was dls.\ I danclnlf I -.ona lor ellbl' years Cars Must Be Paid 'mIssed yesterday In J ustice of tal Civil "Ice Pace T. M. Falrchlld's court. I open and .WI. a Ordln .. 10 her baUet THOSE careless marks of his baby fingers ••• conld anyone New oar deller. art ~'DO J1 . lble State Highway p,trolman A. H . ellht m ••ter .... dnk ...... Penny 8yca­ more, who .... rlt . 1IIay8 beeau' tor coli ctlng the "tale lwo per Hallgr n made th" arre.t April 11. buy them from yo';l now? . The knee.high smudges on lhe 80m on In th pa l I f (, a type· c nt 8&les tax On ueed car 11&1 a. IW· .S8. I writ r Ih tbe hOllIlO. • • H r ontlng to the slate baird ot el\llm nt and revl w III Del MoInes. --..,....4------,1 , door! The pencil scratches on the wall that showed his Iat . t epic II callfd "i!e. TLkel a. Holiday." The na .... ruJlne will trO Into effect July t. The bOlLI'd maintained thaI growth from two to a little man of six! The nicked nursery taxation or trllnsf r' II the law anel O~ • Guarmlleed Alld al"'L)" there II Qra.ndpa. ~hal double! or oven Ilyfamld \I tax· Iltlon II not thll 188ue. bed where you tw~ watched fOI" hours one night until a T.. a nrer' Office eamore. ...ho 80 Y ar. before tb play op~ n l Qulle l uddenly EI.atrla sprawled, feverish form slipped intQ heaUng 8lumber! Here Is n EI ven IIIIIt work on d.y and .lIlrted "rclu lng," • . . Now hi. main 145 File Drivers' Nrw Auto Ucen8 diversloni are Pl1Icttc ln\f d.r\l. lJcen e Requests ral81ng . nllk In the hou_ 810 11 8. ulomobtla d lM'rtment uf Yes, a home is seasoned with smilell and tears, mellowed and Lltendln.. commen em nt a t More than 145 drivers' IIcenae 'fhel'\! ounly trealur r'B oWce Il8ued olumbla... HI. ralth III alm!>1 • FAN allPllcatibna W!lr (II led out .1111 lHull he I II 1'1 w !lulo 11 ~ n " I1nd 85 tranlj· . ' • W h n aomeone menllol11 For Only ~C nl In frum tho . herltr, ortlOG by memories and flavored with hopes. Each room has wen. I:!llndo.y It , r~ ~~t nlay. W. E. ","\lh. coun. thai he .hould hur Father lJj. yellterday. said 8herltr OOn Mo· Jil l\' hi s PI t y t~u\l ... r ",Id. vln , he ref_.. • . "UII'II come Comal. loved articles that have grown dllarer with the yean. And ·1.elhowltz totlll of • 88 Ilutn II CG " 8 h&8 to Columbt.... Orand\J& d clare •. "Tills sct, '" new hli h In tile " In 111 . I, n I... \lf!d 10 r.r thl. I' r .. "Ev r)'Ol\ comea to Columb ...... 4 number lont In on one da'l. bUI we t'l'aty aH rompllred to th" .711 I.. u d by there are new things that you are working and planning for. been av rail".. mOra than $1. - ' I I)roprr 1)1 'hi, time lut 'I ar. There _ ...... ~ .... 100 a. day for tb paIL three weeks," CIlII he CI Truck hc n to "at~ num r who _.r~~"""'" McComu uld. h may be an occasionallable lor the living ro.,m. New dr.pes nl~l\t ot 1.154. 61 mora Ih,r1 wer Iisu d bY N '" Mr. I). I'IIIM. &lie Ice..... , There" • whal. at a, lot ot dif­ Jun~ a • 19.8 8mllh aaJd. who _.,...... --' h... •• ference In eleolrla tana. Hne for the breakfast nook. A summer rug. Porch and lawn It!ft re ...... ,..... II ~ •• II a. IPlelldld buy tor )'OU whloh "" pr_ ..... pial" ilia lfIoIIhoM. hili! thelM) merltl: .furniture. OrantN LeaWl Take Advantage Amen" Am lon, cit)' clerk', tee­ Dear IIr r tilt (or the I.ut 8everal 'Ie ra, I think ...... IdtNI II( .. • Qnlet ....,,,"...... 1110 In&erfel'· 'I'OR()N klllt nl l ht WIUI ,ranted .. three· 01 the PrieN .tOl7, ... 't InaUer.•. Bar,. enl'e With ...10 l&aatptlon PI'o""I-M montb I v of ab nce by th clly It""'" .... M.... ' Ie 1I'IM ...... rilarMNb' • Simple Labricaijon • a-m. The advertisenlents in this new8paper every day bring you of . Ix To rouncll. and V ra 1IanllOn ,...... hired 'lUIn, .... ,. . . 'I'IIe .....~ I lor Noon Si,n. lum TrIm • 8 n. CcIrd. ,I IeI' ",lork 'tu do clencal work In h~r abll~nce . 10 lho.",.. ,... 0 ...... •• e\MInI news of furnishings freshen your home. Slndy them and 10 her • wordIt ...... Ir·'~ W...... WI "", fan built for IwY. Tht ....., ...,.., ~ ...... ," III ",rvlee. save shopping steps and budget dollal'8. They wlU help you blrthij un' I I.O.O.F. WUl Plan dIdaru. . . "W...... GIIr ...... , l... t8 Ohlll aMI .....,... "....• ..,. NEON ..,I OCt. I l,..ttJllation Tord,,,, add to the gracious charm of your home • • • that Uttle world .. thM ...... " I. Cheap pia Plan for th In lallaUon f of· A .bort tout of lbe book I\allpa A. C. GILBERT CO. which is rour very own! !.AJ(ilI' .fl eelll will be dlecuHeC! at Ih ~ . In 101«1 City and-u alwa~_~lIIlIt bt),ond I p.saen,.er Jar mMt.!n.. f lh Odd ....110"'. 111, depth. . ' RIa,.." PUI'C""" a,n 1•• ' pl",n' ,... >1041'8 In IMlr lubrooln. ton"h, at when Iht edition of "(:'11414 • ." • • • Alav ~ Whetstone's 7 : '~ . ELUS ADVERTJSING tt PJ, oalhOUt, Ch.lrm.. n of the flnt edillon of c.bIIU·. "Bqolld ..udIUnA' OOIlImlttee. will nll'M thlt LIf.... llpoun-,n, lilt Idet.a ot krt. Above Raeln,·. No .• nru,StOMl ~c m r. I.t hi. cOllunltlee at Ihe , . M&)' IKI vl\luabl. ~ future "QI. .. ,